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Fantasy The Blood Wars

New York, a town full of smog, traffic, and people. Despite it's bad qualities, people still see it as a popular tourist attraction. For what reason, some may question it. The real reason, however, is most of the the 'tourists' in and out of New York aren't exactly...human. New York is a popular hub for supernaturals of various kinds to gather, meet, and generally have a fun time. Vampires and werewolves in particular visit New York on a constant basis, either looking for work, a good time, or to join up with one of the shady factions that may or may not actually exist. They do, however, in-fact exist unbeknownst to most mortals. The Blackbloods, the vampires. The Silver Moon, the werewolves. And The Mix, the hybrids of the two or even a human.

Not everyone gets accepted, not everyone is liked, not everyone makes it out of New York alive. Normally, there is peace between the three families, a contract binding the three not to begin war or interfere with the others business. This was followed almost flawlessly for three hundred years, only the occasional 'slip-up' would occur, which was dealt with relatively quickly by the respective families hitman or cleaner. Over the past year, however, each family has been dying off at a rapid pace to where only a few remain. Currently The Silver Moon is the only faction with an active head, and even they are in complete disarray.

No one is sure what happened for sure, but everyone is blaming the other, and it's taking all their willpower not to start a full-blown war. Is it one of the family members murdering the rest? But why would they murder their own? The perfect set-up or the perfect betrayal? Or perhaps it's an 'external' force offing the supernatural?


Anya hummed merrily, swinging her legs back and forth while perched on a bar stool. Her families bar, to be exact. Well, one of them, anyway. The Zone, pretty corny right? Yea, Anya thought so too. But it still served the best blood infused drinks out of all of them. Only vampires or vampire hybrids were allowed to step foot into the bar, the bouncer out front was VERY discriminatory too. Werewolves mixed with the rest just caused way to much of a hassle. Anya continued humming, sipping her drink and swinging her legs while looking out at the crowd. No one she particularly knew had shown up yet, she was getting kinda bored and lonely, not to mention hungry.

Even though the drinks were infused with blood, that didn't mean it was enough blood to particularly sate her thirst. She sighed. Maybe she'd go out and get some 'food', or maybe she'd sit here and order another drink. Probably get another drink, yea, sounds good, she thought. Ordering another drink she remained in her place, smiling and humming.

The evening was cool, and the soft breeze felt nice against Luna's cheek. She was sitting on top a house roof, gazing into The Zone, a local vampire bar, one of the largest. Yes, Luna was a vampire. She used to belong to the coven of BlackBloods, but lately had been roaming free. Sometimes she missed the tightly knit family, large and comforting for the most part. She remembered a young girl who went by Anya; she definitely held status and was nothing to scoff at. Yet word had gone around that there may be an inside killer. Not so tightly knit after all so it seems. Luna giggled to herself. How long has it been since I've been this way? I can't remember what it felt like...to be human. It's better this way anyways. She leapt down from the roof and peered in through the window, a man was having a late dinner, probably just came from a late shift at work.

She bit her lip and turned away.
Not tonight, she thought. She wanted to find a hybrid. It was the only species she hadn't managed to drink from yet.

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Wind blew through his blond hair, New York's city lights flooding his line of sight. The sight is breathtaking, especially for a kid like him. Lazzio's sister would surely like this kind of scenery. It's been exactly one year since he killed his sister, the day he discovered what he truly was, and the day that he embraced what he truly was. We're killing machines. That's what he believed. Every vampire, deep within their heart, took pleasure in sucking the life out of their victims. That's the primeval feeling every vampire had, to kill. Lazzio may only be 10 years old, but he dwelt in such topic as killing as if it's a game. Well, It is a game. Killing, for him, is like RPG for people at his age range. Doing it was for the sole purpose of entertainment.

Below him was one of few havens for vampires here in New York City. The.....what was it again? Ahh, The Sone. Lazzio heard the noise of their cheer. They're having fun. Must be nice, I bet their sucking each other's blood, I like to join too, I want to play too. If it weren't for his mission, he would certainly play with all of them. Depending on what you believe 'play' means, but most people would mistook it for massacre.

"Ah, there she is." He can't contain his feelings anymore, he smiled. Finally, his playmate showed up. Tonight, his mission was to kill that girl, one of Blackblood's greatest hit-man. This night's going to be cool, I hope she likes teddy bears. He unzipped his rabbit-esque bag and picked up his homunculus, At first, the boy looked like picking up an two oversize sewn legs inside a small mouth of a rabbit. it was a grotesque site. The head was finally out in the bag, the stuff toy's size was two size bigger than Lazzio, impossible to store in a normal bag, but his bag was not a normal one. Lazzio bit his thumb until he bled, he wrote 'Blue-Crimson' in the underarm of recently-made toy. He concentrated until he felt the twinge in his head, the same feeling he felt whenever he gives life to his dolls. "Move, minion, It's time to play" Lazzio commanded, the oversized doll landed in front of the girl, sending a shockwave someone its mass would truly give, If one would compare it, the doll is like the Hulk in the body of the doll. He snickered, hoping for a great watch.....and a great meal today.

He picked up his phone, took picture, his bag blocking his optimism, and sent it to his source, the one who told him to kill that little girl, and the others before her. The same person who told him to kill his parents, because it would be fun.

At The Zone, one of Blackbloods' bar
killing her atm. I hope the game would be fun, gamemaster. Or I will find you and kill you ( :D )

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It was a cold evening, just like any other in the city. Lucian could hear his shoes hit the paviment of the street, strangely enough, admist of the noise of the bohemian and lively atmosphere of the streets echoed around him. Perhaps because it was his own consciousness reminding him of what kind of activity would he be taking tonight? But why would that be the case? Wasn't tonight just like another that would happen again and again? Or mybe it were just his instinct telling him to be caution of the events taking place tonight? HWhatever it was, it was honestly unsettling for him to be aware of such a fact... But one could never tell as he entered the club Velvet Pleasure. Ah, how he hated that name. It was so...pretentious. But then again, his opinions never mattered to the higher-ups. Most of the time, anyway.

"...Ah, Lee!" One of the women gathered in a group left her companions to greet him with a smile. "I heard some dreadful rumors about your-" Lucian promptly interrupted her with a nonchalant smile.
"My meeting with the higher-ups, I take it? Word certainly travels fast among us..." The blonde woman shook her head, casting her eyes down with a sigh. "How can you be so...so...ah, nevermind, it is you we're talking about. Still, it was a frightening experience..." "For you?" "O-Of course! Without you, how are we girls supposed to survive?!"

The red-eyed man could only chuckle at her, kissing her cheek ever so slightly.
"You place too much trust in me, Valerie. I'm nothing but a pathetic hybrid, remember?" Yes,those words still echoed within him. Even if he had ignored that night. Well, prentended to. Valerie stared at him for a brief moment before caressing his cheek. "...If only there were more pathetic hybrids like you in this world..." Unlike most of the men in charge of her and her co-workers and friends, Lucian was a man who showered them with both care and respect, as if a father looking after his daughters. Something they either respected him for or found it so very suspicious. But he would still do it, to all alike. What kind of gangster was he supposed to be, many thought, he did his job well but he still got in trouble with the big shots of The Mix for it. Was he really that risky? Why would he go for such many lenghts for women like them?

It was a mystery for everyone.

"Lucian!" He turned to face on of his few yet loyal subordinates. "We found cocaine on of the girls' bags." Valerie covered her mouth with her hand in shock. Lucian only gazed at the tall male before him with a slight frown.
"...Name?" "I heard one of her friends call her Jacqueline." Ah, that girl. Cute face, good body, new to the business. He couldn't say he had expected her to have to expereince that so soon, given her record but... "Where is she?" "At home. She left the bag here and-" "Spare me the details. Just give me the address and I'll go take care of her myself." The man hesitated for a few seconds before following his superior's orders. Before he knew it, he was out the door, casually walking among humans once again, heading to the house of Jacqueline Blanc. Completely exposed to the world once again.

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@Christopher Colt Anya was knocked off the barstool and flat on her butt by the shockwave the toy gave off, she stood up rubbing said injury as floor was never too comfortable. She also of course spilt her drink on her shirt, oh well, it'd blend in with the pink, she thought.

Annd then she saw what had produced the shockwave. She stared in awe at the doll that was taller than she was in front of her. "OH MY GOD IT'S SO CUTE!" She shouted gleefully and ran to hug it, several of the patrons were now staring as well. Both from the shockwave and the scene Anya was making.

How did it get here? Who made it? Why was it here? Annnd whyy did it make a mini-earthquake when it landed. Anya shrugged, picking the doll up and sitting it on the stool next to her. It was perfect, amazing even. She always wanted a huge doll like this but never really got around to buying one. She hugged the thing again, truely excited that it exsisted.

She didn't care that she was showing her more girly and childish side to others of the family or to the patrons. Mark, the bartender, was giving her a suspicious raised eyebrow look. Anya glared back at him "Oh hush you, I'm allowed to have a little fun you know?" She told him.

"Could you mayybe...pour me a new drink? Mine kinda died" She told Mark, gesturing to her shirt and to the broken glass on the floor. Mark stared for a moment, perhaps considering how well he would fare trying to choke the life out of the little annoying vampire girl in front of him. Nevertheless, he poured her another drink. Vodka infused with blood, of course, he also knew she hated it.

Absent-mindedly she picked up the drink and sipped it while staring at her new doll. On reflex she spit the drink out and gagged, she also tossed the glass across the building nearly killing one man and almost knocking another out.

She glared at Mark, "Damnit Mark! Now I have MORE booze scent to wash out of my clothes!" She souted, her arms crossed pouting. She waved him off, "Forget the drink, I'm not thirsty anymore." Anya picked up the doll and carried out over to a booth in the corner, sitting it on top of the table staring at it. "Now..just where did you come from my fuzzy little friend?" She spoke, wondering and giggling.
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Luna watched as a speculation seemed to occur inside The Zone. "Well, time to go!" She walked off into the other direction down the street. Her boots made a soft clack sound as they touched the sidewalk. It was then that an alluring scent caught her attention. Her eyes brightened and her heart skipped a beat as she twirled around happily. Hybrid...

She made her way towards the sweet scent. She was hoping this night would be luckier for her. In the past she had often encountered some Hybrids, but they didn't end up being what she was looking for. On top of that most Hybrids stayed out of sight and were quite secretive. Eventually she came cross the hybrid she had been scenting. A tall man, probably in his twenties seemed to making his way towards something. Whatever it was he was going to be a little late. Usually she attacked first, but she figured she would try and different approach this time.

Luna's eyes locked on the hybrid she flipped her hood over her head, Show time!

She leapt down in front of the man. From a closer glance she could feel his aura more properly and something told her he was older than she was. That could be a problem...I might not want to jump into a fight so quickly. So she decided to test the waters a bit. "Hello Hybrid-sama" Luna quickly tripped him, pinning him down for a brief moment to nip his bottom lip with one of her fangs, drawing a bit of blood. She back flipped several feet away rom him. Licking her lips she giggled amusingly.

"I hope you don't mind such informal introductions. Thank you for the sample."

Her eyes were playful, but her stance serious. His reactions would determine if this would be her new play toy. It was indeed dangerous to involve with someone older than her, for he could have far advanced experience. Although not the strongest, she was one of the quickest vampires out there, and with her healing powers unless somebody chopped her head off she would be okay. Usually her powers were more intended for healing others, but she could heal herself it just took a hell of a lot longer. But most of her body was covered in scars, as she preferred to be in pain.


Exposure was something Lucian had never shown much concerned for. Perhaps because, as a hybrid, he had never been close to the danger of being attacked by either a human or one of the “purists”, as he addressed the vampire and werewolves that lurked within the masses of NY. Why would he anyhow…? Hybrids had never been considered exceptional members of their society, they were the plague that invaded their ranks, the mistakes that they could not shy away from. But they tried, oh did they try ignoring them. But Lucian, like many others, didn’t really gave it much thought. He actually appreciated the distance. Never once meeting a vampire or werewolf had turned out well for him, why would it start now?

“…It stinks…” He could recognized it, even amidst of all the scents of those around him. His feet lead him to an empty alley, away from the crowd. No need to give them a show, he thought. It was only a matter of seconds before he found himself in the presence of a purist. The scent, those smooth and beautiful features, yes, there was no mistake. This young woman, who seemed to be just your average teenage girl, was a vampire. She seemed to observe him for a while, just like he did. Lucian showed no traces of a reaction aside from a slight raise of his eyebrow. What did she want…? Was she one of those extremist purist? A newborn looking for some trouble? When she opened her mouth, the male hybrid could not help but stare at her in visible surprise. Sama? Such a formal honorific was bound to raises suspicion from a creature like her.

But when she pinned him down, it all made sense. He did not struggle nor flinch, not even slightly, not even when her fangs pierced his lip, savoring the red liquid that poured from inside him. He simply stared at her with a gaze devoid of any traces of emotion. So this was what vampires were into these days? A rather strange activity for them to get into…

When Luna finally stepped back, Lucian stood up, silent as always. He would only open up his mouth as he dusted off his clothes.
“It was my pleasure. Just don’t expect me to get on my knees and thank God for granting me the chance to be the sample of a purist.” He replied flatly, all the while gracing her with a calm smile.

“…Hope you were not too disappointed. I would hate to ruin one of my best suits tonight.” Fighting had always been a hassle to Julian. Well, physical ones, that is. He always preferred to simply use bullets or his words to end troublesome situations. Besides…he wasn’t stupid. Even if this girl was indeed younger and less experienced than him, she was still a full-fledged vampire. And from the display earlier, a dangerous one at that.

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Luna twirled again happily. He is tough on showing emotion isn't he? How much will it take for him to scream I wonder? Nonetheless he is delicious, and he proposes a difficult challenge I haven't had in awhile. She stepped closer, now aware he wasn't in the mood to fight.

"Where are you headed Hybrid-sama? Don't you know others are just itching to kill you off?" Her words didn't hold any malice, only sheer curiosity. She was referring to him as sama for more as a teasing effect. She generally referred to her victims as so, not bothering to know their names. Names didn't matter to her, they were all just bodies right?

Underneath her hoodie sleeves a sharp blade was attached onto an armlet that extended down. She had a fascination with blades. "Let me accompany you Hybrid-sama, its dangerous out here if you are not careful." She spun around him playfully, a bit too energetic for the situation. "Do you know who I am Hybrid-sama? I am the joker card of our species, a binge killer who doesn't discriminate when choosing who to kill. I like you Hybrid-sama." Luna hid her blades again. "I'm at your service, unless you think I'm too sick?" She stepped behind him. "You're going to be late if you don't hurry Hybrid-sama." She wanted to follow him to catch his fighting style. The more she knew about him the easier it would be to fight him later on.


...And here he thought he was a hammy individual. Well, according to what he would heard behind his back. This girl surely had no qualms to speak of, didn't she? It was if as she was in a whole different dimension that only she could see, forever trapped in a state of delusion. How amusing it was to watch. But he would not show it, of course. Purists like this girl needed to keep one thing in mind: even if one was a hybrid, it did not mind they would kiss the ground they walked on. “Oh, I am well-aware of the intentions of your kin regarding my existence. But that doesn’t mean that I care.” He truly didn’t. She probably had no intention of asking his name, nor was he remotely interested in learning a vampire’s. But he had to admit, being addressed with such a formal honorific was frankly revolting.

But once again, his expression and posture showed no signs of such thing. Instead he would shrug his shoulders, blatantly ignoring her inquiry regarding his destinations. Why would she care anyway? Observing the childish female, Lucian could not help but chuckle ever so slightly at her proposal.
“I appreciate your concern with the like of me.” Not. “But I believe that a man must fend off by himself and not trouble a lovely lady such as yourself. That would be most shameful of my part.” Not to mention foolish and idiotic. As she continued, his mind was only filled with more thoughts of disdain for her. What was she doing, trying to inflict fear within the depths of his being? How laughable.

Lucian Lee Yang, the man who laughed at Death’s face stood before Luna.

Her statement of her liking for him, granted, drove him off abruptly, at last showing a wavering of his smirk. She liked him? A hybrid? Surely she was mocking him, trying to entice him before killing him with those blades of hers. A bizarre tactic, sure, but one should never underestimate the creatures of the night. But once again, Lucian showed no fear. And this time he laughed. Short yet loudly. Before Luna could something, anything, she was violently pinned to the ground, incapable of attacking or even so much moving within his grasp. A piece of silver, the cord of a necklace touched her neck, burning her skin as a velvet voice reach her ear, tickling her skin. All in a matter of seconds.
“…A word of advice? No hybrid likes a noisy purist. Keep that in mind next time you want to play with one, dearie.” Turning her face towards him, he placed his lips upon the same exact spot that she had bit him. Eye for an eye, one would say. Except Lucian showed no intentions of tasting her nectar. And just like that, he was gone, wandering off into the city, making her unable to let out her animalistic instincts on him. For now, that is.

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Luna was a little taken surprise by the hybrid's sudden movement. After he had left her face grew red as an annoyed expression crossed her face. "Tsk! Damn him. He's mocking me."

She stood back up without following him. Nobody had ever quite reacted the way he did, and it pissed her off that she couldn't get to him. That's fine. I haven't given up hybrid-sama. She laughed and slit her arm with one of her blades, the blood dripping down onto the ground as she walked. So he had seen through her intentions, she was sure she would see him again.

The air was silent, there was nobody present besides a child on a swing set, not swinging. His feet barely touched the gravel beneath him. Luna stepped into his view and he instantly brought his attention up to her. "Luna. What games did you play today?" He wasn't a vampire. In fact he was human. A mere neighborhood boy Luna met with every night. What was so special about him? His parents owned a local animal shelter. So every night he would bring her one of their animals. He knew she was a vampire. It terrified him, but he knew she wouldn't hurt him, as long as he did this for her. Today he brought a kitten, Shiro, for its white coat. The kitten bounded playfully into Luna's arms.

"I found myself a hybrid I quite like. But he's quite the serious one."

"I'm sure he will come around." The boy avoided looking at her. "Are....are you planning to kill him?"

Luna set the kitten upon her head. "Why wouldn't I?"

The child frowned. "Have you ever really liked someone?"

Luna paused for a moment, as if actually considering it. "What a silly question. Love can't exist in a world such as ours." And with that she set the kitten down and walked away from the boy. More quietly to herself she said to herself, "Idiot...its too late. Nobody can like me now. All I know is how to destroy. That's my life now."

Vani looked at his client sitting across from him. He had a big deal going on here for a massive weapon cache. "You've seen the weaponry, now show me the cash," he said through his voice changer.

The man plopped a big briefcase down on the table and opened it. Vani took the cash out and started counting it, with the help of a couple of attendants. $500,000 for heavy anti-werewolf weaponry. Miniguns and snipers with silver bullets, and Rocket Launchers that release gas made from Mistletoe and Wolfsbane. A deadly arsenal, especially with a Vampire's super strength

The transaction happened peacefully, as Vani does his business after a thorough weapon search and confiscation and multiple armed guards with Anti-Vampire or Werewolf weaponry. This wasn't a safe line of work, but the payoff was immaculate.

After everything was done and over, Vani decided to celebrate. He paid off his men for the night and went out to celebrate. Into the inner city. He went home and changed into better clothes.

The wind was breezy, the atmosphere was peaceful. The night was young, and there was fun to be had tonight. On his way into the city, he passed a young lady and a child on a swing
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The air felt heavier now, a stranger passed by and for a brief moment Luna gazed over. Her eyes watched him closely, for some reason she felt an uneasy feeling towards him. But she failed to place it as he disappeared into the city. Flipping her hood back over her head she also pulled a black cloth surgical mask out of her hoodie pocket. Placing the mask on she went back and picked up the kitten, carrying it in her pocket. She would be borrowing Shiro tonight.

As she walked into the heart of the city she stopped into a local ramen restaurant. It was odd being in such...a human place. Surrounded by people different than her. She was out of her element, then, hadn't she always been? Shiro poked her head out and Luna gave her a noodle. She sighed as she dipped her chopsticks into the broth. What its like to be human...She picked the bowl up and shoed the noodles down her throat. Human... She left cash on the table, her hands shaking as she rushed out behind the restaurant. What its like...

She instantly threw up the seemingly toxic food. Why can't I remember what it was like?!! She backed up against the wall and slid down, Shiro leaped out of her pocket and into her lap, pawing at her chest. Silent tears fell down Luna's cheek. What kind of person was I before all of this? I just want to know...

Her drew her hands over her head. I hate this...I don't feel anything. I enjoy killing people...isn't that wrong? I wish I felt like it was...

Lazzio can still sense it. He peered through one of the circular windows in the pub, with nothing but his feet to support his weight. He's like a bat waiting to catch his prey, observing every movement she makes. Now is the time to get the game started. He can't miss this. He reached out to the energy that linked him with his homunculus. Kill big sister, now. He sensed the it move, and in the blink of the eye, the bear leapt in the table, its feet swung through her. It might be made of cotton, but Lazzio's ability enabled the toy to have muscle strength to, at least, break the wall. It might not have a brain, but that guy have serious fighting instincts in par of that of a vampire.

He linked his voice to the bear and said "Let's have fun, Big sister Anya", every sound created by his throat was sent through the bear. He disconnected the connection, making sure she could not hear him laugh.

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@Christopher Colt One minute Anya was happily playing with a life sized doll she'd want for at-least twenty years, the next she incurred a broken rib and was sent through the wall. "Owww..." she cried weakly. She stood up slowly, making sure said rib wasn't near her heart. It wasn't. Good.

She stared at the toy, shortly after it told her 'Let's play Big Sister Anya'. So. That's what it'd been, an elaborate plan to kill her, she should've figured. She quickly drew her knives holding them expertly in a dual wield fashion. "Shouldn't have sent a cloth doll to do the job werewolves, vampires, hybrids, and humans couldn't do kid!" Anya shouted at the doll.

She lunged at it in a flurry of blades and kicks, the rib had punctured her lung, but hey she was immortal she'd shrug it off. The doll was fast, almost on par with her, it was kinda scary to her. A few scratches occured, at most.

She stopped to re-adjust her plan, a full offensive obviously wasn't working. Instead, she assumed a defensive stance. She coughed up a bit of blood staring at the doll intently "Come on fuzzy, do your best!" She shouted cheerfully. She had been complaining about not having fun for a while and this was shaping up to be the most interesting and fun fight in a century.
He's now watching on the ledge, his bear and the girl- who's no older than him, actually- was initiating in a fight. Waves of movements flew through the ground below him, if Lazzio was human, he would simply dismiss it as a harsh breeze of air. The fight dragged on. It was getting longer, she was stronger than he expected. If Lazzio had enough time, he could've made a Golem. He clicked his tongue. "Damn that old fart, always giving instant homeworks". He hated losing the game, and there's no greater way to lose than break into the war unprepared.

He heard footsteps in the rooftop. Some of them are fleeting, he needed to get away now. He commanded the bear, atleast an output before he leave. Why do I have to leave soon, now I can't see that bear hug her. "Hey, big sister, who might be an old hag, can you please die?" he whispered with a hint of innocence in his voice, the homunculus repeated the very same words, like speaker, amplifying his words in distance. He hoped she'd provoked her, to the point hat the bear can hug her and let it explode into a series colorful fireworks and confetti.

He fled the scene, looking back, the aftereffect his bear's explosion can be seen.

In a narrow alley, two buildings away from The Zone. It was full of trash, smokes coming from pipes, and dirty, used water in the drainage, the stench flowed in his nose. The kind of alley that people never went to. The perfect hiding spot. In this darkness, Lazzio's phone cast an eerie glow in his pale-white skin.

hey!!I don't know if i killed her. Gah. I can't believe I lost one of my toys.
But isn't it fun? Difficulty's part of the entertainment, remember that..
I guess so... Maybe that's why killing my parents were super fun!!
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Vani stopped as he heard commotion in a bar, the Zone. A Vampire bar. He was one of few, if not the only, humans allowed in that bar, due to his prevalence in the Blackblood weaponry scene. He didn't go in though. He just went to a window to see what he thought was a drunken vampire brawl. Those were always fun to watch.

Turns out it wasn't a brawl between vampires, but between a vampire and a fake bear. He thought about what he'd heard about such things. There was a kid who could control inanimate objects. A highly dangerous individual. Vani needed to stay away from that kid. It wasn't a fear thing, it was a strategy thing. Vani was afraid of no one, as he had the weapon proficiency to deal with them easily. However, a summoner was bad news, especially if it was a kid. Vani couldn't hurt a child. It wasn't in his nature. Luckily he had bullets that were harmless, but could paralyze
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First, the magical talking life sized bear she dreamed of for so long turned on her and was actively trying to kill her, then it called her an old hag. She was only two centuries old! That's young compared to the majority of older vampires.

"Sorry fuzzy, but you die now." She spoke lowly, leaping at the bear to take it's head off. And then, boom. The bear reached to try to hug Anya, knocking her closer into it and it exploding only 10 inches from her. The blast sent her flying into a nearby tree. She definetely felt a leg break, and probably several more ribs and various internal injuries. Not to mention her clothes were now ruined with blood and confetti.

Her knives landed near her, in-fact one impaled her non-broken leg and the other nearly impaled her head. She cried out in pain, her body hurt all over and she could barely move. It was quite clear by this point someone was out to kill her, who it was was the question.

Ripping the knife out and holstering them she struggled to stand, propping herself against the tree. "Here we go Anya..just gotta..re-locate your shoulder and pop the bone back into your leg..." she spoke to herself trying to steady her nerves.

First was the shoulder, it popped into place with a cracking sound, probably fractured. Next..the leg. She got two sticks and ripped a tattered piece of the bottom of her shirt off, tying it tightly around her leg she made a make-shift splint and popped it back into place.

She cried out in pain which echo'd through the empty area. Now..now she just needed to feed to begin healing. Being able to walk to feed was now the issue. She could feel herself getting weaker from the loss of blood and energy drained from healing, she wouldn't die, but she would pass out for several days if she didn't feed leaving herself vulnerable to whatever or whoever wanted her dead.

She limped down the street, each step filled with sheer pain. The street was surprisingly empty for once, normally the streets had at-least SOMEONE walking back and forth. Anya sighed heavily, and immediately regretted doing so. She clutched her chest in pain, she wasn't sure the extent of her injuries but the were severe. She'd be dead if she wasn't a vampire, she knew that much.

She leaned against a building, steadying herself, resting, her wounds still bleeding profusely. "Stupid teddy bears...going to burn down all the toy stores that sell them after this.." Anya muttered to herself.

After a quick rest she continued her limp up the sidewalk, there had to be someone somewhere. Anything would do, even a vampire at this point even though she despised those of her race that fed from each other.

She wasn't sure how far she walked nor how long it'd been, she just knew she was steadily getting weaker and about to pass out. Faintly, she heard s girl crying down an alleyway. She didn't bother to see if it was a human or not, frankly she didn't care. The only reason she was still up was due to the small amount of energy she had left coming from blood frenzy.

She limped down the alleyway, her vision growing hazy. She could faintly make out the girl before collasping. Damn..she was so close..

With Anya's luck it was probably the person who planned on killing her and this was all their plan and she fell into it perfectly. Slowly she slipped into un-conciousness, she tried to fight it but couldn't. Her body just wouldn't move anymore. And then: darkness.

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Vani heard an explosion come from the bear as it died, leaving the young lady in there. As the smoke cleared, he saw that she was severely hurt, bleeding badly. He followed hr as she limped down the street, keeping out of sight. She'd die soon if she kept bleeding. Both of them knew that, so a vampire who needs to feed to live was probably the most dangerous thing. He kept his hand on his gun. Normally he'd be detected instantly, but she was in bad shape.

He followed her until she fell, unconscious. He took his hand off his gun. "She's a young one, alright." The smart thing to do would've been to move back towards the bar, so they could give her blood. It is a blood bar. She chose the opposite, for some reason. He went to pick her up to take her back to the bar, but saw another girl in the alleyway. The same one as before. 650+ years in the business taught him to distinguish vampires from werewolves on sight, just as they could naturally do for each other. Even though she was crying, his guard went up and his hand moved towards his gun again. He stepped back from the girl's body

Luna was about to drift off into sleep when she smelled something strong. Blood. A...vampire's blood? She perked up with interest as she wiped away her tears and cautiously peeked out of the ally way. She noticed a young vampire off in the distance, she seemed to be losing a lot of blood. Luna smiled slightly. Oh this is wonderful!! I can capture her and we ca play a lot of games an- Her thoughts were cut short when the girl collapsed. Well shit...she'll die before we can have any fun. Making sure the coast was clear, she didn't notice there was someone hiding in the shadows, she bounded over to the young girl and dragged her back into the dark ally away from most prying eyes.

"I can't have you dying on me just yet. That's no fun is it?"

She set the girl on her back on the ground and took a small vile out of her hoodie pocket. Shiro made an advance to nuzzle the young vampire but Luna quickly placed her on top of her head. "Careful Shiro, not all vampires will spare you because you are cute."

She opened the vile wit a sigh. This is my last emergency vile of human blood. I'll have to get more. She opened the vampire's mouth and let the blood flow down. It wasn't much but it was indeed something. Luna then admired the scene before her. All the blood was making her excited, however she refrained for now and bent down to lick some of the girl's most prominent wounds. They healed within a few minutes. Now....to wait for you to wake up....ah...seeing all this blood makes me so excited. It makes me miss my Hybrid.

She lightly took one of the girl's arms and engraved the roman numeral symbol for death. Whatever had done this to her it wasn't a werewolf she knew that. She tilted her head to the side. She decided to wait for the girl to wake up so she could ask her about it. Normally she would tie her victims up in a basement, but this was just a vampire....wasn't she?

At a closer glance she recognized her face a little. Ahhh...this is Anya. She's pretty close in the coven of BlackBloods. I wonder who did this, whoever they are they are skilled, and I would much like to meet them.


Anya was dreaming about being surrounded by massive teddy bears, when she touched one it would explode. It was more of a nightmare than a dream, really. She could feel her life slowly ebbing away while she dreamed, however. She guessed she was doomed to repeat the explosion repeatedly until the last of her life left her body.

And then, warmth. A familiar taste, blood? It wasn't her own, if so whose was it and why were they helping her? A question for when she was fully concious, she assumed. Slowly but surely she re-gained conciousness, slowly opening her eyes though her vision was still very blurry.

She looked up at the girl who seemed to be drawing on her. Anya inhaled, and though she was able to pick up the scent and fact the girl drawing on her was a vampire, she regretted inhaling. Her ribs still hadn't healed, nor had most of her internal injuries, but they were.

She blinked a few times, her vision returning. She coughed lightly and moaned in pain, her everything still hurt, though she was no longer bleeding from half her body which was an improvement.

She could feel herself healing, the vampire girl abovr her surely wasn't the blood donor. The blood was human, she knew that much. Anya tried sitting up and immediately fell backwards gasping her chest and coughing up a bit of blood. Moving wasn't going to be an option for a while.

With a pained sigh she looked up at the girl who seemingly saved her. "Who are you..?" She asked weakly. "Why did you save me?" In truth, Anya had no clue why the girl saved her. Unless she was the one that planned on killing her the entire time and it was all part of a plan of lengthy torture.

Injure Anya, bring her back from the brink of death with just enough blood to heal her so she wouldn't die, and then being to torture her to death. With Anya's luck, that'd be the case. Then she saw a cute white cat. "Aww. What a cut kitty~" She said happily, completely off topic. "What's is name?" Anya smiled weakly.

In truth, anyone could kill her right now and she couldn't do much more than use her arms as shields. She hated feeling vulnerable, she hadn't felt this was since before she was turned, when she was human.
"Hmph. Why do we have to stay here of all places?" a Transylvanian accent said irritably as the heels of the woman it belonged to click-clacked down the streets of New York, her voice filled with obvious disgust. "We could have hidden in London, or Paris, maybe...someplace elegant?" She stared at the streets, filled to the brim with street urchins, and made a face. "Someplace where there is less...less...riffraff? I mean...LOOK!" She pointed a gloved finger at an alley. "It's a mess!"

"Shut up," her brother said, shaking like mad. He could feel movement from the alley. Two people. He glanced at the alleyway. "I'll be right back, Maryanne," he said slowly. "Don't get yourself into unneeded trouble. Understand?"

"'Unneeded trouble'? Why would I do that?"

"You killed your-" The brother sighed and took a deep breath. "Look, I only let you come along because we're siblings, and siblings stick together. Don't make me change my mind."

"Okay, Justin," Maryanne said, though she still sounded unconvinced.

Justin looked at Maryanne, at her green orbs. They were boring into his soul, deeper and deeper.
You are to pack your bags by tomorrow....

"No," Justin said firmly and made his way through the alleyway, leaving his sister alone. Really annoying woman...

He reached the end of the alley to see a young vampire with some major injuries playing with a cat, and another vampire standing by. Whatever had just happened he had just barely missed. He stayed there for a few minutes longer, wondering if he would be recognized or even noticed. Justin smiled lightly. Maryanne's just in a bad mood...


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"Hmmm," Vani said as he watched the young vampire healing from the blood. He knew who this girl was. She was the daughter of the owner of the Zone. Anya. He knew because he cut a weapons deal with her father. He stepped out from the shadows

"That was quite a show, young one. You really should've gone back to the bar, instead of limping around like that." Vani stepped out, his hand still on his weapon. There was a moderate chance Anya knew him, either of him, or him personally, as he met her father.

"Allow me to introduce myself to both you ladies." He took off his hat and bowed. "The name is Giavani Smith. I go by Vani. There's a high chance you've heard of me. Weapon Creator and Entrepreneur. I sell anti-wolf weaponry to the Blackbloods." He left out the part of also selling to the Silvermoon, Mafia, Bloods, Crips, Hell's Angels, Aryan Brotherhood, and pretty much any other gang.

"Allow me to help." He unloaded his pistol clip and reloaded it. He cocked the gun and a bullet fell out onto the ground. "A blood bullet. Filled with human blood. Strategic shooters use it to spread diseases, but Vampires heal from it." He repeated it about 5 times and popped the top off the 6th bullet to pour unto the ground to demonstrate. He threw them to her, and quickly changed back to his Anti-Vamp clip

In this situation as of now, she was innocent, so he chose to help her. This other girl was suspicious though. He pulled out a vial of sparkling water.
"Holy water laced with Garlic. Security purposes." He always carried this at night, as Vampires feed at night. By drinking it, he protected himself as they were both highly toxic to vampires. If they sucked his blood, it'd be equivalent to a normal human drinking Cyanide. He drank the mix and winced at the rancid taste.

(Since I don't know where anyone is at right now, I'll just make some random intro post)

Lucifer Malek

'Too look up at the sky, is too see how truly small we really are.' each time Lucifer gazed upon the night stars he couldn't help but ponder about this. At this point in time Lucifer was walking along the streets, holding a black umbrella he also wore a beanie and sunglasses although it wasn't all that sunny at the time, his eyes often threw others off when first meeting him.Walking down the streets he couldn't help but notice the amount of crime happening on the streets even at this time, two out of every four alleyways had someone being mugged or butchered.

Not that it bothered Lucifer even a touch although he wondered how some of these people even lasted this long. However on his walk he did encounter something which he had deemed interesting enough to check out; hearing multiple screams coming from an abandoned building further down the alleyway, while checking it out it seemed to have been used often for this kind of thing; multiple blood stains covering the door in odd scriptures. It was safe for him to presume that this was a cavern for another satanic group and entered the building with slight haste, once entering the room where the ritual had begun it appeared that the cultists were sacrificing multiple people of a young age 'It's always the young ones they choose..' as the cultists could realize his presence it had already been too late Lucifer reacting and leaping over one of the cultists ramming the man's head into the wall next to him the other five cultists rushed Lucifer with daggers, after rebounding off the wall Lucifer side kicked one out of the way before swaying left and right to avoid any contact with the blades coming at him and when getting close enough redirecting their strikes back at them to put them down, quickly finishing them off with their own weapons he glared off the frighten children behind him who thought they had been saved.

A wicked grin crept up Lucifer's face as they expressed their gratefulness with "Thankyou!", "Your a saint" so on so forth; whatever they had to say meant nothing to Lucifer as he had darker intentions for them; cutting them loose he gave off a gracious smile "You should be more careful, Come home with me so I can fix you all up nicely hm?" they listened and chose to follow Lucifer back to the Blackblood headquarters where he spent most of his time; showing them a secret entrance around the side of the building Lucifer locked the doors behind him and walked them down the hall into the main room which also appeared to be a Nightclub, this wasn't just any Nightclub however; this one was specifically for Vampires however the victims of the cultists had yet to find this out. Once entering the room Lucifer made a boisterous entrance and spreading his arms to each side "Hello all, I have bring to you our VERY special guests" giving a gesture to the people behind him "Please...Enjoy~" he concluded with a humble bow, Several vampires had already been at the cake; tearing the human's apart their screams echo'ed through the nightclub Lucifer continued inside.

@Mitchs98 (I'll bring in Tristan later when I can find somewhere to fit him in)

(Sooo, anyone who wants to interact with this character just let me know so we can think of something)

Luna watched as the younger, although not too much than herself, welcomed Shiro. A little taken off guard by the sudden question she awkwardly replied, "Eh..S-Shiro for its white fur." She decided to get to the point. "I thought you might have some information on what did this to y-" She was cut off once again by a figure approaching. Another vampire... She stood up, her blades ready at her disposal. "I see-" She began again, but it wasn't too long after that moment that another figure appeared from the depths of the shadows. Really??!! Again?! What is this a freaking party?? She was losing her patience. Whatever had injured Anya was still out there nonetheless, and she was going to take the gamble that everyone else here had been drawn out here by the loud noise. "Tch." She watched as the new man had given a source of cure for Anya. She allowed him to do so while she didn't bother moving, or taking her eyes off them for that matter. The man seemed to know what he was doing, and, if he really did do business with the headmaster of the BlackBloods then it wasn't a fight she wanted to get into at the moment.

Her eyes flickered from both of the new people and she blew a kiss to Anya as she drew her blades. "I suppose we can talk later." She offered a smile and giggle as she fled past the two other men, taking one of her blades and cutting into the male vampire's arm. It wasn't anything major, but there had to be some sort of blood shed with her arrivals and departures, it would become a signature thing for her. She ran off deeper into the city, until she was a bit out of breath. She stopped outside a vampire nightclub. She wondered where the hybrid was she had met the other day. It was almost unbearable not seeing his blood shed. She stepped inside the club to drown some of her frustration. She hated vampire clubs, but she felt she needed to give herself a bit of a blood high before she ended up killing massively. She had school tomorrow , well, more pretend than anything, and she didn't want to get her hoodie too dirty.


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