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Fantasy The Atlantic's Jaw


The Desperate Man
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Ahoy ye maties! (I'm so good at impressions) This as you can tell from my beginning sentence-ish will be a Pirate's Roleplay.

You are my crew. I have recently hired all of you from different scenes. I have recently bought a Frigate using my father's money. This wondrous ship will be our main scene of deeds. Her name is The Gold Greed. I am hoping for there being decent action and some of what would be experienced when you are out at sea for a long time. We aren't much pirates as we are more Mercenaries, Privateers, or Guns for hire. (Remember that.)


This RP will take place in the Caribbean, we might move to other locations if the RP follows.


The ship:


Rules! (We all knew this was coming...)

1. Obey the RPN rules.

2. Foul language is allowed (Ye' a sailor, which makes you have the tongue of one.) But not excessively.

(Real password is Ahoy)

3. Minimum of 3 lines.

4. Finally, please remember to fade to black, for all you naughty Role-players.

5. Also, Please Keep this serious

Password= yarrrrr

I will list all of the positions to be filled on the Sign up sheet.

Update: Just wanted to let everyone know this takes place in the 1600, tough many of you already knew this. I just wanted to say it.

Nick stands on the top deck of the ship, next to the large hickory wheel. He had recently bought this ship and was preparing for a voyage that would change his life. He had also gone recruiting in the nearby towns, and had found quite a few unique characters. There was also some other people on the ship that would man the cannons and the sails. He now looks for more arriving crew, he was to set forth once he had everyone on board.

(Everybody who has not claimed there reserved spot will be incorporated into the story later. Also I'm not the best at starting, I hope this is good.)
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Blue hues opened up to an unfamiliar ceiling; one of the local inns belonging to a town on the coast of Haiti known as Santo Domingo. This was where the ship had docked for the past two days, and also happened to be the last stop that the captain had used as a means for recruiting before they set off on what he called his 'magnum opus' of journeys. As far as Brent went, however, he really couldn't care less what the overall mission happened to be. To live life by the sea was something that far surpassed the code of pirates alone. Known as a wanted man in the England, Beezy wasn't exactly the type of person who enjoyed sticking around the same area for two long anyway. Typically, he tended to stir up a bit too much of a frenzy wherever he visited.

When the man attempted to lift his arms up, he found himself hampered in his movements. This was probably due to the weight belonging to both of the naked females who laid beside him, but that was something to be debated. When he finally slipped himself out of the middle, the absolutely-nude Beezy, covered from neck-to-toe in tattoos, immediately began getting dressed. The two females hadn't woken up, and that was what Brent was hoping for to begin with. After spending the previous night in a haze of cocaine and alcohol, he couldn't even remember where he found the females, but then again he really didn't give a shit about how or what happened. After all, he had places to go and people to see.

After getting completely dressed, Brent made sure to flip the hood of his uniform over his head. He fastened the sheaths to his waistline, as well as the holsters of his flintlock pistols to his chest. After making sure that both of the women were still sleeping, hands would go through their clothing as well to grab as much money as he could. Currency was the name of the game, and Beezy was certainly a winner when it came to acquiring it. Aside from the money, they only thing that Brent left the room he slept in the previous night with was a large jug of rum. It was purchased by one of the females the previous night. The cocaine? Well, it was his, of course. The man happened to keep a steady supply of the dirtiest drugs he could find in his quarters upon the ship, after all.

When his boots finally hit the pier, they did so on their lonesome. Beezy was in full-dress, his face hidden from the public like usual. Why did he always wear a hood? It was quite simple, actually. If Brent decided to go about doing something wrong, he didn't want people to see his face. No, he wanted to be described as a man who simply wore a hood. This way, it made visiting such nice places like Santo Domingo a possibility in the future! No one liked to visit places where they were facing numerous amounts of hostile issues straight from the jump. His left hand wrapped around the neck belonging to a bottle of Bacardi, Brent finally found his way onto the ship and took his rightful place sitting on the far edge of the boat behind the wheel.
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Hotaru raced through the people, eager to watch the ships pass by. They had always fascinated her, even though she had never been on one. She had recently been recruited, and she was excited to get on a ship, as it would be her first time. She had her hair tied up with a few strands falling around her face and was dressed in simple clothing: a short red top and a black skirt-like bottom followed by brown combat boots. This wouldn't matter as she had a cloak over her head and a dark bandanna securely wrapped around her neck.

She kept her eyes out for the ship she had heard much about, and the captain who would be aboard that ship.
Mae "Devil's Grin" Mainsail was also excited about the trip. That being said, she refused to show the kind of giddy excitement and laughter that girls of the era normally did. She would act just like a pirate, knives, skulls and all. This had been how she worked for a while now. Her hands, which normally were nice and clean, smooth and soft, were now calloused and hard from tip of finger to wrist. Mae spotted the ship a mile from shore. Her heart beat rapidly against her chest as she walked outside and boarded the ship. She refused to show any kind of fear, especially not now that she was going out to sea on a ship with very few other females. Once her feet hit the deck, she lost all sense of fear and the excitement came once again. Dressed in a ruffled shirt with pants tight against her skin and boots to match (she refused to wear a skirt), the salty air billowed against her skin and her hair flew behind her in a messy bun.
Nick steers himself on his left hell so he is turned around. He eyes the man who had just sat himself down in a chair behind the large wheel. He walks over to him and thrusts his hand out, offering a handshake. "I presume ye' to be Brent. I remember you , about to loose your neck at the gallows." He smirks but notices the man wearing a hood in a discrete manor, "A man who hides his face from society can be trouble. I hope that this doesn't bring burden our trip." Sensing another crewman had boarded the ship he put his hand back to his side and slightly bowed at the man. "If you'd excuse me, I must great the others."

Nick slowly turns on his heel and heads over to the small balcony that was a 7 feet above the main deck. He then notices a young las' that he remembers recruiting personally, "Welcome aboard!" He yells over the busy work of the other crew.
Hana stood at the foot of the boarding ramp, both hands clutching the strap of her rifle so tightly that her knuckles were white. She gulped, eyes wide as she stared up at the impressive ship. She'd never been aboard one this large.

Suddenly, she was scared of what her work load might be.

Maybe I could stay here... she thought wearily, quickly dismissing the idea. She'd been in this line of work for nine years now, and even then, it wasn't like she had any other feasible plans. She couldn't return to her old crew, after all. Honestly, she didn't even really want to.

With one last deep, steadying breath, she took her first step toward the next chapter of her life.
Brent didn't always have his hood up over his head. After all, out on the seas, there was no reason to hide his face from his fellow brethren. For now, however, it would stay up until they set sail. The captain made a comment, but he wouldn't see a proper respond to it. All he would hear from the parted lips of the man would be two of the easiest and most overused words that existed within the pirate slang language. "Aye, Cap'n." Extending his hand to fit into the man's briefly before he went off to great the rest of the crew, Beezy would sit on the railing of the deck. There were no 'chairs' on a pirate ship that were sturdy, after all. The wooden railing certainly was.

That was one thing that Brent maintained, a strong sense of loyalty. Nick Veal was the man who saved his life when it was at the brink of it's end, so obviously Beezy was indebted to the man in such a proper manner - offering his own as a part of his crew. Even if it actually turned out that the man only saved his life because he needed extra muscle in his crew, Brent wouldn't be mad. Each and every day from here on out was because of Nick, solely. Otherwise he would have been fed to the gallows and forgotten just like every other pour soul who was convicted of breaking the law - basic petty crimes to full-fledged homicides. All met the same in this day and age, apparently. All Beezy had been trying to do was fulfill a hit on a government official's head for some hard-earned gold.

The life of a pirate certainly wasn't easy. It made Brent contemplate just why a rich boy like Nick Veal would decide to turn his life upside-down all in the name of what he thought would be some fun. Obviously, this captain probably wasn't surely the most competent on the sea. Luckily enough, Brent knew enough for the both of them. Any which way the captain was bound to need a bit of help, Breezy would be sure to answer the call as best as he could. There wasn't too much that Brent was unaware of when it came to the Caribbean, but just like every man in an age without technology, he sure wasn't the most well-informed to the ever-changing condition of each town which existed in that particular area on the map.
Hotaru watched a girl starting to board the ship. (@tinymush ) She made her way towards her, guessing that she was recruited as well. "Hi," she said in a low voice, walking up to the said girl.
Hana sucked in a surprised gasp through her teeth and tried her best not to make it obvious that she'd been startled. She turned rigidly to look at the other girl, relaxing when she realized that Hotaru was even smaller than she was.

"Hello," she replied softly, relaxing her vice-like grip on the strap of her rifle. "Are you, uh, being recruited as well?" she asked as she tucked her hair behind one ear.
Hotaru nodded. "Yes, and you can call me Hotaru," she said. "What's your name?" She gazed at the girl, wondering why she seemed so stiff...though of course, it could be the first time the girl set foot on a ship, just like her.
"Ahoy, Captain!" Mae greets the man that she had met the previous week. "'Tis a fine day for sailin'!" She tried her best at the pirate banter that she had heard at the brothel, hoping she didn't sound dumb. "A fine vessel ye have!"
A bitter, metallic taste lingered in Jiang's mouth, not from the trickle of blood, but from the metal nails that accidentally pricked his tongue. Holding one nail steady, he begins hammering on the plank, the sound reverberating a harmonious melody. The act was comparable to a distinguished maestro composing a symphonic masterpiece, the auger was the woodwind, the mallet as percussion, the oakum as the string, and so on. Despite how in-tuned he was to the rhythm, Jiang did not see it as so. He simply saw simple repairs that needed to be fixed, although he did enjoy the fact that he's essentially unrivaled.

Normally, treenails were used exclusively in ships, but that was because metal nails had yet to become a well-known concept. Through some experimentation, Jiang was able to galvanize the metal, preventing it from rusting and coming loose. His discover years prior was simply astounding, yet he had no intention to make it public. Jiang continued to repair away, his finger plucking out the final nail from his mouth. Without any intentional sabotage, the ship wouldn't be needing any more repairs for awhile. He wipes the sweat off from the long, strenuous work, taking a hardy swig of authentic pirate rum. That sure tasted better than metal.

Jiang stepped out from below onto the deck, his body facing at the blue expanse as the wind blows against him, his eyes gazing at the direction of his homeland. He had experience in meeting people of different ethnicity, mainly Europeans. Gradually, he began to quickly pick up on their language from repeated encounters, although it may not be perfect, he's able to understand and communicate back. This was a big, unknown for Jiang, but he had yearned for something thrilling and so far he has yet to regret his decision. After reminiscing about the past, his eyes turned toward the captain and quartermaster, them being his reason for joining. It was simply faith, Jiang had a compelling feeling to join their causes. He silently watched them from where he stood, communicating in English wasn't exactly what he wanted to do. Somewhat of a new member, he has yet to acquaint himself with anyone, not that he minded.

He had contemplated becoming a pirate early on, it wasn't a spontaneous idea. He just hadn't met the right people, people who could bring himself to acknowledge them. Jiang studied combat and basic knowledge of sailing the seas regardless, learning about and understanding the pirate trades.You would think someone from a prestigious background would look down upon such vulgar people, Jiang disagrees. He simply does what best suits his interest, why must he bide by laws set out by other people? They were limiting, a hindrance, becoming a pirate was what he deemed to be the best approach. He thought about the countless treasures, loot, goods, etc. that they would be laying their hands on, how his name would become more famed across the vast sea. This was simply the beginning to his tale.

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Pair of hands ran through her brown hair as she awoke. After blink a few times, Vera had come to realization that she was in one of the rooms in the local Taverns; completely naked with a massive headache. Not remembering what she had done the prior night, she pushed herself up with a groan and placed a hand on her forehead in hopes to ease the pounding circling around her head. With a quiet sniff, hazel hues glanced around the room in search of her clothes and lucky for her, they were still there. Amongst empty mugs and... what's this? Some coins? Seems like she had reverted to her old ways for the night which was possible since she was complete drunk last night. Or, the person who she had slept with was kind enough to leave her some money to help pay for the room. Highly unlikely.

Vera sucked her teeth and rolled off the bed to slip into her clothes, taking a moment to stretch out all the kinks in her body. Grabbing her essentials, including the handful of coins, the woman took a look outside. It was still rather early based on the position of the sun so the crew must've been still at the docks. Either way, she should hurry down to the pier just in case. Exiting the room, her body collided with whom seemed to be the tavern owner and was hassled about the room, saying the money was due an hour ago. After apologizing, which in her way was just telling them to piss off, Vera merely dropped the coins on the floor and told the owner that should be enough to cover it if they desired to pick it up themselves.

A laugh escaped from her as she left the establishment and began running down to where the ship was anchored. Few trips and collisions into people along the way, she finally made it on board of the grand
The Gold Greed. A fine ship indeed. Running up the few stairs that led to the quarter deck, Vera look a moment to notice Brent and Nick already there. Leaning forwards, she rested her hands on her knees to regulate her breathing and waved a hand briefly at the two. "Sorry, Cap'n. G-Got sidetracked." the brunette said between breaths.
Nick laughs at her comical banter, "If you could do a slight favor? Would you mind gathering all of the crew, besides the ones already up here?" He asks not waiting for an answer he again turns on his heel to face the officers of his crew. There was he, Brent, and the other had just arrived looking quite exhausted. He claps his hands somewhat loudly. "Whilst the rest of the Crew is getting gathered, I suggest we get some plans made." He was obviously eager for this voyage to start.
"My name is Hana," she said, smiling warmly. It was comforting to know someone else her age would be on board, and she felt a sense of kinship with the girl, though she realized that wasn't a good thing. People their size didn't tend to last very long, and this girl seemed very innocent.

"Would you like to board with me?" she asked as she turned and continued walking, though her stride was much more confident than it had been previously.
"A-Aye, Captain." Mae's face flushes as she answers, thankful that he wasn't looking at her. I do feel like an idiot now. Well, at least, I tried. She raised her voice. Though she wasn't second in command, she obeyed her captain's orders. "All crew to the upper deck!" She announced. "Captain's orders!" She did so herself, climbing the steps two at a time.
Hotaru strode beside Hana, happy that she made a new friend. "Of course," she said, following the girl, soon reaching the ship. "Wow," she gasped quietly. "It's amazing here." She looked off from the corner of the ship, amazed that her dream to be on a ship just came true.
Hana almost asked if this was Hotaru's first time on a ship, but her attention was diverted by the cabin girl's summons. She touched Hotaru's sleeve timidly to get her attention and nodded towards the upper deck.

"We should probably go meet the rest of the crew."
Aoife looks back at the house she had claimed as her own years ago, folding her arms across her chest. If you told her 24 hours ago she'd be a pirate she would have laughed in your face, but now it was a very realistic idea. Though she didn't really consider herself the stereotypical pirate, the idea was kind of interesting to think about. She wasn't about treasure finding so much as she was about adventure. She was getting tired of the life she was living, so it seemed as if this opportunity was meant to be or at least came at the perfect time. She sold all her possessions last night in either a card game or to anyone that would take it. Things that couldn't be brought aboard a ship in exchange to have some pocket change on this voyage. Money would speak where they docked rather than possessions. She obviously wouldn't be needing the house anytime soon if ever again but it was the first major thing that was her's to call her own. She bites her lip, lost in her thoughts before simply turning on her heels and makes her way to the dock. She had a large bag slung over her shoulder of all the possessions she would need. She was wearing a pair of black leather boots, brown breeches, and a green tunic. Her red hair was tied back in a fish tail braid, her weapons hanging on the belt around her waist. She makes her way aboard the large ship, taking in the ship's appearance, her face remained emotionless not speaking unless spoken to. She wanted to inspect the cannons and various other things on the ship but apparently everyone was being asked to be gathered on deck. She casually strolled her way over, leaning against the side of the ship away from the crowd, letting her gaze fall on each character she'd be dealing with on this voyage.
Hotaru looked at Hana, hearing closely to the calls. "I think so, too." She turned and gazed at her new friend. "I'll follow you," she said, as she cast a smile on her face.
With an eyebrow raised, he watched as the captain's first mate arrived in what seemed to be tip-top shape. The woman's body language spoke miles about her previous night. Her breathing was labored and she seemed to be under a bit of stress. Upon her apology and explanation, it was clear that Beezy was correct in thinking so. "Good morning, Vera. Glad to see you made it out of the night in one piece." The previous night, Brent had bumped into Vera and even sat to have a couple of drinks before the two separated to do their own thing.

"If you to make proper plans, then we have to speak specifics about what it is you would like to accomplish." Addressing Nick Veal's statement, hues looked up to his own. Brent's accent was clearly of Welsh origin, with his articulation of words being graced with various pitches. "Do you have a clear destination in mind, Captain? Or are we merely just sailing the seas?" Of course, this was a legitimate question. Pushing himself up off of the wooden railing to stand straight in front of Nick, the one hand which wasn't wrapped around his bottle of alcohol would reach up to stroke the hair on his chin.

The man waited a moment to speak once more, but he found a pause within their conversation to further do so.
"Before we really get into it, do you have any extra cigars? Been itching for one, can't seem to find any." For an area where tobacco was supposed to be abundant, this may have come off as a bit of a surprise. Truth was, Beezy was not inclined to spend top gold on such a luxury. However, for someone as rich as Nick Veal was himself, the quartermaster figured that there must have been a couple somewhere upon the ship. Perhaps even within the captain's own private quarters.

Looking out at the rest of the crew which had been gathering about, Brent figured that it didn't exactly matter what they knew. The crew of the ship was merely that; the crew of the ship. Officers were responsible for planning everything outside of working the seas. Despite this fact, the man always found it better when a ship's crew was open to such knowledge. Generally speaking, if any men were to die among the ship, they would undoubtedly feel better knowing that their outcome had arrived for a reason which had been received.
Nick listens to Brent say something to Brunette. He turned his back to over look the gathering crew, "I have no set destination in mind, but due to recent events I was able to acquire this." He takes out a rumples piece of paper from within his coat. He tosses it over to Brent hoping he would catch it. The manuscript described a ship that was heading this way that carried large amounts of sugar and rum along with other items. "I am hoping to intercept the ship on that piece of paper, and acquire the goods it holds." He knew this would be a dangerous first mission, but he was up to it, and he hoped his crew was as well. "I will make an announcement to the crew about this soon." He turns back to Brent, "I don't carry any Narcotics or stuff of the sort. If you wish to have some, you must acquire it yourself."
After regulating her breath, Vera straightened out her postured and looked around to see the other crew members doing there own errands before it was time to sail off. Then her attention turned towards the sea. It was truly a magnificent sight and something she had been dreaming of ever since the meeting of the first captain. When she was spoken to, a hand was placed on her hip as her head turned towards Brent. It was true that she couldn't remember anything from last night, including bumping into the quartermaster, but she decided to go with it.

Aye," she said with a nod of her head. "Same to you, Brent." a wink and fingers ran through her hair. Once the question arose about a destination, Vera kept her mouth shut. Even though she was apparently first mate, which was a high position for any female to get if you were lucky enough to be a pirate, she didn't feel like one. Hell, the captain probably didn't even know her name yet. Nick knew of her past and most likely, so did everyone else. Being a prostitute was severely looked down upon, she felt as though everyone still looked at her as such and especially how last night ended up; guess it was true. Trying her hardest to escape that life was all she could really do.

Trapped in her own thoughts, she had missed out on everything that was said and scratched her head idly. Eyes falling onto Brent when he asked for a cigar, she remembered seeing two on top of her clothes this morning and had tucked them away in hopes to sell them for a few coin. Well, she didn't. Pulling one out of her small side pouch, Vera walked over to the appointed quartermaster and extended her hand out so he could accept it; if he wanted to. "
I have a few spares. You can have one." was simply said because the man didn't need to know where or how she got them. At least he had a cigar, no?
"Ahoy!" He said, smiling really wide. Sebastian truly loved being out in the sea, having spent most of his life on it. Boarding the ship, he began to survey his crewmates. There were two young, a man with a hood, an eastern looking man, and of course, his favorites, two gorgeous and curvaceous women. He went to the brunette, who is probably the firstmate, and started flirting. "I am happy to see that this journey would not be filled by sweaty and grown men, but by a fine lady like you. The name is Sebastian." He said, kissing her hand.
Nick turns his head over to the fellow who had joined his group of officers. "So if it isn't the Sea Artist!" He walks over to Sebastian essentially interrupting his flirting with the First Mate. Along the way he had taken out another piece of paper which he handed to Sebastian. "Once we set our sails we will be heading to this direction." He points to the other ships planned out path. "We will be intercepting a ship that is on it's way over to this port." He sets the paper in the navigator's hand.
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