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Realistic or Modern The Dream Eater : Of Hopes and Nightmares - OOC (OPEN)

What are you looking forward to?

  • Fightning monsters

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Interacting with others

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • The plot

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Nothing, just along for the ride

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
you get it fr Bluffly Bluffly

I've had cases where I go with an FC im not even satisfied with and end up changing it at some point just cuz it's a nagging itch.

It's always great when you land that perfect fit tho
You’re better than me cus if I settle on a FC I usually end up changing something (everything) lol

The opposite often happens to me, like I base my characters from a picture, but then it's finding a RP to make that character fit.

It's pretty hard to make a tribal elf with lycanthrophic powers fit in a modern/realistic setting 😭
That sounds interesting tho. A tribal elf werewolf in a modern setting? I can see that
It's the WEEKEND !!!!

Since I have some free time, Imma go review the CSes in the roster as well as in the DMs. I'll be concluding the first act sometime this weekend as well so we will have our new cast members enter the story as well !
It's the WEEKEND !!!!

Since I have some free time, Imma go review the CSes in the roster as well as in the DMs. I'll be concluding the first act sometime this weekend as well so we will have our new cast members enter the story as well !
Alrighty, here we go:

Bluffly Bluffly Just wanna start by telling just how much I love that FC ! I just love black and purple oh so much, Kamaria truly is a doll 💜

We've discussed for the most part of the character in DM so pretty much everything is OK as long as those rumors stay as rumors. Like I told everyone else, the characters start small, then they grow bigger as the story goes, so no town-destroying or veteran Dreamers kill yet for now, yah?

Other than that, psychic animals will come at a later time as it is complex, so for now Kamaria will create weapons, items, tools and shields for starters.

Taking those changes into consideration, the character is approved !

The Regal Rper The Regal Rper We've went over the character in DM so Alvaro is approved ! I'm very much expecting Anima, as a sentient creature created from the Nightmare, to be the devil on Alvaro's shoulder. I want to see him struggle to contain this appetite for wanton destruction. I'm really looking forward to see how it goes both in in interactions and inside his psyche.

LatinKnightz LatinKnightz I very much like the concept of a Necromancer with a positive outlook in life and a carefree attitude! It reminds be of the undertaker from Black Butler. As someone who used to make these sort of characters in the past, I vibe with him !

However, I must address the bit of inconsistencies within the story. As I've previously explained, your characters are the new kids that emerged with powers AFTER the Dream Eater went to sleep, in its cocoon high up in the sky some 12 years ago, so Nick wouldn't have gotten his powers from happening on it during his forest walk. It's quite possible to have happened on it, but there won't anything that comes out of that encounter other than being another eye witness to the Dream Eater's appearances.

There is also the matter of raising the dead. I'm not against raising corpses, but it has to be "meat puppets", as you described. Bringing the dead back to life is in the domain of healing, and for some secret lore reason, healing abilities come with a tremendous price to pay. In this case, it would be a life for a life. Put simply, you would trade your character's life to revive someone else's. Put focus on the shambling corpses part for the moment, we'll come back to the reviving part later in the RP.

Since your character is a Hopeful, I do love the little extra of scrolling through a person's memories to find any consolation to give.

As it is right now, I cannot accept the character, so please make the suggested adjustments and I'll review it again.
As it is right now, I cannot accept the character, so please make the suggested adjustments and I'll review it again.
I've edited it so that it's an old but relevant memory and put a little bit more emphasis on the things you recommended but I can still edit if needed
It's better, but here's what is bugging me:
Under the right conditions, Nick has the ability to bring corpses, and occasionally people back to life. Animals and other less humanoid creatures are generally easier to summon. But the real complex stuff happens when he has to raise a human back to life.
The condition of the cadaver is an important factor. If a person has "clinically" died i.e heart stops beating. Lungs stop breathing. He could potentially bring back the person to an almost healthy state, some dizziness might follow but, the soul is otherwise intact and the person may go on to live until the next extremely fatal event.
For now, no life-restoring shenanigans.

I'm not going to limit Nick's ability to raise corpses depending on their state, so whatever badly damaged animal or people he can raise, he can at most bring 10 corpses maximum, but they will expire within the hour, after that he won't be able to raise them again.
It's better, but here's what is bugging me:

For now, no life-restoring shenanigans.

I'm not going to limit Nick's ability to raise corpses depending on their state, so whatever badly damaged animal or people he can raise, he can at most bring 10 corpses maximum, but they will expire within the hour, after that he won't be able to raise them again.
Oh yeah I forgot to put a time limit for some situations, I was thinking that raising the dead for Nick is like lifting barbells. Some he can carry all day but others he can only barely hold for five seconds. I think personally 10 might be a little too much for him but if you'll let me have that many this early. . .
For now, no life-restoring shenanigans.
For now, for now.
I'm ok with changing the mechanics of it, but I think Nick being only able to work with relatively intact bodies makes sense since those are the ones he worked with most of the time at the mortary
He's also a very professional mortician who holds a very high amount of respect for any deceased so he probably would never work with a cadaver that freshly dug itself out of a grave. "What kind of savage would do that? I could have dug them out myself if I needed to go through the trouble." When he gets stronger as you said he'll probably be powerful enough to use corpses of that quality.
Last edited:
Oh, and I just realised something. . . Something you definitely might want to watch out for in the future.

What if he raises another dreamer?
Vox Angelis Vox Angelis sooooo like whats the plan for posting then? Are we waiting for the new charries to be introduced IC'ly? Or do you want me n Nellancholy Nellancholy to continue the beach scene?

Oh, and I just realised something. . . Something you definitely might want to watch out for in the future.

What if he raises another dreamer?
don't matter imo. They just powerless human now. The dead don't dream lol

It's better, but here's what is bugging me:

For now, no life-restoring shenanigans.

I'm not going to limit Nick's ability to raise corpses depending on their state, so whatever badly damaged animal or people he can raise, he can at most bring 10 corpses maximum, but they will expire within the hour, after that he won't be able to raise them again.

but like my question is if they revived don't they still suffer from injuries that killed them? Cuz if revival means they are removed of injuries, like even a heart attack, then like that should fall into the category of healing and more drawbacks should happen to the necromancer right? but i think time limit on any and all revivals is necessary since they a Hopeful.
I'm ok with changing the mechanics of it, but I think Nick being only able to work with relatively intact bodies makes sense since those are the ones he worked with most of the time at the mortary
He's also a very professional mortician who holds a very high amount of respect for any deceased so he probably would never work with a cadaver that freshly dug itself out of a grave. "What kind of savage would do that? I could have dug them out myself if I needed to go through the trouble." When he gets stronger as you said he'll probably be powerful enough to use corpses of that quality.
I thought of this as well when I first read the powers, but the thing is, coming with a supply of fresh and clean-looking corpses is going to be severely limiting for your character. With the time limit, the scarce supply of clean corpses on the battlefield and the monsters likely to tear them down fast, if Nick doesn't want to use the corpses available to him of all sorts, he's not going to be very effective in battle. I'm giving you the option to have Nick raise the dead of all fashions if he's in a pinch, but it will be up to him if he wants to do the dirty deed.

Oh, and I just realised something. . . Something you definitely might want to watch out for in the future.

What if he raises another dreamer?
He can raise a Dreamer's corpse, but it will be a corpse like any other. Dreamers' abilities are born from the soul of the person touched either by the Dream Eater or the Nightmare Dealer. So if a corpse has no soul, it has no abilities. Corpses raised by Nick are soulless meat puppets, for now ™.

but like my question is if they revived don't they still suffer from injuries that killed them? Cuz if revival means they are removed of injuries, like even a heart attack, then like that should fall into the category of healing and more drawbacks should happen to the necromancer right? but i think time limit on any and all revivals is necessary since they a Hopeful.
Corpses don't feel pain and they are raised with any existing injuries. Like, a zombie can be raised with its intestines hanging out and with a missing arm, it's shamble forward and attack until it's reduced to a blood splatter.

Vox Angelis Vox Angelis sooooo like whats the plan for posting then? Are we waiting for the new charries to be introduced IC'ly? Or do you want me n Nellancholy Nellancholy to continue the beach scene?
Well given you guys haven't posted anything else than your first post this round, I'm guessing the scene is concluded and we're moving onto the next. So the new characters will be introduced in the next round of posting. You guys still have a day if you want to have a more fleshed out dialogue.
Well given you guys haven't posted anything else than your first post this round, I'm guessing the scene is concluded and we're moving onto the next. So the new characters will be introduced in the next round of posting. You guys still have a day if you want to have a more fleshed out dialogue
Yeah I don't think Rai has much more to do. Like unless anything comes up then we All goods to move on
Yeah I can work with this. Can I just add one last condition that being that he can bring back fresher bodies for longer with a cooldown?
Because want to emphasize that Nick isn't just dealing with puppets, these were people who had stories and lives just like ours. I don't want him to switch in between people willy nilly.
I'm not going to limit Nick's ability to raise corpses depending on their state, so whatever badly damaged animal or people he can raise, he can at most bring 10 corpses maximum, but they will expire within the hour, after that he won't be able to raise them again.
And I'll still get to keep the comedic of consequences of this!
Alrighty mighty, I'm starting to type the update post right now. Expect it to come up later tonight.

simj26 simj26 Great character all around, approved and welcome to the RP! Expect people to fear her just as much as the monsters she's blasting apart 😄

Bluffly Bluffly LatinKnightz LatinKnightz Be sure to modify your CS in accordance to my suggestions for your characters to be approved.
I'm kinda leaning on having Rai and Norah paired up since you two are the only ones left of the first batch. Umbral and Blank have dropped off the face of RPN for two weeks now so I'm inclined to push them to the infirmary.
As I'm writing the post, I felt like opening a poll to pick at your guys' brains. What are you looking out for the most in this story? Feel free to expose your thoughts in the OoC on top of your answers ! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the RP so far, see if there are aspects I can make better for everyone.

One thing I've noticed after reading all the characters CSes is that pretty much all of the cast are antisocial to a degree, so I'm really interested to see where that will lead in terms of interactions between everyone.
Wonder if we're getting dorm adjustments or if Norah and Rai will have the rooms to themselves "temporarily"
This would've been dope. Rai would ve loved that lol
As I'm writing the post, I felt like opening a poll to pick at your guys' brains. What are you looking out for the most in this story? Feel free to expose your thoughts in the OoC on top of your answers ! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about the RP so far, see if there are aspects I can make better for everyone.

One thing I've noticed after reading all the characters CSes is that pretty much all of the cast are antisocial to a degree, so I'm really interested to see where that will lead in terms of interactions between everyone.
I'm all goods with going with the flow and following along. I always have a subplot or 3 for my charries going on in the bg that have no effect on the overall story. But it keeps me entertained. Cuz me lol.

Yeah Rai is a Loner wolfie. And a bad girl. And a bitch lol. She is blunt, direct and insensitive BUT! She will prove time and again she a great teammate in the field. Downtime notsomuch. Like not at all lol
Ok, I'm just going to state he can only summon old cadavers once, while relatively fresh ones can have multiple uses-I mean, summons. I meant summons.
I'm going to assume you mean "raise" cadavers as in "raise existing corpses" and not "summon" as "summon corpses out of thin air", yes ?

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