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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Cassie sighed and quickly hugged Eddie. A part of her wanted to show him, another part told her she should wait. She decided to go with just wait, "Maybe another day I'll show you, or you'll have to the balls to figure it out yourself..." Cassie leaned in and looked at Eddie, "How badly I want to kiss you... But..." Cassie bit her lip then quickly shook her head, standing up. Cassie pulled out her phone and checked the time, "Shit... I should probably get going..." With that Cassie quickly ran off to her house. Even from far away she could begin to hear the screaming that was occurring with her aunt, uncle and Ashton. @irl000


"Well sorry for wanting to have a good time!" Ashton said, running his fingers through his hair. Ashton's aunt and uncle didn't want to hear it though, "Just go to your room, you're cleaning this up tomorrow!" They yelled and walked off.

"Whatever!" Ashton stomped to his room with a grin on his face, at least he had a good time while it lasted.


Everyone its now morning, finish up what you're doing and proceed to the morning! :)


Cassie sat on the swings in the morning. It was a cold morning and her hair blue in the wind. It made Cassie's hair messy again but she really didn't mind.

Checking the time she noticed it was 6:30... 8:00 am is when she had to be in school. So Cassie had plenty of time to do whatever suited her.

One thing Cassie couldn't stop thinking about was Eddie. She missed him so much and regretted not telling him the truth. She wished she did... Cassie then wouldn't feel this pain of guilt she feels this very moment.

Cassie heard her phone beep. It was Carter. With a small smile plastered on her face she quickly responded, "Yes, food sounds divine at the moment." Cassie sent out the text then walked to her car parked out in the driveway. She had a feeling Carter was going to be at Starbucks, so without asking she just went there.


"Good morning, tiger." Cassie smiled and sat down across from him. @Haus Of Alaska

Evan sat up and looked at his clock, It read 7:38. He had to get to school right away. Why must there be school?! "Ugh i feel horrible... too much drinking..." He stumbled over to the bathrom and then got ready for school. Grabbing a sandwich on his way out, he hopped on his longboard and headed in the direction of school. "I wonder if Sophia is gonna be at school?¿?¿" He said to himself as he put his headphones on and turned on ODESZA - Always this late (Illenium remix). His head bobbing to the beat as he coasted down the sidwalk with the sun shining overhead. @katiebaby420


"-Yaawwn-. . . .M-morning. . " George walked down the stairs as she yawned and rubbed her eyes. Feeling tired and sluggish at the moment but that would disappear later. Her mother turned around while holding pancakes with a cheerful expression on her face. She was about to greet her until. . .


Her mother screeched like a banshee and almost dropped the pancakes while George jolted in surprise and was now wide awake. Surprised and confused by her mother's anger. Meanwhile her uncle glared at the woman for disrupting his peaceful moment and told her to calm down, only to be slapped that could instant knock out a wrestler inside the ring.

She swore she could hear it reach across the quiet neighborhood as the two adult Russian siblings argued in their home language. George stared down at them dumbfounded when she saw her uncle on the floor, holding his cheek now marked with a hand while still holding the coffee. And her mother still holding the pancakes on one hand while wearing a pink apron that said
'I'm the best Mother/Sibling. Now bow down to me'.

"Oi ZHENSHCHINA ! Trakhaniye bylo ?!"


"Chto vy podrazumevayete 'trakhaniye bylo ?!' Ne smey SKAZAT', CHTO MNE !"




Another slap was heard as her uncle stumbled. It was ridiculous how her mom who was sweet, small and cheerful can become a demon and send George's uncle who was bigger than a 6 ft tall man and muscular to the ground.

"NET chertov oznoba !!!!!"


Not wanting to get involved with their morning arguments, she backed away slowly and turned back so she could shower and get ready for school.

(Using google translate for this. . .ohmerged)
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Shea was at school early, as usual, mocha in one hand, Spanish textbook in the other. She sighed, her phone vibrating for the millionth time that morning. Someone must've gotten her snapchat. There was a reason she kept it private. She huffed, tightened her grip on her book, and sipped her coffee. Her headache was still present, but lessened by the caffeine she'd allowed herself to have.

"This will be a long day..." She muttered.

@ anyoneandeveryone
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Kayla got her and entered the school. "I'm here bitches!" She exclaimed, Kayla was having a good morning she was in a good mood, So let's hope no one ruins that for the girl. Kayla walked to the locker and got her textbooks she notice Shea. She gave her a smoke and waved at the blonde girl. This was rare of her. Was Kayla planning something? Kayla shut her locker and walked to the girl. "Have You Seen Ashton?" She asked titling her head a bit.Before the girl could reply One of the cheerleaders came up to Kayla and grabbed her arm removing her away.

Kayla rose an eyebrow.

"Did You hear what happened?" The cheerleader asked. "Hear What To be exact?" Kayla said.

"Well, When you left Ashton was drunk and he was feeling on Scarlett and didn't he say-" Kayla put her hand in the air, Signaling for the girl to stop.

Kayla rokke her eyes and shook her head.

"No way, Ashton would do that after we had tat talk so..."

"Well, I'm telling you what I saw so..." the girl clapped back before walking away. Kayla didn't want this to be true but if it was... Boy Ashton is going to get it.


Brian Was walking down the halls he stopped when he spotted Shea. He smirked before walking to her "Hey Babe" He greeted kissing the too of her head. Brian hasbto admit Shea was a fun time and he liked that.

"So, What You got first period?" He asked. @Rui


Jason just sat with Scarlett like that for a while, enjoying the sweet scent of her shampoo. He wished that they could just sit that way, with his arms wrapped around her, all night, everything about it felt. But it was getting late, and as lenient as his parents were, he still couldn't stay out all night without any warning. Eventually he had to pull out of the parking lot and drive Scarlett back to her car. He opened her door for her and smiled as he leaned against car. "I had a great time tonight. See you tomorrow at school?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b798a07_images(2).jpg.17a2f894d9b9dd5332880a079184d7af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114367" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b798a07_images(2).jpg.17a2f894d9b9dd5332880a079184d7af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.7217b4f94446b7c3af05c2419cde66b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114368" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.7217b4f94446b7c3af05c2419cde66b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b79fe74_images(1).jpg.6386a147a966e0fd0f96da227ea7951a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114369" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8b79fe74_images(1).jpg.6386a147a966e0fd0f96da227ea7951a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: School

Interacting with: @ anyone

The goth siblings all arrived at school and parked their lambroghini in the student parking lot. They all got out and started walking to school. Destiny was in a pretty bad mood. The hangover still affected them all but they tried as best they could not to sound so rude when they were talking to people today. Some boys gave Destiny and Clarity wolf whistles out of remembrance of what they were wearing at last night at the party, but they didn't notice or even bother to care. Daniel sometimes interrupted the boys by telling them to shut up. When they arrived on campus, they went to their lockers. " Man, im tired..." Daniel exclaimed. Destiny glared at him but just sighed. " I absolutely hate hangovers.." she said.​



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Evan walked inside the school and wandered past 3 goths and over to his locker, fumbling with the lock until he finally got it open. He deposited his stuff and then looked around for anyone he knew.

-Ravens POV-

As soon as she opened the doors, the whispers hit them like a wall. At first she didn't mind because she knew that the party last night was wild and there was bound to be drama. But when the pointing started she realized the whispers were at her. Sebastian of course found this hilarious. "If only they knew you are dressing like this because you need it to be easier to beat someone up." He said laughing. Raven sighed and shook her head, taking off the glasses. "I wish I was wearing my regular clothes right now, I feel so naked." She said, fiddling with her thumbs nervously.

"Whatever drama queen, everyone is staring, it seems that no ones noticed how hot you are underneath all the black lipstick." He joked.

Raven looked at him and arched an eyebrow. "You want me to take you back?"

"Back where?"

"Back to that friendzone you tried to escape from." She said, looking up at him smugly.

"Ha ha you're a riot. I'd never date you anyway, we tried that already remember?" He said, laughing at the memory.

Raven cringed, 9th grade was a year to try and forget.

"You bought me dead flowers."

"You loved them."

"Screw off, I like death, wha'd you expect."

"You to be dead."

"You know what, screw you."


Ashton walked into school. He had such a hangover from the party he could barely remember what happened. All he remembered was the conversation with Kayla. God he loved her. Couldn't wait to see her.

Making it to his locker he quickly got his things then walked over to Kayla, putting his hands over her eyes and whispering in her ear cutely, "Guess who?" @Mariam


"If I make it, yeah you'll see me." She giggled, getting into the car. She was still a tad drunk, but since it had been quite a while since the party, her hangover was brewing. Once they reached Scarlett's car, she kissed Jason goodnight and thanked him for the fun night. "See you in a few hours." She smiled and grabbed her food. Although at this point she wasn't hungry anymore, but she had butterflies in her stomach from the whole night. 'I'm so glad I went out' She thought to herself. Scarlett got in her car, a little tipsy, but made it home alive. She snuck in through the door, threw away her food, and went upstairs, jumping onto her bed in her clothes she wore that night and went right to sleep. Luckily her alarm was already set, and it woke up her extra early. "Fuck." She mumbled as she rolled out of bed, hitting the carpet beneath her. She got up with her head pounding, and got in the shower. Last night was beginning to come back to her, and she was very happy with what she remembered. "Jason..." She said to herself in the shower as she washed her hair. She could almost feel his soft lips touching hers, and his arm around her waist. Last night had been the best night of her life. Getting out of the shower, Scarlett put on sweatpants, fuzzy boots, a large sweatshirt, and she threw her hair in a messy bun. She felt like complete shit, but she couldn't let her dad know she was out partying so late, and she definitely couldn't tell him she was drinking. That might just give him a heart attack. "Ugh.." She held her head as she slowly and quietly left the house. She decided to take the bus today, knowing she shouldn't be driving, and it was a miracle she made it home in one piece last night.

Scarlett finally arrived at school and she walked right to her locker, almost tripping on her own feet. She only got about three hours of sleep, and she was ready to completely pass out.

"Hey and, Uh, Spanish." She said, blushing as she recalled everything. Her phone buzzed again and she groaned, "God, I have the worst headache..." She mumbled, smiling weakly as she finished shoving excess books in her locker.


George walked down the hallways wearing a scarf and black glasses while carrying a novel that made her look like a nerd. But she didn't care since she was having a problem seeing at the moment. Her movements looked like she was almost drunk but her face was clearly annoyed. Facing infront of the locker, she groaned and opened it to stuck her head inside. After a rough morning and unlucky moments just to reach school, George felt like cursing loudly like a sailor and punch the locker. "Seniors. . . " Her eye twitched when she looked to the side and hears people talking about the party.

Sighing, she took out a couple of her books while reading and closed her locker. She tried to relax but became tensed when she heard people talking about her. Saying about a girl that won over many people through a vodka challenge without passing out. George rolled her eyes and walked through the hallways while continuing to read as she ignored the people around her.

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Carter yawned as Cassie slid into the booth with him.

I hate your brother by the way"

He said jokingly as he stirred his coffee and took a drink, hoping it would wake him up.

He knew the minute Cassie would sit down that the hickey on his neck would be obvious so he attempted to distract her.

"So what happened with you last night, everything ok?"

He referred to the abrupt ending to the party where everyone was forced to take off.

How he had managed to make it home he had no clue.

Shaking his head he discreetly looked at his phone for an answer...

@TheRebelAngel @QueenOfDisaster
Riley Rose arrived into school. She surprisingly wasn't drunk from that party. She left early after the incident with Brian. She walked into school, holding her school bag as she glanced over at Brian. 'adorable' Riley thought to herself. Riley turned her back to the pair as she tried to avoid them. She began to unlock her locker and get her stuff from it. She could feel the jealousy boiling inside but she avoided it. @Mariam

(@QueenOfDisaster are you on? Post as Cassie and eddie xx)
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Cassie laughed and nodded jokingly, "Yeah, he can go suck ass sometimes." She took a napkin off the table and began to play with it, "Everything was fine. Ashton got in trouble, not me!" Cassie grinned happily as she looked up at Carter and noticed the hickey, "Hey Carter... Whats that on your neck?" She tilted her head, she knew straight away it was a hickey but she'd just let Carter tell her that... @Haus Of Alaska

(@irl000 What do you mean?)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8ae8537905d650be201de48f8b884185.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.8ae8537905d650be201de48f8b884185.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kayla knew Ashton was behind her and she wanted to yell at him for what she heard, But she didn't know if it was true yet she couldn't go assuming things. Kayla remeoved Ashton's hands and turned gave him a small smile "Hey Babe" She said softly. Was He serious? How could he act like everything was okay? Kayla had rage she just couldn't hold it in. She shook her head before speaking.

"You can't be serious Ashton? After we had that whole talk and you said there was nothing going on you go and do this after I leave the party how selfish can you fucking be?!" Kayla slapped Ashton across his face.

"I'm Loyal To you and this is what you do?" Kayla nodded and backed away and laughed "Your pathetic" She said before turning and walking away leaving Ashton alone. @QueenOfDisaster



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.edaf3ef8a99f70b3dbfeae28f845c312.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.edaf3ef8a99f70b3dbfeae28f845c312.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Shea heard the slap ring out, and swiveled around, stunned into awareness. She watched Ashton mournfully, then turned to Brian, "E-excuse me, please," she rushed to Kayla, "What happened?" She asked, concerned over her new...well, she supposed, friends outburst. "Are you alright?" She asked, frowning.

@Mariam @QueenOfDisaster



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George continued to read as she walked down the hallways avoiding people that walked past her. Cold sweat ran down from her forehead when she was about to reach the climax of the chase between the protagonists and the witch. The intensity as if she was the one who was trying to ran away. She can clearly imagine the scene and the tension of the chase.

"Luther! she's Gaining on us!" Michele yelled. The two of them running from the clutches of the dark witch. Dodging every weapon or spell casted upon them. Luther held the doll closer as if his life depended on it. The light was just meters away from them and can finally escape from this dreadful castle. He would never forget his friends who have sacrificed their lives for him.

"LUTHER! INFRONT OF YOU!" Michelle shrieked in terror as she watched her brother falling towards his doom.


Surprisingly, George also suffered the same fate as him. Except in the present day unlike the medieval times. But instead of falling towards her doom, she instead slammed her face on the cold hard metal as someone was about to open his/her locker. A loud bang can be heard as she stumbled back and held her face. Trying to hide a red swollen spot on her freckled forehead while she hissed in pain. It was a good thing she didn't screamed or else she might attract unwanted attention.


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Kayla huffed "I'm Fine, You shouldn't even be checking up on me check on Ashton I'm not the one- Ugh I hate my life" Kayla explained as she walked away. Kayla stopped in her tracks and walked back to Shea and gave her a small smile she appericate the fact she checked up on her. "And Thanks for You know checking up on me, I really do appreciate" She explains then she walks away. @Rui
Shea smiled softly, and looked at the floor. At least she was okay, it seemed. She looked back at Ashton. "Hm..." She considers checking in with Ashton, but the first bell rings, and she runs to class.

Carter sighed and shook his head, he knew she knew what it was, denying it was pointless.

"Its a hickey, I don't remember much about him except sparkling eyes and grinding, lots of.....grinding"

Shaking his had he finished his coffee, not even sure where to begin the hunt for his elusive making out partner.

"You hungry kitten, my treat?"

He offered as he wiped his mouth with his napkin and laid back in the booth they were occupying. He kept a hand on his phone

As if it would somehow prompt the mystery number to call him or text him. He was remembering bits and pieces such as the guy having tats.

Shaking his head he moved around in the booth and rested his head on Cassie's shoulder.

To outsiders it would look like a couple but between them they both knew it was purely friendship, Carter had revealed his sexuality to both Ashton and Cassie.

@TheRebelAngel @QueenOfDisaster
-Sebastians POV-

"It was kinda fun dating yo-" Sebastian stopped talking and looked at his phone in confusion and then irritation.

"Raven, whats this?" He asked, holding out his phone to her.

We need to talk

Raven took one glance and her mouth formed a silent 'o'. "I sent that to Carter." She said, taking the phone and hastily typing something else. Sebastian looked like he was about to yell and she held her and up.

"Its better if you two talk it out in person and figure out if anyone saw you. Finalize the silence treaty and all of that good stuff."

She said, handing him back the phone.

We need to talk
Meet me at the downtown library during lunch, come alone.

"You sound like you're setting up a murder."

"Well if he hurts you, that's whats gonna happen."

@Haus Of Alaska
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