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Fantasy The Deadly Academy: Magic Assassins

Zazu rolled his eyes and walked back to his desk, opening his sucker and sticking it in his mouth. He pouted inside his hood and glared at the teacher. 'She's mean. I don't like her anymore,' he thought to Kazua.
Kazu snickers in his hood thinking "now you understand" and started to smile in his hood thinking to Zazu "looks like you embarrassed the blind girl a little you shouldn't have said all that smart stuff".
He started to flip a coin in boredom, as he sat on some of the equipment. He could've been doing that stack of paperwork that he'd promised to do a few months ago... but he couldn't exactly be bothered. They could wait another few months for all he cared. He doubted it was even that important.
Klick watched the show which was fancy but still, the same freaking then he said but with pictures and a reference to sight. Klick quickly turned to Lily who seemed a little upset. Klick wanted to say something but because he was in the front row, he knew he would get caught. 'I will talk with her after class for sure.' The the teacher then gave out an answer. 'Because it worked...' Klick face became bright red with frustration. He wanted to yell out something but held his self back. 'Calm down Klick, Next class you can let out your rage.'

Klick blurted out while the teacher was writing, "Teacher#2 that was mean..." This was going to be the last statement he was going to make in the class today. Right now all he cared about was Lily and what Zazu did to her. He was not going to let Zazu get away with hurting Lily.

@Mr Swiftshots
Lily was hardly embarrassed, but a little shaken up. Her roommate thought she was weird, but didn't pick up on her disability yet. Only three people know about her secret now-and that was three too many.


Since Lily couldn't read the flat text on the board, she had to immediately memorize the quote into her head. Which wasn't that hard, considering that she had a pretty good memory. She just hoped the next teacher wasn't into reverse-psychology and was straight to the point. Of course she could have just asked Klick, but she felt as though her relying on him for practically anything was annoying him a whole bunch. Lily needed to help herself for once, and not rely on other people for simple things. If she wanted to be like any normal person, magical or not, she would have to act like one.
"i would appreciate if you'd call me by my name Klick"

she turned around to him noticing he had gone all red "what exactly was mean" she asked staring at him

"was it mean to ask you a simple question" her look intensified "or is it that you thought you'd be better than everyone in this class "
Kai was walking down the halls of the academy slowly, and with his own pace. However, this was quick to pick up as he remembered how late he was to his class. "Oh dear.. Well, this is a great way to start the day" he said to himself with a sigh as he hurried around... Trying to find his designated class. As he walked the halls his gaze became very sharp and observant as he passed doors, he could hear the sounds of people talking and simply followed them, hoping that they would lead to his class. Kai looked down to his katana as he walked, smiling at the sheathed blade. "I'm glad I polished that" he muttered as he then began to hum down the halls. Eventually, he found his class and stood by the door for a few minutes as he listened in, "They are talking about... Wolves?" He started to get excited but hid it with a tiny chuckle as he then entered the room, his expression very serious. Kai turned to look at the teacher and said, "I apologise for being late" then, with that, he sat at one of the empty desks, becoming one with the class
Koruba was watching one of the two boys messing around with her roommate. God those dweebs we're annoying... They said something about sight and the poor girl seemed to be upset about.... Wait, sight.... The gears in her head started turning. Oh my Gods, she thought, that makes so much sense! Poor Lily was blind! Though it was so hard to tell, she made it seem like she could see just fine. She could walk places without bumping into walls and could do almost anything else a normal person could do. She had never said anything about being blind. Koruba guessed Lily just wanted to be treated normally, which was understandable. Koruba decided to not treat her like she was blind at all, she put that thought completely out of her mind for the time being, but she would remember to punch the two boys in the face for messing with her.

Now Koruba turned her thoughts to the teacher... Now that was an oddball. She hardly seemed any younger then 30 and she was flirting with the boys, also she gave a question that had such an idiotic question, what gives...
klicks face turned back to normal as he noticed his words got to the teacher. He smiled, "to think was better the everyone else despite not knowing what my fellow classmates skills where would but me at a tactical disavange wouldn't it teacher#2

Also to assume such a statement shows how much faith you have in your students. You are mean because that was a trick question teach but that statement was only a joke. But now you are mean because you think so little of me despite not knowing who I was. I won't sit here and accept it either." Klick got up out of his chair and then left the class. As he exit the room there was a loud thump as he punched a wall.

Klick was seriously upset about what the teach said to him, in front of lily. He never was trying to belittle the teacher, he was only excited about meeting strong people and wanted to throw a joke to be funny and make lily laugh. But now he knew he looked like an asswhole and that would stick with him for a while. Had he been a girl he would have been crying but as a man he toughed it out and sat in the hall way. "What have I done?"
the bell rang just after Klick left the room

"lily i want you to stay behind please, as for the rest of you ill see you in combat training later"

she announced quite strictly as she sat back down in her chair and sighed

"trust me you don't want to be late for combat training"
Zero played his head on the desk "I feel stupid.. I got it wrong" he said and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and brought his head up. His left eye glowed a bit which be immedietly could tell and closed it 'danget I hope nobody noticed' he thought and glanced around with his right eye.
Kazua got up and left with Zazu saying "yeah yeah we will learn to fight will we" he left smirking.
"Oh please you didn't get it wrong, it was a dumb question. Klick was right about that, a trick question like that was mean, especially on the first day. Don't sweat it. I have hunted for years and I had no idea, you shouldn't feel stupid," Koruba said standing up and placing a hand on his shoulder, "come on let's go to our next class."
He cracked his knuckles, rolling his head and yawned, hopping off the equipment as he heard the bell go. He dusted off his coat, and straightened his collar glancing around. With that he started to walk toward the weapons racks, pulling them out to place them near the front. He readied for the lesson before finally stopping and simply waiting. His hands clasped behind his back.
Zero was glad and thank full that she tryed to cheer him up. "Yeah let's go to our next class" he said and stood up sighing "and now I have to worry about being called tree..." he said and laughed. Stretching and yawning slightly.
Shelton entered the class, lonely as cloud, just drifting off into space. He looked as if he was asleep with his eyes open, but he was just listening to the air conditioner kicking on.

He peered off into the classroom at the decorations and the garments that flew around in the cold air, as if it was winter. Shelton then turned to the woman sitting adjacent to her. He wanted to devise a conversation, but he was too lazy to do so.

After a few minutes had subsided, he commenced talking.

"Hey there! How are you doing?" Shelton greeted warm but dry.
Lily couldn't ignore the situation around her.

First off, a new student walked in. That in itself was pretty cool, but unlike her other classmates, he seemed pretty nice, and not standoff-ish.

Second, Klick got up and left. She could still hear him in the hallway, which made her question why he was. If she was in that situation, she would have just gone to her next class.

And third, she was force to stay behind. What did she do? Klick should be yelled at, if anything, and he shouldn't be by no means!
((Psst you gotta make a cs))

Oh come on being tall isn't bad. My dad was 6'5" he was really tall..." Ouch no bad topic, she thought, "Anyway if some is mean to you we can beat them up, especially if it's the twins. I'm already planning on beating them up..." It will be so great to punch them in the face.
"You wanted to talk to me?" She said to Miss A, raising an eyebrow. Her heart had already jumped to a thousand miles a millisecond. Did she notice her disability too?.... Or did she do something wrong?...

Whatever it was, it made Lily more nervous than she ever had been in her entire life. Even an assassination mission wasn't as bad as this.

Lily nervously began tapping her fingers on her thigh in waiting for the response.

@Mr Swiftshots
Akira pulled a book out of her desk it was the tactics book but in braille

"you haven't told anyone yet have you"

she remarked with a kind tone as she placed the book on lily's desk.

@Mackie R
"Yeah but I'm 7 feet, the doctor says I'll be 7 and a half feet until I stop growing" he laughed."oh yeah if somebody makes fun of me they will regret it, when someone messes with you or someone you love you need to let them know not to anymore" he laughed again and checked his schedule for where the students next class was "right...here!" He said and opened the door for her "lady's first" he smiled.
Lily's face faltered, but by her echolocation map, it showed a Braille book on her desk. She closed her eyes and smiled.

"Thank you so much.." She said, smiling. This day was already looking up for the better.

"As for telling people..." Lily slowly grabbed the book and hugged it to her chest.

"I told Klick, because I needed someone to tell me who my roommate was and to help me get to what classes we need to go to..."

"I know for a fact that the twins know, because they think they're sneaky being quiet but being blind and having echolocation only makes my hearing better..."

"And I'm pretty sure Koruba, my roommate, has caught on to something."

Lily took a breath.

"Is it possible that you can get me Braille copies of all the other textbooks? The science lady didn't catch on and I don't think the others will unless I bring it up to them.."

"Please, Miss Agatsuma?"

@Mr Swiftshots
Kai let out a frustrated sigh as he thought "That was a waste of time... I got in here as soon as the bell went off" Kai got up and left the classroom, he didn't speak to any of the other students yet and in all honesty, he didn't want to just yet. Not to be rude or anything, He wanted to feel comfortable around them all first before making interaction and he believed that this combat class would be the great opportunity for that. With that, he began to make his way to the combat class, excited to see what everyone was capable of

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