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Fantasy The Adept

"She claims her adept is "reading people," and I'm inclined to believe her." Thomas said. "Rorin, how's it going over there?"

"I haven't gone through every document yet, but thus far everything checks out," he replied. He then walked over to the table and placed a few documents on it. "These are some important documents we may need during the war. There are some official letters, battle strategies, and building blueprints." He then walked back to his desk and continued rummaging through documents, occasionally wandering off to find something.

"As interesting as this all is, that isn't why I've called you here," the king said. He placed the notes down on the table. "This note details a massacre on some guards in the next down over. An adept who appears to be proficient in gun-wielding is responsible for many deaths. The other note is him calling for a challenge. He wants me to send him someone to fight him. I intend on sending all three of you. It will be your first time working together as a team, which you clearly need experience in. I would send you in the morning, but who knows what else this mad man could do by then? You are to meet in the courtyard in 10 minutes at the most and leave. I have asked the brewmaster to concoct a drink that should keep your energy up. Any questions?"

"I have one," Thomas said. "I believe it would be beneficial if Harley saw real combat firsthand as opposed to just training sessions. She does not have to engage."
Axel whistled as he continued through the wooded lands that surrounded the small plain around the tower, though still within Axel's firing range. A trail of fire followed him as he held the flaming torch in hand, bringing it up to tree branches or collections of needles, letting them catch a flame as trees distant behind him were already becoming charred. He was making his kill zone. Each tree he burned down he gave less and less cover for his enemy, not minding all that much should the fire spread deeper into the woods, Axel was not particularly a man of nature. From a birds' eye, it would be easy to tell he was making a wide circle around the tower, giving himself a specific radius around for firing distance, something he had measured previously in the night to see how far he could accurately shoot. Finally, he was beginning near the end of his path of destruction, looking behind him as flames began to grow between the trees he'd recently lit, slowly stepping back out into the field as he did. Glancing around him as he saw the already charred forest in the small distance, opposite of where he stood in the radius he made for himself. He heaved a sigh as he began his way back toward the tower. Now it was time for the hard part. Defenses.
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Aurora had to admit an adept to reading people sounded pretty cool and definitely helpful when in court. While the King was talking, Aurora stood quietly, taking in every word. Hearing that the person who did the massacre was proficient in gun-wielding, her eye's widened just a little. A grin formed on her face. If it was who she thought it was, things were going to get interesting. The grin quickly disappeared though when Thomas suggested Harley come along. Not that the girl wasn't doing well in her training, Aurora just wasn't sure it would be a good idea to bring her just yet. "Even if Harley does not engage it doesn't mean that whoever this person is won't try and go for her. No offense to Harley, she has come a long way, but she is the weakest link. And what would happen if this man chooses to target her?" At this point Aurora was staring directly at Thomas. He may be good at hiding a lot of things from her but she had seen some of the looks he gave Harley. "I know I can only do so much to protect her. I'd rather just have us three snip it in the bud quickly than have her dragging us down." The minute those words left Aurora's mouth she knew they sounded harsh but it was true. Aurora would most likely be worried about Harley's safety, and no matter what her adept was, if she was distracted she could miss her shots.
At this point Thomas stood up and stared Aurora down. "And what if he doesn't? There will come a time when she needs to get out there for some real experience, and the sooner the better. As it stands now, you are the weekest link. I don't care how hard or how frequently you've trained. Once you're out there in the field, it's completely different. There is real pressure and a real threat. I know it's everyone for themselves out there even more than you do. This is purely a tactile decision."
After resting for a bit longer Harley gingery stood up and dusted off her clothing. It wasnt safe to stay outside by herself especially since a war was at their front door. She packed away the training dummy that she was going to use and made sure the equipment room was secure.

The castle, Harley decided, was rather creepy when you were walking by yourself at night. She felt as if every little sound was magnified but also in a way it was weirdly soothing, like she didnt have anything to worry about it was just her and the world. A silky notion she knew but one shs couldnt help but feel.

She eventually got to her room, it was a quaint little room that she was quite fond of. She quickly pulled off her training clothes and washed up. Looking at her bed she suddenly felt quite exhausted and was rather looking forward to climbing in and falling asleep.
Amori sat there staring blankly at them both. The king seemed to share the same amount of liking to there bickering as she did, "For the love of god, let her decide for herself." She stated in annoyance, she may not of been from that court and they had no reason to listen to her but this Harley girl deserved a choice it seemed like, "Present her with the risks and rewards then allow her to choose for herself." She continued then decided to throw in a little something to give proof of her adept, "Get over your petty feud." She spat.
Aarora's eye twitched at his remark. Her the weakest link? Yeah right. At least she has experience with killing. It may not be humans but Harley had only started learning combat a week ago. Her right hand gripped the dagger strapped to her thigh. It took everything she had not to snap at Thomas with the King present. She took a deep breath and then released her hold on the weapon. Aurora ignored what this girl, Amori, said. Instead she looked up at the King. "I was just voicing my opinion. It is whatever you wish your majesty."
"I agree with the Devian" the king announced. "If you two don't get over this soon I will lock both of you in the same cell until you stop. You need to learn to work together. As for Harley, she needs to rest and will not be going. She does need experience, but needs to start off slower. The three of you will go and learn to act as a team. Ethan, you will keep these two I line and tell me if they put their feud before the mission. If there are no further questions, then you may go."
Amori quirked her head as the king of bandar agreed with her but hid her silent smile the looked over at the male, "Could I ask you name? It's rather annoying having to refer to you in my head as 'Male'." She said, "Oh, no wait, you seem like a... Fahrin? Or a Tom?" She propped her head up on her arm and looked over at Rorin, "Are you done yet because I'm starving to death." She whined.

It wasn't much of an exaggeration, she hadn't ate for almost three days, even Ash hadn't- Amori suddenly froze, realizing she hadn't tied up Ash properly. Her eyes went wide then she bolted out of the room, tracing her way back outside before bolting to the stables. She didn't really think of what the king, her interrogator and the others in the room would think and she was next to positive one of them would chase her but kept running. Meeki was with Ash, she had brought the poor munchkin in a metal lined bag and forgot to bring him in, "Ash! Meeki!" She yelled after finding they weren't where she left them, "Ash! Meeki!" She yelled, louder and more panicked then before.

After missing a root that was in the ground she tripped forward and fell onto the ground before huffing in scared frustration.
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Eleonora had been writing a note to Axel when they came, the guards of this town; they came in rather large group of ten or so. "So they've found me.." She said under her breath as she attached her note to a dove and sent it off to find Axel. She knew very well they eventually they would know she was here, but their timing was rather..annoying. In a matter of seconds Eleonora was seized from her stool and taken with heavy bonds from the tavern as her dove flew off to find Axel.

Moments later she was marched through the town as two guards ran off to tell the king that they had found Eleonora, the inventor of guns. Eleonora on the other hand hung her head as she walked, her chains rattling. Would this be the end? Likely. She refused to fight, refused to invent for the purpose of war. She had told Axel her last goodbyes in her letter as well as left him everything she had, should it remain after the war. In little to no time the king of this land would be before her, and she would deny helping with a smile on her face.

@Shog (Because the king will know she's on her way.)

Oh no. Oh, no no no no no.

I was BABYSITTING these two? I mean don't get me wrong, I'm honored that the king had that much faith in me. But... this was going to wear on my patience. I could already tell. "... As you wish, your majesty," I said hesitantly.

I didn't have time to sit on that thought for much longer before the Devian bolted from her chair and whirled out of the room. "... If you'll excuse me, your highness," I said as I gave chase to her.

"What is she thinking?! You don't just run out of a meeting with the king, ESPECIALLY when you're from a country that we're about to go to war with! Is she insane?!" I thought as I ran. I found the young Devian lying in the dirt outside of the stables. After finding her, I ran over her with the intent of dragging her back to the castle, forcefully if need be.

"What in the world is wrong with you?! Honestly, with your ability to read people I'd have thought you would have been more attentive than that," I scolded her. "You're of no use to us dead, and if the guards had seen a stranger run out of the castle like that, you would have been in a LOT more trouble than you are now. Now get up, you're coming with me," I insisted.
Amori sat up, wiping dirt off of her pant leg, "I didn't tie my horse up properly, she's gone." She murmured, upset with her own stupidity, "My cat's with her too. Could you at least get someone to try and find them if I'm not allowed to?" She asked, frantically looking around to see if she cold see either of the two. Her best friend hadn't come with her, her cat did though. The horse had just come for the food.

She gave the man a look over, "Who are you anyways?"
The last time I had been in the castle I was 6. They probably didn't keep me because I was useless, useless adept, and too small and scrawny to be usefull. But I was back aged 14, for some strange reason. The rest of the people who had arrived with me had gone to their dorms.

Walking around I saw a cat, and a horse wandering around the castle grounds. A sat down and looked at the cat, closing my eyes slowly then opening them again, the cat jumped onto my lap and immediately started purring, the horse stood transfixed while I plucked some of the green grass and fed it to him.

"My name is Ethan, and I serve his highness. If you were to give us a description of what they looked like, we could tell the guards to keep an eye out. But as it stands right now, I don't think we could spare the resources to go on an active search just for a horse and a cat," I informed her. "Now until we get this mess you're in straightened out, I would highly advise against leaving the castle. We still don't know that much about you. Now please, come with me."
Aurora winced at how harsh the King sounded. It wasn't like he was wrong. Despite how she had been acting Aurora would like to think she would never let her emotions control her during a mission but something about Thomas always ticked her off. Maybe it was how calm and collected he always seemed to be despite how often he went on mission. It also didn't help the King favored him, even though in this instant he was scolding them both.

It was right then that Amori rushed out, Ethan running after her not even a moment later. Thinking about the long journey ahead of themselves Aurora took this moment to leave. She wasn't going after the girl for she knew Ethan can definitely take care of her. Bowing to the King she walked out of the Library and headed to her room. It didn't take long to attached the quiver of arrows to her back and then latch the bow to said quiver. Her horse was not going to be happy about this. It was during this time of night that she tended to sleep. Aurora yawned before walking back down to meet up with the others and get the drink from the brewmaster.
Harley could not sleep no matter how hard she tried, something didnt feel right and she just couldnt get comfortable. This was not the first time something like this has happened.

Giving up on all hope of sleeping Harley climbed out of bed and changed into some comfortable clothing. She was sure that by now everyone would be sleeping so no one would see her anyway.

She decided to make her way to the kitchen, it had been a while since she had been able to cook and putter around the kitchen and she sort of missed it. Their was just something about cooking that she quite enjoyed. Although she wouldnt like to have a cooking adept, not that there was anything wrong with it but she loved her adept and what she could do even if her parents didnt.

Speaking of her parents Harley wondered if the king would bring them in. She hoped not. She did love her parents in a way but the way they stared at her when they saw her was worse then the noble women at breakfast. Her brother was the worst, muttering horrid thing under his breath at her.

While lost in thought she heard some voices along the hallway and froze, she hoped they wouldn't see her, panicking she whipped her head about looking for a place to hide.
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As much as Thomas hated to admit it, the king was right. He was a little offended that he would even consider that Thomas would put his personal feelings before the mission all the same. "As you wish, my lord," he said before bowing and walking out. He wasn't concerned about Amori. She hadn't been a problem for him and knew she would be nothing to Ethan. When he reached his room he realized that he still had her dagger and set it on thee table. He then quickly packed anything that wasn't already packed for short-notice missions and started heading back towards the courtyard. On the way he crossed paths with Ethan and Amori.

"I advise leaving her in the kitchen. She keeps complaining about food and there's usually someone there," Thomas said to Ethan as they passed each other. He didn't wait to hear his response and continued towards the courtyard. When he arrived he found Aurora waiting there. He grabbed the drink and began checking over the pouches on the horse to make sure everything we ready. "I saw your face earlier and thought I should clarify. I did not mean to degrade you so far as to say Harley, who has only been training for a week, was better than you. I was only making reference to the three of us in the room: You, Me, and Ethan."
Harley made it safely to the kitchen without anyone seeing her which was a huge relief as she didnt want to have to explain why she was up at this time of the night.

Humming to herself softly she bustled around the kitchen getting ingredients for chocolate chip muffins, she hoped that if she kept herself extra busy she would eventually tire out and be able to fall asleep. If not then she would have to go plead with the Brew master to make something that would help her sleep.

Placing the tray in the oven, one she had made the batter and put in the muffin tray, she started cleaning up the mess she made. Whilst cleaning her soft humminf became singing, swaying to the tune she was making, she dances around the kitchen although she was mindful of her ribs.
Eleonora was lead through town, the heavy metal chains that bound her clanking and rattling. Before long the woman would be lead into the castle and more guards would join the eight in escorting her. Briefly she wondered why security was so tight and where she might be going. She could guess the answer the the first thing, she was an Adept..and clearly they had no idea what her's was so they were taking a lot of unnecessary caution. As for the second thing..she'd find that out soon enough. Eleonora's boots clicked along the floors, or thudded when there was wood, the chains still making rather loud noises.

"So tell me, where am I to meet the king?" She asked, her voice sounded fearless yet regal like a young woman's should when meeting royalty. There was no answer, only more noise made by her, the chains and the heavy plate armor the guards wore. Several agonizing minutes later the guards who had run off earlier came back and told the others she was to be taken to the library. Interesting..I wonder why there and not the throne room.. She thought to herself as she was lead through the castle and into the library. Once inside, Eleonora took a look around for a second. The place was huge and by far beautiful, but not as beautiful as the Devian's king's library. They each held a few similarities, but not very many other than they both being huge and holding books. After her look around, Eleonora's eyes settled frontward again and waited to be addressed. Hopefully here, her nobility would earn her at least freedom from the chains or maybe a seat.

"Tell me, Elenora, have you been keeping up on current events?" the king asked. "Never mind, don't answer that. Here's the deal: Bandar, Hasa, and Japura have formed an alliance against the other three nations. War could break out literally any time now. Each side has their own advantages, but you would give us a distinct advantage over our opponents. You are the greatest inventor the world has ever seen. You created guns! Just imagine what else you could create. I'm going to give you two options, though I think I know what it will be. Help invent for the alliance or be imprisoned. At least until the war ends."
Seeing Thomas walk up, Aurora grabbed one of the drink and started sipping it. As he talked to her Echo moved to go rest her head against her back. The horse clearly did not want to be up at this hour. "It that respect its not a lie but I can't help it if I never got mission off the grounds. I never get a chance to do missions and it because the royals don't want to take risks." She turned to the side so she could rub Echo's neck. The horse let out a deep breath. "And tonight I will prove my self." If it was who she thought it was Ethan wouldn't be able to get near him. Thomas may get him by surprise but that's if he can get close enough. You don't want to mess with a gun-master. As she finished the drink she felt refreshed and wide awake. Looking down at the bottle in her hand she wondered what the hell the liquid was made with.
Amori looked up at him, knowing that a horse and a cat weren't exactly top priority, "Ash literally looks like Ash, and she has a black mane. Meeki is small, like a kitten and brown/grey." She said, standing up, "I understand, but where are we going if I may ask?" Right in that moment 'He who refuses to say his name' walked by and suggested he dropped her off in the kitchen, "Oh yes please. I haven't ate in three days."

She then looked at the back of the man who found her as he dissappeared around the corner, "Could you possibly tell me his name? And your name, because it's frustrating not knowing names in my thoughts."

@Ronin Ezekiel
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Eleonora kept her eyes on the king, her face and eye void of any emotion. The man had tried to flatter her? Really? Did he think he to be like that? She knew of her title. She knew she was the world's best and there was no comparison, but she would not be brought into war times. "What if I should choose to help? What shall I get?" She asked. Of course Eleonora had not intention of helping this name or his garrison, but there wasn't any harm in asking about the reward either. Imprisonment wasn't the worst. She'd been there before and had no issues going back. However, this man knew not of her manic episodes and it was be quite interesting to see how he responded to one, should one ever come.

Neri stirred amongst the soft bed linens that surrounded her, stretching out from her balled formation with a huge yawn. It was natural to scold herself for the immediate rugged behavior, and yet the sole thing that accompanied her was the brilliant night sky. She trained herself to wake up at such a strange time just for the skyline that would loom above Tanjung, weaving a brilliance through the night air that she'd never truly get sick of. Her eyes scanned the many constellations, mind sorting through her stream of consciousness to figure out exactly how long she'd been asleep...

... And then she remembered...

"We're going to war!" she squealed, hopping up from her bed's enchanting embrace to reveal a closet of beautiful, pastel dresses. She'd pick the best, just for today. The king would surely demand her at the alliance negotiations, today, and for that she couldn't bear looking any bit less than perfect.

How she'd relish in the conflict, knowing fully well that the winning king would surely have her as an asset. A winning king was a better king, and Neri had no time for losers. Her confidence appeared overwhelming for her sole handmaiden, likely jumpy from a rude, but regular, awakening, and Neri was quick to push at the young woman's annoyance--like a general, who had just found faults in a wall's defenses.
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