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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

Professor Layton & Luke
Location: The Battlefield Fortress; The Wilds
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie , SheepKing SheepKing

"WHOA!!" Luke cried out as the catapult shot off into the air thanks to Sora's spell filling the sail. He flailed about as he fought to keep his balance, and caught the catapult arm-turned-mast with one arm before he could fall forward. With his other arm, he held Pichu close. "Don't worry, Pichu! I won't let you go!"

Plateaus and mesas were a blur as the odd vehicle shot through the desert. The force of its speed caused Pokeys to fall apart and Bramblins to tumble away as it darted past them. In the blink of an eye the Battlefield Fortress disappeared behind them, and they entered the region known in the Smash Realm as the Wilds. Thankfully, Layton had not designed the catapult-vehicle as a flying machine and so its aerial height was not enough to draw the attention of those strange golden spheres that floated in the air. Unfortunately, that made landing the contraption a problem.

It was a problem that the three boys had no time to dwell on as a greater problem was headed right for them: a massive sandstorm! Luke let out a dismayed scream at the sight, then turned to bury his face in the "mast" and shield little Pichu from the incoming storm with his body. Luke held on grimly as the sandstorm engulfed them. The opposing winds slowed the vehicle, and everything went dark.

Luke emerged from the sand with a POP, gasping for air! He rubbed his eyes and brushed sand off himself before spotting his hat nearby and placing it on his head. The sky was clear and the desert was silent. Luke didn't know how he ended up buried or how long he had been there, but he immediately dismissed it as he was more concerned with the whereabouts of his companions.

Luke cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted to the vast, empty desert. "Sora! Pichu!" He gasped as he spotted the catapult-vehicle half-buried in sand a short distance away. The boy jumped to his feet and ran toward it, slipping on the sand and nearly falling as he did so. Upon reaching the vehicle, he found something else there: a small, odd cactus-like being. Upon Luke's approach, the creature turned and looked up at him.

"Geka?" it inquired in a high-pitched voice.

"Uh, hello," Luke greeted with a polite smile. "I'm looking for my friends. Have you seen them?"

The Cactuar jumped back and flailed its arms. "Geka-geka-geka-geka!"

Luke was instantly surrounded by Cactuars! The little plant-like creatures ranted as they moved their limbs in an uncanny manner. Sensing he was in great danger, the apprentice gentleman fought back tears as he held up his hands and tried to placate the Cactuars. "W-wait! Please, I'm not going to hurt you! I'm lost and I need to find my friends!"

The Cactuars calmed down, and Luke sighed in relief!


Professor Layton had dropped onto one knee, arms wrapped around his middle as searing pain shot through his body. He grunted softly in response to Byleth, and lifted his head to watch stoically as the swordsman approached the Gao Captain. Understanding what was about to happen, Layton looked away.

The Gao fell into horrified silence as Byleth dispatched their leader and delivered his ultimatum. They stared at the bloodied sword, and it took a moment before Byleth's words finally sank in. They slowly backed away, then turned and lumbered off, muttering as they did.

"Don't need to tell me twice. I'm going home."

"Valor is highly overrated."

"I've never done so much running and fighting in my life. I'm so sore!"

"I'm gonna sleep for a week!"

"Oh, he was a jerk anyway."

Layton forced himself onto his feet. He neatened his coat and hat, and nodded to Byleth. "I'm alright, Professor." His attention then went to the fortress, or rather, the unfamiliar woman by the fortress. "It would appear we have another visitor." Layton's tone was chipper. He instantly knew that she was no enemy as the pitiful remnants of the army showed no distress or hostility toward her. Recovered from the incident with Byleth's sword, the Professor made his way toward Zelda. "Let us make her acquaintance, Professor. As gentlemen, we mustn't keep a beautiful lady waiting."
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yra / ythra

Location: Shiny Sand Shores | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shroomie Shroomie
Pyra was aware her own thoughts had been a stretch and they were left guessing whether this was the work one of the other Smash Bros or if their enemy was smart enough to play both sides of the coin; a protector yet a deviant. She knew how that was all too well. It was exactly how the Praetor was. To his people he presented himself as some holy man who aided those in need, while in turn he truly sought to see the world burn. He was the reason Malos had awoken to be so crazed and set on destruction, yet the truth of it all was muddied. It was disgusting. If this Lunaris was no different then they were in some trouble, though she was sure they'd find a way. They had to.

"An enemy who could be twofaced..." she murmured softly with a small shake of her head. It was evident she was troubled by such a thought, but she tried to keep it under wraps. There was no need for her to get all worked up over nothing after all.

Forcing the concern from her features, Pyra's smile didn't quite return, but she appeared calm in the least. Her fingers combed through her hair momentarily as she mulled over Lana's question: Did she know how to get to the Stadium? She knew the answer and unfortunately it wasn't one that would help them. Her knowledge of his world was limited and even with how her core crystal took in information, she knew it couldn't magically make her knowledge of this world better.

Seeing the aproned Waddle Dee approach Pit, the Aegis tilted her head in a brief stint of confusion until she realized what the angel had been given. It was a small saving grace though there was no telling how useful it could be. Still, it was better than nothing.

That optimism was quickly subdued as Pit spoke though. Pyra's brows flattened as the realization of his statement sank in and an exasperated looked managed to cross her usually gentle face. He couldn't read English... Wait... Could she even read it? Given she hadn't struggled before she could only assume it was the same or similar to the language of Alrest, or maybe it was merely something her core had picked up on already. She supposed it hardly mattered, though it did leave her wondering how much reading a simple map actually had. If he couldn't even read the names then she could understand why it was a problem. Without a word, her fiery eyes flickered to the map and she looked it over in silence for a few seconds before pressing her figure to the location clearly labeled as the Stadium.

"This is where we want to go, but..." she trailed off as she dragged her finger along the paper beneath it in search for where they currently were. She moved in every direction until finally in the bottom left corner she spotted the name she had been looking for. "AHA!" Her exclamation was accompanied with a proud smile as she tapped her finger on the point that was their current location. "Looks like if we go northeast through the plains we should be able to eventually hit the Stadium!"

Location: The Wilds | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Sora hadn't known what to expect from the contraption Layton had put together, but it definitely hadn't been what they got. To think it would fly... he thought it would merely barrel across the barren wasteland, but it seemed he had been wrong in his thinking. Not that it mattered in the long run. As long as it did its job that was all that truly matter and it had done just that.

Feeling the wind blow across his face as they soared through the sky, the keyblade wielder stepped away from his place behind the sail figuring it didn't need another gust of his wind magic for the time being. Moving to the front end of their makeshift vehicle, a soft laugh escaped his lips as he spread his arms out wide and closed his eyes as let the pleasant breeze wash over him to ease whatever tension still lingered in him from the scene they had just left behind. That was a mistake on Sora's part.

Luke's horrific scream would come to late for Sora to act properly. His eyes shot open only to feel the once comforting breeze whip up into something worse. Unlike the other teen, he had nothing to grip onto to keep himself in place. One strong gust was was all that was needed to take him by surprise and throw him off their "ship" and into the swirling sands that awaited. His own cry echoed out as he fell, but luckily, or maybe not, the winds didn't let him plummet to the ground below. They whipped and threw him about, making it difficult for him to stay focused. His magic wouldn't save him in this situation, but nevertheless he decided to try it.

Aiming his keyblade towards his feet, Sora casted an aero spell in attempt to fight against the winds with his own. It blasted him forward with even more force and within seconds he felt himself crash into the ground. He yelped out from the impact before he rolled through the sand a couple times until he finally collapsed in place. That could have gone better... way better, but at least he was grounded once again. He wished he could be glad, but nausea had quickly kicked in and he buried his face into his arms with a groan. Today really could not get any worse.

Feeling deflated, Sora didn't move from his place. His mind was too foggy, his body hurt and his stomach wanted to give out on him. All he could do was stay put as the desert sands laid claim to him for the time being.

For how long he remained like that, he was unsure, but once the sandstorm dissipated, the young keyblade wielder began coming to once again. Struggling to unbury himself, his head popped up through the thick coat of gold that had covered him. He shook his head quickly and dispelled the sand that clung to his hair.

"Ugh..." he groaned softly as he dug himself free from beneath the sand. "Why does sand have to get everywhere and be so itchy?!"

Continuing to brush sand off himself, the previous events rushed back to the forefront of his mind and his eyes immediately grew wide. Where were Pichu and Luke?! His gaze flickered about in a frenzy, but it was to no avail. All he could see was desert wasteland all around him. Wherever his companions had crashed it hadn't been in his immediate vicinity. If he was lucky they'd be close by, though he did wonder if that was even likely. He had been swept away almost immediately and he had no clue how long it had been. It was entirely possible there was more ground between them than he wished to admit. What did that mean for his friends?

That thought caused a frown to form on Sora's lips. He didn't want to think of such things, but he could only fear the worst. Luke didn't seem like much of a fighter and while Pichu was capable, he did have troubles controlling his electricity and often hurt himself. If the poor mouse had to push himself in order to protect himself and Luke, Sora would feel horrible. He couldn't do anything about it though except search for them.

Clambering to his feet, he shielded his eyes from the sunlight overhead and squinted as he looked around. Which way had he even come from? Where should he go? Those were questions he found impossible to answer, yet he couldn't let them deter him.

"Pichu?! Luke?!" he bellowed out. It was all he could think to do, though he had little faith it would do him much good.
The Dux led them through the final gates into the grand hall where Zalunbar, the leader of the Darknut Legion, awaited. The hall was a marvel of architecture, with gold-plated columns and intricate tapestries that told the stories of past heroes. At the far end of the hall, seated on a throne of dark stone, was Zalunbar.
Zalunbar was a well-built Darknut, his presence commanding and his appearance striking. He wore a suit of gold-plated, glowing armor, distinct from the others in the room. A hoop earring and nose ring adorned his face, and a long braid of dark hair draped over his shoulder. Notably, he did not wear a helmet, a sign of his confidence and perhaps vanity.

Despite his reputation as the founder of the Darknut Legion and a legendary warrior, there was a sense of something darker beneath his noble facade. Zalunbar was known for his ambition, his ruthlessness, and his willingness to do anything to increase his personal power. His overconfidence was matched only by his cunning, and while he was revered as an invincible warrior, it was said that he preferred to avoid direct combat, often cheating to gain an advantage or retreating to fight another day.

As Zalunbar’s gaze fell upon Cyan and Peregrine, the room seemed to hold its breath. The leader of the Darknut Legion exuded an aura of authority and command, his presence almost overwhelming.

The Dux stepped forward, his voice clear and authoritative. “My Lord Zalunbar, these outsiders seek an audience with you. They claim to have a matter of great importance that concerns the fate of all realms.”

Zalunbar leaned forward slightly, his eyes narrowing as he studied the two warriors before him. “Speak, then. Why should I, Zalunbar, ruler of the Darknut Legion and master of this domain, lend my power to your cause?” His voice was deep and resonant, carrying the weight of someone accustomed to being obeyed without question.

Peregrine took a deep breath, knowing that this moment was crucial. “Lord Zalunbar, we face a threat unlike any other. Lord Lunaris, a tyrant who has deceived many into worshiping him as a god, seeks to bring all realms under his control. His Church of Duality is a blight on the land, spreading lies and corruption. We have come to ask for your aid in stopping him before it is too late.”

Zalunbar listened, his expression inscrutable. After a moment, he leaned back in his throne, a faint smile playing on his lips. “And what do you offer in return for my assistance, Zenith Knight? Why should I risk the strength of my Legion for your cause?”

Peregrine met Zalunbar’s gaze with unwavering determination. “Because the alternative is allowing Lunaris to spread his influence unchecked. If we do not stand together, he will come for your domain next. And when that day comes, even your power may not be enough to stop him alone.”

The room fell silent, the tension thick as everyone awaited Zalunbar’s response. The leader of the Darknut Legion seemed to ponder Peregrine’s words, his eyes narrowing as he considered the potential threat.

As Zalunbar listened to Peregrine’s plea, his expression remained inscrutable, his sharp eyes scrutinizing every word. After Peregrine finished speaking, the leader of the Darknut Legion leaned back in his throne, a faint smile of condescension curling at the corners of his mouth.

“You ask for my aid, Zenith Knight, against this so-called threat of Lord Lunaris,” Zalunbar began, his voice smooth but laced with disdain. “But let us examine the situation logically, shall we? You claim that Lunaris is a tyrant who seeks to bring all realms under his control. A bold statement, but where is the proof? Where are the conquered realms, the fallen kings, the enslaved peoples? All you offer are words—empty, unsubstantiated words.”

Zalunbar’s gaze bore into Peregrine, his eyes gleaming with a cold, calculated intelligence. “Even if Lunaris is as powerful as you say, why should I risk the strength of my Legion for your cause? You suggest that if we do not stand together, he will come for my domain next. But tell me, why should I believe that Lunaris, if he is so formidable, would not simply crush our realm first and be done with it? What makes you think that my forces would fare any better under your leadership?”

Peregrine opened his mouth to respond, but Zalunbar cut him off with a wave of his hand. “And let us not forget the most glaring flaw in your reasoning, Zenith Knight. You come here, into my domain, without any tangible offer, no bargaining chip, no leverage. You ask for aid, yet you bring nothing to the table. You speak of a mutual threat, but you offer nothing that would benefit me or my Legion. What you ask is for me to gamble the lives of my soldiers on a vague promise of a potential future threat.”

Zalunbar leaned forward, his smile widening into a sneer. “Tell me, Peregrine, do you think me a fool? Do you think I have survived and thrived by making decisions based on emotion or empty words? No, I have built this Legion through strength, discipline, and careful calculation. And you come here with nothing but rhetoric and expect me to throw my support behind you?”

Peregrine stood silent, his face tightening as he struggled to find a counterargument, but none came. Zalunbar’s logic was ironclad, his points cutting through Peregrine’s plea like a blade through paper.

Zalunbar let out a low chuckle, the sound reverberating through the grand hall. “You see? You have nothing, Zenith Knight. No plan, no strategy, no offer of substance. And yet you come before me, expecting aid? It is almost laughable! If it wasn't so pathetic...”

He paused, letting the weight of his words settle over the room. “This, Peregrine, is why I lead, and you come begging at my feet. You lack the vision, the cunning, the understanding of true power. You are nothing more than a hopeful idealist, blinded by your own self-righteousness.”

Zalunbar stood from his throne, his imposing figure towering over Peregrine. “But I am not without mercy. I will allow you and your companion to stay within the city while I deliberate. Perhaps in that time, you will come to understand the gravity of the situation and the folly of your request. Or perhaps not. Either way, it will amuse me to see how far your so-called resolve will take you.”

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Zalunbar signaled the end of the audience. “You are dismissed. Reflect on what has been said here today, Zenith Knight. And when we meet again, come prepared with something more than empty words.”

As they were led out of the hall, Peregrine’s silence spoke volumes. The sting of Zalunbar’s words was evident in his clenched jaw and furrowed brow. They had secured a place within the city, but at what cost? The road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, and the leader of the Darknut Legion had made it abundantly clear that he would not be easily swayed.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
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It started with a subtle hum, the faint but growing sensation of power rippling through the atmosphere. The Jenoids, despite their formidable new forms, felt it instinctively. It was the surge of Sephiroth’s mana, returning in full force as the effects of their anti-Jenova technology wore off. Each one of them, from the towering Mastodonrex to the lethal Spinekrait, knew that they were facing something beyond their worst nightmares.

The Mastodorex, could feel the ground tremble under his massive feet. His senses were heightened, his muscles brimming with raw power, yet there was an undeniable tension gnawing at the back of his mind. Sephiroth’s gaze had landed on him, and even through the veil of monstrous strength, Thomson could feel the weight of that stare.

Before he could react, Sephiroth was upon him. Moving with an agility that seemed impossible for a being with only one wing, the swordsman darted through the air, slashing at the Mastodorex’s legs with precision that sent jolts of pain through Thomson’s nerves. The first strike grazed his thick hide, but the second dug deeper, slicing through skin and muscle with frightening ease.

“Aeolian Onslaught!” Sephiroth’s voice cut through the air, and the Mastadorex barely registered the name before the sharp edge of the Masamune had already found its mark. The massive beast roared in pain, its legs buckling slightly as the assault continued. Desperation fueled his next move—he tried to bring his colossal tusks to bear on Sephiroth, but the swordsman was too fast, too elusive.

The Shriekatrix, flapped her wings frantically, trying to gain altitude to escape the immediate danger. Her sonic scream, once a weapon of terror, seemed pitiful in the face of Sephiroth’s raw power. She unleashed it nonetheless, the high-pitched wail reverberating across the battlefield. But before the sound waves could reach their target, Sephiroth’s blade flashed once more, and a wave of magical energy cut through the air, disrupting her attack.

“Zanshin,” Sephiroth’s voice was calm, almost serene, but there was no mistaking the lethal intent behind it. The energy wave slammed into her, knocking her off course and sending her crashing into the ground. Her feathers scattered around her as she writhed in pain, desperately trying to regain her bearings.

The Ghastalon, watched in horror as his comrades were struck down one after another. His skeletal form gave him the advantage of speed, but he knew that even that might not be enough. Stealth had always been his greatest asset, and he clung to it now, darting through the shadows cast by the towering mushroom platforms. His claws itched for action, but he was wise enough to wait for the perfect moment, searching for any weakness in Sephiroth’s relentless assault.

But as Sephiroth landed gracefully after his strike on the Mastodorex, his eyes flicked toward the shadows where Ghastalon hid. There was no time for thought, only instinct. The Ghastalon lunged, aiming for Sephiroth’s exposed back, his claws extended for a killing blow. But Sephiroth was already moving, his Masamune a blur as it met the Ghastalon’s attack head-on. The force of the clash sent a shockwave through the ground, and the Ghastalon's claws shattered against the blade, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

The Umbraferox, bellowed a furious roar and charged into the fray, her thick fur rippling with every powerful stride. She saw her fellow soldiers falling under Sephiroth’s onslaught, and a primal rage surged within her. She was the strongest of them all, and she would be damned if she let this monster cut them down without a fight.

But as she closed the distance, she too felt the bite of Sephiroth’s blade. A flick of his wrist sent another wave of Zanshin energy her way, and though she managed to deflect some of it with her massive arms, the force of the impact still sent her stumbling backward. Her rage only grew, fueling her strength, but it was clear that even with her enhanced form, she was outmatched.

The Spinekrait, remained at a distance, his venomous spines ready to launch at the first opening. He had always been the cautious one, and in this moment, that caution might save his life. He watched as his comrades fell one by one, and it took every ounce of his willpower to hold his ground, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

But Sephiroth was relentless. He turned his attention to Jensen, and with a swift motion, sent a deadly arc of magic slicing through the air. The Spinekrait released his spines in a desperate volley, but the energy wave tore through them like paper, striking him directly. The pain was immediate and overwhelming, his body convulsing as the venom within him mixed with the raw power of Sephiroth’s attack.

In mere moments, the tide of battle had shifted dramatically. The Jenoids, once so confident in their transformed states, now lay scattered across the battlefield, their forms battered and broken. Each of them had pushed their new abilities to the limit, but it had not been enough. Sephiroth, the legendary warrior, stood at the center of the carnage, his Masamune dripping with the blood of those who had dared to challenge him.

Captain Hawk, watching from a distance, felt a cold dread settle in his stomach. They had thrown everything they had at Sephiroth, and still, he remained standing, seemingly untouched. Hawk’s mind raced, searching for any remaining options, but deep down, he knew they were running out of time and resources.

“Foxtrot, pull back,” Hawk ordered, his voice heavy with the weight of the decision. “We need to regroup. This isn’t over, but we need to rethink our approach.”

The surviving soldiers, those who had not transformed, began to retreat, their hearts heavy with the realization of what they were up against. As they fell back to a safer position, the reality of their situation settled over them like a dark cloud. They had faced a force of nature, and they were lucky to be alive.

But the fight was far from over, and each of them knew that they would be called upon again to confront the nightmare that was Sephiroth.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Ploegy Ploegy SheepKing SheepKing Shroomie Shroomie
Smash Realm
Mushroom Forest
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

As Sephiroth culls the squad, their bravado is for naught; it's in his best interest to end the remaining abominations of their pitiful existence all together. He strode over to the Shriekatric who bears a striking resemblance to a harpy; her shrill cries did little against him. He towers over her mangled, broken body, underneath his eyelashes his serpentine eyes exuded eerie calmness yet terrifying venom. He wordlessly drives his masamune into her windpipe, the blood hitting his face, however the squelching flesh and the cracking bones served to fuel his poisonous anger. “ Pathetic.” his voice serene, tone dripping with lethal connotations. He shifted his attention onto the Mastodorex, the same mutant sharing similar physical attributes to that of a Behemoth though it ended at their size. At his prime, with his capabilities, caution is the best way to handle a Behemoth as they are hard to kill, keeping their resistances in mind. A flicker of disappointment crossed his serpentine eyes as he grasped its tusks, his face lacking emotions. There’s little struggle to ripping off the mutant’s head, kicking the body away. He lifts the head above his own, shifting one leg to the side, throwing the mutant’s head to the captain and the survivors, seeing and hearing the decapitated head hit the ground near them. “ No deed goes unpunished,” Sephiroth mumbles, grabbing his forehead. He can’t ignore these mutants who were created with his DNA without his permission. A violation against him, a low laugh rumbled in his stomach and soon he burst out laughing. Now, he knows they can crack his genetic code, which is proof of how troublesome the military are. He has to figure out an effective method that protects him from such infuriating tactics. The blinding effect seemingly worked in his favor; it heightened his hearing; he should thank them for providing another arsenal onto his hand.

As Captain Hawk ordered a tactical retreat, Sephiroth chuckled, he burst out laughing next. “ Ahh, after knowing the military has found a way to disable me there’s little reason for me to let you all walk away alive. What did you all expect, to turn tail and run. I think not. These abominations share my DNA, it’s been done without my permission, that’s a violation done against me, it can’t be ignored.” He reached his gloved hand for his masamune, ominous aura shifted the tide of this battle, yet he’s not done. “ Come masamune it’s time to send them to the pits of hell where they belong,” he whispers, his voice barely audible, below an octative. He materialized his one wing, effortlessly taking into the air, circling above the survivors. Now, to put an end to it all and be on his way. He raised his masamune as he descended from the skies barreling down on captain Hawk from behind, skewering him in a fluid motion. “ Now, you die.” He whispers into Hawk’s ear. He precisely slid his masamune out while watching the light leave Hawk’s eyes, the captain fell never to wake again. Sephiroth kicked him away pleased he splattered the other man against the mushroom’s soft-fleshy stem. He effortlessly cut down the remaining survivors, performing a dance of death, and weaving between them as his masamune cut through flesh and bone. He stood over their bodies drenched in their blood as the red liquid dripped off his masamune.

This isn’t the end of their pursuing me, not by a mile. They learned how to crack my genetic code. It's proof of them being troublesome, and they did their homework. I do not like this, I do not like this at all. Nor, Lunaris, he’ll get his just desserts soon enough. However, mother needs to be restored, regaining her control over the clones. Huh, amassing a clone army will surely make Lunaris regret his choices. This mission requires patience and efficiency, I’m the only one who can save mother. She’s my top priority, I can’t afford any more miscalculations. He pursed his lips, shutting his eyes, drifting away from the violence clouding his mind. Breathing through his nose, as his mind went to his preferable calm state, he sensed the densely concentrated life essence, pink in color. Just sensing the planet’s essence feels intoxicating, he’s unable to imagine how freeing it is once it’s in his body. Mother, can you hear me? I may have found a solution to recovering your body. Do you feel the planet’s essence, just from my senses I feel it’s aura invigorating me. If it’s anything like the life stream then it may be the answer to our problems. I’ll step up and be the Guinea pig for you, I promise to test it to see if it's authentic. His gaze went to the sky feeling hopeful as he began to formulate his next action. If the military figured a way to neutralize him, they may have figured out how the clones work and how he can control them by putting his consciousness through them. Indeed, quite troublesome, he mused.

Cupping his head, the annoying effects are dulling, he still feels sickly. “ Quite the conundrum,” He whispers, using only one percent of his mana. He burned their bodies, now they’re hardly recognizable. Just as he completed his work his body woke up. No longer ill or mucking around, his cells have regenerated it seems. He wordlessly took off Captain Hawk’s unsoiled scarf to wipe the blood from his masamune, quietly working away the red liquid and gore. He dispersed his masamune back to the ether, it’s no longer needed as he hastily culled the squad and their captain. As he took off to get his bearings, he landed feet first on the bright red-white spotted mushroom. Just as he returned to concentrating on the essence, the spirits swirled, ethereally, moaning as if containing unspoken secrets of the planet and the smash realm itself.

He gazed pensively in the direction where the essence’s aura is stronger and denser, perhaps a second visit to the base may provide viable answers he’s seeking for. Though, undoubtedly traipsing through the base’s labyrinth will be met with chaotic violence. He chuckled, it hasn't changed nor will it be different. But restoring his mother is the priority, if the planet’s essence is anything like Gaia’s life stream it may provide good results. True to his promise, he’ll test the authenticity of the essence on himself, if it’s free of impurities and not a toxic miasma. Though immune from poison, he’s not willing to risk his mother on a theory. He wants to see it with his own eyes, the military on his tail is troublesome.

Materializing his wing, he took flight. Sweeping, drifting against the wind flow. He’s incensed by a new found hope he’ll be able to break preconceived barriers that stand in his way. As he felt the weight of the planet’s essence perhaps it’s in his reach, one step closer to reviving his mother’s body. Though, questions wrought him, so many questions and questions left unanswered. If he can get back control of the clones, they’re useful as looking glasses, conduits and weapons. All he needs is to put his consciousness into them. After all, the clones are malleable; that is if their body accepts the Jenova cells. He’s flying at a rapid rate, exuding unimaginable stamina. Pushing against the wind, hoping to cut the travel time by half, he had put some good distance away from the carnage he left behind in the mushroom forest. Stopping mid-flight, to take a short break, although the feeling of the essence is vague, it’s dense as he thought. Will it help prevent this incident from happening again, I’ll have to see it;gauge its power myself. He pushed his legs back, using the air current as a springboard. And, by air-stepping, implementing full use of his wing.
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Location: Battlefield Fortress | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Shroomie Shroomie
It was a relief when Byleth was met with no resistance from the remaining Gao. It was like he had hoped; a rather lazy creature when it lacked motivation to fight. Letting the tension in his shoulders ease up, a soft sigh slipped between his lips and his eyes silently watched the felines leave to ensure they didn't have a sudden change of heart. Part of it felt odd to let beasts walk free, but from his perspective they were no different than the human soldiers that he had faced countless times. Sparring those who agreed to defeat was a simple act of mercy and a sign that even amidst conflict, a small act of kindness could be found. It was all bittersweet though. He had learned that fact during his time at the Monastery.

Before any kind of real emotion could settle upon the stoic professor, his head turned and green eyes settled upon Layton. While the older man was trying to shake of the pains of using the Sword of the Creator, Byleth knew they would still linger, even if one could push past them. Luckily he had continued to use the blade like some people would have. His mind briefly called the time in which the Lance of Ruin had been misused and caused Sylvain's brother to lose all control. The thought of Layton turning into a demonic beast like that caused his gaze to drop as his brows flattened. He would never wish such a fate upon anyone; not even someone who opposed him. It was horrific and yet, he had to stand strong to protect his students and ensure each of them returned.

The other professor's words would thankfully draw Byleth's mind from sinking any deeper on the subject. He nodded slowly before he lifted his head again and stepped towards Layton, not bothering to grab his sword. It could remain put as a sign of victory, or maybe it was something more solemn. The young professor hadn't put much thought into it, but he wasn't concerned with the blade anyways.

"If you insist," he said plainly as he reached Layton's side. "But I do warn you not to try and wield my blade again. A mere moment may only cause pain, but far worse could happen and I rather avoid a worse case scenario. Perhaps I'll explain the details of it later, but now is not the time."

He paused as he looked towards the woman his companion had mentioned. It was the same one he had briefly spotted while he had been flung about by the Gao Captain. She seemed to be tending to the few soldiers that had escaped the massacre. She was clearly no enemy, though Layton's words of being a gentleman and Zelda being a beautiful lady went well over Byleth's head. Such things had never been important in his line of work and he hardly treated anyone different from the rest, even the Archbishop herself, though Seteth often chided him for such mannerisms.

Moving forward, Byleth approached Zelda and the soldiers in silence before he crouched down and extended a hand towards the man she had bandaged up. "Let me help."

The gentle glow of golden magic radiated from his palm as he held it over the soldier's wounds. HIs healing was effective enough though it was nowhere on par with that of a trained wr cleric. Even some of his own students could easily do better, but it was still potent enough to ease the pain and help stop the bleeding.

"Thank you for aiding them," Byleth abruptly spoke, his words coming out a bit awkwardly.

Before he continued on, he looked her over, making silent observations as he did. She didn't seem to be someone from the Ylissen army, though she appeared fit for combat. Her garb was that of a fighter. What was more important to him though was the striking resemblance she had to the fighters from Hyrule, at least the Links and Zelda. Her outfit even seemed to have similar details as that of the princess he had met during his previous visit although he was sure this wasn't her unless she had grown in the past year. Even so, she would have recognized him, right? Maybe not. His own appearance had changed.

"If you don't mind me asking, what brings you here?"

The thought of an introduction completely slipped the professor's mind as he decided to satiate his own curiosity towards the newcomer. She had appeared so quietly and without much of a trace. It was only natural he find himself drawn to such mystery, though maybe it was less curiosity and more wariness given his usual mannerisms.
Nurse Joy
Location: The Plains
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , SheepKing SheepKing , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat , A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Nurse Joy gasped softly, a hand placed over her open mouth at the reveal of two of the Super Smash Bros. fighters mentioned in the poem: Isabelle and Sephiroth. "Oh, oh, poor Isabelle!"

The Super Smash Brother tournaments were only for fun and sport; there was little concern of severe injury or death thanks to the Hands' magic. Bruises and scrapes were typically the worst a fighter suffers after a rumble in the ring. The fighter reveal trailers were also merely for advertisement and entertainment. Mario was an incredibly good sport about them, though Pit and a few others had some not-so-nice things to say after the Kazuya-reveal trailer. That said, outside of the tournaments and away from the Stadium, things were different. Sephiroth presented a very real threat, even moreso with the Hands gone. Nurse Joy's hand dropped from her mouth to her heart and clenched into a fist as she silently prayed for Isabelle's safety. The best case scenario is that the One-Winged Angel will consider Isabelle too insignificant to bother with.

Joker's reciting of the next stanza returned Joy's focus to the task at hand. "'Raven wings cast a shadow of doubt...' We already know that cannot be Sephiroth. Meta Knight or Ridley perhaps? Though I wouldn't say they have raven wings. It couldn't be Duck Hunt or Kazooie. Maybe Falco?" The nurse then perked up at the recital of the last line of the stanza. "Dragon Sky High, that must be the Legendary Pokemon, Rayquaza, the Sky High Pokemon! Some of our friends are at the Lake to the south to seek out Rayquaza! Though why they need his power, I do not know. Rayquaza, like most Legendary Pokemon, tends to keep its distance from humans. If I understand correctly, the poem is referring to Samus, Princess Zelda, and Princess Toadstool; or Peach. Well, I suppose with those three together, they'll be able achieve whatever it is they've set out to do!"

Nurse Joy was then taken aback at Joker's request for a fast route to Lumoise City. "Lumoise City? That will be a long trip; it's right in the heart of the Smash Realm!" Her features became serious. "Please do not take this as me doubting your abilities, Super Smash Brothers, but remember that you are now wanted criminals. Be very careful!"

Lord Lunaris
Location: The Flying Citadel
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie , NimbusWing NimbusWing

At Pauline's show of concern, Lunaris raised a hand, warning her to keep her distance. After fighting down a coughing fit that threatened to reveal his weakness, he waved the hand in a dismissive gesture. "Fret not, my lady! Am I not the Master of Creation and Destruction? The Lord of the Moon and Stars? What you've just witnessed is but a mere sample of my power! I am just... weary after destroying that Meteor, and I am in need of rest. If you have no other business or concerns, then I must bid you good day. I do hope you will visit the Flying Citadel again soon. I highly recommend you try the Mean Bean Machine cafe in the Plaza."

Lunaris grabbed the end of his cloak and bowed to the mayor before turning and making his way back into his castle, the Persian by his side. Once inside, he broke down into the coughing fit he had stubbornly held back while speaking to Pauline. Conjuring the one hundred Alloy fighters after using his power to destroy the Meteor had caused his body great strain. Perhaps he should've created less taxing fighters such as Wire Frames or Polygons instead! The Polygons were the "cheapest" of fighters Lunaris can create as they required little power, but the Polygons had the drawback of possessing very simple programming; they can only follow basic instructions. The Mii Fighters were the most strenuous minions to create as they had the highest intelligence and fighting ability of all the Small Fry Fighters. The Alloys were the middle ground, with Wire Frames beneath them.

Helpless to do anything, the Persian mewed and rubbed her head against her master's thigh in hopes of comforting him. Shiri darted toward his private quarters and returned with a vial of red potion, of which Lunaris downed immediately. Once Lunaris got his breathing under control, he lowered his hand from his mouth and stared at the black ichor that stained it.

"What is happening to me?" he rasped, his hand trembling.

The Hylian sorcerer growled low and clenched his fist as he regained control. He could not afford to let anyone see him in this weakened and vulnerable state! Then the realization hit him.


The strange woman had disappeared after Pauline's arrival. Lunaris cursed himself for a fool for getting distracted and forgetting about her. Despite his body's protests, Lunaris forced himself to seek out the sorceress. He cannot have her wandering his citadel unsupervised, that only spelled trouble!
Noctis and Prompto
Ploegy Ploegy GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

Noctis was still checking out the poem and ready through it. "So,this poem,this is some kind of prophesy involving you Smash Bros guys?" Noct asked."I'm no stranger with prophesies and chosen one stuff...well...I'm stuck in that stuff back in my world."
He heard Joker request a fast road to Luminose city. So did Prompto.Nurse Joy told them to be careful because the Super Smash Bros were wanted criminal.
"Prompto and I are new here...I doubt we are part of the gang too." Noct replied. "We're still rookies Noct."Prompto replied. "Besides...we're wrongly acussed wanted criminals/fugitives back in our world too! Our fellow Smash Bros are wrongly accused because of this Lunaris guy,who's just the Nifs back in our world! We have to help our fellow Smash Bros save this world and claim their innocence!"

"Prompto...we're not part of the Smash bros...well,are we now?" Noctis adsed Joker. "What about Paula,and your friends Ann...I mean Panther and Futaba?"
Shadow the hedgehog
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy

Shadow watched helplesly as the monster attempts to capture the inocent Yoshi.
He frowned. "Not on my watch!" He teleports again behind the monster and attempts to hit it behind the next while attempting to snatch the bsg containing Yoshi away from it.
"This might not be my world...this might not be my buisness...but I promised Maria...I will protect the inocent!"

He pulled the bag and tried to free Yoshi. "I will not let you enslave this creature!"
Smash Realm
Grand Hall
Zalunbar- Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Zalunbar’s words cut deep; it went badly just as Cyan suspected. A flicker of disappointment etched on his face mirroring Peregrine frustration. He wordlessly tails behind his masked comrade, knitting his eyebrows it seems their plan has failed as Lunaris does seem to have a large stake in the Smash Realm, a cunning individual is someone who is a dangerous type of foe. “ Perhaps we should reform our plan or consider a different approach?” He had little idea what to do as their hands were tied at the seams. He felt at a loss for words instead crossing his arms sensing like Peregrine the dark legion will not be easily swayed. He pinches his nose trying to think of ways to appeal to Zulunbar, nothing short of empty promises yet little words that don’t hold water. “ Peregrine, what do you suggest? I can't think of any logical solutions.” He furrowed eyebrows, his frustration coming in waves.

There’s a small glimmer of hope that the legionnaires may reconsider over deliberating, however, Cyan didn’t feel all that confident anymore rather looking and feeling deflated. Though he wasn’t keen on giving up readily without trying to sway their opinions. He kept himself poised no sense in making his friend feel defeated though he hinged on the hope of getting aid. What are they supposed to do? He figured there’s only to wait while Zalunbar deliberates with his men. His anxiety is sky high and he keeps his emotions in control. He supposes waiting is their only option at the moment. As he stands near Peregrine he thinks of what he could say except he’s drawing blanks not happy their hands are tied. Cyan has confidence the legionnaires are reasonable, they seem to be, instead his eyes went to Peregrine wondering if he has a concrete strategy in mind. “ Quite the conundrum,” He whispers to himself.
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oker & anther

Location: Plains near Stadium | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Hearing Paula's explanation of her situation, Ann tilted her head bit. She wasn't sure what it all meant, especially given she didn't know what it was like to have psychic powers or anything along those lines. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around feeling another's malice through ones mind, but she didn't question it and instead nodded her head. At least they had some idea of what had gone on with her, or well, she did.

Glancing briefly in Ren's direction, she could tell he was lost in his own world. His focus was far from what she was currently doing, though it was understandable. Even if some might see such actions as cold, she knew deep down those weren't his intentions in regard to Paula. Hopefully the younger girl could understand.

"No need to be sorry. It sounds like an unpleasant thing to go through, not to mention, it doesn't sound like you had much control in the matter either," Ann assured, her voice coming off as rather soft and kind. "I'm sure nobody is truly bothered by it all. I know Joker may not look it at the moment, but I promise he cares. If he didn't have me around, he'd be here in my place comforting you."

There was no reason for her to speak on behalf of Ren, but she did. Ann knew it was true after all. In no world would he push the concern of another off unless he knew for certain there was another way to go about helping them. She was that other way in this given scenario. He put his trust in her to assure the situation was handled so he could direct his full attention to picking apart the poem he was given. No one would be able to tell given his naturally calm demeanor, but it was stressful him him. Ann had come to read his subtle tells, even if she wasn't particularly the brightest person around. She had spent plenty of time around him to figure it all out.

Before she could go on to suggest they return to the others, Paula was already ahead of her. Watching her return to Joker's side, Ann let a small smile form upon her lips as she slowly raised herself back to her full height and prepared to rejoin them as well even if she knew her knowledge of all this was rather limited. She could only pick out the obvious ones even though Ren had spoken fondly of his time among many of the other fighters on the roster. Not thinking too hard on it, she rejoined the group as the younger teen approached her boyfriend and pulled him from whatever musings he had been on. Her apology only caused the features of the other thief to soften as he shook his head and dismissed such words.

"Don't sweat it." Ren replied as his eyes quickly flickered to Ann and offered her a subtle look of gratitude before looking back at Paula. "And I know it's not much, but try not to worry too much about people like Sephiroth or even Lunaris for that matter. Maybe you think my confidence is baseless and empty, I can understand why, but I can promise I will protect you, all of you, with my life."

He placed a hand upon Paula's head much like before and gently ruffled her hair before pulling it back. His words held heavy meaning, but he meant each of them. If push came to shove he wouldn't shy away from putting himself between a dangerous enemy and his allies. It was something he was used to doing, especially in dire situations. The Phantom Thieves had returned that feeling, though admittedly some of them had been rough in their methods of keeping him safe.

Pulling his mind from those thoughts, gray orbs flickered back to the hologram in front of him as he heard Nurse Joy comment on what he had been muttering over before Paula rejoined them. It seemed she too was stumped on the raven wings, and even among the various fighters she listed, he wasn't sure any fit the description exactly. The closest one was Falco, though he was no raven. However, his thoughts on that clue quickly faded as she spoke of Rayquaza. Admittedly, he had never encountered the Pokemon for himself, thus knew very little of it, but from how she described it, the beast seemed powerful. The fighters who were encountering it were almost exactly whom he had expected, though the fact Peach was Princess of Fungi hadn't crossed his own mind. He supposed it made sense. She was often accompanied by strange mushroom people, or whatever they were. It mattered little.

"They must have reason for seeking out a creature like that," Joker stated as he quickly dragged the icons of the three fighters to the lake he could see on the map. "Perhaps it has to do with one of the pillars, though that's merely speculation on my behalf. There's nothing here that indicates if that is the case."

Even if they had no exact reasoning behind why Rayquaza was being summoned, they at least knew that was what was happening around the lakeshore. He could only hope the legendary creature wouldn't cause them too many issues. While he knew little of it, he did know if it was anything like the legendary Pokemon among the members of the Smash Bros it was strong.

Joker didn't ponder such thoughts for long and listened to Paula, Prompto and Noctis go on to try and figure out the next stanza, but his attention on them didn't last long as Joy spoke to him on his inquiry of a route to Lumiose City. Her words of warning were no surprise. The thief was well aware of their wanted status and the hindrance it placed upon them. Such things had never slowed him down before. He had been a wanted man back in Japan as well, though he supposed it was easier to move freely when his identity was unknown to the public than when it was common knowledge. He had learned that fact after his capture during their own adventure. Likely it wouldn't be much different here if he went in head first. Even so he couldn't ignore the possibility that K.K. Slider might possess a pillar.

"I understand your concern and I appreciate it, but I am no stranger to working around such inconveniences. I am a Phantom Thief after all. Infiltrating dangerous locations and stealing a treasure is a specialty of mine," he said. Under different circumstances he would have let his smugness come out, but given the seriousness the nurse gave off he decided against such behavior. She was merely worried for their wellbeing. "There is a possibility a pillar we're searching for could be there. The radio host mentioned K.K. giving out a guitar pick he received from Master Hand as a prize whilst also mentioning imagination.... I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. As much as I would hate to steal a prize from someone who worked for it, if it is a pillar, then obtaining it without making a scene is entirely possible. It'd be a tangible object after all and nobody but myself would have to be put at risk."

Those words immediately caught Ann's attention and she glared daggers at Ren. "Joker, don't you dare!"

Ann's chiding came as no surprise to Ren as he rubbed the back of his head. She had every right to be against it. He knew she didn't doubt his skills or whether he could steal what he was after, but rather his own safety and if a reckless act would result in a horrible situation like it had back home or even like the one he had only just escaped from.

"Settle down, Panther. I'm not doing anything. It's only a possibility we shouldn't take off the table. We can't brush off obtaining something we need to defeat Lunaris, and I know deep down you understand that," he sighed as he turned back to the hologram. "We'll figure all that out later. For all we know others may already be on looking into that pillar as we speak. I'm sure the poem will make that obvious."

His shift of attention hardly caused Ann to ease up and the look on her face made that much obvious. The thought of snaking his arms around her and pulling her close to assure her that he wouldn't pull any moronic stunts crossed his mind, but he quickly brushed it off knowing it would only fluster her instead and make a scene. Letting it rest was all her could do as much as he hated it.

Joker stared at the words of the stanza Paula, Prompto and Noctis had been looking over before and allowed himself to properly read it himself. As he did, he furrowed his brow in thought. There were some obvious ones in this grouping. Hero of Wild had to be one of the Links. He had often heard the trio of them referred by such titles when he was last here, though between the two they hadn't identified, he couldn't remember which was which. At least it narrowed it down. The next was yet another one he could narrow to two; Pikachu or Pichu, and it seemed the others were in agreement in that regard. Pausing his thoughts, he realized they skipped over a hint; one regarding a "Princess of Time." A princess hidden in shadow? He didn't know what to make of it. The next two were a no less tricky. Altea, Nohr and Hoshido clearly were places, but from which universe, he couldn't say off the top of his head, however the description alongside the latter helped. Not many in the roster were dragons. Who did that leave him with though? Ridley was a dragon of sorts, right? Ren wasn't even sure what he classified as. Aside from that there was Corrin who turned into a beast. Was it her?

"Don't strain that brain too much, Joker," Futaba remarked as she descended down from inside her persona and momentarily obstructed view of the hologram. "I've finished what you asked for. You have full access to the program I used to hack the radio waves back in Japan, though your phone might blow up. I dunno... never tested it on something besides my laptop," she snickered and held the cellphone out to him before stepping out of the way to let herself look over what they had been working on. "And those directions you asked for, I saved them on your phone's navigation app. It's the fastest route I could find ya."

"How reassuring..." Ren murmured as he ruffled his unruly curls with one hand and took his phone with the other.

"Now I'll help you with this too. Unlike you, I remember what I researched on all the fighters, mwehehe!" Futaba's lips curled into a devilish smile as she quickly scanned things over. This would be a breeze and she hadn't even been the one participating in the previous tournament. It was her job to analyze and provide information to Ren after all. Before she could fully begin though she heard Noctis speak and she shook her head quickly. "The Smash Brothers, while always expanding, are a select group of individuals. Most are invited via a special letter with a certified seal, while others have other not so friendly ways of coming along, or in some special cases they showed up to help in past situations. You and I are merely NPCs when compared to them, so we're not wanted like them, though by associating, we open the gate to be apprehended on the spot."

Ren was surprised Futaba was so openly chatty with a stranger, but it made him proud. It proved she was finally branching out from her usual reclusive, shut-in nature, or maybe it was merely because he was around and the topic was one she could nerd out over. The latter was more likely, as much as he hated to admit it to himself. Before he could comment on it though, she had already begun to pick up on the poem, easing naturally from one subject to a new one.

"So this poem.... I heard you struggling on this one; raven wings. Not many fit that description. Sure you could list all the birds like before, but none of them have black wings like a raven. You know who does though? That one angel.... Dark Pit right? Surely it's him. Angel wings are all feathery like a bird."

Her thought process seemed logical enough and given what he knew of the angel, he seemed to fit the description. The thought of him being with all the ladies though caused a snicker to slip between the thief's lips. Of all the guys, it had to be him in that situation. How lucky. Any man would enjoy being among such company, though he wasn't sure Dark Pit was one of them. That was a thought best kept to himself though.

Hearing Ren snicker, Futaba and Ann stared at him silently, neither knowing what seemed so funny to him, though they didn't dare ask either. Whatever thoughts he was having were left better unsaid.

Shifting gears, Futaba ignored Ren and looked back at the next part of the poem as the other thief busied himself with placing Dark Pit's icon on the map. The next set of fighter's came to her easily as she looked them over. The others had been on the right track but she would bring clarity upon it.

"Your guesses aren't too bad, but these are easy ones!" she declared with a grin on her face which only received her an exasperated look from the Phantom Thieves's leader. "Hero of Wild... That's Link. Not the cartoony one or the young one, but the one clad in blue. All the Links have a title like this, but that's for another time. The electric mouse, well that one is obvious yet tricky. Obviously you can narrow it down to two options, Pikachu and Pichu, but this specific reference is to the former. A later line makes that clear!" She paused and glanced towards Ren expectantly and he simply nodded as he continued to move the icons as into their rightful positions. She chuckled at his obedience before she continued: "Princess of Time; yet another reference to the Hylian fighters and given Zelda was already identified, and that leaves us with the only other female Hylian: Sheik! The next ones are real easy too even if you don't know the locations. Hero-King is a title only Marth is referred to by and there aren't many dragons on the roster, let alone one aligned with two countries. That would be Corrin!"

Nodding at her analysis, Ren couldn't argue with anything so far. It was nice she was explaining her thoughts as she went, making it clear how she had come to her conclusions rather than glazing over it. It would be the easier route, but approaching it like this left very little room for dispute which he could appreciate and he was sure the others would like it too even if it was an overload of information. It only helped cement Futaba as a huge asset to their efforts, though he was unsure if he wanted her to remain. For now she could remain, but when the time came he would have her depart. If only Ann would do the same. Her safety worried him just as much, if not more than Futaba's even if she had a combat persona unlike their navigator. That was a worry to save for later. Besides, Futaba showed no signs of stopping.

"The next stanza gives us a new location. The desert in the south. It also has one fighter. I was stuck based off the whole god or human part, but bearing a Crest of Flames is clearly what we can identify this one by. If I hadn't looked this up back before the last tournament we'd likely have no clue, but there was detailed information on such a Crest thanks to some Professor Hanneman. The one bearing this Crest is Byleth."

She could have rambled on about the details the professor had left in the report regarding Byleth, but that was something she would have to avoid geeking out over for the time being. Besides, what use was such information to them at a time like this?

"He isn't alone though. The whole next grouping is with him. We have Key of Hearts which is..."

"Oh that's the real nice kid with the big key weapon, right?! He was a real sweetheart to everyone even all the non-fighters!" Ann exclaimed happily as she recalled the younger boy. Even if she only had a few minor run-ins with him. It was surprising to Joker that she even remembered something like that, though it was true, Sora was a kindhearted kid.

"Sora is his name, but yes, and the LITTLE mouse with sparking cheeks surely is Pichu, hence why the earlier one must be Pikachu!" Futaba explained as she rubbed her chin while looking at the trio that came next. They were the harder even for her to figure out even with her knowledge. There were multiple princes on the roster and how was she supposed to know who was married to who. The only saving grace of this segment was the hint of a daughter. While multiple members of the roster did have children they weren't included in the roster themselves. There was one father-daughter duo that fit the description of royalty though. "And I presume the father and daughter mentioned should be Chrom and Lucina, which I suppose makes the wife Robin if I'm looking at things correctly. That one is a bit trickier to understand though. I can't say I'm 100% accurate."

Even if she was unsure, Joker could following her line of thinking. It was better than anything he could come up with and he had no objections to whom she deemed they were. Were there even any other distinct father-daughter duos that could also have a wife on the roster too? Not that he knew of, unless some of the Smash Bros eloped and had some child together. That was none of his business though even if the though of world crossing relationships was odd to him. Nevertheless, he continued to move the icons as Oracle stated who she bested believed they were.

"The next grouping we can skip since you already figured it out and I see nothing that could help you place them or add another to their group," she commented before overlooking the bit referring to Isabelle and Sephiroth knowing they had covered it. "The jungle... hm, a dinosaur who's green. That has to be none other than Yoshi. There aren't other green dinosaurs around. A champion racer? Well I'm guessing it's no Mario Kart reference and the space animals aren't known for their racing with those ships of theirs, though maybe they do... I doubt it's them though. They don't strike me as "Champion racer" and there are other fighters with ships. Like that Falcon guy! Does he race? I feel like he races if memory serves me right... That aside, the pink ball warrior surely is Kirby, unless Jigglypuff is a warrior now, I dunno."

Joker stared at her for a moment wondering if she was being serious or was joking. Then again it was understandable if she didn't recall everything about every single fighter, especially the ones with clues that might not be obvious to them. "He does have that ship he drives around so I wouldn't say it'd be farfetched to assume it's him."

"Anyways, the last grouping is at some falls, waterfalls I presume, wherever that might be. Tinkerer of foresight, well I'm not sure if he tinkers but Shulk has foresight. He used it many time before to aid everyone and it's the one defining thing about him. A psychic boy well... that could be Ness or Lucas, but given your friend didn't react to it before, I would presume the latter and if I'm not mistaken Lucas does learn a psychic ability known as PK Love. And finally, noodles! Surely this one isn't hard. Only one fighter is all about noodles, so it's gotta be her; Min Min!"

As Futaba declared the last few fighters, Ren eyed over the map and spotted a spot on the far east that looked like falls and quickly placed them there without a second though. It was a lot to take in, but it was complete, or as complete as they could make it. Unfortunately they didn't get any more hints to pillar locations, though it did help knowing where everyone was. The final stanza only reiterated the idea of reuniting with the others to defeat Lunaris, thus not anything that they had to delve deeply into.

Looking over the map, he silently hummed in thought and ran his fingers mindlessly through his bangs out of habit. This was the information they had. How did they best use it? That was beyond him, but it had to be useful to some degree surely.

"I know that was a lot to take in, but we should have a better picture of things now, and if you'd like to disagree or add anything to Oracle's analysis feel free. There might be things she overlooked because of how much she went through. Any extra information is beneficial to our cause."
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“...Corrin, I appreciate your kind words but…”

For all Corrin's gentle insistence that Zelda wasn’t at fault, the Hylian princess found herself not yet ready to accept all her consultations in their entirety. Even if Zelda’s actions had been done with well-meaning intention, it was undeniable that they’d led to dour consequences, so who would she be to not accept any accountability for her part in the situation.

Intended or not Zelda could never allow herself to sit idly by after her orders had played part in orchestrating this mess. And even if said part was either a fraction or its entirety, the least she could do was grab a broom and help clean it, and she was fully prepared to defend her right to do so.

However, the two princesses’ were thankfully quick to offer their blessings with no resistance much to Zelda’s relief. With a confident nod and hand clenched to her chest, Zelda looked up towards her two friends and smiled.

“Thank you, I promise to not let you down!”

A promise that clung to Zelda’s mind as Corrin stepped back to transform once more into her draconic form. And, while on a much, much smaller scale, you could say Zelda underwent a transformation for herself when she hastily threw her hair into a simple ponytail to keep it out of the way.

Corrin lowered herself to beckon the Hylian over, and grabbing the hems of her skirt, Zelda was struck by the familiarity in which she mounted her back. For all the pokey and scaly parts of Corrin’s beastly body, Zelda found that if she closed her eyes, it’d be alarmingly easy to simply imagine Corrin as any horse she’d ridden back in Hyrule. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Mm, ready!”

…Zelda may have overestimated herself ever so slightly as she gripped onto Corrin’s neck for dear life the moment she launched the two into the sky. If there was one thing Zelda was thankful for, it was that it’d been so sudden that sure Sheik hadn’t been able to hear her scream of terror…right?

The rush of wind pushing onto them forced Zelda’s eyes shut as dragon and Hylian rose into the heavens. This was nothing like riding on Samus’ ship, nothing like riding on a horse, nothing like anything she’d experienced before!. No, the force of winds that pushed down on her was stronger than anything Farore's wind or any other gale magic could call upon. No, as Zelda was left defenseless against the forces of ascension, she’d never imagined such power could be found merely in the act of flapping wings and the weight of gravity.

Higher and higher the two rose into the air, and against all rationale, Zelda found herself genuinely in fear that they’d soar past the skies and crash right into the stars above.

Thankfully, these fears were dashed away as Zelda felt Corrin come to a sudden stop, gently bobbing up and down with every flap of her wings. Zelda found that the initial terror which had stricken her finally began to dissipate. Her heart still thumped to the rapid beat of a Goron’s drums, but she found her breath no longer caught in her throat. And so, she opened her eyes and took in the sight before her.


An endless sea of clouds that stretched far beyond the horizon, a sky so blue and a sun so warm even the deftest of poets would struggle to capture its beauty in words alone. Zelda found herself in awe.

For as much as Zelda yearned to further bask in the beautiful sights, now was not the time to sit and gawk.

“Right, the last we’d seen him Dark Pit was heading...this way!”

Zelda gestured in the general direction and without a moment to spare Corrin took off.

The two princesses soared across the skies; eyes peeled for any signs of their lost comrade. In a situation such as this, Zelda would have hoped she’d be able to employ her telepathy to aid in the search, but with all the overwhelming stimulus that came from flying hundreds of feet in the air, she doubted she’d be able to maintain the mental focus to do so. While she was unable to contact him directly, her telepathy wasn’t completely useless. As its effectiveness depended on the proximity of the person she wished to commune with, simply being able to sense Dark Pit’s presence was enough proof they were on the right track.

Zelda released one arm from Corrin’s neck, cupping her hand around her mouth as she called out.

“Dark Pit! Are you there!?”

She lowered her hand, awaiting a response.


“Dark Pit?”

Zelda found herself nervously raking a hand through her hair. Either she’d been wrong, and the angel truly wasn’t around here at all, or he intentionally wasn’t responding to her. Either way, she’d raise her hand to call out once more, only for the sound of a distant roar to interrupt her thoughts.


“What was…!”

Zelda caught sight of it. Far back where the lake lay, there was a ginormous snake-like beast thrashing violently in the sky. Behavior more akin to a rabid creature than the noble dragon she’d been told of Zelda could only watch in horror as it rained down its wrath upon the lake below.

“They summoned Rayquaza!”

The corners of Zelda's lips tightened into a grimace as she glanced back towards the sea of clouds, the dark angel still nowhere in sight. Her voice was drowning in reluctance as she addressed Corrin.

“We may need to go back to the lake, with or without Dark Pit. Calming Rayquaza will be no easy task, and I’m sure our friends will certainly need all the help they can get”

Disappointment clung heavily onto the Hylian, but nevertheless she steeled herself and focused her sights solely on the dragon in the distance. For the sake of those at the lake, she couldn’t let her judgment be clouded by disappointment or shame.

“....Let us return to the lake”

With that, she and Corrin were just about to soar off, only for something, or someone to beat them to the chase.


A figure bathed in black ran along the cloudscape, hopping from cloud to cloud as they rushed past the two princesses, heading straight for the lake.

“Dark Pit!”

The two set off tailing behind the angel. With him traveling on foot, it wouldn’t take long before they’d be able to catch up with Dark Pit, hovering just a few feet above him. Carefully, Zelda ushered Corrin to lower themselves to his level. Finally, Zelda was face to face with Dark Pit.

There was so much she wanted to say, mountains worth of rambling apologies and explanations already forming at the end of her tongue. Yet, she’d succeed in keeping them down for a little while longer, as she’d simply extend a hand towards Dark Pit with a small smile.

“It’ll be quicker for the both of us to travel by air, and…there’s quite a lot of things I need to apologize for”

Whether or not he accepted the offer, the three fighters would surely continue with their return to the lake, and Zelda found she could no longer contain her words as soon enough they all began to pour out one after another.

“Dark Pit, I’m sorry for sending the others chasing after you. It was thoughtless of me to pressure you to remain with us without providing you with any manner of explanation or reasoning for why. And even if I had, that’s still no excuse for how I placed you into a situation that completely took away your freedom of choice. So, for as much as Samus, Peach, and I truly do value you and your presence, I won’t force you to stay with us for any longer than what you and you alone desire.”

Zelda went silent, turning away from Dark Pit as she once more took in the sight of Rayquaza writhing in the distance.

“And, while I am in no position to ask this of you…I hope you will allow me to explain why we were so desperate to bring you back”

“Dark Pit, the Smash Realm is in great peril, there are forces at play that I and the others lack full comprehension of. We’d never doubt your ability to handle yourself on your own, but I am certain the more information you hold regarding what is happening, why it is, and who is the cause, will serve to be of your benefit. I can give you a simplified explanation now, or if you allow me, once Rayquaza has been quelled I could take the time to clarify everything in full. Corrin, Link, and Marth are also awaiting proper explanations as well, so if I also could inform everyone all at once-”

She finally turn back to face Dark Pit once more.

“It’d certainly make things easier. But once again, if you don’t want to stay for any longer and would rather leave as soon as Rayquaza’s been dealt with, I won’t try to force you to do otherwise”

Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Dark Pit) A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Corrin, and apologies for taking the reins on Corrin for a bit 😅) Forevermore Forevermore (Sheik)
Location: Lake --> Skies (Map TBA)

The Radiant Hero


Once the shard inside of Toon Link's box had been revealed to the world, a sort of clammy, tingly feeling sent chills down Ike's spine. He took a step back, feeling unnerved by the aura that this artifact possessed. But that was easily put aside when Cranky shut the box closed and hid it from view.

Ike listened to Cranky go on about their heads being soft and FAQ's (Daisy shared some sentiments with Ike it seemed- he didn't know what the old Kong was waffling about either), but his attention was really piqued at the explanation as to what that bizarre shard was.

So it was an artifact of Crazy Hand's? That explained the strange power it had over them all. The mercenary peeked at the Crystal Coconut once more, and more hazy images floated to the surface. Ike stood silently, watching them all with his arms folded and a serious expression on his face. Their main goal was to collect more of these rocks, it seemed.

The hero scoffed quietly under his breath. If he could kill the Black Knight and Ashnard as well as defeat the goddess of order herself, then this was sure to be quite simple, right?

Watching as princess and Pokemon excited the cabin, the merc decided to do the same. He gestured for Toon Link to follow. "Thanks for the tips, Cranky. C'mon, Toon Link, let's get moving."

Once the four were outside of the cabin, Daisy was the first to speak. She had turned to Ike and asked what their next move should be. The radiant hero scratched his head and thought for a second, planting Ragnell's tip into the ground as he thought.

He had no idea where they were, nor where all the other fighters could be, if they were even in the Smash Realm. However, there was one thing he was acutely aware of- that they were definitely in the Subspace area of the Realm. And if that were to be the case, then their best bet was to try and make it to the Stadium. That is where the Smash Brothers congregated at the beginning of each tournament, so that seemed like a good start, at the very least.

After taking a quick look around at their surroundings, Ike said finally, "We're heading to the Stadium. From what I can tell, we travel East. If you follow me or you don't, that is up to you to decide."

With that candid statement, he put his index finger in his mouth, then raised it in the air. The gentle breeze blowing on his finger told him where he was supposed to go, and so he swung his sword over his shoulder again and began walking Eastward.

Tags: Forevermore Forevermore (Daisy), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Toon Link) PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Mewtwo)
Location: Northwestern Coastline (Subspace)

Ice Climbers
The Bone-Chilling Duo


Once it was revealed to them what lived in the small community of tents down the mountainside, the two ice climbers gasped in amazement, their hands cupping their cheeks. "Woah!"

Popo exclaimed, his eyes as wide as saucers, "That's a weird spaghetti looking thing!"

Nana smacked him upside the head. "You dunce, that's a jellyfish!"
She turned her attention back onto the creatures as they began walking over to the nearby river. She tilted her head to the side, befuddled. "Strange how they wear people clothes...and yeah, why do they live out of water? And why are they so concerned about THAT water in the river?"

Popo, still rubbing his head where Nana had walloped him, shrugged and declared, "Maybe we should go and check em out, like Shulk said! C'mon, let's go!"

Without a moment of hesitation, the blue ice climber began making his way further down the mountain, curious BOING sounds echoing in the air each time his feet left the ground as he jumped, jumped, jumped down the slope.

Nana sighed, before she began to follow him in stride, the pair quickly making it down to the tents without struggle. It was obvious by the easy way they traversed the terrain that they were no rookies at adventuring. Once they were down there, Popo casually moseyed on over to the jellyfish gathering at the river, and waved in a friendly fashion.

"Hi," he chirped, "My name's Popo. What're you guys doing?"

The pink ice climber watched from afar, clearly a little nervous about how the jellyfish would treat strangers. "P-Popo, maybe we should wait for the others..." she mumbled.

"Relax," the other Ice climber laughed, turning to look at Nana with a casual wave of his hand. "I'm sure they're all nice fellas!"

Tags: Ploegy Ploegy (Shulk), Forevermore Forevermore (Lucas), A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity (Min Min)
Location: Mountain Falls
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Noctis and Prompto
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Nurse Joy) Ploegy Ploegy ( Joker/Ren,Ann Futaba) Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat (Paula)
"Man,having a power like that can really be a curse." Prompto said to Paula. He was also worried for her."I might not have powers but I bet it has it's share of problems and unpleasantness...though don't worry,it's kinda like rain. You have no control over it. It's not your fault. If everyone else happens,Joker,Ann over here will be there for you. And I'll be there too!" Prompto said with a clumsy smile.
Noctis was busy checking the poem with the rest of the gang. Futaba told him about the Smash bros being a group of individuals mostly being invited via invitations or special case.
"I remember Cloud telling me about this in this...other world we both went to." Noctis replied. "Though I don't consider mysrelf a "Smash Bros" yet more an NPC like you said.
"NPCs? Now you're speaking my language Futaba!" Prompto said cheerfully,
"Yeah...well,NPC or not,we're in this do we need to help our new friends against this Lunaris guy." Noctis replied.
As they continued to look at the poem,Prompto noticed something familiar.
"Wait,Key of Hearts? Like that msgical key from that video game?!"
"Maybe it's better not to talk about video games that might be real life in other worlds Prompto,you might confuse our friends." Noctis added.
Mog the Moogle
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
"You....You're right Kupo! I will my best! We will not let the enemy get the best of is Kupo!!!"
Mog flew to the Captain. He waa ready to protect him once again. He looked to analyse the enemies. The Moogle had to find a strategy.
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The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

With Shadow's resolve, the magic contained within the ribbon came to life, and the hedgehog was cured of all afflictions! However, the poison managed to slow Shadow just enough that Pluton was able to sweep Yoshi up within his sack and disappear in a poof of black smoke, but not before he insulted Shadow by pulling down one of his bottom eyelids, sticking his tongue out, and blowing a raspberry.

Pluton is gone, and Yoshi with him!


Atop the cliff, Odessa observed the battle between Captain Falcon, Mog, and her demons. Though the racer was knocking Keepahs out left and right with his punches, the little devils simply got back up and rejoined the fight. The negative energies of the Sorrowfen were rejuvenating them; no matter how many times they were Falcon Punched, they would not stay down! The Zuree took advantage of the Keepah's constant attacks, shifting into blue mist, then becoming corporeal again to strike with its massive hooked claws the moment it saw an opportunity.

Odessa couldn't help but marvel at Captain Falcon's thick-headedness. It will only be a matter of time before he tired out and fall at the spears and claws of her small army. A deep voice, like that of grinding rocks, intruded into her mind.

"I'm getting bored of this, priestess. Finish it! Summon the Orne!"

Odessa's eyes widened with horror. An Orne! Just the name of the malevolent entity made her shudder! The Orne, a wicked spirit of misery and regret, fully invincible to all but the most powerful of holy weaponry! It is said that being in the close proximity of one will shatter its victim's mind and kill them instantly! What effects would the Sorrowfen have upon such a being? Odessa can barely control the Plutons; what if she wouldn't be able to control the Orne?

"Do it!" the demonic voice in her head roared.

Trembling, Odessa raised her staff to obey. Before a single word could pass her lips, the earth began to shake, and the terrible roar filled the air again. The stillness of the Sorrowfen's waters shattered as many, many giant vines erupted from the pools, writhing with fury! Odessa was caught by one massive vine. Her scream was quickly cut off as she was slammed into the nearby weeping willow. The vine retreated back into the bog, and the priestess fell senseless into the mud.

There was no logic behind the vines' movements. They struck out at everything within their reach, smashing stone and wood, and sweeping the ice cold water of the marsh into the air.

Keepahs screeched as they were also smashed and swept away. Regardless of the Sorrowfen reviving them, it still hurt! Forgetting about Captain Falcon for a moment, they jabbed their spears at the enraged vines.

The White Sorceress


Lana sighed softly as she glanced from Pit to Pyra. The angel's words struck a chord inside the sorceress, as she knew an evil mage herself once, one who was so crazed from power that she didn't care about what or who she had to destroy. This Lunaris seemed like a whole other can of worms, however, and that made her a bit worried, to say the least.

She glanced at Pyra for a moment, and although she appeared calm, Lana could sense that her mind wasn't as serene as her outward disposition made it seem. The deity offered the Aegis a small reassuring nod, before her attention was caught by the Waddle Dee that had approached Pit with a small map.

Ah, perfect! The goddess looked keenly at Pit as he opened up the map with a pencil in hand, but...
"You...can't read English?" Lana blurted, astonished. Mortals not being able to understand multiple languages was completely understandable, but an immortal being such as him?

The goddess pressed a hand over her mouth as she realized what she had said sounded most rude, and she quickly added, "Apologies, I-I meant nothing by that..."

Thankfully, Pyra had taken the initiative and located the Stadium on the map. Interested (and definitely not trying to change the subject), the deity leaned in to see the route that the woman had divulged. Nodding along, she chirped, "Sounds like a plan. Well then, we better get a move on, shouldn't we?"

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pit), Ploegy Ploegy (Pyra)
Location: Shiny Sand Shores

The Princess of the Ages


Zelda stood to the side with the soldiers she was tending to, watching with bated breath as the Gao were delivered their ultimatum. Then, much to everyone's relief, the beasts accepted their defeat without putting up a fight. The princess could hear what they were muttering, and that made her chuckle. Talk about sour grapes...

It seemed that right after, the two men began speaking to one another in solemn tones, straightening up after the harsh battle. It was then, after seeing the concern in one's eyes and the pain that the other had endured, that she wished she had helped, somehow. The momentary cheerfulness in the general had dissipated.

She was brought out of her thoughts when the shorter man with the hat began walking towards her, followed closely by his companion. Her cheeks reddened slightly as she was referred to as a 'beautiful lady', still she kept her head held high as the pair finally reached her and the soldiers.

Quietly, she observed the green-haired one kneel down and heal up the soldier she had been bandaging, the radiant glow of magic emitting from his palm. Zelda nodded slightly, impressed by his handiwork.

The sound of the male's voice startled her slightly. It was quiet, serious, yet...awkward. The general's expression softened slightly as she replied, "No need to thank me."
She kept her regal disposition even though she could feel the man's eyes observing her. She in turn looked at the pair as well. One of them looked the part of a warrior, what with his dark armor and flowing robes. The other...was a bit strange. The princess was, of course, used to people and creatures of all shapes and sizes, but the sheer simplicity of the short gentleman's face threw her for a loop.

When she was prompted for an explanation as to why she was there, Zelda obliged, inclining her head. "Ah, of course. You see, I...happen to be the ruler of a faraway kingdom as well as the general of its army. A mesh of bad omens had spurred me to investigate an ambush located in a territory nearby my kingdom, and..." the princess paused as she forced herself to recall the events that had led to this moment. "...My units and I had been led into a trap by an old enemy of mine. I was taken away from my home, and...I somehow ended up here...."

Zelda's blue eyes lowered to the ground as she felt a sense of shame rise in her. Looking back at it, how had she fallen into Wizzro's hands? He played her like a harp, he knew that she would try to stop any threat to the peace that Hyrule had been enjoying, and she had fallen for his ploy, hook, line, and sinker.

She pulled herself together, and added, "I need to figure out why I was brought here, and the best way of returning home. You two are the best chance I have right now, so I was hoping that we could...become allies, for the time being," she looked from one man to the other, hoping that they would see the desperation within her and not just leave her for dead in this unfamiliar world. "Please."

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Layton), Ploegy Ploegy (Byleth)
Location: The Battlefield Fortress
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon's fists hammered down on the Keepahs, each punch a calculated move to push them back. Despite his relentless effort, the swamp's dark energies seemed to rejuvenate the demons, allowing them to bounce back each time he knocked them away. The Zuree continued to flit in and out of sight, its malevolent claws striking whenever it found an opening.

Suddenly, the swamp erupted in chaos. Massive vines surged from the water, thrashing with a fury that defied logic. Captain Falcon narrowly avoided being struck as the ground shook violently beneath him. Amidst the chaos, he noticed a figure being flung against a nearby weeping willow—an unfamiliar woman, her form engulfed by the mud.

“Hey! Who's that?” Falcon shouted, his voice barely audible over the din. The woman, who looked like she had been in control of the demons, now lay motionless in the muck.

With the vines rampaging and the Keepahs temporarily forgotten, Falcon saw an opportunity. “Mog! Quick, this could be our chance!” he yelled to his ally. “Help me clear a path through the vines!”

His gaze flickered back to the woman, her prone form still lying in the mud. He didn’t know who she was or what role she played in this mess, but she was in danger—and that was reason enough for Captain Falcon to act. “Hang on, whoever you are!” Captain Falcon shouted, his voice cutting through the tumult.

Captain Falcon’s cry of FALCON KICK! echoed through the chaos as he launched himself forward, his leg extended with explosive force. His powerful kick connected with a massive vine, sending it crashing into a swarm of Keepahs and disrupting their attack.

Despite the grime and the battle raging around him, his touch was gentle as he carefully lifted her from the ground. With the woman securely cradled in his arms, Captain Falcon turned his attention to Mog. "Alright, Mog, I hope you're a fast flier, cause I'm about to high tail it out of here and I'm not stopping until I see less than green pastures! On my mark, get set....GO!" With that Captain Falcon broke out into full sprint towards what he hopes was the way out of the mud.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Location: Flying Citadel (Mid-Departure)
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie
Still having the worries of a Lunaris in pain firmly in her mind, it was at that period of time that Pauline had proceeded to make her leave, preferring not to spend any more time in the Flying Citadel as the list of teleporters heading straight right back to the comfort of her office - and the ever growing mountain of paperwork that she was well-equipped to handle - had awaited her. But even in the midst of her walk, as the soft clacking sound of her high heels had echoed through the rooms she traversed, Pauline was still lost in deep thought of the transpiring events.

Lunaris' pain. The newfound allies she had in the Alloys. What she was going to do if she were to encounter one of the entrants from the Smash Bros. Tournament. She had plenty of questions, but one thing certainly rung true. Even with her political ability as the mayor of Console City, did Pauline feel her weight and impact on others slip away, even before her arrival in the Flying Citadel. It reminded her all too well of her lowest moments in the past... and that alone was something she despised.

She may had been a kind leader with a heart set to unite others, but she was powerless in a world where chaos and action slowly reared its head once more. And she hated how pathetic she felt upon those dire times.

Eventually, it wasn't before long that Pauline found herself right where she started, where she had gazed upon Lunaris firsthand. There, she had reencountered the familiar face from before. Cia, that odd, masked sorceress that she encountered in the midst of her talk with Lunaris... and a strange flicker of darkness that had faded from vision almost as quickly as Pauline had noticed it to begin with. Whatever presence was there, it clearly wasn't someone she had paid attention to before, and Pauline, while obviously more focused on her conversation with Lunaris, did know well enough that there wasn't another person watching on... was there?

"Oh? Was that..."

Inquisitively, Pauline proceeded to walk in front of Cia, hand on her chin as she wondered what had happened, knowing all too well not to provoke Cia. Perhaps she was better off instead starting with introductions, rather than forcing herself into her business.

"My apologies, but did I walk in at an inconvenient time? Regardless, I think we're both aware that we're both allied to Lunaris now, correct?"

Mayor Pauline assumed, before she continued.

"If so, then allow me to make my proper introduction. My name is Pauline, once Mayor of New Donk City, now the current Mayor of Console City. I was given allowance for the entrants of Smash Brothers to fight in New Donk City in a prior tournament before these events occurred, but my business now lies with Lunaris. I can't put my faith on 'criminals' if Console City is in increasing danger, it's simply not a good look for my image. Which is why I sought higher authority and protection for the common citizen."

She then looked away from Cia, showing a brief amount of concern towards the lord she was to now aid. Even if her heart was set out to do this to help the average person in the city, it didn't mean that she had to remain heartless to those who were above in the political food chain. Besides, if Lunaris were to fall, then it'd simply mean she'd struggle to help the city, especially now that they've allied.

"But thankfully I'm done with what I need for the day and we've both met to a great agreement, even if I am a little worried for Lunaris' wellbeing after creating a few guards... As for you however... I hate to sound like I'm prying, I've only just returned here, but who may you be? The realm of armor, masked magicians and sorcery of all kinds still is rather alien to me, so you must come from far away."
Mog the Moogle
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
"Wha...What kind of magic is that Kupo?!!" Mog cried as vines emerged from the waters,thrashing like large whips. Mog did his best to dodge every vine.
He was so busy fodging the wines that he didn't notice the woman who seemed to be responisible for the appearence of all the demons they fought. "Who,Kupo?!" Mog cried."I'm busy right now!" He noticed the Captainkicking up high. The moogle flew up to ca5ch up with him.
"I csn fly up Kupo!" He looked more determinated then ever. "I'm a fast flyer Kupo I'll follow you Kupo!" He flew after Csptain Falcon.
Shadow the hedgehog
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shadow cursed under his breath. The demon left with his hostage. "I coufn't save him..." he muttered. He didn't know where they were now. The only thing he could do right now was reuniting with CaptainFalcon and Mog.

Location: Mountain Falls | Interactions: A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity Forevermore Forevermore
Shroomie Shroomie
Shulk couldn't help but chuckle at Popo's remark and Nana's following reaction, but he did little to interfere. There was no point. Instead, he looked towards Lucas as he questioned about jellyfish. He supposed he could understand where it was coming from. They were generally aquatic creatures, though he had seen similar things on land before or at least other kinds of sea creatures at least. Besides, it wasn't unusual among the the Smash roster itself. Inkling was a prime example of that, though she was far more humanoid normally than these little things were.

"I suppose it could be seen as strange, though this world is always full of such things. I can't say it surprises me all too much," he admitted with a small shrug of his shoulders. His world was bizarre in some ways. "Let's just hope they're friendly."

That was the worrisome thing at the moment. Was he leading his companions into danger? It was possible. The Monado hadn't warned him of anything though. Then again, it did act differently in this world. It didn't always warn him in battle if someone would take lethal damage, well.... except with Galeem. Again, that memory ceased to leave his mind. It was hard to forget especially when he had to see it happen twice. Those who were blasted early were the lucky ones in his eyes. They didn't have to see the horrors that followed.

His thoughts on the matter were brought to in abrupt stop when he heard Popo speak. Immediately his head shot in the young climber's direction. His face didn't show concern, but he certainly felt it in his chest. His mind told him to rush forward and assure nothing bad happened, but his body didn't react the same. He stood at the edge of the makeshift camp and watched warily. There was no reason to become hostile when there were no signs of it from the strange Jellyfish people.

At first the creature didn't seem to react to Popo's greeting, but after a moment, it slowly turned as if it had little care in the world. Curiously it looked at the duo before it lifted a tentacle to wave, or wiggle it similar to a wave.

"Greetings!" it replied. The thought that these people were part of the Smash Bros hadn't even crossed its mind as it registered what was being asked. Just as it had previously, it turned back towards the river and brought a tentacle to its face as if rubbing its chin in thought though it didn't possess one. "Yesterday we were investigating salmonids. They had been reported here and we saw them... briefly..."

Letting a sigh of relief out as he realized there was no danger, Shulk moved forward to join the Ice Climbers. He wasn't sure what these salmonids were, but he couldn't help having his interest piqued. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Perhaps... I do not know... but they were headed for the Stadium."

Great. That was exactly what he did not want to hear. It only made the area more dangerous than needed, though before he could question any further, he watched the Jellyfish reach out to turn the nearby radio on. Almost instantly they were greeted with unfortunate information:

"Breaking News: The Stadium in the sky, where the legendary Super Smash Brother tournaments have taken place since the beginning of the World of Trophies, has fallen! Casualties number in the hundreds. Rescue and investigations are still on-going..."

Shulk's eyes grew wide in a matter of seconds as his mind began to churn over everything he had already seen in his visions This only made it worse. There was no confirmation on who had done it, but if his vision was anything to go off of, he already had an idea. It made his stomach drop. He was pulled from his mind as the Jellyfish suddenly panicked and began flailing it's tentacles about.

"SALMONIDS DID THIS! SALMONIDS DID THIS!" it repeated over and over, leaving Shulk to stare in disbelief as he watched.
Location: Lumoise City [Library > Outside]
It was no surprise to many that the Smash Realm was undergoing a terrible time, the darkest it had faced in a little while. The rumored disappearance of the Hands and the arrival of a slew of natural disasters of its wake were bad enough, but as recognizable figures left, new forces had risen to take their place. Once respected heroes and villains who participated in tournaments were now labelled as enemies of the land. Military forces grew in order to serve their own secret agendas, and masters of dark magics knew it to be a time to prepare for inevitability. All while political figures wanted their own slice of the pie that was the Smash Realm, which was slowly being now overseen and overtaken by the mysterious Lunaris.

However, among the factions who were fighting amongst themselves and causing chaos across the Realm, everyday people living their everyday lives still resided, trying to go about their usual business. Regardless of where they lived, the looming disaster of the world impacted them. Some felt powerless yet wished to do more to help, some merely accepted that the world underwent a bleak turn, that things can no longer change for the better.

But for one young lady who was still finding her place in the world, she shied away from the chaos, trying to ignore it. The resistance, the battles, the disaster.
To her, every day was a new opportunity to learn, and it wasn't an opportunity that she was going to waste easily.
- - -

Roxanne was but an honors student at heart. A graduate of Lumoise City's Academy who had passed with flying colors, she may have enjoyed learning about the world, but she loved teaching others about it even more. People saw potential through her records, and it wasn't before long that she would become a small fixture to the Lumoise City Library, as an assistant. Even outside of her studies, her knowledge proved fruitful enough to show that she had decent prowess as a Pokémon Trainer, leading to her becoming an entry-level Gym Leader, focusing on the Rock type that she was so oddly interested in.

They were steps forward in her personal journey, and it was nice to know that her talents were valued by others. But in truth, Roxanne knew that it wasn't what she was looking for.

She knew that she wanted to become a fully fledged teacher like those who had educated her in the past, but it wasn't going to be as simple as some may have expected. A place of prestige demanded staff of that caliber, and the young Roxanne despite her ability still felt as if she was not ready yet. Holding herself back from the idea of jumping off the deep end and into her dream job, she simply remained where she was, as an assistant, and as a Gym Leader. Whatever spare time she had left was spent working for that perfection, continuing her studies, and barely focusing on anything else. She grew stubborn; nobody was going to stop her from reaching her goal, even if it was staring right at her face.

Yet not even once did she consider the growing chaos of the world, let alone anything else that could have been in store for her.
- - -

The quiet metal sliding of an automated door marked the exit of another satisfied visitor to the Lumoise City Library. However, for once it was not the footsteps of a satisfied customer borrowing their books for the week, but the hushed squeaking of strap-on shoes, as a member of staff exited her workspace clutching onto a neatly organized group of notes. Said worker, that being Roxanne, released a relieved sigh as she had finally finished her job for the day, with evening soon making its move upon the sky. Sorting shelves, recommending stories and staying silent remained formidable tasks that were stacked against her, yet she managed for another day. But her work was not over yet.

"Phew... what a day. Finally, I can carry on with my own research!"
She pleasantly said to herself, releasing a personal silence that she had held for a little while as she finally carried her walk through the city streets, back to the comfort of her home. As she walked, thoughts on the future wandered through her mind. What was she to teach? Who was she going to teach? And will she be able to inspire the hearts of others?

Then, out of sheer inconvenience, a sudden gust of wind blew through the street. And the distracted Roxanne was not prepared.

"Huh... Ahh! My geology notes!"
Roxanne had sharply cried out, as several of the notes she had carried slipped from her grip and into the wandering winds. Near immediately did she spring into action, racing against the wind in order to retrieve her scattered notes. A quick grab picked up one sheet, a twist and a turn led to Roxanne grabbing another. It didn't matter that she had accidentally scrunched up a few of her findings in order to rescue them, the fact that she needed them alone was important! After a few minutes of desperation however, Roxanne, now losing her breath a little, released a sigh of defeat as the final piece of research she carried was whisked away.

"Oh dear, I... huff …should have placed all of these... huff ...in a binder..."
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As Roxanne's sigh of defeat echoed in the wind, a gentle yet confident voice interrupted the stillness.

"Oh dear, my poor assistant, you really should know better by now. A binder would have saved you from all this trouble."

Approaching Roxanne was none other than her boss, Alexandria, the head librarian of the Lumoise City Library. With her striking red glasses perched on her nose and a knowing smile on her face, Alexandria exuded a warm, welcoming presence. Her crimson necklace caught the fading light of the evening, shimmering as she approached with her usual air of graceful authority.

"Let me help you with those," Alexandria said, her eyes gleaming with a mix of amusement and concern. Without waiting for a response, she snapped her fingers, and from behind her, a sleek Thievul emerged. The Pokémon, aptly named Swipes, darted forward with practiced ease, using its nimble paws collect the scattered notes from the ground. With an almost playful flourish, Swipes retrieved each sheet, its bushy tail flicking with satisfaction as it brought them back to Alexandria.

"Thank you, Swipes," Alexandria praised, gently patting the Thievul on the head. Swipes gave a contented purr before trotting back to her side, its sharp eyes already scanning the area for anything else that might need tidying.

Alexandria takes the papers before handing them back to Roxanne, "If you ever need a hole puncher, I have one available at your discretion. However," Alexandria withdraws the papers from Roxanne's reach. "It is rather rude to leave your post without saying 'Goodbye' to your wonderful employer. I truly feel hurt by the gesture..." Alexandria takes her finger and whipes away a fake tear from her eye.
NimbusWing NimbusWing
Location: Shiny Sand Shores
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

"Yeah, uh, dubs, y'see..." Pit grumbled as the two women joined him in reading the map. The Stadium was easy enough for Pit to pick out by its symbol alone, as well as the fact that the Stadium was always in the same place in the Smash Realm despite the land's constant changing, but his illiteracy in English prevented him from being able to find their current position. He was so grateful for Pyra as the Aegis took over the deciphering of the map and pin-pointed the beach town they resided in. Pit had asked Byleth for help in learning English, but he found the language quite tricky to learn. English and Greek shared similar symbols for their alphabet, but their names and sounds were quite different. That made things confusing for the angel, who never had a head for the scholarly arts to begin with.

The angelic captain perked up as Pyra spoke. "Haha! So we're not too far from the Stadium after all! I've traveled those plains. Look, there's a path leading from town all the way to the Stadium. We'll be there in no time!"

The sun was high and shining bright as Pit left the inn. Standing in neat rows right outside of the inn waiting for the Super Smash Brothers were a score of very grim-looking Waddle Dees, all carrying spears, wearing bandanas, and faces caked in camo paint. The Jinjo Mayor stood with them.

"These Waddle Dees have been inspired by your bravery, Super Smash Brothers," the mayor explained. "They want to join you, and help you defeat Lunaris!"

Pit was incredibly touched by the determination and courage shown by the little puff balls, but knew that taking the small army with them may be more of a hinderance than a help, at least for now. The Super Smash Brothers were still in the dark as to the state of the Realm, and they had to reunite with their scattered friends. The last thing Pit wanted to do was hurt their feelings, however. Face stern, he stepped forward and stood at attention, using his Captain's Voice as he addressed the army.

"Waddle Dees and Waddle Doos, I have seen your courage with my own eyes, and I am proud to have fought alongside you today. This town will need brave warriors like you to protect it. Pyra, Lana and I must get to the Stadium to reunite with the other Super Smash Brothers. When the time comes for us to take the fight to Lunaris, we will call upon you. Until then train hard, protect this town, and listen for our call. As Captain of Lady Palutena's Army, those are my orders to you." Pit threw a smart salute toward the Dees and Doos. "Dismissed!"

The army cheered and banged the bottom of their spears upon the cobblestone road before scampering off to fulfill their new duties. The Adoring Fan Waddle Dee, the horn of Aquamentus held in one stubby arm, appeared beside Pit and saluted in imitation of the angel. The Mayor smiled regretfully at the Super Smash Brothers, clearly wishing they would stay. "This is good-bye then. Thank you, Super Smash Brothers, for freeing our little town. Perhaps once this whole mess is taken care of, you can come back here for a vacation? I hope that will be sooner than later. Best of luck to all of you!"

Pit looked to Pyra and Lana with a smile that was as bright as the sun shining above. "Pyra, Lana, to the Stadium, quick-march!" His bow resting upon his right shoulder and spirit high, Pit marched down the road that he knew would eventually lead to the Stadium. He sang a cadence aloud as he moved. Maybe Toon Link will be able to hear it!

"When I go home,
my buddies, they will say:
'How'd you earn your living?
How'd you earn your pay?'
I'll reply in a very loud tone:
'I earn my living in the Sky Zone!'

When I go out,
the ladies, they will say:
'How'd you earn your living?
How'd you earn your pay?'
I'll reply as I point to my chest:
'I earn my living in the leaning rest!'

When I go to Hell,
Hades, he will say:
'How'd you earn your living?
How'd you earn your pay?'
I'll reply as I clench my knife:

When I go home,
Palutena, she will say:
'How'd you earn your living?
How'd you earn your pay?'
I'll reply as I point to my bod:
'I earn my living on the killing squad!'


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