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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯


The Robot Roleplayer a.k.a Zendrek
☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

An Animal Eared Fantasy Roleplay


In the year 2113, the end of the world began without any warning. The oceans rose, the land disappeared, the sun became a danger that burned everything in its path, and everyday brought a new storm which caused countless numbers of deaths. Life was punishing and a constant struggle, the resources that humans took for granted became scarce and difficult to find. There was no hope, light or any possible chance of survival. Despite the technological advances that mankind created, nothing could have prepared them for this. The Earth has taken it's vengeance on the humans for mistreating nature and depleting it's natural resources.


A Dying Earth

When the surviving masses of humans thought things couldn’t get any worse, a thirty thousand year Ice age completely frozen the whole entire earth. Scarce resources became even rarer which led to fighting among survivors until the last humans died. This led to the extinction of the human race. The Earth stayed frozen as other creatures tried to survive the harsh environments. It seemed like this would be the end for planet earth.


The End of the Human Race

However when the frozen ice age came to an end, the earth was completely renewed with all of its natural resources fully restored. Life flourished once again on the earth, everything has returned back to it's pure natural state. Every animal survived except for the human beings unfortunately. This brought in a new age of the Cenozoic era known as the Genesis period.


A New Beginning

The land was green and the skies were blue. Nature has been restored with balance. Even though Mankind is now extinct, there still exist traces and ruins of their once advanced civilization and ancient culture throughout the planet. It bears as a warning to those who dare try to recreate the technology they once had. The ones that do not take the warning will suffer the consequences.



Technology is a dangerous advancement if one does not understand the consequences that they bring.

Enter the Kemonomimi

When the Earth had its natural balance restored. A new element was born which is known as “Aura” a pure essence born from the reformation of the earth. Aura is the energy of nature that comes from the Earth and affects all spiritual beings such as Animals and Trees. This led certain animals to evolve into creatures known as the Kemonomimi.


The Kemonomimi are a race of creatures that have the form of a human being however they possess traits and features from certain animals which they are based on, such as mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish and insects. They are also spiritually connected to nature and the earth. Their Aura allows them to perform unique abilities such as elemental control, telekinesis, healing and much more. It made the Kemonomimi advance onward to a path of nature and balance unlike their ancestors who mistreated nature in order to create more technological marvels. However...even in death, humans still find a way to cause chaos among the new race.

★The Present Day★

The year is now Genesis 1012, about fifty thousand years after the "End of the World", Kemonomimi live peacefully with one another in the Kingdom of Fauna.


Just like the medieval times, Kemonomimi live in harmony as they explore the uses of their aura and live life to the fullest. Everything here is just swell and there are many great adventures that await in the unknown world of Gaia.

Even with peace during this age...there is always something or someone that will end it...somehow. As the saying goes "History will repeat itself...."


Let's hope that History doesn't fall into the
Wrong Hands.

It is currently 9:05 AM in the Kingdom of Fauna.

Important Events: None at the moment
It was a beautiful morning as the Sun shined bright into the window of the Arkhaios Library, there lies Arona who is sleeping peacefully with her head on a book that she was reading last night. "The Statues of Humans" is the title of the book and doesn't appear to be very interesting to say the least.

Arona gradually lifted her head from the desk and yawned softly
"Hum...Yawn..." as she looked around the library, she realized that she has slept in again. Arona slowly got up from her seat and started to stretch in a funny fashion. "Well! A New day! New Adventures!" She exclaimed in a cheerful yet groggy tone. Arona walked out of the Library and into the museum section of the guild and walked towards her prized possession which appeared to be a rusted metal being displayed, the stand in front of it red "Metal Statue" she smiled proudly at it but then she realized that it was getting a bit too dirty and rusty. "Looks like you're going to need a bath time!" she said while humming an adorable tune. Arona brought the Metal statue outside of the Arkhaios guild by dragging by it's feet. She brought a sponge and a bucket of water and begins cleaning the Metal Statue while continuing to hum an adorable tune.

"Hum..Hum...Hum Hum Hum Hum...Hummmm.." she hummed while being excited for what could happen today.














"Master...?" Alexander looked around at his surroundings. He appeared to be somewhere underground. A few buildings from mankind's past lay there in ruin and now covered in nature. What is this place? Where is he? His first attempt to stand up failed. The state of the art design that which he was made had received severe damage and was rusting. A few more tries and he managed to sit up. For some reason the last thing he could remember was holding his master, but why? He slowly began to walk towards light, eventually being able to keep a decent pace. Everything was different. The one major thing he noticed, however, was that there was no one in sight. Where had his master brought them? Alexander walked off from the site as he didn't see his master anywhere. It was time to search for him.




Ciel was standing at his window watching as sun light enveloped enveloped the kingdom, this was his favorite part of the day watching the sunrise in the morning, but he knew he couldn't stand around admiring the sun all morning. With one final gaze at the city he walked away from the window with a sigh before getting getting properly dressed for duty. He arched out his back and let out one final yawn before exiting his room to leave for the castle. The patrol routes had already been assigned so everyone should arrive and know what they're supposed to be doing. However, Ciel did try to be lenient with this so that the rest of the guardians could have some freedom when walking around the castle.
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In a large mansion in the west, a white haired female slept peacefully outside the courtyard, all curled up, enjoying the warmth of the sun. Rolling around on the grass she purred, indicating she was having a nice dream. Probably one of fish, like always, as her tail had been gracefully swaying one side to the other. As expected days like this are the best. She soon began to murmur, sleep talking. "Uhhh, don't run away fishie, I'm just going to take a bite~" As she began to drool her sweet dreams were soon ruined by a shout which had caused her fur to sit straight up.

"BOSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!" Running towards her had been a young boy, looking around the age of 14, judging by the kids ears, he was a raccoon. Having her dream ruined, as always she became cranky, and, in an irritated tone, shouted back. "What?!" Glaring at the young male, when are they actually gonna learn not to bother her?!
"Systems Starting... Processing... Sleeping Phase will end in 3... 2... 1.." A robotic voice said, coming from a body of an ancient, humanoid machine, covered in moss, dirt, and a leaves, with the parts of the machine's human exterior damaged, old, or just plain gone. "Sleeping Phase has ended." The voice said once again, as the machine began to move. It would probably be as shocking to a Kemonomimi as to a human if a stone statue suddenly began to talk and move. "Re-activation of H.A.H.M.W.M. complete."

H.A.H.M.W.M, or Charon, slowly opened his eyes, viewing the world around him with curiosity. He got up, having only the slightest of a difficult time due to the fact that he got practically attached to his location after all those tens of thousands of years. If he were a human, he would have thought that he was either dreaming, or that the world he escaped from was a dream. It was grassy, green, and full of life within the forest he had woken up in. Though he was nowhere near the human ruins, his surroundings possessed signs of humans, with a small cottage, or at least, the roof of it. This was not the world he remembered.

His body was not too damaged, and still retained many of it's functions and skills. The only problem was rust and age, which made him make a creaking noise for every movement he made. Part of the skin on his face, his left eye specifically, was gone, revealing some of the the metallic interior and the robotic eye he had. Beginning to walk in a random direction, he headed to the Kingdom without realising.'I need to explore... It doesn't look like that was all just a dream or a simulation...' He thought, a bit saddened that it had to be real. Birds gathered to watch him from the branches of the many surrounding trees as he slowly walked his way to his set direction.
< @Zareh >

Feros, awake early as usual, came out of the guild with two plates of scrambled eggs, each in one of his hands. His ears were perked up and his tail was wagging furiously as he ran out towards Arona. "Eeeeeyyyy! Arona! Breakfast!" He calls as he runs, screeching to a halt behind her, so as to not get water all over the food.

He was dressed in his normal white shirt-coat and pants, with black boots, only the feet visible because of his pants. "I made eggs for everyone, but you never got yours." He says, smiling. "So I brought it to you. I also brought mine... it's always more fun to eat with someone."
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Some beings wake to the crowing of the rooster. Others stretch to the feeling of the life-giving sun. According to the journals that Indigo Gorne had read, humans had ended their slumber with the cry of a strange mechanism called an alarm clock. Apparently, such contraptions weren't well received by the gods. Indigo had rebuilt a crude imitation from some clock remains, and he quickly understood why. The ringing of the exterior bell was shrill enough to wake the sacred dead.

After disposing of the offending device, Indigo went through his daily routine: grooming his dark wings, sweeping up loose nuts and bolts, and reading the holy human manuscripts. After offering a quiet prayer to his immortal lords, the young creature opened his repair shop and waited for something shiny to appear.
"Heeeeeeyyyyy Feros!" Arona responded with a cheerful smile on her face as she saw Feros coming over. The smells of scrambled eggs was a welcoming aroma to her hungry appetite. "Thank you Feros, these look great!" She said while picking up a plate and rubbing Feros on the head. "Well! Time to eat! Thank you for the food!" she dropped her sponge and joined Feros to eat.

She stopped cleaning the Metal statue and started wolfing down the scrambled eggs.
"Mhm...So...gudd....mhm..." She said while eating with a satisfied smile. As she finished the eggs, she let out a large silly burp "Buuurrrrpppp....oops! Excuse me! Ehehe, those eggs hit the spot!" she said while patting her stomach. She looked to Feros who was still with her. "So whatcha doing here Feros? I didn't realize you were staying at the guild too...I kind of fell asleep in the library." she said while giggling a bit at her statement.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Hidden leaned forward on Malin's door, his wings hanging limp on his back. "Malin...open the door...please..." he felt like an ass, upsetting his brother on his birthday. He didn't mean to yell at him, but the kid just didn't listen! Thinking that being king is all about wealth and making others bow down to you, if he would just learn. "You know I don't mean to yell at you, it's just when you start acting like you did...I know that you know that being a Fauna isn't about wealth or status, but why don't you show me that?" Digging in his pocket, his bony fingers grasping a long golden chain. Pulling it out, the end holding a beautiful pocket watch, it soft ticking measuring all time that has past. “I, wanted to give you something…” He crouched down, his tail wagging slightly to assure his balance. Sliding the watch under the elegant mahogany door, the metal making a quiet shriek of protest, standing, the griffin continued “It was Mom’s...before she died having you, she told Dad to give it to me. If you flip it over, it reads ‘Non omnes hanc observent horologii; facere quae facit. Custodiant eundo.’ Which was apparently ancient human for ‘Do not watch the clock; do what he does. Keep going.’” And with that, he turned and walked down the hall.

He got quite a ways, the cloth wraps on the upper part of his feet not diminishing the click of his claws on the marble. Finally entering his study, he walked over to his desk. Taking a seat, Hidden held his head in his hands, elbows resting on the desk. “What have I just done…” he murmured. His brother had just turned 19 today, and he celebrated by screaming in his face? What kind of king...no what kind of brother is he?

A few minutes later, he slowly stood. He needed to get out for a bit, some fresh air would be nice. Exiting his study and walking forward when one of many balconies were, he stepped out. The light of a new dawn quite the sight for sore eyes. Ruffling his feathers, the griffin flapped them a bit before taking a step back and rushing forward. Leaping over the railing and extending his large, chestnut hued wings, the warm breeze soon lifted him high into the air. Tucking his arms in, his tail streaming out behind him, Hidden breathed in a grateful breath of fresh air. The scent of morning dew gladly reaching his nose and he now soared over the city below him. His vision letting him get an aerial view of his people waking and heading to their daily tasks, having to actually work for a living. Frowning, the griffin disliked being a Fauna. Getting all that he wanted and more as soon as he was conceived.

Landing in the plaza, he was greeted by various people. Nodding in response and wishing them a good morning, he began to walk along the streets. The scent of bread and other goods baking in the various shops, the voices of young children at play all music to his sensitive ears. Hidden’s heart ache for his parents. If Dad wasn’t dead then he wouldn’t be king, and if Mom wasn’t he didn’t have to worry about getting engaged to soon. The life of royalty had its perks, but there was a whole hell of a lot that went on behind the scenes.
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It was quite a journey for a machine in such bad shape as Charon, though in the end, the long walk was worth it as he soon came out of the forest. What he saw a a land of bright green, with hardly any skyscrapers, vehicles, or painted roads like the ones he was used it. Grass, trees, animals, and all manner of life seemed abundant and numerous. In fact, there were many organic life-forms that he had no knowledge of, especially most of the birds. There was hardly a sparrow or pidgeon in sight, the most common of birds, and all he saw were these strange-looking birds that he doubts even existed before the end of the humans.

Far away, he caught sight of several towering structures; the Kingdom of the Kemonomimi. He naturally assumed that it was either the ruins left behind by human buildings and cities, or the ancient man-made structures that existed for thousands of years before humans obtained such great technology which ultimately led to their doom. They held fire in their hands. They could cook, warm themselves, light up the area, use it to fight, but it could end up burning them, or burn their source of survival. Such was the way of the humans now long gone, such were the dangers of a power mis-used.

Deciding that it might be wise to visit the structures which he believed to be ruins to get an idea of where he was, assuming that the ruins belonged to humans in the first place, and made his way to the structures. It was not so far that he couldn't make out anything. On the contrary, he could see clearly some of the buildings, though he did not other to observe long enough to see that there were people living there. Human-like people. Unknown to him, he was walking straight into a Kemonomimi city which had a guild that studied his creators and their creations which they led behind, including the machines.
< @Zareh >

Feros' tail wags even faster when he gets a head pat, and he sits down next to her and eats. When he finishes, he watches Arona as she burps, and smiles... and then she asks her question. "Well, I wasn't. I'm not. I mean... I'd love to help you in whatever it is you do, and I wanna repay the help you gave me... I was gonna ask, but the lights were off." He looks away slightly, ears twitching. "I was gonna leave after that, but then I saw the door was open. I was so tired, so I snuck in and slept in a corner. I'm sorry..." He trails off, obviously ashamed of breaking into the guild.

The sun warmed Alexander's metal exterior. He couldn't feel it, but he pretended to. His thoughts were clouded by him wanting to find his master. It kept going back to the image of him sitting on the floor with his master laying in his arms, presumably asleep. A loud sound alerted him and he turned to look at it. The piece of metal that covered his right shoulder had fallen off, rust and whatever else had gotten the better of it. Trying to put it back into it's spot just caused it to fall out yet again so he simply decided to take it with him. Maybe his master could reattach it.

He was in an empty plain, nothing but nature in it. The wind blew through the long grass creating various waves throughout. There were flowers he spotted here and there with all sorts of colors. It was actually quite peaceful. Alexander didn't want that. He just wanted to find his master. Off in the distance he located a great structure. It was tower like and spread across a large amount of land, including all the other buildings along with it. That is where he must be, waiting for me. With a quicker pace he set off towards it.

"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."
Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Arkhaios Guildmaster. Lots of weird rumors about him are going around the guild. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but if he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe that the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.

"Hmm?"Giss's hand searched the large bag only to find out that it was empty. How long has it been since he last ran out of coffee? This happened virtually never, since every time someone from the guild came to request something of him, they would bring along a bag or two stuffed with coffee beans.

Giss took a good look around the room. Books, books, books. On the table, on the floor and on every other surface in the house; all available space was taken by open tomes and manuscripts. Yes, perhaps he has been way into his research recently. No wonder Giss's coffee consumption rate has reached such frightening heights. The lack of coffee meant a single thing. He needed to go out and get some more.

Giss left his house and headed for the nearest guild building. He has been living on the guild's grounds ever since he was offered a house for free. Before that he used to be... Let's just say he used to have troubles with finding a place to stay at. On the road to the museum he noticed two young girls, probably also members of the guild. He approached them and said with his usual slightly growling voice "Umm, excuse me..."

The girls turned towards Giss. Because of the lack of sleep, his bloodshot instilled fear. His tired face expression could make babies cry. His long hairless tail was moving on its own. The girls quietly stared at him. "What?" he asked. They started backing off slowly and at some point broke into a run. Giss's tired gaze followed the girls until they disappeared behind a building. Well, today his looks were certainly more impressive than usual.

Giss decided to approach a different pair of guild members. A fox and a wolf were standing beside something similar to an armor. Once he got closer he noticed they were almost done eating scrambled eggs. With the sheer power of his willpower he tore his gaze off the food and looked at the armour.

"My greetings. That's a curious armour you've got there..." he bent his body in order to get a better look.

@The Mythic Dragon
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"Awww...the little wolfy decided to stay here?" Arona said in a cutesy voice and quickly grabbed Feros by the arm and embraced him from behind while rubbing his head again but only more rapidly and messily. "It's okay Wolfy, no need to be so sad, you're a good Wolfy Fero" she said with a cheerful smile on her face as she let go of him from behind. "You know next time you want to stay behind...we could maybe do something "special" together" she said and winked at him with her left eye and returned back to cleaning the Metal Statue.

Arona finished cleaning her prized possession and started to model it in a sitting position with it's legs out on the grass.
"Phew! Done!" she said in a relieved and happy tone. She begin to grab the metal statue by it's feet. "Fero? Can you please help me get this Statue back into the display area? I think people might be coming in soon and I want everyone to look at how shiny my statue is!" She said with excitement in her voice.

As she turned around, she saw the Guild Master approaching them.

"Heeeeyyyy Guild Master Gissss" she greeted him in a cheerful tone and was complimented by his words "Yeah! Isn't it great? I don't think it's armor tho, I can't fit into it" she said in a confused yet excited voice.

@The Mythic Dragon

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< @Zareh >

Fero does not resist at all during Arona's assault on his head. In fact, his tail wags much faster, slowing only when she mentions doing "something 'special'" He blushes a bit, and nods silently when she asks for his help. Then came the rat...

< @SubSonicSausage >

He jumps from the voice behind him. "Ah! Uhm..." He stutters, backing over to Arona, unsure what to make of him. "A-are you part of the guild? If you are... I made eggs... they're in the kitchen... sir..." This seemed to be the Guildmaster he had heard about, and he knew that one wrong word would see him kicked out.
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Deep in the forbidden territories that had once been humanities' cities, in the side of a hill that had once had a compound built into it a single figure moved though a roughly hewn door way. The figure was not human and it was not a Kemonomimi, it was one of the last remnants of humans a robot, and it was dying. The robot's name was 87 of 100 for that was the number painted onto its rusted pitted metal skin and engraved into it in various places and it was the last of its kind.

87 had a spear in its side a group of Kemonomimi had assaulted this place and it had done as it had done for fifty thousand years, its hands still dripped blood as it walked or rather limped down the half broken stairs, its servos and gears whined in protest as warning flashed in its vision. The spear had managed to hit its power core and now it was losing power with no way to retain any energy from now on it would power down soon and never wake again. As it reached the bottom of the stairs it was presented with a long hall way full of occupied alcoves, here was where they had awoken and received their orders so long ago and here was where their remains were kept, there were one hundred alcoves with all but one filled with the remains of the other ninety nine robots that it has worked with. It could just remember a time in the distant past when they had all been together just after the cataclysms had started, and if it could feel anything 87 guessed it would have felt sadly happy about the time it had spent with the others.

87 walked down the hall looked at each other it's brothers in turn they had all been made to protect this place, to protect her and one by one they had fallen. They had been ordered to protect this place forever and now 87 was the last one and it did not have long as the five minutes remaining warned flashed. It had failed, the thought, not the fact came with only a seconds thought to what it had been made to do. It should guard her forever, it should keep the sleeping queen safe forever that was what it should do and it had failed, it had only that one purpose and it had failed, they had all failed in this one purpose.

87 limped towards a room deep in the hill, one of the few places where nature had not been allowed to overtake human creation and all the way it kept repeating how it had failed, it didn't care that it would die it had failed, it had failed its bothers, it had failed its makers, and it had failed their sleeping queen. If 87 could feel anything it would be drowning in sorrow but it felt nothing, it was just a void , it was a machine not made to feel, it was to repair and defend and it had failed. 87 entered a room it should not be worthy to enter, the chamber of the sleeping queen. Before 87 was the object of the 100 robots devotion, their sleeping queen ever on her throne untouched by all the years pristine and perfect in its sensors, yet never had she woken, never had she thanked them, never had she seemed to care for what they did. 87 however knew it wasn't worth thanking as despite all its efforts it had failed.

The one minute remaining alert flashed in 87 vision and fatal errors started to pile up, it would not make it to the alcove it would die here, the last guardian to the sleeping queen. Then as a signal of its failure was broadcast the room came alive. The ancient screens turned on and programs made and calculated before 87 had even been made ran. The ancient generators that gave them power for so many millennia kicked into full gear as for the first and last time the room was restored to how it had once been when the guardians had been whole. Still none of this was for 87, nothing could save it and it's time was running out even if this room came alive it mint nothing it would die.

87 looked to its queen and saw the purpose for the chamber coming back to life, she was awake, she had woken. 87 wanted to move to her but when it took a steep it fell, its legs were failing, it couldn't move, every part of it was a failure. If it could want anything it would have wanted to be close to its queen to apologize for its failure, but it was about to power down, even the world was going black. The last thing saw was the queen kneeling before her fallen defender.

The last thing it heard was " You haven't failed me 87" It was the queen she was speaking to it " You all watched over me for so long while I slept, thank you " as everything stopped 87 was sure it would have felt, it it was sure it was happy as the last lights in its eyes died out and it was gone.
Malin sat at his desk, his head rested on his crossed arms as he sobbed. He could hear each tear hit the stained cherry wood, which only made it worse. "Why does Hidden always have to be so mean to me?" He thought. "Does he not like me? Does he hate me?" The boy continued to sob as those negative thoughta peirced his heart. It being his 16th birthday today only made matters worse. It was times like these that he wished he wasn't a Fauna.

Malin's head slowly rose as he heard his brother begin to speak. This was business as usual. Malin would say things, then Hidden would yell at him, and then Malin got upset. This was they're everyday routine, but something was different about this time. Malin perked up a bit at talk of his mothers stopwatch, and turned to see his brother slide it under his door. Malin got up and walked over to the door. He bent down and picked up the stopwatch, lifting it towards his face to better observe it. He flipped it over, his eyes following as hus brother read the words engraved in the back, and explained it's meaning.

Malin sighed and turned his back to the door. Leaning against it, he held it close to his heart and closed his eyes, listening for the sound of claws on the marble floors. "Thank you." He said to himself as he continued hugging the watch.
Charon arrived at the strange, towering structures shorty after having sighted them. His eyes widened in surprise as he heard, and saw, people. They were all... Human in appearance, with the exception of animal parts. He tried to scan one, staring at one of the "humans" with the traits of animals, though they ran away for some reason. Did they not know or remember what machines were? Perhaps it was was his bad condition... 'Or maybe... Just maybe... Have the humans, our creators, lost the technology that made them so great?' He thought as he walked through through the people and into what he believed was a castle or large city of sorts.

They were staring, pointing at him and speaking in a familiar language, which he believed was English, though he didn't know how these creatures would have come to know and learn such an old human language. Though he wasn't aware, his eye and appearance was instilling both fear and awe into the Kemonomimi who stared at him and whispered to eachother. Most of them seemed shocked or terrified at the sight of him. He tried his best to ignore all of this and headed to what appeared to be the gate of the city. 'Great. I'll attract even more attention... Why are they wearing animal ears, tails, and wings? They look so... Real.' He thought, the thought of humans crossing with animals never occurring to him.
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The light of the sun drifted in through a crack in the pale yellow curtains covering a small window, shedding light into the dim, cluttered room. A persistent tapping noise could be heard, coming from the closed door. Along one wall, a short bed stood, and under it's cream colored sheets lay a rather small girl, with large, round ears. Soft snores lifted from the sleeping girl's slightly open mouth. The tapping sound grew louder, becoming a rather loud racket, cutting through the snoring, and a grumble escaped from the teenager's mouth. An exasperated sigh sounded from behind the pure white door, as it was slowly cracked open. A face, rather aged with dirty blonde hair appeared in the wide crack, a set of annoyed brown eyes looking in at the mess. The door was pushed fully open, and a body joined the face as the older woman entered the dimly lit room. She picked her way over to the bed, and stood at it's head, looking down upon the lump that was her daughter.

"Ryke! Get up. You have work to do!" The mother spoke, rather loudly, her tone sharp and utterly annoyed. The lump rolled over, and the snores stopped. The girl's head appeared from under the covers, a set of brown, slightly red-tinted eyes looking upwards at the grumpy face above her. The eyes opened wide, and she squeaked as she shot up into a sitting position.

"Sorry mom..." The girl apologized, sheepishly laughing before hurriedly getting out of bed. The mother rolled her eyes, and removed herself from the room once more, after opening the curtains fully, bathing the room in light. Clothes were strung out around the small space, mixed with oddities and books of all sorts. Rushed, the small teenager, Ryke, hurried about the room, grabbing clothing and placing in a somewhat neat pile to one corner to be washed later on. Books were stacked precariously on he bookshelf, and most of the oddities simply ended up shoved into the girl's small closet. With a huff of approval, she hurried to her dresser and quickly dressed, in a pale blue tank-top and a skirt ending a few centimeters before her knees. She nodded, hurriedly brushing out her hair, before slipping her shoes onto her feet. Running towards the door, she paused by the mirror to check her appearance. Once she decided it was decent, she rushed out the door, pulling it closed behind her.

Ready to head downstairs to the cafe, Ryke started towards the stairs. She jerked to a stop at a tug on her tail, and looked behind her to find she had gotten her thin tail shut into the door. Laughing at her own stupidity, the girl opened her bedroom door once more, freed her tail, and turned back towards the stairs. Without bothering to shut the door again, she bounced happily down the steps, all hurry of earlier forgotten. "Good morning!" Her chipper voice cut though the soft chatter of her parents. A man, looking to be close to the same age as the mother of earlier, turned towards the teenager with a smile and a wave.

After returning her father's wave, completing a quick once over of the tables in the cafe, Ryke walked to the door. The short girl had to stand on her tip-toes slightly to flip the sign in the window of the door to 'OPEN', but she did so nonetheless, and returned to the counter to wait for customers alongside her parents.

"Miss Viridi! Rise and shine! Dawn is here!"

Viridi the high priestess was asleep but now was awake by the squeaky Voice of Mary,she was the one who went to wake all in the morning...it was annoying but she had to,Viridi would Grone as she heard the Voice and replied "Ugh...Yes my dear....I know its dawn..."she replied hearing soon her foots steps Vanish in the hall as she laid in bed,Rubbing her eyes and sitting up she would sigh seeing the suns Rays shine in her room "By gaia....what a Morning" Sliding off bed she would stand and stretch out,immediately she look out of the window seeing the sun...was warm atleast,a sigh escapes her lips as she would walk towards the drawer near her bed,reatriving a white Robe,but there was a note on it and a white rose,reaching in she would open the note and read "Miss virid,we know you love white roses and we found this one near the spirit tree! the others were closed but this one was awake so we got it to you!

Yours Truly

~Melva and Friends"

Viridi just smiled as theas kids just dint stop do they? as she would place both note and flower on the drawer recovering her robe and putting it on,soon only to place the beautiful white rose on her left antler,she smiled as the rose slowly tied itself around her antler,nodding she would walk towards the mirror and look at herself making sure the rose was perfect and fit,she loved the white roses and reasiving one from the kids just made her smile as they are so loving,walking towards the door of her room she would Open it leading in a large hall,inside the hall were multiple doors each leading to a room,walking down the hall she would greet all those who pass by till she reach a large and....well masive table with lines of chairs and people in them..well most were filld,walking in the room she would sit down on the left side of the table as all slowly fill the room and sit down to eat,each had something simple,depending on there specie of course,Viridi had strawberries and aswell some carrots,she never like meat so that was out for her,as soon the room was fill they would all hold hands and begin to pray to Gaias for this meal,each pray silently like whispers and once they were done they would say gaias and begin to feast like a family,Virid ate her strawberries and carrots slowly and enjoying it,some were young,some were old like...REALLY old here! do they all help each other well and like a Big happy family! well most of the time that is.

As soon the feast was done Viridi would walk out of the dining room to the outside door,do she was stop as one of the priest who seem to be a Horse judging by its tail and ears
"Miss Virirdi! Are you not wearing your wear?"he ask as she would shake her head and say "No Jhon...I whant to leave without it for once"she said with a smile as she would nod and walk out of the building and started her walk towards the city,she was going at dusk towards the spirit tree to pray but it was just dawn so a Long time for it to be dusk...
The two in front of him started cuddling without noticing Giss. He quietly watched them. When the girl mentioned that she would do something special to her wolf friend, the latter blushed. Oddly enough, Giss blushed too. No, no, no. He quickly shook his head. Those were the temptations of the devil. Yes, he was old enough to be her grandfather.

Giss cleared his throat and tapped the armor with his nail. "No wonder, mmm, Arona? Its full on the inside... Perhaps it is a doll." Dolls were outside his area expertise so he quickly lost interest.

Unlike Arona's, the boy's reaction towards him was more like the usual. Giss listened to his stutter with bored expression. But at the mention of eggs, Giss's red eyes suddenly gave out a wave of a strange, threatening atmosphere. He placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Name yourself, young man..." he said with composure.

@The Mythic Dragon
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< @Zareh @SubSonicSausage >

Fero winced as the hand came towards him, obviously expecting some kind of blow to fall, as had so many times before. But instead it came down gently, onto his shoulder. The gentleness of the hand and what the rat's eyes said did not match to the young wolf, and he assumed the worst. "Fero, sir..." He said quietly, his ears and tail down as far as they could go. He looked at Arona sadly, fully expecting to have to say goodbye to her.
Arona dropped the Metal Statue and walked over to Fero's side, she gently slowly removed Giss's hand and put both her hands on Fero's shoulders while smiling cheerfully as usual. "This is my friend Fero! and he's been having fun with me, he even treated me to lunch." she said calmly as she looked at Giss. "Please Please Please don't make him leave...he's a good wolfy, I promise" Arona started to look at Giss with puppy dog eyes and an adorable pouting face as she started to mimic puppy noises.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Mary was very excited for today since it was Malin's birthday. 'I can't wait to give Malin his surprise birthday present, since I have been wanting to create this for a very long time, because he doesn't know what our mother looks like yet.' thought Mary, since she wanted to paint a old picture of their family at a beach house, because she knew that Malin would like this, since he already told her that he would like to get a beach house, because it is expensive.

Mary saw Malin talking to Hidden, and she was going to say happy birthday to him, but Hidden started to argue about Malin's stuck up personality towards the commoners again.
'Why did they had to argue about this today?' thought Mary, since today was supposed to be a happy day for Malin.

Mary then went towards Malin's room after he had run away from Hidden, since this always happens when they end up arguing with each other.

She was going to knock on his door, but Hidden was leaning on Malin's door, and was talking to him about his birthday present, plus apologizing to him for yelling.

'So Dad gave Hidden: mom's pocket watch while mom gave me: the picture of us at the beach house. I guess they trusted us to keep them safe, since we wouldn't lose them so easily.' thought Mary, since both of those items are special to them.

She then saw Hidden sliding the pocket watch under Malin's door, and heard Malin saying thank you after Hidden had left, since she had putted her ear on his door.

"Um...Malin, can I come in since I also have a surprise for you." said Mary, since she wanted Malin to be happy, because she doesn't want him to be sad on his birthday.

@Leone @StoneWolf18

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