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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

Humming under her breath, Lucy searched the small neighborhood in search of food. And perhaps a pretty umbrella while she was at it. She was in the mood to twirl an umbrella around.

Among the town, there was only one store and it was barred by a baseball bat.

"Waahhhhh, how unfair!" She whined, stomping on it with the heel of her worn sneakers. Unfortunately, just removing it never occurred to her.
Chel gulped. She knew she had to go back, but she didn't want to. She liked it in her tree. It was comfortable, and she had more water and food in her bag. She could stay here for a few days. She hugged her bag tight and sighed. I have to go back...
"I bet you did this!" She accused the air to her left, pointing an accusing finger towards a figure that simply didn't exist. She received no answer except one only she could hear. However, she seemed to ignore it and continued stomping against the door, the noise drawing a few of her dolls. Dolls that she quickly destroyed as she wasn't in the mood to play, thank you very much.
Chel rested her head on the tree. I'm so drunk... She groaned at the terrible hangover she was going to deal with later. She felt her tree shaking. She looked down, to see a horde of infected at her tree. "What the?!" She pulled out her gun and started shooting some. She hoped they wouldn't attack the store.
Lucy looked on in annoyance and distaste as more dolls approached her. In the distance, guns shot could be heard. She frowned in the general direction. "For the record, I still blame you for this," she grumbled before huffing and sat with the door at her back. She watched bleakly while her dolls lumbered past.

"They're so stupid."

"What do you expect? They're dolls. They're not known for self awareness."
NekoQueen49 said:
Lucy looked on in annoyance and distaste as more dolls approached her. In the distance, guns shot could be heard. She frowned in the general direction. "For the record, I still blame you for this," she grumbled before huffing and sat with the door at her back. She watched bleakly while her dolls lumbered past.
"They're so stupid."

"What do you expect? They're dolls. They're not known for self awareness."
(the bat securing the door in on the inside. not outside of the door. otherwise they wouldn't be able to get out)

Ky heard the groan of something putting weight against the door. Looking around, he didn't see where Lilly, Valkyrie or anyone else was at the moment. Seeing as there was a horde outside. He didn't open or try calling to who ever was leaning against the door. If it had been just himself, He would have most likely opened the door since infected tended to ignore his presence unless Ky attacked them. Ky just thought of it as another side effect to essentially being a half-infected test subject.
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(Was actually wondering about that... Haha, let's just pretend I said it was locked then xD )

Huffing, she glared at the door before rounding the building in search of an employee entrance or a window she could bust in. Whether or not it looked like it, being locked was a good sign that no one had gotten to it already.

Directly opposite of the normal entrance, there was indeed another. Twisting the doorknob, she found that that too, was locked. Slightly annoyed, she threw a stone at the high-up window. Maybe if I find a boulder, I could roll it over here and use it as a stepladder thingie.

"I'm hungry," the boy whined once more.

"I know, I'm working on it..." Lucy said patiently in search of the boulder.
Chel's last clip emptied, and even more infected surrounded her. "Shit!" She yelled. She stuffed her pistol in her bag as the tree kept moving back and forth slowly. She felt like panicking but decided otherwise. She dug through her bag, hopeless.
Kaden stepped out the front doors, looking around a bit confused and concerned. "Chelsea?" He called out. He sighed frustratingly.
"Well it doesn't bother me, lov- erm, I mean doll face." He corrected himself, rolling his eyes. "You never really explained why I can't call you love." He said, raising an eyebrow down at her. @midnightrose
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CALLA said:
((sorry for not reply i had school))
walking down the right she puts a code and opens a door that looked it was about to fall any minute opening it she step in there were weapons of every sort and kind they all looked like they were well made and they were delphi had them made by the best paying almost 6 billion in total. "tada you like it , they all just don't look good they are good , most are hard to use their power will shake believe me i tried. so you want one or two . . .or the whole thing. ha because you have no idea how much this cost and i don't want to just keep them here."

she crossed her arms and pocked up a gun pointing it to here head without knowing and fiddling with it. "oh hey be careful every thing here has amio.

@Shiro kurogane
Hachi looked at the cache of weapons. He liked them but carrying all of them wold slow him down and would hinder rather then help. So he instead traded out his four knives that were starting to rust from constant use for two new ones. Then traded his 9mm pistol out for a deagle and put two of the boxes of ammo for the deagle in his bag. Hachi looked over to see Delphi holding a gun to her head while missing with it. "put the gun down before you shoot yourself with it. Next thing will be to teach you how to shoot a gun the right way." He said reaching over and sliping the weapon from her hand.
"GODDAMN it you fucking infected." Chel screamed. She hugged her bag tighter. The inhumane creatures scratched her tree, making it more and more unstable. She felt her heart race increase and she was stuck there, hoping someone would save her.
Kaden heard the nearby scream and started running towards it, making sure to be cautious in case if there were armed enemies waiting for him.

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