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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh watched Soren’s rather acrobatic driving spots and he glanced over at him. “I’d like to get some clothes for us and Hayden’s books. Maybe something familiar would be good for him.” Josh said as he looked at the blockades. He noticed the apartment building up ahead and it seemed clear around. “It looks okay. What do you think?” Josh asked as he looked around. Maybe they’d get lucky, a small break from the worst two days.

Jacob grinned and laughed. “Oh is that so?” He said as he pulled a one. “Aha I have all my pawns out again!” He said as Logan went and pulled a seven, sending one pawn home and the other two spaces up.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

As they neared, Josh was right. It did seem pretty clear. He saw one person roaming towards the far end of the building, but one person wasn’t so bad. “I say we take these fancy military guns with us. You still got extra clips? They can get us more. Plus these things are serious bludgeoning weapons.” He pulled into the parking spot closest to door. It may be the apocalypse but he couldn’t break old habits. “And then I say we go get some of our stuff back.” He moved out of the truck and onto Josh’s side. “You ready?”

“See, this is why Jacob is my favorite twin,” Hayden said as he watched. Then he shook his head. “Look at that. Logan being the best twin if only Jacob could be more like him.” Heckling was his new role. “Oh? Is it my turn? I get to play now?” He pulled a card. A whole three. “Yep, I’m moving along the board. Like a snail. Anyone want to conveniently swap me into my home?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh saw the one person and then looked at Soren. “That sounds like a good idea. I do still have extra clips.” Josh said with a smile. Once the truck stopped moving, Josh slipped out of the truck and looked at Soren. “Let’s do this.” He said and turned towards the front door. In, grab stuff, out. Josh held his gun and silently made his way to the front door, looked back at Soren and then forward, pulling it open. The lobby was empty, and quiet. He waved at Soren. Come in. Clear in lobby.

Jacob and Logan shared a look. “That’s not gonna work Hayden.” Logan said with a chuckle. Jacob took his turn and pulled an eight and moved his second pawn. Logan went and drew an 11, swapping one of his pieces with Hayden’s and putting the younger man’s pawn closer to his home. Logan wouldn’t admit it, but he did that on purpose.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

They could run this like a mission. Soren moved quietly and quickly into the lobby. He double checked after Josh just in case. It looked clear. He wasn’t sure exactly how to tell where people were, but he assumed the screaming was a start. Occasionally they seemed to walk kind of slowly. A little like shuffling? He moved past the lobby and started heading down the way to get to their apartments. So far, he didn’t hear anything, but there was just no telling. He was hoping that enough people were running around outside that they didn’t manage to come back in.

Hayden shrugged. “A guy can try to pit his brothers against each other in the hopes that they fail horrendously leaving their dad younger brother in the clear to swoop in.” he was too busy being rude to notice the swap until it was his turn again and he’d been staring off somewhere else for a while. “Oh. Sorry.” He pulled a card. “Ooh hey look at that. This somehow gets me into the safety zone and that is suspicious but kind.” He smiled thankfully.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh moved with Soren, like a team of two. He kept to the back, glancing behind him as they came up to the first of their apartments. Josh and Hayden‘s. He tapped Soren’s shoulder and jerked his head into the apartment. Mine first? Then he pointed a door down to Soren’s. Yours first? He didn’t want to talk and draw attention to themselves.

Jacob rolled his eyes and laughed. “It’s not a bad strategy.” He admitted, as he pulled a five and moved a pawn to the safety zone. Logan drew a four and went backwards with a groan. “That did not work out for me.” He said with a chuckle.
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren considered a moment and then nodded towards Josh and Hayden’s apartment. Theirs first because in the end, he didn’t have a whole lot of things that held sentimental value. If they needed to get out quickly, having things for them meant a lot more, especially for Hayden. With the door broken open like this, he wondered if anyone wandered in. Sore stepped in and paused at the two bodies. The smell was terrible. He held up a hand as he listened. Wait. All he heard was their breathing. No signs of anything. He took a few more steps but didn’t see anything suspicious and waved them in.

“Thanks, I try. I’ll think up a better way to put you against each other. When I can think better.” He pulled a card and moved his only other pawn out. It landed in the middle of the slide. No fun there at all. “But hey, Logan, if you stay right there, I can send you back home if you’re tired,” he teased.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh waited as he saw Soren nod towards his apartment. He waited until he saw him wave Josh in. Josh followed in, scrunching his nose at the smell. He stepped over the bodies, head on a swivel and ears open. Quiet. Empty. He moved to the closet and grabbed their big suitcase. He opened it, went to the dressers and threw in as many of their clothes as he could. The suitcase was full but they had several outfits each and he made sure to grab Hayden’s favorite sleepwear. He had just enough room among their clothes to stuff all of Hayden’s books, some pictures of them from the walls and then he zipped it up. Josh hefted the suitcase onto his shoulder, and moved back to the front door. He nodded, gun in the other hand and ready to use as a weapon, probably more like a bludgeon than a gun. He would follow Soren to his apartment and keep any eye out for him so he could get his stuff.

Jacob laughed, heading Hayden. He seemed okay. “Ooh Logan.. better watch out.” He said as he pulled a nine. It got his second pawn home. “Oh really? Well I keep that in mind.” Logan said as he pulled a three. Not much of a move.
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren stood guard towards the front of the apartment and swapped between watching outside and inside for any potential threats. As Josh filled the suitcase, he thought he heard something coming from further down, but he wasn’t sure. He stepped out into the hall and listened. His attention moved to Josh as he came back to the front. Soren looked at him and pointed to his ear as he looked away. Maybe. Maybe something further down. He guessed they would see. He walked down the hall slowly, peering into all open doors just in case. He was just about to his when something from another room he already past rush out and grabbed him from behind.

“Jacob, who said you were allowed to be so good at this game? That’s unfair.” He pulled a one. Finally got his third pawn out. He placed it on the start and the little girl fell. His hand pulled away from the pawn as he stared at her, breath gone. He spun the ring. He thought about Josh. He breathed. He came back. “But at least I finally look like I might get somewhere.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh saw Soren point to his ear and he nodded. He followed Soren out into the hall and set his suitcase down by the door. He’d grab it on the way back. Josh walked behind Soren, looking around and then his eyes widened. He saw the person grab Soren and he took his hand and grabbed the person’s shoulder, pulled him away and the person turned. He dodged the erratic swinging of their arms and open mouth, avoiding a bite, and he stepped to the side before he swung his gun into the person’s head. It crumpled to the ground and he breathed hard. “Are you okay? It didn’t bite you right?” He asked as Josh looked around for any others. It seemed quiet again. Josh looked around but didn’t see anything else.

Jacob chuckled as he heard Hayden. “I’m a natural at it. What can I say?” He said. He watched Hayden move his pawn and then pull his hand away. He tensed a little before he saw the ring spin. Then Hayden seemed to be okay. Jacob took his turn and got a one. That wasn’t helpful. Logan drew a four again and moved his pawn backwards.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

For a moment, Soren couldn’t breathe. He felt strong hands on his back, and he tried to get away, but he wasn’t sure how best to do that. The fear that letting one behind could be fatal raed through him. Then those strong hands jerked away, and by the time he was swiveling around, Josh was taking the infected down. He blinked away the shock. The terror. Terror that he wasn’t going to make it back to Jacob. That was a genuine fear. He just decided that this was something he wanted to pursue. This didn’t get to be how it needed. “No, I don’t think so,” Soren answered. “Just got me. Th-thanks. Okay, my turn.” He moved towards the room. “I don’t hear anymore but… you never know.”

That was about when his focus stopped being able to reach the game. He would stare somewhere else until someone was able to tell him it was his turn. He wouldn’t always notice that. He missed Josh. Really missed him. It had been so long, and though they were doing such a good job trying to keep him there and tethered to that moment, he kept slipping. He kept falling somewhere else. He stared out the window, watching the nothing go by. Sometimes he watched as people kind of shuffled away. Hands covered in dry blood. Sirens blaring. Eyes watching. He wondered if that’s what his mother and sister were doing. Shuffling around a street. No longer them. But he didn’t cry. He didn’t do anything but stare.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh sighed as he nodded, hearing that. “Okay. And you’re welcome. I’ve got your back Soren.” He said, stepping around the body and following close behind him. “Let’s move, I don’t hear anything either.” Josh said, as he stopped at the door. “How’s your apartment look?” He asked, keeping his eyes on the hallways and listening to the room.

Jacob noticed that Hayden wasn’t paying much attention to the game. He was staring out the window. “Hayden? Did you want to stop playing this?” He asked, they’d stop the game where it was if Hayden didn’t want to, it was for him. He placed a gentle hand on Hayden’s shoulder.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren stepped inside his apartment, door also wide open, and sighed. “Like a mess,” he answered after scanning the area. It didn’t look like anyone was hanging out in waiting for unsanctioned murder. He stepped through slowly and methodically, checking every room first. “It’s clear,” he announced before he moved to the closet and pulled out his largest duffel which he used as a suitcase most times. He started in his bedroom, pulling out clothes that he quickly rolled and stuffed. He was used to packing a lot into a little amount. He grabbed more clothes than anything else because Jacob was going to need some too, and though they weren’t exactly the same size, anything was better than nothing. He grabbed an assortment of items that he thought might come in handy, but he really wasn’t sentimental about a lot of things. He moved as quickly as possible as he ran through the apartment until the duffel was full. “Alright, let’s go.”

Hayden didn’t hear him at first. It wasn’t until the hand touched his shoulder that he jumped, completely unaware of his surroundings, and brought himself back down. Josh. Ring. Jacob. The family. “Oh. Um. Sorry. I didn’t mean..” but his mind was having a harder and harder time deciphering what was real and what wasn’t. Sometimes when he blinked, nothing changed, and the hand was still covered in someone else’s viscera. But he didn’t react other than a little flinch. That wasn’t real. Right? Not real.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded, and kept an eye out. He heard Soren moving in the apartment. Nothing was creeping in the hallways and he didn’t see anything around. Once he saw Soren coming back he nodded and made his way quickly and quietly to his apartment, picking the suitcase up and over his shoulder. He held the gun to use as a weapon. Josh made his way to the lobby, looked around and then stepped outside. The person at the far end of the building had moved further on and the coast seemed clear. He looked back at Soren and nodded. Then he moved. Josh put the suitcase in the bed of the truck, and then waited for Soren before he’d get in the truck, just in case.

Jacob saw him jump and sighed. “It’s okay Hayden. We don’t have to keep playing. Did you want to do something else?” He asked, tilting his head a little. He didn’t know what exactly to do but be there for his brother. Was there anything other than being there he could do?
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren followed him out and waited as he grabbed his suitcase and moved quickly to the truck. He tossed his duffel in as well, and shoved the bed closed, and moved quickly into the driver’s side. He turned the engine on as soon as Josh was in as well. The one further on didn’t seem to hear, but that would likely change as soon as they started moving. In the truck, though, it wasn’t so bad. “You ready to make our daring escape?” He pulled out of the parking spot and started moving out. Navigating those streets was not his favorite part of the day.

Hayden kept eye contact to keep Jacob on his mind. Jacob was real. “You shouldn’t stop for me.” He looked past him slightly and pulled his eyes back on Jacob. “You can keep- playing.” He spun the ring. “I just can’t…” She was not. He looked away. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it down again.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

He heard the truck turn on once he was in. His eyes were on the infected further away. He glanced over at Soren and nodded. “Absolutely.” He said, more than ready to see Hayden again. As they started moving, the infected noticed but the moment it got close, Josh fired and it dropped. He looked to see if any had heard it but it seemed clear. “Well. That went better than I thought it would.” Josh admitted as he sat back in his seat.

Jacob kept his eyes on Hayden as he heard him. “It’s okay. Hey. I have an idea. Why don’t we team up against Logan? I’ll take our turns and you can enjoy victory when we win?” Jacob suggested which made Logan huff. “Hey!” He said as Lucas chuckled softly. Jacob glanced at Logan who sighed. “It’ll take more than you two teaming up to win.” Logan added with a smirk.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren was more than happy to have Josh there as his gunner. That may make traveling easier. If they could take out any before three started ramming into the truck, since the truck had to move at slower speed with the obstacles of abandoned vehicles, everything should be easier. Thank you FEDRA and your government issued weaponry. “I agree. I think the cars were loud enough out here that it drew them out of the apartment. Enough people running out to make the rest of the people run out. We got lucky. Which we needed. Desperately.” He let out a big sigh. “And now I’m tired.“ he laughed. “We’ve had some day. And it’s not even that late.”

Hayden smiled. He even laughed. At some point, he had pulled his legs up on the chair and to his chest. “Ooh, brother versus brother. I like it. May the best twin win, which will be us since you’ve got me on your side.” He pointed to Logan. “You’re gonna wish you had this idea first.” He turned himself so that he could pay closer attention. It probably wouldn’t last the whole time.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh nodded as he listened, shooting another infected that had come running towards them. “I agree, we definitely needed that little lucky break. And same here. My body feels like lead it’s so tired. Is it sad that I just want to move in and pass out even though it’s only just after noon?” Josh asked with a laugh. He was watching for infected but kept fidgeting in his seat. He was so close to seeing Hayden again, and after the morning they had? That was all he wanted.

Jacob laughed when he heard Hayden laugh. He was glad to see him coming back a little. “Perfect. And we’ll use my pieces because we’ll have a better chance to win.” Jacob said, looking at Logan who sighed and nodded. “Fine. It won’t matter.” He said. Jacob pulled a five and moved his pawn closer to his home. Logan pulled a Sorry! Card and sent one of their two pawns back to home again which made Jacob glare at Logan who chuckled. “Sorry brother of mine.” He said with a grin.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Nah, I think that’s reasonable. I’m exhausted. I feel like I slept only a handful of hours maybe? You probably had less than that.” Soren shrugged, moving them along difficult streets. He was giving up on traffic laws now that they seemed not to matter so much. He had a feeling that the police were likely being absorbed into FEDRA anyway which meant they were busy trying to get everyone to not die. He was getting them back to Lucas’ house probably too fast for the obstacles they had to maneuver around. There were people they needed to get to.

Hayden threw up his hands. “Hey now! That is unfair. Wow, sending us home like that.” He shook his head and looked to Jacob. "Have I chosen the wrong twin?” Not that he would actually just swap twins like that. Probably. Though it would be fun. He really appreciated everything Jacob was doing for him when Jacob was struggling too. But maybe that was why it worked. Maybe the two of them understood in a way everyone else couldn’t.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh chuckled as he glanced at Soren. “I don’t even know how many hours I managed. But I doubt it was more than five.” He said with a sigh as he noticed how fast they were going. He didn’t care though. Josh noticed the hotel up ahead and knew it would only be a few more minutes at this speed before they were at his dad’s house. He was more than ready to be there now.

Jacob looked at Hayden with a mock offended look. “You have not. I’m the best twin.” He said with a grin as he pulled a one and got their pawn back out of start. “See?” He said with a smile as Logan pulled a three. He got his second pawn into home and the game was tied.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

“It didn’t help that we made it back to the house so late. Thankfully they seemed more giving today.” Soren thought about how many people they probably did this with. “I bet you that it’s because there was so many all at once. It was a clever way to get less people in one space.” They were so close. One more turn and then they’d get there. The nervousness of finally making it back was setting in now that the adrenaline of trying not to die was finally disappearing. Was he ready for this? No. He was not. He was definitely not, but it was also the only thing that he wanted to do. Wow, he really hadn’t expected this when he woke up yesterday morning. It was such a change.

Hayden clapped when Jacob pulled another pawn out. “Ah, yes, I see. Sorry Logan, Jacob’s my favorite twin again.” He leaned his head on the table as he watched. “Unless of course you can change my mind.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

“Yeah. We did get back pretty late and it was kind of crazy as well. And that makes a lot of sense too.” Josh said as he felt the truck take the final turn. The street was quiet, empty and he could see the house up ahead. “You ready to see him again?” Joshua asked as he saw the house getting closer. He was more than ready to see his partner again.

Jacob chuckled as he nodded. “I’m the favorite because I’m the better twin.” He said with a confident grin. He pulled a ten and moved the little green pawn up close to their safety zone. Logan huffed and pulled an eleven and swapped places with the pawn close to home. “No!” Jacob said, seeing the pawn so far away again.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Soren was so nervous. He was pretty sure he worked himself up to something silly, but that didn’t stop the part where he was genuinely feeling all knotted in his stomach and squirmy. “Yeah, I am. Is that ridiculous?” He looked ahead as he drove down the street. There was the house right there. “It feels kind of ridiculous.” He pulled into the driveway and turned the truck off. “Yeah, it’s for sure ridiculous.”

Hayden was starting to drift again as he watched the pawns move. He was fighting the thought changes like one fights sleep. He came briefly back as he squeezed his hand, the ring, and laughed at the cutthroat swap of the pawns. “I don’t know. Maybe Logan is the better twin. He’s-“ The sound of a loud engine roared outside. But it was too early. Too early. “He’s-“ but it was getting closer? He stared at the window, brows furrowed. Unsure. He waited. And yes? Was that? Josh. Early? He didn’t care. He was up and moving out of the kitchen and towards the front door.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

Josh glanced over at Soren and shook his head. “No that’s not ridiculous. It just means you really like him. I feel the same way every time I come home to Hayden.” Josh said as he felt the truck stop when they pulled in. He patted Soren’s shoulder and smiled. “Come on.” He said with a soft chuckle, before he opened his door, looked around and after gently shutting the door, he walked to the front of the truck and looked back at Soren before he headed for the front door and opened it, stepping inside and the first thing he saw was Hayden. His arms opened and he smiled. “Hey baby.”

Jacob was about to protest when he heard the loud engine outside. Soren. Were they.. early? His heart started racing and fluttering at the same time while his stomach knotted up. He felt a smile cross his face as he thought about seeing him again. It was weird but he didn’t fight these feelings. Jacob stood up and was just behind Hayden when the door opened and he saw Josh first, his eyes looking past his brother to see if he could see Soren.
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Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
Citizen of Seattle, FEDRA Officer | 24, 35 | Current location ;; Washington State

Hayden absolutely could not believe that they were here so early. What happened? Why were they here? Part of him wanted to know, but the other part, the much bigger part, did not care. When Josh opened that door, Hayden was in his arms. He was going to cry again, which he was really getting tired of doing now, but he was so happy to see his partner. His day, as short as it had been so far, was still a long day. He loved that Jacob worked so hard to make it easier for him, and he very much did, but Hayden knew that it would be better with Josh there. Jacob was right. There was nothing better to ground him than Josh. His arms slid around Josh’s waste as he rested his head on Josh’s chest. “I missed you.”

It felt ridiculous. Soren felt like he was being ridiculous. It was nice to have Josh there to tell him that this was a normal way to feel, but at 35 and having been kinda his own person the majority of his life, he was not sure how to cope with the fact that this was in fact what happened to other people. Sure, it could be happening to Jacob right no too, but was it? As he moved out of the truck, and towards the front of the house, he caught Jacob’s eyes, and he did look happy. He looked radiant. All of that nervous stomach gymnastics got worse. He felt almost like he could be wobbly if he didn’t keep moving. And he was moving. He was going to do this. It was super fast and probably the trauma or stress or the situation as a whole, but he was going to do this. No beating around the bush. No pretending. The time was now. Before he could convince himself out of it, he walked inside, placed his hands on Jacob’s cheeks, and kissed him far deeper than he’d been planning, but he didn’t care. The world felt like it was ending, and he wanted to spend however long he had getting to know this man.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Officer, ER & Trauma Nurse | 24, 30 | Current location ;; Washington State

The moment he felt Hayden’s arms around his waist, his own wrapped around him. He nestled his head on top of Hayden’s. Kissing it, and squeezing slightly as well. “I missed you too baby. So much.” He whispered just taking the time to embrace and enjoy the moment. He didn’t think about anything else, just him and Hayden.

Jacob felt his stomach knot more as he saw Soren. His lips tugged up in a smile, eyes shining as he saw him coming in quickly behind Josh. His heart was pounding now, nervousness radiating through him. He had no idea that someone could feel this way. Jacob certainly never felt this way before and it was thrilling, weird and terrifying all in one. He was 30, and spent more time taking care of others to really spend time looking for someone for him. Until the world ended and he found him. On accident. Completely on accident. And he wouldn’t have it any other way. He felt the hands on his cheeks, and he looked up at Soren. Then his eyes widened, before they closed, hands wrapping around him, palms flat on his back as Soren kissed him. Jacob was shocked, and happy, and a mess of other emotions. He kissed him back though just as deeply. His heart was still pounding but the knotting sensation in his stomach went away. He just enjoyed the moment, kissing the man he’d found himself falling for.

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