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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

Results are only viewable after voting.
I don't need to reply Lunatic, my class is after yours now since some people left)
(wanna continue our pm rp?)

Lucius continued to lead the class in a jog. He was running at a slow pace for himself. He could have lapped the course 3 times by now but this was conditioning. No powers or advantages allowed. All physical strength and skill. He continued to lead them and they came to a tall hill and he held his hand up as signal to prepare to stop. And then the signal for stop and he stopped. "Form a line facing me, shoulder to shoulder." He said as he stood with his back to the hill.
The Outcast The Outcast Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf @everyoneelse
Mike stopped and faced him as well as waiting to others to form up next to him
Tsubaki tripped falling onto her face. Not moving the ground beneath her started to freeze. "I hate running and this is why!" She exclaimed
Tsubaki tripped falling onto her face. Not moving the ground beneath her started to freeze. "I hate running and this is why!" She exclaimed
Mike concealed his smile. "Are you ok?" He asked her
Tsubaki stood up looking at mike. "I guess, i didn't get hurt physically, but my pride was hurt a bit" standing up she dusted herself off. Looking down she picked her phone up. Rubbing some dirt from her eye she sent a message to Ace. Ace would you mind....going out with me today? I need to buy some new clothes and I really want your opinion

The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki stood up looking at mike. "I guess, i didn't get hurt physically, but my pride was hurt a bit" standing up she dusted herself off. Looking down she picked her phone up. Rubbing some dirt from her eye she sent a message to Ace. Ace would you mind....going out with me today? I need to buy some new clothes and I really want your opinion

The Outcast The Outcast
Somewhere in school ace asked to go to the bathroom. The teacher let him and hewent I. And texted her back. 'Sure, I be happy to help'
Okay I'll pick out some sexy ones for you so you aren't completely bored ;p Tsubaki replied as she she excused herself and went to the boys bathroom, sniffing Ace out. Tsubaki pinned him to the wall blushing. "Ever read up on dragons?" She asked as she brushed her lips over his.
The Outcast The Outcast
Okay I'll pick out some sexy ones for you so you aren't completely bored ;p Tsubaki replied as she she excused herself and went to the boys bathroom, sniffing Ace out. Tsubaki pinned him to the wall blushing. "Ever read up on dragons?" She asked as she brushed her lips over his.
The Outcast The Outcast
He looked at her suddenly appear. "...No" he answered her
"We can be quite aggressive if there is something we want, especially treasure" Tsubaki grinned as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Ace you never say much to me....you haven't texted or called me, it hurt to know someone I gave my heart to would just forget I exist" her eyes turned a snowy white as the bathroom was covered in ice.
The Outcast The Outcast
"We can be quite aggressive if there is something we want, especially treasure" Tsubaki grinned as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Ace you never say much to me....you haven't texted or called me, it hurt to know someone I gave my heart to would just forget I exist" her eyes turned a snowy white as the bathroom was covered in ice.
The Outcast The Outcast
He shivered. Not her the cold, he already adapted to her touch a long time ago. But from the look she gave him, alos her first statement. Did she compare him to treasure, is that what she thinks he is an item? "I saw you talking with people in the woods so I decided it woukd be best to let you have fun with your friends" he replied
Thana Silver Wolf Thana Silver Wolf "Well" Ningasa explained "My kind is carnivorous andfeeds on living prey, as is yours. My kind has superhuman abilities as does yours and my kind is even feared by mortals as is yours."
"That doesn't mean you can't come with us! I thought you were my boyfriend! A person I cherished like treasure!!" Tsubaki yelled as she put her fist through the wall into the girls bathroom. Pulling her now bloody arm out she reared up. "Ace dragons mate for life and only once, I wanted.....you are my treasure, I don't want any other in my life, I want you to be with my friends and me" sliding down onto her knees her ice started to spread into the hall.
The Outcast The Outcast
"That doesn't mean you can't come with us! I thought you were my boyfriend! A person I cherished like treasure!!" Tsubaki yelled as she put her fist through the wall into the girls bathroom. Pulling her now bloody arm out she reared up. "Ace dragons mate for life and only once, I wanted.....you are my treasure, I don't want any other in my life, I want you to be with my friends and me" sliding down onto her knees her ice started to spread into the hall.
The Outcast The Outcast
He was now getting scared. "T-tusbaki please, im sorry" he said to her and taking her bloody hand as a chance to get away. "We need to bring you to a nurse!" she said
When he touched her hand the ice stopped, quickly melting. Looking up at him, terrified of what she had done. "A-Ace I'm....I didn't....." holding onto him she started crying into his shirt shaking like a leaf. "Please forgive me..." her voice muffled by his shirt, not noticing how badly her hand was bleeding.

The Outcast The Outcast
When he touched her hand the ice stopped, quickly melting. Looking up at him, terrified of what she had done. "A-Ace I'm....I didn't....." holding onto him she started crying into his shirt shaking like a leaf. "Please forgive me..." her voice muffled by his shirt, not noticing how badly her hand was bleeding.

The Outcast The Outcast

After a moment his breathing slowed to a stop. He only breathed out of panic. "What was that" he asked her
"I don't have control over my powers yet so they are linked to my emotions, it's a downside of being a hybrid, or rather a halfbreed" looking up at him she touched his cheek. "Usually halfbreed dragons are killed at birth along with their mother, due to our instability" Tsubaki kissed Ace passionately and slowly, her tongue brushing against his as scales started forming on her neck and a few on her face.
The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki shook her head and put on a smile. "Lets go then, lead the way, are we still on to go clothes shopping?" She asked as she held his hand and leaned on him, feeling a bit light headed. "Ace be honest with me, how would you feel if I were to die?"
The Outcast The Outcast
Tsubaki shook her head and put on a smile. "Lets go then, lead the way, are we still on to go clothes shopping?" She asked as she held his hand and leaned on him, feeling a bit light headed. "Ace be honest with me, how would you feel if I were to die?"
The Outcast The Outcast
He was taken back by the sudden increase of everything. "Uh... I dont know, its bad for your mind to dwell on things like that" he said to her.
Sean was sitting on his desk in the classroom he decided to call his own. He rarely used the classroom but he still needed a place for the more book related stuff could be covered. He hummed softly as he read over the text book in his hand, unaware what was going on.

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