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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate sat or laid or wallowed as he waited for Alex to settle in and then he crawled to him, pressing every part of him that he could against his partner. Zero feet, because they were one. When one of them hurt, they both hurt. When one of them suffered, they both suffered. So if one of them could claw their way out of the pit the world shoved them in, then maybe they both could. He had a thousand things he would like to say. Many of them were a continuation of the self depreciation he was struggling to get out of. Some of them were his endless gratitude for Alex. His voice wanted to speak none of them. His throat hurt from the constant crying. All he could manage was to pull his head up enough, foreheads and noses still a firm bridge between them, was a hoarse “I love you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

As soon as Nate was pressed up against him, Alex wrapped himself around him. Arms, legs anything he could. He kept the contact because they were one. He hurt with Nate, and he was going to do his best to help him. He felt Nate’s head come up, noses and foreheads pressed together. “I love you too.” Alex replied, then pulled the contact away so he could kiss him. This was a kiss of love, sadness, pain, but above all else, a kiss to remind him that he was there for him. That Alex would never leave him. Once he had to breathe, he pulled away and pressed forehead to forehead again. “Try and get some sleep for me okay?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

He wanted to forget. He wanted to forget all of it. Every little bit of the hell that they lived in. He wanted to be someone else who was somewhere else. When Alex kissed him for just a moment, he forgot. He was some other man in some other life. And then he remembered. So he tried to nod. Yes he could try to sleep. He buried his face in Alex’s chest, because even if that couldn’t hide him from the rest of the world, it could hide him for now. He could forget for now. He closed his eyes and he tried to see anything else.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt Nate bury his head into his chest as if to hide away from the world. And Alex let him, he wrapped his arms around tighter, tucked his head onto of Nate's as a barrier. A reminder that he was there. Alex closed his own eyes and found himself falling asleep quickly. His dreams were silent, though occasionally he'd flinch away from an invisible knife or he'd let out a hiss while he slept as if new cuts were being opened on him. By the time morning came, the storm had cleared and the sun filtered into the room. Alex didn't want to move though, he was quite content where he was.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate eventually slept. Well, his body gave up and he passed out attached to Alex. It last a couple of hours before dreams woke him. They weren’t the kind that startled him awake and caused him to flail. They weren’t the kind that you wake up from already crying and in distress. They were the kind that disappeared as he woke up but have the lingering after taste of something terrible. He woke that way what felt like a dozen times. Even as the sun filtered in, he tried to sleep once more. There was no reason not to when he remembered that the reality was just as painful. That is, until it felt fruitless once more. He opened heavy eyelids to a strange new world.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex shifted a little as he woke, looking down to see if Nate was awake. When he saw his eyelids open, a smile crossed Alex's face. "Good morning my love." Alex whispered, kissing the top of Nate's head. He didn't move much past that, but he did start rubbing Nate's back gently as he laid there, holding him. He wanted to get going, but he wasn't going to make them move until Nate was ready. It wasn't fair to ask that. Not after everything Alex asked him to do yesterday, especially the part of making him pretend to treat Alex like the other wolves treated his people.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Warm. He was overwhelmed by the warmth of being ensconced. Warmth of together. He was still exhausted though. It was like he hadn’t slept at all. “Hey.” He touched Alex’s arm, shoulder, face. Searching for something he felt like he lost. He wished that he knew what it was that he needed, and he desperately needed it. He felt so lonely without it. But he didn’t know what it was. Knowing Alex was there made it a little better. A little.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard Nate, felt him touch his arm, shoulder, face. He kissed the top of Nate’s head again. “Baby.. how’d you sleep? I hate to say this, we should move on.” Alex said with a sigh. He didn’t want to, but if any seraphites showed up, he’d be in trouble with them because he left. And because he was with a man. He just wanted out of this city now. Dodging patrols that survived the raid wouldn’t be easy either.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

“Fine.” It was not necessarily a lie. It was fine. He felt rested enough. He felt like he didn’t sleep at all, but he also felt like it was enough to get moving again. He wanted to lay there for the rest of time and wallow in his sorrow actually. They should move. He nestled his head into Alex’s neck, breathed, and then pulled away. “Okay.” Crawled to the edge of the bed. “Let’s go.” He shoved his jacket back on, dryer now that it had been a moment, and put his pack over his shoulders.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard Nate and sighed, that wasn’t the best but better than nothing. He felt Nate nestle his head into his neck and then he pulled away. Alex followed after, pulling his shirt and jacket on. He slung his bow and pack over his shoulders and held out his hand for Nate. He wasn’t hungry although he should ask Nate. “Are you hungry?” He asked softly.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate shook his head. No, he wasn’t. His appetite was just not the same since everyone died. It was similar to how it was after his mama. It was closer to how it was after Max and Ben. But it was worse this time. It was almost like before, they were ready to die. They were ready for whatever was going to happen. This time, it was different. This time he thought things would change. He thought they could put all that behind them. He was stuck. Stuck somewhere dark. So he looked at Alex. His light. Guide me out. Take me somewhere else. Because he couldn’t do it himself. “Let’s go,” he repeated.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex saw him shake his head and nodded. He wasn't hungry either, but he wanted to ask Nate first. It was only fair. He took his hand and led them out of the apartment. "Okay." Was all he said as he headed back out to the street. Alex looked around, but the streets seemed empty. "Come on." He whispered, taking the lead down the street. "If any WLF survived, they'll be patrolling in case my people decide to retaliate." Alex told him, looking at him. He had no idea where to go from here, not sure where to find a farmhouse. All he knew was he had to get them out of the city.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate followed like a shadow, not a person. He wished he could be a person. He was so close to one. But being a person hurt so much. So in his sleep, he regressed a little. It wasn’t too much, but if he wasn’t careful, it would be more. The hand that held onto his was possibly the only thing keeping him together. He pulled out his knife and nodded. Okay. He could do this. “Out of Seattle. And then…. Somewhere.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex noticed the difference in Nate, and he didn't know how to bring him back. He squeezed his hand and smiled, looking at him. Alex led them through the streets, and then he saw a patrol ahead. "Nate." He whispered and pulled him towards an abandoned building. If they were lucky the patrol didn't see them before he pulled them to the building.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Patrol. Nate moved with him quickly to the abandoned building, but not so quickly that he didn’t hear some of the patrol talking. “Hey, I thought I saw something up there. I’m gonna go check it out.” Nate closed his eyes with a sigh and squeezed Alex’s hand. He didn’t want to do this again. He didn’t want to have to fight them anymore.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex felt the squeeze and he heard the patrol. He looked around and pulled Nate to a small closet and opened it. "Stay here." He said, kissing Nate's head. "I'll get rid of them if you don't want to fight anymore." He added. He left the closet and ducked behind a wall, looking around to see three wolves coming into the building. Alex grabbed a brick and heaved it to the other side of the building. "Hey! Did you hear that?" One of them asked. "I hope it's not that girl from Jackson still around." Another commented. Jackson? "That place is crazy, I can't believe that they even went there." The first one added. Alex drew his bow and fired at the one who'd gone to check the brick out. One down. He looked around for the second one, and fired at him, two down. Then he felt something push him down from the back, his chest hitting the ground with an loud thud. He wriggled in the wolf's grip, trying to throw him off.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate breathed deeply as Alex pulled him into the closet. And then Alex was gone, and Nate was alone. Absolutely and utterly alone. His chest began to rise and fall quicker than he expected. He felt his arms going almost numb at the same time that they began to tremble. He didn’t want to be alone. When he was alone, he could see them again. The faces. Something outside echoed as it crashed into something. Something falling perhaps? Talking but he couldn’t understand the words. Then nothing. He didn’t like the silence. He didn’t like not knowing. He pushed the door open and peered outside. He moved swiftly and quietly out until he saw them. No. He grabbed the back of the soldier’s shirt as he reached around and cleanly sliced into his neck and kicking him off. Not again. He crouched down to both help Alex up and also to be lower in case any more came.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex was struggling against him when the weight was gone, and suddenly Nate was beside him. He took the help and crouched, looking around. "Let's get to the back of this building, maybe we can skirt around them." He suggested as he slowly stood. His mind was whirling as he thought about Jackson. He'd have to find out more, maybe another patrol will slip up and talk more about it. He looked at Nate, turning towards the back of the building.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Hand in hand, Nate did as Alex suggested, unable to do anything for himself. Not now. Not without the peril of Alex’s life at stake. Not while he doubted his own abilities. His legs moved automatically. He listened for the sounds of more patrols, but he doubted there would be anymore in this building. Once they left it, though, he would not be surprised if there were more. When they reached it, he hesitated. He never used to do that.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex led the way through the building, and once they got to the back of the building, he noticed Nate hesitate. "Baby?" Alex turned to look at him, confusion on his face. He wasn't sure what was going on with his love but he was concerned. "What can I do for you?" He didn't want to push on, especially now. He needed Nate to focus, just a little longer. Once they were out of Seattle it won't matter as much.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate stared at nothing. Or everything. Or nothing. He shook his head. “I’m fine.” This was a lie and they both knew it. He wished he could say that he would be fine like before, but he didn’t know if that was true. He wanted to say that he needed a moment, but that wasn’t true either. “We can go.” He walked on to move outside the building and skirt around. They didn’t have time for him to be a problem.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex hated this, he knew that Nate was lying but there wasn't much he could do right now. "Fine." Alex said quietly and followed Nate outside of the building and skirting around it. He looked around the street and turned down the road and kept going down the street. Alex was silent as he walked, keeping his eyes peeled for patrols as they moved. He could finally see the edge of the city in front of them, and two figures up ahead and walking away from them as if they were leaving too. One looked so familiar that Alex's eyes widened and he increased his pace a little, almost like he was trying to catch up with them, trying to see if he was right.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

He wished he could talk, but talking would be loud and they needed to be silent. He wished that he could be who Alex wanted him to be. Who he wanted him to be. That was progress, right? Knowing this about himself was progress. He wasn’t sure what he was progressing towards though. Nate’s thoughts were pulled from his inner world as suddenly Alex was moving quicker. There were people up there that he seemed to know. “Alex?” Were these his people?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked beside him and then up ahead. He heard Nate but he was too busy focusing on closing the distance to reply. Though he didn't realize he was closing it faster than he thought when the shorter one turned around, bow drawn. "Lev." His voice was soft as he walked closer. "A- Alex?" The other Seraphite lowered his bow as Alex came up. The person traveling with him turned and he noticed her. "Lev?" She asked. But both of them were silent and then they hugged. A moment later, they pulled apart and Alex turned to Nate. "Nate, this is Lev, one of my best friends. And this is?" Alex gestured to the woman. "Oh. This is Abby." Lev said and Alex nodded. "Nice to meet you. Lev, this is Nate. My partner." Alex said as Lev held out his hand for Nate. "It's nice to meet you."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

These did not look like seraphites. Well, the woman certainly didn’t. In fact, she looked a whole lot like the people they were running from. Nate was hesitant. Weary. He trusted Alex, so he followed. Lev. Lev was the one Alex told him about before. So was this Yara? No. Not Yara. Abby. Okay. Nate was getting to meet so many of Alex’s people. He wished that he could introduce Alex to his. Nate smiled, because even when he was in the worst of times, others needed him more. He smiled like he did when he met Alex all that time ago. His smile was genuine. It was nice to be with people who were good. He took Lev’s hand and shook it. His smile grew at the similar scars on this boy’s face. “It’s so good to meet you. I hope you don’t mind that I’ve commandeered your boy.” His voice was back to how it used to be. He didn’t think about it. He was afraid that if he did, it would go say. He let Lev go and faced Abby. “It’s nice to meet you too. We’re leaving the city. I think it’s a bit much for us. It seems you are too?”

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