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Fandom Surfaced Complications

"..." Sans shuddered. Or more likely, clacked, as he felt something else enter the world.

Flowey also felt the disturbance, and decided to go check it out. He moved up to the top of the mountain and came out near a rock. He uttered a small, hear-able cry of fear when he saw Chara and chastised himself for making a noise near them, considering their, uh, talents.
Chara looked around again, now seeking the creature which had made a noise "Who's there? Show yourself or I will find you"
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Flowey jumped, and slowly and sheepishly creeped out from behind the rock. "H-howdy, Chara, its me, your best friend." He said in a trembling voice.
As soon as Sans shivered, Dero knew something had happened. Thus, she ran outside and tapped into her magic. Unlike Sans, she didn't have a scientific viewpoint on how The Void works, and thus she couldn't use the 'shortcuts' he loved so much.

Thus, she did something else: She created one of her barriers and used it to fling herself to the tip of Mount Ebott. She landed ten feet in front of Chara, perfectly fine.

She kept her eyes closed for now. "Hello, Chara Dreemurr."
"Uh?" Chara's eyes grew wide for a moment before she sighed and they returned toctheir regular size.

"Who are you and how do you know my name? "
"Eep!" Flowey cried out when Dero landed in front of them. "Well... Yeah! Who are you? How'd you get here?" Flowey said, masking the fact that he knew who Dero was and how she got here, considering her powers.

"Ho boy, that was fast. Be careful Dero. Don't do what she did." Sans whispered to himself. 'I gotta keep Muffet out of this. Or maybe she could help. Hm. Just a little bit longer Dero.' Sans thought. "So, Muffet, did'ja happen to catch what Dero was saying? About the thing that was gonna come back? Do... you remember something like what he was talking about, happening before? Eh, whatever, but, uh, from what I think, the kid's gone off to fight it. And I don't think he should, uh, do it alone. After all, the last times someone did that... Any way, what do ya think, 8 legs? I saw where they were heading. Wanna come and see the fireworks?" Sans said to Muffet, after he had drained a bottle of ketchup. Always goes right through him.
"Who I am doesn't matter at the moment, Asriel, Chara. What DOES matter is is a simple question: Do you intend to kill? Because if you do...well, 'having a bad time' wouldn't even begin to describe it."

With that said, Dero connected herself to her magic, enough that the colored silhouettes of the six human souls were floating beside her.
"Oh boy." Flowey whispered to himself. At the moment he didn't really know who to align himself with, so he decided to wait for the time being.
"Chara, I was made to be like your reflection in a fun house mirror: like an opposite, but with key differences. Unlike you, I want to help everyone. Unlike Frisk, however, I recognize that not everyone can, let alone deserve, be helped."

Dero opened her eyes. As always, they are black where a human's would be white, with circles of bright amber around her pale white pupils.

The rings on her index fingers began glowing. They turned into shackles on her wrists that had a foot of regular chains that she grabbed in her hands. Past the foot of regular chains, the chains were bladed, and the last link on both chains had a spearhead attached.

"Call me Dero. It's short for Derorrim Sluos. I hope you understand the significance of it."
"And you wanna know the best part?" Dero chuckled out.

Then, she stopped, as if one flipped a switch. Her expression was blank. She stopped chuckling.

"I'm not even angry right now. I'm just disappointed."

And with that said, Dero's SOUL appeared on her chest, with a multicolored haze around it. The FIGHT began.
"She's going to die." Flowey thought.

"So, uh, Muffet, coming or not, I need to go. See ya at the top of the mountain." Sans said, and started walking off to climb the mountain.
"Asriel...never underestimate the power of Determination."

With that being said, Dero took a page from Sans's book: She attacked first.

First, she wrapped her chains around a large boulder (about as large as a minivan), and swung it at Chara three times in rapid succession: First from the left, then from the right, then straight at her opponent. Then she slammed the boulder into the ground, breaking it into shards that launched themselves towards Chara. Then, to finish the attack, she jumped into the air, revealing seven Gaster Blasters. These Blasters, unlike Sans's which focused on firing one giant laser, focused on something different...

Instead of firing a laser, the Blasters rushed Chara from several different directions at random, and once they got close enough, they inverted colors and then proceeded to explode. And not only would Chara have to deal with the explosion, they would also have to avoid the large quantities of bone shards.

If it wasn't obvious, Dero tends to focus on attacks that have large areas of effect.
"Can she hear my thoughts?" Flowey thought to himself in confusion.

"Oh boy, looks like I'm late to the party. Just hope I won't be too late." Said Sans, still moving up the mountain.
Muffet emerged from the bathroom of Grillby's only to find a slightly off-colour (Though many wouldn't notice it) clone of herself sitting on a stool, wearing an oversized sunhat. "Wait, what?! Oh, darn it! I'm such an fool, teaching the spiders how to stack and make a statue of sorts, all it does is stir up trouble. Back in the bags you go, you silly little arachnids. Grillby, do you mind putting my bags under the counter so I can come pick them up? Thanks, dearie~!" Muffet ran off before Grillby could even answer. Once she was a block away from the restaurant (Which was rather close to the mountain, thankfully. Six arms are definitely a match for two legs. Let's just say Muffet didn't win anything at school athletic carnivals.) she could've sworn she saw a battle of sorts going on atop Mount Ebott. She decided to run up and take a look.
Before Chara could even chose an action, Dero made her stats appear.

Derorrim Slous- Atk: 1379. Def: 1394

Rather powerful on her own, but has six human souls that are actively helping her.

Loves to hate you, and has an ace up her sleeve.

And then it was Chara's turn.
Chara sighed as she picked up the knife that had been at her side when she woke up.

She looked at it for a couple of seconds before tightening her grip and attacking. She ran torwards Dero, slashing the knife in the air.


"Get her! Get the monster!"

Auburn could hear the faint sounds of laughing and steps behind her as she ran from the humans. They were throwing stones at her armour,one of them causing a blue slash to appear in her forehead. She couldn't run very fast and couldn't harm the humans either,so she kept trying to flee. The humans usually left her alone,but not now. Those hated monsters too much.

Eventually she reached a road without an exit,and tripped to the ground. A boy threw a rock that hit her arm,and Auburn covered in the ground. She had used to much of her powers in training. She was weakened now,and the humans were too close.

Covering her head,she waited for them to attack.

@Anyone who wants to reply)
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Dero smirked and held perfectly still. Right as Chara's knife was about to hit her, a Determination barrier appeared between the two.

The barrier was a perfect circle, the same shade of grey Dero's soul was...and incredibly durable.

"You used Determination to cheat Death. I use it to prevent it in the first place."
Chara started to laugh "Oh... Well this got a lot more intresting!" She stopped laughing and just smirked, "I'll love slashing through your body!"
Dero simply shook her head. "You toy with your prey so much that you don't realize...

A Gaster Blaster about the size of a single story house appeared.

"...I'm the predator this time."

The massive Gaster Blaster launched itself at Chara, then inverted colors and exploded...into thirteen normal sized Gaster Blasters, which proceeded to charge at him, either from in front and behind, or from left to right, not at the same time, and the last one came from above.

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