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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Carter felt his phone buzz and opened the message.

"Can we skip lunch kitten, message calls"

He got up before paying for the coffees and headed for the library, driving as carefully as I can.

He had sent a message back saying on my way.

He was nervous, cracking his knuckles wile waiting at the lights he fought off nerves.

He was Carter Brookes dammit, not some shy freshman girl.

Pulling into the library he stopped the car.

He walked into the libray which was abandoned except a lone desk clerk asleep at the counter.

Evan sighed as he walked out of his latest class. When would this day end?¿?¿ He wandered outside and sat down under a tree. @anyone?¿?¿


Scarlett heard the slap from the other side of the school. It echoed through the hallways. Running down the hall, she caught a glimpse of Kayla walking away after slapping Ashton. "I've had just about enough of your fucking bullshit!" She screamed at Kayla, walking in front of her and pushing her. "What gives you the right to push another person? Especially your boyfriend? You're a screwed up little bitch, you know that?" The screaming hurt Scarlett's head but she didn't care. She was in full defense mode now. No turning back.


(Was that too much? Lmao.)​
-Ravens POV-

"I cant believe you're making me do this." He grumbled, crossing his arms as they walked into the library. Raven sighed and rolled her eyes. "Look. You are going to talk to him and tell him that neither of you can say anything. Okay?" She said, stopping and searching his eyes for any discomfort or fear. Most people would miss it, but she saw the wavering line of uncertainty and hugged him. "I don't do this often, so I just want you to know that if you breathe a word about this to anyone I will personally murder you." She said, stepping back and seeing the smile break across his face, assuring her that he was fine.

"There he is right now. Carter!" She yelled across the library, gaining a look of disdain from the clerk.
Kayla glared at Scarlett "Just who in the fuck do you think your touching? And what, You think just because you and Ashton are close you get to do whatever you please, Your worst than me, What gives you the right to fool around with Ashton, My boyfriend! Your pathetic as well" Kayla explained."Im not even gonna waste my energy and you, And instead of you pushing me around or whatever go to Jason is it? Or You can go to Ashton, Either way your still a shameful little bitch" Kayla says before walking away. @BrooklynBaby


Scarlett had a puzzled look on her face. She grabbed Kayla by her wrists and pulled her back towards her. "I'm not done with you. What makes you think you're so much better than everyone else? What's so fucking different about you that make you superior? Money? Your so-called beauty?" Her face turned red with anger. "You know, you weren't there for Ashton when he needed you. he got drunk last night and where were you? Gone. I was there because I have the decency to care for others, and not only myself." Scarlett flipped her hair in pride and crossed her arms, leaning on one hip as she waited for a response.

"I don't think I'm better than anyone... I know I am better than everyone and don't you ever touch me like that, You have no right and I left for reason if I would have known that Ashton couldn't have Handel his liquor I would have stayed. And you claim you care for others, But why didn't you stop him from doing any of those actions you just allowed it, You should have been watching him" Kayla explained. Kayla was tired of this argument it wasn't going to go anywhere, So once again Kayla walked away. @BrooklynBaby


Scarlett shook her head and laughed at how stupid this conversation was. "Number one, I shouldn't be responsible for your boyfriend." She followed Kayla until she reached her, standing in front of her and crossing her arms. "Number two, being his girlfriend, I would've thought you'd know he couldn't handle his liquor." She continued. "Finally, number three," Scarlett slapped her right then and there, "You're not better, superior, prettier, however you want to put it than anyone else. You're on our level, probably lower. So, with that being said, you can go fuck yourself." Scarlett finished. She walked back over to Ashton. "How on earth do you deal with that thing?"

@QueenOfDisaster @Mariam


"I think only god knows that..." Ashton replied back to Scarlett then rubbed his cheek, "Why'd she even hit me in the first place, the fuck did I do? She was the one that left the party." Ashton groaned and leaned against the locker and gave a small smile to Scarlett, "I know I'm a big 'tough' man... But thanks for standing up for me anyways... I wouldn't want to yell at her like that... Even though I'd love too..." Ashton shook his head at himself, "Maybe I should just break up with her. I don't want to be stuck in an abusive relationship, you know?" @BrooklynBaby @Mariam
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.7d6c9d561c87cbff3e0c51232df2ee18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.7d6c9d561c87cbff3e0c51232df2ee18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Did she just slap Kayla? Kayla laughed hysterically then stopped and glared at Scarlett as she walked to Ashton. Kayla shook her head and bit her lip and walked over to them. "Did You really think you'd slap me and walk away free" She says before yanking the back of Scarlett's hair and putting her on the ground and went on top of her hitting her. "Bitch know your place!" She yelled as she slapped Scarlett around. She was tired of these little ass girls that's way below her thinking they run shit and were way better than her. Kayla realized she was doing to much she got up and fixed herself.

"I Shouldn't have done that. Now I look Unclassy."

Kayla rolled her eyes and turned to Ashton "And If you wanna go ahead and break up with me because I have a brain and heart go ahead, Your shit anyways you two belong to each other, I realized its you not me I work so heard in this relationship and you just play around and it's unfair to me" Kayla explained.

As Kayla was about to walk away she stopped and turned.

"Oh, And By the way I was fucking your friend the one on your team" She said before smirking and walking away. @BrooklynBaby



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When Adel woke up she felt sick. She really didnt remember everything what happened yesterday. When she put her clothes on and when she went to the kitchen for breakfast it all turned to complete hell.

"Where were you yesterday?" her mom asked as soon as Adel walked in to the kitchen.

"At party," she replied truefully.

"And why are you drunk?"

"I dont remember," Adel said.

"You know that its not leagal to drink when you are under 18," her mom said.

"Mmhh," Adel said and took one of moms made sandwitches.

"Bye," said her Mom but Adel didnt reply. She was glad she didnt have cheer practise today.
(Once again, I apologise for no gifs or looks. I'm on my phone and I don't know paste looks into this)

Lillian stared in the mirror after the night before. She didn't drink at all last night, not that she ever drinks much. She had training this week and last thing she wanted was a pounding headache for it. She glanced down at her clothes, sighing softly. 'No wonder boys don't look at you. You look like a boy' She thought as she pulled down her adidas training top.

"Lil, it's time for school" Her father shouted.

Lillian grabbed her school bag and gym bag and rushed to her lift to school.

She arrived at school, making her way into the school building. She seen a tiny crowd gathered around two girls. 'Another fight? Really?' She thought. Lil pushed past a few in the crowd, making her way to her locker where she dropped her two bags. "Fighting so stupid" She muttered to herself, hoping no one important heard.


Carter looked up, slightly startled at the shout before giving a half assed wave.

He waited for them to come over, twirling his phone in his hand.

He knew sebastian was with her and that it all made sense now.

Sebastian was the one Carter had made out with.

Feeling slightly ganged up on he folded his arms and huffed a breath.

He was not sure how to feel about this, he was part nervous, part excited.

He spoke a lot softer than he usually does, mostly out of nerves.


((OOC: Sorry guys, missed my chance to introduce my character into the roleplay. My roleplays might seem a bit out of place for the time being till I make heads or tails of your current story :) . Bare with me ))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266540l.jpg.0e6f7456e76cd53e5e44db79efeb29d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114636" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266540l.jpg.0e6f7456e76cd53e5e44db79efeb29d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Aria was rushing towards the school grounds, having been to the doctors for prescription tablets.

Something to keep her swollen throat and throbbing head at bay. She made a mental note just to keep her head down today, not looking nor feeling her best.

"Im a little curious as to what I've missed since I've taken time off" She pondered to herself quietly in her head.

She struggled for breathe slowing her pace down as she reached the school gates, one hand on her school bag which felt unusually heavy and the other in her pocket. Avoiding the crowds, keeping her germs to herself.

She entered the cafeteria and went straight towards the vending machines for a bottle of water to avoid dry swallowing her tablets.

Scanning the room for the source of the shouting.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266380l.jpg.131e8c1321929ecc860e225e773b1f73.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266380l.jpg.131e8c1321929ecc860e225e773b1f73.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Receiving a string of texts wasn't exactly how Shea expected 1st period to go. She excused herself to the bathroom, and called her friend, who'd seen the fight go down.

"How'd this all go to shit in a day?" She mumbled, rubbing her temples.



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-Sebastians POV-

Sebastian looked at Carter and nodded on approval to himself. Honestly not bad

Raven nudged him and looked at him expectantly, as if he was supposed to explain the whole incident.

Oh wait...

He was...

Shit. Brain work.

"So, you remember anything from last night?" He asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

Not much, but its a start. What if he refuses to cooperate. Not like I have much of a reputation anyway, but what would Destiny think?

Suddenly he got extremely nervous, his mind started racing and his heart began to pound, his stomach twisting painfully.

Anxiety attack. Just what I need right now. He was doing a proper job of holding it in and refusing ot let it show, Carter didn't seem to notice, but Raven shot him a look that he knew all too well. If he flipped out any more, she would take over. He shook his head slightly to signal that he was fine. She shot another concerned look and then looked back at Carter. God she is such a mom sometimes.

@Haus Of Alaska
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Scarlett felt her hair being tugged and the girl hitting her head. Her having a hangover, this didn't help the pain.

"Fuck.." She mumbled as she got up, holding her injured face. Kayla took her on by surprise, she didn't have a chance to really fight back. Scarlett got up and grabbed Kayla, tripping her and watching her fall on the ground. She got on top of her and punched her once, then got back up. On the ground next to Kayla's head were extensions everywhere, as well as her earrings. Scarlett only wanted to punch her once, she didn't want to seem like a goddamn monster. Scarlett spit out the blood from her mouth onto Kayla. She walked past Ashton and to the bathroom. She was positive Kayla couldn't cover up a black eye of that color with concealer.

@Mariam @QueenOfDisaster
Evan had nodded off. He jolted awake and quickly got up to go inside the school, He passed a girl in the hall and waved as he passed. maybe she'dtalk to him... Probably not, he looked like he hd just gotten out of a bunker after being alone for 15 years. In other words he was a complete and utter mess. On the brightside, she could probably tell he was in the middle of a major hangover and didnt look this bad all the time. @irl000


The drive back home was a bit dicey as Jason's alcohol-addled mind tried to stay focused on the road. More than that, his thoughts were firmly on Scarlett and their night together. He could hardly remember a time when he had had that much fun just hanging out with someone. He made it safely, to find all of the lights out, making it clear that his parents were already asleep. He once again muttered a thanks to how relaxed his parents were. As long as he was there in the morning they never really seemed to care how late he stayed out. The thought made him laugh as he considered what Ashton's aunt and uncle were doing to him at that moment.

When his alarm went off in the morning Jason wondered why in the hell he had gone to a party on a school night. Still, despite how bad his head hurt and how much he wanted to stay home, he wouldn't trade his night with Scarlett with anything, and the thought of getting to see her again convinced him to wake up. Dragging himself out of bed with a head pounded painfully he managed to sluggishly make his way into the shower. After brushing his teeth he got dressed, grabbed his backpack and headed down stairs.

"Jason, you look like shit," His dad said with a laugh from the kitchen table as he put his newspaper. "Frank!" His mother cried, never one to condone swearing. "Yeah, well you know, late night studying or whatever," Jason replied quietly, wincing at his mother's loudness. "You guys have a good day."

The drive to school was uneventful and soon enough Jason was pulling into his park space. He made it into school just in time to see the end of what looked like an intense fight between Scarlett and Kayla. He couldn't believe it, Scarlett didn't seem like the type to get into fights at all, much less in the middle of school. He could only imagine what had happened to cause it. He was going over to ask her when she headed for the bathroom so he approached Ashton instead. "Hey, man, what was that about? Is Scarlett ok?" He asked, the concern evident in his voice, briefly forgetting to ask Ashton what had ended up happening with his aunt and uncle.


Carter could see how much Sebastian was nervous about this, for some reason it made him calm down a bit to know he was not the only one fully freaking out.

Clearing his throat, he ran his hand through his hair.

"Being honest?, not a whole lot, but that was more down to drink than anything else"

Scratching his neck he looked around before showing the hickey

"You left quite the impression though"

He chuckled nervously before sitting down, a million thoughts racing through his mind.

"So what do you want to do?"

He asked looking up at him waiting for a response, Raven all but forgotten about at that moment



Ashton tried to step in but knowing Scarlett she could handle herself. He'll have a "little" talk with Kayla afterwards.

He went right up to Kayla, wanting to hurt her so badly but composed himself, "Kayla, fuck, fuck, fuck you!" Ashton yelled and crossed his arms, "I think we need to move on..." Ashton went to turn around to walk away but turned back around and yelled at her, "If you ever go near Scarlett again... You will be sorry!" And with that Ashton went back to his locker. Noticing Jason walk over he rolled his eyes, "You don't even want to know... Kayla and Scarlett got into an argument... I told Kayla off though, its your turn to be the prince and make sure your princess is okay." Ashton said and pointed to the girls bathroom, "Don't worry, I use to go into the girls bathroom all the time with...Ugh... Kayla..." And with a light chuckle he walked off to his first period class. @BrooklynBaby @Phobos

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