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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

Evan grinned. "Nice to meet you girls. im Evan also known as DJ Talon." He chuckled when Esme whispered to him that Sophia was single. "Well then ill get her number eventually, and yours too if you dont mind." He whispered back and then leaned back. "So, whatcha doin?¿?¿"


Kayla fought back, It's not like she would have left the girl hit her , Kayla threw punches and slaps and she scratched the girl in her face well more like claw, Then when the jocks had excluded her from the fight she laughed. "Bitch, And I Still look good" She said running her hands through her hair. "But, I get it your a jealous bitch and your so upset you can't be me but it's fine someway or somehow you'll be pretty but you just won't be me, But advice the purple hair gotta go the- Everything just gotta go then you'll be fine...maybe" She explained. @Julie
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.2dce81b78a1626aaf01f636cf7c4e8f1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.2dce81b78a1626aaf01f636cf7c4e8f1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cedric honestly couldn't believe what he was witnessing, a fight of all things in the lunch room. He got up from his seat and calmly made his way over to the group. "Ladies! I don't know what on Earth, started this ridiculous fight but I would like to see it end before someone makes an even bigger fool of themselves or gets to be in even worse shape." He said loudly and firmly. "Honestly I think it would be best for everyone if we all just went back to eating our lunch. Or I'd be happy to walk with you to the nurse's office. Regardless of what you choose this has to stop." Cedric said looking around the group, hoping that it would stop, why people resorted to throwing punches was a last ditch thing. Not to mention the obscenities they were throwing each others way made his stomach turn. "You are both hurt and could probably use some ice packs right?" He said softer, he wasn't angry per se just disappointed that this was how they chose to handle things.

@Julie @Mariam



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Kayla laughed, "Look Here, Cj or whatever the name is you go by but I think it's best if you would mind your business, Cause you don't even know what went down, You don't know the full story so goodbye. Take a seat stop trying to Mr Superhero and save the day, This bitch came at me she started all of this so don't come at me as if it was me only it was her only" Kayla explained. She didn't know who this kid thought he was but needed to sit hiss ass somewhere coming to the rescue as if he's the savior. @Julie @Oldfashioned


As Cassie waited for her small group to respond Jason scooted over a few seats. Probably heard the word "party", "Oh... Wow... I suppose so, thinking about it now, that poor apple would have the worst hangover out there..." Cassie giggled and took a sip of her water, "Good thing I ate the apple while I did. Poor apple, no arms, no legs, wouldn't know what to do with itself..." Cassie giggled and watched as Jason's eyes go over to Scarlett. Cassie's face expression then changed and tilted her head, "Oh, wow... Is lovely Jason taking a liking to lovely Scarlett... Oh yes! By the way... Her name is Scarlett." Cassie gave a small smile to the two and then looked back at Brenton and gave a small smile to him. @BrooklynBaby @TuffBbg @Phobos
Raven seriously wanted to kick her in her fucking teeth, but she wouldn't, because this wasn't her fight, but she would damn well enforce it. As she was twisting one of the preps arms behind their back and kneeing the point in their leg that would give them a charlie horse she heard a loud voice, telling everyone to stop fighting. She rolled her eyes a bit and then heard that girls voice again. Oh yea, roundhouse kick right to the face. She thought, looking around her to see some of the Jocks backing off once they saw their companions on the ground around her. And I thought Judo was a waste of time.

She saw that the goth had the other girl under control and went over to the kid that had spoken up.

"You seem like a nice dude, so run as far as you can away from here because this school isn't nice. First day and im finding that out already. So don't try to stop it, you're just gonna get hurt-" She stopped abruptly when someone kicked her in the backs of her knees making her knees go out and clocking her, right in the back of the head. She felt pain coursing through her body and she turned around to grab the dude by the ankle, wincing at the movements that were causing her head to pound. She felt the edges of fer vision begin to tunnel but she shook it off, shes had worse. Much worse. She yanked on his leg causing him to fall down and she elbowed him in the balls. Not hard enough to permanently damage him, just enough to send him a reminder every time he sat down, or walked at all for that matter.
TheRebelAngel said:
( xD I formally apologize *bows* forgive me?)
(That guy was a dick and i dont feel sorry for him. and yes i accept you apology even though it was not needed xD )
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-Sebastian's POV-

"What.The.Fuck." He said, staring into the lunchroom. It was a boxing ring in there. There were two girls surrounded in a crowd, one was beating the daylights out of everyone in sight, she was taking punches too, but not as fast as she was giving them. The second girl was wailing on one single person, she would stop, Sebastian assumed the girl getting beat up would start talking and then the girl on top would get pissed and they'd start going at it again. Normally he would step in when a guy is hitting on a girl, he'd grew up seeing enough of that for a lifetime, but this time he decided to stay and observe. She could handle herself, that was the only reason he wasn't dipping in...And of course as he watched one dude get a ball shot from her, he would like the possibility of children one day.

((Yaaayyy Sebastian is here in all his glory.))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.e5114fbb4179c11b5a33327357ccb5fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.e5114fbb4179c11b5a33327357ccb5fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cedric sighed softly at least for the time being they had directed their anger at him. "Look I don't care who started it and I'm sure both of you are just trying to defend yourselves. Which is fine, but you can do that without resorting to violence." He said calmly, he'd learned that the one who didn't get emotional usually won the arguments. Granted they were past that now but hopefully tensions would die down the longer they were focused on him. "You are both hurt physically and emotionally therefore neither of you are in the right state of mind. I'd be happy to go with both of you to the nurse's office and get this all sorted out." Cedric pleaded. "Kayla isn't it? Why don't you tell me what happened then I'll know the whole story, I just don't want to see you or anyone else get hurt." He said sincerely and turned to the other girl, "I'm sorry that this is how your first day went but I'm happy to listen to your side of things too, I'm Cedric by the way and I really would hate for either of you ladies to end up in the hospital or end up getting into even more trouble if you keep this up." He explained hoping that one or both of them would be swayed.

That clearly wasn't going to happen seeing that the jocks were only adding to the problem as well. He winced as he saw the girl could handle herself, and take down the guy. Cedric took a breath and walked over to her and the guy on the ground, "He's scum and I'm sorry he hurt you, let me take you to the nurse's office please. To partially make up for his behavior." He said softly and offered her his hand. "Let me be a nice guy, please?" He asked practically begging. This whole thing was out of hand and honestly any guy who would hurt a woman in his mind should be thrown in a cell for the rest of his miserable life. The girls he wished were mature enough to walk away, but the spectators didn't help and pride was also a factor he was sure.

@TheRebelAngel @Mariam



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Raven was screaming internally. He is gonna be in for a rude awakening once he realizes im a terrible person. She said in her head, mentally agreeing with herself. She hated how he talked to her, it was just so nice a but it made her feel weak, just like-

Raven stopped herself there, she didn't need to think about that right now. The mere mention of his name just...

She took a deep breath, sorted out her thoughts and looked back at him. If he knew the reason she'd been transferred to this school he would just let her go because fist fighting is so much more tame than how she usually did things.

But. He did have a point.

"I dont have a side, I just jumped in to help." She admitted, brushing off her tights and looking around for her jacket. She saw the teachers finally come in and began looking around for the fighters. Uh oh.

She ran over to Destiny and pulled her off of the girl before the teachers saw her. "Its better if they dont see you. Go to the my backpack, I have some more foundation and concealer in there, it'll cover up the bruises. Hurry before they get through the crowd." She said, handing the girl her backpack and pushing her to the exit.

She turned back around to Cedric and shook her head, the beating starting to course through her nerves and her vision once again wavered around the edges. But she just focused on Cedric and regained control. "I dont do nurses, I can take care of myself. Thanks for the offer though." @Julie
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Smirking at their conversation, the girl crunched on her snack. But with heard a side-comment, Paige looked up to only see Liam give her a wink. It was subtle, yet noticeable in all ways. She continued to stare at the boy. "Excuse me?" She asked, before giving Phillip a questioning look in her eyes. However, as Liam changed the subject, the girl let a grin slide onto her lips. "If all the "Tight-Arsed" people in this school were in "the mood". You would've banged the entire student body by now, Liam." Paige diverted her gaze down to the table, but she shortly after said, "I'm joking, I'm joking."

Popping in another pretzel, the girl covered her mouth with her hand. She really didn't want the incident of where all her spit would land on Phillip. "Aw, so you have siblings?" She asked.

@TuffBbg @Oldfashioned

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c895ec631_images(2).jpg.8d560baf4a93b03788fd08191891b5f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c895ec631_images(2).jpg.8d560baf4a93b03788fd08191891b5f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.cd45c058a7262f9444e6f296d53cdc15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.cd45c058a7262f9444e6f296d53cdc15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c895f20c9_images(1).jpg.c1274ae71f57ab4b73a947b5cae4b7e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c895f20c9_images(1).jpg.c1274ae71f57ab4b73a947b5cae4b7e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Lunch

Interacting With: @Mariam @Oldfashioned @TheRebelAngel

Destiny was being pulled off the girl and once she got her last good slap in, she let them completely pull her off. She looked at Kayla-now just knowing her name- with a winning face expression. " Okay i understand that you want your reputation as the school badass here, but thats never gonna happen as long as im alive. Also i completely understand that your just jealous that i can pull off this flawless purple hair and you can't. But im gonna be the good girl here and stop this fight." she went over to the guy that tried to be a superhero and kissed him on the cheek. But she thought it was funny that he thought he would be able to stop this all. " Thanks for the offer but i don't need a nurse." She backed up off of him and mocked the way Kayla walked with her hip sway. She flipped her hair and purposefully bumped into her shoulder. Before she walked off she talked to Kayla. " See, i can play a fake barbie doll to."she said and started walking in her normal way. As she walked she remembered how that girl helped her out and she smiled. I will talk to her after i fix my battle wounds, she thought to herself. Clarity and Daniel walked quickly behind there sister and tried as hard as they could to hold their laughter in​



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Carter sucked in an unsteady breath, "Here we go" she muttered. Yet again, late to school. Sleeping in, freaking out, and getting yelled at as she was booted out the door. She rubbed her sore wrist from her fathers deathly grip, a ring of discoloration started to form and she panicked, pulling the orange sleeve of her long-sleeve v-neck over the forming bruise. The brunette walked to the main doors of the massive school, it just might be lunch time... Which she was semi happy about since she hasn't eaten anything since last night. Her boots clicked on the side walk. She wore a snug v-neck with a white scarf surrounding her neck, long curls were pulled into a ponytail with loose ringlets freying around her frame. Tight dark washed jeans hugged her legs and curves, the ankles cuffed with black "combat booties" laced around them. She wore make up but it was subtle. You could tell she had foundation on, no ones skin was that clear and flawless... She tucked a loose curl behind her ear, adjusted her back pack, and entered the schools doors. She heard the crowed of the mass class of 2016 roaring in the lunchroom to her right, the smell of today's meal was oddly mouthwatering. She hated school lunch, but today she didn't care. Her stomach was growling and she had a massive hunger headache.

She entered the room, looking at all the unfamiliar faces, except one. Spotting a male with a green t-shirt and a baseball cap on, Carter grinned, knowing exactly who it was. She rushed to the table, flicking the hat off of her brother's head, "Hey loser" she announced before setting her things next to her feet.




He flinched at the sudden massacre. Adrian fumbled for his hat, grabbing it before the precious crown tumbled to the dirty marble tile. He looked up at Carter and scowled at her impertinent action before sliding it back onto his head. He ignored her dis considerate greeting and answered, "So you actually got out of bed instead of having no motivation to even get ready for the day, I see..." His remark ended with the whole table of jocky baseball players snickering. He could tell that his sister was annoyed with the situation and he shook Carter's shoulder playfully as his apology.

Adrian resumed to eat his food and socialize before noticing that his sister didn't have a lunch. Feeling guilty, he slid his tray in her direction, "Eat, or you'll become the fucking devil himself." he grinned and winced as Carter punched him out of his insult but she ate, which he was grateful of.

-George Leary-

"The rights. . . to be human. . There." George finished and held her English homework up as she admired it. Releasing all the tension around her and calmed down. Finally she could rest after a week long research about Human Rights. No wonder seniors get stressed everyday, it was like as if you were making laws for the government to see in such short amount of time.

George nodded in satisfaction and added her name on the end in a messy way using her black marker. Folding her papers neatly, she placed them on her folder and looked up. Only to widen her eyes in shock on how many books stacked in front of her until she couldn't see the librarian's desk beside the door.

'W-Wha. . . . How? . . Am I too focused to notice this?!' She remembered earlier she picked around 5 of them only. Not 25 fat encyclopedias and history books. George groaned and slumped on her seat. Oh how she wished she stayed in sophomore class and not jump all the way to senior, how could they all survive this and still have activities later on?!. And after all she had trouble talking to other students seeing they were two years older and very much mature ((well.....kinda according to her point of view))than her.

Looking at her watch, George fixed her worn out hoodie and grabbed her bag as she walked straight out and headed to lunch. The halls were almost empty as some students went to the same direction as her. As she entered, she took a quick left away from the crowd that slowly disappeared and sat on a table
((She sort of claimed for herself since she was alone)) next to some nerds. Sighing, she took out a sandwich and nibbled on it quietly while looking around. Her ginger hair falling to the sides of her freckled face as she concentrated on finishing it in small bites.

@anyone :U

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@CandidFox }



Her trey was simple, it has a slice of pizza in the main cup, with a side of diced up mix of fruit, one cookie and a water bottle. The blonde held it close to her while trudging through the crowd of people, something had obviously just happened, but Andi wasn't that curious to be honest... She pushed passed a few people with a small "pardon me" and hurried her way towards the back table. She sat down in an open seat that was next to another female. She had red hair, and millions of freckles that shimmered along her arms and face like glitter. Andrea gave a polite smile, "Hi" she said sweetly. Andi was always up to making new friends. She opened her water, taking a sip before looking at all of the girl's books and raised an eyebrow. She didn't look much older than sixteen.

"Aren't those twelfth grade class books?" she asked, assuming that the girl was an underclassman. She maybe wrong, but who knew until you asked? Andi read the girl's facial expression before listening in onto her explanation. It was cool that she had skipped grades, but if she was fazzled, why the hassle?

Andrea grabbed her fork and stabbed at her diced fruit before putting in her mouth, chewing, and swallowing, all still listening to the girl speak. The blonde pushed some hair off of her shoulder. She wore a black T that was slightly big for her slender frame, some shorts with the pockets extra long so they showed from underneath the hem of the ripped shorts, black Chuck Taylor's, and of course, a grey Neff beanie. It was almost an occasion to see her without one on.

She tucked her hair to one shoulder before proceeding with her meal.


As George continued to eat her sandwich, the peace around her shattered when a girl older than her sat by her table. Startled, she kept on staring at her with wide eyes before blinking. "H-hi..." She said softly. Unsure on how to respond back seeing that she is a very shy towards strangers. But she couldn't help but notice the girl's features. Her blonde hair was almost like caramel and seemed to be the one able to make friends quickly with her unique charisma.

George also noticed that she already asked her a question when the girl noticed her books. Nodding, she took another bite off her sandwich and chewed. "Skipped 2 years. . . Kinda wished to stay back with the sophomores. . ." She said and continued eating. "Didn't realized that I've got too many A's so they sent me to senior classes. . ." George looked up and blinked.

Unlike her, George only wore a worn out navy blue hoodie too big for her, black skinny jeans and paint splattered sneakers. Her hair was even messy. Most of them were sticking out as her hair was braided on both of her sides. A few minutes of peaceful silence, she decided to make a new acquaintance. "So. . . What's your name??" She asked. Looking to the side as if she was embarrassed . .

@J I N X
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.299981e35e5ccf659fd9e6a4af7f3e7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-87.jpg.299981e35e5ccf659fd9e6a4af7f3e7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Animal Farm, it's a book about a revolt sort of a revolution, the animals rise up against the oppressive farmer...and I'm the only one who seems to have read it." Phillip replied slightly disheartened, to answer the question in Paige's eyes. He was fairly confident that they had to read it for school but he couldn't remember if that was freshman year or not. It was also possible it got taken out of the school's curriculum, but it didn't really matter he supposed. He liked the book and it fit the conversation so that was something positive to take away from this.

Phillip was a bit shocked by the turn of the conversation but then again he typically kept most of his life private while at school. That and he was usually reading or working on homework so he didn't socialize all that much. He took a few bites of his lunch and glanced up at Paige, then he quickly swallowed happy for the change in topics. "Yeah I have, four brothers, three sisters, six nephews and eight nieces." Phillip answered it was hard to keep track of everyone and birthdays, but it kept things interesting. "What about you two any siblings?" He asked curiously. Then took his glasses off and wiped the lenses clean with his shirt it was amazing how dirty they could get through the course of the day.

@TuffBbg @AmRosey

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.bf4b5402db9568c4d3b77fa307cea400.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.bf4b5402db9568c4d3b77fa307cea400.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cedric was just relieved when the teachers finally showed up, that should put an end to things. If not well then he'd let them do their jobs, honestly why it took them so long to come was beyond him. They were here now and that was important, it was nice to know in a away that some people actually did try to help in a sort of round about way but still she tried. Hopefully that would be the end of the excitement, after everyone scattered away that was it was rather impressive actually. Cedric smiled , "You look like you had your bell rung pretty good, but I won't make you go. If you do need anything though please don't hesitate ask." He said softly, "I'm happy to help and if you won't see the nurse will you at least let me walk you to your next class please?" He asked with a cheesy grin to help lighten the mood, "It'll make me feel better, knowing you got there safely." Cedric added hopefully.




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~They got to the picnic tables in a short amount of time, the boy came along gladly. "it is nice to meet you, I've seen you around but I'm sorry your name escapes me " she spoke in a fake english accent as the weed from earlier hit her brain. Sophia jumped on the table getting comfy. Unable to really care or think about much she started to focus on her shoe's " theres no place like home " she spoke to herself as she giggled. Sophia looked at her friend and the cute boy " i really wanna watch the wizard of oz, hey kid wanna chill at my crib before we go ". sophia smiled looking him up and down " we can all chill until the party, smoke joints " her smile grew as she thought about movies and weed.

If I'm wrong in my sequence I'm sorry please just add me into someones post lol.]
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89852904_images(2).jpg.b6ad78bbadc6810623cf3aa3d97ff8e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113338" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89852904_images(2).jpg.b6ad78bbadc6810623cf3aa3d97ff8e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.19a54eaf39920def95317938118f9541.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.19a54eaf39920def95317938118f9541.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8986a3e8_images(1).jpg.75446c89bc8fd2a0f6c80af3d402d6ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113340" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8986a3e8_images(1).jpg.75446c89bc8fd2a0f6c80af3d402d6ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daniel, Destiny, Clarity Taylor

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @J I N X

After Destiny had a stern talking to with the principle, she went back to the cafeteria. When she walked in some guys gave her wolf whistles and girls cheered her for the fight with the popular girl. She fixed her purple hair and right now she was feeling a bit rebellious and wanted to take risks. She seen a random guy that was sitting down and she smiled wickedly. When she walked up to him she touched under his chin and kissed his cheek. " Hey hot stuff." she said and before he had a chance to say anything she walked towards the girl that helped her earlier. As she walked away, she could her boys cheering and calling his name like regular guys would do. His name was Adrian? She wasn't sure since she didn't pay attention. The girl didn't seem to notice her, but she came up from behind her and gave her the backpack. " Thanks by the way. That was impressive as fuck." she said. Clarity and Daniel were behind their sister and Daniel looked at her mostly. He was feeling confident so he went up to her and grabbed her hand gently. He kissed it and whispered. " A girl like you deserves the best. Im just the right guy to give the best to you." he smiled at her and winked. Clarity nodded in approval and they both walked off to get a soda. However, Destiny stayed there.​



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@CandidFox }


She swallowed the food that was in her mouth before replying, "Andrea-- Well, Andi... Most just call me that." she shrugged, "What about you?"

Her eyebrows crinkled in curiosity, hazel eyes looking over at the girl. Andi scanned her apparel, lost in her thoughts but her full focus was on the girl's voice. She didn't want to be the type of person who would judge too closely and drown out the red head's words... She disliked those type of people; Fake people. Andrea set her fork down quietly and ate a bike of her pizza before tilting her head,
George Interesting. She has heard male names mixed with female names like Andi... But George was the first. "That's really cool! I have a friend named Carter, but she probably slept in today... I didn't see her come into lunch." Andi shrugged her shoulders again and continued eating.

This girl was probably dying. Andrea, just shut up already... Andi was a very talkative person. It also took her a while to realize that sometimes, and she usually felt guilty about it. Sometimes, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing... But sometimes it was. She swallowed her food and tucked a piece of blonde behind her ear, staying silent until the girl wanted to talk again.
Raven nodded hesitantly. Why was he being so nice, there had to be an ulterior motive, they always did. But she would humor him, just until she found out the real reason he was being so nice. "What class do you have next, I have Bio." She said, when she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. It was the girl from the fight that she was helping. "Oh uh, thanks." She said, taking her backpack. She stood as still as a brick when the guy behind her began flirting with her. She hadn't realized that she'd been holding her breath until he left and she let go of her air in a rush. She hadn't been hit on since she went goth. So...years. "So...whats your name?" @Julie @Oldfashioned
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Evan grinned. "Weed and the wiz of oz?¿?¿ sure im game." That would be fun. He would probablytry and ge them to do something other than then watch a movie though. maybe make a movie?¿?¿. "whens the party and whos the DJ?¿?¿" He asked curiously. @katiebaby420 @IXI
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.91c8b82d3b0ab4daf6af35bcd40b1126.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images-215.jpg.91c8b82d3b0ab4daf6af35bcd40b1126.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Cedric nodded, "That works well, I have Chemistry next." He replied and waited and looked away while another gentleman, Daniel, he believed his name was started to flirt with her. Which was just fine with him, as long as she didn't min and it didn't sound like she did, so he did his best to not intrude on their moment. Cedric looked back at her when she spoke again and the other fellow and his sister left. "I'm Cedric Pine it's nice to meet you." He said with a smile and extend his hand, then he glanced at the girl with the purple hair, "Would you like to join us?" He asked politely. Hopefully this day would now go back to being just the usual high school drama.




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