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Fantasy The Divide

"If you're sure." She looked up at him, but shrugged. Some foreigners just didn't like kimono and yukata, she supposed. "I could, if you need, call someone to drive your stuff over here." After all, he had to have some things that were too heavy for himself to carry alone. Furniture and stuff, probably a chair and a bed at least... "And I'll help as much as you need." Even if all she could do was bring some of the lighter things, like clothes and stuff, over to the mansion. Hmm... if I ask one of my neighbors, will they help? I know most of the time they forget I'm here, but still...
The argument in favor of doing it all by himself was starting to lose it's sheen. Tomorrow there'd be nothing going on and it would take a while to get what he needed over even with help. Pride was starting to feel more and more like petty spite as he thought about trudging through the cold. Michael let out a soft sigh and averted his gaze as he quietly said, "Well, if you've really got your heart set on it, I guess there's no point in denying you." A rather indirect way of wording it but obvious enough to get.
Another bright smile directed at him, so he was going to let her help? That was wonderful! She'd be able to do something for a guest, and he wouldn't hurt himself in the process of moving! Almost rushing to grab his hand, but instead lifting it up to stretch slightly, she told him, "Ok. I'm going to finish trying to clear the snow, if you need me for anything." So, to help him... I should have some free boxes in the storage areas. From when I'd moved our spare cloths to be used in the spare bedrooms. I'll finish clearing the snow, then I'll get those boxes for him.
Well, Saphire was certainly a bright and energetic one. Sweet even. As she walked away to get back to work the warmth in Michael's face disappeared. She wasn't the kind of soul who should be occupying the position she was in. She had the heart of a caretaker, not a defender. The only thing she had going for her was her blood. A frail thing to tie a world's fate to.

Michael turned, hands dipping into his pockets as he walked over to the room he'd be occupying, pushing the door open and walking in before shutting it behind him. It was as bare bones as he expected, all the more reason to be bringing his stuff in. But for now it was the privacy he wanted. He held one hand palm up in front of him and in the blink of an eye a sheathed sword weighed down his hand.

The Icarus Blade. The sight of the weapon was comforting -- a strange thought knowing he wasn't in any immediate danger. For him it was a symbol beyond a tool of war. To him it was hope. A chance to rise above his limitations, above his own blood. He'd waited for one month before making his first move. He could wait a few more days before making the second.

Zakura once again felt hunger strike him. To upkeep a healthy body rife with spiritual energy, Zakura had to consume either a human or demon at least once a month, and Zakura had now gone two months without killing anything. It had dulled his senses a bit and weakened him, but Zakura had gone far longer without meals and was adept at fasting. The hunger was not also a distinct physical urge that influenced Zakura's mind of steel. It was more of an awareness that Zakura was without sustenance and not anything that hurt him or influenced him. Nonetheless if an opportunity presented itself for Zakura to safely kill a demon to consume, Zakura would not bypass the opportunity, for he was an opportunistic realist.

After watching the kendo club's practice, Zakura had moved out to the outskirts of the city. It was late afternoon, and soon the potential for a random stray demon lusting for human flesh might be something Zakura encountered, although the possibilities of this happening were quite low.

Zakura simply walked around with a steady, calm pace, as if nothing were on his mind worth noting.

It would seem that today would be another day without a kill, and Zakura did not dwell on this fact for long - He was used to being without sustenance and could probably go for an entire year before actually feeling pressure to consume. It was risky to continue to starve like this though, as it made Zakura weaker and weaker, increasing the chances of him having to use his eyes in battle which would lead him to consume humans if overused. Zakura would rather not kill a being that had not wronged anybody, demon or human alike, and thus his feeding was even more restricted. Some would call it a small miracle that Zakura had survived so long with so little energy. Zakura's last kill had been a weak, youthful demon that was the cause of a few homicides which created a small stir in the media.

Instead of worrying killing, Zakura was now worrying about residence. Zakura had lived on the very outer edge of the city where a small forested area was. In this area nobody disturbed Zakura and Zakura could feel much more in place than in the city. However, apparently an adventuresome group of young men had entered the area at late night and encountered Zakura. Believing Zakura to be either a murderer or a ghost, the men had ran and called attention to the forested area the day after. Needless to say, Zakura was evicted of his dwelling for quite a while.

Zakura had searched for another place that would not have many distractions, but he had no success.

This then forced Zakura to his last resort option: The mansion that he had heard which apparently had aided in matters relating to spiritual beings. Zakura decided that he would begin his residence at the mansion and attempt to cut any form of rent through household services as a teacher's salary wasn't the best in the world and Zakura was horrible at keeping track of money as he simply saw no worth in it as a five hundred year old demon.

Ending his fruitless, Zakura began to saunter towards this mansion and found it after some navigation. Steadying himself, Zakura calmly walked up to the large front door and firmly knocked against it three times. Zakura was ready to explain his "blindness" with a straightforward answer if it was ever questioned as the owner of this mansion was well versed in the spiritual and would probably understand.


Arc 1

Chasing the Truth: The Supreme 4

We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level
of our training-
Two weeks passed by after most of everyone had met. Johanna and Saphire, seemed to be as polarizing as those in there positions of power would be. Akio had begun his training with the two girls, and the rest went about their independent lives. There were interactions between all here and there, and of course missions for the Guardians to handle, but for the most of it, nothing with any great magnitude happened.

Yet in his office in Spirit World, Koharu sat reading through a letter that contained intelligence from one of the top ranking reconnaissance teams they had:

Commander Koharu

We have finally discovered The Supreme 4's location, and how they've been able to avoid our detection. It seems that while in the human world they've built a city with a barrier that does not allow energies out or in. They've been training, and are even stronger than our last bout with them. There appears to be no official hierarchy as before, but it is clear that the intelligent one's of the group are running the show.

Our intel brought us the threats:

Mortaro- He seems to be the leader, very vicious, very dirty, but extremely intelligent. Manipulative, and deceitful.

Rank: Upper B

Arturo is also as dangerous as Mortaro, and despite being more than a century younger than Mortaro is a more refined fighter than Mortaro. He is also very intelligent, but is extremely honor bound. His ideals often clash with Mortaro.

Rank: Upper Mid B

The rest of them are just as vicious, Hanagoori being an ice demon, whose attacks are extremely deadly and shows nothing but loyalty to the 4.

Areon the Vast is a drunk who just enjoys destruction and death more than anyone else.

They are both about Mid B rank demons.

Finally, is their champion. Though he is the weaker of them all, Upper C, he is the one who usually carries out their business about in the Human World.

That is about as far as our intel has us. We think they're planning something, but we will send more information when we find it.

Lt. Samero Collinham

This message was bothering Koharu.......what should he do?

TIME: 1800 Saturday February 14, Sapporo, Hokkaido

(For the record, the roleplay takes place in Sapporo Japan on the Island of Hokkaido hence the huge amount of snowfall)

It was time, he had told the two to meet him here around 6 so they should be arriving within a couple of minutes, if they were punctual that is. He knew Saphire would most likely if she was helping someone but the other girl Johanna was more rebellious, she may be late just to spite him. He knew she wasent happy about the decision for her to be trained by a fallen. He sighed, he'd know what would happen soon enough.
In the couple of weeks that passed, life had been relatively normal for Johanna. Even as a late addition (missing the first few practices of the season) she had become a star on the school's girls basketball team, though not to the same extent as she had in soccer. She didn't have to in basketball, Kasumi, and another girl (Igawa Hitomi) were two of the Country's best under 17 players. Johanna, for all intents and purposes, was the third best player on the team, and it had made the game more fun for her because unlike her time on the soccer team, she wasn't dependent on to carry the team.

Though life was normal, it had become extremely stressful for Johanna. Soccer practices had started (though none were outside), she had basketball practice and games, had to do missions as a Guardian, still go to school, and train with Akio......

It was a few seconds left on the clock in the Prefecture championship game, and Johanna's school was down by a single point with possession of the ball. The game had gone through to overtime and it was so closely contested that it had pushed on longer than they had expected. They were all in a huddle, the entire team in their black uniforms with the gold outlining on all of the font and numbers.

Their coach was spewing something out to them, not much that Johanna was paying attention to until she heard her name. "Mizoto take the ball up court, dish it off to Kasumi. Set a screen for her and bust out to the corner. If Kasumi doesn't have a shot, nor Hitomi, you will likely get the ball. I know you're not the best at three's, but we trust you with that shot."

Johanna's eyes scanned the girl's faces to see if the sentiment was true, and they all nodded or seemed to have a supportive countenance. So she returned her attention to the coach and nodded. They all tossed their hands in before yelling out in unison, "finish."

She slowly walked on the court, hearing the crowd cheer and seeing her little brother wave at her and give a thumbs up in. She nodded to him and returned with her own. That was the last she heard of the crowd. It was now her and the players on the court.

A whistle was blown as the ball flew in the air into her hands. She rushed up court with speed unrivaled by any human. The girl who was defending her rushed to make up the distance between the two, but by moving the ball behind her back, Mizoto was able to get past the girl and cut to the paint. It wasn't what coach said do, but it was just how the play happened. Two girls converged on her as Johanna pushed off of one of her feet and glided through the air.

This was an easy shot for her, even with the two girls...but. She took the ball from it's up position, contorting her body around and throwing it to the now wide open Kasumi. In a decisive movement, Kasumi had shot the ball in the air before Johanna's feet even touched the ground. Johanna watched from her descent as the ball went through the net at the same time as her feet touched the ground and the buzzer went off.


Johanna just watched as their team all scrambled to the floor to attack Kasumi, but Johanna didn't join them. She rushed to the locker room and grabbed her gi (she had officially started to take akido ) and moved to go to the outskirts of the city. She didn't bother taking transportation, but instead use her speed to quickly traverse the city before getting to where Akio told them to meet him, but it was 18:25. She skid to a stop in front of Akio wearing her white gi, with a green obi around her waist breathing heavily. Her black hair was still tied up from the basketball game, and she wouldn't bother it for it was appropriate for her training.
((was playing league but im back for some time now))

"Your late." He said in a voice emotionless but a slight tone of annoyance. "However, you got here before Saphire did which is surprising." He amended before getting up. So far Akio was difficult to understand. He was polite but at the same time he was blunt. He did not hesitate to speak his mind and has commented about the girls weakness and lack of experience. He was quick to move but patient, sometimes seemingly meditating for hours without even a breath. He kept mostly to himself and talked only when was necessary instead mostly watching. Also for one of the fallen nethier girl had seen him use satanic energy even when he occasionally help on a few guardian missions. They hadent even learned why he was banished from the heavens in the first place.

He looked at Johanna's attire, she had obviously been playing a game, he had questioned them both extensively about their day to day lives at first to get a idea of their routine and what he wasent told he found out. No one knew how considering they never felt his presence, akio faded in and out a scene threw the shadows as easily as walking. "Was the game tough or did you simply not bother to take a bus to get here." He said looking at her with his dark eyes.
Saphire was running to their meeting place, tripping occasionally on her naginata. Today had been an unusually hard one, and the dirt on her kimono, which she hadn't changed out of yet, was the proof. Yet another fight had broken out between two of her residents, and she'd had to break them up... AND THE SNOW STILL HADN'T BEEN CLEARED UP! Yesh, it was getting very annoying dealing with that...

Her time in the two weeks had been spent training and cleaning her mansion, caring for the various occupants. Of course, the only person who'd ever shown her work any appreciation was Michael De Longe, but... well, she cleaned up everyone's messes anyway. She was in a bit of a bad mood, the two who'd been fighting did so relatively often, after all... and they always brought in dirt as well. By the time she'd finished dealing with them it'd already been past the time to leave, so she'd missed the bus and had to run.... She saw, in front of her, Johanna and Aki, calling out "S-sorry... I'm late." And again she'd tripped on the naginata, for some reason she'd been more tired than usual so it was hard for her to keep it high enough.
Johanna looked up to Akio with a rose brow of confusion, before looking down and noticing she still had her uniform on under her gi and tennis shoes were still on for the game. Her face drooped a bit as she opened her mouth to answer Akio,"My bad...the game went on longer than expected." She shrugged her shoulders a bit letting a sigh escape her mouth before shrugging her shoulders again,"It was tougher than it should have been, but we're prefecture champions that's all that matters."

She blinked a bit when Saphire came in, apologizing for her tardiness causing Johanna to smirk a bit,"Ha, you're late for once..." she then looked off into the distance muttering nerd under her breath before moving a hand over her mouth because she was now yawning.
Ophidius stalked through the streets, taking extra precautions to avoid detection. Earlier that same week, the red-clad demon had been making snow angels on the grounds of the mansion and then painting the wings black, if only to spite any Fallen nearby. Of course, that blue-haired girl ordered him to clean up his handiwork. Poor sportsmanship, that was.

After a few minutes of following Saphire....Sapphire? Safaia?ファイア? Well, whatever her name was, he never was good at memorizing names....

After a few minutes of following the blue-haired girl, Ophidius eventually lost interest, having become quickly bored with his pursuit. It wasn't nearly as exciting as hunting or being hunted, fighting for your life against a demon. He took a stroll in a random direction, not really having any purpose.

His listless stroll took him to the entrance of a museum, the name of which was....something or other about Natural History and Cultural Heritage. He slinked his way through the shadows to avoid payment and found a directory.

"Let's see...History...Science...Culture....I'll go with Science. Subsections...Biology...Ooh, Prehistoric Times! That'll do just nicely." The demon let out a pleased hiss before racing back into the darker corners of the building. Eight minutes later, he was slowly walking through a gallery of assorted fossils and exhibits on prehistoric life. His exploration came to a halt at the feet of a very impressive specimen, the fossilized remains of a tyrannosaurus rex.

Ophidius was overwhelmed by a wave of nostalgia. This...such a magnificent creature. This reminds me of the good old days...' He shook himself from his reflections, reminding himself of what he had been doing earlier.

"If I hurry back, I just might be able to catch up with that blue girl....nah. I'll just pay her estate a visit and clear up all that snow. Girl really could use a hand."

While he didn't visit the girl in her mansion often, she was still hospitable to him whenever he drifted in and out of the place. It would be best to show some appreciation for the girl's efforts.
"I see, i hope you havent used all your energy. Your training will be tough today." He watched Saphire stumble on the scene, seemingly tired as well. His annoyed him slightly, they were showing up late and tired. This training was the most important thing they could be doing right now, if this wasent such a calm area for demon activity they could have met a middle class demon and he wasent even sure together they were ready for that yet. He let out a noticeable sigh. "Both of you, late and exhausted before training... I have a feeling you two dont understand how important this training is yet."

He got up and did something he rarely was seen doing. He shrugged off his jacket and spread his wings to full. Both wings were midnight black, some of the darker wings a fallen angel could have. He looked at the two. "Both of you have no teamwork though that is mostly your fault Johanna and you feel no reason for it because you have not met a opponent stronger then yourself and i have a feeling because it hasent happened you take this training to lightly. For today's training both of you will be my opponent, attack me with the intent to kill as you would any other demon, it is the only way you'll stand a chance versus me."
Mars tilted her head at the priest for a moment, wondering why a human would be interested in a demon but than again the curiosity of a human could be quite interesting. They seemed to meddle with things they had no clue about. Its was probably the only thing that kept Mars slightly interested in humans... when she wasn't craving to rip them to shreds.

"My name is Mars, do you really think its smart to curious about a demon?" She gave him a smirk and raised her eyebrow at him. At the moment her defense was still up, there were plenty of priests Mars had ran into and survived but she knew that she would end up dying sooner or later. That meant she needed to be aware of everything around her, that included both the other demon and the priest.
"I do have obligations outside of being a Guardian," Johanna said with a tinge more attitude than she intended, but she didn't all too much care either way. She listened to him talk cracking her knuckles a bit hearing about his lecture on team work, and training, which only caused Johanna to scoff. She didn't need to work as a team, outside of sports, she never had to. Why did she need to depend on someone else with her life?

Johanna smirked a bit, as he watched his wings expand out. It was the first time she saw an angel's, any type- fallen or otherwise-, wings up close. They were quite beautiful. She preferred the black color. Letting him know how she felt, however, was not what she had planned to do,"Aww..how cute. " She focused a bit of her spiritual energy into her right hand, it beginning to glow a bright blue as she stepped forward, vanishing to the untrained eye. She hadn't dashed straight at him, but more so did in a zig zag, before she was right in front of him with her fist raised. It was her howling fist attack, and any demon Lower-C and lower would more than likely fall to this attack. Akio, however, wasn't a Lower-C demon. He was a fallen with centuries of experience, and would probably see many of the weaknesses in her attack.

She was undisciplined, her footing was off, leaving her to easily be thrown off balance from a parry. She was probably all too direct too, coming head first with a direct attack was probably not the best idea. Her speed, though inhuman, would not make up the gap in ability and experience.
Sipping softly at the straw to her leche shake, with boba of course, because leche shakes were never good without boba, Seranna made her way down the city street. Since a believer in coincidence she was not, when she happened across a letter noting the need for a student about her height needing to withdraw from school, as well as her scheduled classes and a few other papers, in the next town over, she realised that she probably needed to be here.

Wearing a long sleeved blouse and a knee length plaid and pleated skirt, Seranna's size allowed her to fit the role of young student perfectly, and the delicious extra large leche shake was making her day ten times better. Still she was hoping she ambled across the stupid school at some point, but all she seemed to be doing was finding every major landmark other than the school.

Inwardly groaning, Seranna spied a outside patio for a coffee shoppe set up right next to the entrance to a large museum. Not necessarily needing to visit the museum, and definitely up for sitting down and enjoying her shake, Seranna made her way to the nearest empty table and took a seat.

Almost immediately after seating herself, a large male cat, obviously a stray, lept onto the opposite side of the table. What followed was, as anyone else would have viewed it, an odd staring contest between the pair. Seranna could only narrow her eyes, for she knew the cat could tell that they had something in common.

A silent communication of sorts formed in the demon's head as she imagined what the cat must have been saying. Probably something along the lines of 'Guten Tag Fräulein, Sie sind sicherlich eine faire Fang.'

Annoyed, Seranna eyed the tom-cat critically before speaking.

"Stop it..."

With that she waved her hand at the cat, shooing it away, before returning to her drink, hopefull able to enjoy the rest of it without interruption.

Saphire, hearing him tell her to fight as though her life depended on it, placed the naginata down and instead took out her bow. Johanna would probably handle the up-close-and-personal stuff, so she'd focus on firing at Akio from afar. As a precaution she hooked one foot under the wood, ready to toss it up as necessary, and drew the bow... Just in case she aimed upwards of where he was standing, and the moment Johanna had attacked.... let the arrow loose, already moving to redraw and walking backwards, foot dragging the naginata with her. For the first shot she'd not filled it with any power, but the second one her normally amiable face turned serious, brows coming together as she whispered "Spirit Arrow" and drew, tell-tale blue glow growing from the tip to the entire arrow.
Ophidius merrily strolled out of the museum, his mind poised on finding a suitable snowshovel to clear the snow from the estate grounds. The owner did have a snowshovel, but it was a battered an old thing. She was rich in land, but not money. Poor girl.

He glanced at the skyline and noticed a familar construction site, which meant.......there. With a little effort, he spotted the coffee shoppe that the one priest from way back when came to chat up him and some other folks. Their identities at this point were naught but a blur in the back of the demon's mind.

Ophidius' attention was caught by a cat scurrying by, an action that ignited a tiny spark of his demonic hunting instinct. 'Maybe later....I'm not exactly in the mood for cat right now.' He then cast his gaze over the coffee shoppe and saw a single customer that stood out from the others. It was a single female human sitting at a table alone. Judging by her attire, she was some sort of school student or part-time worker, which meant that she likely knew her way around the city.

Ophidius nonchalantly walked up to the table and took a seat before speaking to the girl, "Pardon me, but is there a hardware store in the area? Or perhaps anywhere I could buy a snowshovel?"
Seranna had to bite back a yelp as she heard the voice of a man directed at her. Usually she was a lot more attentive, but mmmmm that leche shake. Calming herself slightly, Seranna turned to see a man dressed in a red. He was tall, with white-ish hair, but what really drew Seranna's attention was the red eyes. They were usually either contacts, or natural, and Seranna knew two things. First was that the man had natural eyes. The second was that humans didn't have natural red eyes. Even an albino didn't have eyes as red as the man's.

Sinking into her seat and putting her head down, Seranna took a long and nervous sip of her shake and shook her head. ith a quiet and meek voice, she answered.

"Ahm, I'm actually new here. I just arrived in town today. Maybe you would be better off exploring yourself, or asking someone new?"

She didn't mean for her answer to come out sounding like a question, but regardless of her hidden strength, unless she had to, confrontation of any sort was far from her forte.
'Well, this little one might prove interesting....time to put the moves on it.' Ophidius thought.

If there was one thing Ophidius was good at, it was working people like puppets with his silver tongue. Being a demon of serpentine ancestry, he already possessed an innate ability to charm and provoke others with his voice. Making eye contact would only give his victims a feeling of intimacy before he struck. The girl had already found herself lost in his eyes like something out of a sappy human drama.....big mistake.

"Oh?" He said as he began to dissect his prey, "You're new in town? Do you have enough funds to secure a place to stay?" He gave a quick glance at her drink. The smallest factors and choices made by a person can tell much about them, this was a lesson Ophidius had learned from an old friend of his, an English author. Arthur something-or-other Doyle. He could write one hell of a detective story. "Leche shake? Thats a rather odd choice of drink for a....blutsauger, pardon the expression."
AkuNoOkami said:
"I do have obligations outside of being a Guardian," Johanna said with a tinge more attitude than she intended, but she didn't all too much care either way. She listened to him talk cracking her knuckles a bit hearing about his lecture on team work, and training, which only caused Johanna to scoff. She didn't need to work as a team, outside of sports, she never had to. Why did she need to depend on someone else with her life?
Johanna smirked a bit, as he watched his wings expand out. It was the first time she saw an angel's, any type- fallen or otherwise-, wings up close. They were quite beautiful. She preferred the black color. Letting him know how she felt, however, was not what she had planned to do,"Aww..how cute. " She focused a bit of her spiritual energy into her right hand, it beginning to glow a bright blue as she stepped forward, vanishing to the untrained eye. She hadn't dashed straight at him, but more so did in a zig zag, before she was right in front of him with her fist raised. It was her howling fist attack, and any demon Lower-C and lower would more than likely fall to this attack. Akio, however, wasn't a Lower-C demon. He was a fallen with centuries of experience, and would probably see many of the weaknesses in her attack.

She was undisciplined, her footing was off, leaving her to easily be thrown off balance from a parry. She was probably all too direct too, coming head first with a direct attack was probably not the best idea. Her speed, though inhuman, would not make up the gap in ability and experience.
SaphireTsuki said:
Saphire, hearing him tell her to fight as though her life depended on it, placed the naginata down and instead took out her bow. Johanna would probably handle the up-close-and-personal stuff, so she'd focus on firing at Akio from afar. As a precaution she hooked one foot under the wood, ready to toss it up as necessary, and drew the bow... Just in case she aimed upwards of where he was standing, and the moment Johanna had attacked.... let the arrow loose, already moving to redraw and walking backwards, foot dragging the naginata with her. For the first shot she'd not filled it with any power, but the second one her normally amiable face turned serious, brows coming together as she whispered "Spirit Arrow" and drew, tell-tale blue glow growing from the tip to the entire arrow.
((first no notification is op))

When Johanna came at him in some way's he was impressed, he speed was incredible but at the same time he was disappointed. While she attempted some faints by going zig zag it was obvious from where the blow was coming. Against weaker opponents this may have worked but against him it would never work in this fashion. Besides his own speed was inhuman as well. He stayed seemingly still, unnoticing still she stopped right in front of him. When she threw her fist he was already moving, at speed comparable if not surpassing her. He simply side stepped the narrow blow and grabbed her arm pulling her forward. She would have little or no chance to counter it as the force of her blow would pull her forward already with nothing to stop it and she was probably going for the one hit KO. At the same time he stuck out his foot so that she would trip over it and collapse to the ground, probably surprised to be so easily thrown off.

Then he turned his attention to saphire. From what he saw already he could already tell she had a better understanding of the meaning of a fight, however she too was obvious and he could see her foot under the wood advertising her plan.. The first arrow he could have let fly over his head as he had not jumped but this was not just a battle he wanted to win, he wanted to humiliate them and make them realize their own weakness, only then would they grow. He caught the arrow in between his finger tips. "You should have charged your arrow from the start, i said come with the intent to kill." He suddenly shot forward and appeared in front of her putting his foot down on the Naginata as well, using it against her to hold her position down while ducking under her bow's range and moving his shoulder against it so she couldnt move it back to the right to shoot him unless she could back up and sent his fist at her guy in a powerful blow that would do a little more then simply bruise.
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Unsurprisingly, the man, or demon really, could tell what she was as well, granted the 'who' to that equation was still unknown, though it probably wouldn't be likely for anyone to actually know her from the otherside. Still, he did know the what to the equation, and he knew it without any proper hints. That could only mean he was powerful, and even if she could take him, it would not do to make a scene in public.

Keeping her eyes down, Seranna took a moment to pull her mouth from the straw, while also sliding the chair opposite from her out. Gesturing to the chair, she spoke, albeit quietly.

"If you want to hide, but not change appearance, you should opt for putting the same shade colour-tacts in your eyes. It would at least allow others to assume you have fake red eyes. And no, at the moment I don't have lodgings, though I'm sure I could easily find friends with in the city that would accommodate me if needed." she explained, before continuing, "I am Seranna Valentino, yourself?"

Zakura's face grasped upon a slight smile as he prepared his daily training. He had been teaching his history classes with great aptitude the past few weeks, and had cemented himself within the school as a respected teacher. Students feared his all knowing senses that could pick out even the slightest of misconducts regardless of sight, and Zakura's short and concise explanations allowed for easy and efficient note taking. Students that had the fortune, or misfortune, of being in his class had their grades increased significantly regardless of their educational ability.

Other than his teaching, Zakura had always honed his skill with Muramasa daily, and trained rigorously from late afternoon well past midnight. The only exceptions to Zakura's training were when he was spectating the kendo or aikido club. Zakura rarely ever was at his new residence where he shared a home with interesting beings, and thus he never had a good chance to interact with them. Zakura was grateful that the owner of the mansion did not press for rent money though, and Zakura probably never gave her a good chance to ask him about it as he was never at the mansion.

Zakura always trained within the boundaries of the mansion's land, but secluded from most people. Zakura preferred to keep to himself and quiet was something that was innately resonant with him.

Zakura sensed his practice target: A circular wooden log hung on an old rope from one of the large imposing trees within the mansion grounds. Zakura steadied his body and took a deep breath. As he felt the air circulate through him, his muscles relaxed and his mind cleared. Zakura removed everything that was cluttering his mind and reduced his mental state to a pure, blank slate. Zakura then immediately grasped the hilt of Muramasa with his left hand and unsheathed it in an upward cutting arc. Zakura had not assumed a stance and performed this action with just his arm, as if he were a mechanically natural movement that had been practiced countless times.

Zakura smiled as he heard four blocks of wood thud on the grassy ground. He had performed his "Convergence" technique, whereupon two distinct, invisible slashes accompanied his own one from different angles. These three slashes all converged upon a single point that Zakura marked, hence its name. The technique required absolute presence and calm of mind, and this would thus make the technique a rather unstable attack in intense close combat, but it's pros of creating a slash that would be practically impossible to be dodged by a being with human anatomy made up for this deficiency. Zakura constantly practiced this technique with the hope of being able to use it as naturally as his regular strikes, which would practically give Zakura three pairs of arms if mastered. Zakura's spiritual hunger had further weakened him, and Zakura was now a mere shell of his full strength. Nonetheless, Zakura was an incredibly deadly and capable fighter who did not rely on the strength of refined usage of spiritual power like many demons did. Zakura relied entirely on the state of his physical body and his skill in the blade. These very specialized set of skills would also mean that Zakura's power was heavily contingent on the quality of his blade, and Muramasa was a sword of immense potential and incredible craftsmanship that even an archdemon would want to have - The only downside being that the blade itself withheld its full capacity from inexperienced wielders through its hidden techniques system. Zakura managing to only learn one technique over four hundred years was a testament to the potential power of the blade.

Zakura sighed as he sat down and staked Muramasa blade first into the ground beside him. A close observer would have seen the green grass around the blade began to slowly discolor and wilt.​
Let it be known that Ophidius' smirk became a shit-eating grin at that moment.

Taking a seat, the red demon began to speak, "Phiphe O'Mestles, but my friends call me Ophidius. Pleasure to meet you, and thank you for the advice. If you do not have anywhere to stay at the moment, I happen to have a friend who would gladly accomadate you. Fair warning, my associate is an.....exorcist who polices demon activity in the area.
He had seen right through her attack, growling a bit as her fist landed on nothing. The howling sound still came from her fist, but was cut short when her arm was grabbed and she was thrust forward. She had no footing, and stumbled forward trying to regain her balance, but that was soon ended by Akio's foot as her own collided with his causing her to launch into the air.

She flew a few feet, before landing on the ground with a thud, bouncing a couple of times, before rolling to a stop against the wall. She didn't even have to time witness what happened when Saphire attacked. After a moment of blurred vision, she shook her head to shake off the groginess getting to her feet. She was already exhausted, and he was just as fast, and perhaps even faster.

"Damn it all.." was the only thing she managed to say. She began to spread her spiritual energy throughout her body, a technique she used to allow her to be even faster than she normally was. She wasn't sure if it'd make any difference, considering his own speed. With that, she vanished again. Whenever there would be distance between Saphire and Akio, multiple images of her would appear, as the eye would struggle to process her being in different places in such a short period of time. Even to the trained eye, it'd be difficult to see, but again Akio probably had been up against someone with that speed before, and if his speed didn't match or exceed her's even now (which it very well might have all Johanna's know) it is sure that he had enough experience to predict where she would attack from, even as she struck from the different angles.

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