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Fandom Surfaced Complications

"Thanks for the compliment, kid. Hey there, shadowman. I just wanted some help juuuust in case things get out of hand here. You see the 'human' in that magical barrier? That's Chara Dreemurr. You see, they're a pretty big bad murderer who has a thing for breaking all laws of everything. Death, physics, time, regular laws, nature, how ugly you can look, buncha stuff. And the person who made that barrier thinks that they can just let them go. The person who made the barrier is standing over there. Name's Dero. Lets just say that if Chara gets out, or even if they're simply killed, they can come back, and they want to ERASE everything. Which is really, really bad. So just in case we need a fight, I'd like a bit of backup." Sans said to Quill, pointing to Chara and then Dero. "Now then guys. We both know how this is going to end. Only one or two of us is going to be leaving this mountain, 'less ya wanna run from the weakest monster you've ever seen. I can't let this happen again. Never again. Looky here. I can't keep going through this. You can't understand how it felt. I feel like I've said that before. I can't let them do it again. Not just Chara. So now then. Come on now guys, just let this end. Let Chara out. Shake my hand, gimme a hug, lets make this easy for the both of us.
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"You just don't get it, do you?"

All of a sudden, the barrier around Chara had changed shape...so a blade was just in front of Chara's neck.

"I was mopping the floor with Chara with only the power boost from one soul."

Dero's chest began blazing six different colors: light blue, orange, blue, green, purple, and yellow. In the center of that blaze, there was a soft glowing grey.

"I could have killed her quickly, but my mind was in turmoil the whole time. Heck, it's been in turmoil this whole time. I've been trying to appeal to you emotionally. Allow me to appeal to you with logic now. Whenever I kill, I am forced to live through the mental, emotional, and physical pain that the killed had lived through. If I kill Chara, I might become just like her. And that's IF her soul doesn't somehow take control of my body since I can't decide to absorb someone. And if either of you kill her, what's keeping her from possessing any of us, or even someone else?"
"Heh. There are ways to make something... not exist anymore kid. I didn't say you had to kill her. 'Sides, even if you can mop the floor with her with one soul, like I said, she has a thing for breaking all laws." Sans said to Dero.
"Huh. Funny. Like there are laws in this hellhole. And I mean the surface. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that."

Quill elbowed Sans, trying to shut him up.

"Look...Dero. Is it really worth it to kill 'em? All that'll do is mess everything up even more, from what I hear. So why don't we not kill anyone and just let everyone calm down, alright?"
"Yeah! Perfect! Can you not kill me please? I mean yes I will come back but... It's still not a pleasant experience!" Chara said, looking at the new comer.
Suddenly, a voice thundered up the mountain from seemingly miles away, "Oh my, this is a kids show!"

"Huh, well, that's strange. Both MTT's voice and the 'human' trying to feign emotions." Sans said. "Anyways, lemme show ya something Dero." Sans made a finger-gun and shot a bone at the silhouette of a soul floating around Dero. A crack appeared in the space where it floated. "Hope that didn't hurt, but I needed to show ya you aren't as invincible as you think. 'Nuff of those hits and bye-bye powers. Sorry pal. And you," Sans turned to Chara. "Don't worry, you'll get yours, kid."
Chara pouted torwards Sans before pointing at Quill, "Can't you be a bit more like him? He doesn't want me dead! Actually he's the only one who hasn't tried to kill me... "
Quill stepped over to Chara and put part of his cloak over them, and they both disappeared. They reappeared in a forest.

"Stay here. Those two might need to cool off."
"Uh? Yeah... That sounds like a good idea." Chara said, looking around the forest before letting her eyes move to Quill.
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"Did he really just do that? Really? He's... he's going to die. He was just trying to help, and now he's going to die. If only I watched him more carefully... I shouldn't have dragged him into all this. I should've taken her down while I had the chance. It's happening again. Again!" Sans took a second to recuperate, and then he spoke. "Dero. I'm giving you one more chance to either help me, or get out of my way. I'm going to ERASE her for once." @Shaded Skies
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Papyrus was inside the skelebros' house, making his master spaghetti of course. He hoped Sans got home soon, it should be spaghetti time in a while. "I know what to do with this spaghetti! To the store! Wait, where did Sans put my money? No matter, I will make my spaghetti wonderful WITHOUT money or spices now. All I need to do is..." He kept talking as he made adjustments to his meal and Sans'. He really hoped he showed up and didn't go to the new Gryllby's made on the surface this time.

A note on the counter tried to catch Papyrus' eye, but didn't realize it couldn't do anything at all, luckily it was blue, and we all know that blue is you when blue is not me when red is Sue too, so following that logic it would most certainly catch Papyrus' eye socket. It read, "Hey bro, had to go up to the surface Grillby's, sorry that I can't eat your spaghetti today, had to talk to Muffet today. I'll probably be late, how about you head on up to the surface too, get yourself some things from Grillby's for your spaghetti."

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