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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren laughed. That was one of the truest things he ever heard. “I was not prepared to have a whole awakening when I took you guys to your dad’s house. I really did think I was just going to turn around and do my job like I always do.” He stared out the window as they slowly followed along the road. “But then there was him.” He tried to bite back his own smile, but he couldn’t. “Thanks, I needed that. In the last two days, I gained probably the closest friend I have and also whatever it is I have with him.” He sighed. “But I’m just a little afraid that now’s a bad time, you know? With your… with your mom. I’m afraid that if I do something about this, it’s taking advantage? Because he’s hurting. He’s hurting so badly, and I want to be there for him like I have never wanted to do in my whole life. But we met at the end of yesterday, and I’m already sharing intimate hugs in a kitchen and telling things about myself I’ve never told anyone, and holding him so he can fall asleep…” He let the words trail away, lost in the thoughts and the memories. “I don’t want to be the bad guy.”

The rubs to his back brought thoughts of Josh. Josh who was out there somewhere trying to be a hero. He was a hero. He would come back. He promised that they would come back for them. He had to believe that. Breathe for me. He worked on those deep breaths. Deep breaths. It was okay. When your cool older brother told you that it was going to be okay, it was going to be okay. He was okay. Okay. Breathe. “At least you don’t have episodes like that,” he finally whispered when he felt more like himself again.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded, remembering when he and Hayden first met. Middle school. The first day. Josh was late to school and his mom drove him in. He was late to class and the only seat was beside Hayden. And Josh had decided he was going to befriend him. And the rest was history. “You aren’t taking advantage of him for one. You aren’t going to be the bad guy. He needs someone to be there for him in ways that family can’t. I can’t tell you what to do, but if you feel that way about him? Even in such a short time, then go for it. Jacob doesn’t share a bed with anyone or let them hold him either, not unless he really trusts and cares for them.” Josh said, smiling.

Jacob nodded, looking at Hayden when he heard him. It was true, he didn’t have episodes like that. At worst he had nightmares. “No. I don’t. But are you okay at the moment?” He asked. The nurse in him was wanting to check him out and make sure Hayden hadn’t broken anything in his fall and panic.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren felt like he was doing some weird equivalent of asking a father if he could court his offspring. In reality, he was asking the person who was genuinely the closest to him now if this was a good idea. Soren wanted it to be a good idea. It felt right. It felt like exactly what he should be doing, but he was so worried that it was their situation. He was afraid that this was only happening because Jacob needed someone who wasn’t family to comfort him and Soren was desperately searching for someone to need him. What if this was a bad idea? “You really think so? Okay. Well, I mean, that’s a relief I guess.” He leaned against his hand, fingers briefly covering his mouth as he tried to work this through. “I really like him. And if you think he likes me…”

Hayden tried to focus on himself for a moment. “Yeah,” he finally answered. “I’m okay.” He was okay for now. Well, okay enough. He wasn’t crying, but his breath still came in heavy. Now that he felt better, his head hurt even more. Everything hurt. Was this how it was always going to be? Freaking out and hurting himself?
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh looked at Soren, feeling a little odd about this. But he wanted Jacob to be happy, and he wanted Soren to be happy. “I really do think so. And I’m sure he likes you and I know my brother.” He said, trying to reassure Soren with a smile on his face. “You know, I was in a similar situation with Hayden. It took me a year to actually ask him out. I kept going back and forth with myself and even talked to Jacob about him. I’ve never told him that though. And same thing with asking him to marry me, it took me six months to decide on it, and another six to get the ring made.” Josh said with a small chuckle.

Jacob nodded. “Okay, I’m going to move away, and I don’t want you to move really. I need to check your head, spine and ribs. Okay?” Jacob asked because he didn’t want to just move away and start checking him without letting him know.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren looked over at Josh, honestly feeling better with the reassurance. He raised a brow at the idea of Josh being in a similar circumstance. How could they possibly have been the same? “You had the ring made? Well, okay then. That’s dedication and devotion right there.” He laughed and then his eyes widened. “Oh! Oh, congrats! When did you do that? Last time we talked before all this, you hadn’t gotten engaged yet, right? Am I terrible friend for forgetting something that important?”

Move? Hayden’s breath became more rapid as he started to panic, but then he slowed it down as he processed his words. “Okay.” Jacob wasn’t leaving, he was just going to check him. Okay, that was reasonable. He did hurt in a lot of places. The likelihood that he did something lasting seemed pretty high. It was a good thing he a nurse with him.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh chuckled as he heard that and then he shook his head with a smile. “I had to have the ring made, it’s got sharks all over the outside of it. Hayden’s favorite animal is the shark so I found it fitting. And thanks, uh. We got engaged like two days before this happened so no, you aren’t a terrible friend because we hadn’t seen you since it happened. And let me tell you, asking him to marry me? Scariest day of my life.” Josh said with a laugh.

He heard Hayden’s breath becoming rapid and then eventually slow down. Once he heard the okay, Jacob slowly moved. “I’m going to start with your spine and head. You let me know if anything hurts okay?” Jacob said, moving so he could look at Hayden’s head. No blood or bumps, and he seemed alert so no risk of concussion. Jacob ran his hand from the base of his skull and down his spine. A light pressure on the spine to feel if anything was out of place.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Don’t normal people just buy a ring and have a resized?” Soren shook his head. “See, that’s love right there. I don’t know why that’s so scary. He loves you. You two are like the quintessential relationship everyone wants. Besides, you just went down into the basement from Hell. How is that not scarier?” He looked out at the sight before him and widened his eyes. “Whoa. Maybe this should be scary. This is like… a full on military base. Holy…” FEDRA had not just taken over a little space. It took over blocks and blocks.

“What if everything already hurts?” Hayden nodded though, understanding what Jacob was wanting to do. His head hurt but nothing changed as Jacob ran his hand down. He may have found the place of impact if anything. On his spine, it kind of felt like the entire thing hurt, but when Jacob’s hand got a little lower than halfway down, he cringed away. “Hurts,” was all he managed to say in a strained voice.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Well. Before all this, it was scary because I proposed to him at the highest point of the Ferris Wheel at the aquarium. And I have a really bad fear of heights but Hayden loves the Ferris Wheel so I did it for him. But the thought that he could say no was always in the back of my mind..” Josh’s words trailed off as he saw the base ahead of them. “Whoa. So this is all.. the base.? This is crazy.” Josh said, peering out at the area in front of them.

Jacob felt Hayden cringe away and heard the strained voice and word. Okay. “I know it hurts, but I need to make sure it’s just a bruise. So here.” He held one hand out. “Squeeze my hand but I need to check this spot out. Okay?” Jacob said, wanting to make sure that it was bruising and muscle issues rather than something worse like a disc ruptured or slipped. He doubted that, the fall wasn’t that hard but he still needed to check. Although he wished he had the equipment like he did at the hospital.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Um.. yeah…” This was way bigger than any headquarters FEDRA used to have back when they were an emergency organization that was meant to help rebuild houses after hurricanes. It was swarming with soldiers and officer. There were so many trucks. “I mean, base is what we called it in the Army. This looks a whole lot like an Army base. But.. but we aren’t the Army. Right?” Now that he was looking at this, he wasn’t so sure. “With this kind of setup, they better be finding us a place to live. I like your dad and all, but I do not want to have to navigate a whole new relationship and also these streets forever.”

Hayden took that hand and squeeze like he was told even before Jacob was checking. “Okay.” This was not the worst pain that Hayden ever felt, but he was having a hard time telling what was bad and what was a continuation of the pain that was his entire life right now. With so much hurting plus his questionable emotional stability, he certainly could not determine for himself what was wrong with him.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t know the difference. “Well.. if what you mentioned about martial law being a possibility. Maybe this is the start? I’m not sure though.” Josh said, taking it in and then he looked at Soren. “I know what you mean. You can’t imagine how nice it was when we moved out at eighteen. Navigating a relationship especially a new one under the parents roof.. it’s not easy. And I really hope they have places for us to live. I miss being alone with Hayden.” Josh added.

Jacob felt Hayden take his hand and squeeze it. He started pressing a little harder around the area. The spinal cord seemed intact, nothing felt out of place. He didn’t feel any fluid or anything. “It’s just really bruised. So I’ll get some ice packs freezing and we’ll ice that. Now.. your ribs.” Jacob said, moving his hand to the ribs. He gently moved around and pressed, but nothing felt broken. The ribs all curved like they’re supposed to. “Just bruised too. So we can alternate icing the spine and the rib. But just bruised and angry. Nothing too bad.” Jacob said gently.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Marital law. They were saying that yesterday. Was it really going to happen? Were they really going to absorb everything and take over? This was a big disaster. A worldwide disaster. No one had ever dealt with anything on this scale before. “Yeah, maybe. We should ask around and see if anyone knows.” He pulled the truck out of the line and towards the other cars of the few people who managed to move themselves. Most of them also appeared to be trucks. Trucks were going to survive the apocalypse. Soren laughed at himself. “Think we’ll still be neighbors?” He asked as he cut the engine and got out of the vehicle, waiting on Josh to join him before they walked in.

Hayden sat there as still as he could manage. It was easier than he thought it might be, but he also had Jacob’s hand to ground him there. Bruised. Okay, that was not so bad. And the ribs. That also hurt, but it was not too bad. Thankfully, Jacob confirmed that it was not so bad as well. “Maybe we should keep me to padded places. I hurt my back last night on the bathroom tub too.” The memory struck him like it just happened. He stayed as still as possible. “Or maybe I should be padded.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Yeah. Let’s do that. See if anyone knows anything.” He agreed. He didn’t know if they’d declare martial law, but it was looking like a big possibility. Josh looked over at him and chuckled a little bit. “Maybe. Wouldn’t that be funny. I used to say I never saw Jacob enough.” He said, before he slipped out of the truck when it stopped moving. He moved to the front to walk with Soren into the big bass up ahead of them. It was definitely intimidating to Josh.

Jacob shook his head as he sighed. “We’ll keep icing it, because if we pad you, it might mess with your emotional state more. What we should do is work on techniques for you. So when these flashes and episodes happen, you have ways to deal with it without causing you to panic. Does that make sense?” Jacob asked, as he sat there. He’d taken his hand away from Hayden’s ribs and placed it on his shoulder gently.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“I think I would be sad if you weren’t my neighbor anymore. I always thought you were good people. And Ken. He was a good guy too.” He frowned as they stepped into one of the biggest, busiest places that Soren had seen in a very long time. Did this compare to places like the Army bass down in Texas? That place was huge. Biggest in the country. That was a long time ago, though. He didn’t know if his memory was serving him right. As they moved inside, they became one of many soldiers and officers. They blended in with the confusion and mayhem perfectly fine. This was new to everyone else too. There was a whole lot of not really knowing what was going on. They had to search for someone who had any answers. So naturally, he started asking literally everyone they passed if they knew anything or knew anyone who might have the answers for them. “Come on people. Someone has to know something around here.”

Techniques. No panic. How was he supposed to not panic when they came? A nightmare was one thing. You woke up from those. What were these? How was he supposed to deal with these? “Yeah, it makes sense. But how? When they… they’re so real.” His voice was small as he tried to pull himself together. “And I see them… Jacob, it’s not just sometimes. It’s- It’s always.” Because at any given moment, there was just a little somewhere. The floor was sometimes spattered like the pattern from the little girl. Anything liquid could become any part of any of them - blood, bile, flesh. Anything was ridges or texture. Every person. And that was when his eyes were open. When they were closed, it was so much worse.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh chuckled at that. “I would be sad too, you were a good neighbor. So was Ken.. and Chase.” Josh’s voice lowered at the names with a sigh. As they entered the busy place and stuck close to Soren. He might have lived in the city, but he had never been in such a busy place before. He looked around and seemed like a lost soul as he kept close to Soren. “Who would know? How do you find a person in charge?” He asked, looking around at the area.

Jacob listened to Hayden and sighed. “So.. when you see these things, think about positive things. Um. Think of Josh, think of sharks, think of time spent at the aquarium.” He said. “Try breathing when you think of these. I know it’s not easy, but let’s try it when you’re calm and maybe it won’t be as hard?”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren stepped around several people who were just as lost as them. He moved around tons that were even more lost if that was possible. And it certainly was. In the middle of finding anyone to ask, he added, “And that sweet old lady. What was her name? Dorothy or something? She was so kind. I will miss her too.” Eventually they came across a group of people who looked like they were at least telling other people what to do. “Okay, who can we talk to if we want to learn what’s going on? Because we’ve been wandering for a while, and we would much rather be doing something useful. Who is in charge of this place? Or just knows things? Or can tell me what’s going on out there in the world? You know, anything.”

Positive things like Josh and sharks and the aquarium. Breathe. Breathe for me. Was now a calm time? Because nothing was too bad. He was cemented in reality for now. But he wasn’t sure how long it would last. The nightmares bled into his waking moments so often. Were they here now? No. Not while he was talking to Jacob, but if he kept thinking about them, he was sure they would come back like when he was a little kid thinking too much of scary things. That’s when the scary things always happened to you. Think too much about the monster under the bed and then you know for sure it’s there. Think too much about the bullet in your brother’s face, and it’s going to be there the next time you look. He shook his head, decidedly not looking now. He breathed. He breathed and thought about Josh. And sharks. And the aquarium. Josh looking at sharks in the aquarium. Josh holding his hand as they stood in a crowd of people. A little boy hiding behind his mother as he stares in awe at the sharks. He peeks around her legs, but this time he turns around and the face looks at Hayden with blood covering his jaw and veins spidering out from his lips. He screeches, and Hayden threw his hands to his ears to cover the noise, but it didn’t dampen at all. They never did when they were in his head. Josh. Sharks. Josh. His arms wrapped around him to protect him from even the things he couldn’t see. Josh. Sharks. A shark ring. Without looking, Hayden spun it on his finger. Okay. Okay he could breathe. Okay. “Okay.” Okay. And his hands dropped.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded as he heard Soren. “I remember her, she’d bake us stuff all the time.” He said with a laugh. His eyes fell as he walked close towards the group of people. A person walked over to them. “Who are you two? We’re getting everyone together and getting people into the housing we have secured. We’ve got three apartment buildings for soldiers and their significant others. As for the world, we’re focusing our efforts on creating a zone for citizens and creating buffer areas where parts of the city have been hit the worst.” He explained, turning to lead the two of them to a table. A list was on it where names could be written down and apartments would be given. “Once you write your name and any significant other. We will assign you apartments and unfortunately after that I don’t know what will happen. I was assigned to help with apartment assignments.” The soldier told them.

Jacob watched as Hayden seemed to work through what he was saying. He winced when he saw him hands thrown to his ears and then a few moments later the hands dropped when he heard the okay. “Better? Is it that working Hayden?” He asked, tilting his head a little.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Officers Soren Truelson and Joshua Smith of Region 10. Unit Leaders.” Field promotion. He felt like saving the entire hospital and passing Cap’s tests were good enough. He could probably have that done whenever he saw their commander again. “You have been the most helpful of everyone we have talked to so far. Thank you.” He looked down at the paper and then hesitated. How weird would it be for him to write a significant other if he didn’t have one? But could? What was the worst that could happen? He and Jacob just chose to be roommates instead? That was probably better than wherever he would get shoved on his own. He felt kind of bad for Lucas and Logan, but he could only do so much as one person. So he did it. He made the choice to write both names down. He was mostly worried that he would get shoved into single soldiers’ housing, and when it came to the military, that was absolutely no fun at all. And if he were to have to get them to switch them over later, that could be a hassle. Besides, how could he keep his great neighbors that way? “Hey, we heard rumors of martial law. You heard anything about that?”

Hayden spun the ring again. Josh and his smile. Josh running around the track. His arms around him to protect him from everything. His arm around him as they looked at the sharks. He spun the ring. Josh. Smile. Run. Arms. Sharks. Ring. Hayden nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s working.” Josh. Smile. Run. Arms. Sharks. Ring. He nodded again and then finally made eye contact. Eyes that for a moment were the staring eyes of Chase. And then they were Jacob’s again. “Okay. I can do this. Thank you.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Officer Joshua Smith. Unit leader? Another field promotion. He blinked as he looked at Soren before turning to look at the other man. Once Soren wrote down names, he stepped up and wrote him and Hayden. Josh noticed that Soren wrote Jacob’s name down and he smiled. “Okay sirs. You have building 3. Apartments 401 and 403.” He said, writing the apartment numbers down on the sheet. “Now. You two can head home, get your things and your significant others. Once you do, report to the apartment buildings, which is located just behind this main base. We’ve got three buildings secured for soldiers. They’re still working on securing civilian housing just outside the base itself.” He explained before he looked at Soren and shrugged. “I’m not sure about martial law, though it has been talked about but nothing has been confirmed yet.”

Jacob watched Hayden spin his engagement ring and saw him nod. Good. Okay. It’s working. “You’re welcome. Would you like to play again or do something else?” Jacob asked, happy that he was able to help Hayden.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren nodded in appreciation of this person who actually seemed to know something about anything. “Thank you so very much.” He nudged Josh before he walked away and waited for them to be together and away from prying ears, which really wasn’t possible, before talking again. “I didn’t want to be your boss anymore. I liked it better when we were neighbors. So now we’re neighbors again. Literally and in rank. Colleague is better than boss.” He paused a moment and then assuming Josh would know what he was talking about he asked, “Is that okay? Am I about to make this super awkward? I panicked. But with the chaos of this, I didn’t think they would know what to do if I asked them to switch later.” He looked through the many people around them. “Okay, you ready to go get your man? I have no things to get. I guess I wear only these clothes from now on.” He laughed. “I am sure they have more. Probably. I hope.”

Hayden breathed. Breathe for me. “Um.” He hated to do that to everyone again. He was their weakest link right now. He looked back to the table. “Did I scare everyone away?” He wouldn’t blame them if he had. He did, after all, ruin yet another family gathering. That was unfair to them. They lost people too. They saw the same things. Everyone was dealing with the same problems right now.
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Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh felt the nudge from Soren and followed him away from the busiest part of the base. He glanced over at Soren when he heard him and nodded. “I’d much rather be neighbors and colleagues.” He agreed with a smile and then he nodded. “It will be fine. I’m sure he’ll be okay with it.” He said with a nod. And as they headed towards the truck he nodded. “I am ready to get him yes. Are you ready to get yours? And I wish that we could get our stuff from our old apartments.” He said, looking at his clothes. As they got to the truck, he slid into the passengers seat and waited for Soren.

Jacob looked over at the table where Logan and Lucas had set the game back together. “No you didn’t. We all understand and look. The games back and set up like we never stopped.” Jacob told him with a smile.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Are you ready to get yours? Soren sat down in the driver’s seat of the truck and briefly did a whole lot of nothing before he finally turned the truck on and nodded. “Yeah, I think I am. I also wish I could get my stuff. We can always go by and see how bad it is if you want? It could have no one there. Or the entire populace.” He shrugged. “Or we could just let it go and go with what we’ve got.”

Hayden looked over at them and was shocked. Absolutely shocked. he nodded. “Okay. Yeah if you guys are cool with it.” He slowly stood up, using Jacob as support, and made his way back to the table where it really was set up like he never knocked everything around. “Why are you guys the best family?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh thought about it for a moment. “Glad to hear that. And we can check, what would the harm be in checking? If it looks horrible, then we get out of there.” Josh suggested. He’d much rather have his own things than nothing and he was sure Hayden would like having his own stuff too. Maybe he could grab some of his books, and the games he had. In and out. One can watch the door while the other gets their stuff.

Jacob was more than happy to help Hayden up. He kept walking with him till he got to the table and set his chair back up. “Because we care about you just as much as the rest. We’re here for you Hayden.”
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren smiled and dipped his head low. “Alright, yeah. Let’s go see if we can get our stuff. We can pack plenty of things into the bed. I’ve got the roll cover so we can put things that would normally fly away. You know, if it’s safe.” The question was whether or not it would be. For now, he changed direction and drove back towards their old apartments instead. It would be better not to take the others with them in case it was bad. He didn’t want to bring either of them to where it looked rough anyway.

Hayden thought he might cry again but because he loved everyone there so much. He sat down in his chair and took a moment to breathe it all in again. Okay. “I believe I just sent Jacob back to his start,” he said with confidence. “Which means I am officially still behind but closer than I was before.” He laughed. A little. He could do this.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Joshua nodded with a confident smile. “Sounds good to me. We can watch each other when we grab stuff too. That way we can be each others back up.” Josh said as they headed towards their old apartments. He didn’t know what they’d find but he was hoping that they could get a lot of their stuff. He knew exactly where their suitcases were and everything. Fortunately they also lived on the first floor too. He was glad that Soren changed direction now, he didn’t want Hayden to see the apartment again.

Jacob looked at Hayden and smiled. “Yeah, you did. Though I’m still winning with the only pawn in home.” He said with a chuckle. He took his turn, moved five and then Logan went, moving seven. Then it was Hayden’s turn again.
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Getting to the apartments was a bit more difficult that Soren expected. FEDRA really had taken over a bunch of space. They were starting to put up what looked like temporary blockades likely to keep the infected out. There were a lot of infected about. He drove around them relatively easily for the most part. Sometimes he had to do som driving acrobatics to not die. Getting around all of the abandoned cars was taking absolutely forever. “I’m going to be honest. I mostly just want some other clothes. I feel gross in these.”

“But I have two on the board and therefore could do something!” He grabbed a card. Five. Hmm. Oh a slide! He loved sliding the pawns. Not exactly getting anywhere very quickly but doing pretty good. He was thinking that if he was going to be so far behind, his job might be to trash talk the other two.
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