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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

midnightrose said:
Megan stood up and nodded her head. "Okay." Was all she could say. Megan felt weak in front of her and she was trying her best not to anymore
"Come on, let's head inside and look for a map,"Lilly said, becoming for Megan to follow. She turned on her heal, and went back inside and saw both of her friends on the kitchen. She got her bag and pulled out two sodas for them, and a fresh bag of jerky. For Megan she pulled out gatorade and a bag of trail mix. For herself, a bottle of booze and a bag of sunflower seeds.
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Megan look at chel."its okay everyone has their moments and thanks." She nodded her head towards lilly. Megan grabbed the items and started to eat the trail mix.
After searching the abandoned house and finding nothing of use aside from a can of beans that had yet to expire. Hachi gave a final look to the grave of the dog before continuing onwards. Where he was heading from here was a mystery even to himself as he wasn't familiar with the area. Hachi decided to head in the direction for where the six armed men had gone. Was it stupid? yeah. Would he likely be shot again? it was possible. But it was better to try and steal a map of the area rather than wander aimlessly. Plus, if he was lucky. Their map would have marked locations of concentrated hordes are.

It didn't take long for him to find the sparse remnants of foot prints. Following these prints was proving difficult since he rarely ever needed to track anything. Even before the outbreak when he was still a pro killer. Mostly because in that line of work there are normally fatal consequences for missing your first shot. Taking longer than he liked to ensure he was following human prints and not some kind of animal or infected. By the time a fairly well fortified looking building came into view, Hachi was annoyed. If he never had to trace again, it would still be too soon.

A bright light swung towards where Hachi was standing and before he could even guess what it was. Hachi dropped prone on the snow. He stayed as still as humanly possible even holding his breath as breathing caused movement. The spotlight as Hachi had realized what it was passed over him after have stayed on the spot he was prone for longer than a few minutes. Hachi even though he'd been seen but he guessed since it had moved on, that had not been the case.

Making his way close to the fortified base was fairly easy for Hachi. But seeing the many armed men and woman, Hachi knew he'd be unable to sneak in and out without being found out. What with all the constant patrols that were roaming and the fact that even the unused rooms had at least two look outs in them. "why is this place under such a heavy lock down?" Hachi could guess the answer to his unvoice question. Since the only time a militant force did something like this was either to hide something or more likely since there were no survivors in the surrounding area that he knew of. These people were now looking for something or doing something that they couldn't risk outsiders finding out about.

Hachi had always thought that mindset of hiding something be reinforcing it was a stupid thing to do. In his line of work, anything that needed hiding was either hidden in plain sight, encrypted several times over with different encryption types and increasing difficulty or if you were really cocky, not hidden at all. Just as Hachi turned to leave, a light from a personal flashlight hit him right in the face and blinded him momentarily. It wasn't a soldier but a girl that looked the age of fourteen staring at him. Mentally scolding himself for allowing a child to sneak up on him, Hachi pulled one of his knives and drop kicked the girl's legs from under her and pinned her to the ground.

"scream and i slit your throat, got it?" Hachi threatened in his normally calm voice and blank face. The girl nodded quickly clearly terrified. Hachi never knew why his always calm voice scared even grown men, maybe with his blank face? Hachi never understood. The girl's eyes filled with terror bore into him but as usual he was unaffected by such things. "are there others with you?" he asked the girl. The girl shook her head no and this caused supposed to stir in Hachi since there was a slim chance of a child surviving along. "then where did you came from?" He questioned the girl again and realized that in any normal situation someone would be trying to talk. The girl replied by using sign language.

"are you a mute?" Hachi asked as it dawned on him that he'd not covered her mouth and she could have screamed at anytime.... well tried too anyways. The girl again replied in sign language and opened her mouth and tried to speak to prove it. Hachi just stared at the girl deciding if he should just kill her since mutes normally weren't good information sources. Actually, now that he really looked at the girl. Hachi realized she was covered in cuts and bruises and had the glint of a person starving in her eyes.

Releasing a sigh and getting off the girl, Hachi resheathed his knife and pulled out the can of beans he'd found earlier and opened it. The girl's eyes widened at the food and she stopped herself just as she'd moved to snatch the can. "here" was all the girl needed to hear from Hachi before grabbing the can and devouring the food like a wild animal. "good luck" Hachi said moving and sneaking away from the fortified building. Reaching a safe distance far from the militant base, He turned back only to see the girl had followed him. To hachi the girl seemed like a stray dog and since he'd fed her. The girl was going to follow him in hopes of being given more food.

"don't follow me, girl." he told her. The girl spelled out something in sign language. While she did this, on of her ripped up sleeves rode up on her arm and revealed a bite mark. "you were bitten?" the girl nodded in answer to Hachi's question. "how long ago?" He questioned. The girl held up ten fingers. "ten hours?" the girl shook her head no. "ten minutes?" The girl nodded. "hm.." Hachi had heard the it sometimes take different amounts of time for those bitten to turn.

While for some the turn happened quickly for other though rarely, took longer to change. Looking at the girl again, Hachi saw that she looked sickly which was one way he'd learned to tell if someone was bitten. Although, there had been one time he'd been wrong but that was neither here nor there. "do you feel sick? and maybe weak and/or lightheaded?" The girl's head nodded once. "then you don't have much longer." Hachi stated brutally honest. The girl nodded in agreement which told Hachi she'd either knew or guessed the same. letting out a deep sigh twinged with slight annoyance and picked up the girl and carried her back to the abandoned house where the dog was buried.

Hachi saw a question fill the girl's eyes. "no, this isn't my home. Yes, its safe and Yes, the mound of dirt with the rotting wood sticking out of it is a grave." He answered the three possible questions the the girl had probably been thinking. Carrying the girl inside, Hachi gathered the moldy smelling blankets and made a bed pile on the floor in the living room. The girl by now had figured out he wasn't gonna kill her. After making her comfortable, Hachi questioned the girl and learned two things. First, she and other captured survivors have been and are forced to allow an infected to bite them by the armed men at the base and Second, they seemed to be doing tests on the forcibly infected survivors.

The girl's body suddenly jerked and she looked at Hachi with eyes that said she knew what was starting to happen. When her body jerked again, the girl used the momentum to grab his pistol and looked at Hachi with eyes daring him to try stopping her. "im not stopping you." was all he said to her. The girl signed a single word to him and put the gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. The pistol's silencer attachment muffled the gunshot and Hachi just watched waiting a moment before taking his weapon and reholstering it. This would be the third body he'd have buried.
He looked back towards the stranger, realizing that they hadn't really spoken much. He never even really learned her name. He faintly smiled and nodded. "Yeah, i'm fine." He answered and continued eating a bit until his can was empty. He set it on the floor next to the couch and rested his hands behind his head.
"Kaden." He moved his hand from behind his head and caught one of the pieces. "And you?" He asked, throwing the piece of food back at her.
UnknownRolePlayer said:
"I know where one is. I found one while looking for supplies..." Chel recalled the zombie and the "cure". She gulped.
"We need it, then we can figure out where the heaviest military concentration is," Lilly said, taking another sip from her drink. "We all go, and we all get back alive," she said, sitting the drink down. "I have no intentions of loosing anybody eles."
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He looked up at her with his jaw dropped. "did you just.." he looked down at his shirt that was covered in food. He slowly looked back up at her, shocked but slightly amused.
AIEe said:
He looked up at her with his jaw dropped. "did you just.." he looked down at his shirt that was covered in food. He slowly looked back up at her, shocked but slightly amused.
"Hey! Stop wasting food!" Lilly laughed.

UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel yawned and covered her mouth. "We should head tomorrow. It's pretty late..." She smiled at the fact that he was having fun.
"Is the house close, if so, me and Meg can go, you and your boyfriend can stay here."
He stood up and grabbed the edge of his shirt, shaking it off as he glared at Megan. "I swear, i'm going to go insane if I have to hang around three girls for the rest of my life." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his bag, searching through it. "And i'm not her boyfriend!" He called out to Lilly, correcting her for the hundredth time. That's what it felt like at least.
AIEe said:
He stood up and grabbed the edge of his shirt, shaking it off as he glared at Megan. "I swear, i'm going to go insane if I have to hang around three girls for the rest of my life." He walked into the kitchen and grabbed his bag, searching through it. "And i'm not her boyfriend!" He called out to Lilly, correcting her for the hundredth time. That's what it felt like at least.
"Are you sure?" She called back.
Chel just shook her head. "I won't fight it anymore. I give up. Its an endless fight." She laughed when he corrected Lilly. "It is close yes. It had a broken door. There's also a zombie in their but I think it's for scientific purposes."
He sighed, pulling out a water bottle and walking back into the living room. "Yes, i'm sure." He rolled his eyes and plopped down onto the couch again, giving Megan a look before doing so. "I swear if you have any hidden food that you plan on throwing at me.."
UnknownRolePlayer said:
Chel just shook her head. "I won't fight it anymore. I give up. Its an endless fight." She laughed when he corrected Lilly. "It is close yes. It had a broken door. There's also a zombie in their but I think it's for scientific purposes."
"Meg, get ready. We're moving out." Lilly said, finishing her drink. She slung her bagain over her shoulder, taking out a few food items and a big bottle of booze and motioned to Megan that they were leaving. "Have fun kids," she smirked and walked out the door.
Megan put her hands up." No more food throwing... After this." She threw a couple more pieces before speed walking out the room. "Sorry kaden." She called from a different room. She grabbed her bag and followed Lilly. "Alright let's go."
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Kaden waved to Megan and Lilly as they walked out, then stretched his legs and arms out a bit over the couch. He looked down at the food on his shirt and smirked. "I'll get her back....eventually." he murmured. He threw the pieces of food off of him and onto the ground.
Chel laughed. She took another swig of water and took off her hat. Her black hair was a mess, but she didn't bother fixing it.

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