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Fantasy The Color Of Royalty OOC Chat

You got me, that is precisely the NPC I'm wanting to have a chat with :P Don't worry, I won't even yell at him. Probably.

Okay, cool!
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I could start up an NPC area that allows people free-reign over those sorts of characters (with an area for exceptions by the creator). However, that requires forms and I don't know if people are willing to go that in-depth for things like that.
Irianne said:
So now that we're getting started I have a more general RPNation question rather than a specific this-rp question. This is actually my first RP here that's managed to get beyond character sign up, so I just wanna clarify :3
I know we should never control another player's character, obviously, that would defeat the entire purpose of everyone having their own characters in the first place, but what about other people's NPCs? If somebody creates a non-player character to interact with during their post, and then sends them on their way, is it acceptable for me to grab that same character to talk with them as well? Should I clear it with the player who invented the NPC? I'm not sure what the etiquette is here, somebody please fill me in ^^
Kill all my NPCs, with FIRE
NPCs are free for the controlling unless the creator indicates otherwise, generally. As far as I'm personally concerned, any may use any npc of mine as much as they like, provided they feel as though they have a strong grasp of the character in question.

I welcome surprises, after all, and delight in the creativity such freedom sometimes inspires.
Ready to serve! This RP looks so well thought-out and seems to have a lot of potential :) I will have a character up for the Bride soon

Might my Bernard be able to spar your Alan? I mean, I've no idea how the selection would be arranged, but I've some idea for the fun bit of conflict it may cause in dutiful Bernard when he has a chance to show off to the princess.

Through passion, I gain strength.
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Spar Alan?

I mean, he's a butler. Lol. He's not trained for combat. I don't think sparring a servant would impress the princess.

I mean if you really want to then sure, go for it. You'd have to lend him a sword though, lol.
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Hahah, I do it to.

Yeah I don't see why not. When I finish the dialog with my siblings I'll make my way to the compound and we can RP from there.
Would groom / bride be trained in the likeness of Royalty or are they more there for keeping the bloodline filled with magic potential? (Assuming that these tendrils are more likely to occur trough inheritance of two 'carriers')
DanishKreddi said:
Would groom / bride be trained in the likeness of Royalty or are they more there for keeping the bloodline filled with magic potential? (Assuming that these tendrils are more likely to occur trough inheritance of two 'carriers')
Little bit of both; they're there mainly to keep the magic within the family going without employing incest and also so that they are another royal to help control the kingdom. They are however trained to be complacent to their significant other.
All "important" members of the royal family have been filled! There are still spaces for roughly two or three more prince/princesses if you feel so inclined to create one.
Hey guys, this is something I'm going to sink my teeth into, so let me inform you guys a little about my schedule:

I'm in the military and currently in a language institute learning Chinese. I'm in class from 7 to 5 then have a couple hours of military stuff and homework.

I'll be active from 8-12 every night and more during the weekends. Hopefully that's an acceptable pace, if not you might have to start lapping me one time over.
Church418 said:
Hey guys, this is something I'm going to sink my teeth into, so let me inform you guys a little about my schedule:
I'm in the military and currently in a language institute learning Chinese. I'm in class from 7 to 5 then have a couple hours of military stuff and homework.

I'll be active from 8-12 every night and more during the weekends. Hopefully that's an acceptable pace, if not you might have to start lapping me one time over.
Props to you man, that sounds like a busy schedule! I'm actually pretty fluent in Mandarin (given that I'm Chinese) so lmk if you ever need any help!
Church418 said:
I'm in class from 7 to 5...
Jeez that is a long day O_O And yeah, no worries, that works fine for me at least. Assuming we're in the same time zone (I'm EST) I'll have a couple hours overlap with you every night, and I'm on much earlier than that to read whatever happened after I went to bed. And I'll also be around a lot more on the weekends :)
I was going to say it seems like the majority of people haven't posted yet BUT THAT'S A FUCKING LIE.


edit: How are we already at 16 response and I'm just noticing???
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Semblance said:
Props to you man, that sounds like a busy schedule! I'm actually pretty fluent in Mandarin (given that I'm Chinese) so lmk if you ever need any help!
You speak Mandarin? That's legit! We're constantly being tested on Listening/Reading/ and Speaking.

I might take you up on that help one day.
QuestingBeast said:
You're about the fourth person I've heard that from, Floatie. Beware the failure of alerts.
Yeah I've gotten it from a lot of people as well. *shakes fist*

@Church418 @Semblance

I also speak Mandarin! In an American accent apparently but it's the thought that counts...
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