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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Jason nodded. Ashton was right of course, no one was going to throw a fit because he went into the bathroom to make sure that Scarlett was ok. He couldn't help but detect what clearly seemed like jealousy in Ashton's voice though, especially after the way he had blown up at Kayla in Scarlett's defense. It certainly made things a little bit awkward, but he could worry about that later. For now he walked over to the girl's bathroom, taking a deep breath. He wasn't expecting to be tested like this, being there to comfort Scarlett and make sure that she was ok, so early. Slowly exhaling his deep breath he stuck his head through the doorway with his eyes closed. "Sorry ladies, guy incoming." Noticing Scarlett looking in the mirror over one of the sinks he walked over to her. "Hey," he said softly, standing back a little to give her her space. He was surprised to find that he was, for once in his life, unsure of what to do. "Scarlett are you alright? I only saw the very end of what happened, but it looked bad."



Scarlett saw Jason in the mirror reflection and laughed, turning around to reveal what had happened. "She slapped Ashton, I don't know what got into me." She sighed as she turned back around and wet a paper towel. She lightly cleaned the scratch marks from Kayla. "This is the last thing I needed that added to a hangover." She rolled her eyes as she thought about Kayla being rude to Ashton. He was her best friend, how dare she?

"I don't want you to worry, either. I'm all yours." She kissed Jason. "He's been my best friend for years, I was just sticking p for someone I love. Not love in the way you think though. I love him as my best friend. That's it." Scarlett reassured him. "I don't want you worrying." Scarlett out the paper towel in the garbage and winced at the pain. "Yeah, she got me, but have you seen her eye? I'm not one to fight, but I will become a monster when you hurt someone that's close to me. I just hope we don't get in trouble. My dad will kill me." She became worried, being expelled or suspended won't look good on her record. "So, how's her hangover? You look awesome." She said sarcastically, winking.



"No, Scar, you don't have to explain. I totally get it, I'd do the same for one my friends." Jason replied as he took a moment to take in everything Scarlett had said. He believed her about Ashton of course, especially after that kiss which he'd happily returned, be he wondered if that was how Ashton felt about things. Scarlett's story also helped to make sense of why he saw her in a fight at all, knowing that she was standing up for a friend only made him like her all the more. "And hey, you look great too," he joked, pulling her close and hugging her comfortingly while placing a light kiss on her scratch. "I'm going to say that I feel like shit, but truth be told, that's still a lot better than this same time after the last Archer party. We make a great pair the too of us." He laughed and shook his head at the idea of her getting in trouble. "There weren't any teachers there and no way will Kayla go to the principal about it, you're fine, though I wouldn't make it into a habit."



Scarlett let the hug go on for a minute or two. "You give the best hugs." She smiled. "It won't be a habit, don't you worry. I'm never like that."

She fixed up her hair and snuggled into her sweatshirt. "Come on, lets see if we can find Cassie." Scarlett took Jason's hand gently, "Plus I don't think you should be in the ladies room anymore." She laughed. "Last night was a lot of fun, by the way."



"Yeah, good call, on that." Jason laughed, having almost forgotten he even was in the girl's bathroom. He left the room still holding Scarlett's hand, intent on roaming the halls in search of Cass. The previous night he had been laughing at the idea of Ashton facing his aunt and uncle, because he knew that Ashton could take it, but he hadn't thought of Cass having to deal with it as well. "That reminds me," he said turning to Scarlett and handing her his phone. "In all the excitement last night, I forgot to get your number." He grinned at her playfully. "In case I need you to come protect me from a stuck up cheerleader or something, you know?"



Scarlett's cheeks felt warm, and she was quite flattered. "My number, huh?" She smiled ass she took a piece of paper out from her bag and wrote it down in cursive. "Here you go." She handed the paper to him and smiled. Taking his hand in hers again, they walked around the school, her head laying on his shoulder to rest it. It was pounding as if someone was hitting her with a hammer nonstop. She closed her eyes as they walked, and she almost fell asleep on more than one occasion. "We should go sleep." She recommended jokingly.



Cassie was now at school after her little chat with Carter. It made her a bit late but that was okay. She didn't mind.

This morning Cassie didn't eat anything. She was a bit hungry but it felt good in some way. She felt light on her feet and her head felt ditzy. It was nice.

Skipping around the school she jumped up on a bench and began twirling around and around, humming some song blasting through her earbuds. The song was Seven Wonders by Fleetwood Mac. She loved the band Fleetwood Mac. Their music was so nice. @ anyone

During that Ashton was just hanging out at his locker, for the last few minutes until first period started. @ anyone
Evan ran back outside to grab his wallet which had fallen out of his pocket when he had dozed off under the tree. He saw a girl twirling on the bleachers beside the field. He walked over and stood at the bottom of them. "What you listening too?¿?¿" He called up. @QueenOfDisaster


Cassie stopped twirling and looked down at her visitor. He looked familiar but couldn't pin point his name, "Well, hello." She grinned and jumped off the bleachers, almost tripping over her feet, "Whoops! I'm okay. Just a little ditzy is all." She got herself balanced and put the earbud in his ear, "Its Fleetwood Mac. Seven Wonders." @Talon


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Evan grinned. "Haha careful. Hmm dont think ive heard that song... the artist sounds familiar though. Im Evan by the way." She was cute, He would totally like to get to know her.@QueenOfDisaster
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-Sebastian POV-

Sebastian stared at the hickey and whistled. Damn. He thought. When Carter asked him if he wanted to do something, his stomach clenched. He was hungry as hell, but he had to focus on why he was here.

"Well actually, I wanted to know if you were gonna tell anyone. Because you know. I have this really great thing going on with this girl Destiny and I just didn't want her to think I wasn't into her." He rambles on, the words rushing out. @Haus Of Alaska

Carter had expected denial, rage even but when he mentioned Destiny he was caught off guard by the stab of hurt and jealousy.

Realizing he had not replied he gave a nod

"Yeah sure no problem, won't mention a thing, it will be as if it never happened"

He cleared his throat and stood up, wiping his hands off of his jeans and pocketing his phone.

"I uh better get going"

He said as he started making his way towards the doors of the library, giving Raven a nod as he passed.

He was going to brush this off, He was a popular kid, he just had to reign in his emotions and put on his mask.

The mask that showed that he was a cliche when it came to being the popular rich kid at school



"Awesome. Now I can forget that stupid 911 number, make room in my head for more important things," Jason joked as he took the piece of paper and slipped it into his pocket, a wide smile spreading across his face as they continued to walk around. "You want to skip? I'm down for that." Jason could tell that she was joking, but despite his amused tone he was pretty serious. His parents would be at the middle school by now, getting ready for a day of teaching, so it's not as if they would find out. Not to mention, despite seeing Scarlett making it much better, he was still dealing his annoying hangover. "There's a room above the auditorium that the we hang out in sometimes during band rehearsals. No one every goes up there and it's got a couch." He offered, curious to see if Scarlett would go for such an idea.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c699619_images(2).jpg.8565cd8736060b06bf6d4ba0fabaccd5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c699619_images(2).jpg.8565cd8736060b06bf6d4ba0fabaccd5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.b1e1379f3a92122341aafb9abc824327.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.b1e1379f3a92122341aafb9abc824327.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c69f0cd_images(1).jpg.8148e420d89054647916c9830ad055c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8c69f0cd_images(1).jpg.8148e420d89054647916c9830ad055c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: School

Interacting with: @ anyone

Mentioned: @BrooklynBaby

Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity stayed at there lockers and watched as Kayla and scarlett fought. Destiny was pretty impressed by what she did. " Damn you go girl. Way to handle that plastic princess." Destiny said and chuckled. Clarity whined and looked at Daniel and Destiny. "Whats the point of coming to school today. We still have these annoying hangovers. Can't just go back home?" she said. Destiny shook her head. " I know we all hate school, but education is important." she said sarcastically. She actually contemplated on skipping school today but she wanted to see Sebastian again. She never felt this way over a person, but she couldn't help it.​



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-Sebastian POV-

He felt guilty for some reason, but shook it off and said goodbye to Carter, turning back to Raven.

"I think that went rather well." He said, shrugging. Raven nodded and pulled out the switchblade she'd been carrying.

"Glad I didn't have to use this." She said, shoving it back in her pocket when she saw the clerk looking at her frantically and typing in her phone.

"Shit, lets go, shes calling the police."


Carter was driving to school, opting to at least show for the half the day.

While he was driving he decided to send out a chain text to everyone in his contacts

Alright y'all get ready for this friday, major weekend party goin on, friday until sunday. Goin 2 b in my 'rents lake house. Make your own way but drinks will b there. Be there or be a loser

Sending out the text he pulled into school and grabbed his bag, lunch should be just finished, he went to his next class.

He put on a pair of calvin klein sunglasses and like flipping a switch the rich prick Carter was out in force

(the party will be for everyone btw)



Scarlett's head jolted up at the mention of a couch and sleep. "Yes! That would be great." She hugged in him in a thanking way. Looking outside, she saw Cassie wandering around outside, listening to music. "We should go say hi real quick, make sure her aunt and uncle didn't almost kill her last night when they saw the party. She took Jason's hand again and went outside. "Hey, Cass. Did your aunt and uncle freak out on you and Ash last night?"

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos
Evan turned to see a couple come up and the girl said hi to Cassie. He nodded in greeting to them. @BrooklynBaby

"Oh, wow. You have? Thats fantastic, really." Cassie smiled at the boy. He seemed nice. She liked nice people. They were sweet.

Cassie then noticed Scarlett and Jason, "Oh, cute, hi...." Cassie shook her head, "No... Not really." Cassie shrugged, "They mainly blamed Ashton since he's the partier..." Cassie gave a reassuring smile, "All he had to do was clean the house and he was grounded for a while.... No parties no nothing. Just school and home. @BrooklynBaby


"Wow," Jason said, following Scarlett over to where Cass was talking to another guy. "I don't think you could have asked for a better outcome really, other than them not coming home at all obviously. Good to hear that you didn't get in trouble though Cass." He looked down at his phone, having just received the same text forwarded from three different people. "Oh God, I don't even want to think about another party right now, much less one that's going to last all weekend." He held out his phone for the others to see before offering his hand to the other guy in introduction. He'd seen him at parties, mostly DJing, but he didn't really know him. "Hey man, Jason. Saw you playing a few weeks ago, good stuff."

@BrooklynBaby @Talon
Evan also recieved a text and grinned, his eyes shining. Sure he currently had a hangover but a party was a party and he want complaining. He shook Jasons hand. "Evan, nice ta meet you Jason. Haha thanks I try!¡!¡ " @Phobos
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Scarlett looked at the text, and that alone made her headache worse. "No no no," Scarlett complained, lowering his arm so she couldn't see the text. "Another party? All weekend? This hangover says no, but maybe my mind will change later in the week. It's only Tuesday after all." She rubbed her temples, trying to get rid of the migraine. This light will kill me, lets go sleep." She put her head to Jason's chest and closed her eyes. She put her arms around him and pouted. "That couch is calling my name." She turned around, her arms now backwards. "I'm glad you didn't get in trouble, Cass." She smiled. "Hi Evan." She waved. "Don't think, I'm creepy, I know your name from your djing at other parties. You're really good." She complimented him.

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos @Talon

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