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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

"Chelsea! Fucking hell." he muttered the last part, then shoved the key into the door. He threw it open and it almost hit him, but he rushed to the window. He opened it and put his foot up to jump out, but someone grabbed the back of his shirt and threw him back, causing his head to collide with the table.
Chel knocked on the door, antsy. The door opened and the man was back, drinking some water. He noticed her distressed face and asked what was wrong. "Nothing, I just need to stay here until I can find a place." She stepped inside and say at the kitchen table.
He grabbed the back of his head in pain and looked up at the man who was standing there. The man threw his hands around Kaden's neck and didn't let up for one second. Kaden struggled for air as he reached into his boot and pulled out his knife. it almost fell, but luck was on his side. He flipped it open and put all of his effort into one blow, striking the man in the neck. He began choking on his own blood and held his neck as he fell over. Kaden took in a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment, before jumping out the window and running into the blizzard that was starting to form.
The man closed the door and sat in front of her. "Something is obviously bothering you. I was a psychiatrist before the Earth went to Hell." She felt a lump forming in her throat and she looked at the table pattern. "I don't want to talk about it..."
Kaden couldn't see a thing. There were houses nearby, and he knew that he'd lost her in the storm. His best option was to wait it out somewhere. He held his hand up over his eyes and walked into the house, slamming the door behind him.

"IDIOT!" He yelled, kicking a chair. He lost her, he could possibly never see her again. On top of that, he had nothing. He wouldn't make it a week on his own now. His backpack was gone, along with everything inside. All he had was what may be in this house, his knife, and his old necklace. He sat down on the chair and crossed his arms in his lap, letting his head hang low. (like my profile pic)
"It would help you, miss." The man said. His wife walked in and smiled at the sight of me. "Good thing your back. A blizzard just started. Would you like anything?" She asked politely. Chel felt frozen (no pun intended) internally. She smiled to hide it. "May I have some water?" The woman nodded and grabbed a glass from the counter and filled it with water.
Kaden paced around the room. She could be dead, being eaten alive or raped right now. She could have fallen somewhere and is slowly freezing to death, and he was just sitting on his ass doing nothing of it. He felt his stomach grumble, realizing that he was hungry. He didn't have an appetite, so he just ignored it and continued pacing around.
Chel took the water handed to her and went upstairs. She set down her backpack and realized she still had Kaden's. She hid it, so no one would find it. She swallowed the water with difficulty. She laid down on her bed, still sweaty.
He laid down on the couch, staring at the ceiling as he thought about all the possible terrible things that could be happening. He tried to shut his eyes and sleep, but it didn't work.
Chel covered her face with her arm. She set her glass on a nighttable. She pulled the covers over her head. She held her pillow and cried. She had never cried that hard before. But she didn't stop.
He didn't want her to be dead, he wanted to be able to just walk up to her and at least explain himself, then he would be okay with being nothing again. He didn't want her to think he would turn into one of those...things. He rested his head on the couch arm as time flew by, and as the storm slowly cleared. *The next morning*
She apparently fell asleep. The woman woke her up. "The storm subsided. You can look for a place if you want." Chel nodded and got up. She showered and changed. She left the house and walked down the street.
Kaden didn't sleep a wink all night, he just pondered over everything. When the sun rose in the morning, he pulled up right pants leg to look at the old bite from almost two months ago. He sighed, running his hand over it, then dropped his pants leg and walked out of the house.
Chel avoided the base and went farther away, looking for a small building. Even a she's would do for now. She held her gun to her side.
He walked down the street, looking lost. He took a left, and just as he did he looked back at the base. He could only hope that she wasn't in there. He turned his back to it and walked up the street.
Chel found a small apartment and knocked on the door. No response. She burst the door open and walked inside, her gun up.
Kaden heard a car motor nearby and panicked. He could tell it was drawing in closer. He ran behind a nearby house and hid behind one of the large trash bins.
The house was empty and she went upstairs. She went through the drawers but found nothing. She found band-aids and disinfectant wipes in the bathroom. The other rooms had soup vans and water bottles.
Kaden slid down the back of the trash can and broke down sobbing. He knew that she was probably dead, and he couldn't take it. He hugged his legs and shoved his face into his knees, sobbing hard. He didn't care if infected came and ate him alive, or if someone shot him straight in the head. He just cried.
Chel thought it was a good place, but she didn't want to leave the kind people alone. She walked back, and she thought she heard something. She brushed it off and kept walking.
He was still sobbing behind the house, not a care in the world anymore. He knew that it had been almost three days since he's eaten, but he was sure that he'd die some other way before starving. Almost an hour later, when there were no more tears left and his eyes burned from crying, he stood up and leaned against the wall as he walked over to the next house. He fell down and decided to lean up against the wall. He barely moved one house down in a whole hour. You're so pathetic. He thought to himself.
Chel had gotten to the house and told them about the new apartment. "But I don't want to leave you..." "Sweety go for it. We'll be fine." After 5 minutes of persuading, she packed up all of her stuff (including Kaden's) and started on her trek back.
He laid on his back behind a random house, his dull eyes looking up at the darkening sky. He was cold, but he didn't really care. He heard shuffling nearby, and closed his eyes. This is it. I'm going to die. I can finally just stop living in this shit of a world. He heard it getting closer and closer, the sounds of its inhumane groans becoming more audible.
Chel saw a small pack of Infected in front of her. She pulled out her pistol and shot one down. It quickly gained the attention of the rest. They shuffled towards her and she got ready to attack.
He heard a nearby gunshot, but it didn't faze him one bit. He just laid on the floor, hoping that the infected that was about to eat him wouldn't leave. He almost wishes he wasn't immune, if he wasn't then he would've died a long time ago and he wouldn't have failed so many people.

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