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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

Marlin was immediately intrigued. It seemed movie-like that the suspect would show himself the same night they were talking about him showing himself. "Hmmmm........good. What kind of info do you have on him?"

@Sinister Clown

(Sorry for shortness. Back in the dorm and must settle in)
Alexandra repressed the urge to groan but her stomach certainly had no shame at all. Oh how she regretted just zooming past the small crowd to miss the most important meal of the day. Offering a sheepish smile, she rubbed her elbow. "Maybe I'll just eat it later..." She muttered, sighing. This was not her. No, the past her wouldn't let any of these strangers make her feel vulnerable; she cursed herself for letting them so. Plus, the crowd outside the room merely consisted of children. Children!

At the sight of the four small werewolves, Alexandra couldn't help but sag her shoulders in defeat. No way was she going to get her breakfast without having to talk to the slowly approaching pairs of glistening eyes and bright grins. Forcing on a grin herself, she crouched to their eye height, holding out her hand to shake. "Hello. I'm Alexandra." She greeted as one of the girls immediately took her hand in hers, shaking it vigorously. "That's such a pretty name! Meanwhile, I'm stuck with plain old Sarah - Even Delila's name is better than mine..." Sarah huffed, crossing her arms childishly.

"I know plently of great Sarah's," Alexandra said in an attempt to cheer the small girl up. "Yeah. But this one has cooties." A boy snickered, the other one immediately following. "From what I've heard, cooties aren't actually real..." Delila said, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Oh shush. You only say that so that you can play with us!" He said, puffing his chest out then making his way towards Alexandra. "The name's Williams, lady. And the other boy over there is Eugene," Williams introduced, pointing to the waving Eugene. "It's a pleasure to meet you." She replied, ruffling William's hair - which was also coincidentially a colour very similar to white. Alexandra began fearing what her hair would look like after a period of time. "So, Is Tristan your boyfriend?" Sarah repeated, tugging on the older female werewolf's sleeve with her eyes filled with hope. Releasing an awkward cough, the green eyed woman immediately shook her head. "No, no, no, no, no. Of course not; I'm just his friend." The thought of being in a relationship with someone had never crossed her mind before. Although she did have some flings with a couple of humans, the thought of settling with just one person didn't exactly scream out to her.

"Say, do you wanna play with us?" Eugene piped with a grin, the other three children nodding in affirmation. Sarah opened her mouth to say something again, but the grumbling sound of a stomach had interrupted her. They wouldn't have heard it if they were simply humans but their enhanced hearing made sure nothing would go unnoticed. Giggles escaped everyone's mouths as the culprit's cheeks reddened. "Er. How about you go play outside while I eat and then I'll join you later?" Alexandra rubbed the back of her neck, standing up once more as the children began to make their way outside, she assumed. "We'll be waiting for you!" Delila said while waving goodbye. Sighing, she turned to Tristan while biting her lip. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go get my breakfast... I haven't had anything since yesterday morning. You can come with me if you want." She muttered, wrapping her arms around her waist in an attempt to muffle her complaining stomach.


(I'm so sorry for the really late reply. >.< I had some minor issues that I had to deal with)
Justin nodded. "I'd be happy to come with you, I suppose I'd better explain why the Draculas are here in the first place." He took another sip, then, with a swish of his cloak, began walking. "Aaaand perhaps contact some siblings of mine, they'd be pleased to join in on the fun. God, I'm so excited! These 'O' types really do the trick on days like these, don't you think?" He chuckled. Now if only he and his siblings didn't fight all the time....

@Lucinda Darkhive @Kylesar1 (mentioned)
Tristan chuckled at the children."Make sure your rooms are tidy before you head out," he clicked hos fingers and the rest of the crowd dispersed. "Of course Miss, I'll have someone remove the tray in time," he touched a man's arm who did just that.

"Anything you would specifically like at all?" Tristan asked politely as they headed down the stairs. He chuckled at her red face but nonetheless carried on like normal.


It's ok! Take your time!
Lucifer Marlin

With a wide grin he tapped Marlin's nose with his finger "Oh silly~ A favor for a favor is the way I like to do things..Wouldn't you agree?" pausing for a moment he tilted his head over to look to Anya, a cheeky smirk taking over his earlier grin as if to say 'Sorry but this had to be done' and continued speaking "If I tell you this information, I want to take the personal pleasure of executing whatever plan you have in store..He has no idea who he is messing with." he said, gently closing his eyes as he was smiling.

@Kylesar1 @Sinister Clown

Anya nodded slowly to what Lucifer had said, regardless she still didn't want him to get hurt no matter how strong he was or thought he was, he was like a big brother to her after all. Roughly five minutes later Marlin burst in, Anya shuffled out of the way slightly to the side when he did. She stayed relatively quiet as the two spoke, Lucifer would have more information on the man than her anyway. She frowned when Lucifer mentioned taking control of the mission. She knew she couldn't stop him, but she still didn't want him to get hurt. Or even worse, killed.

She silently looked between Marlin and Lucifer, more or less begging him not to go or not to let him go.
Marlin smirked. "You scratch mine and I scratch yours. It should go without saying at this point, Lucifer." That simple code was big among the Blackbloods. Unless it was an executive emergency decision, it was required to get things done.

Marlin pulled out a small notebook from his pocket. He grabbed a knife and cut his finger and let a drop of blood hit the paper. "Accepted. You'll be the main force in whatever plan I come up with, assuming that this suspect is the perp." Words formed on the paper and the blood turned black. An intent contract. A contract formed with a person's current mindset rather than words. What is meant is exactly what's written down. Only available to the higher-ups. It eliminated semantics and loopholes within contracts. "My Blackblood word."

He tore the page out an held it to Lucifer. "Cut and drop, and the deal is sealed." The terms were absolute unless nullified. In this case, the contract was nullified if the suspect isn't the perp. If broken, then offender burns in a spontaneous burst of hell fire

@Sinister Clown

Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer smiled and nodded, taking the piece of paper he cut his finger and blood dripped on the paper "And now, it's sealed." he said with a bright expression "I was originally just going to settle for a promise but this works just the same." he took a slight pause, taking some random Vampire's glass. The man didn't seem to do anything after looking at Lucifer's eyes and just went to order another. Lucifer took a sip and started talking "The man thinks he's 'Justice' of some kind..He seen the unpleasant side of me, and well after a few interactions it would make sense to believe he is the one committing at least some of these killings." sighing slightly "My reason behind that is his fighting capability. He had the scent of a normal human which is why he was able to sneak up on me..However the moment I seen how he moved I decided to try bring out his abilities instead of going right for the kill, and I found out a few things. He's been trained and is no amateur in weaponry...He also has experience in Vampire hunting, he used numerous weapons which are obviously specifically designed to take us down. Garlic gas grenades, a sword which had been refined in holy water and for a 'human' he has extremely unnatural abilities such as speed and strength." Taking another sip he chuckled "He's also got the guts to threaten every one of us, which might mean he has back up, I don't think he could have lasted as long otherwise."


A lot of things were running through the wolf's mind. He was sure this Titan character was surely already causing a lot of disturbance throughout the city. For justice...what a peculiar word it had become over the years. People should give up on something so easily swayed. Justice? Please. This is a world in which man cannot even tell truth from lie. The innocent are thrown into jail, reaped of their souls while criminals get to walk the streets. Are we monsters for merely, surviving? Justice. Where is our justice? How selfish can humans be?

The doorbell suddenly rang as a familiar figure entered. Ah, how lovely for him to com eon time for once. However, I'm quite sure he has lost his sense of time.

"Kaguya. Please, sit." Takashi ushered to the seat in front of him. He was sipping on the usual, caramel latte. His eyes scanned the young creature, he wreaked of the vampire scent. He couldn't stand pure bloods or hybrids.

"I'm sure you've heard of the recent situation that has presented itself? I'm proposing you a deal, to....eliminate this black sheep that fails to understand the way of modern life. Won't you consider?"

Takashi was very blunt in his offers. He didn't wish to discuss, simply to deal. As his deals always went, a reward would be left blank until accepted. However, he was unsure if Tremki would accept the challenge with the pure delight of facing a worthy opponent or require something tangible in return. No matter, whichever took to his liking, Takashi would make it happen. @Sinister Clown
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.1f3632c8a7039ca08fc3f95912aca93f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100227" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.1f3632c8a7039ca08fc3f95912aca93f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Athena nodded as she briskly followed after him, "Yes, an explanation would be nice as well as who I'd be working with. It gives me an idea of how things might turn out." She spoke, taking another sip of blood from the tea cup. "Yes, these types really are calming. Especially with me being how I am.." Athena then looked up at the elder vampire, "Why do you and your siblings argue so much?" It more than likely wasn't her business to be snooping into anyone's personal affairs, but anything that would keep her head clear of war plans and battle strategies and counters until she spoke with Marlin she'd take it. @femjapanriceball ((<3 sorry, love forgot about this one for a moment))



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Tremki Kaguya

Tremki sat in the chair, twiddling his fingers. He was wearing his mask at the time and his usual attire, a casual business suit and earphones strapped on his head. Which right now had been turned off so no music was playing and Tremki could hear every word that was said to him. After given the option, he contemplated and placed placed a finger to where his his chin should be "You want me to kill him?" tilting his head side to side and back in his chair stretching it greatly as he hummed to himself with curiosity "I guess but if Tremki has no fun..He's going to come back and take those pretty eyes of yours." he said with a sadistic chuckle. His voice sounded muffled since he was talking through the mask.

Marlin stroked his beard. "All that sounds exactly like Vani.......However, we all know Vani so it wasn't possibly him. Plus Vani has the subtle scent of a Mix, not a human."

"Things are simple then. If he's a human and his goal is to kill us all, he must be sent by the Government, which means that he shouldn't be hard to draw him out. We just have to kill some civilians, and he'll show himself. That's his job."

When the bartender came back with that random guy's drink, Marlin grabbed it instead. "I'm pretty sure Vani knows at least something about him. He has pretty deep ties into the government via blackmail. He has exposed every national scandal so far. That guy is damn near omnipresent."

He turned to Anya. "Your thoughts on this? Suggestions? Questions? Objections?"

@Sinister Clown

Mr. Mix

After spending time listening to the constant bicker between those under him he silently made his own melody in his head. Intertwining his fingers together and leaning his elbows down on the desk he leaned his head forward and finally made an input "The meeting is over for today. Please leave all of this for the next meeting.." Adjusting his collar slightly as the other's nodded and left respectfully. He took out a phone from one of the drawers in his desk "Why do no hyrbids have any class nowadays's..I'll never know." he said to himself sighing slightly afterward.

Good old justice
I hope you got what you were looking for from out last meeting. Reply yes or no and I will send you the location for out next meeting, we have a few things to discuss..

Kylesar1 said:
Marlin stroked his beard. "All that sounds exactly like Vani.......However, we all know Vani so it wasn't possibly him. Plus Vani has the subtle scent of a Mix, not a human."
"Things are simple then. If he's a human and his goal is to kill us all, he must be sent by the Government, which means that he shouldn't be hard to draw him out. We just have to kill some civilians, and he'll show himself. That's his job."

When the bartender came back with that random guy's drink, Marlin grabbed it instead. "I'm pretty sure Vani knows at least something about him. He has pretty deep ties into the government via blackmail. He has exposed every national scandal so far. That guy is damn near omnipresent."

He turned to Anya. "Your thoughts on this? Suggestions? Questions? Objections?"

@Sinister Clown

Anya frowned when Lucifer 'signed' the contract, despite how powerful he was that guy seemed scary. She kinda saw the contract as Lucifers' death warrant, in a way. Though, she didn't say anything, she simply sighed heavily and crossed her arms listening to the two speak. Of course they didn't ask her for what she thought they should do. No, no. She was too young and fragile to have any say or part in a plan. Honestly it kinda made her mad.

Though, she was shocked to say the least when Marlin asked her for her say in the matter. She blinked once in confusion and looked up at him. "Uhhh..I..didn't really want Lucifer to go cause he could get killed. But, um..." She replied nervously trailing off before suddenly shouting "I wanna help! I can handle myself, and we have a better chance if there's more than one of us!" With that she grew silent and looked away from the two to stare at the floor, ready to recieve an instant 'No' followed by a spiel of how she was still too un-trained.
Lucifer Marlin

Lucifer nodded at Marlin "So Vani sounds like our man..However, I'm not sure how the government would have anything to do with this..Do you really think even they would risk a move like this?" Lucifer wasn't always 'with it' when it came to politics. He wasn't sure that if the government ever did find out about them they would be sooner to hide it from the world than come forward and risk being slaughtered in their own homes. However Marlin still had a point, how would a man like him get the things he has unless having some connection? Thoughts about the situation ran through his head even as Anya started talking, it wasn't until she mentioned wanting to go herself that he looked over to Anya with a confused gaze "Anya, with all due respect..If you're scared of me going shouldn't you be even more terrified about yourself going?" he let out a sigh "I don't think you're as strong as me..At least not yet, I think it would be better if you stay out of this. That way at least if I die you don't as well." he said with a warm smile and he was telling the truth. Lucifer valued the bloodline of Blackbloods more than himself. After all, he has spent the majority of his long life working for them. Looking to Marlin he backed off and cleared his throat "Sorry..It's up to you, if you want me to take her I will."


Her stomach grumbled once more at the thought of food - especially breakfast. Maybe it was her love for breakfast that influenced her need to eat; the taste of maple syrup on pancakes never failed to cheer her up. "Pancakes would be great," she informed, a short sigh of relief escaping her lips, as they entered what she assumed to be the dining room. Another werewolf greeted them with a nod before disappearing into the door on the side. That must be the kitchen... The clattering of pans and the smell emanating from the door was more than noticable to her senses. "How do things work here? Who is assigned to work in the kitchen and such?" She inquired just as a woman walked in the room with a stack of plates in her hands. Immediately, a man came to her side to help her, smiling as he did so. "Most importantly, what do I have to do?" She didn't expect an answer right away, after all he was just here to accompany her for the time being before he went off to do his butler-like duties.


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