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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Cassie shook her head quickly and averted her eyes from him, not wanting to look at him now. She was worried about what he would think if he found all the drugs, pills, and liquor she had in there... But that was long gone for her... Hopefully. She knew it was bad but Cassie couldn't control herself. She was too impulsive.

"Well... I'm sure you do like that nickname..." Cassie was trying to avoid talking about things that made her sad but she should at least answer with some sort of question..., "Well... Everyone has things to be sad about... Everyone does... We just deal with them in different ways, thats all."

Cassie looked into the black forest that was to the side of her, it was so dark... Maybe if eyes open they would shine. "... I don't really think its your business on whats in there, plus, you may think of me differently forever..." @irl000

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Ashton's actions took Scarlett by surprise, although it was very very strange. She looked over at Jason who was finishing dancing, and he had asked her to show off her moves. These were definitely not her moves. She felt Ashton's hands on her hips. She was growing angry, she didn't feel comfortable with him touching her like this. Her and Ashton were always best friends, but not friends with benefits. Never. "Ash, you're getting drunk." She tried handling him carefully. Scarlett knew he didn't mean to do this, and she didn't want to upset Jason. "Why don't you go get some water." She whispered in Ashton's ear. She tried playing along a little, so he wouldn't get angry. The party would go south if a fight broke out, especially involving the guest of the party. Scarlett held up a 'one sec' finger to Jason and helped Ashton to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. "Now you know Kayla would get really mad if she saw this." She chuckled, grabbing the glass with water and handing it to him. "Sober up."

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos


Jason was shocked to see Ashton's hands all over Scarlett when he turned back around. For half a second he wondered if that wasn't what her little chat with him had been about a minute ago, getting him to come dance with her. Maybe he had misunderstand what she meant when she suggested that they go dance. But no, Scarlett wasn't like that, and Ashton was pretty clearly drunk.

Jason was about to step in when Scarlett held up a finger and started moving Ashton towards the kitchen. As much as he wasn't the type of guy to get in someone else's way as they handled a situation, he wasn't going to leave her alone with Ashton in this state either. He followed them into the kitchen and walked over as Scarlet was giving the host a glass of water. "Hey, everything ok here man?" He asked Ashton, barely keeping his cool. The only other time he really remembered feeling this intense was when he was drumming, in social situations he had always been very laid back.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster


Ashton bit his lip angrily, seeing that his little bit of "fun" ended. He was just trying to have a good time and listen to what Scarlett told him. What else could he do? His girlfriend left, but why did she leave, did he do something wrong? Ashton began to get very annoyed and felt as if he could punch something.

Ashton took a sip of the water then firmly put down the cup, "Everything's fine..." Ashton said and glared at Jason. He was sort of pissed off that Scarlett was going to have another man in his life honestly. It really irked him the wrong way. They've been friends for how long? Forever... So he feels like a protective brother... But at the same time as the liquor was getting to him he wanted more. Ashton groaned and sat up on the counter, chewing on his lip, "Everything is perfectly fine. No issues here..." @BrooklynBaby @Phobos

(@irl000 Come back online ;( )
Eddie noticed whatever was upsetting her wasn't something she didn't seem to want to talk about. "I understand if you don't want to talk and I might not understand but I will listen" He told her calmly, hoping it might make her more comfortable. "Yeah, it's a cool nickname" He chuckled. She was right about one thing. People deal with things in different ways. "Oh Cas, I know it isn't my business but I do have a right to worry" He said softly, taking her hand and giving it a small squeeze. "Like I said, you don't have to tell me but I will listen " As positive as he was sounding, he didn't feel so positive about the whole thing inside. He knew something was up but hopefully sometime she might tell. @QueenOfDisaster

(Yay! Thank you for posting!

:D @irl000 )


Cassie quickly turned her head to face Eddie when he gave her hand a light squeeze, it startled her... She absolutely didn't trust who he might tell or how he was going to react. She didn't want him to know she was a druggie, it would change his whole perspective on her... What if he will hate her... Won't fancy Cassie anymore.

Cassie in someway did want to tell him, but didn't want to use her words, "I'm not going to stop you if you look in the hiding place if you're so 'worried'..."

Cassie looked down at their hands holding, "You might not even want to hold my hand anymore... You won't fancy me... You'll just think of me as some... Rip off of some overly happy disney character." @irl000
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Scarlett looked at Jason and frowned sympathetically. "I'm so sorry about tonight.." She was talking to him in a low voice, so Ashton couldn't hear.

"I don't know what's gotten into him." She looked back over at Ashton to see him biting his lip and getting angry. She felt flustered, unable to truly express her feelings. Scarlett walked back over to Ashton and rubbed his arms quickly, trying to relax him. "Ash, calm down, please. What can I do for you?" She was trying to help as much as she possibly could. "I promise once I get him taken care of, I'll be able to show you my moves." Scarlett laughed slightly and raised her eyebrows at Jason. "Even though I really don't have any." She winked.

@Phobos @QueenOfDisaster


"Hey, no worries Scarlett, you didn't do anything," Jason shrugged, beginning to calm down as the situation seemed to relax a little. He was still a little pissed at Ashton, but holding a grudge wasn't going to get them anywhere, better to clear the air. He grabbed a bottle of whisky from the table and poured three shots. He handed one to Scarlett and one to Ashton. "No hard feelings everyone?" He asked the question with a tilt of his head before downing the shot to show that he was willing to let things go.



Scarlett smiled at Jason's offer and clinked his shot glass with hers, chugging it down.

She then grabbed another cup and filled it quickly with beer, sipping the foam at the top. It gave her a foam mustache, but she didn't care. She just laughed and left it on her face, not caring. "Okay, now Ash, are you good? I have to show Jason over here how good I am at dancing."

She laughed at her own comment, already knowing she was going to embarrass herself. "Warning you now, I'm going to look like a baby deer who is just learning how to walk. I can softly hop to a beat in a large crowd, but I can't break dance." Scarlett set her drink down and cracked her knuckles, mentally and physically preparing herself for what she was about to do.

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos


"Oh, shit," Jason said with a laugh, finding the chaos caused by Ashton's call to be hilarious as people began running all around, trying to get out of the house. He kind of wished that he had had a chance to see Scarlett dance, but he guessed that would be saved for another night. He quickly poured himself one more drink as he looked over at her and took her hand. "Come on Bambi, we've got to go, you can show me your moves later." With his a drink in one hand and Scarlett's in the other he started hurrying towards the exit on the side of the house.


George yawned and heard the guy shout. "Huh. . .party's over?" She said to herself and left the house before anyone could through the back of his house before taking the long road back to her house. For once she wondered if the old couple noticed the blaring music inside his house before finding out about the party.

It was a miracle that she was still alive from drinking but sleepy and tierd at the same time. Maybe she could read a book or two before going to bed. She entered her house to see her uncle standing infront of her with his huge arms folded on his chest as he looked down. Sh@t, there was no way she can escape this. He knew that she brought the bottle and or once she's glad that she didn't drink it.

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Shea, who had a pair of hands under her shirt, hazily heard the call, and snapped into action. She was dressed and out, giving her friend of the night a kiss and ran, leaving him to himself. She was flustered, but otherwise mentally fine. She dials J.T, who pulled up in seconds, since he lived a block or so away. "Bye, Ashton!" She called. She then hopped in the Bugatti and off they sped.


@Mariam @QueenOfDisaster



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Scarlett's eyes opened wide, before she knew it, she was being pulled out of the house by Jason. "Bye Ash tell Cassie I said bye!" She yelled out before running along with Jason. She pointed to a window by the back of the house where her car was parked. "Out the window!" She took control and quickly opened the window, diving out of it with her purse and phone on her. She was laughing uncontrollably as she got out of the window, stumbling to get up. "I didn't drink that much.." She mumbled as she got up. "I should be fine to drive." She spoke to herself, debating whether or not to drive. 'I have pajamas... I could always stay.' She thought. "Hey Jason, what do you think?" She ran her fingers through her hair as she contemplated her choices.

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos
Winnie grabbed Freddie by the hand, as they ran outside towards her pink car and sped off.

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Jason followed Scarlett out the window, nearly falling himself before helping her to her feet. It occurred to him as he watcher her fix her hair that, even cut short as it was, not to mention the interruption from Ashton, he had had more fun at this party than any other 'legendary' Archer parties. A small, genuine smile came to his face as he considered that.

"Unless you like being around a lot of yelling I don't think you want to be anywhere near this house tonight," he said with a laugh as they made their way across the lawn. "And based on how you made it through that window you probably shouldn't drive. Are you still feeling hungry? I could take us to get something to eat, then we can come back to get your car later?" He scratched the back of his head apprehensively as he waited for her response to that.

After Adel had threw up she felt like passing out. Fortunately she made it to the sink. She started drinking the water and sat down after that.

Adel had felt into light sleep until the boy screamed. Adel tried to get up. It was hard but she made it. She climbed out of the toilet window just before she passed out to the grass.

Carter was hanging out in the kitchen chatting way happily, a drink in his hand.

He had spent the majority of the party in the kitchen drinking and chatting away.

He was fairly buzzed when someone shouted "SPIN THE BOTTLE!".

Before he knew what was happening he found himself in the circle around the bottle.

He sat Cross legged as he watched other people be moved to the circle and sat down around the bottle.

Finishing his drink in one go he sat up and waited for the circle to fill up and someone to go first.


After George got the lecture of her life,she went to her room to sleep and realized something. And the next thing you know it she bolted out of the house and kept running.

"Shitshitshitshit!Adel!!" Her voice panicked as she knew that Adel wouldn't be able to walk home. Upon coming to the house again, she quickly saw her passed out by the grass and took her. George carried her in a bridal style as she was asleep. Her weight meant almost nothing to her since she was also trained.

Going by the back of her house. She carried her to her room and shut the door close. Her room was still a mess with the books scattered around still and the shelves on her wall full. But she didn't care as she placed her on a soft queen sized bed. Sighing, she facepalmed herself for her stupidity. She shouldn't have forced her to drink too much vodka.

George's first priority was to wash her and change her into her new clothes. She stretched began to do as she planned, bringing her to the bathroom and closed the door. Didn't even care if she saw her naked since they're the same gender.


Next time Adel opened her eyes she was at unknown bathroom.

"Where am I?" she asked while trying to memorize what happened. Then she saw the girl from the party.

"How did I get here?" Adel said while starting to stand up somehow.


George turned her head at Adel who was about to wake up. She finished washing her so she handed her a towel and looked away from her. "My house. . .well . .more like my room. You sorta passed out on the grass. . .I had to carry u before we got caught." She said normally and waited for her to just grab the towel. Her clothes were on the sink neatly folded. George hopped she wouldn't get bitch slapped by her.

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Terra woke up in a unknown room , drunk off his ass which hurt like hell. A sudden thought came to his head and it all fell into place when he saw a random guy sleeping him and both of them were naked. His eyes narrowed into slits as he got up with a hiss of pain and began his search for his clothes until he heard a voice from behind him.

" Morning babe , you know I didn't you were a boy until after you're clothes were off but I must admit you were quite the slut. Maybe we could do it again. " The guy said while Terra's eye was twitching as he pulled on his clothes. Once he was finished Terra spun around and gave the boy a fake smile as he strutted over.

" You are lucky I'm have enough a bad headache to stop me from smashing your face for taking advantage of me when i'm drunk especially when your ugly as fuck . So Bye. " Terra said coldly while placing a slap on the boy's cheek before walking out of the room and out of the house.

" Damn it my head hurts like hell . " Terra muttered as he did walk of shame. He was such he looked like a mess so all he could do was hide his face and hope no recognised him or else he was screwed. Once he arrived to his house he entered quickly only to be greeted by the sight of his mother sleeping on the couch.

" Wake up Daddy. " Terra said teasingly as he woke up his mother , who woke up instantly. " Oh , morning Terr . " His mother said.

" I'm confused , you act like a mother to me but you are the 'father' in this house so tell me what I should call. " Terra said with a smirk disregarding the nickname which he hated. His mother rolled her eyes and stood up while taking in Terra's appearance. Terra sat down with another hiss of pain waiting for what his mother had to say.

" Terra , you got drunk again I can tell and the way you act like your ass hurts tells me someone took advantage of you didn't they. " His mother asked in a serious tone causing the normal fearless Terra to drop his head and look down.

" I always warned you. I let you on a loose leash but I put my trust in you. I'm very disappointed Terra go to your room. " His mother said and Terra nodded before going to his room quickly.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266380l.jpg.812b8d8f833e00ea58f45b2a8fe9590d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/7590784490a12936266380l.jpg.812b8d8f833e00ea58f45b2a8fe9590d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Aria stood in front of her mirror for a good few minute mentally preparing her for tomorrow's torment.

Her dad was back from a business trip and wasn't happy about her mother having letting her give her time off from school.

Aria was seriously unwell with the flu, although she could finally keep food down she was worried about returning to school.

"Just do not vomit over anyone" She said in her head.

She wasn't even going to bother with make up, she'd probably end up sweating it off.

She'd already managed to crawl in the shower in the morning and yet she felt as though she would need another due to the constant hot/ cold sweats.



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Scarlett laughed and nodded and she clumsily stood up. Even though she didn't drink much, she could feel herself becoming more silly. Alcohol took over her system a lot quicker for her than other people. Her body felt less tense. She almost felt like she was flying, it was similar to the feeling when she got high. It felt kind of nice to feel like that again as wrong as it was.

"Yeah, chips don't fill me up." She laughed. "We could make a fast food run." She winked. Scarlett began fixing her hair up a bit and brushing the dust off of her clothes. She looked like a wreck, or at least he thought she looked like a wreck. She took out the mirror from her purse that had a built in flashlight that lit up on her face so she could see. Her makeup wasn't on heavy, so nothing really came off. She smiled at Jason and walked over to him. "For the short time we were able to spend with each other at the party, I had a really good rime." She smiled.


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