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Fantasy Supernatral woods

Should there be fighting?

  • No

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  • Yes

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  • Sometimes

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What you dont remmember me you dont rememmber leaveing me here traped? Maybe this will make you remmember" i walked over to him and and showed him pictures of him and him killing my familly then a pic of him throwing me into the dongen of his castle and a final pic of him traping me in here "now do you remmember?"
Watching the flames get low Leos decided to get more wood. Leaving the rest of the fish in his pack he got up and walked up the stream away from his little camp. Not watching were he was going he tripped over something "what the?" he said looking back he seen a small body standing up he poked it with his boot. "hey are you alive? " he asked looking down at the body.

DementedDestroyers said:
Drem, after surrendering to his own, pitiful exhaustion, fell asleep, just like that. Although he was a demon, or something close along those lines, his human form still needed things that... Well, any other person would need.
Serenia quickly stood between the two of them before something bad would happen, "Don't do this, we are at hard times and now you want to get even?" She said as she looked over to the vampire that was across from Markus.
I stared at him with a small tear forming in my eye then i dissapered into the woods leaveing every thing behind 'its no use if you dont remember and droped my phone at his foot and stopped when i couldnt smell him or enyboudy i sat at a tree crying
"I hope I didn't say anything that was upsetting to that person." Serenia said as she watched the person disappear into the shadows.
Drem's eyes immediately went wide and before he knew it, he was up in a sitting position, eyes glinting in the dark at the taller figure. He just... Stared, unsure of what to say, or if to even saying anything at all. He tilted his head to the side before squinting his eyes, somewhat curious about the random stranger.
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"you look like hell" Leos said crossing his arms. "can you walk? " he asked looking at the kids (everyone is a kid to him unless he likes you) small body.
Drem would be quite frustrated that he had to be disrupted, but he supposed that this man wasn't all that bad. He turned his head to the side, eyes staring blankly into the distance. After a minute or so, Drem finally hauled himself back to his feet, but in the process, his legs made a loud 'crack' as the bones were still trying to reposition itself back into place. Yet here Drem was, still feeling no pain while his neck tilted back to the stranger. Hus optics liazily opened and closed, a sign of how weak and tired he was at the moment.
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Leos sighed then picked the kid up and walked back to his small camp. Sitting the kid down agents a tree he turned to his pack after sighing at the now dead fire. Pulling out one of the fish he handed it to the kid. "I'll be back" he said then went off to get fire wood.
Drem watched the figure disappear back into the woods. He was quite confused, and didn't understand why this creature bothered to even care, but there was really no point in arguing. He pulled his legs up close to his chest, while his arms wrapped around them, and rested his chin on top of his knees. He stared into the dying fire, intrigued by it. It had been a while since he encountered fire before, but every time he saw it, his soul (or whatever he had left that felt any emotions or satisfactory) would feel excited and amazed by the chemical effect of carbon and hydrogen.
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Coming back with an arm load of wood he looked at the kid "eat" he said a bit annoyed seeing that he didn't eat the fish. "why am I helping this kid " he thought to him self wile putting down the wood. He sat down next to the fire putting wood back over where the fire was dying ,after stacking the wood he blue flames back over it." there" he mumbled with smoke still coming put of his mouth. Though he could use his hands to produce flames he liked doing it the old fashion way.
Drem just shook his head at the fish, refusing to eat. He wasn't hungry, and if he was, it would be for human flesh out of anything. He proceeded to gaze into the now brightly burning fire, not even caring about the fact that the stranger had produced heat from his mouth. He figured he would meet another supernatural being, because that's all there was in this forest. And he supposed that's what attracted him into this bio-me, to encounter another creature that was 'different' or 'extraordinary' to the human eye.
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He sighed then leaned back agents his pack and stared at the kid trying to figure him out. "I wonder if that dragon half bread is in this area" he thought looking out into the darkness. "what's you name kid?" he asked a bit grumpily turning back to him.
Drem let out a long, tired, yawn as his vision was now tracing the outline of the stranger in the darkness. He tilted his head to the side before using his finger to outline the words, "D-R-E-M" into the dirt. He really didn't like talking, and sometimes, it would almost be impossible to speak because of his previous occurrences. Therefore, most would see him as a mental child, which in some cases, he was considered one.
He nodded seeing the letters in the dirt "well Drem get some sleep". He got up and pulled out a blanket from his pack walking over he draped it over Drem. Then walked back to his spot, after sitting down he stirred the fire.
I looked up and noticed i was in my human form and i shifted back and got up i saw someone with a blanket on and so i tip-toed my whay passed him and not noticeing i left a wonderfull odor behind me i saw a fire and saw the same person as before now knowing not to make a sound so i jeat sood thare watching him 'i didnt think i was this far out' i thought to my self and keeped quiet not knowing he could smell my sent
He was looking at the people then saw his sisters phone on the ground he was a in his wolf form and looked around not seeing marla
Standing up Leos stood up and pointed a still on fire pointed stick at the vampire "state you business vampire" he said politely . He was not in the mood to fight a vampire but would if she went for them. "damn I was wanting to go look for the dragon" he thought as his temper started to rise but being the gentlemen as he was he stayed calm.
"I jest got lost and why are you mean? Thats all that people are to me is mean" i sayed to him not wanting to get killed
"miss my apologies but I am only on the defensive" he bowed to her with the stick almost catching him on fire. straightening back up he looked back at her "I'm only protecting myself and my friend" he said motioning to the boy on the ground.
"Oh you think i hurt people oh heck no i wouldnt hurt a single human trust" i sayed nicely not trying to be mean

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