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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars



A being Samus knows is worshipped by some as the savior of a whole region of lands. She knows some of the legends…

Rayquaza has lived for perhaps eons
Rayquaza feeds on asteroids (amongst other things)
Rayquaza lives in the upper atmosphere
Rayquaza can effect the very weather itself

These are things she has heard over her time here. This being is a legend. What can a mere mortal do against such a being? Ask Samus… and she would tell you that one can do quite a lot.

Forget the legends and myths for a moment, and at the end of the day Rayquaza is a biological being. One of the Pokemon, which she has become somewhat familiar with (Pikachu most specifically).

Rayquaza is an immensely powerful being

Rayquaza… has weaknesses. All beings do, in some form. It’s just a matter of finding those weaknesses and exploiting them. It’s no different than any other hunt this armored woman has been on. The trick is to survive long enough to find a way to beat it. Beat it… subdue it… this isn’t Rayquaza’s will at work. It’s being manipulated by a dark energy Samus has seen before. Nurse Joy and the Lake Scientist needs time! She only needs to keep Rayquaza’s eyes on her for the now. Samus’ hidden gaze snaps towards Corrin, carrying Dark Pit and lady Zelda. And near her… Pikachu. Who is clearly ready to fight. They all seem to be.


Samus (in her mind) is the one that can take the most damage of those present. And so, she’ll make herself Rayquaza’s target. Her arm cannon lowers, the barrel getting heated from the missile volleys she had launched at Rayquaza. Only 1 missile hit it.. and Samus isn’t sure it was impressed by it. Softly now Samus speaks, loud enough only for her command system to acknowledge.

“Computer, prep all systems.” Somewhere far off… Samus’ gunship comes to life. It hovers about 5 feet off of the ground. The single person cockpit whirs to life, screens becoming illuminated.

And as this happens, Samus looks down towards Pikachu. “Hey” She says to Pikachu, her voice having a mechanical edge to it due to the voice processor in her helmet “I’m going to get Rayquaza’s attention and try to keep it on me. You stay here. Keep everyone safe, hear me? Help Nurse Joy to end this.” She watches Pikachu for a few moments then, but waits not for any sort of response. She’s confident Pikachu understood enough to know that Samus needs the small yellow adorable sparky fuzzball to help the others.

Now she would turn, and she takes off in a sprint. Her armored footfalls are low thuds against the ground and began to gain in momentum. Samus moves faster than most could (even without her armor) her armor pushing her faster. Moving around the lake, she raises her arm cannon as it reconfigured itself. Her intention is to get Rayquaza to pay attention to her. Now her missiles are much more powerful… but slower. She decides to switch things up, to try different tactics. Still running she fires up at Rayquaza is quick bursts. White and blue bursts of energy explode forth from her cannon, leaving a brief shimmering trail behind each shot. Her cannon’s Ice Beam.

From just a brief glance towards the on going rampage it seemed Dark Pit already had the beginnings of a plan in mind, something about the attack Rayquaza used being at the center of it all.

“Hyper Beam? I was unaware the move had such a draw back.”

If she remembered correctly, it was the same move Deoxys used during the tournament whenever it was summoned to battle. Yet, in those scenarios, Deoxys or any other pokemon for that matter didn’t exactly remain on the field long enough for such a weakness to make itself known to any who weren’t already familiar. Still, a vulnerability was a vulnerability, and thanks to Dark Pit’s knowledge of it they now had an avenue for tactics. The plan was simple yet straightforward, they’d strike from the air at a distance. With Rayquaza’s attention already on their allies below, it’d certainly work to split the creature’s attention.

Dark Pit hopped onto Corrin’s back in one swift motion, and without a moment to lose they made haste towards the lake.

The ride back was quiet, only the whir of wind rushing past and the twinkling sound of magic forming at Zelda’s fingertips to break the silence. It wouldn’t be long before they’d broach the lake, but in that little time left she would be afforded time to mull over her thoughts.

She’d been prepared for a variety of possible reactions to her apology, ready to face anger, acceptance, rejection, or reluctance. Yet that way his expression softened as he’d looked back towards her and Corrin, she didn’t want to say she was surprised by it per-say…but it was a sort of comfort to know her mistakes weren’t unfixable. Regardless if her apology was accepted or not, or whatever actions Dark Pit would choose to take in the future, that there wouldn’t be any permanent ill wills.

She’d spare one quick glance behind her to check on him, but the moment she turned back the Lake was now in full view.

“We’re here! The sooner we can subdue Rayquaza’s rage the sooner we can help it.”

Zelda herself would take a deep breath and freed both her arms from Corrin’s neck, following Dark Pit in suit using her legs to steady herself (she could only hope that Corrin’s armored body was strong enough to prevent the sensation of having heeled shoes digging into one’s torso). She’d focus, and the moment Dark Pit’s Staff shot off, Zelda sent out Din’s Fire. As it careened, only a mere gesture of the princess’ hand was necessary to send it right on course. If all went well, the moment Rayquaza turned towards the three in the air, the beast’s face would be met by fire, hopefully stunning it for even just a moment.

Regardless of its success, as Zelda prepared to charge another Din’s Fire, she could see a Nurse joy down below rushing towards the lab. At the same time, Samus seemed to be formulating her own plan, as Zelda spotted her as the princess could hear the sounds of her arm cannon sent out fired shot after shot. However, there was something special about them. It was similar to the charge beam but She couldn’t recall Samus using this version in the tournament itself. While certainly exciting to witness even a fraction of the bounty hunter’s extended arsenal, that wasn’t the real reason why it’d caught her attention.

”Ice attacks are some of the most effective against dragon types, aren’t they?” She might not exactly be well versed in the world of Pokémon, but she had studied enough to learn at least the basics.

“Let’s try to support Samus while she distracts Rayquaza. I think if we tail after them, we might also be able to help herd it away from the lab”

And, while Samus would still be the primary target, Zelda and Dark Pit would be there to support her if the situation took a turn for the worse. Either way, it seemed the battle was coming to a head. The moment Joy returned with the items necessary to help the poor creature, they’d hopefully be able to end this and finally quell Rayquaza’s rampage. But for now, it seemed all they could do was buy time and try their best to prevent Rayquaza from hurting anyone or itself in the process

Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Dark Pit) Camleen Camleen (Samus)
Location: Lake (In the air)
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The Flying Citadel
Interactions: NimbusWing NimbusWing , Shroomie Shroomie

Kip and his Koopa Gang searched the castle grounds in hopes of finding Cia as Lord Lunaris had ordered. Unfortunately for the gang, none of them knew who this Cia even was, and as such had no lead for their search.

"So how's the Big Boss expectin' us to find Cia?" A frustrated Kip complained as he kicked a loose piece of cobblestone. "I don't know no Cias!" He sat on a bench and propped his head up with his hands as he sulked. "We're gonna be made into turtle soup! Dis is so unfair!"

Kip's eyes drifted upwards, and he froze with surprise as he spotted Pauline. The task of finding the elusive Cia instantly forgotten, the Koopa Troopa leaped off the bench and raised his sunglasses to get a better look. It IS Pauline! The Mayor of Console City herself! And she's GORGEOUS!

In the blink of an eye, Kip's gang piled up behind him, also drawn toward and stunned by the mayor's beauty.

"Whoa! It's her! It's really Miss Pauline!" exclaimed a Koopa Troopa.

The Paratroopa sighed and swooned. "She's as beautiful in person as she is on TV!"

"I-I have all her albums! Do... do you think she'll sign my hammer?"
the Hammer Bro. asked, a touch of shyness in his voice.

The eager Koopas pressed upon Kip until he could no longer hold against their weight and the gang toppled forward and onto the cobblestone path. An angry and indignant Kip jumped up and kicked his underlings, sending them spinning in their shells across the grounds.

"Hey gerroff me! I saw 'er first!"

Turning back to Pauline, Kip licked his hand and ran it over the top of his head to smooth out imaginary hair before striding toward the mayor with a swagger. Completely ignoring the Alloy army, Kip leaned against a nearby lamp post and lowered his sunglasses, giving Pauline a debonair smile that he was fully confident no female could resist.

"Lookin' a little lost, Miss Pauline?" Kip asked in his awful fake Brooklyn accent. "Maybe I can be of assistance? The name's Kip. I work for the Big Boss Lunaris himself! His right-hand turtle, even! Why don't I show ya's around the place, get to know each other better?"

Kip was bowled over by the larger and heavier Hammer Bro., who timidly hid his face behind his record album as he held it up to the woman.

"M-m-miss Pauline ma'am! I'm your b-b-biggest fan! May I... I... May I have your autograph? Please?"

The Flying Citadel suddenly dropped and a ruckus broke out in the town. A couple of fearsome Kremling pirates shoved nobles aside as they quick-walked toward the castle, followed by a large krocodile bearing a struggling Cranky Kong. The dire situation he was in did nothing to quell his temper, and the old gorilla was making certain everyone knew of his displeasure.

"Get your slimy claws off me you obnoxious newts! I'll tie your tails into knots! You'll be as toothless as I am when I get done with you!" Cranky paused his ranting to smile and wink at Pauline. "Ahh, Miss Pauline! I see the years have been kind to you. How have you been, my dear?"

"Yarr, hurry up and get that barrel-chuckin' baboon in the castle!" Kap'n Krook ordered. Cranky's bearer marched on and the old Kong resumed hurling threats and insults at his captors.

Behind the Kap'n of the once-feared pirate ship the Black Scourge, an army of Gnawtys struggled and groaned as they pulled on ropes, dragging the netted and sobbing K. Lumsy, the source of the airship's sudden dip, on the street.
Location: Flying Citadel
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie
"It's what I'm here for; to win the hearts of Console City and to make sure we stand united, not apart. A strong community is one that's together, after all." Pauline responded to Cia's statement, still showing a semblance of concern towards Lunaris. She just couldn't help herself is all, not to mention she knew nothing of Cia's relationship with the sorcerer... hopefully it was good.

But before she could raise a hand to tell Cia to stop, she had vanished through the portal, with barely a trace left behind.

"... Wait!"

But there was no response - only silence. Sadly, it wasn't as if there was anything else Pauline had other business with in the Citadel, at least for now. Turning around, the Mayor of Console City was just about ready to take a walk right out of the Flying Citadel and into the teleporter back into the comfort of her own office... which was when she felt a presence... No. Multiple people. Not humans, but Koopas.

Now, when it came to Pauline's relationship with Bowser and his numerous forces, they were a little strained, if not personal, at least in the case of the Mayor. While no longer the woman who was undergoing her political term in New Donk City, she was still the woman who was trying to keep things under control while the city found itself in a heavy power outage courtesy of Bowser's attacks. Such an attack towards her people was one thing, but it was another when Pauline herself was put under threat by the Koopa King himself to attend the of a wedding said giant beast had with Princess Peach, which ultimately led into nothing but a frustrated mayor and Princess by the turn of events. It was definitely fortunate that Mario appeared right on time to set things straight...

Regardless, Pauline didn't exactly have the best opinion on Kip and his 'krew' from a first glance. It was extremely unlikely that this group had anything to do with the events of the past though, and it was thankfully enough for Pauline to not show any hostility towards the gang of creatures who were in reality her current allies. If anything, there was a nice smile on her red lips, taking humor in the fact that they acted less like a terrifying force and more like a pathetic group of fanboys for her. She looked down towards them slowly, before she removed a marker from one of her pockets. Perhaps harkening back to her days as a singer, she still loved the attention her beauty gave to others. And as such, she gently grabbed onto the record album of the bigger Hammer Bro, writing down her signature before handing it back.

"Always happy to meet a fan, boys." Pauline pleasantly replied, before turning her head towards the leader of this strange motley crew. So Kip didn't work for Bowser... but for Lunaris? She saw Lunaris as a wise man of sorts... but the idea of hiring this group definitely felt like a mistake on his end. Perhaps they were easy to sway to his side, and some light muscle always seemed to be a good idea for a ruler... in spite of their potential incompetence. She would then turn back to Kip, slowly shaking her head. "I'm afraid I'm not going to be here for too long, and I was just about ready to make my leave for the day. Regardless, it's a pleasure to meet and work with you all, and perhaps we could talk to each other another day."

Part of Pauline just really wanted to get away from the gang before here, and do so as quickly as possible. They just rubbed her the wrong way, like a creepy fan compared to someone who legitimately appreciated her work but knew to keep their distance. Especially Kip and his clearly fake accent he tried to throw towards her. Holding her head high while giving the Hammer Bro a small pat on his helmet, she was just about ready to walk off... only to feel the sudden shift of weight from the citadel courtesy of the clumsiness of... K. Lumsy.


Pauline cried out as she stumbled forward, slamming onto the ground but thankfully not looking too hurt. As she scrambled back onto her brown heels, the atmosphere around her seemingly grew darker as before her stood a more competent group of Kremlings... carrying what appeared to be a certain something she recognized all too well, in spite of his age.

Donkey Kong Sr., known as Cranky Kong to many. The very same ape who had once whisked her away into a dangerous construction site back when she was a mere singer out of love. Between the tonal shift and her eyes meeting her old 'enemy', her face grew pale, but she still tried to remain strong. Clearing her throat, her gaze directly met Cranky, and she replied. "Wonderful to see you too, Donkey Kong." She politely greeted her old foe, addressing him by his actual name rather than by his more irritable moniker. "Things could be better, but I'm working for the safety of Console City to protect my citizens."

Between the Kremlings, Cranky and the overwhelming size of an approaching prisoner in K. Lumsy, it was certain that something was going on. Maybe age was getting the better of his old captor, but it was clear that there was some fight left in him... but why? Her head turned over to Kapn. Krook with a questioning, albeit uncertain look. "It seems that you have prisoners with you, Captain. What wrongs have they done to be placed in your custody?"
yra / ythra

Location: Plains | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Shroomie Shroomie
As things unfolded in front of her eyes, Mythra quietly huffed to herself and crossed her arms over her chest. Of all times this could happen, why now? The timing of this pompous horse rider couldn't have been any worse. She found herself growing irritated as she glared on in silence during his entire spiel. Even beyond the imperfect timing of it all, the man's attitude alone was enough to make her want to lash out and give him a piece of her mind, but she held her own tongue. It was best to not get tangled up in such complications as much as she wanted to let it all out. The moment she spoke, she knew it would only rope them into the issue as a whole and that was exactly what she wished to avoid if possible.

Avoiding that problem though seemed less likely, especially as the reward of the races was spoken of. Was it the best way to get close to their enemy though? Meeting him wasn't exactly the more opportune chance to take him down. In some ways it would merely be a waste of their time as far as she saw it, and with how things seemed to stack against them, she figured a meeting would only cause them to be put in a far worse position then necessary. It was a logical view on things; a view Mythra hardly looked into herself, but she had her moments. Recklessness was what had caused so many problems in her life before and she wished to avoid adding to that list.

Noticing Pit's look, she scoffed softly and rolled her eyes in annoyance as her own eyes flickered off him once more: "Don't give me that look."

It wasn't hard to tell what he might be thinking. There was no doubt he had picked up on the same opportunity she had. If he was to be swayed that way then there was no changing his mind, especially since Lana seemed keen on aiding these farmers. Maybe then it was time they split off. She had no intention of allowing herself to be dragged into such ordeals. If anything, she had already been dragged off on far more things she hadn't wanted to do since she had arrived.

"We really don't have time for all this, even if a meeting with Lunaris might be the prize," she remarked, her gaze lingering anywhere but her two companions or the farmers. "We'd practically be turning ourselves in. We're wanted criminals, remember?"

If the circumstances were different, maybe she would consider it, yet it was hard to say that things would turn out well for them. If they got captured, or worse, killed, then what? How were they supposed to save this realm then? How oddly heroic her thoughts were. For someone who desired death she was trying to avoid such a scenario. Then again, this wasn't the place to die, not when she could do good and find some form of redemption in it.

"Unless you give a better reason then "We can't leave them waiting till we save the realm" then I say we be on our way and find a better way to go about all this. If you both wish to help then I'll go off on my own."

Her stubbornness burned through like no other and it was clear she wasn't going to budge easily on her viewpoint unless given a different reason. Unfortunately for her though, her opinions were not shared with her other half.

'Come on Mythra! We can't leave these people suffering. I know it's yet another detouring in the grand scheme of things, and getting close to Lunaris this way could be dangerous, but those are all what ifs. Surely you know this could help kill two tirkins with one stone!' Pyra pleaded. She knew she needed to plant some doubt into Mythra's logic if the other's were going to have any chance of convincing her otherwise. 'Even if things go poorly, you're still strong enough to get out of it. We both are, and our companions are too! You believe that, right?'

Mythra's brows furrowed as she listened to Pyra. She knew she was right in some regards though she hated to admit it. She was acting scared, yet who could blame her? She had been through many situations before that seemed like good ideas yet ended up doing nothing more than bringing her pain.

Pursing her lips, she fell silent and decided to await the answers she might receive from the likes of Pit and Lana.
The Lake Shore
Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing , Camleen Camleen

Pikachu stood on her hind legs and saluted Samus. "Pi-ka!" She dropped back onto all fours and sparks flew from her cheeks. Samus's orders were clear: Rayquaza must be subdued! As an Electric-type Pokemon, she can certainly help with that! But before Pikachu could zap Rayquaza and possibly inflict the paralysis status effect, she was struck by the dragon's wildly swinging tail! The poor mouse struck the wall of the laboratory and landed in a fuzzy yellow heap on the ground. Her eyes spun. "Chaaaa..."

Boom! Boom!

Rayquaza's head was blown back by the fire and darkness from the aerial fighters' assault. Though the attacks didn't cause it too much harm, the gigantic serpent had no time to recover as Samus Aran unleashed a chilling barrage of ice from her cannon. Rayquaza unleashed an ear-splitting screech as parts of its body, including an arm, were frozen by the missiles! True to what Zelda said, Dragon-type Pokemon were weak against ice! Rayquaza's slowed movements provided Marth and Link the opportunity they needed to stab and slice away. Half-frozen and assaulted on all sides by the legendary fighters of the Super Smash Brothers, Rayquaza could not focus on one target or regain its bearings, and all it could do was writhe and roar.

The blood of Dharkon within Rayquaza responded to its distress. A burst of darkness erupted seemingly from the Legendary Pokemon's core, destroying the ice on its body and sending nearby fighters flying backward. Enraged, Rayquaza turned its fierce gaze onto Samus and opened its maw in preparation for another Hyper Beam attack!

A lured fishing line wrapped itself around one of Rayquaza's horns! Big the Cat (with Froggy perched on his head) was firmly planted on the earth as he reeled in his line, his mighty strength forcing Rayquaza's head backward and sending its Hyper Beam into the sky!

Still in the air, Dark Pit's eyes bulged as he saw the Hyper Beam head straight his way! Almost instictively he activated his Orbitars, and the Hyper Beam was deflected harmlessly away. Once the danger had passed and he had confirmed that Zelda and Corrin were unharmed, Dark Pit let out a sigh of relief only to gape at the sight of Big the Cat. "... You've got to be joking!"

"Don't worry!" Big called out in a cheerful drawl. "Me and Froggy are here to help!"

Pikachu shook the little Staryus out of her head as she rose to her paws. As she witnessed Rayquaza being pulled backward by an unfazed Big, she fell into a sit, dumbstruck.

Rayquaza snarled and thrashed its head about in an attempt to free itself from the fishing line. Big continued to reel in his line and tug on his fishing rod. He slowly began to slide forward, but he replanted his feet and with one final powerful yank, he brought the Sky High Pokemon crashing down onto the earth. The dust eventually settled, revealing Rayquaza collasped on the ground, its eyes dizzy swirls.

"Hooray!" Big cheered as he shuffled his feet and waved his arms in the air in a victory dance.

"You did it!" Nurse Joy exclaimed joyfully as she emerged from the laboratory with the box of herbs in her arms. Without a moment's hesitation she ran toward the fallen dragon and placed the box on the ground. She looked to the Super Smash Brothers and smiled wryly. "These herbs will force Rayquaza to expel whatever it has ingested. I recommend you look away."

Nurse Joy gently stroked Rayquaza's nose as the battered Pokemon rested on the grass. "There there. You're going to be just fine now!"

Rayquaza responded with a soft, content rumble before it closed its eyes to rest. Nurse Joy smiled at it before looking to the large dark mass that had been purged from Rayquaza's body. She frowned. "So, Rayquaza was tricked into swallowing this awful thing?"

"Hmm, that doesn't sound very nice at all!" Big said. Froggy croaked, seemingly in agreement.

Nurse Joy was outraged. "How can anyone be so cruel!"

The Lake Scientist peered closely at the mass, then looked to the Smash Brothers. "Hmm, the congealed blood of Dharkon, y'say? And this same material was used for an arrowhead that was fired into an Ursaring? Hmph, I thought we'd seen the last of that foul being, now someone is going around weaponizing its remains! I don't think I need to say how much of a problem this is, Super Smash Brothers!"

Dark Pit's eyes narrowed as he glared at the black ore-like substance on the grass which had wilted from its corrupting influence. Whoever was using Dharkon's blood to cause problems was going to pay terribly! That did leave the raven-winged angel with a question: if Dharkon's remains were being weaponized, what about Galeem? Were there remains of the being of light to be used as well, and if so, what terrible harm could be inflicted upon the Realm's inhabitants?
Noctis & Prompto
Ploegy Ploegy NimbusWing NimbusWing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Noctis and Prompto were finally able to relax after awhile in the farmhouse...it was cut short though...as Joker 's Persona Arsene arrived with one of the Moblins in tow. "Eh,would you look at that. The hunt still payed off." Prompto said. " Though it's only one of them. Oh well,better then nothing I guess." Noctis added.
Both boys watched as Joker issued his warning at the captured moblin,then turned to them and their remaining allies asking them if one of them would have the honor to ask questions.
" Go on,Noct! Show them what you can do!" Prompto cheered.

" Gueez,I'm no good at playing "Good cop,bad cop." Noctis replied." I'll still try though."
The prince faced the moblin. " Listen...I'm not gonna ask you twice." he started. "Did that guy Lunaris sent you?" He asked the moblin.

Prompto could only watch for the moment. Noctis was indeed not very good when it comes to interogation... He doing his best...right?
Though,it was impressive that Joker's persona managed to catch one of the moblins with no problem whatsoever.
"Gotta remember to ask him how to get a persona of my own." He thought...out loud. There was proublebly a chance that the others vould hear him.
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The moment the fingers of Captain Falcon touched the shard of crystal which floated in the air, a great power surged through him. His vision dimmed, and the world went down the drain. The mist of the Sorrowfen, the faces of his comrades-even the lake beneath his feet-all melted into darkness. It felt as though he had been hurled into freefall, his stomach with no gravity, without end, but the weight of something immense, unseen pressed against him. Then, there was silence.


As the vision cleared and resolved, he was standing on an endless F-Zero track, sleek, new, spotless, stretching in both directions with an ominous quiet above an unnatural vacuum of shifting blue and gray firmament, against which fast-moving cloud shapes made absolutely no progress. There were no roaring crowds, no other racers-no revving of motors. Just him.

He took a step forward—immediately, the track crumbled away behind him, vanishing into a bottomless void. He took another step—more of the track disappeared. He tried turning back, but there was nothing left. No starting line. No finish line. No escape.

Then, voices.

A shadow emerged from the void ahead, stepping onto the track with unnatural fluidity. Luigi.

At the least, the shape of Luigi. His ubiquitous green hat and overalls he wore remained just the same as before, his eyes, however, were wrong ; gone also was his high spirit, a voice devoid of any warmth:.

"Captain Falcon," Luigi said, his head tilted slightly. "Always moving forward. Always trying to keep up." He took one step closer, boots clicking on the track. "But no matter how fast you go. you never catch up to anyone, do you? You're always first to cross the finish line, yet you're always behind."

Falcon clenched his fists. "That's not—"

"You're not a hero anymore. You're not a fighter anymore You're not a racer anymore." The voice didn't change tone, though it sliced deep. "You're punches tickle and you pretend it matters. No kingdom to save. No villain to conquer. No more purpose."

For a moment, the space beside Mario flickered and then filled. Zelda. She stepped onto the track with poise, her white eyes cold and piercing.

"The truth is," Zelda said softly, "they don't need you. They never have. But you already knew that. And that's okay."

More figures came forward now, emerging from the void. Samus. Link. Pikachu. Fox. Ike. Snake. Each and every one of them bore the same hollow white eyes, the same detached expressions. They ringed Falcon in a loose circle, their presence heavy.

Samus spoke next. Her voice carried no emotion, only weight. "You think they respect you?" She shook her head. "You’re soul is emptier than my armor. A man stuck in a mask because he knows there's no one beneath it. You can't stand to look at yourself without it. You're afraid to see the weakness in your own eyes. But you already knew that. And that's okay."

Link stepped forward, sword in hand but lowered, as if he had no need to lift it. "You fight. You race. You tell yourself it means something. But when the battles are over, when the tournaments end, do you ever stop to ask yourself—"

"What are you still doing here?"

The voices layered over one another, relentless, suffocating.

"Where are you going?"

"You're not as strong as you used to be."

"You're getting slower, weaker."

"They barely invite you anymore."

"You hear them whisper, don't you?"
Zelda's voice was the softest, but it struck the hardest. "How long before they cut you from the next tournament? Before you're just another trophy collecting dust? Where will you go then?"

Falcon took a step back, but the moment he did, the track collapsed faster. The figures of the Smash Brothers didn't move to stop him, didn't attack him. They only watched. initialized

Watching as he realized something.

The words weren't foreign to him.

They were the thoughts he already had.

Every doubt, every insecurity, everything he tried to bury beneath bravado and flashy moves-they were just saying what he already believed...

His breath hitched. His body felt heavier. Like the weight of their words was pressing him down, dragging him toward the abyss below. The figures of the Smash Brothers stepped closer now, their forms flickering like shadows.

"There's no finish line for you, Falcon."

"There's no end to the road to nowhere."

Falcon's fists shook at his sides, heart pounding against his ears. He yearned to fight, to make a surge ahead, to silence them with the brute force of his will-but how could you fight against something that already lived inside you?

The track beneath him shattered.

He fell.

When he landed, he was no longer on the track. He was in the Smash Mansion. But something was wrong.

It was empty.

The hallways stretched long and hollow, the lights dim and flickering. He walked through the corridors, his footsteps echoing like they didn't belong.

He walked past the gym where he and Little Mac used to train. The punching bags were still swaying as if someone had just been there.

He passed the common room where the couch still had the faint indentation of where Pikachu used to curl up for a nap.

He passed by the kitchen, where a half-eaten plate of food sat at the table, steam still rising as if someone had just left it.

But there was no one.

He started to run. Faster. Faster. Looking for anyone. Anything.


He reached his own door. It was slightly open.

He stepped inside.

His room was gone.

No bed. No trophies. No racing memorabilia. No Falcon-styled decorations.

Just a chair.

And sitting in it—

No one.

Because there had never been anyone...

Because he had always been no one...

Falcon's chest tightened. His breaths came in short, uneven gasps. The weight of the crystal's power pressed harder and harder against his mind, his body, his soul. The sorrow weighed upon him, crushing him from all sides.

"This is what happens in the end."

"You will be forgotten."

"Everything you have ever done will turn to dust."

"No one is waiting for you."

"No one ever was."

"But you already knew that."

"And that's okay."

"It always was."

Falcon's knees buckled, and he fell to his knees, his hands clasped around his helmet as his mind struggled against the voices, against the incompressible weight crushing in from every direction. He felt himself slipping, sinking into that abyss.

Perhaps the crystal was right.

Perhaps it would be easier to just… let go.

Let go of the fight.

Let go of the struggle.

Let go of everything.

His body felt so heavy.

So tired.

Maybe it was time.



A voice.

Not the cruel whispers.

Not the weight of the void.

A real, familiar voice.


Somewhere-distant, yet close enough to reach.

"Don't listen to them."

Falcon gasped, his head jerking up. The weight upon his shoulders did not disappear, but something broke.

A thread.

A slender, almost invisible thread joining him back to the rear, to his friends, to the people who still resisted.

To the people who were still waiting for him.

He was not alone.

Not yet.

He growled with resolve as Captain Falcon firmed his fists and rose. The void around him cracked. The whispers faltered. The mansion blurred, dissolving back into light.

He wasn't going to sink.

He wasn't going to disappear.

Not Yet.

He was Captain Falcon.

And he had a fight to finish.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
The Plains
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , SheepKing SheepKing , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The captive Moblin's breastplate was adorned with an emblem of a grinning silver and gold mask, showing his allegience to Lord Lunaris. He snarled at his captors. "Me not talk! General Mugorl come for me! General not leave Moblin behind! Will smash Smash Brothers!"

The Moblin's bravado was quickly proven to be false as he faltered almost immediately upon being threatened. "W-wait! General's orders: not hurt citizens! Me just so hungry..." As if on cue, the Moblin's stomach rumbled, and the beastman slumped in depression. He then remembered his predicament and upon seeing the stern faces of his captors, the Moblin panicked and waved his filthy clawed hands frantically. "No blame Moblins! No cause land rot! Rivers dry up! All hungry!"

Toon Link sensed that the Moblin had more information to give even if the grunt was too pea-brained to know it. He just needed the right encouragement! Toon Link smiled at the Moblin, then whipped out his Skull Hammer, carrying it easily in both hands. Toon Link's smile became a malevolent smirk, and the Moblin squealed in terror!

"Nonononono! No hurt me! No hurt! Uh...! Uh... The Stadium fell down! It did! Me not dere, but me felt ground shake! ... Oh. ... You already know dat. Um... Lord Lunaris lives in big flying castle! ... You already know dat too. Ah, um... General Mugorl and Lord Lunaris are bestest friends! Aww, you know dat too... I got it! General Mugorl LOVES pies, especially honey pies! General always has pie after dinner! And every morning he grooms his beard! General is very proud of beard! Me cannot grow beard. Me jealous!" Seeing that the Super Smash Brothers were not at all impressed, the unfortunate soldier racked his brain, trying to find something, anything, that might placate his cruel captors and spare him from meeting with a terrible fate! Toon Link thought he saw smoke coming out of the creature's pointed ears.

"Please no hurt! Me know things! Lots of things! Just, uh, gimme minute... AHA!" The Moblin soldier perked up as he had a eureka moment. "Me overheard Wizzrobe tell General things! Say rivers dry up because of Manbirds! It all Manbirds' fault, not Moblins!"

Toon Link, who was still holding the massive hammer, raised a brow in puzzlement. Manbirds? The Moblin nodded vigorously. "Yeah, yeah! Manbirds! Live in da clouds! Wizzrobe call dem, uh, angles! Yeah, angles!"

Toon Link pondered the Moblin's words. Angles? His eyes then widened in realization. Oh, he must have meant ANGELS! The swordsman recalled that the Angel land of Skyworld was hidden in the Sea of Clouds, high above the plains of the Smash Realm. But how, or why, would the Angels cause a drought? Besides that, if the Angels had been in the Smash Realm the entire time, why haven't they done anything about Lord Lunaris? Something was very wrong about all of this. Toon Link sighed in exasperation. If only he had not been separated from Pit! Surely he would have been able to provide some insight on the situation!

However, as important as this information was, Toon Link was unsure as to what the Super Smash Brothers, as they currently were, could do with it. It wasn't like they can just stroll right up to the gates of Heaven itself and knock, right? And there was still the problem with those floating golden orbs that shot down anything that intruded into their airspace. Unfortunately, Toon Link had no talking boat, or pirate captain turned princess, or wise spirit to guide him. He looked to Joker, Ike, and Daisy; all three of them leaders and wiser heads than he.

The Moblin grunt smiled hopefully, "Um, Smash fighters great heroes, yeah? Me go now?"
The Flying Citadel
Interactions: NimbusWing NimbusWing , Shroomie Shroomie

Kap'n Krook's blood red eyes landed on Pauline as she questioned his intentions. He licked his gold-plated fangs as he regarded her, then his gaze fell upon Kip and his Koopa Krew. The fearsome Kremling pirate snapped his jaws at them and cackled as the turtles instinctively withdrew into their shells, quivering in fear.

"Just doing my noble duty as a loyal servant of Lord Lunaris," he finally answered Pauline, removing his captain's hat and bowing. "These two traitors were found aiding the Super Smash Brothers, against our Lord's law!"

The Gnawtys collasped upon the ground, too exhausted to go any further. Shiri fluttered out of the castle and gasped upon seeing the captives. She flew over to Krook, struggling to keep her voice from trembling as she addressed him.

"P-please, captain. I-I'm sorry, but Lord Lunaris is n-not to be disturbed!"

Klay, the disgraced former Kremling Kap'n thought he saw an opportunity to regain some of Krook's favor. He bared his teeth and struck down the little fairy with a swing of his claw. "Ah shaddup ya stupid bug! Who are ye to speak to the Kap'n?!"

He raised his foot to stomp on Shiri. There was a crackle-pop and a flash of magic! Klay's fearful scream was cut short as an armored talon seized his maw and a curved sword blade was pressed to his soft throat. A horrified hush fell upon the grounds as Klay found himself staring into the dark slitted eyes of Lord Lunaris's mask!

Lunaris's voice was soft-spoken and hoarse, the danger in his tone turning Klay's blood to ice. "I know you Kremlings are stupid creatures, so let this be a warning: put your grotty hands on my fairy again, let one foul word leave your tongue, even eye her the wrong way, and I shall rip it out myself and force feed it to you. Have I made myself clear?"

The sorcerer's grip on Klay's jaws were like a vise and the metal claws dug cruelly into his scaly snout. He couldn't nod even if he didn't have a scimitar pressed to his neck. A pitiful whimper was all he could muster.

Lunaris tossed Klay aside and Krook laughed aloud, the only one in the vicinity seemingly undisturbed by what had just happened. Shiri, still shaking, flew into her master's cloak as he addressed Krook. "I heard news of the Black Scourge's sinking. Still alive, then?"

Krook bared his teeth in a fiendish grin. "Yarr, did ye really believe one can sink a krocodile, m'lord?" Getting straight into business, the Kap'n pointed at Cranky Kong and K. Lumsy with his hook. "After me 'n' me krew got to shore, we had a lil' talking-to with the local Gnawtys. They says they saw those two talkin' to the Smash Brothers. I brought 'em all in fer questioning!"

Still restrained by a large formidible Kremling, Cranky shouted at the masked Hylian. "You! You only saved me the trouble of coming all the way here myself!" He struggled futilely. "Bah! Get your grubby claws off of me, you rancid reptile! I'll beat that mummer until he is a murmur!"

Lunaris was amused by the old ape. Sheathing his sword, he calmly approached the prisoner and bowed with a flourish. "Donkey Kong Sr., welcome to the Flying Citadel. Please allow me to extend my most humble apology for the rudeness of my servants." Straightening up, Lunaris raised a hand and beckoned his Mii guard with a twitch of his fingers, "And an opportunity to cleanse this tarnish upon the Citadel's reputation with a free stay in the castle dungeons. As it just so happens, an old friend of yours is currently enjoying the legendary hospitality we offer!"

As the Mii guard escorted the ranting Cranky Kong away, Lunaris turned his attention to the massive Kremling who nearly took up the entirety of the castle courtyard. "As for this one..."

Though tears streamed down K. Lumsy's dopey face, he shut his eyes and mouth tight, clearly refusing to talk. Lunaris shrugged carelessly. "Very well, then. Until he is ready to speak, let us arrange some accommodations more suitable for our generously proportioned guest."

The Flying Citadel continued on its route. Trailing behind it was a large enchanted cage containing the unfortunate K. Lumsy, who continued to weep as the Golden Eyes swarmed around him like angry hornets, occasionally zapping him with lasers.
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Under her helmet, Samus narrows her eyes as her assault hits the mark. And to her surprise… her Ice Beam seems to really do some damage. If not physically, then emotionally. Rayquaza is enraged, that rage no doubt multiplied by the darkness within it.

But whatever ice energy had been built up is almost immediately shattered. The respite doesn’t last long at all. Samus skids to a halt, the ground under her armored boots coming loose with her momentum and weight. As if in slow motion… she watches as Rayquaza turns and looks her right in the eyes. And then something else familiar… it’s about to launch a Hyper Beam. For a moment, Samus’ eyes widen, but her surprise is quelled quickly by calm nerves and decades of experience.

Here is what she knows… the Hyper Beam they use is very powerful, especially when originated from a beast like Rayquaza. She is… fairly… sure she could survive. Fairly. It’s about 50/50 in her mind. She can’t outrun it. She has very little chance to evade it. Not at this range. And so Samus does what Samus do when faced with potentially devastating damage. Samus stares right back at Rayquaza, her arm cannon raising as it once more reconfigured itself. The soft blue glowing indicator on the side of the cannon now flickers to glowing orange. Her arm seems to shimmy a bit as power is drawn into the heart of the cannon, that power building with each second. If she is going to get blasted by Rayquaza, and possibly seriously hurt (or worse) she will go down swinging. The energy takes on a physical manifestion of an orb at the end of her cannon. Bending her knees and keeping her feet about shoulder length apart, she prepares for the impact from Rayquaza.


The head of the beast suddenly jerks back, that immense beam being sent skyward. Nearly simutaneously Samus draws up her cannon and it powers down. And she releases a breath she had not realized she was holding. The armored warrior stumbles back a few steps while her onboard systems work to figure out what is happening, and powering down. Her gaze moves to the horns of the beast, and then she is able to spot an almost invisible… a grapple line? Her eyes track the thin line with some effort… and she can’t help but let out a relieved brief chortle upon spotting Big the Cat and his pal Froggy. Stance relaxing, she looks down at her feet to count the blessings she had been granted in the last 5 or so minutes. Looking up now she proceeds to walk back towards the group.

Seeming as cool and calm and awesome as always, brushing off the fact she just saw her life flash before her eyes. Her scanners automatically lock onto the beings around her… all of them showing positive life signs. Good, everyone is okay. If only a bit baffled. Her eyes would follow the good Nurse as now she cares for Rayquaza. Her gaze lingers upon the beast, seeing its suffering eased. She genuinely feels bad for it. The aggression showed, the fact it was ready to dismantle Samus and her comrades… none of that was Rayquaza’s doing. A dark influence. Something more than one of them is familiar with.

She stops near Pikachu, looking her over to ensure she is indeed okay. She seems the same as Samus, physically fine. With a low thud she drops to one knee next to Pikachu, facing the group. Her voice comes forth in a faintly muffled tone. “Thanks Big, thanks Froggy. You guys came through for us.” No emotion in her tone, just a statement of fact. Resting still on one knee, her gaze moves to Nurse Joy and the Lake Scientist, and then to the remnant of Dharkon’s blood as it corrupts the very life of the grass below it. “We’ll all come up with a plan, and we’ll deal with this. Together. But for the now…” she motions to the dark orb “We need to deal with that. I can come up with a containment for it. Keep it trapped and away from anything it could influence.”

And as she falls silent, listening to the ongoing conversations, she looks down to Pikachu out of the corner of her eyes and gives her a discrete thumbs up.
Professor Layton
Location: Wahuu Oasis, in the Wilds
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

Professor Layton looked toward the tavern then back at Byleth. "Sora may not try to find answers in there..." He lowered his head and gripped the brim of his hat, sighing softly, "... But Luke would."

Course of action decided, Layton entered the tavern. It was surprisingly neat and cozy, with a warm fire going and hanging carpets providing color to the adobe walls. Various peoples (many of a species Layton cannot identify) ate, drank, and shared stories. There was not a single smashed chair nor drunken lout making a scene. It was an incredible contrast to what Layton and Byleth had just witnessed outside. A couple of Gerudo guardswomen watched the tavern patrons with stern gazes. Layton had a hunch this may be the reason; those guards clearly brooked no nonsense!

Another Gerudo, a commoner judging by her garb, approached the two men. She towered over them, appraising them with piercing gold eyes. After a few uncomfortable seconds, she finally spoke, first addressing Layton.

"Hmph, you clearly cannot be the Voe destined to become my husband. Your beady-eyed stare vexes me." She raised her gaze toward Byleth. "Now you on the other hand... Hmm, you are tall and formidble-looking, as Koume said my future husband shall be, but she also said he possesses a strong sense of humor. Something you obviously lack."

Without another word, she left the building. Layton's beady eyes blinked as he watched her leave, puzzled and maybe a touch indignant. "Well! Who does that woman think she is...?"

"Ahh! Newcomers to our fine town! Come in! Come in! Take a seat, and old Kotake will take good care of you!"

Layton turned toward the thin reedy voice and was taken aback by the bulging eyes of a withered old woman manning the bar. Quickly shaking off his shock (it would not do to be rude by staring!) Layton did as he was bade and took a seat at the counter. Pleased, Kotake picked up a glass and rag and began polishing the cup to a shine.

"Oh, what a couple of fine young, handsome men! Now then, what will be your pleasure? I have food, drinks, I even dabble in potion-making if you have wounds that need tending to. Come now, do not be shy! Your business is my pleasure!"

Layton was well aware that one of the best tactics to get information was through getting into the interrogee's good side. Now seated, he took in his surroundings once more before looking back at the witch and bobbing his hat politely. "Thank you. Are you the owner of this fine establishment, madam? I must say I am rather impressed. There is not a single thing out of place, and I've never felt so welcomed. You must be very proud! As much as I would enjoy sampling the region's teas, my companion and I are here on a matter most urgent: we are searching for two young boys. I would be most grateful for any assistance you can provide, my lady."

Kotake's face turned red. She squealed and looked away, clearly charmed by Layton's compliments. "Ooooh! Oh! Eh-hehehehehe! You are not only handsome, but so well-mannered as well! Normally, my sister and I would not give information freely... But I think we can make an exception just for you! Come, follow me!"

The witch parted a colorful curtain that separated the back area of the building from the tavern, making an eager gesture for the two professors to follow. Passing through the archway, they traveled down a dark hallway lined with strange masks and unusual items that Layton guessed were fetishes used in ancient rituals. As an archaeologist, his natural curiosity tempted him to ask Kotake about the relics, but the importance of his mission kept him focused on the situation at hand.

The three soon came upon another pair of colorful curtains. Kotake drew one back and beckoned the two men enter. Within the dark room, sitting before a crystal ball was the twin of Kotake, Koume, whose bulbous eyes seemed to glow in the darkness just as brightly as the crystal.

"Eh-hehehehehe! Two more souls in search of answers?" Koume asked in the same high-pitched quivering tone as her sister, "Have a seat, and Koume shall reveal what you seek!"

Professor Layton was not one to take much stock in oracles and fortune tellers, but he and Byleth seemed to have no choice but to humor the two old women. As he took a seat on a floor cushion, Koume began waving her hands over the crystal ball.

"Yes, you seek something... no, someone! Or perhaps both! Yes... the mists are parting... Yeeeeeees! A vision comes!

Your journey shall take you to the stars above... where proud Wings of Faith and proud Wings of Truth clash! The forces of Creation and Destruction churn... and..."

Koume suddenly fixed her gaze on Layton, and it took the professor all of his gentlemanly discipline to not shudder!

"You are struck down!"

The light of the crystal ball faded, and a deafening silence befell the room. Koume then raised a placating hand, her tone positive. "Ah, but there is a way for this one's terrible fate to be averted! It's quite simple, actually."

Layton was stone-faced. If he was at all shaken by the witch's prediction he hid it very well, though it was far more likely that he doubted her words. "Madam?"

Koume's mouth spread in a gap-toothed grin. "You marry me and stay here forever! It's not every day such a man of steel nerve and good breeding comes into my chambers. Consider me smitten!"

Layton was at a loss for words!

Kotake shrieked in dismay and flailed her fists in the air in a tantrum. "Hey! That's not fair! I saw him first!"

Koume sniffed, "But I am the one who will save his life!"

"You're always trying to take the handsome ones away from me! This one's mine!"

"You work at the front and have the chance to see every man that comes into our building while I am cooped up back here! You've had plenty of opportunities to snatch a husband!"

"Well, I bet he finds me more attractive! I am the younger one after all, and I definitely look it!"

"Oh, don't start that again! We're twins! How can you be younger than me?!"

The twin witches squawked and squabbled, and Layton decided that was the perfect time for himself and Byleth to make their exit. He stood up.

"I thank you for your hospitality and assistance, madams, but we must get back to our search. Cheers!"

Layton bobbed his hat and made brief eye contact with Byleth before hustling out of the tavern. Once outside, the professor adjusted his coat in an effort to shake off the feelings of discomfort he certainly felt.

"Well now, I'd say that was the most... nerve-wracking situation I've ever found myself in. I do not think we will get much help in finding the boys here, Professor."
Shadow the hedgehog
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

Shadow watched as Captain Falcon took the crystal. He waited to see if there was any reaction. He didn't have to wait long. The Captain seemed in trance as a great surge of power coming from the crystal surged from the racer.

This wasn't good. He knew the captain volunteered to take on this cursed crystal,but he coudn't let him do this alone. Shadow carefully flies toward the Captain using his rocket airshoes.

It was easier said then done though,as the power surounding the captain felt heavy. Every step felt sluggish much like it was earlier when he tried to save Yoshi,only this time he wasn't poisoned. "Must...go...to...him." he said.
He did finally reach the Captain after an hard time. Even as he reached his ally,the power of the crystal tried to push him away. He grabbed the Captain's shoulders.

He could see that the Captain was struggling from whatever power came from the crystal.

"Listen to me Falcon. Whatever the forces coming from that cursed crystal are telling you. Don't listen to them! You are not alone..."

That was all Shadow could say before the crystal's power pushed away sending him flying backwards.

"Mr Shadow!"

Cream and Cheese flew to Shadow and caught him before he was sent crashing toward a tree.

It caused the three to crash on the ground. As they got up,Shafow looked toward Falcon and hope his words reached him. Fortunatly,they did reach him as the Captain seemed to fight back.

"You can do this."
Luke Triton
Location: The Wilds
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , SheepKing SheepKing

"GEKAAAAA!!" King Cactuar's deep call boomed throughout the desert. The malevolent aura he was emitting grew! A darkness had claimed the royal cactus's heart! Though it was hard to tell with how blank and expressionless Cactaur were, Luke had the feeling he and his friends were being glared at. King Cactuar began to shimmer, and the boy realized to his horror that it was light reflecting off the points of thousands of needles!

The Flowering Cactuar, realizing its king was about to use the dreaded 1000 Needles-- No, worse! 10,000 Needles attack, let out a high pitched scream, arms flailing.

A cloud of dust and the distance calls of "gekas" told the boys of the swift approach of the Cactuar patch! Luke barely had time to yell before the little green army swept him, Sora, and Pichu off their feet and carried them off.

And right in the nick of time!

King Cactuar unleashed his devastating 10,000 Needles attack and a volley of thorns half the length of Sora's keyblade rained upon the sand where the boys were standing just an eyeblink earlier!

Luke struggled as he tried to regain some form of control over himself as the Cactuars continued to carry him away. He managed to sit up long enough to catch sight of King Cactuar roaring in the quickly fading distance, his body spasming in a way that was unnatural even to Cactuars. It wasn't a roar of rage, but pain. The King was suffering greatly.

Luke cried out in shock as the entire group suddenly plunged into blackness. The Cactuars had leaped into a large crack in the sandy earth and fell down into an underground cave, their charges in tow. They landed safely and the boys were unceremoniously dropped upon the sand, though with how small the Cactuar were it was hardly a painful landing. Luke lay there a moment, heart racing and breathing heavily as he tried to take in what had just happened the past few seconds. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, the only source of light in the underground being the opening to the surface above, he was able to make out the shapes of Sora and Pichu. Having never been fond of the dark, the Apprentice Gentleman immediately scrambled onto his feet and ran to their side only to plop back down onto the sand upon reaching them.

"Phew!" Luke exclaimed with relief, "That was way too close!" He glanced around at all the Cactuar surrounding them, the ones he could see in the light, and smiled. "Thanks for getting us out of that prick-- I mean-- mess!"

The Flowering Cactuar leaped out of the patch and in front of the boys. Luke's expression was that of complete focus as the little plant began babbling in his language. As he listened on, Luke's brows furrowed with compassion.

"Really? Aw, you poor things!"

Luke stood up and dusted the sand off his shorts before translating the critter's words. "These little guys, these Cactuar, they've been chased and attacked by their king for a long time now. They used to have a village on the surface, built among ruins of a city abandoned by man many years ago. One day, 'one with a face of silver and gold' appeared with an army. They were seeking something in the ruins... and the Cactuar were in the way.

The Cactuar were driven out of their home, and King Cactuar remained behind to fight. Since then, he's been like this. The Cactuar don't know what happened to their king, but after that the army just up and left! Whatever they were searching for, they didn't find it. With their King always attacking them, the Cactuar cannot return home."

Luke looked up at Sora. "That's why this Cactuar took your key, Sora. He thought if he had it, he will have the strength to fight King Cactuar and save everyone! They can finally go home!"
The Sorrowfen
Location: The Swamp
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The crystal shard trembled in Captain Falcon's grip, its glow intense as it infused the space around it with the pure essence of despair. The tortured souls of those who sank into the Sorrowfen writhed and moaned beneath the lake.

"It's all over! The cold waters will swallow all!"

"There is no relief from this torment!"

"We are forsaken!"

Just as it seemed Captain Falcon had been completely consumed by the crystal's power, he rose with renewed resolve, and the crystal went still! A wave of energy was unleashed from the shard, and the thick mists dispersed. The icy cold rain ceased to pour, the waters of the newly made lake calmed, and sunlight shone upon the wetland. The moans of the wretched became the cheers of the elated. Freed from the Sorrowfen and finally at peace, they faded away. With warmth, light, and life restored, the Sorrowfen was no more!

The glow of the crystal shard faded in acceptance of its new master: the Pillar of Sorrow now belonged to the Super Smash Brothers!

The effects of the Malboro's defeat and the acquisition of the Pillar of Sorrow were felt even as far as Glitterwing Post. With the Gloom eradicated from the jungle the Kokiri, cured of their sadness and reunited with their fairies, rejoiced.

A Kokiri girl smiled as she watched the depressing greys of the Gloom be washed away from the land and lush greenery returned. "It's like the land itself is wiping away its tears, refreshed now that it's had a good cry."

The Kokiri boy looked upwards at the sunlight that shone through the jungle canopy. "You did it, Super Smash Brothers! I was wrong, Captain Falcon: you totally are Triple S-Tier!"

Odessa watched passively as the crystal shard was claimed. She was certain that was a Pillar, the very thing her master sought! That it was now in the hands of her enemies did not overly concern her. She had long suspected there was an object of great power hidden within the Sorrowfen, but lacked the ability to retrieve it herself. Any attempt to send soldiers to the Sorrowfen resulted in their sinking, and the virtually mindless Fighting Polygons were much too weak to defeat the monstrous Malboro that had guarded it. As much as Captain Falcon grated on her nerves, having the Super Smash Brothers, the only ones with a will strong enough to withstand the Pillar's power and defeat the Malboro, retrieve it in her stead was her only option. Now that the presence of a Pillar is confirmed and its location known, it can be taken! Odessa needed only the opportunity, either to take it herself or slip away to the Flying Citadel where she can inform Lord Lunaris.

"Well done," the priestess said simply. "The Demon Tree is defeated and its power is yours."
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon stood still, the Pillar of Sorrow resting heavily in his grip. His breaths were deep, steady, the echoes of the void’s whispers still faint in the back of his mind. But he had overcome them. He had won.

The last remnants of the Sorrowfen faded like a bad dream, the thick, suffocating mist dispersing into clear, golden sunlight. The land exhaled, as if relieved of its own burden. The haunting cries of the lost souls shifted into cheers, the energy of despair dissolving into something warm, something real.

It was over.

Falcon exhaled sharply, tilting his head toward the sky. The first warm light in what felt like ages touched his face, cutting through the cold that had tried to sink into his bones. The weight of the battle still clung to his shoulders, but it no longer felt suffocating. It felt… earned.

Then, the words hit him.

"You did it, Super Smash Brothers! I was wrong, Captain Falcon: you totally are Triple S-Tier!"

Falcon blinked. Then, after a moment—

He grinned.

“Ha! Triple S-Tier?!" His voice rang loud, the bravado in it returning like it had never left. “Kid, I’ve been beyond the tier list since before you were born!” He tossed the Pillar of Sorrow slightly in his grip before catching it again, testing its weight. “But hey—glad you finally caught up!”

Then, his expression sobered slightly as he looked down at the shard in his hand. Its glow had softened, no longer a force of corruption but something contained. Controlled. His.

For a brief moment, the reflection on its surface distorted. He almost thought he saw them—the void versions of the Smash Brothers who had spoken to him in that twisted space. But they weren’t real. Not anymore. Not now.

He closed his fist around the crystal.

He had beaten it.

His gaze flickered toward Odessa as she spoke, the way she stood with too much composure for someone who had just barely survived the Sorrowfen. The way her eyes flickered with something else. Something calculating.

Falcon’s grin didn’t waver, but his tone did. Just a bit.

“Yeah, we did. We won.” He studied her for a beat longer before turning to Shadow, Mog, and the others. His team. His real team. “And now? We move forward. The world still needs saving after all!”

He tossed the Pillar once more, catching it in a firm grip. “Can’t let Triple S-Tier Falcon slow down now!”

He turned, stepping toward the future. Toward whatever was next. And this time, he wasn’t walking alone. Not yet.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Pikachu & Dark Pit
Location: The Lake
Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing , Camleen Camleen

Pikachu looked up at Samus as the huntress knelt down beside her and gave her a thumbs up. She wagged her black-tipped tail happily and stood on her hind legs to stick her pika-paw in the air in a victory sign. "Pi-pikachu!"

Zelda brought a lightly-clenched fist to her heart and bowed her head, taking a moment to sigh in relief, give thanks to the gods, and relax. The danger is gone and Rayquaza will be fine. All is well!

She turned to the sound of footsteps and frowned softly as she saw Dark Pit walking away. He was leaving, and as much as the princess wanted him to stay she had given him her word that she will not stop him should he decide otherwise. That didn't mean she had to let him leave without a goodbye, however!

"Dark Pit," she called out to him. "Thank you... And I'm sorry."

Dark Pit stopped and replied with his typical bluntness, "You've already apologized once, Zelda."

Before he can keep walking, Zelda reached out to him. "Wait! Before you go, I need to give this to you."

Dark Pit turned around to find the princess holding out a small bottle. Zelda smiled at him.

"The kind doctor told me these will help you recover from your wounds," she explained.

Dark Pit eyed the bottle suspiciously before taking it and giving it an inspection. It was a bottle of gummies in the shapes of Yoshi heads, flowers, and smiling hearts. Looks innocent enough! Dark Pit tucked it into his exomis and was about to continue on his chosen path when Zelda addressed him yet again.

"There is something I wish to give you as well."

Dark Pit's eyes narrowed in irritation only to widen in puzzlement as Zelda presented a folded piece of cloth to him. It was beautiful, made of white silk and skillfully embroidered with purple blossoms and green leaves.

"It is my favorite handkerchief. I carry it for luck, though I suppose with recent events it hasn't brought much. Maybe it will work for you!" Before the angel can respond, Zelda tied the cloth around his right wrist. She then smiled mischievously and held up a finger. "However, I am only letting you borrow it! Please promise me that you will return it to me one day?"

Dark Pit understood clearly what the princess's intention was: this was her ensurance that he will come back. He should have been annoyed at being pressed to make a promise, but he also supposed he knew her well enough that he should not have been surprised. Well played, Zelda.

Besides, Pit will be so incredibly jealous if he ever found out about this!

The dark angel huffed softly then smirked at Zelda, holding up his hand to show off the cloth tied around his wrist. "Fine! I give you my word that I will return this to you."

Zelda's face was that of joy and relief. She knew she can put faith in his promise. She bowed to Dark Pit, signaling to him that she will stall him no more and that he was free to go. Dark Pit was about to do just that when Rayquaza raised its head and looked to the Hylian princess, causing him to pause yet again. Zelda gasped softly in surprise and took out the Pillar of Life. The green crystal shard hummed softly as it emitted a dim light.

Rayquaza peered at the crystal, then raised its mighty head and let out a high-pitched cry that seemed more like a song than a roar. A small ball of light manifested before the Legendary Dragon-type Pokemon, which then took the shape of a symmetrical crystal shard, similar to the one in Zelda's hand but ruby red. Raw power emanated from the crystal, one that can make even the meekest soul believe they move mountains!

Rayquaza had been in possession of a Pillar: the Pillar of Strength!

Pikachu cried out in delight and bounced from foot to foot in a jubilant dance. Zelda caught Dark Pit looking to her, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head briefly in a silent demand for an explanation. Seizing the chance to fully inform the reflection of everything that had occurred in the Realm since the last tournament, Zelda was about to oblige him.

A sudden flash of gold, like a lightning bolt, struck Rayquaza! Perched on the Pokemon's back, lance buried deep into its head, was a golden Lynel, massive even among his own species! Around his head was a metal circlet adorned with the grinning emblem of those loyal to Lord Lunaris. Rayquaza roared and thrashed about, but could not dislodge its assailant nor the spear. The Lynel let out a booming laugh and twisted his weapon deeper into the dragon until he felt it go limp. The beast tore the lance out of Rayquaza and leaped away as it fell into the lake and sank beneath its waters.

Without even a glance toward his vanquished prey, the Lynel snatched the ruby crystal that still hovered in the air and held it up victoriously.
"That was far too easy!"

He whirled around and pointed his lance at the Super Smash Brothers. "I am Leogar, Champion of Lord Lunaris! The Pillar is mine as are you, enemies of my lord!"

An army of Mysterious Small Fry Enemy Corps fighters, humans, and Miis, all bearing the same emblem, rushed from the forest, weapons drawn! The Super Smash Brothers, Big the Cat, Nurse Joy, and the Lake Scientist were surrounded!
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Location: Wahuu Oasis | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Things took a turn Byleth could not have anticipated, yet there was little he could do to change it either. He merely was a bystander left to look on as things unfolded before his eyes. To think the women running the tavern would be so desperate to find a husband made him uncomfortable, though admittedly he was grateful that he was not the one that grabbed their attention. Such things were far from his forte. Romance and the likes never had crossed his own mind, and no doubt he would come off as detached and cold if one were to try and push him into such situations. Still, it didn't make it any better that Layton had been forced into even if he was oddly charming in said ordeal.

Luckily, it would all be short lived, and any secondhand embarrassment he felt faded as soon as they escaped the tavern once more. Letting a sigh of relief escape his lips, green eyes flickered towards his companion as he spoke, and slowly Byleth nodded his head. He couldn't argue such a statement. This place wasn't where they would be reunited with the boys, though before he could suggest they be on their way, a bulletin board outside the tavern caught the corner of his vision. Turning towards it, he stepped closer and allowed himself to become engrossed in the wanted poster pinned on it. How could he not with all the familiar faces attached to it?

Looking back at him, images of his former compatriots hung, himself included, albeit in the appearance he once had. Under each picture was a bounty; each varying from one another. In a way it was as if they were being judged by their threat level or that was how Byleth decided to read it. The ones known to have strong powers or well known for playing a large part in saving the realm before had numbers far higher than those who did not. His own value was funnily enough on the lower end. Perhaps that was for the better. To be seen as less of a threat could play in his favor.

"We should not linger too much longer," he murmured as he turned his head back towards Layton. "I already feared I would not be welcomed, but..."

Byleth's voice trailed off as a feminine "Aha!" cut him off and caused his attention to shift in the direction of the oncoming voice. Despite seeing the lightly armored woman approach, he could do little to avoid the finger she immediately jabbed into his chest. Remaining stoic, he stared at her, taking note that she seemed to done the armor associated with a pegasus knight, albeit it was of no design he was familiar with. Adorned on the breastplate was the same symbol the Gao had worn as well. This was yet another follower and soldier of their enemy, and from her approach, he could only assume the worse. In the moment, it seemed best to speak before she would have a chance, but she was quicker to the draw.

"Don't think I didn't see you eyeing that wanted poster, stranger!" she exclaimed, before pulling her hand back and turning to look at the board herself.

It seemed Byleth had misjudged her reasonings, though he could only attest it to luck. Even so, with her looking at the poster itself, it was only a matter of time before she might start to piece things together. He could only hope that she wouldn't be able to match his face to that of the picture. Could a change of hair and eye color save him? Only Sothis knew. For now all he could do was hold his breath as she continued.

"You trying to hunt one of these guys? You know that's a dangerous game, don't you? I mean come on, do you really think some traveler like yourself could take on the likes of the Hero King himself? Or the Radiant Hero of Legend? Or even the Ashen Demon?"

As that nickname slipped from her lips, Byleth felt his lips press together, knowing her eyes lingered on the very picture of himself before they flickered back up to look at him.

"Actually, say, you kinda look like the Ashen Demon..." the pegasus knight mused as she crossed her arms over her chest and her eyes fell down to the sword at the professor's hip. That was the nail in the coffin. Even if he could hide behind some air of unfamiliarity there was no mistaking the Sword of the Creator. There was nothing like it. "That sword... Wait!"

There it was, the moment of realization, followed by the abrupt drawing of her lance. It was as he had feared, yet he could not panic. He had to be bold in hopes of gaining some sense of trust between them and this stranger.

"Your eyes do not deceive you, but I suggest you not make a scene," Byleth spoke calmly as he slowly moved one hand to the pouch at his hip and pulled out the emblem he had taken from the Gao; the very one that this knight wore on her chest. It was now or never. "Our Lord would be disappointed if you were to blow my cover."

Confusion seemed to cross the knight's face at the sight of the symbol being shown to her. Could one of the Smash Bros really be acting as a double agent? How else would he have the emblem of Lord Lunaris? But if that was the case then why wasn't he proudly wearing it? Such questions arose in her mind, yet she still lowered her lance despite the stern look that remained in her violet eyes.

"If you work for our Lord then why do you hide it? Why are you still wanted?!"

"It's simple, if I were to make my allegiance blatant then how could I help misguide our Lord's own enemies? I must have them trust me as a former ally of theirs, right?"

It was logical and Byleth could only hope it was enough to convince the woman that it was true. As much as he hated to lie, it was the only way forward. Watching the knight, her posture seemed to ease up and a smirk crossed her lips after a moment as she returned her weapon to her back once more.

"To think the Ashen Demon himself would betray the heroes. You truly live up to your alias!" she exclaimed, clearly coming off as starstruck now that she believed he was her ally. "But I have to ask, what brings you here?"

Now they were getting somewhere, yet he had to be careful with his words. With the trust he had gained he couldn't immediately shatter it but telling her his real intentions. Another lie would have to do.

"I heard rumors that one of my former compatriots was in this area, more specifically, the one you might know of as the Keyblade Wielder, Sora. Rumor has it he dispatched a Gao army sent after him, thus why I have been called in instead. He would never be able to turn down an ally. He's far too kindhearted."

"That's brilliant!" she claimed before letting her own excitement die down as she tapped her chin in thought. "I can't say we've gotten word of anything of the sort here, but there has been a disturbance in the east around the local cactuar territory. Nobody dares go there anymore though. I heard before I was stationed here, Lord Lunaris had a squad searching that area for something. Not sure what, but ever since they left, the cactuar have been very strange. Might be a good place to start."

Byleth gave a curt nod of his head before he slipped the emblem back into his pouch and turned to face towards Layton, hoping he understood how important it was for them to leave immediately now that they had some kind of information to go off of. "I appreciate your help, and before I go, I ask you speak nothing of this to anyone. I do not wish for my cover to be blown."

"Your secret is safe with me!"

With those words, Byleth took his leave, making haste towards the eastern exit of the Oasis. Once there, he took a moment to stop and let out a long sigh as his shoulders slacked. Glancing towards his companion, he gave a small shake of his head before he spoke: "We ought to take this lead and go with it. I don't know if it will help us, but for now it is all we have, and I don't think I need to speak of why we shouldn't linger."

Location: The Wilds | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Sora barely had time to catch himself as the darkness shrouded them and dropped them into the depths below. Before he could crash to the ground, his magic kicked in allowing him to briefly hover and land on his own two feet instead of in a heap like that rest.

For a moment, his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, and once they did, they quickly searched for his allies. It didn't take him long to find the silhouettes of his companions and move closer, though by the time he had approached, Luke was already in conversation with one of the Cactuars. It wasn't as if he could understand a word of it, but that hardly mattered. Luke was kind enough to translate and that was all he needed.

Hearing the situation, there was no doubt in Sora's mind what had to be done. He couldn't leave them to suffer the fate that had been placed upon them by the deeds of others, especially not that of the very one they sought to stop. Despite not being the sharpest one around, it didn't take a genius to know the the silver and gold face was likely the same as the emblem they had seen on the Gaos before. Even if it hadn't been the doing of Lunaris, he still would have had a hard time leaving it behind. That was simply how he was; always fixing problems and spread light wherever he went. It was hard to deny he wasn't one who easily touched the hearts of those he came into contact with whether they liked to admit it or not.

"If that's the case then it's clear what we have to do," Sora spoke as his fingers curled tighter around the hilt of his keyblade. "Don't worry little guy, my key will help you out of this mess so you can go home and live happily with your buddies again! Just let me do the heavy lifting."

A cheesy grin quickly spread across the teen's face before he lifted his key and turned in the direction of where the King Cactuar had fallen. Allowing his weapon to glow and bring some light to the cavern, his eyes quickly scanned for his target though it seemed as if he had already disappeared deeper into the darkness amidst the chaos. That was no problem. All they had to do was follow and surely they could bring this suffering to an end and not only help the Cactuar, but fear their king from whatever pain he felt. Sora could only hope it ended up being that simple. The reality of things always seemed to be different though nobody what he wanted to believe.

Pushing that thought off, he turned his head back towards Luke and the Flowering Cactuar and gestured his key forward. "We should head deeper and find your king. Maybe you know the where he might have gone?"

It felt like a stupid question, but Sora knew it was possible the Cactuar themselves would know where their king liked to go in times like this, especially if winding paths awaited them ahead. If not then he supposed they could only rely on lady luck to guide them to his doorstep.
Location: The Swamp
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Odessa ignored Captain Falcon, turning instead toward Cream the Rabbit. She gently put her hands on the girl's shoulders and knelt down so they were eye to eye, her concern genuine. "What are you doing here, child? Where are the ones who were with you? Where is your mother?"

After receiving her answer, Odessa stood, wincing as she did. Mog's dance did much to heal her wounds, but there were still bumps and bruises that needed tending to. It was nothing the healer can't treat herself once she was in a place to do so. Until then, separating herself from the group was out of the question. The former priestess of Palutena knew she cannot slip away unnoticed as she was, and her conscience wouldn't allow her to leave a child's side. At least not with this group!

"You only set yourself up for more heartbreak and grief, priestess" the demonic voice of Orcos whispered in her mind. "She cannot replace what you have lost."

Of course she knew that. Without a word, Odessa followed the group.

The two Kremling Kritters that had patrolled the border between the Jungle and the Wetlands were also feeling the effects of the Gloom's disappearance. The weight of Sorrow gone, they laughed merrily as they played fetch with their Klaptrap, a poor round Korok serving as the ball. The sounds of rustling foliage and distant voices caught their attention and brought their game to a pause. The Korok, taking advantage of the moment, opened its leaf umbrella and flew off.

The krooked krocodiles slinked through the brush until they finally saw them: Captain Falcon, member of the Super Smash Brothers; a few others they did not recognize, and Odessa, a fellow servant of Lunaris!

The Kremlings looked to each other in alarm and spoke in whispers. "It's Lady Odessa! She's been captured by the Super Smash Brothers!"

"We must rescue her! I bet we'll be rewarded well for it!"

"B-but how? We can't fight the Super Smash Brothers! Oooooh, I don't wanna be Falcon Punched! I like my teeth where they are!"

The Kremlings looked back in the direction of their base, which was really just a couple of tents and a few supply crates. One reptile huffed in frustration.

"Just a bunch of junk! How are we gonna stop the Smash Brothers with this?"

They looked at the crates, then each other, then at the crates once more. One Kritter nodded firmly and rolled up imaginary sleeves.

"Right! We'll just have to rely on ol' Kremling kunning and kreativity!"

"Don't take another step, Super Smash Brothers!"
a high-pitched voice screeched. "Your meddling ends here!"

Startled by the sudden voice, Odessa halted and whipped her head in the direction the voice came from. The trees and bushes rustled, and birds scattered in fear. Something was heading their way, something HUGE!

"Surrender now!" the voice demanded, "By order of ME! LORD LUNARIS! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!"

A massive cardboard cutout of Lord Lunaris emerged from the trees!

Struck dumb in disbelief, Odessa can only stare!
Cream the rabbit and Cheese the Chao.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

Cream had just recovered from her fall after Cheese and her caught Shadow who was sent flying by the crystal's power. Fortunatly,all ended well,as Captain Falcon had conquered the crystal's power. Now all that was left to do for now was to follow the group. Shadow seemed to be fine too,despite also being sent flying earlier.

The priest,Odessa,who seemed worried for poor Cream's well being asked her what she was doing here,where were and where was her mother.

"I...I have no idea how I got here actually. Though I fo recall,spending time with Miss Amy on Green Hill. She's one of my best friends,then there was this bright light. The next think we knew,Cheese and I ended up in a massive forest. " Cream explained.As for my mother,she's still back in my homeworld. She's might be worried about me. The only one I know who is present is Mr Shadow."

"I'll do my best to protect this young one until we csn both return to our homeworld." Shadow replied.
"Thank you Mr Shadow!" Cream said.
Then Cream heard a booming voice coming from the bushes.

A cardboard cutout of some bring she didn't know about emerged from the trees.
"Hmph,as if we could fall for that..." Shadow spat. '"I wasn't fool either." Mog added.
Cream could only stare as well,though Cheese charged for the cardboad cutout and attempts to tackle it.
"Cheese ,wait!"
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During those moments, the jungle lay ominously still. The others had gone ahead, leaving Link to stand alone amidst Kokiri; none of them, however, had recognized him. It felt strange—standing with those he once thought were his own people, but they remained strangers to him. They had been very nice to him, which would have been the custom for any other Kokiri. What with Link's tunic and his natural quiet demeanor, they thought he belonged. In a way, he once truly did belong.

Link sat on a fallen log, watching the Kokiri go about their village, now liberated from the darkness that had once engulfed her. They were much like he remembered, laughing, playing, and taking care of their tree-shaped homes. The fairies flitted about, bright little stars against the shining green. A few kids chased each other in their games of tag, giggling lightly and carefreely.

It was... surreal.

He never imagined he would see them again.

Ripples of memory stirred on the stillness of time: Saria's ocarina playing in the air, the bark of the Great Deku tree—so ancient, so wise—the rushing leaves of lost woods through which he ran while a boy who never knew what lay beyond. He had once thought he was one like them—eternal, untouched by time. But he wasn't.

And when he departed, time forgot them, but it didn't forget him.

A Kokiri boy sat down beside him, legs swinging freely off on the log: "You new?" he said, with innocent curiosity.

Link blinked, nodded slightly.

"I thought so. You've seen a lot of places," the boy said, grinning.

Link tipped his head to the boy.

"Right in the eyes! They seem to have seen a lot," he said, suddenly gesturing at others. "Most of us don't remember the forest before the swamp came, though. The older ones do. Sometimes they tell us stories—how the trees used to talk, how bright the afternoon was, and the wind carrying music through the leaves. And the Great Deku Tree—he was our protector. But he’s gone now." His voice lowered. "Some of the older Kokiri say the Hero of Time fought for us. That he tried to save the Deku Tree, but he wasn’t strong enough. But he did save Hyrule, right? That’s what they say."

Link swallowed thickly.

He tried... He really did...

And still here he sat among those he left behind, listening to a world that had moved on without him.

A Kokiri girl, who seemed to be older than the boy now, came with some berries in her hands, offering some to Link. He accepted a few after deliberating. "Visitors don't come our way much," she said, sitting beside him in the grass. "Mostly people forget we exist."

She wasn't stating it sadly; it was just a fact. It hurt nevertheless.

"I heard the Hero of Time is from the Kokiri," she said. "Some elders say he was once one of us, but then he left. Some say he was never one of us. Just a 'pretender.'"

He squeezed the berries tight in his hands. Their words weighed heavy on his heart.

They were right.

The boy scoffed. "Doesn't matter? He saved Hyrule! That's more than any of us can say!"

The girl shrugged. "Maybe. But if he really was one of us, he would've returned, right?"

Link turned away.

Would he have? Could he have?

The truth was, he had tried. On his return to childhood, he went back to the forest, but it was never the same, nor was he. He could never really go back, no matter how he wanted to. Then he left for his quest to find Navi, chasing a piece of himself he had lost. He never found her.

And now, all those years later, he had come back to the rubble that had once been.

"I wonder if he's still out there," said the boy, leaning back on his hands, staring at the treetops above. "Do you think the Hero of Time is somewhere out there still fighting?"

Link found his hands downcast. The scarred fingers that had called on the Master Sword time after time, Triforce of Courage still beating beneath the skin, tethering him to a fate he had never quite chosen. He had battled on, for so long, through so many machinations of time, through so many nightmares. And yet always was another.

Another fight...

Link breathed out, and finally, he nodded.

"Yeah, most likely. Probably saving another kingdom, right?" The boy kicked idly, "I'd love to meet him someday. I'd love to thank him!"

A slight tug at the corner of Link's mouth almost became a smile. He said nothing.

For a long while, he sat with them, listening to the stories they told, to the laughter and chatter of Kokiri. He watched them as they went about their business in a world Link had once known and believed to be his. And though they did not know him, and never would, that was enough.

Just for a moment, Link allowed himself to rest.

Just for a moment, he allowed himself to be at home.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
oker & anther

Location: Plains | Interactions: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
NimbusWing NimbusWing
Ren's expression tried to remain threatening, but as the moblin spoke, he couldn't help be furrow his brows. Lowering his gun, he brought his other hand up to rub his temples in thought. There was a lot to break down, yet most of it had been gibberish that did him little good, though it did provide him a wider view of things. The Stadium was obviously something he dared to question little on, yet it told him news of its fall had spread since his escape from it. That was either a good or bad thing. He was prepared to face those consequences whatever they might be. With that information aside, there were a few minor details that piqued his curiosity, albeit not enough to press too many questions on.

For starters, Lunaris residing in a flying citadel was an important detail. It meant before he likely had seen the very man they were after even if he hadn't noticed it in the moment. Such a thought made his lips curl into a grimace and his nose wrinkle in a brief display of frustration. He had been so close, yet he had done next to nothing to observe their enemy aside from briefly listening in on his conversation. Maybe he could have finished it then and there.... no, he knew better than that. The opportunity hadn't been right. If he had openly engaged Lunaris in that very moment, he would have been overwhelmed in only a matter of minutes. He had already been in a fatigued state and the number of enemies had been far too high for a singular individual to take on alongside a major threat. Still, it disappointed him.

Letting those feelings drift aside, Ren shook his head and let his features return to a rather stoic state as he calmed his mind once more. He had to focus. There was other important information. The next was the fact that the general residing in the plains seemed to be a close friend to Lunaris himself. That presented a problem in itself. Loyalty could be swayed if it was something else, but friendship... Joker knew all too well the strength of such a bond. There was no convincing one out of that, unless there was a clear reason to help the friend. In the moment, that wasn't an option and would take digging into Lunaris to figure out if there was something to exploit in that regard. As much as he wanted to ask the moblin on it, he doubted someone of its standing would have the answers he sought. What he sought was something someone would keep to themselves or only a trusted few. He knew because he was the same way.

It seemed as if they were getting nowhere, but then the moblin spoke of manbirds. At first, Ren wasn't sure what it was referring to, yet as it stammered on, calling them "angles" as well, it quickly clicked in his mind. The concept of angels being at fault in all this hardly put him at ease though. He had dealt with creatures akin to their kind; protectors of Yaldabaoth. They had believed their way had been right even though they had been forcing the masses to bend to their very will. It was sickening, and to hear that yet again a group of "the divine" were doing such things made his fingers curl up into a fist until they dug into his palm. As much as he would have loved to ignore possible issues in the area and get as far away, he knew he couldn't.

"You can have your freedom if you tell me everything you know of these manbirds," Joker finally spoke. "If they really are the ones causing these problems, then it's best to resolve it, but I can't do that without knowing what I'm up against and how to reach them."

Mentally, he had conceded to his own heroism even if he wouldn't openly admit it. As much as he knew the pursuit of pillars was a necessity, the people of this place were still hurting and he couldn't turn his gaze from that. If he did then he'd be no better than the adults that had wronged him back home, or all the bystanders that let the world around them come crumbling down.

"I do have one other condition as well: if I give you your freedom, then you mustn't tell your General you spoke to us. Our very presence in this place would bring alarm and we'd never be able to rid this place of its issues with your boss after us. If you wish to not go hungry again, I suggest you take this offer."

His final words were spoken lowly; a clear threat. Joker didn't plan to take things lightly. While he'd merely have to trust any acceptance at face value, it was better than nothing, as much as he hated to admit it. Besides, this moblin only seemed to be doing its job and nothing more. It was a victim much like the others even if its allegiance happened to be with that of the villain.

Looking at Ren, Ann pursed her lips in thought, knowing exactly what he was doing. She couldn't blame him, even if deep down she knew he didn't want to waste time. She had been there through it all and had seen the things he had. Everything he had done had been to break not only himself, but others free from the problems that plagued them, even if that meant standing up to those of higher power or status.

As much as she wanted to speak up and protest his actions, she remained quiet, knowing he had already made up his mind. She knew how stubborn he could be once he set himself to it, and it was doubtless that he would see things through until the end even if it became bleak. Besides, there was no telling what might happen if they did confront the angels. Maybe they would lead them down a different route that led to something just as important as the pillar they sought out at the festival. It was wishful dreaming, yet it was what she chose to believe in. If it was the path Ren believed it, then so would she. She trusted him above all else after all.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon blinked.

And then blinked again. Not that anyone could tell he was blinking.

Then rub his eyes (or lens to be more accurate) to be sure of what he was seeing.

A gigantic cardboard cutout of some dude—apparently “Lord Lunaris” (who?)—was kind of stumbling out of the trees like a kaiju of sorts, fluttering slightly along the breezy jungle. The ‘threat’ stood very tall and proud, with slightly bent edges, an ugly face crudely painted across it, and a malformed cape clearly taped on.

Falcon slowly turned his head to look at Shadow, then to Mog, Odessa, and, finally, to Cream. They were all… staring at it. Apparently, they were all sharing the same space and time as the process of decoding what was in front of them.

Finally, Falcon inhaled deeply and nodded with all seriousness.

“Okay,” he says, fist tightening in determination, “this is it.”

With resolute intent, he stepped forward dramatically and pointed his finger to the paper-thin terror, “You know, I’ve punched a lot of things in my life.” He cracked his knuckles. “Buildings. Cars. Giant hands. An actual god. But I have never had the honor…” He tilted his head just slightly, shoulders squaring up. “Of punching a cardboard cutout.”

A devious smirk stretched across the pilot's face, "Let's fix that, shall we?"

Then, with ZERO hesitation, Captain Falcon exploded into motion, channeling all his power into a Falcon Punch aimed straight for the heart of the towering cardboard menace. All the while, he muttered, "Man, they are really running out of mini-boss ideas..."
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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The atmosphere in the command center was thick with tension as the dust settled on the massive crater left by the Mjolnir Railgun's impact. Technicians scrambled at their consoles, running diagnostics on the shot’s effectiveness. All eyes were glued to the large monitors displaying real-time aerial battlefield footage.

Commander Towers stood at the center, his jaw clenched, fingers gripping the railing of the elevated command deck. The impact should have crippled Sephiroth, or at the very least, slowed him down long enough for the Gekkos to intercept him. But there he was—moving again. Not just moving—thriving.

Towers exhaled through his nose, a low growl building in his throat. “Damn it. He just took a direct hit from the strongest railgun in our arsenal, and he’s already recovered? What does it take to put this bastard down?”

One of the technicians turned in his seat, beads of sweat forming at his temple. “Sir… his vitals indicate an abnormal healing factor. Whatever that Jenova strain did to his biology, it’s letting him regenerate far faster than expected!”

“That’s an understatement,” muttered an officer, arms crossed. “We hit him with enough force to pulverize a tank division, and he walked it off like a stiff breeze!”

At the back of the command room, Leonov stood silently, hands folded behind his back, his piercing pale eyes locked onto the screens. Unlike the others, he wasn’t panicked. He was calculating.

Sephiroth's body was adapting.

And that made him infinitely more dangerous.

Leonov’s voice was calm, measured. “He anticipated retaliation. He expected resistance.” He tilted his head slightly, “We forced him to change tactics. He’s now favoring ground-based movement over flight. That means two things: one, he doesn’t want to risk another aerial strike like that again, and two…”

Towers cut in, his eyes narrowing. “...he knows we have something else waiting for him.

Leonov allowed himself the smallest of smirks. “Precisely.”

Towers turned away from the monitor, snapping his fingers at his comms officer. “Get a lock on his movements. Deploy the Gekkos! We need to keep him boxed in!”

“Sir, launching all Gekko units now!”

Across the battlefield, heavy metal doors hissed open within hidden bunkers and underground facilities, releasing the Gekko units into the wild. The machines marched forward, their bipedal-like frames moving with eerie speed and precision. Their single red-eye sensors flickered to life as their internal targeting systems locked onto their prey.

The Gekkos were not mindless machines. Unlike conventional drones, their AI allowed them to adapt, to think and react dynamically in combat. Sephiroth would soon learn that brute strength alone wouldn’t be enough.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

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