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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

(I'm confused. One minute I have the older man and he stormed off into another room, and now you have the old guy and he's suddenly back. Did you see the response I gave earlier...?) 
(Don't worry about it, let's just try and get this brushed up.) 
(The only problem is, what I said as the old man completely contradicted your last post.)
"Who is there besides Nick? Tell me a name? Maybe a description?"

Braum's tone made it so that his requests were almost unable to reject.

He'd sometimes play with his voice and putting on a scandinavian accent to keep the group morale up and to amuse the little girl.

The man took the seat next to Levi,ignoring West's requests and whispering."...it is better if I keep an eye on him..." hearable only to West and him.

They all got in the car.


"Nick...if you weren't swinging the other way around I'd give you a big kiss...if my arm didn't scare you."

She looked at it again.

"Ugh...it looks the same way it feeels...fucking horrible."

She noticed the lights up front.

"Nick! Look!"

Nick looked up to see the car lights getting closer, and while he wanted to make a run for it; his legs wouldn't obey and his head reeled as he came slower and slower. Suddenly the world started to collapse in on him as he heard the tires screech and the doors open; a banter of cursing echoing in his head as he found the world turning very dark very quickly as the pavement came to meet his cheek with an impact that came all too soon.

West had to slam on the brakes to stop from hitting the creature before them; he'd already had an incident where a zombie near went through the windshield, but this was also strange because since when had a zombie carried another on its back. It had to be survivors; there was no way it could be anything else, but the two were far enough away from Wellington that it was doubt-able they really came from the same place he did. That's when the lights came into focus and he noticed those massive blue eyes look up in a frenzy, the mud-stained blood covered man not registering just what was going on; his eyes were vacant. "Nick!" West yelped, unable to keep his voice down in the mix of panic and shock. "Shit! Shitshitshit-" He started, practically tearing his way out the pickup as he ran over to where Nick had fallen; the girl on his back going down with him.

Levi came from the car too, not in time for Nick to see him; but in time for Tina to look up and meet his gaze, for the first time she'd seen his eyes widen a bit and his mouth drop. He had thought they hit the two, and not only was surprised they had come so far; but he immediately went back to gameface. Before he could command anyone, West motioned for his companion to grab Nick while he got the girl missing a hand. He couldn't bear to see Nick like that, but also took into account the fact he needed to tend to those who were conscious. They piled in the pickup, Levi in the passenger seat, their mustached friend driving, and West in the back with Nick and Tina.


@DrTrollinski you can skip to morning! 
(@DryPunishment I wrote that really fast so just like conversations with Braum and the others were kinda overlooked)
(I'm going to hold off a little bit on the timeskip. There's a few people I need here to carry on with the RP, so we're going to have to take a break. I've just realized that. I'll most likely write the skip out in the morning. I won't have time to write it tonight anyway :c)
(Finally I get to sleep. Thank you based @TheHarlequinnCat . ps if I sound mad at you I am not. I just like to make things more dramatic. Levi gaze OP af.)
"I don't know how, all I do know is that it just does. We can talk about it more tomorrow morning, I'll cancel my morning one to talk about it." That would no doubt cause some talk, Connor never canceled a lesson, never.
The Next Day

Eric got Jenna up at eight in the morning. Usually it'd be much earlier, but they all had a late night and slept in for a little while longer. Everyone was still in bed when he got up - Carl was snuggled up with Tom, Caitlyn was fast asleep, Skyler was pretty much passed out - she looked more tired than anyone, surprisingly. Alex and Hunter weren't anywhere. He cringed to think about what they might have been doing during the night. Regardless, once he got Jenna up he kitted her out with some different clothes - this consisted of some jeans that were comfortable to run in, a long-sleeved shirt, and a hoodie. He also gave her a fairly large backpack that she could throw everything in if they found anything; once she was ready, Eric took her out to hit the town. The morning had a bit of a chill to the air, but it was still somewhat warm - Eric made sure they didn't go in the direction of the sniper, just in case, and luckily he had a car that he drove every time they went out - he drove North.

"We're going to the edge of that quarter section I drew up on the wall. We'll start from the top and search the first row of houses, then we'll check out a general store." He said to her while looking at her for a second or so, smiling. "You good?" He asked. (@Soul OMU


Alex awoke not too long after Eric and Jenna left. The realization hit him - he was lying face down on top of Hunter. His body ached, and he was cramped up from sleeping on the couch. He didn't know what was going on until he saw the used condom on the floor in front of the couch. He opened his mouth to scream but no noise came out. He slowly got up without waking her, slipped on his clothes, and then picked up the condom and dashed out of the store to dispose of it - his body was sick with alcohol, but he didn't care. Christ, what did he get up to last night? He'd been with Hunter for no more than a day and this had happened? How much did they drink?!

He threw it in the trash and took a breather. Okay, that was one problem dealt with. He decided to go up to the food storage room and wrap a blanket around himself. He was just going to sit there for a few minutes and sip some water. (@Soul OMU)


Carl was up before Alex. He'd woken up Tom and dragged him to take him to the public restroom - he wanted him not only to wait, but he wanted to talk to him about stuff as well. He was locked behind the door of a stall and sitting on the toilet - before the incident when they were attacked, he was usually happy to take himself to the bathroom for this, but since then, he was worried about something happening, so every use of the bathroom required Tom to be there just for him to feel safe.

".. Daddy--.. What kinda' job did you do before?" He called out in question from within the stall. (@DrCompton)


(@Rifleman - You need to take control of where our characters went next. I don't have any dictation in that on our side :) Write up where they'd be on this morning, etc. and I'll respond :D )


Dominic had a somewhat restless night with Daniel. Daniel woke up several times in the night crying his eyes out, but seeing as he was in bed with him, he was quick to get a hug and fall back to sleep after some words of reassurance. When morning finally came, Dominic was happy to wake up and find that Daniel was curled up under the covers and fast asleep without a care in the world. That gave him a chance to go and look for Conner - he went to his ground-level apartment and called out to him to wake him up. It was around eight o'clock, mostly because Dominic, Daniel, and Conner had a pretty late night last night.

"Conner! You gonna' get up?! I need to see this monster you killed last night!" He called out across the room. (@Beowulf)


It was the morning, the sun beat down on the log cabin and the dog was anxious to go outside. He made the effort of waking Brad and Delaney up by scratching the door of the bedroom for them to let him out. Brad got up first and unlocked all of the doors and let the dog outside; the dog instantly sprinted off into the distance. Did it just leave? Or was it going out for something else? Brad didn't know, but first thing was first, he needed to check if Delaney was okay like he always did every morning.

"Hey, Dell... How you feelin' this mornin'?" He asked her. The bucket was on the floor by the bed, like it always was before Brad went to bed at night. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
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Skyler whimpers slightly in her sleep. She was having one of her nightmares. She instantly wakes up, breathing hard, as she looks around, hoping no one saw her. She takes a few calming breathes and rubs her eyes gently. Her eyes wander around the room when she lowers her hands to her sides. She stands up ad grabs the bottle of water she had gotten last night, and takes a small drink.
Alex got up from the storage room and went back to the mattress store. He saw Skyler and went over to sit next to her. He looked distraught, but he smiled at her. She probably heard what Hunter and him were doing last night in the other store. "Good morning." He said softly. (@Aryn Harris)
"Morning." She says, putting on a small smile. "How'd you sleep last night?" She asks, knowing he probably didn't get much. In reality she just wanted to take her mind off of what she dreamed of last night.
"Uhh... It was late, but..." He gulped. "Yeah, it was good." He looked around for a few moments. "What about you?" He asked quietly, trying to avoid waking anyone else up. (@Aryn Harris)
She shrugs her shoulders. "I slept great." She murmurs, taking other sip from her water. She quickly glances at the ground before looking back over to him. "You know whats on the agenda today?" She questions, trying to turn the attention away from her.
".. Matty's funeral." He whispered, sighing. He then realized that Caitlyn didn't know that he was dead. He needed to tell her. "Excuse me a moment... Feel free to get yourself some breakfast. If you do, just open one can and save as much as you can. We need to ration." He said before walking over to Caitlyn's bed and crouching beside it. He reached out and gently shook her shoulder. "Caitlyn, sweetheart... Wake up..." He said in the softest tone he could manage. (@DryPunishment)
Skyler nods her head and crosses her arms. She wasn't going to eat do to them being low on food. She would eat maybe a bite if somebody offered her some, but no more then that. She'd wait to actually eat when they got more food.

She woke up. Slowly getting up and rubbing her eyes with her tiny arms.

Caitlyn then turned her attention to him.

(@DrTrollinski Sorry if I kept you waiting. History class was so stupid today and I had to arrive back at home)
"Hey, little one..." He smiled but had sadness in his eyes. "We need to talk about something, okay...? We'll go and talk on my bed." He said softly before picking her up and walking towards his mattress. (@DryPunishment, @Aryn Harris)
"Yeah. Yeah, it is..." He sat on the bed and sat her on his lap. "Something very very bad has happened, little one..." He said sorrowfully. (@DryPunishment)
"What happened? He said he was gonna go and look for my parents."

Caitlyn looked at Alex and then back at her bed.

"Oops... I forgot something on my bed..."

He sighed softly. This was going to be difficult. He nodded at her and gently stroked her hair. "Run and grab it quick, sweetheart..." He sighed and nodded towards her bed. (@DryPunishment)
"Huh pal?" Tom was using a urinal, then he turns and started to wash his hands, "I was in the military, I was a medic, I, uh, helped people if they got hurt and stuff. Why're you asking pal?" He leaned on the counter waiting for Carl to come our.

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