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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars


Even as Lyn toppled on the platform, wholly unprepared for the sudden hug attack, Isabelle nevertheless was quickly enveloped within Lyn’s arms as she sunk into the young lord’s embrace. A ruffled head of fur and a warm greeting from a dear friend had never felt so wonderful before, and for just an instant, the little secretary felt all her troubles melt away. Yet, when Isabelle looked up to face Lyn, she could feel the other’s eyes take in her uncharacteristically tousled appearance, and she was swiftly grounded back to reality. She had an awful amount of explaining to do, didn’t she?

Thankfully Lyn held her tongue as Isabelle released from their hug, all questions Isabelle assumed she’d have surely tucked away for later. A brief relief, although Isabelle could still feel the tiniest bit of dread fester in the back of her mind, the knowledge that she couldn’t put it off weighing heavy.

For now a set of little yellow paws simply combed through ruffled hair, taking the time to groom her appearance as she and Lyn awaited Roxas’ arrival. Lyn seemed to focus her sights on the boy as he traversed past the battlefield, Isabelle purposefully averted her eyes. The sounds of the ongoing warzone were already enough to sober the secretary’s joy; she didn’t think she could take any further reminders of Sephiroth’s continued rampage.

It wouldn’t take long for Roxas to break away from the soldiers surrounding and launch himself toward the two, eventually landing upon a mushroom nearby.


Her brows kneaded with concern as she took note of the boy’s nauseated expression, but soon enough the group was wrapped up in a wave of introductions, saving no time for her to mention it. Isabelle stood by as the two exchanged their brief hello’s, and while she’d certainly taken notice of Roxas’ aversion towards outright calling her a friend, Isabelle didn’t comment on it, simply smiling and nodding with his words. Everyone had their own standards for what they considered to be friends, and while she and any of the others back home were the sort to take one look at a newcomer and declare them to be a new pal, she’d already been made well aware that others in the Smash Realm might not be as eager for a variety of reasons. Plus, just because he didn’t consider her a friend now didn’t mean that he wouldn’t eventually come around to it.

Once Roxas supplied his name to the other, Isabelle realized that Lyn hadn’t actually shared her’s yet, so the little secretary would pop in and add.

“And Roxas, this is Lyndis, though we all call her Lyn for short. Let’s all make sure to do our best.”

With that, and after a brief exchange of words between Lyn and the military group who’d ‘escorted’ her, the three were officially in the clear to make their way out of there. Roxas and Lyn both expressed their disappointments in being unable to help in the battle, but amongst the group there was the solemn reality that in the states each of the three were in, they’d have little chance in combating the one winged angel. Roxas’ own admission of his weakened magic simply solidified that fact.

“What could they have used to do that sort of thing?”

Isabelle pondered to herself. Every new thing she learned about what the militia had up their sleeves was only all the more concerning. She’d spare a brief glance at the animalistic army men, their transformed appearances sending a shiver down her spine.

It eerily reminded her of the animal testing facility they’d locked her in, but Isabelle was certainly not prepared to reckon with any of those implications.

“...To think an organization like them has been in the realm this whole time”

She didn’t want to deny the good(?) they’d done for her, but the sooner they got away from that group, the better.

Speaking of, they were about ready to continue on to Console City. As Roxas explained the plan to Lyn, Isabelle nodded along, confirming his words and elaborating some more on them.

“I especially want to try and figure out where all the others are, and if they made it to the reunion. The only fighter I’ve encountered so far has been…well”

She winced.

“-So I’d like to figure out if anyone else made it to the reunion or they also ended up off course like us. And, at a place like Console City I bet we’d be able to get a better picture on what’s been going on in the realm since we last visited.”

Her thoughts drifted towards the person who’d been able to match Sephiroth’s might.

“There’s also a person I want to see if I can learn more about. Someone named…”

Isabelle furrowed her brows as a thought bubble manifested above her head.

“Ah, what was it again…Lunaris?”

She nodded,

“Yes, Lunaris, that’s it. Well, apparently he was someone strong enough to face Sephiroth all on his own, and that’s the sort of person that the hands would probably have taken notice of. Admittedly it’s a bit of a stretch, but maybe they could be a clue in figuring out what’s going on? But getting in contact with our friends is definitely our number one goal! After all, Roxas also happens to be looking for Sora as well!”


It wouldn’t take long for the three to begin making their way over to a set of mushroomy platforms nearby. Roxas demonstrated their bounciness to the girl and dog, although Isabelle was already well familiar with this breed of shrooms. Still, she’d make sure to clap for Roxas as he gently hovered back down. Looks like it was her turn now.

Isabelle stood back up and faced her two friends with a smile as she made her way to the edge of the cliff. There’d be a brief moment where she’d look down towards the mushroom below, but soon enough the little Shih Tsu went and hopped right off the cliff, bouncing off the shroom with a loud ‘boing!’ as she launched herself upwards.

Mid air, Isabelle hastily rummaged through the pockets of her skirt and, quite miraculously, somehow managed to pull out two bunny shaped balloons tied to an entire swing seat. This utter abuse of physics weighed little on Isabelle’s mind as she simply plopped herself right onto the seat and gently floated down to join Roxas on the other side of the cliff.

“Ah! Before I forget…I’m not sure if this would help with your magic but-”

Isabelle gently raised the white keyblade towards him, its handle extended out for the boy to clasp.

“Thank you for lending me your Keyblade. I know it must be a very important item to you, so I’m honored you’d trust it with me”

In the end, she hadn’t actually used it in their encounter with Sephiroth, but even the simply matter of him giving it to her for such a use was certainly a momentous show of trust in of itself…At least that’s what she assumed if Sora’s keyblade was anything to go by.

Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy (Roxas) Shroomie Shroomie (Lyn)
Mentioned: Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat (Sephiroth) Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Military)
Location: Mushroom Platforms (Map TBA)
Last edited:
yra / ythra

Location: Shiny Sand Shores | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shroomie Shroomie
Everything seemed to be figured out, or well their path was in the least. There were still other problems which hadn't been solved such as the whereabouts of Toon Link or even Mythra's current state, though the latter was an issue only Pyra could resolve and she didn't plan on pushing it. It was best to let her other half be even if it would be useful to have her as the began their journey for the Stadium. If there was some kind of danger waiting for them, she knew her own strength likely wouldn't be enough. She was but a small fraction of the Aegis's power.

Those thoughts dampened her own mood, though she did her best to avoid showing it. She had to stick to the resolve she had found and not waver even if she felt like it. There was no good that would come out of putting herself down. Besides when the time came, Mythra would return. There was no doubt in her mind of that. Despite how she acted, Mythra had a strong sense to protect. Pyra found that endearing though kept that to herself.

Focusing herself, the Aegis followed Pit out of the inn. They didn't even get a step out the door before being greeted by rows of battle ready Waddle Dees. The sight brought a smile to Pyra's lips as she let a giggle slip between them. She would have never expected them to be so eager to join them, but it was oddly adorable. That was yet another thing she'd keep to herself. No warrior wanted to be called cute after all and she didn't want to break their determination with it. Instead, she kept herself quiet and let Pit take the lead on it all. She wasn't particularly versed in how to command an army, but he clear knew how to take charge.

Her attention remained on the group as the angel spoke to them and watched as he dismissed them after saying they would call upon them if needed. How exactly they would do such a thing, she was unsure of, but they didn't seem to put much thought into questioning it. It was better that way. They didn't need to know it might be unlikely that they would call upon them for help, or at least that was how she felt. She would hate to be guiding them into a danger they might not come back from.

That grim thought hung over her head for only a brief moment as Pyra heard Pit call out to her and Lana. Giving a curt bow towards the mayor, she took her leave after her companion, figuring it was best not to agree to any kind of vacation. There was no telling what would happen and she didn't want to raise his hopes that they might return.

Silence hung over the Aegis as she trailed behind Pit and she quietly listened to his singing, though she could make no sense of why he was singing such a thing. Even if she didn't understand it, he at least sounded cheery. That was enough to put her at ease, though she remained quiet, deciding it was best not to interrupt.
Location: Lumoise City [Outside]
Mentions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Things were looking rather fruitless for Roxanne as she couldn't help but watch the final note aimlessly flying off into the distance... only for it to be rescued by fast paws courtesy of a Thievul. An ever so familiar Thievul, that of Roxanne's superior, Alexandria. Turning upon hearing the sound of her voice, Roxanne looked just a touch more relieved that a familiar face was present and had done more than enough to aid in her dire mishap.

"Ah, Alexandria...! I honestly didn't expect you to see you out of the library so early... thank you so much for the help."
Roxanne replied, lowering her head into a small bow before she continued.
"You're right, I really should have grabbed a binder and put these through a hole puncher beforehand... but these notes couldn't wait for that."

She was just about ready to reach for the final page of notes that she needed, the important reading material almost in her grasp... until Alexandria's deft hands moved them away from Roxanne's reach, light shock gripping the librarian's assistant in the face as Roxanne grabbed nothing but thin air.

It didn't take a genius to know that Alexandria wanted something from Roxanne in return, and that alone caused her to pout a little. She released a sigh, before she took a step back and continued to speak.
"I'm sorry that I left unannounced, Alexandria... They were notes for my geology studies that I made, about the various rock and ore deposits one can find within the land. I've been doing studying of my own in my free time and it's been fun enough but... it's also dear to me that I have that final note, please?"
Alexandria’s emerald eyes sparkled with amusement as she held the final note just out of Roxanne’s reach, her smile warm yet playful. With the way she twirled the page between her fingers, it was clear she was in no rush to hand it over.

"Roxanne, dear," she began in her usual lilting tone, "you know I don’t mind if you slip away for personal research, but I can’t help but wonder why you feel the need to rush through something as important as geology." Her hand moved gracefully, flipping the note in the air with a casual flick of her wrist. Swipes, the Thievul, sat by her side, watching with a quiet, mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Alexandria continued, her voice softening but still holding a hint of playful chastisement. "You’re brilliant, and your passion for learning is admirable. But you also have to remember that knowledge—especially something as ancient and steady as rocks—requires patience. Just like the stones themselves, learning should be methodical and steady, not rushed."

She paused, watching Roxanne with her characteristic wisdom before adding, "I understand your excitement, truly I do, but rushing through things often leaves cracks in even the sturdiest of foundations. Now, before I return this to you," she said, raising the note teasingly, "I need you to promise me that you'll slow down, just a little. Focus on enjoying the process rather than racing towards the end. After all, what good is a mountain if you don't appreciate every stone along the way?"

Alexandria held out the note, still just out of reach but now with a warm smile. "So, do we have an agreement?"
NimbusWing NimbusWing

The Radiant Hero


Once the shard inside of Toon Link's box had been revealed to the world, a sort of clammy, tingly feeling sent chills down Ike's spine. He took a step back, feeling unnerved by the aura that this artifact possessed. But that was easily put aside when Cranky shut the box closed and hid it from view.

Ike listened to Cranky go on about their heads being soft and FAQ's (Daisy shared some sentiments with Ike it seemed- he didn't know what the old Kong was waffling about either), but his attention was really piqued at the explanation as to what that bizarre shard was.

So it was an artifact of Crazy Hand's? That explained the strange power it had over them all. The mercenary peeked at the Crystal Coconut once more, and more hazy images floated to the surface. Ike stood silently, watching them all with his arms folded and a serious expression on his face. Their main goal was to collect more of these rocks, it seemed.

The hero scoffed quietly under his breath. If he could kill the Black Knight and Ashnard as well as defeat the goddess of order herself, then this was sure to be quite simple, right?

Watching as princess and Pokemon excited the cabin, the merc decided to do the same. He gestured for Toon Link to follow. "Thanks for the tips, Cranky. C'mon, Toon Link, let's get moving."

Once the four were outside of the cabin, Daisy was the first to speak. She had turned to Ike and asked what their next move should be. The radiant hero scratched his head and thought for a second, planting Ragnell's tip into the ground as he thought.

He had no idea where they were, nor where all the other fighters could be, if they were even in the Smash Realm. However, there was one thing he was acutely aware of- that they were definitely in the Subspace area of the Realm. And if that were to be the case, then their best bet was to try and make it to the Stadium. That is where the Smash Brothers congregated at the beginning of each tournament, so that seemed like a good start, at the very least.

After taking a quick look around at their surroundings, Ike said finally, "We're heading to the Stadium. From what I can tell, we travel East. If you follow me or you don't, that is up to you to decide."

With that candid statement, he put his index finger in his mouth, then raised it in the air. The gentle breeze blowing on his finger told him where he was supposed to go, and so he swung his sword over his shoulder again and began walking Eastward.

Tags: Forevermore Forevermore (Daisy), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Toon Link) PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss (Mewtwo)
Location: Northwestern Coastline (Subspace)

The Psychic Pokémon.

Mewtwo thought for a second then joined Ike Eastward.

“I will follow you,” Mewtwo said, “I do not think it’s best to split up so early.”

Mewtwo then floats up a bit and hovers alongside Ike, following him. He looks back at Princess Daisy and Toon Link wondering if she will join or go their own way?

Forevermore Forevermore
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shroomie Shroomie
Back at the military base, the atmosphere was thick with tension and frustration. Screens displayed multiple feeds from the mushroom forest, showing the aftermath of Sephiroth’s massacre. The live feed was a blur of blood-soaked ground, mangled bodies, and the smoldering remains of their fallen comrades. For those watching, it was a brutal and humbling reminder of just how unstoppable the legendary warrior had become.

The Command Center, a massive room lined with advanced technology and bustling with personnel, was eerily silent. Everyone was either transfixed by the unfolding chaos or paralyzed by the weight of their failure. Technicians scrambled to stabilize data streams and track Sephiroth’s movements, but there was no ignoring the grim reality on display.

In the center of the room, standing before a massive holographic map of the area, was Dr. Vallen Karst, the Head Director of the base’s experimental division. His usually composed demeanor was cracking. His fingers drummed against the console in agitation, his pale blue eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at the feed of Sephiroth flying off into the distance, leaving nothing but destruction in his wake. The overhead lights glinted off his immaculate white lab coat, but his face was flushed with frustration, and the thin sheen of sweat on his brow betrayed the growing anxiety in the room.

Behind him, a team of scientists and military brass exchanged nervous glances. Everyone could feel it—the boiling rage simmering beneath Karst’s composed exterior. He slammed his fist down on the console with enough force to send a sharp crack through the room. The few technicians closest to him flinched visibly.

“Another team. Gone,” Karst hissed through clenched teeth, glaring at the screens as if he could will the battle’s outcome to change. His voice was sharp, dripping with venomous frustration. “The best soldiers we had. Our most advanced assets—turned into nothing more than fodder.” He spat the word as if it was poison on his tongue.

A general, standing near the console, adjusted his hat nervously. “Director, the Jenoids were never guaranteed to—”

Karst whirled on him, his eyes ablaze with fury. “Guaranteed?” He took a step closer, looming over the general like a vengeful spirit. “I don’t need guarantees, I need results! We’ve cracked his genetic code, Commander! We’ve figured out how to break down the very cells that make Sephiroth who he is, and yet we still fail! How is that possible?!”

The commander opened his mouth to respond, but Karst cut him off, pacing back and forth like a caged animal. “We’ve studied every aspect of him. Every fight, every battle he’s been in, every time he’s been recorded in this realm or the next. And still—still—he manages to push through our countermeasures. I had him blinded! His mana cut off! We had him pinned with five Jenoids, each specifically engineered to handle the likes of him, and it’s still not enough.”

Karst slammed both hands down on the console, staring at the frozen frame of Sephiroth laughing amidst the bodies of the fallen. His knuckles turned white from the pressure. “We need more. More resources. More time. And definitely more soldiers who are... replaceable.” His lips curled into a sneer. “This is no longer a battle of man against man. It’s science against an anomaly. An aberration.”

The room was quiet for a moment before one of the lead scientists, Dr. Renier, stepped forward, his voice shaky but attempting to placate the furious Director. “Dr. Karst, if I may suggest… perhaps we can pivot our focus to the clones. We’ve had... some success with them, though incomplete. We could find a way to—”

Karst rounded on him, his gaze piercing. “The clones?” His voice dripped with contempt. “The clones have been nothing but failures. Flawed, incomplete, barely stable. A poor man’s Sephiroth. They are cannon fodder at best, instruments of control if we were lucky enough to perfect them, but control has evaded us at every turn.”

Renier swallowed, his hand trembling slightly as he pressed forward. “Yes, but with the data from the Jenoids, we could refine the clones. If we combine the two—Jenoid physiology with the genetic structure of the clones—we could create something... stronger. More stable. Maybe even... controllable.”

Karst paused, considering for a moment. The room was silent, the tension hanging thick in the air. His eyes flickered with something close to interest, but his lips pressed into a thin line.

“And what of Sephiroth?” Karst asked coldly, straightening and fixing Renier with a calculating stare. “Do you believe such a hybrid would stand a chance against him?”

Renier hesitated, knowing that to claim otherwise would be professional suicide. “It’s... possible. If we make the necessary adjustments. We have his genetic template—his cells. It’s just a matter of replicating the correct markers while maintaining control over the hybrid form.”

Karst exhaled sharply through his nose, his frustration momentarily tempered by the possibility. “Then do it,” he ordered with finality. “We don’t have the luxury of time, nor the margin for error. Every minute we waste allows Sephiroth to gather strength and plan his next move. He knows we’ve violated his genetic code, and that makes him more dangerous than ever. He’s vindictive. He will come back.”

The commander finally found his voice, stepping forward to address Karst cautiously. “Director, what are your orders for the military? We’ve suffered heavy losses, and morale is low. What if he comes back sooner than expected?”

Karst turned to face the commander, his eyes cold and hard. “Then we make sure he doesn’t live long enough to gloat. Deploy every available resource! I want the base on full lockdown! We will not be caught unprepared again!”

“And the clones?” the commander asked.

“Accelerate their development,” Karst snapped, his eyes gleaming with determination. “And make no mistake, Commander—if Sephiroth returns before we are ready, this base will not fall without a fight. I don’t care how many men or resources it takes.”

With those words, Karst turned back to the console, his hands gripping the edges tightly. The room began to buzz with new activity as the orders filtered down. Technicians scrambled to initiate base lockdown protocols, and scientists began furiously reviewing the genetic data of both the Jenoids and the clones.

As the tension mounted in the command center, Dr. Vallen Karst's frustration simmered visibly, the silence in the room heavy and oppressive. The holographic screens continued to flicker with the nightmarish footage of Sephiroth’s massacre, a stark reminder of their failure to control the situation. Around him, the scientists and tactical advisors shifted nervously, unsure of how to break the silence, knowing that nothing short of a miracle would satisfy the enraged Head Director.

The doors at the far end of the room hissed open, and the figure that stepped in seemed almost to exude an aura of cold, detached calm, in direct contrast to the frantic energy of the base. Dressed in a sleek, all-white uniform with his silver hair cascading over one side of his face, Whindam Leonov, a prototype Sephiroth clone, strode into the command center. His expression was unreadable, his pale eyes scanning the scene before him, taking in the aftermath of the battle with a distant detachment.

Karst’s gaze snapped to Leonov, and for a moment, his fury wavered, replaced by a calculating gleam. Whindam Leonov was a strange, enigmatic presence in the base—an experiment in himself. While not a perfect replica of Sephiroth, Leonov carried many of the same genetic markers, including the potential for power, though his control over his abilities was still under scrutiny.

"Whindam," Karst began, his voice low but carrying an edge of impatience. "What is it? I assume you’ve come with something useful."

Leonov took his place beside Karst, hands behind his back, posture straight and rigid. His eyes flicked to the mangled footage of the battlefield, focusing briefly on the bodies of the fallen Jenoids. His expression remained impassive.

"Director," Leonov began, his voice quiet, but with a certain gravitas that demanded attention. "Our current methods, while bold, are… insufficient, as you’ve seen. The Jenoids were always a stopgap measure. The key to defeating Sephiroth will not be found in mimicking his DNA alone."

Karst’s eyes narrowed. "Then what do you propose, Leonov? What would you suggest we do now, when we’re running out of options?"

Leonov glanced at Karst, his face still unreadable. "We pivot. We use the data we've gathered from Subject DS-0320-20. His DNA was unique. Hardened through years of exposure to ethereal forces and the destructive energies of a different realm. That genetic data, when combined with our existing research on Sephiroth, can be synthesized into something more than a mere countermeasure. We can create an Anti-Sephiroth weapon."

For the first time in the conversation, Karst looked genuinely interested. He straightened, considering Leonov’s words carefully. "You're suggesting we combine the genetics of Sephiroth and Doom Slayer into a new weapon?"

Leonov nodded, his expression never wavering. "Precisely. Sephiroth is an anomaly. You won’t beat him by using half-measures or imitations. You need something new, something different—an entity or weapon that can face him head-on without the same weaknesses as the Jenoids."

Karst took a deep breath, the wheels in his mind turning rapidly. The concept was bold—combining the resilience and power of Subject DS-0320-20 genetic material with Sephiroth’s unique abilities could indeed result in a devastating new creation. But time was not on their side. It would take weeks, maybe months, to properly synthesize and test such a weapon.

"How long would this take?" Karst asked, his tone shifting from furious to inquisitive.

"Time depends on how aggressively we push the process," Leonov replied. "Several weeks, at the least, but we can accelerate the cloning and testing phases. However, there's another concern. Sephiroth is not idle. He is, even now, likely formulating his next move. We need a way to keep him at bay while we prepare."

Karst’s face twisted in thought, his mind racing. Leonov, seeing his hesitation, continued. "We can’t afford to leave him unchallenged for that long, Director. If Sephiroth is allowed to gather more strength, he could disrupt everything before we’re ready."

Karst cursed under his breath. They were in a delicate position, and every second they allowed Sephiroth to act freely was another step closer to total disaster. But Leonov’s suggestion had merit—it was bold, and most importantly, it was rooted in data they had already collected.

"We need to delay him," Leonov said, his voice firm. "We can lure him into a confrontation, but we won’t engage him directly. Not yet. We create diversions, force him to chase shadows. By the time he realizes what we’re doing, it’ll be too late."

Karst’s lips curled into a small, calculating smile. "Yes… keep him distracted while we finish the real weapon." He turned back to the holographic display, eyeing the footage of the still-burning battlefield. "What would you suggest we use as bait?"

Leonov glanced at the screen, his cold eyes narrowing slightly. "The clones. We send clones into his path—imperfect ones. Their purpose will not be to win, but to confuse him, to buy us time. If he believes the clones are part of a greater strategy, he’ll divert his attention towards them. It’s a psychological game as much as it is a physical one. We draw him out, keep him guessing."

Karst considered this. The clones were expendable, and their flawed nature would make them unpredictable to Sephiroth. The strategy had merit. "And what of the Subject DS-0320-20’s DNA?" Karst asked, glancing at Leonov. "You’re confident we can merge it with Sephiroth’s?"

Leonov’s expression remained impassive, but there was a cold certainty in his voice. "Yes. It will take time, but the resulting entity will be like nothing Sephiroth has faced before. The power of a warrior designed to destroy ethereal threats, combined with the essence of Sephiroth himself. It may be our best hope of neutralizing him."

Karst nodded, his anger now fully replaced with determination. "Very well. Begin preparations. I want the cloning process accelerated immediately, and I want our best geneticists working on the Anti-Sephiroth project."

Leonov gave a curt nod before turning on his heel, ready to oversee the next steps of the operation. As he walked away, Karst’s voice rang out once more.

"One more thing, Leonov," Karst called, his tone slightly softer, though still edged with authority. "If this weapon works… if we create this Anti-Sephiroth… what will we do with you?"

Leonov paused, his back still turned to Karst. For a moment, there was silence, the question hanging in the air like a heavy weight. Then, without turning, Leonov replied, his voice as cold and calm as ever.

"I was made for a purpose, Director. If I am no longer needed when this is over, then you can decide my fate."

With that, Whindam Leonov exited the command center, leaving Karst and his team to continue the grim preparations for the next phase of their war against Sephiroth. Karst watched him go, a small frown pulling at his lips. This weapon, this new entity—would it be their salvation? Or would it become another uncontrollable force, just like the one they now sought to destroy?

One thing was certain: the clock was ticking, and their enemy was not one to sit idly by. They had to act swiftly, or they risked being swept away by the very storm they had set into motion.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Professor Layton
Location: Battlefield Fortress
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

"I understand," Layton said in response to Byleth's warning against wielding his sword again. The Professor was naturally curious, but he trusted Byleth's word that he will explain things later. Now certainly wasn't the time. "I suppose I was over-eager to return the kindness you have shown Luke and myself."

Layton observed quietly as Byleth treated a soldier's wounds. Whether it was truly magic or something else, it was a handy ability to be sure! He then looked to Zelda again. In all of his adventures, he was certain he had never seen a woman of such beauty and refinement! She claimed herself a ruler and the general of an army. Layton did not doubt that; he knew at first glance that she was a lady any man would eagerly lay down his life for. Seeing her shame and desperation, the Professor stepped forward, a smile on his simple features and his voice soft-spoken and reassuring.

"But of course. It will be my pleasure to assist you in any way that I can. After all, helping a lady in need is the duty of every true gentleman." Layton held the brim of his hat and bobbed it politely. "I am Professor Hershel Layton. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking, my lady?"

After introductions were made, Layton's face became serious as he went down to business. "It would seem we find ourselves in a similar predicament, Lady Zelda, though the circumstances under which we arrived here are different. I was brought to this world through a letter from an anonymous sender requesting that I seek out these 'Pillars of Creation and Destruction.' I don't suppose any of this sounds familiar to you, madam?"

Layton then addressed Byleth. "Professor Byleth, for their safety I had sent Luke, Sora, and Pichu away. I believe I saw them heading east. We may be able to use the map to determine their location."


The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Odessa stirred and groaned softly as Captain Falcon lifted her from the ground. Her body was one big mass of pain. She opened her eyes and, believing herself to be in danger, struggled feebly in Captain Falcon's arms until the racer shot off like a bullet, in which she instinctively tensed up to endure the sudden rush.

More violently twisting vines erupted from the ice cold waters in pursuit of the racer, priestess, and moogle. All the stillness and silence of the Sorrowfen broke as a gargantuan green mass of writhing tentacles burst from the watery depths, sending large waves of water everywhere. The creature's grotesque maw of sharp teeth parted as it unleashed its roar.

This had to be the Demon Tree the Kokiri feared so much: a Malboro!

Keeping Captain Falcon in its sight, the Malboro took a deep breath then exhaled horrible, putrid fumes that turned the dreary mists of the Sorrowfen a sickly green. This was the Malboro's signature move, Bad Breath!

"D-don't get caught in that monster's breath," Odessa warned, her voice weak and cracking from pain, "It's poison..."
Toon Link
Location: A beach just outside Cranky's Cabin
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie , Forevermore Forevermore , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Toon Link followed Ike and the others outside of the cabin. He was silent, pondering on the events of the past couple of days and the information passed to him by Cranky. Pillars, hands, Lunaris, creation, destruction, outlaws... It was a lot to take in! Toon Link sighed softly in disappointment. He was really looking forward to that reunion party. That's definitely not going to happen now!

His thoughts went to the strange crystal shard he had taken from the Ghost Ship. According to Cranky, it was one of the Pillars. More specifically, the Pillar of Destruction: Fear. That would definitely explain the eerie feeling it gave everyone who came near it, and why it was on a Ghost Ship.

Toon Link's eyes widened as he was struck with an epiphany.


Toon Link ran up to Ike and tugged on his cape to get his attention. The Hylian began retelling his story to the mercenary, princess, and Pokemon of how he, Pit, and Pyra and Mythra wound up on a beach far from the Stadium, to their getting shanghaied onto a Kremling pirate ship, their exploration of the dreaded Ghost Ship, and their discovery of the Pillar of Fear. Toon Link then reached into his inventory and held out a piece of parchment. Written on it was the riddle the ghost captain of the haunted ship had passed on to the Smash Brothers.

"Fear haunts the night sea,
Sorrow rains eternally,
Anger erupts in fire and ash,
Ego gazes upward to the stars vast,
Death's shrill cry chills the land,
All a finger on Madness's hand."

Fear, Sorrow, Anger, Ego, and Death are the Pillars of Destruction, as stated by Cranky Kong; "Madness's hand" had to be a reference to Crazy Hand, and Toon Link possessed the Pillar of Fear, which he obtained from the Ghost Ship. The riddle is about the Pillars of Destruction!

Toon Link turned his gaze to the beach. He wasn't worried about Pit, Pyra and Mythra as they were very capable fighters, but he wanted to reunite with them. He was certain they weren't too far away. Surely it was worth a try to find them? Toon Link waved at K. Lumsy, who was happy to help. The massive Kremling lowered a hand and Toon Link climbed on, letting out a yelp and losing his balance as K. Lumsy raised his hand into the air. Toon Link hopped back onto his feet and cupped his hands to his mouth.

"'Hoooooooooooy! 'HOOOOOOOOOOOY!"

Toon Link took out his sister's telescope and peered through it. All he could see where the tops of palm trees and the sea.

K. Lumsy safely returned Toon Link to the ground and the boy looked up at the other Super Smash Brothers, a disappointed frown on his face. Perhaps it would be best to head for the Stadium as Ike suggested. That was where they were going before Toon Link was separated from Pit, Pyra and Mythra, and that may be their best chance at finding each other again.
Mog the Moogle
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Mog trembled in fear as he faced a very familiar foe. "A Malboro,Kupo? " He and his allies faced such creatures in the past. "Even though she's the enemy,she's right about the Malboro, Kupo!" Mog warned the Captain. " It's breath is poisonous! We'll have to be cautious Kupo!"

"Chaos Spear!" Energy spears were sent toward the creature. Shadow appeared near his allies. "Friend Shadow,you're alive Kupo,but where is friend Yoshi?" He asked worried.
"Our priority right now is to destroy this creature." Shadow replied, ignoring Mog's question. He still felt bad about failing to rescue Yoshi.
"But friend Yoshi?" Mog asked.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon glanced back at the monstrous Malboro, its vile breath swirling menacingly. "So this must be the thing that's been giving the Kokiri grief," Odessa’s weak warning and Mog’s fearful cry were clear: this creature was a serious threat.

“Got it,” Falcon shouted over the din, his voice resolute despite the situation. He takes his scarf from around his neck and whips it the mud of it. The pilot them wraps it around his mouth and nose “This oughta help! Now to keep you out of its range!”

He carefully set Odessa down in a safe spot, making sure she was shielded from the Malboro’s noxious fumes. "Now you stay here and don't go anywhere. This shouldn't take us too long."

“Alrighty, boys!”
he called out, rubbing his hands together as he turned to face the Malboro across the putrid mist it put between itself and them. “Time to give this bush a much-needed trim.”

Without wasting a moment, Falcon charged toward the Malboro, his eyes locked on the beast as it roared and belched its toxic breath. He leaped into the air, ready to strike. “FALCON KICK!” he roared, his leg engulfed in fiery energy as he descended towards the Malboro.

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
As he flew off to the distance the essence’s auras wafted to his nose, it’s risky to gamble everything on an assumption. He’s willing to give it all to rejuvenating his body as well as Jenova’s. After culling the squad, it’s certainly not the first nor the last he’ll see of them. Sephiroth is onto them cracking his genetic code, they proved troublesome. Although the effects of their anti weapons were temporary, he doesn’t want to pay for his folly next time. Seeking answers laid in the planet’s essence that may or may not bear similarities to Gaia’s Life Stream, it’s a gamble worth banking on.

Landing momentarily to gain his bearings, being attuned to the supernatural auras his six senses detected there’s more of the military coming for his throat. “ They certainly didn’t waste time chasing after me.” He chuckled, darkly, doubting it’s going to be entertaining anyone soon. Craving a battle worth remembering, someone who can step up to challenge him, he craves someone who can go toe to toe with him. A person who provides a challenge for his caliber of strength, battle and magic prowess. While they provide a much needed entertainment. His gloved hand patted his midsection, sort of feeling the after effects of his mana being suppressed.

And, he feels eerily calm though something didn’t feel right to him. The swordsman wordlessly kept going knowing he’ll meet them soon. Flying against the wind, he tried putting distance as much as he could. How he wants to tie the loose ends of his mission then make his come back on an ominous scale, whatever it may be. He kept going regardless of his stream of thoughts, or that weight of something going in the underbelly of the military.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
She nods with a sigh, her lips curved into a smile. Trusting in Joker’s word the sense he’s a good leader. Ann and Ren are like the older siblings she could ever ask for; how from then and there, Paula decided on seeing this mission through at Joker’s side. Now, with the poem deciphered stanza by stanza, it's a matter of reuniting with the scattered smash fighters to band together to fight Lunaris and subsequently Sephiroth, in that tall order. After taking a closer look at the poem there’s new faces and unfamiliar ones mentioned in the poem. She didn’t know how many Links are there, which sounds like a complicated timeline to her. She wonders if she exists in another plane, that sounds too complex to think of now. Whatever it may be, the poem is complete. And, they have a clear objective now. Their next destination is Luminose City. “ I don’t have any ideas or anything to add? Mmm.. should we prepare for our trip to Luminose city?” She frowns, prepared to fight unless Ren has other ideas.

Ploegy Ploegy SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SheepKing SheepKing

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