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A being Samus knows is worshipped by some as the savior of a whole region of lands. She knows some of the legends…
Rayquaza has lived for perhaps eons
Rayquaza feeds on asteroids (amongst other things)
Rayquaza lives in the upper atmosphere
Rayquaza can effect the very weather itself
These are things she has heard over her time here. This being is a legend. What can a mere mortal do against such a being? Ask Samus… and she would tell you that one can do quite a lot.
Forget the legends and myths for a moment, and at the end of the day Rayquaza is a biological being. One of the Pokemon, which she has become somewhat familiar with (Pikachu most specifically).
Rayquaza is an immensely powerful being
Rayquaza… has weaknesses. All beings do, in some form. It’s just a matter of finding those weaknesses and exploiting them. It’s no different than any other hunt this armored woman has been on. The trick is to survive long enough to find a way to beat it. Beat it… subdue it… this isn’t Rayquaza’s will at work. It’s being manipulated by a dark energy Samus has seen before. Nurse Joy and the Lake Scientist needs time! She only needs to keep Rayquaza’s eyes on her for the now. Samus’ hidden gaze snaps towards Corrin, carrying Dark Pit and lady Zelda. And near her… Pikachu. Who is clearly ready to fight. They all seem to be.
Samus (in her mind) is the one that can take the most damage of those present. And so, she’ll make herself Rayquaza’s target. Her arm cannon lowers, the barrel getting heated from the missile volleys she had launched at Rayquaza. Only 1 missile hit it.. and Samus isn’t sure it was impressed by it. Softly now Samus speaks, loud enough only for her command system to acknowledge.
“Computer, prep all systems.” Somewhere far off… Samus’ gunship comes to life. It hovers about 5 feet off of the ground. The single person cockpit whirs to life, screens becoming illuminated.
And as this happens, Samus looks down towards Pikachu. “Hey” She says to Pikachu, her voice having a mechanical edge to it due to the voice processor in her helmet “I’m going to get Rayquaza’s attention and try to keep it on me. You stay here. Keep everyone safe, hear me? Help Nurse Joy to end this.” She watches Pikachu for a few moments then, but waits not for any sort of response. She’s confident Pikachu understood enough to know that Samus needs the small yellow adorable sparky fuzzball to help the others.
Now she would turn, and she takes off in a sprint. Her armored footfalls are low thuds against the ground and began to gain in momentum. Samus moves faster than most could (even without her armor) her armor pushing her faster. Moving around the lake, she raises her arm cannon as it reconfigured itself. Her intention is to get Rayquaza to pay attention to her. Now her missiles are much more powerful… but slower. She decides to switch things up, to try different tactics. Still running she fires up at Rayquaza is quick bursts. White and blue bursts of energy explode forth from her cannon, leaving a brief shimmering trail behind each shot. Her cannon’s Ice Beam.