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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
"Country are some of my favorite to play. I like the old type, but I prefer playing the newer releases, if you get what I mean." He shrugged and looked back up at the sky, a half-smile on his face. He looked down at his watch. 2:30am. "Christ, it's later than I thought... We should get to bed. I've got something to show you tomorrow morning, if you're interested." He offered, smiling as he slowly rose to his feet and stretched his back. (@Soul OMU)

".. I want you to tell a happy story about towns and people and other nice stuff that we used to have." He yawned quietly and sunk into Tom's lap a little more. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

(Time advancement soon, guys. Try and brush things up ASAP.)
Jenna smiles a bit and takes his hand to pull herself up. "Sure, and I think the newer releases are okay." She said as she put her harmonica away.


Scarlet nodded. "Well one every month in my old home town we'd throw these wonderful fairs to celebrate the good harvest." She said softly while looking at them. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Actually... Instead of me waking you up early, would you like to see that thing I was talking about now? It'll only take a couple of minutes." He asked while walking her off towards the door that lead into the mall. (@Soul OMU)


".. What's that...?" Carl mumbled in a tired voice. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna blinks and looks at him. "Uh sure..." She said while walking with him towards the door, still holding on his hand slightly and unconsciously.


Scarlet smiles a bit. "We called them Springfield Fair. They were quite grand." She said while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Tom looked at Scarlet, "and at the fair one year there once was.., a man and woman... Uh... James and Amber.... Amber was a beautiful red head, and James was lucky guy in charge of taking care of a small boy... Named... Robert? Yeah Robert." He looked shrugged on, "a little romance never hurt right?"
"It got caught up in a trap and I shot it until it stopped moving. Dragged it back here and we cut it up. Has a brain the size of a golf ball and a skull thick and strong enough to keep stuff out. Probably would stop low calibur weapons without a second thought and grudgingly let a higher one through. Oh, and we couldn't find a heart."
He smiled at her and lead her down the stairs. He was surprised that Jenna had taken his hand, but he didn't say anything. He was blushing a little bit, but did his best to avoid showing how shy he was in this situation. He took her into the Art-supply store and through to the back room where there were several A2-sized bits of paper stuck to the wall; all of them had squares spread out across them. Some of them were crossed out. ".. This. This is around a quarter of the town we're in right now." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)


Carl looked happy and at peace. He wasn't asleep yet and his eyes occasionally darted open to look around for a few seconds, but other than that, he was very, very slowly drifting off. He liked it that Scarlet was telling him a story. It reminded him of when his mother used to do it on school nights or whenever he was sick and curled up on the couch; he pictured every detail in his head, and every bit of modernism that he could fit it, but also making sure his imagination didn't overtake the setting of it. It seemed very 'Amish' to him, for some reason. Regardless, he liked the view of people again, and when Tom joined in on the story it made the effect feel more real. It was nice. He gave a gentle hug to the whole of Tom's lower body and just stayed in that position. (@DrCompton, @Soul OMU)


"What?" He was dumbfounded by the news. "No heart? That's impossible... How does the blood get distributed around its body without a heart?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief while rubbing the back of it. (@Beowulf)
"Uhhh, and James, would... Go to the fair, to the woman's booth, Ambers booth, to buy her crops. Cause he... Had a crush in her, really he was just a sucker for red heads." He looked at Carl and smiled anlittle
DrTrollinski said:
He smiled at her and lead her down the stairs. He was surprised that Jenna had taken his hand, but he didn't say anything. He was blushing a little bit, but did his best to avoid showing how shy he was in this situation. He took her into the Art-supply store and through to the back room where there were several A2-sized bits of paper stuck to the wall; all of them had squares spread out across them. Some of them were crossed out. ".. This. This is around a quarter of the town we're in right now." He smiled. (@Soul OMU)

Carl looked happy and at peace. He wasn't asleep yet and his eyes occasionally darted open to look around for a few seconds, but other than that, he was very, very slowly drifting off. He liked it that Scarlet was telling him a story. It reminded him of when his mother used to do it on school nights or whenever he was sick and curled up on the couch; he pictured every detail in his head, and every bit of modernism that he could fit it, but also making sure his imagination didn't overtake the setting of it. It seemed very 'Amish' to him, for some reason. Regardless, he liked the view of people again, and when Tom joined in on the story it made the effect feel more real. It was nice. He gave a gentle hug to the whole of Tom's lower body and just stayed in that position. (@DrCompton, @Soul OMU)


"What?" He was dumbfounded by the news. "No heart? That's impossible... How does the blood get distributed around its body without a heart?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief while rubbing the back of it. (@Beowulf)
Jenna had taken his hand to help her stand up but had forgotten to let go. "Holy cow... Only a quarter? Sheesh..." She said while letting go of his hand to look at them closer, noticing the x. "And the x's?" She asked while looking at him.


Scarlet raised a brow but didn't comment as she watched them. "Every year she would sell her crops and he would be one of the main buyers. So she asked him why." She said softly. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"They're buildings that are too much work to clear out. They're marked in red." He said, there were only two so far. "The black ones are the ones that have already been searched, or they're empty." There were four black-crossed ones. He smiled proudly. "I was--.. I was actually going to ask you something else in regards to this." He said, looking away for a moment. (@Soul OMU)


Carl didn't really think about what exactly was going on. He knew that Scarlet had red hair, so Tom must have been basing the character off of her! Of course! He smiled in thought when he realized it, but his view on it was nothing more than innocence. Love didn't come into the equation, which is exactly why he was going to ask Alex what he was doing tonight when he saw him on the following morning. Carl liked Scarlet already - she was staying up to tell him stories? Awesome.

Not asleep just yet, just listening and doing his best to stay awake and listen to it. He was looking forward to getting tucked into bed with Tom and then waking up in the morning to go and eat some beans like they always did. Boy, he was lucky that the kids got fed first when it came to the rations. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
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Tom looked up at Scarlet. "And James would just mumble a little blushing that Amber was actually talking to him. He had never been good at talking to women." He snuggle Carl a little more
DrTrollinski said:
"They're buildings that are too much work to clear out. They're marked in red." He said, there were only two so far. "The black ones are the ones that have already been searched, or they're empty." There were four black-crossed ones. He smiled proudly. "I was--.. I was actually going to ask you something else in regards to this." He said, looking away for a moment. (@Soul OMU)

Carl didn't really think about what exactly was going on. He knew that Scarlet had red hair, so Tom must have been basing the character off of her! Of course! He smiled in thought when he realized it, but his view on it was nothing more than innocence. Love didn't come into the equation, which is exactly why he was going to ask Alex what he was doing tonight when he saw him on the following morning. Carl liked Scarlet already - she was staying up to tell him stories? Awesome.

Not asleep just yet, just listening and doing his best to stay awake and listen to it. He was looking forward to getting tucked into bed with Tom and then waking up in the morning to go and eat some beans like they always did. Boy, he was lucky that the kids got fed first when it came to the rations. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Jenna blinks and looks over at him. "Sure, what is it Eric?" She asked while looking over the map like board with stickys all over it, taking note of them all.

Scarlet blinks slightly in surprise at that. "Anyways, Amber also had a niece who would often help her and bring along her adopted older sister, who she had grown to look up too in the short time of knowing her. Amber was quite surprised by his reaction but that still didn't stop her from wanting to know why he always bought from her. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Eric took a deep breath and looked around. ".. I'm technically like a runner for the group. I go out most days and find stuff to help everyone out - People sometimes ask me to get them certain items, but that's just an accessory." He looked around once again and cleared his throat. ".. I--.. There's been a panic, so it'll be hard to go out alone. You're someone who knows what they're doing, and I like that, so... I was wondering if you'd like to join me." He offered.

Carl's grip eventually began to loosen up on Tom as his mind shifted slowly into a dream world where everything was happy. They all lived in a perfect house as a family, and there were all of these county fairs that went on where everyone went to eat and chill out with each other. It was amazing, the worst thing about a dream is that it never lasts forever. When he started to fall asleep, that was all the evidence they needed to start lowering the volume a little bit - he wasn't fully asleep just yet, though. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
Eric took a deep breath and looked around. ".. I'm technically like a runner for the group. I go out most days and find stuff to help everyone out - People sometimes ask me to get them certain items, but that's just an accessory." He looked around once again and cleared his throat. ".. I--.. There's been a panic, so it'll be hard to go out alone. You're someone who knows what they're doing, and I like that, so... I was wondering if you'd like to join me." He offered.
Carl's grip eventually began to loosen up on Tom as his mind shifted slowly into a dream world where everything was happy. They all lived in a perfect house as a family, and there were all of these county fairs that went on where everyone went to eat and chill out with each other. It was amazing, the worst thing about a dream is that it never lasts forever. When he started to fall asleep, that was all the evidence they needed to start lowering the volume a little bit - he wasn't fully asleep just yet, though. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Jenna blinks slightly and turns to look at him. "Alright, sounds like a plan." She said and smiled a bit while offering her hand. "Partner." She said while grinning slightly.

Scarlet smiles a bit. "Amber would occasionally let her niece and her sister take care of the stand while she, James and Robert went on to go on rides and try out some food, eventually Robert's brothers came and joined the festivities and many of their friends did as well." She said softly while watching him lull to sleep. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Tom smiled at Carl and looked at her, "then After the rides James would take Ambers hand, and ask him to dance with him, in the dance competition."
(Ask her, not him. xD ) 

DrCompton said:
Tom smiled at Carl and looked at her, "then After the rides James would take Ambers hand, and ask him to dance with him, in the dance competition."
Scarlet blinks as she looks at him. "Even thought she's not that great of a dancer in her opinion..." She said slowly and softly while watching Tom. (@DrCompton)
"Well, James didn't really care about the competition, he just wanted an excuse to hold Amber close, and to dance with her." He smiled
He tightly gripped her hand and shook it. He smiled and nodded at her. "Good, we'll make a great team. Shall we get to bed now? We need to be up early." He smiled and then began to walk towards the mattress store with her. "I'll wake you up - we look in the right places, and we'll get some of the good stuff for ourselves." He smiled at her.


Carl pictured this dance going on - the two people seemed to fit together perfectly. He pictured this 'Robert' child sort of joining it, but instead sitting on the shoulders of this man called 'James'; he then pictured Robert dancing with this woman after a while. It was a perfect scene. A perfect life.

Inside, he was dancing, but he was so tired on the outside and quickly fell into a sleep and a nice dream. It was well past 2:30 in the morning, and the last thing that tired little Carl needed was to be woken up again. It was bedtime now, and with Matty's funeral on the following day, people were going to need as much sleep as they could get. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet blinks and can't seem to figure out what to say next as she looked at him before noticing the smile on Carl's face and smiles a bit. "Good night Carl.." She said softly before laying down.


Jenna smiles a bit and nods before heading back to the mattress room to go to sleep. (@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Night, Jenna." Eric said softly as he patted her on the shoulder very gently and then walked over to Carl and Tom; he kissed Carl gently on the head and then looked at Tom. ".. Get him tucked into bed, eh?" He smiled at him. "Night. See you in the morning." He said to Tom, he then gave him a gentle hug and walked to his bed, collapsing into it. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Skyler stands up, knowing she won't be able to go to sleep. She grabs a bottle of water and sighs from exhaustion. 'I should probably get a little bit of sleep, but I'll have nightmares...' She thinks to herself as she looks at the ground. She hasn't told anyone about them, not wanting anyone to think she was weak. As a kid that's what her parents described her as whenever she came crying to them about one.
Levi didn't bat an eye to anybody's comment, but he saw West pull the slightest face when he fought with his inner turmoil. "Actually no, but I figured he was the only one worth mentioning." Levi, surprisingly, didn't shift his gaze from West; his eyes boring into the younger, as if just asking him to tell him 'no' and see what trouble would ensue. Clearly torn, the older man said with finality; "We'll check it out, but we ain't goin' back in unless we have to and won't be gone long." The farm boy looked mainly to the old man, seeing the disappointment cloud his expression. "I won't let anything happen to y'all, just how tight and we'll be back by morning." As they began to prepare to leave again, the mustached man seeming to agree just as much as West did; he wiped the animal blood off his hands and knelt down to the height of the little girl. Levi couldn't quite make out the low murmurs of comfort, but she seemed less upset after he stroked her hair and leaned in for a small hug.

The ex-writer cocked an eyebrow, the only indication he absorbed what was happening around him. For certain, he knew that West would go and so would this other man; he curiously wondered if anyone else dared to follow, the group wasn't exactly who you'd expect to survive long outside of Wellington's gates. When he approached his motorbike, West clicked the keys to a pickup; clearing his throat so everyone would know they were taking one car, weapons enough for each of them, and most importantly, some water. Levi could see the two men exchanging quiet conversation, and cut them off by asking; "Do you want someone to sit in the back of the pickup? Or is this going to be all up front."

@DryPunishment @DrTrollinski


Nick was losing hope, he shook his head, "If I stop moving then I won't be able to get up again." He felt his entire body beginning to shake with exhaustion; the adrenaline long gone and the deeper-implied effects of his abuse and movement sinking in. Not only did his legs feel numb, but there was a certain rocking in his left knee that he could not shake; as though it were tearing and shaking in itself. He could only mentally scold himself, for he hadn't lost a hand; and he wasn't going to have to endure the shitstorm that came when he ended up cutting more of her limb to avoid infection. When he'd do it, he wasn't sure; the very thought of it was already twisting at his stomach, but it was definitely preferable to the hanging tree they'd seen. He was still smothered in guts, the smell no longer bothering him. It created a frightening contrast on his face, his intensely blue eyes stark against his filthy skin. They still had remains of the dirt they rolled through to get under the gate; blackening their faces on top of the rotting blood and guts. He'd long lost his hat, the signature cap from his father probably in a burn pile already, and his hair was beginning to mat with the gore in it; spare the back section that had been partially shaved short when he first got there, before they decided he was better off alive. It made him look like a rebellious teen trying out a modern hairdo, something he personally couldn't stand; not to mention the fact that it had already started growing back, essentially ruining his plan to just cut it off even. It was the little things like this that kept him from focusing too much on the steady pulsing of his steps in time with Tina's ragged breathing to the tune of his own heart. Nick's vision fogged up periodically, fading to the extent of which his body would sway; but he never stopped walking onward, he had to get as far away as he could. They were dead center of the road, luckily avoiding walkers by the sheer fact they had masked themselves in the scent so heavily that they weren't detectable. It wasn't until two lights came from the horizon that he felt life come back to him; someone was coming. Nick's entire body heaved with exhaustion, beginning to collapse as he slowed down and weighed the options of veering off the road or trying to flag down the strangers coming closer and closer.

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