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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Akira sighed with a bit of relief, it had actually been very kind of him to say such things about her scales and nails, most people didn't like them and made it quite clear. She looked at the girl. "That's a nice name. Ahri, it suits your appearance nicely." She smiled, the point of coming here was to make friends and if she could manage it with her roommates then at least her time in the dorm would be enjoyable instead of insufferable. "Is your tail okay? I hope it doesn't hurt too much. Is there something I can do?" She offered @Mister Veeeee @LunaCrosby
"Good to see you again too, Dainasha." Henry's said smiling to her, "we were just talking about our powers, speaking of which... You never told me yours, did you?" Henryk also noticed his color scheme compared to his two friends and chuckled to himself about it. There really was nothing he could have done about it. Most of his clothes were his dad's old clothes and his dad really had a thing for black. 


Dainasha smiled softly at Chris when he accepted her request to sit beside them, she sat down and looked at the hand he extended before realizing that she was supposed to shake it. She reached out for the hand and shook it lightly, "Thank you." she noticed that they have the same hair color so she couldn't help but giggle. Then if you look at Henryk, his color scheme seems to contrast theirs.

"My name is Dainasha. It's so nice to meet you Chris and it's good to see you again Henryk."

@Talon  @Quinn Sheon

Chris sat in his chair and listened to there greeting with a smile.  "Silver/white hair!" He said, pointing to his own head before pointing at hers. "Nice choice, looks good." He patted Henryks shoulder. "Your kinda our opposite, sorry bud." He said with a teasing grin.

(thought I replied sorry!!!)
Dainasha grinned sheepishly when she found out that they were all thinking about the same thing, their color palettes. "We do look like clashing chess pieces." she giggled at Chris' outburst about having silver hairs. "Your black hair and clothes suits you though, Henryk." she patted his shoulder too.

@Talon @Quinn Sheon
Velari then remembered he had stepped on Ahri's tail, "Sorry for stepping on your tail, was trying not to wake you when getting out of bed" he gave his apology while looking at the floor. His tails seemed to stop moving and droop a little. After a few seconds he looked around the room to see the time, when he saw the clock he saw it was time to be getting breakfast. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Guess I should get ready for the day and get some food. Actually we all should, would be bad to be late on the first day of school. Sigh, seems I traded one set of worries for another but at least these worries aren't life threating so far. Plus these two seem to be nice.... though maybe a bit to nice..... ugh! Do I trust or do I not?!? Dammit when did I loose faith in people.... oh yeah..... after all those times....... guess ima just have to try and trust them..... hope they don't break it....... [/COLOR]He looked sad for a minute before his thoughts returned to the time and the fact they need to be getting ready for school. So he gets up and shuffles over the dresser that was next to his bed and laid out a few clothes for the day and began changing, ignoring the fact that there were two girls in the room due things that have happened in the past. His body was covered in multitudes of scars from his life from the past six years, from burns, cuts, and numerous methods of torture he had endured before escaping. Luckily the fur on his tails hide the injuries that once were there. After he finished changing he looked towards the two girls, "Well time to head off for the day, either of you care to join me for breakfast?" he offered with a small smile on his face. He was going to try to trust them but take it slowly one step at a time.

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara
The helicopter quickly approached the island of the school an aura of ancient evil and sinister darkness flooding from the heli as it quickly landed on the heli pad and it's doors opened and out stepped a massive demon.

IMG_1732.JPGHaving been crouched heavily in the chopper it stood to its full height, almost taller than the heli as a matter of fact. Silently it looked around the area before it turned around and bent down helping a girl out of the heli. The girls eyes and mouth were bound shut as she stood there. The aura of ancient evil only grew more when she got out of the heli and it all seemed to be centered around her as the demon started to lead her to the school in silence
The door I was leaning on opened and fell through. " Miss Gwendoline is expecting you all, please come in and have a seat. We have breakfast here if you haven't ate yet."  
Ow! I hit my head on the floor and flinched, but when my eyes flung open I was greeted with the loveliest sight! A pair of blindingly white- I pulled myself out from that sight and pushed back the maid's skirt back into a modest position. 

"Have some shame woman!" I chastised her and crawled inside the room with a limp arm and got myself on the chair. I straightened my wrist using a makeshift wrapping that I made from ripping the front of my shirt, however it was just keep my hand straight and not flopping around. No fixing an ellipsodial joint like this with crack first aid. My head screwed up after mending my wrist and what appeared me was a room, a very fancy room. I fixed my dead leg across the other limp leg and sat there waiting for this "deputy headmistress" to come by and add to my, possibly extensive rap sheet in this school. @Fear Fates

The maid walked to a elegant door next to the office of the deputy headmistress. Within the room and out of the student's vision was a room filled with cursed objects and forbidden tomes. All filled and displayed in an orderly fashion as Gwendoline stares out a window that has a view of the helipad. Gwen's eyes narrows as yet another student has arrived at the academy, though it wasn't just a regular students based on some records and outside information that came to her ear. "What a troublesome one..." Gwen thought to herself as her eyes dimly glows crimson, it dies out as soon as a young maid servant entered Gwen's sanctum and gracefully bows before her mistress. "My mistress, the students have arrived." The maid stayed in a bowing position until Gwen looked over with a lax face," I'll be there in a moment, you may leave." She gave a gesture of dismissal as the maid exits the sanctum, Gwen spoke to a servant hiding within the shadows of the sanctum," Proceed the "Troublesome" process for becoming a student, though keep a vigilant watchful eye on her. If "she" has a scrap of useful knowledge for her agenda there will be dire consequences."  Gwendoline spoke with a solemn tone and the servant within the shadows bows as he left to his task.

@Daniel reaving

Gwen sighs as she opened the door to her office, there sits several students she called from the helicopter incident. Her presence of discipline and sublimity filled the room with not animosity but rather a oppressive force to the students. Gwen and looked at the window and spoke with a stern tone," You are all her today because of incident from last night." She turns with flaring crimson eyes but it died out as she continues," I must know who was responsible for downing that helicopter, I will not tolerate any lies that comes about and any secrets will be forfeited. I assume you all understand your place here and you all must be truthful otherwise there will be grave consequences." Gwen speech was not for the faint of heart, though as she sits down on her office chair, the oppressive force dissipated as quick as she sat, and her eyes reverted back to sky blue eyes and with a slight lax face. Her tone became less harsh as she asked the students," Who is willing to explain there time last night during the incident?"

@Rui @Oddball @Locklaklazarii @Slothtastic
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It was around 7:45 in the morning. The location was South-west from Blake's birthland. Well, not really a land but, you get it, right? ok.

A black-haired boy impatiently waited his ride on a heliport, in a certain country called ''Norway'', specifically in its capital city, Oslo. ''Late'', he thought, as he checked the modest watch he had on his wrist. Five more minutes passed in complete silence until a helicopter's motor could be heard in the distance. It landed carefully in the center of the helipad in front of him. ''Yo'' greeted the pilot, waving at him as he turned the helicopter off. ''Why did it take you so long? You were supposed to pick me up an hour ago'' Blake replied in a cold tone. His patience emptied out a long a go. ''We had troubles with your ride. It got blown up yesterday by a crazy student with guns. Wasn't funny'' he said, remembering the scene. ''Anyways, why the long face, kid?'' he asked, smiling at him. Blake's patience finally broke. He created a water spear from his hand and pointed it to the pilot's neck, stopping before stabbing him. ''It's funny, last time i checked my age i was at least three times older than you'' he said, sarcastically. Blake absorbed the spear and grabbed his luggage before entering the helicopter. ''I swear to god these kids nowadays...'' thought the pilot, sighing as he lifted the helicopter and flew straight to the legendary academy.

8:10 am. The helicopted landed safely in the helipad, at the northenmost part of the island. ''You can go now'' said the pilot, removing his helmet and getting out of the helicopter, to help Blake get his luggage out. ''Here, I got this from a comrade yesterday'' he said, handing him a letter and the academy's basic guide. ''I went out to pick up another student. It was a cute girl with silver hair, but that doesn't matter right now. That letter contains some interesting stuff that happened yesterday while i was out''. The pilot puts his helmet back and entered the helicopter. ''Good luck in there mate!'' he said, as he flew away. Blake grabbed his stuff as he walked to the entrance.

''Heh, weird guy. Didn't even tell me his name'' he thought, smiling.
Arliant woke up to the sound of chopper blades cutting the air. She tried to get a picture of her surroundings but there was too much noise for her to focus. A voice shouted, "You're lucky we found you in time. A few more hours and you might have died." Arliant was confused. "What do you mean with 'I might have died'?... Who are you? Where am I?" Though unable to see them do so, the owner of the voice smiled at Arliant. "Answer number one: You could have died of hypothermia. Answer number two: I am just the guy, here to deliver you to, answer number three: your new home." Arliant kept quiet and waited for the vehicle to land at 'her new home'.

A few hours later the noise of the blades stopped. The helicopter had landed. The voice from before helped Arliant regain her balance, and get out of the chopper. With the help of her senses, she got a good picture of what the academy looked like. "Is this where I'll be staying?" She got no answer. It seemed that the person had left and that she now was on her own.

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