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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

Evan smiled and thanked her. "Thanks!¡!¡ And uhh quick Q. How is the couch calling your name?¿?¿ thats a wierd couch." He said with a teasing grin.

Carter reached Cassie and sat down beside her, greeting the assembled group.

"So what did I miss?"

He asked as he sat cross legged and got absorbed in the conversation of the group, the thoughts of his meeting earlier on momentarily forgotten.

He was sure Cassie and Ashton had received his text as well as the others so he made no mention.

Despite the day that was in it he was still tired and hungover.

@BrooklynBaby @Phobos @Talon



"Ha, ha, ha." She fake laughed at Evan's couch statement. She ended up genuinely laughing, after feeling stupid.

"I think it really is calling my name in all seriousness." She smirked. "Hey Carter." Scarlett smiled at him, giving a small wave. "I can't believe you're throwing a party. I don't think I'm able to say no, but I'm nauseous from last night's party." She laughed quietly. "I'm pretty excited though, but it's all weekend. I hope we don't party too hard."

@Haus Of Alaska @Talon @QueenOfDisaster @Phobos
They were back at Ravens house because fuck it, Sebastian didn't feel like doing the whole school thing. So now he was hanging upside down on a workout bar that Raven had installed in her room for Softball season. It was deadly quiet, Sebastian knew Raven was brooding, and that was bad news for him.

"So, you have to choose. Destiny, that blonde chick or Carter." She said quietly, looking up at him. Sebastian closed his eyes and sighed. There were things that were easy, but for him, relationships were not one. Hell, he spent years trying to decide whether Raven was a friend or more. He liked how they turned out but hell it was hard, this wouldn't be any easier.

"Her name is Cassie. And I say Destiny." He said, dropping off of the bar and onto her bed. Narrowly missing the girl sitting up there.

"Good. She likes you. You should ask her out tonight if you two are not too hungover." She said, slumping over and coughing.

"But to where?" He asked, pulling out his phone looking at places.

"There's a gothic club about 15 minutes away from here. She would love it and you can get in, you're a skater, skaters are cool." She said, tossing him her phone and staring at a pillow.

"Cool. Raven whats wrong. You just went to the bathroom, its no way something happened in between those three minutes." He said, texting the proposal by Destiny before shutting off his phone and looking at Raven.

"There's a party Friday. You should go." She said, ignoring him and looking at her phone, perplexed.

"Just for future reference by the way, nothings wrong, I was just thinking about this fanfic." Raven said, running her hands through her hair and snickering.

"Should have known you dork." He chuckled. Its no way that's the issue. But if she wont tell me, im probably not gonna want to know.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4dd702_images(7).jpg.39683cfd0f42a3466870df6abe441da5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115440" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4dd702_images(7).jpg.39683cfd0f42a3466870df6abe441da5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Home

Interacting with: @TheRebelAngel

The three goth siblings all laid in bed, still having the massive hangover. Destiny's was almost gone so she wondered around the house in search of something to do. She got an alert on her phone and smiled small when she realized who it was. She texted back agreeing to go out with him and of course adding a little bit of her flirty side into the text. When she finished she flopped down on the couch and decided to listen to music. Daniel and Clarity whined sometimes through the hangovers but when the effect was over, they were both filled with energy. They both started chasing each other around the house, throwing pillows at each other. "Ugh...will you to stop with the game of tag. Im trying to relax right now."Destiny said. "Oh shut up and go to sleep."Daniel yelled and continued playing around with Clarity. Destiny couldn't help but chuckle and then she fell asleep for a few hours​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4e1049_images(2).jpg.3bf69d23626115f452cb3d261504056f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115441" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8d4e1049_images(2).jpg.3bf69d23626115f452cb3d261504056f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.d71d0f7280902b0e51dc8728ad188da1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.d71d0f7280902b0e51dc8728ad188da1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Raven saw Sebastian smiling down at his phone. Destiny must have responded. Good. Its about fucking time he moved on. She thought to herself, scowling down at the pillow, remembering the bitch that sent her best friend into a wreck. She was why he moved schools, she was why he tried... Raven shook the thoughts from her head.

There was no need to bring that up. At least she felt better, Sebastian being happy made her happy, even if he was gonna kill her when he found out what she was thinking about.

"You going to that party on friday?" She asked, looking up and noticing that he'd been staring at her. Raven prayed to all the Marvel heroes and Deadpool that he didn't notice the spaced out look on her face.

But, since she was an unlucky person in general and supposedly the Marvel heroes didn't exist (shes believed in them since she was the kid, why stop now?), she saw the look on his face and knew that he noticed. So. She started coming up with some bullshit excuse because by the gods he could never know that Andrew called her.

"My mom called, grandma isnt doin so well." She said, giving a half assed smile. She could see it was working. He had no idea that her grandma was dead when she was born. "Awe you emotional little bunny, c'mere." He said jokingly, causing Raven to giggle. She was safe. For now.

"You going to that party with Daniel?" He asked, looking at her sympathetically. Okay. Maybe she was too good of an actress. He seemed to be trying to take her mind off of it.

"If he wants to go sure, if not I already have a boyfriend. His name is James Buchanan Barnes." She said, crossing her arms.

"He is like 80 years old. Thats gross."

"Okay first of all. Hes ninety, second of all, he is hotter than you so its not gross, its awesome."

"He's an assassin."

"He was brainwashed by Hydra."

"Just fucking call Daniel you arse."

"You're the one who likes butt stuff."

"You like BDSM."

Raven sighed and buried her head in a pillow. She tried to forget about that.

"It was a PHASE." She said, embarrassed.

"You out of the phase yet sweetheart?" He mocked. Raven pulled out her phone and started dialing Daniels number.

"Im calling Daniel, so will you shut up for like five minutes." She asked, exasperated. Sebastian was too busy pretending to be tied up to respond. Raven didn't care what he said, it was a phase and she was done with it...Kinda.

"Hey, Daniel? Its me, Raven." @Julie

((Writing Ravens past quirks is more fun than is should be xD .))
Destiny's P.O.V.

Destiny stayed asleep for a while and then woke up a few hours later. Right when she woke up it was silent and she smiled. But then she heard a huge crash and she got up quickly to see Daniel laying down at the bottom of the stairs. She sighed and shook her head. " You see!? This is exactly why you don't chase each other next to the staircase."she yelled and groaned frustratedly.

Clarity and Daniel's P.O.V.

Clarity and Daniel kept chasing each other and then Daniel felt a huge shove and then he tumbled down the stairs. Clarity heard the phone ring and she picked it up. " Oh Hey Raven. This is Clarity."she said. "SHIT CLARITY, BE CAREFUL NEXT TIME!!!" he yelled and then he groaned in pain. Daniel got up slowly and slowly walked up the stairs.

(Interacting with:
@TheRebelAngel )
Raven heard Daniel yell and then Claritys voice on the line. She chuckled shaking her head. Siblings, cant live with them, cant live without them. She thought to herself.

"Hey Clarity, I was just calling to see if Daniel wanted to go to the party on Friday. You can ask later if you want though, he sounds a bit busy." She said, laughing. Raven looked up to see monopoly money falling around her. Another one of her dreaded phases. She wanted to be a stripper when she was like 14 when she found out how much money they made. Luckily Sebastian talked her out of it. She still saw it as a viable option, I mean. Who wouldn't want to make a thousand a night? But that was kinda how their relationship went. She talked him off the ledge and he talked her out of reckless ideas. She wouldn't have it any other way...Well...Except the ledge part.

Daniel P.O.V

After Daniel went up a few steps, (Which felt like millions to him xD ), he took the phone from Clarity and spoke. " Hey Raven, whats up?"he said. He winced a little bit but ignored the pain as best he could.

Destiny and Clarity P.O.V

Destiny yelled out to Daniel. " Ill get the ice pack and when i come back i better see you laying on that couch."she said. "Ugh...you can be such a mom sometimes."Daniel called out and started walking downstairs. Destiny came back in the room and helped Daniel." Yeah only much sexier."she purposefully said that loud. "Oh will you shut up. Im on the phone."Daniel said. Clarity was already getting blankets for Daniel and setting up the couch.

(Interacting with:
@TheRebelAngel )
Raven laughed, those three have the best banter.

"Oh hey Daniel. I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the party on Friday, I mean you don't have to but if you want to..." She trailed off, realizing that she was rambling.

"Raven come back to bed, im not done with you yet." Sebastian said seductively. Raven turned around slowly and stared at him in disbelief. "Sebastian. Barnes. I swear to all that is holy I will kill you in cold blood." She said calmly, moving over to where he was so she could choke him. Sebastian ran away from her and she sighed deeply. "He's kidding Daniel. I swear." She said, looking for something to throw at the hysterically laughing teen.

Destiny, Daniel, Clarity P.O.V:

Daniel had the phone on speaker as he laid down on the couch. When he heard Sebastian in the background, he wanted to laugh his ass off but he kept it in. It would be rude to laugh. "Yeah sure sounds fun."he said instead. Destiny raised an eyebrow when she heard Sebastian and she growled and spoke seductively." Damn, sexy as fuck. Hey Raven, if you don't finish with Sebastian, i will."she said and then laughed when she seen Clarity's reaction. Daniel just punched Destiny playfully. "Hey c'mon i was just playing around."she said. Not even that was sexy, she mumbled to herself. Clarity looked at Destiny and tackled her. "Watch your mouth young lady."she screamed. "What do you mean young, im older than you."she said in between fits of laughter.

(Im laughing hella hard right now. I can't even breathe (*U*)(>
:D )(@V@)( :D ) @TheRebelAngel )
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@Julie ((Same here, my mom keeps asking why im laughing so hard))

At this point Raven had gotten Sebastian into a headlock.

"Oh cool. I cant wait!" She said smiling. Sebastian had gone completely still, he had heard every word and she could sense him about to talk, so she clapped her free hand over her mouth and put the phone on speaker.

"Speaking of you and Sebastian. Dont you two have a date tonight?" She asked.

Now he was flailing, Raven wrapped her legs around him, pinning down his arms. She was trying so hard not to laugh.

"I might just have to come keep an eye on you two to make sure you don't do anything." She said. Sebastian started thrashing at this point,eyes widened and he shaking his head frantically. Raven almost lost it, almost.

He said that he'll see you tonight, Destiny im counting on you to make him come home as sexually frustrated as possible. No mercy-" Raven was cut off by muffled yelling. "He will see you at 8. Bye Daniel, bye everyone." She said quickly, hanging up and letting go of the teen.

"You are...Evil." He hissed, glaring at her. Raven smiled sadistically.

"No. Im chaotic neutral."

((I cant right now. Im laughing too hard at my own writing. Their date is going to be hilarious.))
(@TheRebelAngel I don't know how its possible. Im still laughing.)

Clarity was on top of Destiny and she held her with her hands pinned over her head. She was panting hard because Destiny was so strong. "Promise me you will come home continuing to be a virgin!"she said out loud

"Hmm...Ill have to think about that. We will both be drinking and he is sexually tempting."she said

Clarity gasped and yelled again. "DESTINY TAYLOR YOU WILL COME BACK A VIRGIN!!!"she said

"Okay fine, you buzzkill. Can't take you anywhere. Now get off me you are crushing my boobs."she said

"Good they were too big anyways. Are you sure you didn't get plastic surgery?"she asked

" Clarity, you and i both know that im all natural."she said with a smirk

Clarity laughed and rolled off of Destiny.

Daniel heard there entire conversation and chuckled afterwards.

" Do both of you just talk about body parts and sex when you think i can't hear anything?"he said

"Pretty much, yeah" they both said simultaneously

"You guys are so fucking weird, i swear."he said

The both ran and jumped on him.

"Holy shit get off of me. You are crushing me where no man should be crushed."he yelled out loud.

They just laughed hysterically and fell down on the floor.

(I literally fell off my bed laughing. You are funny asf)
((Thanks! Destiny is killing me. "We will both be drinking and he is sexually tempting..." Im dying help)) @Julie

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_njcr88vkEa1u39ecqo1_400.jpg.545d9d2cf81ed3796eab744705fcf582.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115498" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/tumblr_njcr88vkEa1u39ecqo1_400.jpg.545d9d2cf81ed3796eab744705fcf582.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Yes or no?" He asked, coming out of the bathroom and spinning in a slow circle. Raven looked up and started choking on her Sprite.

"Why did we break up again?" She asked, putting a hand over her heart and staring at him. He was in an all black suit and holy hell it should be illegal to be that attractive. It just should.

"We agreed that we were better as friends." He reminded her, seeing the girl nod slowly.

"Thats not enough to make me give you up willingly, there was something else."

"You threw a knife at me." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeaaa. Your fault though. You don't just make out with other people besides your girlfriend." She reminded him. He nodded in defeat but then furrowed his eyebrows.

"No I distinctly remember you telling me to fuck off and then I made out with that other chick."

"Still your fault, you wouldn't shut the hell up about Andrew."

"You were hitting on him."

"First of all, he hit on me. Second of all I hit on everyone Barnes. Its who I am."

"You don't hit on the person who...You know what he did."

The atmosphere in the room shifted.

"I wish I didn't." She murmured to herself, looking down, memories flashing through her mind.

Sebastian wanted to kick himself, he swore not to say anything about that. The last time he did, Raven cried so had she threw up.

Just thinking about the bastard pissed him off, no telling on what reaction Raven would have.

He walked over to her and hugged her. "Im sorry." He murmured into her hair.

Raven shook her head and looked up, her face blank and unreadable.

"No, im fine. Seriously get off me and go to your date." She said chuckling and standing up.

Sebastian looked at her, confused, but it was no way in hell he would bring it back up. He would just shove it to the back of his mind to talk about later.

"Alright, Im gonna head out and pick up Destiny." He said, walking to the front door and turning the knob, walking out.

Raven smiled weakly and closed the door, locking it and collapsing into a heap on the floor. What the hell am I gonna do?

((Inside look on why the hell Raven is so fucked in the head. Backround appearing???))



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(Interacting with: @TheRebelAngel )

"You gotta be kidding me. Im not wearing this."Destiny said while walking out of the bathroom.

"Why not. I think its pretty decent for a date."Clarity said

"This is not my style. And it doesn't show anything."

"Exactly. I was serious about you coming back a virgin."Clarity said.

Daniel turned back around to look at Destiny from the kitchen. His eyes grew wide and he fainted onto the floor.

"Oh shut up its not that bad. Destiny, its already to late. He could be here any minute now."Clarity said

Destiny groaned and put on her shoes. While she did that she mumbled frustratedly. "....Can't believe you.....making me were this stupid..."she said

Sebastian pulled into the driveway and rang the doorbell. He was anxious and excited at the same time. Anxious because he had no idea what he would come home to, but excited because he was finally going on a solo date with Destiny. He was also kind of scared of what she would do to him, because if she followed Ravens instructions, he would be so repressed by the end of the night that he would likely have a heart attack. How did he know? Because Destiny is the sorta girl that would happily do that, and he loved it. He bought a small rose with a very short stem to put in her hair, hopefully she would like it. Hopefully. @Julie
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Cassie got the text and grinned, "I'm so going to this party guys! Aren't parties just swell!" Cassie giggled and sat down with the group. She was just about to text Carter when she felt another presence and grinned at Carter, "Nothing really, Carter." Cassie gave a small smile and then grinned widely, "So going to this party! That means you guys have to come too! We can't just not. We're teenagers!" Besides how much Cassie was starving and refusing to eat at the moment, she was having a good time and is enjoying today.

(I'm too lazy to check what I missed so I just posted at the most recent thing I saw so it didn't have to be too long or anything. :) ))
(You actually nailed it @QueenOfDisaster)

Evan laughed and sat down on the grass. "Youd have to kill me to keep me away from an all weekend party. Can you guys imagine it?¿?¿ Im betting 20 bucks that by the end of the weekend everyone will have become a nudist!¡!¡" He said and then burst out laughing. He wasnt a pervert, well ok maybe a bit but what guy isnt?¿?¿ He was excited for it though. Boobs, booze, and beats, His three favourite B words.

Carter grinned at Scarlet and draped an arm over her shoulders.

Don't worry I can get you non-alcoholic beer, you don't have to drink


Turning to Evan He gave a fist bump

My official dj bro?


By now the party had become to talk of the school, Carters popularity seemed to sky rocket.

Keeping his head on Cassie's shoulder he just wanted to be around friends considering the drama of this morning.




Scarlett smiled at Carter. "No need. I love beer, but I tend to get carried away." She chuckled.

Scarlett looked at her phone and sighed at the time. "How is it already almost time for class?" She complained. She looked at the trees and smiled. The way they stood so still was perfect for a picture. She carefully moved close to the tree and took out her phone, getting a good picture. "Don't mind my photography, I'm a tad obsessed." She walked back over to Carter and put his arm on her shoulders again, getting into the same position.

@Haus Of Alaska @Phobos @Talon @QueenOfDisaster
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Destiny's P.O.V

Destiny groaned when she heard the doorbell. She was planning on changing into her usual attire but it was to late. "Bye. Have fun. Dont stay out too late."Clarity called out. "This dress doesn't even match my hair..."Destiny said and opened the door. When she looked at Sebastian she smiled, but on the inside she was dying. Sooooo hot...,she thought to herself. "Hey."she said as she stepped out of the house. "You look nice."she said. Destiny still absolutely hated the dress but luckily her sister didn't set up her entire outfit. She would've died if her sister made her wear Victoria Secret undergarments.

(Interacting with:
@TheRebelAngel )
Sebastians heart skipped a beat. She was gorgeous. She wasn't wearing her usual attire, the outfit was less revealing but hell did it show off her curves. He could see every dip in her waist and every curve of her hips. And damn, he wasn't sure if he was going to make it through the night with all of his thought process intact.

He shook his head and tried to stop staring, no matter how hard it was, handing her the roses.

"I hope you like it." He murmured, looking up from her through his eyelashes.

"You look beautiful."

Carter grinned and gave an affectionate squeeze to scarlets shoulder

I cannot wait, plus my sister may be home soon from europe which is awesome

Carter smiled and scrolled through facebook on his phone.

Evan fist bumped Carter and grinned. "Sure thing!¡!¡ I got yo back bro." He did a batman stance and looked into the distance. "Im the DJ your party needs, not the one it deserves... or something i dunno." He shrugged and chuckled.

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