Peace is a lie, There is only Passion
Min Lao Shi shifted his gaze to the young Earth female and smiled at her gesture of courtesy. "Yes." he replied softly. "I know of you, Cynthia Li. Apprentice of the late Shian Yui, daughter of a well-renowned family. It is a pleasure to see you." Min held up a single index finger, preparing to make a point. "Understand child, that war is never the only option." Min Lao Shi's voice became slightly more firm, but retained its welcoming warmth. "Our scars still ache from the previous conflict, I have seen the devastation that war brings. Do not be so hasty as to wish those horrors down upon our people again." Min Lao Shi gave Cynthia a serious look. He had a higher expectation of his Earth warriors and was always a little less patient with them. "We are Earth, Cynthia. The great foundation that all life depends on. If we let our foundation sway with the churning tides of emotion, all will crumble before us." Min Lao Shi decided to end his statement there and smiled at Cynthia warmly.