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Fantasy The Adept

Harley looked up at when Thomas spoke to Aurora and looked at her jester outfit and blushed.

Harley knew Aurora as they had chatted a few times here and there but not often enough for her to know they other girl very well, but then again she didnt really interact much with anyone else in the castle due to the fact she was generally I'm the king presence so he could call on her whenever he wanted with out having to send someone to fetch her. It made it harder for her to make friends.

Harley was secretly glad that the king was not at the dining room yet as that gave her more time to observe the other adepts that were close to her age. She thought they looked quite nice and wish she had the extra time to befriend them.

Trying to catch both of there eyes without drawing unnecessary attention to her from the other patrons was difficult and she gave up when she saw a noble women glaring at her as if she had offered the women by simply breathing. It seemed silly once she had looked back down at her lap but she had wanted to try offer a friendship smile

"As if friendship smiles existed" she muttered softly to herself.

Although she generally disliked the lime light, lately she had begun to feel a bit lonely as she hardly spoke to anyone. It had been different when she was a kid because atbthat stage she was being trained by the kings past jester so she had some interaction other then the king
Axel's position shifted at her response, looking off in the general direction of where the ocean would be as he closed his blue eye, nodding his head to both sides. What was he thinking about? It was not long until it broke off and he looked back to her, spotting a grin over his expression once more. "Any favors I can do for ya to speed that up?" He asked with a short chuckle, he was aware that she may have had a few grudges left over. It was obvious he wanted this gun to an extreme point, and he'd go out and do quite many.. deeds to get it. He briefly nodded, almost reasonlessly, looking from the gun to her. "So?"
Eleonora chuckled at him. This was not the first time the man had ever offered to 'take care' of some deeds for her. In the past she would make him do silly trivial things that made her laugh, but now was a different time. "Actually yes. There's a man in the other kingdom who owes me quite the..payment. He's been avoiding me o fa too long, and I am not one who likes to be kept waiting." She said her face growing rather unhappy. Eleonora was a woman who got things done fast, even more so if the payment was big or the item was in her interests; so a man who owed her a good bit of gold was going to have to pay. One way or another. "As for any other deeds..well I'll think those up." She said with a bit of laughter.

Axel looked off out the other giant window of the clock tower in the direction of the neighboring kingdom, giving a short nod as he spoke up. "You want to come?" He crossed his arms as he asked this, being the first time he actually offered her to come along on one of his missions. He was a bit of a 'lone wolf' when it came to most things, but Hell, company was fun to have around. "Can round us up two horses real quick from the stables and get us there in a short ride, as long as we don't stop." He gave a small shrug, knowing she would likely prioritize working on her inventions than come on one of his little adventures.

Eleonora tapped her chin. Should she go? The woman barely left her tower and normally when she did it was to get materials and food or to request some at the harbor. Sure she had a lot to do up here in the tower..but she also wanted to show of her personal arsenal. "Sure. I'm sure by now several people think I'm a myth so..why not. Besides..I wish to see him suffer." She said rather darkly before walking over to a nearby blank wall with a handle on it. Eleonora reached up and pulled it down, the metal chains rattling as her own rare arsenal of weapons were revealed to him. Each of these guns were different, including one tiny one that was attached to a mechanism that made the gun extend out from a hidden compartment in a sleeve. Eleonora picked up two pistols, one longer than the other and holstered them on her waist then picked up a rifle and put it on her back. "Don't gawk now. I always save the best for myself." She said with a laugh before closing up the guns and turning toward him.




Thomas smirked. Aurora always had a certain charm to her, though not one that most appreciated. Truly, he didn't care how she dressed. He just wanted the wait to be less awkward. He looked back down at his goblet to sneak a glance at Harley, and noted her drop her head and look at her lap. Thomas took a quick glance around the table and saw a noblewoman smirking in Harley's direction. He whistled in her direction. Her and several others sitting around her looked at Thomas expectantly. They didn't want to offend the king by insulting Thomas. His position gave him a few perks, and that was one of them. He narrowed his eyes to a glare and picked up his knife. He twirled it around in his hand for a moment, hoping the message was clear. She seemed to pale a bit and quickly looked away. Satisfied, he set his knife back in it's proper place.
When hearing the whistle Harley, like everyone else at the table, looked at Thomas, she wouldn't want to get into trouble by upsetting him.

She watched as he twirled the knife, it memorized her a bit if she was being honest, and realised he was sending a message to the noble women who had given her the filthy look, she wondered if he saw the whole exchange and was sticking up for her. The thought of him sticking up for her made her body flush with happiness, it wasnt often someone did that for her and she appriciated it greatly.

She gave him a warm smile and a small wave. She wondered if it was the beginning of her making a new friend. She was excited and giddy and the prospect.

"Hello" she mouthed to him, careful not to make a sound least another noble glared at her
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Axel's expression grew into a frown at the guns, waving her off as he pulled out a nearly full key chain, taking a few moments to pick out the right key as he went over toward the boxhe kept. He inserted the key inside before giving it a quick twist, opening the box up to see his full collection fo weapons. He let out a sigh, beginning to pull out his weapons in order; First came his dual white flintlock pistols, these were some of his more accurate, but definitely the quickest. Afterward he pulled out a miniature looking gun, stuffing it into the back of his pants as he pulled out his four barrel flintlock, putting it on a holster that hung on his side. With various other pistols and a small knife, Axel was about set to get going. He finally dug through his weapons to finally pull out his axe-headed rifle, slinging it over his shoulder as he looked behind him. "You know I'd make better use of 'em.." He gave a small wink, standing with his load as he began to gather numerous bullets. "You ready?"

Axel's dual "Nicklebreakers."


Axel's "Good Luck Charm."


Axel's "Puncher."


Axel's "Handyman."
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Amori looked at the other Adepts, doing as she was trained to and observing moods, general vibes and perceptions of character based on body language and clothing choices. She sighed a breath of relief when realizing that non of them were girly girls. Girly girls and people without backbones lived in her nightmares. She got up from her seat and dropped her (already finished) work in the council room, being sure not to interrupt the session before leaving.

She changed into some riding pants and changed her shoes before walking outside and heading towards the stables. She wanted to visit her horse Ash for awhile. He was a medium sized horse with a silver coat, black mane and light blue eyes and Amori was the only person he allowed nearby. He was known by most stable users to be a bit violent.

As Amori made it to the stable she when to his stall and rested her arms on the stable door, "Morning ash." She said softly and got a whinny in response.
Thomas smiled as he saw Harley trying to communicate. He was about to mouth something back at her, but was interrupted when the royal family walked into the room. Instead he mouthed: "later." The royal family was just the king and his wife, but she was very pregnant and close to having a child. Or two. She was so large that most people thought she was going to have twins. After the two of them sat down the food was carried into the room and each person was served, but the king and queen firs. Only after everyone began eating did the king announce that they could begin their meal. Thomas liked breakfast the best because it was the most casual meal of the day.
Harley nodded to Thomas althougb wondered when later was but quickly shook the train off and watched as the Royal family entered. The queen looked ready to burst, it looked as if she would have the babe soon.

Everyone around her began eating and talking to each other, because she performed during the kings mealtime she would eat her food an hour earlier in the kitchen. The King looked and her and made the motion for her to start her performance. During meal time she didnt do a speaking perfeomace as the king prefered it that was so he could still hold a conversation with others. During meetings and such would she talk and joke.

She stood up brushing the lint off her clothes and bowed towards the Royal family. Moving further away so she wouldn't end up hitting anyone she began her routine, she started off with small and easy twists and turns which developed into complicated movements where she would flip and turn and fold her body in a sort of dance, moving to a rhythm only she could her.
Eleonra chuckled at him. "Maybe I'll make you copies, but these are mine." She said with a grin before walking out of the room. "Come on. I need to lock up and we need to head out." She demanded more or less. It had been quite the while since Eleonora rode a horse, and last time she did it went..well..bad. Her and horses never seemed to see eye to eye. After he would leave, she would lock the room up then head out for the front door, making sure to lock it behind them as well. "Lead the way." She gestured down the spiral staircase that seemed to go on for a while; her grin only got bigger. Eleonora was curious to see what would happen when they showed up to the man's house who owed her money. She could almost guess he'd make a run for it, meaning that Axel would have to make chase and bring him back to her. She was going to get this payment. You don't just ask Eleonora for an expensive invention then bail on the payment. Oh no. This man would pay deeply for that was well as in an interest of 50%.

Axel went on down the staircase with his arsenal, well able to do so as he wasn't exactly a small man. He looked over to El as she walked beside him, speaking briefly. "You do missions?" He asked with a risen brow, he never assumed she did for her adept was more.. at home. He didn't understand most of her separate inventions to tell the truth, and he wasn't exactly aware all that she could do. He knew she would help him raise the greatest arsenal in the world, almost as if it were a fact. After a while they reached the bottom and would make way for the stables. Maybe she could be useful on the field.

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Eleonora let out a scoff. "Tch. Not much of missions but more huntin' down clients who think they can escape their debt." She said rather darkly as she followed along beside him. The woman of course wasn't really the best at weapons, but she could aim well enough to wound someone rather than kill. Of course her Adept was meant for greater things, not just simply weapon making..but as usual all people wanted were weapons. It was disappointing. Eleonora longed to be known for more than just her invention of the gun; she wanted to be know for something big..something that could help the world not tear it down.

Axel casually pulled out his four-barreled "Puncher", quickly moving parts of the gun and pulling out a cleaner, beginning to have the weapon ready for firing mode. Of course, he did this in the middle of the street, where he wore numerous guns around random passer byes, usually winking his golden eye at them. He spoke back to her as they approached the stables, giving a nod to the stablemaster, as he pulled out his gold with a frown. It was the rest he'd been carrying on him, but he'd plenty saved from private missions. "Two. We'll be back in week's time with them." He spoke briefly, handing over the remainder of his gold he carried. He knew he had none saved where they were headed, and this would be a challenge. Suppose he didn't mind a challenge.

It was not long until the saddles were brought out for the steeds, both of their rides being brown mares. Axel took no time to pull himself onto the horse as he looked to the distant city gate, beginning to put his horse into a slow trot, grinning as he glanced between her and the exit. "Think they'd get mad if we raced?"
Eleonora watched as he paid the stablemaster with what seemed to be his last bit of money. "I could of gotten that ya know." She said then looked around the stables as Axel got the horses ready. Her eyes steadied on a girl who was near a rather pretty silver mare with a black mane. "Pretty horse." She commented toward the female before looking back to Alex and then her horse. Esh. If only they could travel another way..something more..trusting. "Let's..not." She said as she mounted the horse. Eleonora was rather..'uncomfortable' being on this thing. Horses were shifty creatures that tended to not like her for some reason. "I'd rather we get there..and quickly so I don't have to remain on this shift creature."

Amori, looked over and smiled at the girl, "He's a beauty isn't he? His name is Ashe." She replied, "I'd say you could ride him but he's a bit... angry. All the time. For no reason." She said with a laugh. She inspected the pair, the girl seemed a rather uncomfortable, the male seemed a tad playful but mostly serious so she smiled at both, "There's a nice trail that starts behind the market, I was about to go there myself." She said in an inviting way.

Noting the girls wariness she pointed to the opposite side of the stable where a white and black horse stood, "Her name is Cinder, she's My horses sibling. She's very steady, I've never had a problem with her."
Aldwin had already begun moving as the girl tried to make conversation with them, speaking on over to her. "We got to get going.. King's business." He said with a short shrug, tapping his horse to make her go a little bit faster. Axel pulled off his axe headed rifle as they went through the town, holding it in his hands as they travelled onward. He pat his horse's neck as he looked back over toward El, giving a short nod. He spoke briefly, looking back down to the girl on the silver horse. "Should probably go train, girl. Never know when the king's going to give you a mission.

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Eleonora looked back over to the girl, then to the horse she was told about. "I would..if this wasn't of dire importance.." She said before regrettably tapping the creature to make it move. The minute her black mare moved, Eleonora back even more uncomfortable. Ugh..the sooner I get off this accused creature the sooner.. She thought to herself before waving bye to the girl. "Thanks for the offer though." She called back to her before catching up to Axel. "Let's go. Before the idiot knows I'm coming an makes a run for it." She said, very clearly unhappy about this whole situation right now.


((Her stance on horses is much like Sherlock Holmes. "They're dangerous at both ends and crafty in the middle. Why would I want anything with a mind of its own bobbing about between my legs?"))
Aurora noticed Thomas glancing into his glass. Trying to figure out what he could possibly be looking at, she noticed it was Harley, due to the way she kept glancing back at him. A few noble woman started giving the young girl some nasty looks, and to be honest, Aurora didn't particularly like it. There were definitely nobles out there who didn't Adept but not a lot were actually brave enough to even start something with them. There are a lot of dangerous adepts like her and Thomas out there and the nobles wouldn't want to get on their bad side. What surprised her was the loud whistle coming from Thomas. He got the attention of the noble woman and basically threatened them for bothering Harley like that. Aurora's eye brow raised for she had never seen Thomas do that for someone before.

Right after that scene the doors opened an the King and Queen entered. Aurora quickly stood and remained standing till they sat down. She couldn't believe how big the Queen was getting. Thinking about a little prince or princess playing in the court yard made her smile. Right after the King and Queen sat down breakfast was served. Aurora waited until being told to do so to eat. Closing her eyes, she savored each bite she took. Even being here basically her whole life she would never get over how good the food was here. When she was finished she watched Harley dance simple and then intricate movements. Man I wish I was flexible like that. Would a world of a difference when in combat.
Amori crossed her arms in annoyance at the males latest comment, not all of us adepts are brutes big guy. She mentally stated. For example; herself. She was a courtier, meaning she advised and accompanied the king and queen to court as well as traveled to other countries. She was pretty high up there, though she wasn't exactly the most sophisticated person she did her job the best.

She jumped on ash and rode her way down into the city, making her way down to the music hall. She ran inside and went into the dancing room then started to practice
Axel gave the horse a light kick to get going, whistling a tune as the moving arsenal rode through the town, whistling a royal military tune as his horse went by the passersby, his gaze settling back on El for a moment. "Anythin' you can tell me special 'bout this guy?" Axel did enjoy following through and creating plans to be ready. He was easy to kill, if he wasn't on point with his target. He noticed the girl trot off on her horse as he awaited El's response, letting out a long yawn as they went down the path.

Eleonora rode beside Axel, not really caring abut the looks either of them got; though most of the ones toward her were of respect due to her known nobility. "Well. He's a real scrawny guy, bout'..twenty something. Runs a tavern and he's non-Adept, however the little sheit is fast." She said rather angerly, her accent beginning to kick up. "He got sumthin' wrong in his head. Little basstard is paranoid as all hell too." Elenora sighed. "Guy ish a derty blond, green eyes. Name's Alexander." With more anger, her accent became more deep and uncontrollable."Basstards bound to start runnin' minute we show but dat dun mean I wants ya keelin' em ya? Just hurt em reel good."

Thomas ate most of his meal in silence as per usual. Later in the day the king would summon him for a debriefing on his mission and after that he should have the rest of the day off. He usually did after a mission. He enjoyed watching Harley preform as he had many times in the past. She was simply amazing. For most of the meal he couldn't take his eyes off of her.

As the amount of food on his plate dwindled to almost nothing, he thought of the list he made earlier. As much as he didn't want to say anything of the sort in front of Aurora, if he was going to have this conversation then it would be best if she was there. He waited until the king was no longer speaking before he began. "My lord," he said respectfully. One must always request permission to speak to the royal family unless you were a part of it.

"Yes Thomas, what is it?" the king inquired.

"Aurora is the best warrior you have here," he began, "so wouldn't it make more sense to send her off on missions? She is perfectly capable of defending herself and exacting your will."

"She is the best archer without a doubt, but maybe don't push it so far as the best warrior. And so far she has only proven good in training and simple tasks. She is not trained in the ways y... others have. If she hesitates to take a life then she could be dead. It's as simple as that."

"Then perhaps give her a training mission? She isn't even permitted to leave the grounds! Perhaps if..." He was cut off by the king.

"Know your place. It is for me to decide if she is ready to face the real world, not yours."

Aurora watched as Thomas address the King. ~A little chatty today it seems.~ She thought. Her attention was focused on them as Thomas mentioned her, giving her praise. Aurora was more than just a little confused at what was going on. Why in the world is he talking to the King for her? Even though she was slightly suspicious and still made her feel good at the praise she was getting. At first it even seemed like the King agreed with Thomas. Her heart fluttered at the idea of going on missions. She reached for her glass of water to help calm her nerves. As quickly as Thomas tried to get her a mission, though, the king shot him right down and basically insulted her by believing she wasn't ready. Aurora started to squeeze her glass and by the end of the conversation, not realizing how tight she was squeezing, the glass broke. Water spilling everywhere. She was 20 years old, the peak of her life. If she wasn't ready now when would she be in his eyes?

Aurora face went stoic as the servers quickly came and cleaned up the mess she made. At this point the few people sitting next to her had stopped eating. Bringing her hands back in her lap she sat up straight before a dressing the King. "Your Majesty may I please be excused?" Her voice had lost all its charm from earlier and despite how calm it sounded Aurora felt like she was going to break. At this rate she was going to be trapped here and it wasn't till this moment that she felt like a prisoner. How was supposed to prove her worth if he wouldn't even let her. Her eyes drifted to Thomas. ~It's because of him. It'll always be because of him. I can't do missions anywhere near as well as he dos.~ She thought and her eyes drifted back to the King waiting for a response.

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