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Fantasy The Academy _Dropped _


The question took her by surprise. She had been thinking it over for a while now and had just come to the conclusion. But, should she tell Lilian? Or was this moving to fast? The nature of her heritage usually involved rapidly growing relationships but what about Lilian? Was she dragging her into this or did she want it? Thinking for a moment with a small smile still on her face she looks down at her hands. Her mother always used to say "Fill life with Oh well's, instead of what if's." Which, meant go for it and if it goes wrong at least you tried. Looking back up at Lilian she takes a deep breath. "I really like you." She started. Looking back down she think's of a straight answer for the girl. "You're a... Love interest." That was all she could come up with without blood gushing out from her cheeks.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

"Love interest?" She simply said aloud as if to repeat and understand what Masumi had just said, the words seeming to have been only in the books that she had read or the films that she had seen. With a double blink Lilian looked down at her own hands, staying silent for quite a while as she thought to herself. Did she think of Masumi as a love interest as well or was it something else entirely? She knew what the word meant and loved her mother but the feelings that she had toward Masumi were something else entirely, so how would she know what such an emotion would feel like?

Lilian figured that there was only one way to find out and that way was sitting right next to her, and she knew that she did indeed feel something for the girl. Whatever she felt rivaled what she felt for her mother or her cousin, if not surpassing it so this must be what love between two people feels like. For if it wasn't love it self must be nothing but an illusion created by those that want something that is not attainable. Lilian looks back up at Masumi and says with a light nod, "I do believe that is how I feel as well."


As Lilian speaks, Masumi clutches the letter in her hand's crushing it. "That's great. I'm glad." She says quietly. And, she was. Quite happy really but the counter balance of her usual happy self was thrown after the events. She felt Joy, Anger, Love, Disgust, Happy, and sad all at the same time. At least it was a mix and not all bad though. Looking back down at her hands she takes the letter in her hand and crumples it up into a ball. Then, throws it out her window. She didn't want to think of such terrible things anymore. If her father was truly dead, she would work even harder. To find his murderer and take his or her life with her own hands. "Can we.. do something. I don't care what. Just anything." On the rare occasion when she was sad, she had found that doing something would take her mind off of it. Weather it was a puzzle, or just watching tv mindlessly. It didn't really matter.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

Lilian watches as Masumi throws the letter out of the window and then looks back at her, it obvious that she was trying to let the bad in her life take a back seat at the moment. With that in mind Lilian simply nodded and scooted up next to Masumi, placing one arm around her shoulder, "Sure whatever you want, just name it." At the moment all that Lilian wanted to do was to help her feel better, and oddly enough she didn't have any logical reason to do such a thing. The simply fact of the matter was that she wanted to and that was enough for her for once, logic taking a back seat for one of the first times in her life. Lilian still could not register loosing someone close to her but she figured that the pain must be worse than anything else imaginable, so if she could do something...anything to help ease the pain, she would.


Feeling the warmth of Lilian next to her, she relaxes a bit. These past moment's were tense but now things had calmed down and she could think a little clearer. "There is a chessboard in my dresser. There is also a little wooden box that has all the pieces. Could you grab it?" She asks bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging them. It was the only game she had in her possession except for the games on her laptop. She was quite terrible at chess, but it seemed like fun to play with someone other then her mom who would always let her win. The way she saw it they could just sit on her bed and play for a while.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

She looked over at the dresser and went to get the necessary things that she had said, her floating across the room as she did so (Metaphorically). When she made it back to the bed she crawled on the opposite end and sat the board down as well as the wooden box. She asks as the box is opened and she sits the pieces on the board, "Do you play often?" Lilian had played every now and then with her father, who avidly did so with some of his friends from his childhood. Her father always lost to her and scrunched up his face looking for a move that he could do to prevent the checkmate but he never did, her mother finding the matches quite entertaining.

Lilian had placed the black pieces on her side as she usually did when playing her father, and left the white ones to Masumi.


With her knees in her chest she shakes her head. "Not anymore.. I'll probably be a bit rusty.." She says as she watches Lilian place the pieces on the board. The board was hand made by her father when he was a boy in a high school wood shop class. He gave it to Masumi when she was 5 as a birthday present. It was made of both light oak wood, and chestnut wood. Making up the black and white tiles. Taking one hand she reaches down and makes her first move with her knight. It was how she always started, and it tended to backfire on her most times. But it was how she was taught. "What about you?" She asks looking back up and across to Lilian.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

"My father plays with me occasionally," she simply said, her moving as well-a center pawn forward-seeing that Masumi moved her knight out first which was an odd move. When she placed her piece down she looked up at Masumi awaiting her move, "He is the only one I have played with though." She never really has much contact with anyone outside of her family, seeing as how most students tend to stay away from her because of her demeanor...although most human students thought she was a cool person, they just couldn't figure a way to talk with her. Lilian blinks a few times and leans back on her hands, looking over at Masumi as she does so.
Yukari whistled seeing the big school. "This place is huge shame we can't check inside since classes are over for the day." Kazuichi who was getting a piggyback ride from her sandwiched her head inbetween his fist and began twisting them. "And who's fault is that oh right I remember the idiot who decided to chase a bunch of cats and cars!" Yukari whimpered. "Hey look on the bright side." He stopped curious. "Oh go on." Yukari had a serious look on her face as she put her index finger up. "I caught that one green car." Kazuichi went back to drilling his fist into her skull. "Your an idiot!" He stopped and they kept walking looking for the dorms Kazuichi put his hand out. "Yukari map." She nodded and checked her pockets. "Umm oh yeah I remember what I did with it......I ate it." Kazuichi drilled his fist once again intk Yukari's skull. "And why is that!" Yukari cried out in pain, "it was so colorful I thought it'd taste good but it didn't taste good at all!" Kazuichi sighed. "Guess we have to find someone who can give us directions."
Yukari kept walking without looking where she was going and bumped into something. She looked down to see a boy with his face buried in a map she snatched the map from his hands and held it up proud. "I find a new map Kazu!" She smiled leaning her head back a bit expecting to be pet but instead Kazuichi drove his elbows into the top of her head. "Give that back you idiot!" Yukari whimpered handing the map back. "Sorry for my partner here." Yukari cut Kazuichi off by grabbing the boy's hand and shaking it. "Hi I'm Yukari what's your name!" @wiigamechamp
Nenma Takashi]Yukari kept walking without looking where she was going and bumped into something. She looked down to see a boy with his face buried in a map she snatched the map from his hands and held it up proud. "I find a new map Kazu!" She smiled leaning her head back a bit expecting to be pet but instead Kazuichi drove his elbows into the top of her head. "Give that back you idiot!" Yukari whimpered handing the map back. "Sorry for my partner here." Yukari cut Kazuichi off by grabbing the boy's hand and shaking it. "Hi I'm Yukari what's your name!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5775-wiigamechamp/ said:
"Uuh..hi. nice to meet you both?" Mako told them both as he shook Yukari's hand. "And thanks for my map back."

@Nenma Takashi


Looking down at the board as Lilian speaks, Masumi puts her chin into her palms, her elbow's resting on her knees. Thinking over her next move she reply's. "S..Same.." Thinking back on the memories of her father and her sitting down next to fireplace and played on the same, old board. Her father, unlike her mother was ruthless and never let Masumi win without a fight. Out of all the times she had played him, she won once. That was the last time they had played. The thought that she would never be able to play with him again brought tear's knocking at the back of her eyes. But she held them back. There was no point in crying, crying wouldn't bring him back. "What's your father like?" She asks, reaching down to a pawn and moving it next to the knight she had just moved.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

"My father," she simply stated and then thought on that for a moment, her never have been asked that question before. She sat there for a moment and thought about how her father would be classified, words coming to her mind but none of them seemed to fit him but one. So she looked over at Masumi and simply said, "He's funny and stable." That in itself was an odd way to describe ones father but this is Lilian after all so it was pretty much expected. With that she moves her knight to the center and awaits Masumi's next move, her simply enjoying having another conversation with the girl in lou of the circumstances.


A quiet chuckle comes from Masumi as Lilian describes her father. She was not totally sure what 'stable' meant but opposed to her mother, it probably meant he was not quite as.. passionate. With a small nod she takes her now free bishop and moves him to the center of the battlefield. Playing the exact same way as she had when she beat her father. "He seems nice then. Despite what you may think. My father was a kind and loving man. Gentle, and.." Taking a deep breath she clears her mind. Still holding the flood gates closed to her eyes. "Anyway.." She says before going silent once more.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

She moves to check the bishop and looks over at Masumi, it obvious even to Lilian that she was holding it all in. Her mother often told her that holding in your feelings was never good, for they would eventually get the best of you at some point. With that in mind Lilian says with a light nod, "I've been told to never shy away from my feelings," she pauses and looks down at the chessboard, adding, "You feel sadness from the loss of your father which is understandable." She pauses yet again and then adds looking back up at Masumi, "You shouldn't hide your pain. I'll be there when you need me."

Looking down at the chess board, Masumi nods. She knew the word that Lilian spoke were true. But she didn't want to accept the condition she was in. It was hard for her to wrap her head around what was going on. Taking her hand, she reaches again from her knight and moves it in. Tear's hit the chessboard as she did so. "Yeah.." she whisper's. Though, a small smile still showed on her face. It was reliving to know that Lilian was willing to be there. It was nice to have someone to talk to. Even if it wasn't about much.

@Mediocritys Muse
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@Ellie the Knight

Lilian watches as Masumi moves the knight in and as she does so some tears hit the chessboard, it obvious that she was letting some of what she feels out at that moment. At that moment Lilian wondered if she should do something other than continue the game, her thinking on what she should do but she figured on simply moving for now. With that in mind she moves a piece to block the knight and then looks over at Masumi, her saying with a nod, "As they say I'll be a shoulder to cry on Mi." That expression was something that she had heard often in novels and on television but she never really got the relevance of it until now. At the moment all she could really do is be her for the girl, and quite honestly she wanted to be here.

Sure the situation was odd and uncomfortable for most but Lilian doesn't adhere to the same norms, and in this case her peculiarities seem to be a saving grace. With that in mind she locks eyes with Masumi and says with a rather solute voice, "All you need do is ask."


With a shuddering deep breath, she takes her sleeve and wipes away tears as she looks back up at Lillian who was trying her best to be a rock for her to lean on. Tears still leaked from her eyes as she listened. Leaning forward she places her hands on the sides of Lilian's arms, bringing her head down onto her right shoulder. Not caring for the game anymore, she knocks pieces over as she does so. Burying her face into the space between Lilian's neck and shoulder, tears leaked steady now. Small breaths came in between quiet weeps as her clutch became slightly stronger.

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

Lilian double blinks as Masumi leans over the board and places her hands on her shoulders, her wondering what she was going to do. When she knocks the pieces over and buries her faces into Lilian she pauses for a moment, wondering what she should do at that moment. After a second of contemplation she simply decides to do what she felt was right, her placing her arms around Masumi and drawing her into a hug. This was how most would react to this situation in the novels that she has read, her now understanding why they did such a thing. Masumi's grip tightened and Lilian simply ran her hand down her back gently, attempting to sooth her.

At this moment Lilian wasn't thinking about anything other than helping Masumi, all things other than that singular purpose simply failed to exist.


Continuing to sob for what seemed like hours, but really was just minutes. Masumi felt herself slowly, but surly drain her tears onto poor Lilian's shirt. Which, was drenched at this point. Keeping her head tucked into her shoulder, she had stopped crying. But little gasps of air come every now and then. She didn't want to raise her head. Partly out of embarrassment, and partly because the feeling of Lilian close to her was comforting. Pulling on her sleeves. Masumi shakes her head a little as she takes a small breath. "Stay.." She didn't want to be alone again. Left alone to sit in the dark, and wonder when things would get better. She was tired now. Tired of all that had happened. All the tragedy that befell most student's here. Why could they not find peace of mind? Why must they be punished..

@Mediocritys Muse
@Ellie the Knight

Lilian didn't really have anything to do today so it wasn't a big deal if she stayed, her mother probably having a grand ole time at the moment after all. If she remembered correctly her mother knew the headmistress from back in the day so she figured that she was probably hanging out with her at the moment. With that in her mind she looked down at Masumi, who was a start contrast of the girl from a couple of hours ago. This all starting from just a couple words written on a piece of paper, which showed how fragile emotions could truly be. Lilian tilted Masumi's head back a small bit and placed a light kiss to her forehead, then put her arms back around her again in a warm embrace, "Sure, I'll be right here Mi." At that moment Lilian knew that all Masumi had to do was ask and she would be right there for her, something within Lilian changed that moment.

Llaryssa's cab dropped her off few miles from the school since it wasn't supposed to exist. If she did said the address the cabbie might laugh at her so she started walking while tugging her suitcase with her.

'Welcome back, Llaryssa.' she whispered to herself as she stood outside the academy. The wrought iron gates stood tall and familiar before her. The intricate designs, the rose bushes by the sides, even the man guarding the gate was familiar. She smiled at him as he oppened the gates for her.

It was supposed to be her first day yesterday, but she ran late due to shopping for new books abroad. She thought that she was on schedule but her flight got cancelled, thus her tardiness. It was afternoon, the class was over for the day and students were roaming around. Some were familiar faces to her, and some were obviously new kids since they were looking around with maps on their hands.

Sighing, Llaryssa went straight towards the registrar to gather her schedule for this year.


Feeling a wave of relief come over her, she feel her head tugged up by Lilian as she plants a small kiss on her forehead. The gesture makes her smile as she is pulled back into the hug. Taking her hands she places them onto Lilian's back and pulls her in as well. Taking a deep breath, she withdraws from the embrace. "Thanks, Lili. Sorry about your shirt.." Pointing out the soaked shoulder of her clothing. She hated being this way, sad. Normal happy Masumi was how she wanted to be all the time. "Ill be ok.. soon enough."

@Mediocritys Muse
TheTraveller said:

Llaryssa's cab dropped her off few miles from the school since it wasn't supposed to exist. If she did said the address the cabbie might laugh at her so she started walking while tugging her suitcase with her.

'Welcome back, Llaryssa.' she whispered to herself as she stood outside the academy. The wrought iron gates stood tall and familiar before her. The intricate designs, the rose bushes by the sides, even the man guarding the gate was familiar. She smiled at him as he oppened the gates for her.

It was supposed to be her first day yesterday, but she ran late due to shopping for new books abroad. She thought that she was on schedule but her flight got cancelled, thus her tardiness. It was afternoon, the class was over for the day and students were roaming around. Some were familiar faces to her, and some were obviously new kids since they were looking around with maps on their hands.

Sighing, Llaryssa went straight towards the registrar to gather her schedule for this year.
"I know it's around here somewhere." Mako said as his face was buried in a map as he walked down the sidewalk. Unknown of his surroundings he didn't realize that if he didn't stop he would run into Llaryssa. He was usually like that, never paying attention to his surroundings unless some else told him other wise.


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