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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Despite choosing not to think about highly specific things that caused him to spiral inside his head, he was doing just that. It was a fault of his, he was learning. Nate was absolutely horrible to himself that way. Thankfully, he had Alex to pull him back out. Favorite place? “I’m not sure. Maybe when we found this abandoned mine in Kansas. It wasn’t like the mines with coal and stuff. Have you seen those? They’re crazy and terrifying. But this one wasn’t coal or gold or whatever they talk about in those books. This was all salt. It was beautiful. It was a pain to get down there, and my mama would have killed us if she knew that we climbed down that like 700 ft shaft with just rope and ourselves, but she was off on her own, and we were all young and stupid. It was worth it though.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex looked at Nate as he talked, nodding and listening to him. "I've never seen a mine, but that sounds beautiful. Though I'm a little surprised you went down a 700 ft shaft." Alex said, looking at Nate with surprised look. "You're more adventurous than I thought." Alex said with a laugh as he thought about a younger Nate, climbing down a mine shaft with a piece of rope and his brothers. "I'm glad nothing happened to you Mr. Adventure, that's your new name now, Mr. Adventure." Alex said with a chuckle, smiling at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

That was a once upon a time ago. It felt like a lifetime. “I was fifteen, and I thought we were invincible. I regretted every life decision leading me to that point about a hundred feet down, and then they threatened something stupid I’m sure like telling the lot of kids we hung out with back at the base or something. I can’t remember what made me do it.” He shrugged, because there was no use pretending like he hadn’t been a stupid kid once. He really had been, but also, who hadn’t? “We took the climbing gear we had back at our little camp and really dangerously climbed down this thing. We just about killed Ben when he got too cocky, but Max and his reflexes caught his part of the rope as he started to slip.” Nate flushed red entirely embarrassed. “And that was only four hundred feet down or something. We still kept going. I do not understand what was wrong with us.” He shook his head at the him that was his past. “It was worth it though. Beautiful. There were all these tunnels that I people dug through to collect the salt. The caverns were huge and echoed like crazy. I did think we were going to die down there, because contrary to your current belief, I am not this adventurous and should never have let them convince me to do that.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex listened to Nate's tale and tried to picture him at fifteen. He chuckled, as he listened, remembering how he was at fifteen. "That sounds like a very uh exciting day. Though the risk seemed like it was worth the reward?" He asked, and snorted a laugh at the last part. "Well, I never went down to my death that way, I thought I'd get sent off the island a couple times after a prank we'd done." Alex said with a smile as he walked. "I was not much better at fifteen so don't feel bad."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Sometimes he missed those days. Often he missed those days, though he also missed entirely boring ones as well. “Oh, it wasn’t an exciting day. It was an exciting three days. Because we got stuck after breaking some tools, and then we didn’t come with enough food, so I could have sworn we were going to starve.” He groaned at the memory. “At least you weren’t starving because of your pranks. So you had that going for you.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex blinked and looked at Nate when he heard that, eyes wide. "Really? Okay, you definitely had it worse at fifteen." Alex told him, surprise in his tone. "Though how did you get free?" Alex asked as he walked. "Because if your mama didn't know, you must've gotten yourselves out." He surmised as he walked. "Though, if I'd gotten sent off the island from a prank, I'd probably have starved because I wasn't the same survivor you see now, I was kind of young and stupid."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate was all in to this goofy story of a memory where he was young and stupid just like Alex. It was nice to know that he was not the only one who seemed to have so many problems then. “Well, okay, so we’re down there for what felt like ages, had to kill like three runners which felt crazy at the time, but in hindsight, that was nothing. We go back to the elevator shaft, and finally Max says, ‘You know this elevator runs on a generator, too, right?’ We look at this, and yes, it was electricity but also had its own backup generator we hadn’t noticed in our panic. So, while Ben kept watch just in case there were more infected we hadn’t met yet, Max and I, freezing our butts off, figure out how to get the generator working. The gas was old, and it really wasn’t enough to get us where we needed to go, but it was enough to get us close enough that Max could crawl on top of Ben and I could crawl on top of Max and then in a daring leap that I will always see as my imminent death for the rest of my life, I caught the edge and we climbed back out of there.” He took in a deep breath. “So, you probably would have survived if we could too. Especially if you had your friends with you. Everyone is better with together."
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex laughed a little at that, thinking about young Nate and how he and his brothers had to figure out how to get out of the mine shaft. "And your mama didn't even know you were missing because she was gone. If I'd been gone for three days, it would've been double field duty for a week." Alex said with a chuckle, before he nodded. "It was always us three that got into trouble, so you're probably right. We would've figured out how to survive." He agreed as he looked up at the sky through the trees. They still had a few hours to go before they would reach Oregon.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

“You were a troublemaker with some troublemakers just like me,” Nate laughed as they moved through the trees. They were so nice in comparison to the terrifying buildings they just had to deal with. “But you and yours would have had people to notice that you were gone and then could save you. Even if you had double field duty. I am going to assume that was a whole lot like what it would have been at base. When we were part of the field training there, getting in trouble was brutal.” He raised a brow. “Can you imagine if we had been together at fifteen? Your group and mine? Or even when you were fifteen and I was seventeen? That could have been some trouble for sure.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

"I was absolutely a troublemaker, which is why we get along so well." He said with a chuckle, a hand out to brush against one of the trees. His attention turned to Nate for a moment. "Well, that's true I guess, they'd eventually find us. I can picture my mom's reaction now. 'Alexander John Brennan, how dare you go missing.' as she finds me." Alex said, though he listened to Nate. "I can only imagine what it would've been like if our groups had been together, or even you and I. We'd be considered the biggest troublemakers in the group."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate chuckled and laughed and just about giggled at the thought of so much trouble all at once. “’Alexander John Brennan,’ your mama would call and at the same time my mama would be scolding, ‘Nathaniel Evan Matthews, have you lost your ever-loving mind!’” He brought Alex’s hand with him as his arms flailed in the laughter. “I hope you understand, I am not that big of a troublemaker. I, unlike some people,” he gave a pointed look to his partner, “was a perfectly reasonable child who never caused any trouble but instead fell into the wrong crowd of boys who were always causing trouble. It was never my fault, I am sure.”
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Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex laughed and chuckled himself at the mere thought of them being together then. "I can see our mama's now, one would go to the other if they couldn't find us." He said with a laugh, feeling Nate bring his hand with him as he laughed. He narrowed his eyes at Nate's pointed look and smirked. "I feel like that isn't entirely true, and that you are just as much of a troublemaker as I was." Alex said back with a smirk. "Because clearly, you are very much one for trouble, you did decide to be with me after all."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

“Now that’s just not fair,” Nate said shaking his head. “Don’t look at me like that. I never once dropped us into trouble. Ben was the biggest troublemaker for sure. And yes, I may have never exactly said no and occasionally would make a suggestion or two, but I never would have done any of it if I didn’t have someone who was more trouble than me. And how could I let them disappear to do all manners of crazy without me there to fix them when they fell?” He brought that hand he stole up and kissed the back of it. “Like you. Because what I am learning right now is that even in a world where we were six causing trouble, you and I were always meant to be?” It was a question not because he was questioning it, but because he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t the only one who took that conclusion away from this conversation.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex chuckled low at that with a smile. "Oh, okay. So you might not have been the main troublemaker but you didn't stop them either." Alex replied as he looked at Nate. "And of course, you can't let them disappear on their own and not be there to fix them." He added with a smile and then nodded. "Even when we were younger, you and I were always meant to be. The troublemaker and his medic." Alex agreed with a smile. "You'll follow my ideas and fix me when I need it."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

“Like when you fall out of a tree?” Nate asked with his goofy grin. He slid his arm around Alex’s shoulder with the intent of going to the other one, but he stopped on his back, remembering first when Alex hurt his back towards when they first met and then yesterday when Nate kicked him harder than he meant. He ran a hand down to approximately where that was, not feeling anything with the layers. “How is it today?” He asked, his voice drained of every bit of that playful moment they just shared now that he was reminded of everything he was trying to forget. He followed Alex’s ideas and then fixed him when he needed it. Could he, though?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex nodded with a smile. “Exactly! Just like when I fall out of a tree.” He said, feeling Nate’s arm around his shoulder. He also felt it stop on his back. His eyes looked over at Nate, confusion in them, until he felt the hand go down his back to his injury. The pain that Alex had been ignoring flared and he tried to stop the grunt. He bit his lip, clenched his jaw and even still it slipped out. “I’m fine.” He said, though the hard kick had irritated the muscles that had finally started to stop twinging occasionally.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

That was not fine in the same way that Nate was not fine when he hesitated in that building. They were not fine, and laughing about times that did not exist and could haves that were better than reality would not change the fact that this was not fine. “Alex.” His voice was harder with the seriousness of the moment. When he asked the night before, Nate was running on fumes and the adrenaline that was quickly losing to the battle of exhaustion and inner pain. That lie could work then. It did not work now. “Alex, that is not fine. What did I do?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex froze in place, hearing that hard voice. He was hoping this little lie would’ve worked but it didn’t. “It’s just the muscles got irritated, it’s nothing.” Alex said, playing it off, or trying to at least. He had a feeling it wouldn’t work. “I’m alright, I promise.” He added, though again, he had a feeling that Nate would ask to check anyway and he’d give in. He knew he would. “Do you want to check?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

“Nothing.” Because irritated muscles made someone grunt in pain with a simple touch like that. Because kicking that many cuts and bruises that had not had time to heal would never be a problem. Because adding more injuries on top of existing ones was nothing. “Is there a point in checking if its nothing?” He had not meant to sound so angry. And he wasn’t. He wasn’t angry at Alex. He was not angry that Alex was captured for being the bridge between worlds, was tortured for literally no reason other than hate for someone else, and then had the only plan that was going to ultimately get them out of a bad situation gone horrendous. He wasn’t angry at Alex. But he was hurt. Not because Alex lied to him. He knew the truth already. He was just ignoring it. That was why he was angry. Nate was so caught up in trying to be a better person and worrying that he couldn’t that he flat out didn’t. How was he supposed to fix Alex if he ignored when he was broken? How was he supposed to fix him if his hands were the ones breaking him?
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex huffed, hearing the anger in Nate’s voice. He didn’t move a muscle at this point. Without saying a word, Alex peeled off his jacket and shirt. Pulling away from Nate and showing his back. “There. Go ahead and check. I won’t stop you.” Alex told him. He didn’t want this anger around, they’d just gotten through the worst thing on this journey, from losing their family to being separated. He just wanted to enjoy some little bit of peace? Relaxation? Something.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Nate dropped his hands to his side when Alex moved. His leg twitched as he planned on taking a step back. There was not a real reason for it. He was not sure where he was going to go after professing that he would follow Alex anywhere. He wasn’t going to back away to leave exactly. Maybe back away to have some little distance that would make a conversation work better? It didn’t matter, though. He managed to twitch before he saw the first ugly line as Alex removed his shirt. And then the rest. Gashes and bruising of all the wrong colors. Right colors for healing perhaps. Many of them were covered but he couldn’t cover them all. The ones that weren’t as bad were the ones left to fend for themselves. He gasped, because even though he knew they were there, even though he was the one who cleaned them up, he was not ready to see them again. “What do you want me to do?” He asked, voice quiet again. His hands hung with the faintest of trembles.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex heard the gasp, and looked behind him at Nate. “What do I want you to do? I want you to see. This is what happened from since we met. And I’d do it all over again. And again.” Alex said as he pulled his shirt back on then the jacket. He turned to look at Nate completely, hands on his cheeks. “I trust you, I love you no matter what happens to me. Because I’ve got you.” Alex told him, then without giving any chance to speak, he kissed Nate deeply. Then he pulled away a few moments later. “And when we stop for the night, you can check and clean them up. Okay?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

I want you to see. He could see. He saw all of it right there and- Again? And again? Alex would do that again? For what? For Nate to see that he was wrong about a group he was too blind to understand? Hands were on his cheeks, and he didn’t know how to fight it, because he wanted so badly to let Alex take him away to wherever they were going. He wanted to fall into the safety of him and not into the pit he kept tripping into. Trust. Love. It was so hard to believe that he could hold those two things after what Nate did. A kiss to stop the bodies from piling around him. Like a fairytale. “Okay,” he repeated breathlessly. “Okay.” He nodded. “But Alex.” He shoved the hand that trembled the most, his dominant one that he just knew couldn’t do what it was supposed to do anymore, into Alex’s. “You have to tell me when you’re not okay.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex smiled into the kiss before he pulled back and smiled. He heard the okay and then the second okay. He felt Nate shove his hand into Alex’s and he nodded. “I will tell you when I’m not okay. I promise. I didn’t tell you yet because I knew there wasn’t much we can do until we stop.” He said. “And it isn’t super painful. Promise.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Okay. “Okay.” Okay. “I believe you.” Because he had to. And Alex wouldn’t lie to him. Not like that. They promised not to keep things from each other. If something happened, they both had to know. They would not do what Carlos did with Kaleb. They were transparent. They were one. Always. Even when everything was falling apart around them. Nate had to remember that. He had to remember that Alex was his light. He had to remember. “Okay,” he repeated once more. “Take me somewhere nice to rest. I prefer beds.” He smiled at the end.

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