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Fantasy The Crystal Empire (Always Open)

Sandro shot a glance at whoever was coming in. He whispered, "should we try and take em? Or at least for long enough until we can ruin. " he had his mask on, and was mostly unrecognizable. @Astaroth Suzumiya
The increase in guards outside of the Keep with the arrival of the Lionsguard would make it near impossible to leave the Keep undetected.

@Blitz @Inheritance

General Seliathyn Evastone would enter the Throne Room, waiting for one of the slaves to spread news to the King that he is waiting for him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"Good idea." She said as she pull her robe up covering her face as she take out her dagger as she saw another one and sign "oh great another one" she scoff silently.

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He had pulled out Thorn and Misery...and saw more. "Ok well...If we neutralize the ones in here, I can reassume my under cover form...then I can escort you out myself, or disuse you as a guard or something. Unless you have a better idea?" @Astaroth Suzumiya
*He reaches to his sword only to find it missing. It had slid out into the open.*

*He sighs, before rolling over on his belly.*
General Seliathyn Evastone, upon seeing the armed unidentifiable individuals would draw his arming sword and kite shield. He would form a sacredshield around himself before continuing,

"You are in the presence of the Lion of the Crystal Empire, General Seliathyn Evastone. The Keep is surrounded by the Lionsguard and this city's garrison in addition to the Lion's Legion would surely find you if you even did manage to make it past impossible odds. Lay down your weapons, and I will see to it that we can parley with words, rather than leave you to the Will of the King, of which there would surely be no chance of survival."
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PowerPAOK said:
General Seliathyn Evastone, upon seeing the armed unidentifiable individuals would draw his arming sword and kite shield. He would form a sacredshield around himself before continuing,
"You are in the presence of the Lion of The Crystal Empire, General Seliathyn Evastone. The Keep is surrounded by the Lionsguard and this city's garrison in addition to the King's Legion would surely find you if you even did manage to make it past impossible odds. Lay down your weapons, and I will see to it that we can parley with words, rather than leave you to the Will of the King, of which there would surely be no vhance of survival."
(You talkin to us?)
*He quickly crawls to his sword. Taking it with his right hand* *He Launches himself back onto his feet and stands in a defensive position* *Upon hearing that we are surrendering, he puts down the sword. And glares at Rengar with an dark/angered stare.*
Selia would lower his sword slightly, knowing that he is protected by his sacredshield. His voice sounding as if he is now hissing as he speaks,

"What are you degenerates even doing here?! This is the Keep of the King, he would have you hanged for even seeing you here!... Has security really become this poor as of late? I could call over the guard here in a moments notice..."

Selia's eyes would sharpen their gaze at Rengar, yet his voice would seem more relaxed,

"Which means you must be risking all this for very good reason. A reason I would advise you to tell me immediately if blood is not what you seek."

@Blitz @Inheritance
*He looked at the 'lion'* "So , you call yourself a lion?" *He chuckled.*"Yet I doubt you have the ability to kill..." *He crossed his arms, his laughing gesture quickly turning into an enraged stance*

Selia would smirk,

"The title was given to me by the King, as a gift for me proving my superior tactics in battle against his enemies. I earned my title, just like how I imagine you have earnt yours of a low-life. And yet your armour seems familiar, no? Only one group of hounds in this large pen we all play in wears red, and that is mine. Perhaps you do have the ability to kill, those who are innocent that is. One of the few reasons those of the Lion's Legion are dismissed from duty and discarded from the Empire. Regardless, you are a joke boy, a traitor to your Empire and morals both, and your tint of red is too dark for my taste. Perhaps I should lighten it with the paint of your blood as it runs down from your neck?"

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Rengar look at them and listen " no i do not seek anything in blood yeti want the king dead" she said as she stand up and look at them under her hood "was is it that u care about general?" she ask him as she cross his arms and Grip her hands on her dagger.

@Blitz @Inheritance
"Hm... what a rare encounter...an intelligent high ranking officer. If what you say is true, then I truly respect you for being a 'Special flower' In a sea of weeds." *He lowers his head.* "I've seen millions of men , slaughtered due to incompetence in the 'doomed army' Highest ranking. That solves the Mystery of how your army has invaded so quickly." *I lift my head back up to see two of my fallen comrades next to you , weapons drawn.*

@PowerPAOK @Inheritance @Astaroth Suzumiya
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Blitz said:
"Hm... what a rare encounter...an intelligent high ranking officer. If what you say is true, then I truly respect you for being a 'Special flower' In a sea of weeds." *He lowers his head.* "I've seen millions of men , slaughtered due to incompetence in the 'doomed army' Highest ranking. That solves the reason why your army has invaded so quickly." *I lift my head back up to see two of my fallen comrades next to you , weapons drawn.*
@PowerPAOK @Inheritance @Astaroth Suzumiya
(were u talking to my character?ehjeee )
Astaroth Suzumiya]"Why would u think of something like that?" He ask her with a smile as he continue to walk. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21680-jessbeth/ said:
"Um....nothing for you to know...." She look down as she have a painful memories from her past, she don't wanna Valor to know that. "So....I have never thought you can come outside...."
"Shoot your insults around I don't care. But your battle tactics won't help you one on one. You're used to getting what you want from everyone. Oh a title? Money? Power? I tell you, I've never heard any good warrior talk about the color of armor" he smirked, and prepared for blood

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