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Fantasy The Adept

Alec sat on his bed, legs tucked beneath him. Usually he would be out doing something by now, but he had recently been struck by the stomach bug, and nobody wanted that to spread. He wasn't very good at the whole 'sick' thing, and he was looking forward to being let out. A healer would be coming later...in fact, that was them at the door now.

He stood up and practically bounced to the door of his room. When the healer told him, a few minutes later, that he was free, he jumped at her to give her an enthusiastic hug, then ran from the room. The healer, used to his antics by now, just laughed.

It was only a few minutes of mindless running and nearly bumping into nobles later that he realized he had no where to run to. He still had the rest of the day off, and maybe longer. After a moment of thought he opted to head to where Amori, his little slice of home, would be; Either working (checked and nope), in her room (again, nothing), the stables (her favourite horse was gone, which meant), the city, most likely the music hall. He snatched a horse and began the ride. When he got there, he combed the place till he found her, practicing. He opted to stand there and watch quietly, and for the first time that day he was still.

Harley finished her routine snd went back to the kings feet, tucking her feet underneath her she watched the interaction between the King and Thomas. She thought it was great that he was trying to Help Aurora get missions.

She made herself seem like she was paying attention to the conversation, it had been drilled into her that she was not to pay attention to the Kigs conversations. Although despite how hard see tried not to listen she still heard the conversations, Aurora was lucky one day the king would send her out for missions out of the castle walls, Harley didn't have the adept that would allow that ever in her life but she didnt dwell on it, atleast she had a warm bed to sleep in.

She got the fright of her life when Aurora broke the glass in her hand, she wondered if she had cut her hands on the glass, little cuts like that could ey infected easily with out proper care, her wet nurse told her that when she was younger and still with her parents. Although she tired not to think of her parents and family too much.

"My Lord" she asked her King looking up at the man, getting a small nod to talk "if I may, perhaps the young lady should get her hands seen it. It would not be beneficial to his Majesty if her hands become infected from the small cuts" she said politely making sure that she didn't make it seem like she knew Aurora and that she wasn't telling the king what to do, it wouldnt do to anger him.
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Thomas saw the look Aurora gave him and almost instantly became fumed, thou he didn't show it. He was trying to be nice to her and still she blames him? She certainly was infuriating at times.

The king now had his eyes locked on Aurora, as did just about everyone enter the glass exploded. He contemplated his options and spoke. "Aurora, you may…"

He was interrupted by a courier bursting into the room. "My lord!" He exclaimed. "I apologize for the interruption, but I have an important message from the Kingdom of Hasa! I was told that nothing was of more importance!" The courier calmed down a bit and handed the king the letter. He then stepped back to catch his breath. Thomas was surprised the courier wasn't an Adept if the letter was so important.

The King forgot about the current situation as he read the letter. His face was hard to read, but he didn't seem pleased. "Unless you are adept, leave this room at once. Someone find Ehtan and a healer for Aurora!"

Everyone left in a hurry, leaving the room surprisingly quiet.

@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed @Ch3rryBlossom28 @Ronin Ezekiel
Aurora looked down at her right hand, the one that was holding the glass. In the heat of the moment she didn't even bother to look if the glass had cut her or not. Looking at it now she could see some small shards in her hand, with tiny spots of blood, that were going to be a pain in the ass to get out. Not to mention that was the hand she used to pull the arrow on her bow.

Right as the King was about to excuse her a courier came running in. She didn't even bother to realize that the courier wasn't Adept. Hasa was where she was from. She was only an infant when her parent's left that kingdom and moved here but her grandparents still lived there. Aurora grew worried about what the letter could be about. Seeing the expression on the King's face told her it wasn't good news. It wasn't long after the King ordered everyone but the Adept to leave that a healer came in. Aurora held out her hand to let her address it. Taking out the shards definitely was uncomfortable and stung a little but it wasn't that bad. Once her hand was cleaned up the healer wrapped a bandage around it. "Just keep that on for the day. Those cuts should heal up pretty quickly." Aurora thanked the woman before placing her hand back into her lap.

After her little adrenaline rush slowed down, Aurora had to admit breaking the glass wasn't the best thing to do but she didn't realize how hard she was squeezing it till it broke. She even felt bad about giving Thomas such a nasty look. After all he was just trying to help her. She just sat there quietly waiting for Ethan to join them so they could hear what the letter had said.

After returning from a small errand in the city, I made my way to my room. Breakfast had already started by the time I had returned, so I just decided to go straight to my room and I'd give my mission report to the king at a later point. Before I could actually reach my room however, one of the castle nobles approached me and said that the king wanted to see me in the dining hall, now.

Entering the dining hall, I scanned the room and noticed that it was notably empty. The only ones in here were adepts and the king himself. "My lord," I addressed politely to announce my arrival. "Please excuse my absence at breakfast," I added as I made my way over to my usual seat.
Harley wondered what was going on, the king didnt look happy, not one bit. That didn't bode well for anyone. It was even more concerning that he wanted the adapts to be the only ones alongside himself in the room.

She quickly scampered up knowing that the king would most likely address then all as a group and her being on the floor would most likely annoy him.

She quickly took a spot next to Aurora, ehcih was across from Thomas and waitsd tor the king to speak. Her stomach was in knots and she twisted her hands together in anticipation to what the king would tell them, she hoped it wasn't something too bad.
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The king gathered his thoughts before addressing the people in the room. "The reason I have gathered you all here is a matter of emergency. I'm sure you've all heard of the rumors of war with Deva and the subsequent news of the Death of the advisor that was prompting the war. Thomas here assassinated that advisor to try and avoid war."

Thomas caught his breath and looked over at Harley. She was supposed to think his adept was writing. What would she think of him now that she knew he killed people for the king?

"The letter was from the king of Hasa. It was a miscalculation on the fault of my advisors to eliminate him. The king of Japura contacted the king of Hasa. Apparently, some at Deva saw through it and figured that someone from Banar or Hasa killed the advisor and the king of Deva is attemptain to gain allies to go to war with Bandar and Hasa. Japura has no interest in helping Deva and contacted Hasa with a word of warning. Japura and Hasa are now allies and, should I accept, will be their ally as well. There is war coming. I will order that all Adept in Bandar are to be taken in preperation for war. The reason I am telling you this is because there will all be instramental in the upcoming war. Even you, Harley. You will help train incoming Adept and fight the good fight. Aurora, you wanted to fight? This is your chance."
To say Harley was shocked was an understatement, a war. She had read about them but she herself never thought that she would ever be in one.

She looked over at Thomas and saw him stating at her with what looked like fear in his eyes, she realised that his adept was not what she had thought it was. Although shd didnt really blame him, he hardly knew her and obviously it was something that had needed to be kept a secret for his safety. She wasn't going to lie and say that the fact that he had killed someone didnt worry her but there was a war coming and they are all probably going to end up killing somebody'l either in the battle field or in self-defense.

Realising he was worried about he reaction she gave him a small smile, trying to convey the message that she didn't think any less of him even after knowing the truth.

"My king, I am honored that you would include me in training new adapt but I worry that I will not be much help, seeing as my adept is not as useful as Aurora's or Thomas's. But I will try my best to serve you in anyway possible" she told her King, she herself would have to be trained but she was not to worried, she would serve her king and her home. She just hoped what she was doing was the right thing.
Amori looked over at Alec mid jump and smiled, landing gracefully before bounding forward then stopping completely, "Well hi there stranger." She joked walking over to him, "Are you feeling any better?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. She knew he had the stomach bug earlier and had opted to find him after the healer did. The teen always preferred not to get sick. She hated being sick, she always still had boundless energy that needed to be wasted and when she was sick she never could.

She quickly turned around and peaked out the window, trying to see which horse he rode to the hall, "Did you ride Cinder? She really needs to get out of that stable." Cinder had always been a free spirit, the only time she was like Ash was when she wasn't let out.
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Alec grinned and played along. "And hello to you to stranger, fancy meeting you here." He began bouncing on his feet and fiddling again, his moment of stillness gone. He had hated being cooped up in his room, where he was expected to lie down and rest. Rest! Can you believe it?

"I was better 5 weeks ago!" He exclaimed dramatically, despite the fact he got ill only a few days ago, "And I've been cooped up in that horrible room for so long, I don't think I can bear to look at it again."

His smile turned embarrassed when she mentioned the horses. "Oh, uh...you know I can't remember which one Cinder is. I love them! It's just...I don't know them very well... By the way, nice dancing."

His quick attempt to change the subject was actually sincere, he had always loved watching Amori dance, since he had no hope to do it himself. When he did he looked like...well there's no simile to describe how horrible his dancing was.
Despite how bad the news was, Aurora couldn't hide her excitement. Finally she would be able to prove her worth. Training new adept was going to be a pain but at leas she was going to be doing something useful. Echo would be excited as well for even the horse was starting to grow bored of the training grounds. "It would be an honor to fight for you my King."

Hearing Harley talk down on her adept she turned to look at her. "You would be surprised by how much your adept can help when fighting. Yes, Thomas and mine are mainly meant for combat but yours can be too. Flexibility can get you out of certain situation more than you think." Also Harley could be a good seductress to get information out of people but Aurora decided to keep that thought to herself. With the way Thomas was looking at the girl it would probably be a bad idea to say it. Also she seemed a little too innocent for that.
Amori laughed, her smile wide and eyes bright as she giggled. He had only been in there a few days, Always one for dramatics she thought, "Cinder looks like... well, Cinder and she has a dark gray mane." She told him with a roll of her eyes, "And you always say 'nice dancing' come up with a new compliment!" She teased. She always knew he enjoyed her dancing, she wasn't even close to the best dancer (it was a girl in Bandar if she remembered correctly) but she had an infectious energy to her dancing.

Amori looked over to the window, seeing the castle in the distance, "Want to go back to the castle and do politics with me?" She asked with a grin, knowing he wasn't exactly the biggest fan of them, "I actually have a meeting with the king and his adviser, I'll bring you with me because I... they scare me sometimes and I don't wanna be alone!" She complained dramatically.

What a great way to start the day - a hearty breakfast followed by a formal declaration of war. I suppose I can't really say I was shocked. Rumors of that sort have been swirling for quite some time. That doesn't mean the news is any less unfortunate. Aurora, on the other hand, seemed almost excited.

I didn't share her enthusiasm.

Still, my loyalties lie with the king and kingdom of Bandar. "If war does come to us, I would gladly fight for you, my lord," I said. "Let's just hope it doesn't, but I suppose that's just wishful thinking," I thought to myself.
Thomas was a little relieved when Harley tried to give him a comforting smile, but not much. He really liked her and he didn't see how anyone could find it in them to trust, much less like, someone who was trained to kill basically from birth. He tried to clear his mind and change his focus. He decided to focus on Aurora's comment. After he addressed the king, of course.

"I have fought for you for as long as I can remember and will continue to do so for as long as I can foresee, my lord." He then turned towards Aurora and Harley. "That isn't entirely accurate, Aurora. You and Ethan are the best combatants. My adept gives me no special edge in combat. In truth, my adept only aids in avoiding it. Harley, my adept is stealth."
Alec grinned, unfazed by Amori's playful jibe. "Yeah, cause you're a good dancer. I'm just stating the facts." He didn't continue, knowing too many compliments stopped being nice after a point.

His grin faded, though, when she mentioned politics. At first he stumbled on his words, trying to make an excuse to not go, but as she continued he sighed, defeated.

"You're lucky I like you," he muttered, pouting. "Yeah, I'll come. Fine. But don't complain when I 'disturb' you again." He placed heavy sarcasm on the word disturb. Last time he had accompanied her to a 'planny' meeting...he was lucky to still have his head.

His low spirits didn't last long though, and under the moderately happy thought that the meeting couldn't last forever, he skipped, quite literally skipped, towards the exit.
Harley nodded, if she was honest his adept being stealth made a lot more sense, it would also explain so much but she didn't say anything along those lines.

She was happy he trusted her enough to tell her the truth, she felt warmth spreading across her cheeks.

She looked over at Aurora and grinned

"thank you, I never really thought if it in that way. Although I don't have any fighting skills so I may have to be trained alongside the new adepts." She said with a bit if her head, she will train to help out and not only that She would get to spend more time with Thomas, speaking of which " um Thomas, Aurora would you two teach me combat?"
Aurora shrugged at Thomas. Sometime you needed to be stealthy in battle. He still killed people so it counted for her. Aurora gave Harley a small smile. "There is nothing wrong with needing training but depending on what you will be doing for the King will depend on who will train you." Each on of the three could probably teach Harley the basics. If Aurora was being honest with her self she wasn't sure if she would have the patience. Her adept helped her a lot with ranged weapons. "Ethan is more of the hand to hand combat, I'm more of a ranged and Thomas," It took Aurora a moment to figure out what Thomas could teach the girl. His adept helped him a lot with what he did."well Thomas could probably teach you how to strike fast I guess." Aurora wasn't actually sure how assassin's fought. She knew that they had to silent and deadly. So where ever they hit had to be a one shot kill.

Aurora knew the were horrible circumstances but man was she giddy about being able to get off the castle grounds. She had never taken a human life before but she was positive she could do it for the protection of her kingdom.
Once Alec and Amori made there way back go the castle and had there horses back at the stables, they started walking to the council room, "You don't actually have to come if you don't feel like it. It sounded pretty important so I suspect it'll be a long one." She said, in that moment the goldkeeper hurried by, giving her a pointed look before walking into the council room, "I hate him." She muttered under her breath, "He never does anything right, he's a stupid cow." She said.

After a moment one of the ladies popped her head out the door, "This is a matter of importance. Hurry inside." the girl said. Amori looked at Alec and waved a quick goodbye then walked inside, on entry she immediately could feel the tension in the room. The king's advisors looked particularly tense but the king just looked... well, pissed off.

She curtsied then took her place, "Well. As everyone knows, " the king began, "There will be an incoming war between Deva, Bandar and Hasa. Over the next few days we will be sending people about to gain an ally in this war. It shall surely be our win." Amori's jaw had dropped ever so slightly, war? Over what? She thought, "One of our own advisor's was murdered in cold blood, as a result of this, Amori Castien, you are officially my courtier/advisor. You will be reaching out to other kingdoms under the supervision of myself for alliance." He said. She was shocked, but she didn't like this. He seemed almost... deceptive like he was hiding something and war over a dead advisor? That loony didn't even do his job right, and was supposed to be fired long ago. After a brief talk amongst the court, Amori stood, nodded her head and left the council room, looking at Alec before contemplating her next move.
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(Sort of timeskip to where you guys are because of inactivity. Sorry :V)

Axel stood at the foot of the camp as his gaze looked over the long fields ahead of him, the land of Bandar laid out from the high mountains they were still camping by. His eyes went back down to the piece of parchment in his hand, being sent directly from his king. He knew there was more adepts in the world in the neighboring kingdoms, ones he may have never seen before. He knew what he would have to do, letting out a heavy sigh as he went into consideration. Adepts were damn hard to kill, and he had no idea what his future had planned for him. He hated being left in a state of unknown, beginning to crumple the royal letter in his hand as he stuffed it into his pocket. "El.." He spoke back to her, he knew she wouldn't like this news in the slightest, though it had to be done. "You should begin back to your home. This was a mistake.." He trailed off as he looked at her once again, bitting down on his inner cheek. "I need to fight."

Eleonora had been sitting by their makeshift camp, her hands and mind absorbed in twiddling with something Axel couldn't see. When he spoke to her in such a serious tone, she looked up at him, slipping whatever it was in her pocket quite fast. "Go home? I think not. I'm here to get something and then I shall return home." She stated with some sternness as she stood up and walked over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "If you need to fight, then do so. You are not bound to me in any way, Axel." She said with a small pat on his shoulder before she moved her hand away and walked over to see the city below them. A small summer wind blew by her, rustling her hair and the feather in it as well as moving what bits of clothes she had that were loose. Eleonora knew it would be hard to track down the man in debt to her without Axel and it would certainly be harder to deal with him..but she could do it. She had her own ways of dealing with this sort of stuff.


"Well to be more accurate Aurora, Thomas's Adept encompasses more than mere assassination. Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, theft, and of course assassination. Thomas's Adept is more versatile than you think. There's a lot that he could teach Harley. But in the event that she's actually detected, there isn't too much his teachings could do. That's where we come in," I said as I gestured towards Aurora. "Our Adepts were practically made for combat, so there's a lot we could teach her that Thomas couldn't."
Harley could hardly contain her excitement, not only did she get a break from performing but she also was able to learn new thing.

"My flexible, it will help with fighting and avoiding others correct?" Shw questioned Ethan. She didn't know much about fighting and didn't want to assume something and make herself look stupid.

"What area would I start in?" She knew it would take a long time for her to become as good as the others but she was willing to work as hard as her body would allow.

@Ronin Ezekiel @Ch3rryBlossom28
"If you are all done there, let's get to work," the king announced. "I'll have an advisor try to whip up a schedule for training that you will teach and partake in. You're own practices are not to be neglected. When war does finally break out, you will no longer be teaching and instead be out fighting. We will also try to find non-Adept to train if they are skilled. Each of you return to your bed chambers until I send someone for you."

==========================================One Week later==========================================​

Thomas was not impressed. Everyone he had to train were all bumbling idiots. None of then could see well in the dark hardly at all. A few of them were good at tailing people, but only when they could blend into a crowd. Several were good at extracting information, but most of them resorted to sex appeal for that. the one thing they did seem to learn was how to disappear. It was Thomas's first lesson and he emphasized daily that the first thing you needed to do when you were discovered was to disappear and make sure they can't find you. By the order of the king, his name when he was instructing others was Ian. None of the people he was training knew what Thomas looked like and still believed he was a writer. Thomas knew that, especially with the war coming up, they could not continue to convince everyone that Thomas was mellow in nature and quietly wrote for most of his days.

He openly had interactions with Ethan (@Ronin Ezekiel ) whenever their free time overlapped or during meals. Free time was increasingly harder to find as their schedules were becoming more and more packed. After the king's announcement last week, he was the first to leave his room and made sure that the others didn't follow. He was specifically avoiding Aurora (@Ch3rryBlossom28 ). If she was going to continue hating him even after he tried to stick up for her, then it would be more productive to ignore it and limit their interactions. He hoped the king would notice and be sure to keep them on separate missions in the war. Thomas had been avoiding Harley (@SheWhoMustNotBeNamed ) as well, but not as strictly. He just couldn't bring himself to face her. "Thomas's Adept encompasses more than mere assassination. Infiltration, espionage, sabotage, theft, and of course assassination" ran through his head whenever he saw her. How could she possibly consider trusting him after hearing that? His entire life was based around deception! He had forgiven Ethan for saying it, but it had taken a day or two.

It was no secret that Bandar, Hasa, and Japura were preparing for war and news came shortly that so was everyone else. Deva, Camorin, and Tanjung had formed alliances with each other, though Camaorin would act more for supply than actual fighting. The hunt for Adept hadn't stopped either.

Thomas had just finished his practice and had some free time. His training this time was to reach his destination undetected with a wind chime in each hand. He didn't pass the first two times since he had to hold them in a position where they could openly swing. He still wasn't satisfied when he did make it, so he tried several more times until he was ordered to stop for the night. He was a night owl and didn't need to wake up until almost the afternoon. His adept worked better at night anyway. It was 10:13 at night and he would start patrolling the streets of Banswara at 11:00. he was currently sitting on a balcony connected to a public room with his legs hanging over the edge. He was fiddling with a knife in front of him, though no one could tell if they saw him from the room.
Amori quietly rode down the streets in the darkness, the only sound being made where Ash's feet clicking on the city's street. Her eyes practically glowed as the moonlight hit them and she slowly approached the castle of Bandar, where the king and his court resided. She blended in to the shadows well, but a skiled eye could easily see her.

After she had started working as an official courtier, she learned many things about her beloved kingdom that had her stepping farther and farther away from it. All the dirty secrets, sick ploys to get an alliance and covered up crimes made her sick to her stomach. At one point she broke, when she found documents mentioning the burning of an orphanage in the night that allegedly held 'criminals'. It housed dozens of innocent children and a kid who stole bread to feed them.

At that point she snapped, stuffed all the documents she could into a bag, left a note about her plan in Alec's room in the sheath of one of his weapons and left. Her plan was complete ludicrous, and she was surprised she wasn't dead already but it was successful so far. She was to abandon Deva and betray all information to Bandar.

As she thought about the stupidity of her plan she thought about turning back, but she was surely wanted by now. Once she got close to the castle she tied Ash up to the back of there old stables, leaving him around a lush area of grass before slowly stalking towards the castle. It was beautiful, much more welcoming then Deva's castle looked and the view they'd get from the balcony's. She got chills, the side of her that wandered in colors and creativity eating up the image.

Your and idiot. A stupid, unloyal idiot. She thought to herself, checking again to make sure she was blending in with the shadows. If someone where to see her she definitely wouldn't be classified as amateur, but her skills were raw and unpracticed, to a skilled eyes she stuck out like a sore thumb. She looked down at the dagger strapped to her thigh for reassurance and checked her appearence then started wondering if people knew who she was here. She was one of the few Adepts who was brought into court, not entertainment or battle. Not to mention she was a courtier. Female. It was typically a male's job.

She dismissed those thoughts and stayed in the shadows, savoring the quiet of night.
It had been a long week, one could say. The gunslinger was tested to his limits of tracking and map following, making it through the snowy mountains that had divided the two powerful kingdoms. He had several inconveniences along the way as well, dealing with wild animals, rough terrains, and finding camp. Though in whole the week was not all that much of a challenge for the adept, he was used to this kind of rough travel over terrain. What he had planned to do had not been on the king's order, deciding to give himself his own mission. His own challenge. After the days of travel, he had found the outpost he had decided to target. It was a high tower stone tower with crossbowmen posted atop, containing a small number of soldiers inside. It was mostly an oversized rest stop for passing armies, though it was enough to get his message across. It was time to light some sparks.


The golden iris flecked with copper wandered over the grassy field, following the flowing green before it focused back upon the stone tower, slowly travelling up the high gray wall of the tower from his long distance. The eye seemed to lock onto his first target, a young man lazily leaned back on his post, holding the crossbow carelessly. He took a moment to think to himself, closing the golden eye as he reached deep within him. Suddenly, something came back out, a wicked grin coming over the man's expression as his eyes opened back opened back up, the copper flakes seemed to expand and show a bloody red as his pupil minimized down, lifting his rifle up from where he stood. With his eye already locked on the man, the gunslinger pulled the trigger, letting all break loose as he fired his round out of the long gun.

The moment the boy had fallen over he saw the men begin to panic, only making this side of Axel run his adrenaline up even higher. He began to reload the weapon with unmatched speed, beginning over toward the tower. It did not take long for the soldiers to begin raising alarms in the towers, taking their crossbows and beginning to load them. He walked at a slow and steady pace as he finished loading the rifle, pointing it up and taking another shot at the soldiers and seeing another fall. The crossbowmen loaded their bolts in this short window of time Axel had created for them, quickly tossing the rifle back over his back as he pulled out his dual pistols.

It was time to truly fight.

As soon of the bolts were about to fire in his direction, Axel began in a run for the tower, soldiers beginning to quickly file out and charge his way with swords in hand, managing to avoid the bolts from the archers. Axel gripped his pistols and slowed his breath, time seeming to slow with his breaths as he looked at the dozen of soldiers headed his way. They were a fair distance, but they were closing in on him fast. A deep breath was emitted before he suddenly raised twins with an unchallenged speed, firing the weapons seemingly firing as soon as he took his aim, letting himself toss the pistols behind him as they kicked back, Axel's tactic becoming a barrage of gunfire as he grabbed more pistols from different holsters on his clothes, sending a storm of death at the oncoming soldiers. Screams emitted from the soldiers as bodies fell one after another, Axel continuing to constantly random change his positioning, using his holsters' placement to move in a rhythm as he brought on bullet after bullet, unrelenting in his attack upon the men who he had never seen before.

The man was left in a large cloud of smoke after his onslaught, heaving deep breaths as his eye twitched with adrenaline, his hand almost trembling as he dropped his last pistol. The dust and smoke however, soon settled, revealing a fully armored soldier he had not taken out. The man screamed a great war cry as he came charging toward Axel as he was unholstering his final weapon, his four-barreled "Puncher." As the sword came to swing, Axel made a quick move to avoid the swing, forcing him to have to roll to the side as he heaved deep breaths, the sword only coming at him once more, the knight having little intent on giving Axel any window of opportunity to shoot. However Axel was an adept, and he did not mess around. As the swing came sideward at him, he managed to swiftly duck under, and move into the large man's guard. His Puncher came up swiftly at the Knight's chin, before he pulled hard down on the trigger.

The suit of armor fell to its side after the four bullets pierced through his armor, leaving Axel in the wake of his destruction. He started catching his breath as he looked around at the fallen soldiers surrounding him, the Gunslinger covered in blood and grim, his hands shaking as he holstered his Puncher landed back to where it hung on him. He carefully stepped over the bodies, he could tell there was more than a dozen, however, he was not about to begin counting what he had done. The adrenaline that once surged within him was now dissipated as he stepped into the tower. The men had been having a feast before he had come, Axel deterring a bit as he furrowed his brows, beginning up the spiraling staircase of the tower. He came to the top to see the three dead crossbowmen lying on the floor, the messenger ravens that had been kept squawking wildly after the events that had happened, Axel sitting by them as he tore one of their pieces of letter paper, beginning to write upon it. After he had finished writing the note, he rolled it up and tied it to a raven's leg, sending it off on its way as he watched it fly off toward the capital of Bandar. This was going to be an long week, he knew that for sure.

Send me a fight, your highness.


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