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Fandom Surfaced Complications

"I don't think YOU understand, Dero. Frisk is more determined, but that won't change anything if she just comes back again and again. And besides, by the time she reached me, Frisk wasn't the one in control, in short, Frisk wasn't more determined. And she can become more determined than him again. And kill everything. You can't control her!" Sans shouted.
Chara burst out laughing, watching the two of them. She ran a hand through her hair. "The comedians is right Dero I prefer being the one in control! BUT... I can make an exception, just this ones! " She said, smirking.
"Let me put it like this, Sans: Frisk is Determined enough to IGNORE death. You think Chara could take outright control of someone that powerful? No, Chara could only take control when Frisk was emotionally detached enough to have a Level Of Violence of twenty. Guess how I know?"
"I don't care how you know, she has a BODY now, she can do whatever she want! She doesn't need Frisk anymore!" Sans said, actually showing emotion for once. Wow.
(Guys,not sure how to enter the plot. Should I sent in my introduction again,next to the characters?)

Auburn could hear the faint sounds of laughing and steps behind her as she ran from the humans. They were throwing stones at her armour,one of them causing a blue slash to appear in her forehead. She couldn't run very fast and couldn't harm the humans either,so she kept trying to flee. The humans usually left her alone,but not now. Those hated monsters too much.

Eventually she ran through some monsters,not even noticing them. She tripped to the ground,hitting it harshly. A boy threw a rock that hit her arm,and Auburn covered in the ground. She had used to much of her powers in training. She was weakened now,and the humans were too close. Another rock hit her in the forehead,causing blue flames to burst out of it.

Covering her head,she waited for them to attack,feeling like she was about to faint.

"I know because Frisk made the choice to kill everyone in the first place. I'm surprised you didn't catch on when I said Chara could only control Frisk if he had a LOVE of twenty. LOVE can only be gained by those who kill willingly, after all. Besides, Chara agreed to be put in a robotic body. One that will destroy her soul should she kill an innocent."
"Look, I don't really care. They've changed. 'Sides, Frisk wasn't LOVE twenty when he fought me. Which was when Chara had taken over. There's a reason they had to die 80 times before finally Frisk was able to take control again and reset. And also, Chara has a thing about either breaking rules, limits, or at least finding a way around something. I mean, she's supposed to be dead, and yet here she is and there she was in that timeline." Sans looked off the mountain and saw Aburn down there, and since it seemed Flowey was secretly on his side, he motioned for him to go down there and check out the situation.

Flowey agreed. He headed down the mountain to find Aburn covering, and grew up a kind of house of vines around her, protecting her from any stray stones that still were being thrown. "Hey there." Flowey said, taking a softer tone of voice. "Its okay, you're safe now. What happened?"
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"Sans...what will it take for you to let me handle Chara? After all, it took nearly every other monster dying for you to start caring again. Unlike you, I can actually stop Chara from hurting others without risk, due to my barriers."
"You're not gonna change your mind on the subject then, huh? Even after she just said she would 'follow your rules'? You're strong, I'll give you that. But I don't think you can beat her. She doesn't give up, you won't always be able to stop her. You should know that." Sans said, disappointed.
"Sans, I could literally make another barrier in there that would decapitate her. Or shrink the barrier she's in until she's crushed to death. Or fling her off the tallest end of the mountain. Or just lift the barrier she's in up so high that the fall will be lethal no matter what. Or create a hole just large enough to stab Chara with my chain through. Or a variety of other lethal things. I could also just hit her with a really thin barrier and it'd cut through her like a white-hot knife through melted butter, impale her on the peak of the mountain, you get the idea."
"She comes back. No matter what you think you can do to her, kill her or anything, and she just comes back, she's not a ghost or whatever she was before, she's her own thing now, she just came back here now, she can do it again, isn't that right, Chara Dremurr?" Sans said, turning on Chara.
"Well, there ya have it folks, the truth is out, the fog revealed, the beans spilt." Sans said to no one in particular, in fact he looked all over the place as if he were talking to a crowd that no one else could see. While he did this, through the crowd he saw Quill and sent a bone in his direction, which happened to hit him right on the head.

(And @KaalysBR I don't think ya saw this, but I sent Flowey down to you. Lemme show ya what he did.)

Flowey, after Sans motioned for him to do so, headed down the mountain to find Aburn covering her head, and grew up a kind of house of vines around her, protecting her from any stray stones that still were being thrown, which were promptly sent flying back to their owners. "Hey there." Flowey said, taking a softer tone of voice. "Its okay, you're safe now. What happened?"
(I missed the notification,sorry!)

Auburn felt the rocks suddenly stop. She rose her eyes to find vines surrounding her,and a flower asking her if she was okay.

"They...hate monsters. I d-didn't want to attack them..."

Auburn felt herself going weak from the stress and the wounds,drifting to an unconscious state. She held onto Flowey before fainting.

"Its alright now. Lets find you some food, then hopefully you'll feel better." Flowey had a large flower, an actually good-smelling rafflesia to be exact, which carried her over to the above-ground Grillby's, and pulled up a seat, where he set her down. He bought a burger and some tinder too from a Loox tending the counter. He waited for her to wake up.
Auburn's eyes fluttered open and she found herself looking at Flowey. She pushed her flaming body to a sitting position and looked around,recognizing the bar of her father. Her flames were blue since she was tired,but they blinked with pink colour as she looked at Flowey.

"Thanks for helping me,Flowey. I should have been able to chase them off." Her eyes drifted back to the food in front of her,her stomach grumbling.

(Simple, Sans threw a bone at Quill earlier, which would probably have him go up the mountain, or ya could continue on your way and reach the above-ground Grillbys, where you could talk to Flowey and Auburn.)

"Go ahead, eat. I bought it for ya. Now then, mind telling me what happened? And what your name is?" Flowey said to Auburn.
Quill took a deep breath and turned toward Sans. He walked toward him and was eventually there in front of him. His eyes were half-closed in annoyance and he let out a sigh.

"What do you want?"

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