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Fantasy The Divide

Saphire didn't gasp, she wasn't going to let herself react to his sudden appearance, that was a certainly quick move. Instead she let herself be pushed back by the, as far as she knew, unavoidable punch, arms moving upward. She used the position of the naginata to leverage herself, upset that he'd stepped on it but not reacting otherwise, she shot her leg upward in what she hoped was a connecting hit to what on a human would have been his manhood. Once her arm was free she took the arrow off of the bow, aiming it to stop at his chest or other body part, fully aware that he could dodge it but hoping that it would cause him to at least move off of her other leg, so she could bring up the Naginata and charge it with her spirit energy. Upon thinking about it... she should've just used that, taking advantage of the one move she had to extend it's range, but... a shout, "Johanna! If you can get me some distance....!"
Casting her eyes up slightly as the man took his proffered seat, Seranna watched as he sported a wide grin. He probably felt like he had her eating out of the palm of his hand, and even better was the mention of a local exorcist. One that actively policed demon activity. As he mentioned this a small glare past Phiphe's head caught her attention, and as she looked, she found that it had been the sun reflecting off the crucifix of a man walking by. That was practically a fucking neon billboard of a sign if Seranna'd ever seen one.

'He provides strength to the weak, and gives all a place to lay a weary head.' Seranna thought to herself. And even better, this man seemed to think he had her in some sort of silly trap. People should know better than to try to outsmart a cat(lasers are cheating!).

"A local exorcist demon hunter? I'm glad I didn't run into him alone." Seranna uttered, genuinely glad she hadn't, as he may have opted to attack her without provocation due to her size,"I know you've only just met me, but maybe we can step inside real quick so I can get another drink, and you can introduce me? Maybe we might happen across a hardware store on the way there?"

Standing up, Seranna turned towards the door and looked over her shoulder, smiling as she noticed Phiphe's eyes on her.

"Besides, it probably isn't too safe for someone my size to wander about on there own, Blutsauger or otherwise."
Ophidius held open the door for Seranna as she entered the coffee shoppe. "Oh, trust me, you are in good hands. Just......don't go in any sewers. It is an odd thing to say, I know. Anyway, let me pay for your next drink, I insist."

Ophidius paused for a moment and glanced East, sensing at least three relatively strong killing intents a fair distance away. Was somebody in a fight? Well, it wasn't his concern anyway.
AkuNoOkami said:
He had seen right through her attack, growling a bit as her fist landed on nothing. The howling sound still came from her fist, but was cut short when her arm was grabbed and she was thrust forward. She had no footing, and stumbled forward trying to regain her balance, but that was soon ended by Akio's foot as her own collided with his causing her to launch into the air.
She flew a few feet, before landing on the ground with a thud, bouncing a couple of times, before rolling to a stop against the wall. She didn't even have to time witness what happened when Saphire attacked. After a moment of blurred vision, she shook her head to shake off the groginess getting to her feet. She was already exhausted, and he was just as fast, and perhaps even faster.

"Damn it all.." was the only thing she managed to say. She began to spread her spiritual energy throughout her body, a technique she used to allow her to be even faster than she normally was. She wasn't sure if it'd make any difference, considering his own speed. With that, she vanished again. Whenever there would be distance between Saphire and Akio, multiple images of her would appear, as the eye would struggle to process her being in different places in such a short period of time. Even to the trained eye, it'd be difficult to see, but again Akio probably had been up against someone with that speed before, and if his speed didn't match or exceed her's even now (which it very well might have all Johanna's know) it is sure that he had enough experience to predict where she would attack from, even as she struck from the different angles.
SaphireTsuki said:
Saphire didn't gasp, she wasn't going to let herself react to his sudden appearance, that was a certainly quick move. Instead she let herself be pushed back by the, as far as she knew, unavoidable punch, arms moving upward. She used the position of the naginata to leverage herself, upset that he'd stepped on it but not reacting otherwise, she shot her leg upward in what she hoped was a connecting hit to what on a human would have been his manhood. Once her arm was free she took the arrow off of the bow, aiming it to stop at his chest or other body part, fully aware that he could dodge it but hoping that it would cause him to at least move off of her other leg, so she could bring up the Naginata and charge it with her spirit energy. Upon thinking about it... she should've just used that, taking advantage of the one move she had to extend it's range, but... a shout, "Johanna! If you can get me some distance....!"
((This counter is basically at the same time so he'll counter both attacks at once.))

He felt hit punch his saphire full on, it was not game ending but he could have stabbed threw her chest if he had desired it instead of the simply punch. He heard johanna get up and knew she was coming while at the same time saw saphire lift her leg to try and hit his junk. 'Good, some hesitate to do that for such silly reasons.' He thought to himself as he suddenly lifted his other leg and blocked the kick casually while upsetting her balance. He dodged Johanna's first blow with a back flip over her which would force her to dodge the sudden arrow as he moved out of the way. However even mid attack she shouldnt have to much trouble dodging if she bothered to realize such a thing could happen, if not she may take it to the thigh.

Ethier way Johanna didnt stop coming at him, her speed had increased again though he could still see every movement easily and she danced around him trying to land a blow. Akio didnt even bother to block, he simply moved out of the way of every blow. The way he knew where they were coming from was almost pure prediction. He could see over half of a 360 angle around him in his vision looking in one direction so when he saw her he dodged by side stepping, sliding, and like wise keeping the momentum of his movement in a sort of star moving in all directions. When he could see her he knew the attack was coming from the back so he stepped forward, using his mirror image to dodge at the last second making it seem like she could almost touch him while she never could. He didnt even need to be faster as he had to move a smaller distance so dodging was easy. "Are you done." On the next blow he could see instead of dodging he caught the blow in his fist, crushing her hand in his with impressive force that made it impossible to move away and delivered a swift kick, only speeding up his leg so that he would attempt to kick her directly in the stomach before suddenly flashing forward and spinning her to try and slam her into a tree hard.
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Walking through the door, and offering a thankful smile and nod, Seranna purchased a second Leche shake in only a minute or so, the shoppe being relatively empty at the moment. A few seconds later she was back out on the street, sipping her leche shake whilst being utterly dwarfed by the man, Phiphe, next to her.

"So, you lead the way, and I'll tag along then, Herr Phiphe?" Seranna offered, "And also, thank you for the drink. It was quite vornehm and höflich of you. Also, if you personally aren't a fan of German, I can halt my quips, it's just rare to find someone else with a grasp of the knowledge this far east."

(OOC: I am totally bs-ing my German by using the Google Translate programme xD That said, I imagine it's probably adorable, and can't help but imagine her sounding like JWO Schrodinger, who is also adorable.)
John shrugged, "If you wanted to kill me you would already be tying. As you are not and we are having a normal conversation it is safe to assume you are polite at least and have decency at least a little. So I would ask from that if you would have coffee with me so I may learn more. I only have church doctrine and the feral ones I have exorcised to go on."
"Rare? Well, I'm not really from around here, but I am familiar with the local languages. There's no need to supress yourself, feel free to quip to your heart's content. Let's walk and talk, we'll be more productive that way."

Fifteen minutes later, the pair found themselves on the mansion grounds with Ophidius sporting a new snowshovel.

"This is the place! Look around for one of the tenants, they'll be happy to get you settled in. I don't think the owner is around here at the moment, though. I've got quite a bit of snow to clear, so I'll get in touch with you later. Bye for now!" The red demon said cheerily as he waved goodbye to his new companion. He began to walk off toward the snow, humming an odd tune as he did so.

"Gimme a break, you Damned~

Just wanna get back my dice again~

Blazing down~

What a Heavy Day!~"
Dodging the arrow wasn't so hard, considering she was already moving at an extreme pace, but landing a hit. That proved to be troublesome for Johanna at the moment,"Be still and let my fists meet your face!" she exclaimed as he continually dodged each of her attacks. It wasn't until one of her last punches, that she stopped. Well she was forced to rather, he had caught her first and used so much strength it had virtually paralyzed her. It was taking a bit of her spirit energy for her to resist it, to make the pain bearable,"You damned annoying-" she started before catching a kick to her stomach causing her to double over a bit.

She didn't even have time to recover before she found herself flying through the air and hitting a tree with quite the force. She landed on the ground, before a bit of snow fell on top of her head. She was in pain, but her anger was far exceeding the pain, so she only yelled in anger,"Why wont' you die!" She took in a deep breath , before finally getting to her knees and punching the ground,"I give up..." She was exhausted, and her body could not take anymore.
Taking the offered chance to leave, Seranna eyes the mansion critically for a minute before walking around the side of it. Finding a good spot, she let her guard fall away, and with it her tail and ears made themselves apparent. Besides, what good was having a wonderful tail for balance if you weren't going to use it when climbing?

Climbing up the side of the building, using both the window sills and drain pipes, Seranna quickly found herself a nice nook on the roof to lounge in, but also keep an eye on the entrance. Snuggling back into her nook, and thoroughly enjoying her ability to find a way to be comfortable anywhere, Seranna took her tail in her lap and began to stroke it idly, waiting for someone not-a-demon to arrive.
Saphire took the time he spent fighting Johanna to kick up her naginata, grabbing it and watching the fight... well, more like looking for an opening to hit him... and there! He stopped her movement, then threw her... and while that was going on she took the chance, focusing and shouted, swinging down towards him "SPIRIT RAY!" Mid swing the blade started glowing, and as it went down the glow changed to a sort of crescent-shaped form of energy, moving forward relatively fast... of course, she was so tired that it wouldn't reach as far as normal, but it might just possibly hit him. As soon as she'd fired she started running to her left, eyes on Akio as much as possible... even as she considered her options. He was too fast, more experienced, and obviously able to see at speeds far faster than she could achieve... so what could she do? If I had brought my sword... a suicide attack? No, that wouldn't work, and isn't even the problem right now. I need to at least block his next attack, if I do that... She could potentially slice his arm if she managed to block and swipe, or even to get his movements pinned for a second or two, but alone that was probably not possible. And Johanna wasn't moving... if he tripped? No, he'd just fly up.
AkuNoOkami said:
Dodging the arrow wasn't so hard, considering she was already moving at an extreme pace, but landing a hit. That proved to be troublesome for Johanna at the moment,"Be still and let my fists meet your face!" she exclaimed as he continually dodged each of her attacks. It wasn't until one of her last punches, that she stopped. Well she was forced to rather, he had caught her first and used so much strength it had virtually paralyzed her. It was taking a bit of her spirit energy for her to resist it, to make the pain bearable,"You damned annoying-" she started before catching a kick to her stomach causing her to double over a bit.
She didn't even have time to recover before she found herself flying through the air and hitting a tree with quite the force. She landed on the ground, before a bit of snow fell on top of her head. She was in pain, but her anger was far exceeding the pain, so she only yelled in anger,"Why wont' you die!" She took in a deep breath , before finally getting to her knees and punching the ground,"I give up..." She was exhausted, and her body could not take anymore.
SaphireTsuki said:
Saphire took the time he spent fighting Johanna to kick up her naginata, grabbing it and watching the fight... well, more like looking for an opening to hit him... and there! He stopped her movement, then threw her... and while that was going on she took the chance, focusing and shouted, swinging down towards him "SPIRIT RAY!" Mid swing the blade started glowing, and as it went down the glow changed to a sort of crescent-shaped form of energy, moving forward relatively fast... of course, she was so tired that it wouldn't reach as far as normal, but it might just possibly hit him. As soon as she'd fired she started running to her left, eyes on Akio as much as possible... even as she considered her options. He was too fast, more experienced, and obviously able to see at speeds far faster than she could achieve... so what could she do? If I had brought my sword... a suicide attack? No, that wouldn't work, and isn't even the problem right now. I need to at least block his next attack, if I do that... She could potentially slice his arm if she managed to block and swipe, or even to get his movements pinned for a second or two, but alone that was probably not possible. And Johanna wasn't moving... if he tripped? No, he'd just fly up.
He grew amused at the things she yelled at him mid fight, almost like she expected him actually to comply to her request to get hit. "And why would i do that, your enemy wont let you hit him so why would i let you hit me." His voice conveyed some of his amusement as he caught her. After he threw her he noticed the crescent wave of energy coming from behind. "You should have shot that point blank, you wont hit me from afar like that." He said as he suddenly took to the sky avoiding the blow as he looked down at them. Saphire was trying to create distance between them but she had yet to learn, against his speed all the distance in the world was nothing. He landed in front of Johanna as she proclaimed her surrender. He seemed to think about it for a moment then putted her like a foot ball to send her flying threw that air and then caught up to her in a instant and slammed her into the ground again. "You think your enemy will let you surrender so easily, when you still have the strength to move? To breath? You are both naive, you couldnt even make me draw my sword to fight you." He let go of her and flew lazily back up to the sky. "Ill show you the true fear of facing a opponent stronger then you."

With those last word he let out such a blast of true killing intent, so strong for the unexperinced guardians that it may seem like a sky of energy was dropped on them. Like this it would seem like he wouldnt hesitate to kill them. For the under experienced guardians this would enlighten them to the true of level of difference between them and the fallen, possibly making them lose hope. He sliced his wrist with his hand and crimson blood began to flow, however instead of falling to the ground the droplets began to float around him as satanic energy filled the area. He flew at Saphire full speed appearing in front of her in a instant. However he didnt attack, instead he just said, "Fall." And then his killing intent focused completely on her as his blood drops suddenly came from all sides to attempt to stab her in at least 30 none fatal, non ((permanently)) disabling places. Though it would be as painful as being shot with a arrow.
For a good few seconds all she could feel was utter terror. That was killing intent? THAT was his true power? She kept herself standing by placing the butt of the Naginata on the ground and using it to keep her standing. When the red drops of his blood surrounded her, however... well, she couldn't avoid them, so she did the only thing she could think of. Focusing all her power together and saying, voice shaking with fear, "Spirit Sanctuary!" A translucent ball of energy surrounded her, glowing just as much as she could... enough to make it hard to see details, but she was still visible. Would she be able to block the attack? After this... she wouldn't be able to stand. She was certain of it. I knew I wasn't good enough....
He heard her voice shaking in fear as she summoned the sanctuary, it had just been enough to stop his blood. He knew he may be able to stop here and get his point across but he wanted to show them a opponent who destroyed everything they did, who was unbeatable. He needed to show them everything they lacked. "Still naive." He concentrated his stantic energy into his finger tips, his move hand of destruction. This was more energy then she had put into the barrier itself in her current condition. With that he brought his hand down, which should slice threw the barrier and slice her with a medium depth slash from shoulder to mid thigh.
Saphire couldn't move her body, she couldn't even stand on her own, so she moved her naginata to be in line with the slash, held in front of her heart... she didn't know if he'd be able to stop it, and she right now couldn't imagine him doing so, so instead she let out a small yelp, fear and pain, as the cut went through kimono and skin, a spray of blood coming out as she dropped to her feet. Yes, she knew she couldn't win.... and she'd still fought anyway... how arrogant was that? She'd come, apologizing for being late, but... would it have been better if she hadn't? No, he'd have just go- the pain, her thoughts went fuzzy, grip on the naginata slipping until it dropped down, her arm going to attempt to hold the cut together, to let her body heal on it's own. And then... she passed out when he didn't immediately come closer, finally giving in to the fear and pain.

She knew she wasn't good enough. How could she be?
Michael could feel the chill in the air just from stepping out of his room, the heavy jacket and thick scarf doing little to stop him from shivering. 'Damn, I hate this cold...' he'd moan to himself, cursing his own intolerance. Ever since he'd moved into the mansion a heated blanket had been the only thinking letting him sleep at night. Of all the regions of Japan to move to, this had to be the worst to be for him. Still, there was no avoiding it. He couldn't exactly changed here his work was happening. And speaking of which, his work was feeling lackluster as of late.

Stage one was recon and to him, it felt like it was taking far too long. Two whole weeks since first contact and all he'd learned was that Johanna Mizoto was the most blood boiling individual on the planet while Saphire Tsuki was kinder than anyone as overworked as her had any right to be. Useful information on either was nonexistent and he couldn't quite blame anyone but himself -- or them. They hadn't exactly let themselves open to anything but psychological analysis, something he wasn't amazing at. Still, basic understanding was something to work with.

He stepped outside, his intent to get some groceries for the evening. Just as he Saphire had said, people like to skip out on their cooking nights and he'd helped pick up the slack in the mean time. He'd gotten quite good, making some simple local dishes while doing his best to recreate some others from home. From what he could tell a lot of the supernaturals in the house had found out that a human was living with them but they stopped minding so much once they tasted his food. He had to admit, they were better at hiding themselves even in private then he'd expected them too. If he was oblivious to the world at large, he probably wouldn't have caught on.

His calm gaze was quick to turn stern as he opened the front door just to meet face to face with his old enemy: snow fall. The path leading up to the mansion was still covered in a hefty amount of snow, something that Saphire seemed to have difficultly keeping up with. The busy bodied young woman couldn't keep up with it, today more so than usual when she seemed to have ran off early for whatever she was doing. As Michael's boots dug into the snow an uncomfortable shiver escaped him.

Halfway to the gate he felt an uncomfortable tingle go up his neck that had nothing to do with the cold. He stopped in his tracks and slowly looked over his shoulder to spot a figure on the mansion roof. How... unsettling. Sitting out on such a cold day... had to be one of the mansion goers. Or someone incredibly similar. The amount of supernatural creatures who lived in this town was insane considering how many alone were in the mansion.

He shrugged it off and kept going, moving a bit faster to try and get to the gate. Already he was worried that he was forgetting a few things he needed to buy. Leeks and chicken, some more noodles, carrots, beef...
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Johanna's body was met with a kick that sent her flying through the air before she could get the chance to respond. While she was flying through the air she could only think,"How fucking annoying..." before she felt her body get hit towards the ground. It was enough force to cause the snow to "explode" around her as she bounced up.

She was teetering on her consciousness and in her head she heard a voice, a very deep ominous voice,"Get Stronger child. You can't beat my heir being this weak." She was using her fist push her body up, as she growled her hair flashing back and forward between white and her natural black, and eyes between grey and their natural green. "Shut yer' trap!" was the only thing she exclaimed seeming to be talking to herself as she slow go to her feet. Claws were on her hands, white wolf ears on her ears, and even a white wolf tail stuck from just above her bum.

She had gotten to her feet, in this form his killing tent didn't really have an effect on her, she was in her demon form completely as a shot of energy blasted out that emitted the strength of a lower A class demon. She was growling as a red aura begin to glow around her fist, before suddenly all that energy disappeared and Johanna returned to her normal self. She fell unconscious almost immediately after she returned to herself falling face forward in the snow.

Koharu had come to deliver the mission to the guardian and the information about the supreme four. He knew they would be training so he was in no rush, until he felt a very strong energy replace Johanna's,"Shit Akio..." he said clinching his fist with the letter inside of it as he rushed through the snow in a full out of sprint, using his spirit energy to keep himself from falling whenever he did slip before sliding to where they were.

He looked at Akio, immediately surveying the area before seeing Saphire in her state.
That's one, now where's the trouble maker, is what he thought before finding Johanna in her human form sighing a bit of relief before looking to Akio,"Saphire was out before Johanna right? I hope she didn't see Johanna in her demon form, and I hope Johanna doesn't have memory of her transformation. Jeez, maybe this was a bad idea after all."

John shrugged off the cold as he walked along the streets. He had begun to make a name for himself in the big city as an exorcist. He made sure every time he exorcised a demon to tell them exactly who was doing it. He liked the idea that his name might be feared and strike terror into the hearts of demons. But, a simply curiosity dwelled within him. Was he doing the right thing? That female demon he met and the few fallen angels he's met since the big city made him question this. He shook his head as he felt something troubling. He seemed to frown only on one side, someone who was less concerned and more of an unamused look. He sighed a sigh that was as if an employee was about to confront a belligerent customer and was hesitant to do so.

So he walked, against every instinct and all of his senses telling him not to, he followed them exactly where they said to stay away from. He came upon three combatants as he sighed and looked to the fallen angel, "Hey man, you mind letting up please? I don't really want to fight." He said rubbing his neck, his wooden cross necklace moving as he does so. "How about you come down here and we have a talk. It's obvious that they're not dead, only severely hurt and it's obvious that despite whatever intention you are conveying you don't REALLY want to kill them otherwise they'd be dead. So instead I suggest you and I have some coffee and you fill me in on what's going on and hopefully you can help answer some questions that I... Well I just can't figure out on my own. You're a fallen angel from the look and feel of it, so I'm hoping you can clear my head and maybe, just maybe, steer me towards truth..." John sighed realizing how much of a child he sounded like.

"I know, I get it, I'm a human and you probably think me just a priest, but in reality I have exorcised many demons, all of them however seemed to have been feral. I only have just recently met non feral demons and well... It makes me really question what I am doing ya know? It's like they act like me and even talk like me, but not all of them just want to bring only pain and destruction, so I'm trying to find out what the truth is and not just what the church tells me to think." John sighed sitting down. "This world is even more fucked up than I had imagined it.."

He got up and put a hand on Koharu's shoulder. "I think the fight is over, lad." He shook his head, "No, that's wrong. This fight is over, but that's about it. As for the girl and her demon form, yes, the other was knocked out before she could see. My only question is how long can you keep something like this hidden?" He was only in his late twenties but he already had a weary look, the kind of look you get from a man who fights a war only to wonder what on earth was he fighting for halfway from the actual end of the war. As if the soldier simply gave up and realized that perhaps fighting and perhaps the evidence and facts he was given didn't match up with what he now saw with his own eyes.
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He turned away from Saphire, both of them were not in good condition but he had prepared for this. He was about to go to his pack and pull out some of his higher grades medicine when suddenly he felt a strong energy behind him. His whole body stiffened and he turned to see Johanna but not Johanna, So this was the power Koharu had spoken of. "Ah johanna thats actually impressive." He reached over to his sheath, if she attacked him he wouldnt be able to hold back for this. And then she collapsed, the over expending of power was too much for her. It wasent that surprising, still he knew what she was now.

Within a few second Koharu came down, he didnt even answer him at first still looking a Johanna. "No that was good for now, that is the strength they will need. Not its a matter of restraint, she used up all her power in one go. Besides it doesent matter how long its hidden because they will find out, and unless you decide to kill these girls even without my help they will eventually come into their powers. Now seeing that i plan to speed up the process. I fought them today to teach them how weak they were and yet i was shown something interesting." He looked at Koharu. "Now did you just come to fuss over my training methods or did you have a real reason for being here."

When the priest walked up he was a bit surprised someone came so close without him noticing, he really had been focused on what he was doing. "I wouldnt look to me for spiritual guidance kid." He said to the human, no matter how old this human was he was but a child to akio. "But if you are looking for the truth then i wouldnt blindly follow what someone else tell you and instead make judgement's with your own eyes about who is Evil and who is Just while realizing some are in the gray. You dont need a god to tell you what to do with your life, trust me i know that from experience."
Koharu managed to sigh as he was patted on the shoulder before taking a deep breath to stifle his anger. He had to go through that process once again when Akio spoke cutting his eyes at him before taking a deep breath,"We can't just go around killing innocent people because we fear their strength." he said admittedly, before sighing,"Besides as I told you, it'd be best if we could have them commit to our cause, but yes I did came to deliver a mission for the two guardians. "

He held out the now crumpled piece of paper towards Akio taking a deep breath as he shrugged a bit,"And since you're here priest, questioning life you can help if you like."
The priest sighed, "I am not asking for spiritual guidance, I am simply asking for a story. A story of what happened with you. Why did you fall? Why have you beaten on these children? I would love to know your side of things and form my own truth. That is the path I wish to follow. If it means that we should meet over coffee or tea or even hot chocolate than so be it, I would be more than willing to pay or make it for you."

John approached Saphire and picked her up in his arms. "Come on, let's get you out of the cold. Please, sir, can you grab the other girl? I think there's a place not too far off from here that they can be housed." The priest said holding the guardian like a parent would a small child, with her head resting on his chest. His chest glowed through his shirt, a warm purple emitted from it as he felt the flower of life light up and bloom. He walked towards a nearby hotel. He knew that this hotel was where supernatural beings gathered and amassed, even demons, yet he didn't care. All that mattered now was helping this girl. He entered through the door and set her down on a futon while half smiling down at her. He took off his shirt revealing his markings and began chanting as his right arm began glowing. "Creator universi, fac me quaeso virtutem ad quod factum est, et solveret. Sic mundus corrigi mundus sic corrigendum." He placed his left hand on Saphire as her wounds began healing and her breathing returned to normal as John closed his eyes, holding on to her. Reaching his hand back after he was done. "Does the other one need to be healed as well?" The priest asked.
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"Speaking of priest if you have any real healing spells that arent useless chants to someone who wont bother to answer you mind healing those two girls, we still have to chat." He opened the paper and reads the details. "At the current moment the guardians will die trying to complete this task, how long do i have to prepare them for this." When the priest asked for the girls to be moved and his life story he rolled his eyes but gestured for Koharu to follow before picking up kohanna and moving her. When they got to the house he laid her down and answer the priest. "Some of her more dangerous wounds were healed by her transformation it can wait. I want them awake as soon as possible."
Koharu put his arms behind his back as he walked behind Akio as he walked through the snow to the mansion. He had been so worried about Johanna's transformation, that he had forgotten about his hate for the cold and eventually trotted inside. He dusted himself off before taking in a deep breath,"Well, they have a week. They'll be heading out in a week to somewhere in northern Russia, Sibera. I don't remember, I get places confused." he told him nodding.

"A week, so you gave me three weeks before throwing them into the fray, wonderful." He said grumbling a bit before pocketing the paper. "Ill get it done but you know i will have to go to extremes in order to have them ready in time, they may awaken again if their body's are threatened." He said looking at Koharu, he had really backed him into a corner.
John sighed as he looked towards the two. "Now I may just be a simple priest, but something is going on here that is pretty important. Want to fill me in?"
"Not really, if i feel the need i will do so in the near future. For now im gonna have to figure out how to keep these guys alive other then me just doing this myself. I cant fight these guys and protect them at the same time so they will need some level of proficiency."

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