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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked over and felt the hand on his leg and sighed himself. "Thanks." He said with a small smile as they reached their destination. His eyes drew from the road to look at Soren as he spoke again. "I know. I just.. I'm worried about him. I'm glad he has Jacob though, especially in those apartments. I fear what would've happened if he didn't have anyone he knew or trusted there." Josh admitted as he got out of the truck. "Let's get this stuff going." Josh agreed as he set to work getting more of these cells ready.

Jacob looked at Rachel and smiled warmly. "We'll see what we can do about getting you things to read or listen to." Jacob said, adding that to their growing supply list. He moved inside and looked into the living room to see the little boy. "Well. If you need any help with him while his parents are gone, we're creating a support group with all the people on this floor so we won't be lonely while our family members are gone." Jacob said, looking at Theo with a smile.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren did not know Hayden very well, but he knew enough from the last few days to feel like he definitely agreed with that fear. He, Josh, and anyone that they could rope into it worked at getting the cells at this checkpoint set up as quickly as possible. This set was so much faster than the last now that they knew they plans. They had the plans with them even if the engineers and architects were off working on other things as well. They were practically a well-oiled machine despite having only just now been created. By the time they finished, Sorem was tired, but he was sure they could do another. “You ready for the next set?”

“Yeah, it’s already pretty boring.” She looked at Theo, this little baby just under a year old. This was a terrible time to have just had a baby. “Thanks for coming by I guess.” Hayden wished her good luck as they left and sighed. “That’s not a great situation. Both parents being soldiers? That’s got to be rough. Okay, so that’s everyone on this floor. Should we traverse to other floors?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh worked hard to get this checkpoint set up as he wanted to get done. It went a lot faster this time around and eventually they were finished. Josh was just as tired but he knew they had to get this all done before they could rest for the night. "I'm ready." He replied, heading towards the truck. He was determined to finish this. "Let's get moving." Josh added as he slipped into the passengers side of the truck.

Jacob nodded as he heard her, and then they left as the door shut. He glanced at Hayden and sighed. "No. But that is exactly one of the reasons what we're doing is a good thing." Jacob said as he nodded. "Let's go to the third floor." Jacob agreed, turning and heading for the stairs. He opened the stairwell door and gestured for Hayden to go first and he'd follow him onto the stairs.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Checkpoint and cells. Done. It was, of course, record time from the other two that they had done. Now that they had done two, Soren felt like their people were capable. “Okay, we’re gaining more people as we go, which is great by the way, but it means that we can afford to split into two groups. We can get more done faster that way, and I would really like to go now. We have a whole bunch more, so let’s keep moving.” He split the group in two, keeping Josh in his own group of course. He sent the other group backtracking to work from the first one the other way around. That way the two groups could work towards each other and stop whenever they ran into the other. “Let’s move.” Soren moved that truck to the next checkpoint and they did it all over again.

Hayden and Jacob moved to the third floor. This had the same number of apartments of course. On the first row, they met a handful of people. Rachel’s family was actually a family of five. Rachel (14) was watching the baby upstairs while Harry (12) was watching Carrie (11), John (7), and Hugh (4). It was easier for them when they had their grandparents who were being shuffled off somewhere else. Next door, they met Noah who used to be a tour guide in Seattle to show off all the interesting places around. His wife was a soldier. Phoenix’s husband was a soldier, and she was a wedding planner who was bored out of her mind. She also wanted the rooms to look better. Devon was having a hard time accepting that his husband was going to be nonstop in this dangerous world. He tried his hardest not to cry the entire time, but he failed. Lastly was Frida, a food critic, who felt that they needed to spice up their lives. She was engaged to a soldier. Hayden could only imagine who else they would meet.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

This checkpoint went up even faster than the last and they had several more people joining. As Josh looked to Soren for a little leadership even though they were the same rank, he appreciated the older man’s knowledge. Once the groups split, Josh stayed with Soren’s group, they headed to the trucks and to the next checkpoint. The two groups worked quickly and it seemed like they were getting even closer to being done. “Only a couple more I think.” Josh commented to Soren as they finished the next checkpoint and got ready to head to the next one.

Jacob was surprised at the family of five, and he found it pleasant speaking to each occupant of the first section on the third floor. The other side started with a family of four. Gaige was the father, their mother Ada was an engineer for FEDRA and he had two young twin sons aged 12. Oscar and Paul. The next door had a young woman around Josh’s age named Layla, her new husband was a soldier as well, she was about two months pregnant. Next door to her was a teenager about 17 and both his parents were soldiers, his name was James. Then a single man named Isaac whose wife was a soldier. And the last door held Penelope, an older woman who’d once been a seamstress for a local clothing store and if she had fabric, she’d make them all clothes if they wanted it. Jacob and Hayden were back at the stairs and Jacob sighed. “Second floor?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

They were moving so quickly. Soren was frankly proud that they could do so much in so little time. For being a practically new organization with a whole new situation, he was impressed with how well everything was coming together. If they got this up quickly enough, maybe they could even start going out and saving people. They were throwing up checkpoints like professionals. Of course, they were the professionals now. After a while, he took a moment to rest by Josh. “How are you doing?” He asked as they were moving to the next checkpoint.

“Second floor,” Hayden agreed. They moved to the second floor to see who they could meet there. The first apartment housed a woman in her forties. She was an elementary school teacher named Eliza Goolsby. Her husband worked for FEDRA. The next was an older gentleman named Harry. His wife was a data specialist with FEDRA, though he was not sure if she was getting to do that now that everything had changed. In the next apartment was a younger woman named Evelynn who was a Disaster Housing Inspector for FEDRA. She currently was not at work primarily because she was at home taking care of her two month old baby. Her husband, Randy had the same job, that was how they met, and was currently working. The next two apartments were the wife and fiancé of FEDRA soldier brother twins. Nora and was married to Ian. Kayla was engaged to Richard. Neither of them had children, and though Nora wanted kids, she was questioning that decision now. Hayden stretched at the end of the last apartment on that one side. “One and a half more floors to go.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh, not having any prior experience in anything like this, was happy at how quickly they were doing this. Perhaps they would be able to save more lives because they were getting this set up so fast. As they took a moment to rest, he looked over at Soren when he asked him. "I'm.. okay. Tired, er well actually exhausted but we've got more checkpoints to put up." Josh admitted as he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just not used to this kind of work I guess."

As they made it to the second floor, Jacob was surprised at the different people they were meeting, but he had a smile with each person he met. As they made it past the first five rooms, he stretched too. A small yawn slipped out on accident and he sighed. "Yep." Jacob agreed with a smile. The first door was Alison, her husband was a FEDRA commander who was sent to Seattle along with the other generals and commanders. Beside her was Marcus, who was engaged to a FEDRA scientist, After him was a small family of three, Julie was the mother of fifteen year old Hugh, and her husband worked as an engineer for FEDRA. Beside them was Jason, who was engaged to a FEDRA officer and lastly was Luis who's wife worked as a data analyst. "One more floor to go." Jacob said once they were back at the stairwell.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“You know what I think?” Soren asked as their break was coming to an end. “I think you are doing better than I could have expected from anyone. You see all these people with us?” He pointed to the men and women who were working with them. “They have massively stepped up in a time of crisis. Just like you. But they needed someone to lead them, and those big wigs like General Fontaine and even Cap are too busy doing big wig things to do that. So that’s us. You and me. And you just came in with no previous knowledge or experience and are killing it.” He nodded towards their people who were heading to the last little bit to go. “So let’s keep killing it for just a little longer. We are saving lives, Josh. I never thought that I would ever do anything that important.”

As they made their way to the last floor, Hayden also found himself yawning. It was so late in the night, but he knew that this was important. “Once we get this part done, then it’s going to get easier. I know it.” He was pretty sure he was trying to convince himself. The first half included an actually empty apartment this time which the neighbors explained was because two soldiers lived there and therefore would likely be gone all the time. The first neighbor, and also the very helpful one who already knew much, was an older woman named Norma who had been married to Sabien all very many years he had worked for FEDRA. He was a general. The next was a family of four with Whitney and her two children Michael and Christian. They were twins. Their father worked for FEDRA. The next was a younger woman who was probably in her early twenties, and she looked absolutely strung out. Her name was Anna, she had not slept in days, and Hayden was certain that she saw the same kinds of demons that he did. Her boyfriend was a new soldier too. She was not handling it well. The last in that row was Waylon, a farmer who couldn’t farm. He was not loving having to stay in this apartment while his husband was off doing whatever it was that they enlisted him to do. Hayden was feeling the weight of all of these people heavily on his shoulders. “I sure hope we can do some good with them.”

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