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Fandom Surfaced Complications

Chara did their best to dodge, but got hurt several times. They groaned anoyed, "Oh I'll show you who's the one in control!!" They attacked, furiously
Dero simply created another barrier, not even flinching when Chara's knife bounced off of it.

"Hmm...I wonder how you'll handle THIS!!!"

With that said, Dero summoned a bunch of her barriers in various positions around Chara. Unlike the previous barriers, these ones were curved...

She lashed out with the chains, and they bounced off of the barriers, causing them to ricochet off and launch themselves at Chara...repeatedly.
"What's the matter Chara? Why aren't you smiling? I thought this would be fun for you."

Dero had a grin that would give even the greatest of combatants chills.

"Are you angry? I wouldn't be surprised. After all, your someone who hates losing, aren't you?"
"Don't get me wrong, Chara. I don't like killing. I'm willing to do it, but I still don't like it. However, you are the type of person I enjoy killing: those who have proven that they don't deserve to live."

Dero's expression changed into a small frown.

"At least, that's what the old man would want me to say."
"Gaster, of course...

Truthfully, I despite him and all of his puny ideals."

She spawned a Gaster Blaster and was simply lying on top of it, lying on her right side.

"I was a wonder of magic. Gaster gave me life, for the sole purpose of taking others away. He even made it so that I'll absorb the souls of everything I kill, no matter what. I never even had a choice in the matter."
"Okay, things are kinda making more sense now... I guess? So like... You kill because you have to? Now that's just plain wrong, if a demon like me got anything right to speak." Chara sighed and put a hand on her waist
"And now, Chara, I'd like to make a deal with you. If you were to hop aboard one of these human souls, I could convince Doctor Alphys to make a robotic body to put the soul in, claiming I only had the one, with you being the one in control. I could claim to have destroyed you, and then get rid of these other souls. Then, whenever there is someone I would kill, you could do it instead. In exchange, I'll do my best do keep everyone from realizing your still around, and you still get to kill people."
Dero smiled, and reverted her chains into their ring forms. She dispelled the Gaster Blaster, and landed on her feet.

"Well, Chara, I feel like this will be an interesting partnership."

She placed her right hand over her heart, and a light blue glow could be seen as she withdrew a soul of the same color and held it out.

"Let's shake on it, partner." A small, but genuine smile was on her face.
(BAH! Rpnation, y u no givez me alartz! Sorry for the wait.)

"Huh. And here I thought you really wanted to fight her." Sans said. He had reached the top early enough to assess the extent of Dero's power, and hear her little deal. " But nope, even if the old man didn't give you a choice, and believe me, I have a bone to pick with him, you should realize its a bit worth it in order to... to at least stop her. She killed him. You should know that. She KILLED him. You can't afford not to care anymore. And neither can I. So, uh, sorry chum. But I can't let you make a deal like that. And also, about that whole, 'I kill and get someone's soul', thing, how'd ya find out about it? Did the old man tell ya? Or... did you find out about it yourself? How many have you killed, to get that amount of... uh, potential? Hm?" An air of menace and deadly seriousness filled the air.

"That guy again? He can definitely find his way around." Flowey thought to himself, and actually was thinking of helping him out. He had remembered everything about Chara, his 'friend'.
Chara shot a glare at him, "Oh hello Comedian, it's nice to see you again! This time I haven't hurt your friends!"
"Sans, one of the things the old man gave me was an in-depth look at your own personal hell. I understand your mentality, but you don't understand mine: you always had a choice, but up until recently, I never did. I was made and forced to be a relentless killer, but that's not what I want to be. Up until right before I came here, I only had part of a monster soul, because not even with six human souls could Gaster create a whole monster soul. Gaster was the one who had the souls before all this. His final order when I didn't have a mind of my own was to kill him when he was giving it his all. The moment I slew him, I became whole...and I began thinking as I proceeded with Gaster's plan, then, as I was fighting Chara, a simple thought made me realize something. The thought was 'I don't want to kill Chara', and the realization was 'I can make my own choices'. Before I slew Gaster, my soul was lacking so much I didn't even have a shred of sentience. I was very much like a machine: I had to be given clear, concise instructions, otherwise I did nothing."

Dero's eyes began glowing, and her expression was that of fury.

"I am no longer a hollow echo of a being who will obey! I am my own person, so NOW I GET TO MAKE A CHOICE!!!"

Dero's voice was much more menacing, especially since it echoed with power and her tone was one quite PASSIONATE about what they were saying.

She placed the light blue soul back within her chest, and created a Determination Barrier that was a perfect sphere around Chara.

Her rings changed back to their weapon form.

"Chara isn't the only sinner here, Sans. Hypocrisy is rather unbecoming of you."
Sans shook his head. "I don't care if I've made a few mistakes in the past. What you're doing is a bit... troubling. Chara's only gonna use you for what you'll give her and then she'll betray you. She'll kill you. She's done it before. And if you're gonna go down this road, you're gonna have a bad, bad time." Sans clenched his fists and looked Dero straight in her eyes. One eye was sparking already.
"Sans, you really don't get it, do you?"

Dero spawned a Gaster Blaster, and sat down upon it.

"When I killed Gaster, his soul, and the human souls, they went inside me...and then all I knew was pain. All the pain they had ever experienced, whether it be mental or physical. I lived through the pain of each and every human soul...and then I couldn't understand anything for hours after I experienced Gaster's pain..."

Dero looked tired.

"And much of his mental pain came from watching the various iterations of Chara's slaughter-fest. She can't do anything worse to me than what I have already experienced. And besides, aside from killing others and being besties with Asriel, what do you know of Chara?"
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"So all you felt was pain? All of it? No joy or happiness coming from their old lives? And to answer your question, I don't much care to get buddy buddy with a psychopathic dirty brother-killing murderer, but to each their own." Sans said coldy.
"None of the positives from their old lives. I know they had good moments...but I didn't get to feel them. I've felt joy and happiness, don't get me wrong, but the only experiences I have with those feelings is when I realized I have a choice."

Dero looked...miserable. Understandible, all things considered.

"And I'm not asking for you and Chara to be friends. I'm asking for you to try and understand how she thinks."
"I completely understand how she works. There's a reason she died so many times by my hands. And I'm sorry that you had a time in so much pain, but letting something that will erase everything out into the world is not gonna help you." Sans said.
"You seem to misunderstand, Sans. Even though I have made a deal with Chara, by no means have I neglected all of the possible ways this could go. Frisk is more Determined than Chara, so all that's necessary to make sure Chara keeps her side of the deal is make it so if she ever kills an innocent, she dies. Of course, I'll also make sure she doesn't kill you, Asgore, and Flowey unless he starts killing...and you could have just killed Chara the moment you figured out it was her and not Frisk, and save yourself a LOT of heartache."

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