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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden had a million things that he wanted to say and ask. He had a million things he wished that he knew how to tell Josh, but the words did not want to come out. They were perfectly content to wait until the two of them were no longer standing just out of the way for the doorway. Did they close the door? He peered out from the spot where he buried himself to look, but instead saw the other two. He smiled and snuggled closer as he stood there. Now that was cute. He always wanted a brother, nothing against his sister, and now he had so many of them. Three? He kissed Josh on the cheek as he kicked his leg out to close the front door. “How was work?” It was easier to joke when Hayden could see him alive and well.

This was crazy. He knew it. They were in some crazy whirlwind romance story that he would have waved off as something the romantics would want to read or watch. This was crazy, and he absolutely would never have expected something like this to happen to him, but it did, and he was so glad that he popped his head in to check on his neighbors. Otherwise, he would probably also be doing mostly exactly the same thing but without Jacob, and now that he knew him, there was no way he was doing this without him. Not when there was a chance of doing it with him. The fact that Jacob was currently most definitely kissing him back meant that he was doing something right. When he finally fulled away because he was severely depleted on oxygen, he didn’t go far. His hands stayed clamped on Jacob’s cheeks. “I know we just met, and I know this is probably moving really, really fast, but I really like you. If we were living our normal lives, I would probably do this a lot slower and try to woo you with gifts or something like that. Take you out on actual dates.” He paused to laugh at this situation. At himself. He was that teen romance love interest right now. “I know this is crazy. I know. But you woke up something I didn’t know was in me. I want to explore that with you. I want to be there for you when you can’t fall asleep. When it hurts to close your eyes.” He pushed a strand of Jacob’s hair out of his face. God, he was so beautiful. And Soren was smiling so big and wide right now. “Will you let me do that?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh couldn’t help but smile as he glanced up to see Soren and Jacob. He felt Hayden snuggle closer and smiled wider at the kiss. He heard the door shut as he looked down at Hayden. “It was okay. Much better now that I’m home. How has your day been?” Josh asked him.

Jacob didn’t want the kiss to stop. He wished he didn't have to breathe. But he did. Though he didn’t break the kiss, Soren did. He looked into his eyes and smiled softly, feeling those hands still on his cheeks. He listened to him, and couldn’t help but chuckle a little. A blush crossed his face as he felt Soren push a strand of hair out of his face. His smile was just as big and wide as he looked at him. “Yes. I will. I’ve never met someone like you Soren, and I know it’s fast, I know it’s crazy but.. I want to be beside you, to hold you on really bad days and to be there with you.”
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh always knew what to say to make him feel better even when it was something as simple as saying things were better around him. That was sometimes all he needed to hear. That and the day was okay. Which meant that it was not great, but how could it be with the world like that? “Um…” Difficult. Painful. “Okay.” It could have been better. “Jacob helped a lot. We played Sorry! I don’t know who won. I think I got distracted.”

Why did this make him so happy? Why did Jacob make Soren so happy after such a small amount of time? This could be a mistake. This could turn out to be something that goes drastically wrong, but right now, he felt like there was nothing else in the whole entire world that was more right. Jacob telling him that this was what he wanted made his stomach do flips and practice for the Olympics, but it also made him want to do nothing more than kiss him again. So he did. He kissed him just as deeply as the first time, because this was the path they were choosing to follow. When he pulled away again, mostly out of breath, he spoke again. “Come stay with me. They’ve set up housing for soldiers. Stay with me wherever they are giving us apartment space. I don’t know how this is going to go, and I don’t know what the future holds, but I really want to try this with you. Plus, we’ll have really good neighbors.” He glanced over at Josh and Hayden.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded as he heard him. “I’m glad Jacob was able to help you. Oh really? That sounds fun.” He said with a smile. “Hey baby? They’ve set up housing for us. We’ve got a new apartment and we’ll have some pretty great neighbors.” He said, looking at Hayden. “I’ve got a surprise for you too”

Jacob’s heart was racing as he felt Soren kiss him again. He kissed Soren back just as deeply. This was crazy, scary and anything could happen but right now? Jacob didn’t care. Once they pulled apart again, he looked at Soren when he heard him. Stay with him? “Okay. I’ll stay with you. I want to see where this goes with you.” Jacob told him, this time he took the initiative to kiss Soren as deeply as the last two kisses between them had been. Jacob had never been more excited and scared in his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

New apartment. Now how did he figure that out so fast? He peered over at the other two and realized that this must have been the military. Josh became a superhero, and they set him up with a place to live. So no more living here. He did miss being on their own. He loved the family, and he would never say no to them, but he missed how it was before. He looked back at Josh at the last bit. “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”

Soren’s heart swelled with the answer, and the kiss. Oh God, that kiss. It was even better when Jacob was initiating it. Alright, so he got it. Josh was saying the scariest day was asking someone he knew loved him for years and years to marry him. Soren was asking someone he was pretty sure liked him, the kiss was a good indication of this, to move in with him. After less than twenty-four hours of knowing each other. If Josh could be promoted up to Unit Leader in less than two days then he could do this. “And if it doesn’t work, that’s okay. But I feel like it might. They say it’s how you handle tragedy together, right? This is it, and I think we’re doing really well.” He slid his hands down so that he could pull Jacob into a hug. A tight embrace. Love in a day. Yeah, that was him, and he was kind of proud of that.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Hayden as he saw him look at the others. His smile widened as he saw Hayden look back at him. “So I went back to the apartment. And I got all your books from there. Comic books included.” Josh told him with a big smile. “Oh and clothes for both of us.” He added, looking at him with a big smile.

Jacob had shocked himself when he initiated the kiss. But he wouldn’t change it. He loved this moment. Love. Did he love Soren? He really really liked him but love? He looked at the man before him. He listened to Soren and smiled big. “I think we’re doing really well to.” Jacob agreed as he felt those hands slide down and electricity followed them. Then he felt the hug. Jacob hugged him back just as tight, head tucked to his chest. Yeah. This felt right. This felt perfect, this felt like love. After a few moments, Jacob adjusted his head so the side of his head was on Soren’s chest. “When do we head to the new apartment?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Went back to the apartment. No. His whole body felt heavy. Not- Books? Josh got his books? All his research and stories. And the comics he got from the shop. And clothes! They weren’t going to have to live in these same ones for the rest of his days? That was a relief. He was torn. He was excited to have their things back but he was also terrified that Josh went back. “Are you okay? But also, yeah? You got it all? When did you go?”

Soren thought he was too old to be like this. He thought he missed the chance to have these giddy emotions. He was wrong. He was so wrong. Whoever was telling the world that this goes away when you’re an adult is a liar. It was amazing and scary and he really wasn’t going to be on his own anymore. Part of him wished that he could tell Dorothy. She was so sweet and always telling him to find someone so he wouldn’t be so lonely. He did. He found someone. “Today? Are you okay with that?” Suddenly he felt like maybe this was asking too much. Maybe if they had a few more days to ease into it, it wouldn’t be so terrifying. Was this too much? “I don’t know where they’re going to set up the civilian housing for your dad and brother, but they’ve already got one for us ready. I grabbed as much of my clothes as I could fit in the duffel, and you can have any of them.” He kissed the top of Jacob’s head. “Anything I have can be yours if you want.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Hayden and nodded. “I’m okay. And yes I got it all. And I grabbed the pictures of us so we’d have those.” He said with a smile. “We went after they sent us home to get you two. So we can move into these apartments and have our stuff. I even grabbed your favorite sleepwear.” Josh said, kissing his forehead gently.

He shifted a little so he was just a bit closer to Soren. “Today is fine. I’m more than okay with that.” He replied before he hummed in thought. “W- Will they be okay here though? Dad knows how to use a gun so they should be fine right?” Jacob asked, feeling the kiss to the top of his head and smiling. “Thank you. I have some clothes here I kept for overnights when I was too tired to go all the way across the city to my apartment. But it’s not a lot. So I appreciate that thought and I can’t say I won’t steal some of your clothes.” He said with a small laugh. He didn’t want to move but he should pack up the handful, literally, of clothes and tell his dad and brother goodbye. “Um Soren? Will I be able to see my dad and brother still..?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden continued to be torn. Was he upset that they risked their lives going back to the worst place Hayden had ever been to get some books, pictures, and clothes that should not be worth their lives. He was also excited that they got to keep a part of their old lives in the wake of this havoc. But at the cost of potentially not coming back? Was this the kind of thing he and Soren were doing? Going to places like that? Places that were worse? He didn’t want to know. He knew that he absolutely did not want to know. Instead, he tilted his chin up and kissed Josh softly. “Thank you. You’re the best. I miss being cozy in our sleep.”

The mere idea of Jacob wearing Soren’s clothes made him smile. He loved this new future he was sharing with him. He wanted to share everything. It was good that there was probably a little here for him too. That way he could have some clothes that fit him a little better. Flannels though could be worn by a variety of anyone. He grabbed plenty of those. Sore was taken off guard by the question. “Well, yeah, I assume so. We’re just moving in to the apartments they have set up. We’ve been going in and out the last two days, so I’m assuming we’ll have to flash some badges or whatever to get in and out but we can come see them whenever we want.” That only made sense to him. “And they said they were working on the civilian housing right now, so maybe we could move them close to us where we’ve already secured everything. No more danger. I know this is Lucas’ house, but with your mom-“ gone. He breathed. “Maybe he’d like a change too? And we can protect him. Josh and I want to protect everyone. This is a real chance to get back to normal.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh smiled, feeling the kiss and he kissed him back. “You’re welcome baby. And now, you’ll be all cozy tonight.” Josh said. He shifted a little and looked at Hayden. “I should uh talk to Dad and Logan. Let them know what’s going to be happening.” Josh said, reluctant to leave this hug.

Jacob nodded when he heard that. “Okay. That makes sense.” He said at first, listening to Soren. “Really? That would be pretty cool. And I’m sure dad would be okay with the change.” He said before he lifted his head to look at Soren. “I know you do. And I’m glad that I have you to protect them. And normal? I would love for things to be normal again.” Jacob replying, leaning up to kiss Soren again, this time gently before he pulled away. “I should probably go pack and let dad and Logan know I’m leaving with you guys I guess.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren nodded. “Yeah, of course.” He pulled his arms away, took a step back. He was going to let that be a family conversation but had a though. He reached for Jacob’s hand, the electricity jolting through his chest. “Hey, worst case scenario, I’ll sneak them in with us. They can be our secret until we have a good place for them.” He kissed Jacob’s cheek. “This is going good for everyone.”

Hayden nodded. “Okay.” He also stepped away, considering whether or not he should go with him. Then he looked over at Soren. “Oh, we’re kidnapping them? That seems absolutely reasonable. Josh honey, we’re kidnapping your family if the world doesn’t figure itself out soon, okay?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob didn’t quite like feeling the loss of Soren’s arms around him. He went to walk into the kitchen when he felt a hand take his. The electric current ran through him at the contact. He turned to look at Soren and smiled. “Okay. That would be quite the secret.” He said, a light blush on his face from the kiss. “It really is.” He said, and then without letting go of Soren, led the way into the kitchen where the abandoned Sorry! board was on the table with the green pawns of Jacob winning and the yellow pawns of Logan losing. Logan and Lucas looked up at Jacob and smiled. “Uh. Dad. Logan. I’m going with Soren to live in his new apartment.” Jacob announced. “I’m happy for you son.” Lucas said and Logan nodded. “You’re just leaving because you were losing.” Logan teased and Jacob shook his head. “I’m leaving so you can win. Look at that board bro. My green pawns are winning.”

Josh looked at Hayden and then heard Soren. “Sounds like a plan to me.” He said with a chuckle, taking Hayden’s hand and following them into the kitchen.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

The good thing about this situation was that Soren already knew Jacob’s family. He didn’t have to meet the parents and have that awkward conversation. Instead, he was having the ‘Yes, hello, I know we all just met, but I have converted one son to the military and am stealing the other away to a fairytale happy ending’ conversation. He looked at the game on the table that they didn’t finish. Green pawns. Yep, this was the right choice. “And I’m going to figure out when we can secure apartments for you two as well. I promise that I’m not stealing him away forever.”

Hayden looped his arm around Josh’s as they entered the kitchen, holding him close and tight as they got there. "But don’t worry, Logan. I’ve heard rumors of grand theft family in the future. You can stay with us. I’ll keep you even if you lost.” He smiled and winked.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Lucas stood up from the table and looked at Soren. “We appreciate that a lot. As long as you take care of him, you aren’t stealing him away. You’re giving him a new life. And we’ll see each other again.” Lucas said, smiling at the two. He was thankful that his son had found someone. Logan was quiet, but he nodded with his father. Then he looked at Hayden and grinned. “At least someone loves me enough to keep me even if I lose.” And Jacob just rolled his eyes and laughed at Logan. “Someone has to.” Jacob replied.

Josh felt Hayden hold him close and tight with the looped arm. “Yes Logan. We can keep you even if you lost to Jacob.” Josh replied with a laugh.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren pulled Jacob closer, stepping behind him, and letting go of his hand to slide it up Jacob’s arm before both arms slipped over his shoulders and wrapped loosely around him. “That’s the plan.” He kissed Jacob’s cheek. “For as long as he’ll let me. How much do you have to pack? Do you need help?”

Hayden let go of Josh to walk over to the table and hug Lucas. “Thank you for letting me stay here. And watching over me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” He turned to Logan and did the same. “I’m sorry I didn’t let you finish the game. But I appreciate you trying for me.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob felt himself get pulled closer to Soren, a flick of his eyes noticed him step behind him. The electric feeling sparked as Soren’s hand left his and traveled up his arm. And then he felt two arms over his shoulders and wrapped loosely around him. He blushed at the kiss to his cheek. “I don’t have a lot to pack but I’d never say no to company or help.” Jacob replied, tipping his head back to look at the other man.

Josh watched Hayden go over to Lucas first. “Of course Hayden. We’ll always welcome you. You’re part of the family.” Lucas said, hugging Hayden back. Logan chuckled, hugging Hayden and sighed. “It’s okay.” Logan said, a big smile on his face. “I had a lot of fun anyway.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

For a moment, Soren forgot about everyone else around them. His whole being only saw Jacob. He loved how that was now. He loved this new way of existing. How had he gone so long on his own? “Okay. Show me?” He lingered there a moment, just staring at him like he did now, before dropping one arm and running the other along his back and down his arm to lace his fingers in Jacob’s.

Hayden smiled, spinning his ring. His smile faltered for just a moment. Breathe. He stepped back and wound his arm around Josh’s. Ground in him. Breathe. He could breathe. He looked out the window. Past reflections. Past hurt. Past roamers. Lost for a little while.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob took the moment to revel in what he’d found. The closeness, the warmth and comfort. The love. He heard Soren’s words and then felt one arm drop and then the other ran along his back. The electricity moved with him like a jolt and then settled when Jacob felt him take his hand. Their fingers laced together like a puzzle piece finding its match. “Okay.” Jacob said with a smile, turning and leading Soren to the stairs, up and into his old room. Once inside, he paused and looked at Soren. They were finally alone for a few minutes. Jacob pulled his hand free, grabbed a duffel and loaded it with the handful of clothes he had here, and zipped it closed. Once that was done, he left it on the bed and moved to stand in front of Soren. He took both hands and smiled. The excitement of the moment danced in his brown eyes. He leaned up and kissed him gently before he pulled away. “Thanks for the company.”

Josh felt Hayden wind his arm with his and he noticed him spin his ring. Then he went quiet. Saw him look out the window. “Are you okay baby?” Josh asked quietly, kissing the side of his head.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren had been in this room before. He’d been on that bed. He had already been the kind of intimately close that came with sleeping with your bare chest and arms around someone. He shared secrets though not terribly crazy ones in this room. They wet still secrets though. But it was dark when all that happened. It was late when everyone was exhausted. Now, as he stood in this room, he could see how it was meant to be seen. He could see the world as it used to be when Jacob was younger and lived in this house. This was a brief memory. A snapshot of the past. Soren's attention pulled back to the present as Jacob dropped the bag and came back to him. His touch made his insides dance. He felt it somewhere deep in his gut. Somewhere in his throat. In his cheeks. His kiss set his world alight. He stood there, breathless after a moment that should not cause him to be so. “It’s my pleasure,” he answered, frozen in their own moment together. “You know, I- I don’t just do this with anyone. All of this. I don’t… I don’t do this at all actually.”

Hayden stared a moment longer, hearing sounds that felt like words. Words coming from a voice that soothed him. Voice of a hero. He turned to smile at him. Smile with all his love and affection. He leaned his head on Josh’s shoulder, but otherwise found it difficult to answer. Are you okay? “Yeah. I’m fine.” Enough. Fine enough for now. He couldn’t tell Josh how it really was. Not right now. Not when he was so proud of getting their things back and obtaining a new place to live. Not when he was being a hero. Hayden’s hero. Later. He would tell him later.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob looked at Soren, seeing him breathless. Did.. Jacob cause that? Something inside him tingled a little at the thought. He felt it start in his stomach and curl out to his limbs. Jacob blinked, hearing that and looking at him. "I feel very honored to be the one you want to do this with.. because I- I've never done this before. Any of this." Jacob admitted, a blush crossing his face as he smiled softly. "I've never had someone I've wanted to do this with. Until now." He added, squeezing Soren's hands gently.

Josh felt Hayden lean his head on his shoulder and heard his words. He saw that smile, and had smiled back. Josh rested his head on Hayden's as he waited for his brother and Soren. He'd give them time because he was enjoying his own time with Hayden. "Okay baby." He said softly, twisting his head to kiss the top of Hayden's gently.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hearts beating fast, breath intermingled, bodies close. Closer now that Soren moved closer. People were waiting on them. They knew he did not have a lot to get. Which meant they also knew that if they took a while, they were clearly taking a while for other things. “You don’t normally run off with the guy you met yesterday to start a new life in a brand new world?” Soren smiled. “Because I don’t usually coerce perfectly reasonable nurses I met yesterday to forsake their reputations as reasonable and join me in my brand new world full of monsters I’ve promised to protect them from either.” He beamed really. He broke apart one set of hands and picked up the packed duffel that he slung over his shoulder before taking that hand again.

Hayden waited a moment. Stilled. Stalled. Stolen away. Then he led Josh out of the kitchen with an audience, not because he cared too much but because it felt too personal to share this moment. These questions. Away, he stopped and wrapped his arms around Josh’s neck. He breathed. Breathed in the scent of normalcy. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Hayden was more than a little wary of the whole situation.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob's heart had never beat so fast in his life, even when he was scared from nightmares. He looked at Soren as he moved closer and Jacob's cheeks were bright red. "Not normally no." He said with a chuckle, hearing him. This was happening, this was real. And he loved it, a lot. "Well, I guess we have a brand new world to explore together. You protect me and I'll patch you up when you get hurt." Jacob said as he felt one set of hands break and he noticed Soren grab the duffel bag. Then their hands were together again. "We should probably get downstairs before they start wondering just why we're taking so long." Jacob said, giving a little wink and laughing softly.

Josh looked at Hayden as he followed him out of the kitchen. Then they were alone, together. A little more private. Josh looked at Hayden, felt those arms wrap around his neck. He wrapped his arms around Hayden's back as he looked at him. "Yes. I'm sure. I know it's new, it's strange and it's scary, but I'm sure." Josh told him, leaning his head to press his forehead to Hayden's. Josh didn't know what else to say, so he just stayed close.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

How had this even happened? That was what Soren wanted to know. He was going to have to thank Josh and Hayden for being such good neighbors or he might not have gone to check on them. Well, he probably would have but not in the same way. He may have paid more attention to other neighbors first. His thought process died in that moment with that wink. It made this grown man blush, and that he did not think should have been so easy. He laughed a little nervously, a little anxiously, and a lot aware of the chemistry between them. He gave him one last deep kiss, breathed out, “Let them,” and then dropped one hand so that he could lead Jacob out of the room and down the stairs.

Arms wrapped around him, foreheads together, beings close. He closed his eyes, blocking out the visual sensations so that he could enhance the rest. “As long as you’re sure.” Hayden knew that he was even before he asked. He just had to ask. He just had to hear it for sure. He looked towards the stairs at the approaching steps. “Hey you two. Are you ready to go?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Jacob's heart raced as he saw the blush on Soren's face. It was a rather endearing sight to him and it had happened after he'd winked at him. Did he cause the blush too? That made Jacob smile wider, and he heard the laugh from Soren. Before he could say or do anything else, he was kissed and Jacob kissed back just as deeply. Then he heard the comment and his blush darkened and crept towards his ears. Cheeks warm. He felt one hand dropped and hung at his side as he followed Soren out of the room, down the stairs and looked over at his brother and Hayden. He glanced at Soren and then nodded. "Yeah. I think we're ready to go."

Josh held him close, hearing his words. "I am sure.." He replied, before he heard footsteps on the stairs. A smile on his face as he looked at the two. His eyes flicked down to look at Hayden before he looked back at them. "Are you ready to go?" Josh asked Hayden, because he was definitely ready to go himself.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren popped his head into the kitchen to find the people they were leaving. “Okay, I think we’re ready to head out. I just wanted to say thank you again. Thank you for letting me into your home and treating me like part of the family. That was far more than I could ever ask for. And as soon as we get this apartment thing figured out, the invitation is always open for you as well.” He nodded sincerely to Lucas and Logan and headed back to the door where he slowly opened it and took a look outside. All clear.

Are you ready to go? No. He nodded, smiling gently as he waited for Soren to finish. Then he looked up at Josh, and said, “Take me home, my love.” Later. They could talk about it later. When they were alone in a place where they could be safe again. Where they were surrounded by people who wanted to save the world. He could tell Josh then about his worries. About his nightmares. He could tell him then. He stepped out the door and headed towards the truck full of promises.

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