She/They 🐑
- Group
Even as Lyn toppled on the platform, wholly unprepared for the sudden hug attack, Isabelle nevertheless was quickly enveloped within Lyn’s arms as she sunk into the young lord’s embrace. A ruffled head of fur and a warm greeting from a dear friend had never felt so wonderful before, and for just an instant, the little secretary felt all her troubles melt away. Yet, when Isabelle looked up to face Lyn, she could feel the other’s eyes take in her uncharacteristically tousled appearance, and she was swiftly grounded back to reality. She had an awful amount of explaining to do, didn’t she?
Thankfully Lyn held her tongue as Isabelle released from their hug, all questions Isabelle assumed she’d have surely tucked away for later. A brief relief, although Isabelle could still feel the tiniest bit of dread fester in the back of her mind, the knowledge that she couldn’t put it off weighing heavy.
For now a set of little yellow paws simply combed through ruffled hair, taking the time to groom her appearance as she and Lyn awaited Roxas’ arrival. Lyn seemed to focus her sights on the boy as he traversed past the battlefield, Isabelle purposefully averted her eyes. The sounds of the ongoing warzone were already enough to sober the secretary’s joy; she didn’t think she could take any further reminders of Sephiroth’s continued rampage.
It wouldn’t take long for Roxas to break away from the soldiers surrounding and launch himself toward the two, eventually landing upon a mushroom nearby.
Her brows kneaded with concern as she took note of the boy’s nauseated expression, but soon enough the group was wrapped up in a wave of introductions, saving no time for her to mention it. Isabelle stood by as the two exchanged their brief hello’s, and while she’d certainly taken notice of Roxas’ aversion towards outright calling her a friend, Isabelle didn’t comment on it, simply smiling and nodding with his words. Everyone had their own standards for what they considered to be friends, and while she and any of the others back home were the sort to take one look at a newcomer and declare them to be a new pal, she’d already been made well aware that others in the Smash Realm might not be as eager for a variety of reasons. Plus, just because he didn’t consider her a friend now didn’t mean that he wouldn’t eventually come around to it.
Once Roxas supplied his name to the other, Isabelle realized that Lyn hadn’t actually shared her’s yet, so the little secretary would pop in and add.
“And Roxas, this is Lyndis, though we all call her Lyn for short. Let’s all make sure to do our best.”
With that, and after a brief exchange of words between Lyn and the military group who’d ‘escorted’ her, the three were officially in the clear to make their way out of there. Roxas and Lyn both expressed their disappointments in being unable to help in the battle, but amongst the group there was the solemn reality that in the states each of the three were in, they’d have little chance in combating the one winged angel. Roxas’ own admission of his weakened magic simply solidified that fact.
“What could they have used to do that sort of thing?”
Isabelle pondered to herself. Every new thing she learned about what the militia had up their sleeves was only all the more concerning. She’d spare a brief glance at the animalistic army men, their transformed appearances sending a shiver down her spine.
It eerily reminded her of the animal testing facility they’d locked her in, but Isabelle was certainly not prepared to reckon with any of those implications.
“...To think an organization like them has been in the realm this whole time”
She didn’t want to deny the good(?) they’d done for her, but the sooner they got away from that group, the better.
Speaking of, they were about ready to continue on to Console City. As Roxas explained the plan to Lyn, Isabelle nodded along, confirming his words and elaborating some more on them.
“I especially want to try and figure out where all the others are, and if they made it to the reunion. The only fighter I’ve encountered so far has been…well”
She winced.
“-So I’d like to figure out if anyone else made it to the reunion or they also ended up off course like us. And, at a place like Console City I bet we’d be able to get a better picture on what’s been going on in the realm since we last visited.”
Her thoughts drifted towards the person who’d been able to match Sephiroth’s might.
“There’s also a person I want to see if I can learn more about. Someone named…”
Isabelle furrowed her brows as a thought bubble manifested above her head.
“Ah, what was it again…Lunaris?”
She nodded,
“Yes, Lunaris, that’s it. Well, apparently he was someone strong enough to face Sephiroth all on his own, and that’s the sort of person that the hands would probably have taken notice of. Admittedly it’s a bit of a stretch, but maybe they could be a clue in figuring out what’s going on? But getting in contact with our friends is definitely our number one goal! After all, Roxas also happens to be looking for Sora as well!”
It wouldn’t take long for the three to begin making their way over to a set of mushroomy platforms nearby. Roxas demonstrated their bounciness to the girl and dog, although Isabelle was already well familiar with this breed of shrooms. Still, she’d make sure to clap for Roxas as he gently hovered back down. Looks like it was her turn now.
Isabelle stood back up and faced her two friends with a smile as she made her way to the edge of the cliff. There’d be a brief moment where she’d look down towards the mushroom below, but soon enough the little Shih Tsu went and hopped right off the cliff, bouncing off the shroom with a loud ‘boing!’ as she launched herself upwards.
Mid air, Isabelle hastily rummaged through the pockets of her skirt and, quite miraculously, somehow managed to pull out two bunny shaped balloons tied to an entire swing seat. This utter abuse of physics weighed little on Isabelle’s mind as she simply plopped herself right onto the seat and gently floated down to join Roxas on the other side of the cliff.
“Ah! Before I forget…I’m not sure if this would help with your magic but-”
Isabelle gently raised the white keyblade towards him, its handle extended out for the boy to clasp.
“Thank you for lending me your Keyblade. I know it must be a very important item to you, so I’m honored you’d trust it with me”
In the end, she hadn’t actually used it in their encounter with Sephiroth, but even the simply matter of him giving it to her for such a use was certainly a momentous show of trust in of itself…At least that’s what she assumed if Sora’s keyblade was anything to go by.


Location: Mushroom Platforms (Map TBA)
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