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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)

"So all magic is just enhancements on the original skill? I see, so if someone is really weak magic would be quite useless to them, because even emphasizing on the skill would just be emphasizing weakness. Firearms are fun, I can't use magic at all, I've never been able to, and it was a gun I was given on my tenth birthday, so I might as well use what I know, right? You're magic is enhancement, but what about other varieties? Are there types of magic that are more, well mystical?" She smiled a bit. "Have you ever used a gun?"
"Yeah there are people who can create or utilize different elements. Even people who can change their appearance though illusions." Wrath said as he fiddled with his pack, putting away his canteen and bringing out a small datapad.

"Worse yet are people who can influence the actions of others. They are the worst kind of person." Wrath said then shook his head as if clearing away a bad memory.

"I have but I don't like them. They are useless when you run out of ammo" Wrath said and held up his fist "This doesn't have that problem."
"Don't go dismissing an empty gun for a useless piece of metal." She warned. "They're damn heavy, and can break skulls if used right. Close combat isn't a big option for me. I'm smaller than most of my opponents, I'm fast too, but magic trumps any practice I put in." She reached for a panel and pushed it, it gently slid away revealing three sniper rifles, five handguns, a crossbow and plenty of ammo. "Gun beats magic if you're good at it. Did Hadrian show you the memory room? If you like close combat the memory room is great for practicing."
"You just want to see me in action don't you?" Wrath grinned. He had to assume Corliss was a battle junkie the way she kept talking about him. Maybe she liked the adrenaline rush or just wanted to get a better handle on his fighting style.

"Guns don't always trump melee users. Your friends back at the based proved that." Wrath retorted a's he looked at the sniper rifles. "Ever seen someone catch a bullet?"
She shrugged with a twinkle in her eye. Fighting was fun, if you were good you got to live, if you weren't you were easily taken care of. Fighting had no rules, which made it straightforward and simple. It was easier than politics, if you didn't like someone, and they didn't like you, you just fought.

"I didn't have a gun, and you can blame Hadrian for that. During business meetings I have to dress like this, and the NAA aren't exactly welcome to the idea that their best mercenary walks into their HQ with a gun. All I had was this." She unstraps the dagger from her leg and places it on the table. It's an unusual thing, most daggers are a silvery metallic colour, this one is black. It's a a simple style, no decorations and quite small, only about 5 inches for the blade. On the handle three Asian characters are engraved in gold, "月月見".

"Isn't it pretty? It was a gift. Did you say catch bullets? No I haven't, and I don't think I would, that puts me at two disadvantages. This is why I prefer sniper positions, if they can't see me they can't stop me."
"Fair enough when it is against one opponent but what to do once they know exactly where you are." Wrath lectured as he picked up the small knife and twirled it between his fingers. Throwing weapons were more his speed. He could make use of his strength when throwing them and also set up a devastating blow like he had against that wolt monster.

"What does it say?" Wrath was not familiar with the language.
"It's pronounced 'to-mo-mi', it means two looking moons I always imagined two crescent moons facing each other. It's a good knife. Most people are dead before they even realise I'm there, so I haven't run into that problem yet, just because close combat isn't my forte doesn't mean I can't do it. I grew up taking judo and mixed martial arts." Corliss' minded wandered back to her private classes, just her instructor and . . . well him. The one who should've been here, with her now. The one who had trained her with her for years and years, they had been with each other for so long that they knew each other almost better than they knew themselves. That idiot should be here. She grimaced and violently kicked at a nearby chair. "Definitely should have put a collar on that one." Corliss murmured.

Shaking herself out of the memory she held her hand out for the dagger. "That's also what the dagger is for, I can use it if anyone or anything creeps up on me."
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The knife spun faster in Wrath's fingers in a blur of black metal and gold until Wrath held it by the tip and handed it back hilt first to Corliss. The edge still quivered from the sudden stop.

"It's not bad, but it's balance is a little off. I would keep it close and not try to use it for throwing anytime soon" Wrath advised and let go of the blade once it was in Corliss's hand. He had considered keeping it to tease her, but this was the first thing Wrath had actually seen her care about. Not that he would let her know that he had noticed. Better to keep something things close to the chest in case he needed it later.

"There was a lot of bustle back at the base even before you up and went all rebellious on them. Were they in the middle of gearing up for some kind of large-scale project?" Wrath figured Corliss would know something, seeing as how she was arm in arm with them until just recently.
"All I know is that they suspected someone of selling out NAA information to other Alliances. I was sent to take care of said suspect, but I was brought back before I finished. I don't know that much about NAA, and they liked it that way. They knew they weren't the only clients I had, and were worried I'd turn on them. I don't care about the information though, just who'll pay me the most. If they have big plans I could get Hadrian to do some searching through their files. I didn't spend three months working for them for nothing you know. It took a while but I hacked most of their databases and files." She tossed her head a little. "I did not go rebellious on them, they were the ones to try and execute me. Anyone who was hurt during the time I protected myself shouldn't get any sympathy."

Corliss turned to look our the window again. "What languages do you understand? Is it just English? What sort of training do you have in close combat? You know the NAA better than I do, what sorts of strategies will they use to find us?"
"I never really got involved with any of the military affairs. I managed to escape before I was drawn too far into their intrigue" Wrath said, taken aback by all of Corliss's questions. She certainly did have a lot of questions for him. Wrath was not used to so many questions, in his line of work as a scavenger questions were strongly discouraged.

"I only know English, the program was not really strong on learning foreign languages. And as for what sort of training... lets just say I have a couple decades of experience under my belt of fighting anything from men to monsters. Mostly working and fighting alone but occasionally through various circumstances I would end up teaming up with others" Wrath said at the monitor, Hadrian had been unusually silent for a long while now. "Clint was one of those I know from a couple past jobs."
"Hm." Corliss studied Wrath's face, and then smiled. "You're weird." She turned back to Hadrian. "They'll hunt for us, how much of you do they understand?"

"I'm offline currently, as soon as we reach the house I'll check our network and run a scan over my files to ensure they haven't tried to trace us that way. I don't believe they understand me at all, as far as they could tell through that first scan they tried I'm a simple AI interface for this ship."

Corliss sighed and wandered towards her room. "Give me a second to change, talk with Hadrian or yourself, I don't really care."

After returning to her room she exchanged the dress and curled hair for a quick shower and more comfortable clothes. Her room was relatively plain, there was a simple bed, a messy desk, and a blank wall. Behind this wall was a grand display of more of Corliss' weapons. Through the window you could see more of the dark ocean. She sighed and ruffled her damp hair with a towel. What an interesting turn of events this was turning out to be.

"Did you miss me?" Corliss asked, returning to main area. "Or is Hadrian better company than me?"
"I'm surprised she didn't threaten to kill me if i peeked" Wrath said to himself, and to Hadrian he supposed. Wrath occupied himself by taking his pack and spreading the contents out on the table. He has used up most of his explosives and a lot of the healing ointment during his 'adventures' and thus he had to account for what he had left. The 'loot' he had obtained had been left behind when he had to crawl his way aboard the ship. Corliss returned after several minutes as Wrath was returning his various tools to the small pack.

"You have no idea how much" Wrath said with a grin across his face "I thought you had left me for someone else."

Wrath cracked his knuckles and finished putting away the last of his things when a small photograph slipped out and landed on the floor. The picture showed two young men and a young girl. There was one with dark red hair not unlike Wrath's sitting in the middle with a slight frown on his face. The other boy had blue-dyed hair and was grinning while he leaned on the other boy's shoulder with his fingers making a "V" symbol for the camera. The girl was a strawberry blonde on the other side of Wrath was the one holding the camera with one hand and the other arm was wrapped around Wrath's.

As it fluttered to the floor Wrath reached out with his hand quickly to try to retrieve the photo.
Corliss knocked his hand away and took the picture. She moved just out of his reach and inspected the picture. "This is you and the others? They're cute." She continued to avoid Wrath's reach holding the picture close to herself. "You'd be cuter with a smile though. It looks like you were all about the same age. Speaking of which," She glanced at Wrath. "How old are you anyway?"

"I wouldn't leave you for someone else, my only other pet is at the house." She said coldly, tucking the picture into her pocket.
Wrath burst into a roll and came up right next to Corliss, his hand slipped his hand into her pocket to retrieve his photo. It was unavoidable but Wrath did have to touch her in order to get into her pocket and retrieve his precious photograph. Wrath continued past her and safely tucked the photograph back into a fold in his pack.

"I am twenty five and I would appreciate it if you would not take my stuff" Wrath hissed. That photo was all he had of those two before they were...Wrath shook his head. It was in the past and he should cherish the memories he had with them. They were the one good thing after that hellish program. "Why would you even want to keep this photo?"
Quiet, unusual in a good way. Today is a day off for the nurse and like most of those days she is called in for assistance. There are never enough doctors or nursers for how many injured come back. Although today is different, today is a quiet day or that is for the time being. Rene can be a very busy person, helping out all that she can. Even though she is a nurse stationed at the landing air base at times, if they do not have enough medics, she is sent out to different locations until someone else is able to take her place.

Today the girl can actually relax. It is rare for her to get a full day with out needing to do some sort of work so she will take it with gratitude. Not wanting to waste a minute of her free time, Rene has been out prowling the streets of London. Doing some quick shopping, she carries a bag resting on her hip with the thick strap hanging on her opposite shoulder; she has a rule that once the bag starts to get too heavy, it is the end of the shopping trip.

Having already finished what needed to be picked up, Rene continues down the street. With her eyes open, wandering the stands and different merchants, she waits for something to catch her interest.
Clint walks through the streets of London, his massive sword sheathed on his back, and then wrapped in bandages from the end of the handle to the end of the thick leather keeping the sword safe. Its general shape is concealed by the bandages, making it look like the man in the tattered red coat is carrying a large, bandaged oval on his back. There's a little smiley face drawn on the bandages. Next to him, Kaine, the shadow-type dire wolf trots along happily.
Crowded. These streets seem to be always crowded, immigrants and survivors just keep coming. More and more places are becoming dangerous and with all these people needing a safe place to call home there just isn't enough room. Rene is a petite person, so easy for her to be mislooked and bumped into; she has already lost count today of how many times she got nudges and almost got knocked over by people.

On her way home now, the backpack handing off one of her shoulders, she tries her best to move around the people, darting her way through. Lifting her head she notices a familiar face. Working at the settling base Rene gets to see a lot of people coming in and leaving. Noticing the waves just move around him she takes his space a little to her advantage. Even though the man probably won't recognize her she approaches him anyway. She easily knows she has seem him multiple times before but can't figure out his name. "Hey, back so soon?" she greets with a kind smile. Rene had always been a caring person, kind of goes with the job but with that she always enjoyed hearing the stories and of what is going on beyond this city.

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Lilly was running low on fuel,she realized that they won't have the kind of fuel she's looking for in the Oceanic Alliance. She decides to take a detour to London,where if they don't have the fuel,she could get the ingredients for it and make it herself. The trip only took five minutes,as she was already over the Pacific ocean. She had to find a large enough space to land,a house seemed like a good place.She landed there and...That house has no way to the ground from the roof.
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Clint looks down. "Uh... I guess..." He's slightly startled, usually people, excluding children, avoid him. Now there's this girl he doesn't know talking to him. Clint looks to Kaine, the wolf doesn't seem to dislike the small woman. He keeps walking, not wanting to cause an obstruction in the crowded street. "May I ask your name?"
Rene gives a kind smile and a nod in greeting, "Rene, and what is your name?" she asks in her soft well-spoken voice. She expected the puzzling look from him, there are a lot of people he has probably seen and she is just a regular human, nothing really that stands out. Him though, he is an easy catch to remember. "I've seen you at landing base 12D4 a few times" she tells him, letting him know where she had seen him before and isn't just another freak out there. Rene heads down the street too, he was going in the same direction anyway and assumes he doesn't mind the company. Besides, now she isn't being run into all the time. "And what is your friends name?" She soon asks, turning her gaze away to look at the wolf walking along side of him.
She smiled a little. "It's one of your precious things, why wouldn't I want to keep it? You'd probably appreciate it if I did a lot of things differently, yet about twenty years of tutors, nannies, and other such people have not yet been able to change my ways. Perhaps it has something to do with my DNA. You said they were gone, gone how? Gone like, gone gone, or just disappeared like you? You said the President adopted you, what about your first family, where are they?" She shook her head. "There's still a lot that we don't know about you, and yet I'm going to keep you at the house, I do hope you've been trained for that."

"We will be arriving in a little less than an hour." Hadrian commented.

"So what do you say, shall we finish our game of truths?" Corliss asked Wrath.
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Clint nods. "I have some friends there. My name's Clint, and the dire wolf is Kaine." His scarf gets tugged a little too tight around his neck and Clint loosens it. The wolf looks up to Rene, its blazing, dark eyes full of curiosity. The wolf's mouth is turned into an expression that unsettlingly resembles a human smile of quiet amusement.
Looking to the dire wolf causes her head to tilt to one side in slight uncertainty. It is odd but she is pretty sure she saw the large animal smile back to her; giving the girl a small chill she gives the wolf a nod in greeting as well as a kind smile. Lifting her head she focuses her attention back to the gentleman. "Well, it is nice to formally meet the two of you." she answers. Curious she is of exactly what kind of man this guy is she continues walking with him hoping to find out more, after all with all the torn red clothing he is an eye catching sight that makes a person wander. Not wishing to pry too much, Rene sticks to keeping the conversation light and neutral. "What are you doing back in London?"
"Getting supplies, maintenance on my weapon." Clint taps the giant, bandage-wrapped thing on his back. "I'm also checking on friends."
"That smile makes you look like a cat" Wrath said and angrily turned away from Corliss. If she was a cat then would that make him the mouse? She certainly toyed with him and had the curiosity of a feline. "From now on I shall call you 'kitty'. Seems to really fit you." Wrath wondered where exactly this supposed base of Corliss's was. It would have to be far from beyond the reach of the NAA, maybe somewhere near Europe for her to be as confident as she was that they would never be found.

"They were drafted into the service before me, they were a couple years older and had already finished their training regimen." Wrath said thinking back to the photograph. There was no warning when it happened, they were just dragged away in the middle of the night. "If they are lucky they died without being made into tools of the NAA." Wrath knew what their 'agents' were capable of and what they were subjected to in order to ensure their 'loyalty'. It was what had driven him so hard to escape.

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