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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)

"I don't think you could handle me as your 'plaything'" Wrath said with a smirk on his face. He was beginning to get a clearer picture of what kind of personality Corliss had. He had run into this kind of person before, though usually it was nobles who had this kind of attitude. He had worked many jobs in the past but babysitting... that was a new one indeed.

"I get the idea of what you want me to do Hadrian but there are a few problems, foremost being Corliss just consider's me a plaything and that is not something that sits well with me. Not to mention I have assignments to carry out and I actively try to avoid the people Corliss rubs shoulders with" Wrath sighed at the end of the list. "And oh yeah - she doesn't like me"
"Mercenary." Corliss said. "I'm a mercenary, I don't play for the NA Alliance by loyalty, just money. I like Hadrian's idea, I don't dislike you, you're just a very frustrating toy. We are on our way to the NA Alliance headquarters, stay on the ship and we'll be off in an hour, to anywhere. Also, why not? Be my plaything, I won't make any promises I can't keep. We can go around causing trouble, I'll raise hell and you do whatever. It's not a long time thing, just stay for a little bit at least though."
Wrath shook his head, words were not going to get her to change her attitude toward viewing him as a 'toy'. Overall the offer was appealing. Traveling with someone who had a personal airship would give him access to better paying jobs. Since she was a mercenary he would not have to risk being seen in the northern territories. He would not be at 100% for a few days anyways, the only thing he did not like was her treating him like a toy.

"One condition - every time you call me a 'plaything' or a 'toy' I will be forced to take measures against you. I take it you enjoy bear hugs? Hadrian did say you need 'caring'" Wrath finished with a very evil looking smile on his face.
She took a step away from him. "Fine, I won't call you a plaything. Don't touch me. Is that all you'll really ask of me? Hmph, how simple minded. You'll really stay? How nice, Hadrian make him comfortable." Corliss retreated to to the ship's helm, falling into the captain's chair. "I cannot believe I just adopted a plaything like that."

"Hadrian, pull up his medical file which you scanned earlier."

The file showed a large arrangement of old wounds that had already healed. "What sorts of scrapes did he get himself in? Did he go into a pack of dire wolves by himself?"
Wrath smiled as he walked away feeling as if he had won, though she may still call him 'toy' he would not have to endure it being said to his face now. He returned to his quarters, and he realized that they would like be his quarters for the time being, and decided to take a quick shower. Showers were hard to come by in the frontier, the plumbing of the ruins had long been defunct so running water was non-existent outside of a civilized town... or a fancy airship. The warm water felt good and refreshing as he wiped off the dried blood and gore from his most recent encounter. His shirt was more or less ruined but his pants were still in decent shape as he was dressing. He wiped away on the fogged mirror and got a good glimpse of himself, scars ran across his upper torso telling hundreds of different stories. Some from training, some from fights and others.... from before he began the life of a scavenger.

"Don't think about that now Rathial" he mumbled to himself and sat back down in the center of the room to continue his meditation. "You won't even need to get off the ship at the alliance headquarters. No one will recognize you." Idle thoughts crossed his mind as he sat, urging his body to heal faster. He wondered if Clint got away alright, if the little girl whose name he had forgotten to ask was also heading towards the HQ, and what had ever happened to that friendly sniper that never showed their face after helping out with the horde of monsters.
Lilly had gotten to the HQ already,she had sat done and began listening,though all she got was "We'll wait for your friend." Lilly realized that they meant Corliss,somebody they hired for something else.
"We're landing now, please make yourself comfortable, Wrath. Corliss will be back in an hour." Hadrian started up a classical music song over the speakers.

Corliss was currently pulling at the tight black dress she had been forced to wear. Hadrian insisted that during business meetings Corliss dressed appropriately, which meant a dress, curled pinned back hair, and damn shoes that made her taller but also more grouchy. As she left the ship she reached for the only weapon she could hide in this dress, a dagger, strapped to her leg.

"Miss Corliss, how kind of you to join us." The grumpy general quipped.

She smiled politely. "I apologise for my lateness, I was not expecting the sudden fallback order. Might I know why I was pulled back? I will be paid for the job, correct?"

The general scoffed. "You didn't even complete the job, don't expect payment. Now please, let us get on with the meeting. You have already met Miss Lilly, correct?"

Corliss looked at the girl and frowned. "Sorry, I don't believe so."
Wrath cracked open an eye as Hadrian started up some kind of elevator music and he couldn't help but snort in laughter. Did he really seem like the kind of guy to enjoy that type of music? So Corliss was off to attend her meeting with the NA brass. With luck everything would go smoothly because Wrath had no intention of stepping off this boat.

"Hadrian, they never do any kind of interior inspections when docked in this place right?" Wrath asked to both learn some answers and to stop the ear-grating music.
Lilly was playing snake on her flip phone,as the meeting was boring,as they wouldn't start without Corliss,who had just gotten there. "Can we PLEASE just start the meeting?" Lilly moaned in boredom "I'm sitting on pins and needles!"
"No, once a crew tried to enter the ship without Corliss' permission. No one's touched this place since." Hadrian said smugly, shutting off the music. "Corliss had to answer for a lot after that though. They tried to charge her, but as the one who does their dirty work they let her off the hook. How are you feeling? How is the temperature? Do you need anything?" Hadrian readjusted the lighting in the room and pulled up another holographic screen. "We have movies." She offered.
Marvin sat in the ship that picked her up, a scowl on her face. "These things get fancier every year." She huffed, observing the ship. "I juts need a simple thing. No I don't need some pointless parachut. If I am going to die. I will die. I'm not gonna save these old bones." She chuckled.
Wrath shook his head "No thanks, I think i will just do a light workout while i wait for Corliss to get back." Wrath placed his palm on the ground under him and slowly lifted himself into a one-handed stand. One by one he reduced the number of fingers supporting his body until only his thumb was on the floor. With a small grunt he sent himself in a short forward flip and regained his footing. He did a short series of stretches before shadow-boxing against an invisible opponent. He weaved his body right and left, his arms working in a blur of short jabs and uppercuts between dodging imaginary attacks. He also began to work a series of kicks, mostly involving the knees into his routine. This workout was all about fighting in very close quarters without the ability to perform attacking using a large amount of space.
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"You could always go to the memory room if you want to practice fighting." Hadrian suggested. "Corliss created the memory room for exactly that. I project realistic situations and settings and make the opponents hold mass. It's very fun."

"Miss Corliss, we have called you back for one simple reason, we don't need you anymore."

She huffed. "You called me all the way back here for that? How about a good bye message and a good stack of money next time."

"Be quiet, girl. You're far too arrogant for someone who's nothing more than a hunting dog." One councilman snapped.

The general's face was pensive and he stood, facing Corliss. "We have decided that you are too dangerous to let go, but we have no need of your services. We know that many of the jobs that you perform are less than legal, so this is us carrying out the sentence from the court."

Corliss shook her head. "You're going to take me prisoner? I may be your hunting dog, but don't think I didn't log all of the illegal things I did for you guys. If you take me my ship will release that information to the world."

Two guards grabbed her and the council chuckled, and began to disperse. Eventually only the general was left. "No, we're not taking you prisoner. We're executing you." He calmly held a gun to her head as the guards forced her to her knees.

"Real original, sweetheart." Corliss growled.
"And you thought it would be a good idea too call both of us?" Lilly stood up,and began to remove her apron, "If you kill her,you'll have kill me,I'm a witness,and since I had a feeling I might have gotten killed,I hooked up a little something." Lilly took off her shirt,her chest was covered by complex machinery, "I had something set up to where when I die,I explode. Not only that,but I surrounded the gunpowder with Chlorine Triflouride,any of you know what that is?"
Corliss craned her head to look at the girl, a puzzled look on her face. "Um, what the hell? Thanks for the offer, but I've got this. If you blow this place sky high I don't have the option of living, idiot." She rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly at the two guards, before twisting around and kicking the goons in the groin. The general yelped and shot, but he was a damn awful gunman under pressure. The bullet hit goon #1 in the knee cap and he cried out in pain. Corliss kicked him again in his injured knee, and instinctively he curled into the fetal position revealing a single gun. Corliss grabbed it and took out goon #2. "See, I've got this, bye bye." She waved the gun around, smirking.

The general who had tripped over his own damn feet was lying on his stomach. Corliss calmly walked over and shot him once, directly in the spine. She walked out of the room and dismantled the gun, scattering the pieces everywhere.

It was a ten minute walk to the docking area, and Corliss had to do it fast. Someone was going to find the mess she had made and she'd rather be in the air when it happened. She was just about to board when a whole squad surrounded her. The loud buzzing sound of a bullhorn was followed by. "CORLISS DRAMANTE PLEASE DROP YOUR WEAPONS AND SURRENDER, WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED."
Lilly put her shirt and apron back on,and walked out the meeting area,she saw Corliss get surrounded,she was going to tell Corliss the gunpowder was for spreading the Chlorine Triflouride,which can only be described as 'the cement is on fire!'
Clint arrives at the outpost in Iceland. The journey had been shorter than he expected, and that was good. He wants more bits and pieces to tinker with, as well as food and possibly other people. When he arrives, the soldiers let him and his wolf in, recognizing the pair. "Clint, it's been a while." One of the guards greets him, while another pets the dire wolf. "Kaine's with you this time. Not scared of scaring people?" The guard smiles. Clint nods. The guards laugh a bit. "Alright, be on your way."

Meanwhile, the government of the North American Alliance, the majority of it which is not dealing with Corliss at the moment, are planning something. An opening in the normally constant storms around the Oceanic Alliance's territory is open, an opening that will allow safe passage long enough for a journey from South America to Australia and back. The North Americans want the technology of the Oceanic Alliance, but can't get it through diplomacy. The only way to obtain it now, it seems, is by force.
Lilly was hiding,the revelation of a bomb strapped to her might be the signal of "terrorist." She overheard a conversation a government official was having on the phone. "A gap in the storms of the Oceanic Alliance?! Shall we grab the troops?" The man said,unaware of Lilly. 'Oceanic Alliance? Don't they have storms covering that area?' She thought to herself.
Marvin clambered of the ship stiffly. "Now where are those Americans.." she grumbled, looking around before choosing a direction to go. Following the path she choose, she looked around for the people who hired her with a scowl. "Well am I just expected to show Up then find my own way?" She called into the air.
Wrath was just beginning the work up a sweat when he heard the announcement on the bullhorn even while inside the ship. It seemed that Corliss had got herself into a lot of trouble. And now she was going to end up being a fugitive from the NA alliance as well. Wrath sighed and looked to his tattered shirt before tearing it into a strip that would cover her face. He never thought Corliss would end up be a damsel in distress, and she would probably yell at him for even thinking that, but he had to go try to help. After all he needed her to pilot the ship out of this deathtrap.

Wrath sneaked around and opened the exterior hatch just enough to slip his body through. He circled around darting behind stacked up crates and spare ship parts until he was behind a solitary sniper with his gun trained on Corliss. Wrath coiled his body under himself and suddenly lunged forwards, clamping his arm around the soldiers throat and pulling him back behind the stacked crates. With a sudden jerk Wrath snapped the poor man's neck and dropped the dead man to the floor before sneaking to the next target.
"Damn it." Corliss was a sniper by all rights, she was better at hunting her enemy when she had the drop on them. As far as she knew Wrath was in a drug induced sleep, trying to shake off the ache of carrying Hadrian, who only weighed a few thousand pounds. "What crimes?" She murmured, as the flicker of something caught her eye. Someone was out there.

Corliss had three choices, surrender and die, fight back and die, or somehow distract these people and come up with a better plan, none of which were appealing. Nine men were surrounding here, four snipers were hiding, and Corliss was sure the entire NA Alliance security patrol were locking down the docking area.

"Alright then boys, let's play nice now." She raised her hands in surrender but all weapons stayed trained on her. "I demand a fair trial, and I want to be present. I have done nothing but serve you all loyally. This seems a fool proof plan, but you guys haven't hunted me with before, you've underestimated me."

The bullhorn crackled again. "Don't talk so big Corliss. What can one person do?"

Corliss laughed. "I'm not one person, you idiot." The lights in the room flickered and then went out entirely.
It must have been karma making up for his terrible day when the lights went out in the station. Due to certain reasons, Wrath had excellent night vision and was able to operate in low-light conditions with ease. He no longer needed to take cover but did not know how long this break would last. Wrath dashed towards the next closest target, an older soldier carrying an SMG and waving it to and fro trying to find a target in the dark. Wrath used his hand to vault over another box and dropped both his feet into the man's chest in a vicious double kick. The man was sent flying away several meters, his lungs punctured and collapsed by his shattered rib cage. A dagger went flying end over end as Wrath charged a pair of soldiers. The blade took one man in the shoulder, causing him to drop his weapon and cry out in pain. The second soldier panicked and swung his rifle to bear, sending several rounds slicing into his comrade.

Wrath wasted no time in bringing a knee up between the man's legs, making his eyes bulge from the pain and dropping him down groaning in pain. Wrath reversed his leg and grabbed the man's head in the back of his own knee and gave a little twist, ending the man's pain. One by one he hunted down the enemy, his light footfalls hardly making a noise as he whisked from one position to the next. Soon he was by Corliss's side, she looked wary and ready to fight he couldn't help but snicker. He leaned behind her and whispered right in her ear "Time to go sweetie" before ducking back, anticipating her to react violently.
"No really?" She said sarcastically, she reached towards him and pulling him into the ship. "I should put a collar on you." She mused and fell into the captain's ship. "Hadrian, where's our exit?"

"There isn't one. All of them have been sealed off, all because someone pissed off some higher ups in the food chain." Hadrian scolded. "I'm running the numbers now, but I can't find a way out where we live."

"Ah come on now, we've been in tighter spaces." Corliss grinned and then winced in pain.

"Not really, this is the first time you've turned an entire nation against you. All because they got paranoid."

"How about you, got any plans or some magic that would poof us out of here?"
Lilly figured she should tell the others about the storm gap in the Oceanic Alliance. She ran into Hadrian, "If your looking for a place to lie low for a while,there is a gap in the storms surrounding the Oceanic Alliance,which is...West,most likely." Lilly said,and then ran too her biplane,taking off towards the Oceanic Alliance.

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