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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

That was better than it could be. 24-48 time window was a long window. “Thank you. I appreciate the information.” He frowned for a moment as he thought before turning back into the unit leader he once was. “alright, I want you to make this your priority. If there’s information to be had, you get it. Find yourself a team who can help you obtain it. The second you know more, I need you to funnel it back to us. We will be in touch with General Fontaine. I’m going to try to find Commander Hollis as well in the relatively near future. I think they will want to know.” He nodded a sincere dismissal and looked back at Josh and the soldiers with them. “So. We bring them back to cells we set up where they stay for 48 hours. In that time, we give them food and blankets and keep a thorough eye on everyone. If anyone starts to get out of control and dangerous.” He breathed. “We let them go. They do not get to endanger the rest of the survivors.” He looked at Josh. "So let’s get that set up.”

With the pencil, he wrote down the ideas. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have paint and canvas for that too?” He asked as he wrote that down as well. “You know what? We’re going to make a list of everything we want to make this place better. They are ‘clearing’ out areas right? Getting their own supplies? Then they can also bring us back supplies. That seems fair.” He wrote at the top ‘Supplies’ before continuing. “And I think we should go meet the neighbors. See what they want too. We need each other’s support. We can’t leave everyone on their own like this.” He paused. Breathed. Ran a finger over the ring that brought him hope. “We can do this together. You and me. The best brother team out there.” He smiled wide. No one could stop them.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, Former ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh listened to the soldier and thought about that time window. How many had been infected before the world ended? He looked at Soren after the soldier was dismissed. The soldier had nodded before he left. Josh nodded as he looked at Soren. “Where do we set these up? And how many can we set up at a time? It’s a big city and we might run out of cells for everyone coming in.” Josh said, though the plan made sense to him. He just wasn’t sure if it would work out well. There were so many people in this city, infected and non infected alike.

“So we definitely need like seating, but I’m not sure how easy that will be to get.” Jacob said as he sighed. “Well let’s go talk the neighbors and see if they have anything they need or want.” Jacob said, getting to his feet. He held a hand out for Hayden and smiled. “We can make one huge list for all of us.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

That was another question he wasn’t sure how to answer. It really was a huge city. “Well, let’s go look. Since you and I just took this over, maybe we take that over too. It may be easier to visualize if we can literally visualize it.” He turned to another soldier. “Do me a favor. Anyone in charge of any of this, can you get them to meet us at the main gate. I don’t know if it will stay main for now, but that one. We’re going to do a walkabout, and then we are going to make some decisions. I hate sitting around for other people to tell us what to do. Shall we, Officer Smith?”

Hayden took Jacob’s hand and stood up. “I am sure someone in this place can build furniture if we can’t find any. Put those soldiers to work.” He laughed as he headed to the door. “And I am sure that everyone is going to have many opinions.” He tapped his notebook. “So let’s get to know everyone out there.”

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