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Realistic or Modern The Dream Eater : Of Hopes and Nightmares - OOC (OPEN)

What are you looking forward to?

  • Fightning monsters

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Interacting with others

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • The plot

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Nothing, just along for the ride

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Is edited now
Look, I don't like nit-picking, but you still haven't removed the parts about bringing people back to life, which are mainly the parts I'm having issues with right now.

While I understand you want Nick to benefit most from "clean" corpses, I'm adamant about the time limit on the corpses. Weeks are too much. At most, he could keep them around for an entire day before they hit the time limit. Furthermore, you explained Nick holds cadavers with utmost respect, so I kinda expect him to animate the dead only when he absolutely needs to, since they are basically soulless puppets, and return them to rest as soon as he's done with them.
Look, I don't like nit-picking, but you still haven't removed the parts about bringing people back to life, which are mainly the parts I'm having issues with right now.

While I understand you want Nick to benefit most from "clean" corpses, I'm adamant about the time limit on the corpses. Weeks are too much. At most, he could keep them around for an entire day before they hit the time limit. Furthermore, you explained Nick holds cadavers with utmost respect, so I kinda expect him to animate the dead only when he absolutely needs to, since they are basically soulless puppets, and return them to rest as soon as he's done with them.
Oh my bad sorry, lemme just
Umbran Fumbler Umbran Fumbler blankcanvas blankcanvas Given you two have been inactive for 2 weeks, I've put your characters in a comatose state in the infirmary. Blame the new magical sickness (convenient plot tool !). If you come back to the RP, you'll wake up in the infirmary.

Nellancholy Nellancholy BuggaBoo BuggaBoo I'll be sending you both a DM for Plot™ purposes in a few, please wait before posting. Nel, I have given Norah a little glimpse of a new condition that will be affecting some Dreamers, mainly affecting Adelina and Ace for now.

simj26 simj26 The Regal Rper The Regal Rper Since you both are approved, you may introduce your characters in the classroom. I'd suggest reading my posts up until now, or at least the ones I've threadmarked on top of the latest post.

Everyone in the RP, this story update serve as both downtime and moving to the next chapter of the story to introduce the new folks. You're free to write what you want after coming back to the academy from the battle. As always, feel free to reach out to me if you want interaction with any relevant NPCs or the world around them.
Yeah... unfortunately my poor small brain can't remember everyone's powers to the finest detail so I'm deferring to your CS if I need it. It's why I want everyone's CS as much updated as possible throughout the RP.
I like how we've been kind of arguing to buff my character's powers, it shows how much you care about the story as a whole
Alrighty mighty, I'm starting to type the update post right now. Expect it to come up later tonight.

simj26 simj26 Great character all around, approved and welcome to the RP! Expect people to fear her just as much as the monsters she's blasting apart 😄

Bluffly Bluffly LatinKnightz LatinKnightz Be sure to modify your CS in accordance to my suggestions for your characters to be approved.
Of course of course :D! And yes those are just rumors, she wouldn't have been able to do all of that before and wouldn't want to. I just thought the idea of superpowered teens stuck in one place would let their imaginations run wild when a new person/kid shows up. Let me go update tings real quick!
Of course of course :D! And yes those are just rumors, she wouldn't have been able to do all of that before and wouldn't want to. I just thought the idea of superpowered teens stuck in one place would let their imaginations run wild when a new person/kid shows up. Let me go update tings real quick!
Yeeeah, I do like playing on the aspect of kids being overly dramatic and thinking stories are bigger than what they really are. But then again, in a world where monsters are not just the stuff of fantasies, who even knows anymore? Your character is approved and cleared to post in the IC !

I like how we've been kind of arguing to buff my character's powers, it shows how much you care about the story as a whole
I like when powers and lore make sense in the world I'm setting up, so my apologies to everyone who might think I'm a stick-up-the-ass, even if magical settings doesn't necessarily warrant much sense in the first place. It's especially important since there MIGHT be some players engaging with each other in combat or feud so I have to keepthings relatively under control, also applies with combat against the monsters.
Mine is good now I hope
So I think for the most part we could call it a day and approve your character. I just think that your powers section could benefit from being rewritten because its looks a bit messy, given you're adding and deleting parts of the section. You may post in the IC whenever you want.

As explained to the other new players before, please read my IC posts to get the vibe of the RP, if you haven't done so already, or at least the threadmarked posts on top of the newest post.
So I think for the most part we could call it a day and approve your character. I just think that your powers section could benefit from being rewritten because its looks a bit messy, given you're adding and deleting parts of the section. You may post in the IC whenever you want.
Yeah I'll polish it a bit later don't worry
Vox Angelis Vox Angelis any chance Alvaro will have a heads up on the fact the team lost some members to the infirmary ahead of time or is he going in blind outside of the fact he's aware he's gonna be meeting some new Dreamers?
LatinKnightz LatinKnightz the latest post has the current remaining team waiting with Casey to meet the new recruits that were assigned. So I figure all the new cast members should know where they are headed and that Casey is waiting with their new teammates there.

Rn, I'm just intending on Alvaro walking in with Anima silently in tow. Deciding on what form she is going to take. He's mainly going to greet Casey and give a polite greeting to the rest of the group but other than that he's probs going to be silent if I end up.have him being the first one there.
Soooo like our charries have a cuff on their foot that depowers the Dreamers. Prolly check with Vox how that'd affect your guys charries?
In my opening post back then I did have Norah use her power despite having the anklet on and in campus grounds. Guess they didn't see fit to turn it on then.
In my opening post back then I did have Norah use her power despite having the anklet on and in campus grounds. Guess they didn't see fit to turn it on then.
K cuz in Voxs last post they made the cuffs go into de-power mode for nightmares sooo like think Norah off the hook but all new nightmare charries might be de-powered too?
Can I have an emotional support corpse?
I mean, for as long as that corpse stay in the morgue before burial, sure, but that will only male him even creepier in the eyes of other.

Vox Angelis Vox Angelis any chance Alvaro will have a heads up on the fact the team lost some members to the infirmary ahead of time or is he going in blind outside of the fact he's aware he's gonna be meeting some new Dreamers?
Considering his parents' standing, sure thing. With the strange phenomena of Dreamers suddenly falling unconscious, it would sueely be looked into if the same phenomena happens on creatures.

Soooo like our charries have a cuff on their foot that depowers the Dreamers. Prolly check with Vox how that'd affect your guys charries?
In my opening post back then I did have Norah use her power despite having the anklet on and in campus grounds. Guess they didn't see fit to turn it on then.
K cuz in Voxs last post they made the cuffs go into de-power mode for nightmares sooo like think Norah off the hook but all new nightmare charries might be de-powered too?
So while the cuff are supposed to suppress your abilities, they aren't perfect and can still let some of your powers up for use. It's like walking through muck: you can still walk forward, but it's tedious and a slog.
So while the cuff are supposed to suppress your abilities, they aren't perfect and can still let some of your powers up for use. It's like walking through muck: you can still walk forward, but it's tedious and a slog
K cuz in my opener Rai still felt like she could use her powers too. But like just thot that changed up now after your last post. All goods. It works for me.
I mean, for as long as that corpse stay in the morgue before burial, sure, but that will only male him even creepier in the eyes of other.
Oh yeah right I forgot about the collars. Yeah I'll just list Joe as luggage because he hadn't obtained a place to bury him yet. He's just gonna be rolling around a coffin and jokingly refer to it as his "emotional support corpse."
I decided to opt for a more archaic way of speaking for Gyoshi, given that she grew up with a traditionalist old man.

Furthermore, I think she also doesn't know her way around tech and phones and the new toys most other young uns have. Absolute idiot, types on a keyboard with her two index fingers and is probably the slowest to reply on a group chat if she were to have a phone.

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