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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

Location: Plains to the west
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

Pit glanced over his shoulder and beamed at the two women. "C'mon, Pyra, Lana! It's a lot more fun to march to a cadence. You should try it!" The angel captain did a smart about-face and marched toward Pyra and Lana. He halted in front of them and a mock scowl appeared on his face as he pretended to be a stern drill sergeant. "Alright, ladies! You're in the Army now! Backs straight! Chests out! Eyes front! Forward, march! Left! Left! Left-right-left! In cadence!

Up jumped the monkey from the coconut grove,
he was a bad mother--"

Pit paused, a sheepish look on his face. "Uh, wait, that one might violate RPN's rules. I'll save that one for the barracks." He cleared his throat and went back into proper marching poster as he shouted again, "In cadence!

Come on over!
The war's not over!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

I shot insurgent one!
Did that one just for fun!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

Come on over!
The war's not over!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

I shot insurgent two!
Did that one just for you!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

Come on ov--

Pit suddenly halted. Sitting on a log along the path was a yellow Yoshi, his head in his hands and looking quite glum. Pit was immediately sympathetic toward the dinosaur. After all, they were a species known for happiness, and things must be dire if a Yoshi is sad!

"Aww, hey there, Yoshi! What's got you feeling blue?"

The Yoshi sighed and raised his eyes to look at the angel. "Oh, hello. Yoshi yellow, not blue. But not in mood to talk. Yoshi sorry." The Yoshi then did a double-take and leaped from the log, looking back and forth between Pyra and Pit as he energetically stomped in place. "Oh! OHOHOHOH!! YOU! You be Smash Brothers, yah? Maybe Smash Brothers help Yoshi, yah? Please help Yoshi! Yoshi have big problem!" The Yoshi stopped stomping and put his hands to his chest, sighing wistfully. "Yoshi find true love, but Yoshi always gets chased away. Hmm, you be angel, and you be girl. Help Yoshi be with lady love! Please!"

Though Pit was an angel, his experience in the field of romance was quite lacking. He could not just leave the Yoshi, however. That was against his very nature! He could at least give it a try, and Pyra and Lana can help with their experience in being... girls! This had to be easier than pretending to be pirates and exploring a ghost ship!

Before the Smash Brothers could get a word out, the yellow Yoshi ran ahead, stopping only to look behind him and beckon them to follow. "Follow Yoshi! Yoshi show Smash Brothers, yah?"

As Yoshi led the group, the beach and palm trees eventually cleared into a sunny plain. In the north, Pit could still hear the waves of the distant sea. To the east, he can barely make out a tree-line of a faraway forest. The Smash Realm has gotten much bigger since Pit's first adventure into it, when the Subspace Army attacked!

The Yoshi paid no mind to the natural sights. Instead, his attention was on small ranch in the plains, their destination. Enclosed within a wooden fence were large yellow birds: chocobos! Yoshi approached the ranch, then his eyes widened and he yelped as he dove behind a large rock and shrubbery. He frantically gestured for the Super Smash Brothers to join him. Pit was mystified by the Yoshi's behavior, but he joined him in the hiding spot. Yoshi peeked around the boulder and pointed toward the ranch.

"There! There she is!"

Pit followed the Yoshi's pointing finger and beheld a young woman in her late teens. She had the garb of a cowgirl, her long golden hair put up in a practical braid, and eyes as blue as a cloudless summer sky. Yoshi sighed once more as he gazed lovingly at the girl and the chocobo she was tending to.

"Ah, how Yoshi's heart beats! That gold color! Blue eyes like sky! Long legs! Yoshi likes long legs!"

Pit smiled and nodded in agreement. "She is quite pretty!"

"Oh, and that bright orange beak!"

Pit's gaze snapped to the Yoshi. "Waitaminute... Beak?" He slowly looked back to the scene at the ranch and his eyes drifted from the girl to her chocobo. It had yellow plumage, blue eyes, and long legs as most chocobos did, and it did, indeed, have a bright orange beak.

The Yoshi is in love with the chocobo!

Pit stared incredulously at the Yoshi, then took a deep breath followed by a careless shrug. "Hey, whatever floats your boat. I don't judge!"

Pit was totally judging.

The Yoshi became downcast. "Every time Yoshi try to say hi, humans chase Yoshi away. Yoshi not hurt, only bring LOVE!"

"That's, uh, that's quite a problem, yup," Pit said, unsure of how else to respond. Maybe Pyra or Lana had a better idea of what to do; he needed more time to mentally process the situation!
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The Dark Sorceress


Cia sighed, shaking her head. Surely, Wizzro had things under control. Currently, he was the only one she could rely on. Without him, the Triforce and world domination would be unobtainable. But he was a bit of a finicky person himself, and she knew that he and Volga, although working alongside each other to serve her, were still prone to not getting along at times.

A voice prevented her from pondering further. Looking around sharply, she saw Pauline, the woman who had been talking to Lunaris before she had left to converse with her henchman.

"Oh, you," She sniffed, placing a hand on her hip as she waited for Pauline to state what she wanted with her. "Yes, I suppose we both are inclined to side with him."

As she said these words, her eyes quickly scanned over the mayor's attire, her expression unreadable behind her mask. So different from her own, yet, she couldn't help but admire the choice in wardrobe, yet again. "...Ah, you're a politician. I've never been one for debates and preaching, myself."

The sorceress' interest was piqued when she mentioned Lunaris' wellbeing, so she rushed through her own introduction (for once). "I am Cia. Sorceress, General, Deity. Now, you said that Lunaris' wellbeing is...?"

She was interested for the wrong reasons. If the Lord of this Citadel wasn't feeling the best, then his guard would be lowered. She could do some ferreting around, perhaps find a thing or two that would be of use to her in the future. Sure, he had been cordial enough (Cia's cheeks reddened thinking about their first conversation), but nobody got anywhere by playing by the rules, and she wasn't about to let a good opportunity go to waste.

A devious little smile appeared on the goddess' lips as she stepped closer to the mayor. "Go on, please don't withhold any details, Ms. Pauline," she said in a sweet tone. "Did he leave in a rush? Was he hurt or sick?"

Tags: NimbusWing NimbusWing (Pauline), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Lunaris)
Location: The Flying Citadel

The White Sorceress


As they began their long journey towards the stadium, the clear blue skies above them a good omen for what lay ahead for the trio, they were immediately halted by a small gathering of Waddle Dees and Doos. Lana had to hold back a squeal of adoration as she gazed upon them all with their little bandanas and spears.

Aside from finding them cute, of course, she found their inspiration for taking up arms admirable. She watched quietly, much like Pyra, as Pit handled the situation with his military expertise. Once the little militia had scurried off, and the Mayor bid them farewell, The goddess nodded and waved goodbye cheerfully before traipsing off behind her comrades.

When Pit began brightly singing a song as he marched in front of the two ladies, Lana hummed quietly, a small smile twisting her lips as she followed along, without the marching. She would have marched too, if she knew the words, but she was content with simply listening to the angel's voice.

The sorceress let out a meek chuckle as Pit looked behind himself at her and Pyra, and she began, "Oh! Um, I don't think I've ever marched to a cadence, Pit, so I don't..."

Her words faded into a mumble as Pit turned and stopped them in their tracks. Lana stumbled and quickly halted before she could bump into anyone, and she gazed at the angel with a confused expression on her face before he scowled at them. She couldn't help but giggle, finding it rather adorable how he pretended to be an unsmiling captain, drilling his soldiers and whipping them into shape.

Deciding to try and play along the best she could, the deity stood with her back as straight as she could manage, her chest puffed out, eyes looking front, as she marched in time with his cadence, a silly grin on her face.

However, their march was soon cut short when Pit stopped all of a sudden. Lana stopped marching and asked, "What is it?"

She soon found what he was looking at, her violet eyes coming to rest on a rather forlorn-looking dinosaur. When Pit asked what was wrong and the dinosaur, which she realized was called a Yoshi, at last told them what was wrong, Lana immediately felt solidarity for the dino's love troubles. "Oh, poor little guy..."

The blue-haired maiden followed closely as the Yoshi led the group to the source of his problems, the terrain changing from tropical to expansive and green, the grass and clear skies reminding her of Hyrule Field.

Looking towards where Yoshi and Pit were hiding, Lana reluctantly knelt behind the boulder too, glancing at the ranch a little ways away. "Why are we hiding?" she questioned politely, but Yoshi pointing towards the ranch and declaring that his unrequited love was there immediately shut her up. She wanted to take a good look at the person who stole this Yoshi's heart!

The girl was pretty, the goddess had to admit, her golden hair and blue eyes making her think of a princess she once knew well. But Lana was immediately caught off guard as Yoshi mentioned a beak.

Wait, the Yoshi was in love with the bird the girl was tending to? Lana quickly stifled a giggle, finding the situation both precious and amusing at the same time. Once she got herself under control again, Lana sighed, looking back at the chocobo, then at the dinosaur. Her brow furrowed as she frowned at the Yoshi's recollection of the past times he had attempted to get closer to the one he loved.

"Oh, goddesses, you poor little thing!" She said, patting the Yoshi's nose gently. "Don't worry, Yoshi, we'll help you! Here, I'm sure all you need is the right person to back you up. Perhaps the girl just thinks you might be dangerous somehow. Now, why don't we go over to her and introduce ourselves?"

Suddenly having an idea, Lana crawled over to a small patch of wildflowers that were growing nearby the boulder, making sure she wouldn't catch the attention of the chocobo girl yet, before carefully selecting the prettiest flower of the bunch. She crawled back over behind the boulder, and handed the Yoshi the blossom. "Take this with you, too! I'm sure your little lady friend would love it," she added warmly.

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pit; The Yoshi), Ploegy Ploegy (Pyra)
Location: Plains to the West
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Location: Flying Citadel (Mid-Departure)
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie
By no means was Pauline - somebody who had clearly and successfully dabbled in the world of politics - a gullible woman, but in her lack of experience handling more supernatural and powerful forces unraveled a time where she was being played for a fool by everybody who dared contest her. First Lunaris had her wrapped around her finger to protect Console City, but now it was Cia trying to leak information out from Mayor Pauline's ruby red lips. Thing was, being a mayor was one thing, but Pauline was no tactician, no warfare strategist. Her strengths and intentions were not to cause a collapse in a political rival but to unite people from the ground level under her charisma and voice.

So when none other than Cia had wished to learn more about how Lunaris was acting during his pained state, Pauline felt obligated to agree. She saw no reason not to do so, after all. They were already revealed as allies even with their differing appearances and strengths. Nor did she know what Cia was truly capable of... it was her first time coming across a sorceress of her strength, let alone one who claimed to be a deity.

"It's a pleasure to meet you then, Cia! If you're a General, then I'm afraid that we won't be talking to each other that frequently, but to come across another person doing their duty to aid in the greater good of citizens is always an exhilarating prospect, even if I'm just a mayor compared to a magician." Pauline would happily respond, using one hand to brush her beautiful brown hair back whilst extending her other hand as to offer a handshake. "I wouldn't have it any other way though, the common citizen is the heart and soul of any city or town and it reflects upon somebody such as myself to bring everyone together."

Perhaps at that point of time Pauline was showing a bit too much passion in how she enjoyed being a mayor, but it could be argued that same passion brought her to this very situation in the first place. Whether or not she was doing a good job, she legitimately cared for Console City, with barely a devious hint of deception beneath her glimmering blue eyes. As she was about to continue, the conniving spellcaster who stood before her approached, perhaps a little closer than what Pauline had expected. It was enough for Pauline to take a step backwards of her own, a confused expression on the mayor's face slowly unraveling itself before Cia.

"Oh...! Oh my, well, if you're so desperately interested... After Lunaris had fulfilled my request and sent additional security for Console City, he appeared as if he was in a coughing fit. Whatever he did seemed to have some sort of impact to his body, but I didn't see him for long afterwards. Right after he did so, he quickly took his leave. He told me he was to rest, so perhaps it'd be for the best if nobody were to disturb him if he was sleeping... Stopping an entire meteor must have been taxing on him... and I can't help but to feel a little guilty that I only made him feel worse."

The Princess of the Ages


The princess' glum expression immediately brightened when Layton told her that she would be aided. She clasped her hands over her heart most graciously and sank into a bow, unable to keep the hopeful smile off her face. "Oh, thank you, thank you! I will forever be in your debt..."

When asked her name, she immediately straightened as she asserted, "Ah, yes, where are my manners? I am Zelda. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintances, professors," nodding towards Byleth and Layton.

Zelda placed a fist under her chin in thought, listening attentively to Layton as he recalled how he ended up in this Realm. He seemed invited, at the very least, while she wasn't. "Hmm...no, I'm afraid I was unaware of these 'Pillars' that you speak of," she murmured, her face screwed up in concentration, "Nor did I receive any letter...I fear that I was brought here not to help your cause, nor to even cause pandemonium in my kingdom, but...something else..."

What something else, Zelda didn't know for sure, but she had a nagging feeling she knew what it could be. Wizzro had mentioned something about his mistress, and how she would be restored to power because of him. The princess was fairly aware that Cia hated her more than anyone else, and that she bore a piece of the Triforce that the sorceress most desperately desired, but what did any of that have to do with this Realm? These people?

Byleth's words interrupted her train of thought. So Byleth was already chosen to protect these lands, while Layton had been invited via letter. Curious. The general gazed at the green-haired professor for a moment, her deep blue eyes searching for something in his serious gaze. He seemed very intent on keeping on course with the goal he was expected to complete, to protect this world and find the Pillars that Layton mentioned. In a way, she respected his dedication to his duty. "Very well then, sirs. I will help you in turn, as you have promised to help me. I will not fail you, I swear it," she pledged, raising a hand in oath. Perhaps the princess was taking this too seriously, but for her, every vow she made, she took it to heart, no matter how daunting it seemed. No promise went unfulfilled. Besides, she really did want to help her newfound companions, even if aiding them didn't bring her any closer to going home in the end.

She quieted down when Byleth and Layton began discussing other people who had evidently been sent off because of the threat that the Gao had posed. Luke, Pichu, and Sora. The two men seemed keen on finding them, despite not knowing exactly where they went. Well, as long as they eventually stopped moving and were waiting for them somewhere, all they had to do was travel eastward to find them...right?

There was a bit of a commotion all of a sudden when a red-haired girl appeared out of nowhere and began conversing casually with Byleth. Did they know each other? Zelda couldn't help but chuckle at their banter, one of them very playful indeed, the other the complete opposite.

The general waved goodbye at the soldiers as they left under the cheeky Anna's care, before she turned her attention back to the dilemma at hand. "Well, if we are without a map, the only thing we can do to find the people you seek is to travel Eastward and hope we eventually run into them, no?"

It didn't sound like a smart idea, but what else were they to do? Without a map, they were stumped as far as directions went.

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Professor Layton), Ploegy Ploegy (Byleth, Anna)
Location: Battlefield Fortress
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As Cyan and Peregrine were led through the Darknut Empire, their earlier disappointment hung over them, though the imposing structures and disciplined air of the Legion could not be ignored. The grand fortresses and columned halls, reminiscent of ancient Persia, loomed overhead, and the roads were alive with the marching of Darknut warriors.

They passed through streets filled with ranks of Hoplites, serving as city guards and patrols, their armor gleaming in the low light. These soldiers, though not part of the Legion's elite, moved with measured discipline, ensuring order was maintained throughout the city. Peltasts, lightly armored warriors equipped with javelins, patrolled the upper levels, keeping a vigilant watch over the city from high perches. Their roles in combat were more tactical, supporting the infantry lines when battles grew fierce.
In contrast, Gymnatai, young and eager Darknuts still untrained in the formal ways of the Legion, could be seen practicing in open courtyards. These volunteer soldiers had yet to prove their worth, and their movements were less refined, yet filled with enthusiasm and determination. They were the raw potential of the Legion, fighting for the chance to be adopted into its ranks.
The Legionnaires, higher-ranking and seasoned warriors, stood guard over these lesser soldiers, their imposing figures a reminder of the strength and order that governed the Empire. Darknut hierarchy was evident in every corner, from the rigorous training courtyards to the tactical formations practiced on the outskirts of the city.

As they approached their temporary quarters, Cyan would notice the Legion's unwavering discipline. The path was lined with tall statues of past heroes—each one immortalized in dark stone—while banners displaying the emblem of the Darknut Legion flanked the grand archways leading to their destination.

The Legionnaire escorting them finally halted outside a set of tall, imposing buildings, their spartan design speaking to the warrior lifestyle of the Darknuts. Inside, the quarters were plain yet functional, designed for warriors accustomed to minimal comforts. The scent of incense lingered in the air, a subtle reminder of the sacred duties these soldiers held in protecting the realm.

"You will remain here while Lord Zalunbar deliberates," the Legionnaire instructed with a curt nod. "Access to the training grounds is permitted, but respect the Legion's rules. Any violations will be dealt with swiftly."

Peregrine, still reeling from the encounter with Zalunbar, sighed. “I underestimated him, Cyan. My arguments were weak, and he saw right through me... And he's right. I have nothing to offer him that would warrant him to back me in getting rid of the Church. I was too hasty. Too optimistic... But I can't stop now. If I do, then Lunaris will remain in power, and I will have failed as a Zenith Knight... We need something tangible to sway him—something he can’t ignore.”
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

The Swordfighter from Sacae


Lyn cocked her head to the side, glancing at Roxas as he introduced himself to her. His mannerisms were strangely aloof, and strongly reminded her of one of her dearest companions, the nomadic archer Rath, after she thought about it. This only endeared him to her in a way, but she knew better than to say that aloud. She had a hunch that Roxas wasn’t one to be all buddy-buddy with people.

She was about to reciprocate and say her name too, when Isabelle chimed in and said it for her. The swordswoman nodded sharply, sheathing her blade before folding her arms across her chest, turning away from the fight and towards the cliff that lay ahead. As Roxas mentioned how his magic had been weakened and Isabelle questioned how that was possible, Lyn shrugged. It seemed very high-tech (or at least, she assumed it was), so it was all lost on her. Trying to keep up with all the advancements she came in contact with thanks to the Smash Brothers only gave her a headache, so most of the time she just rolled with it.

She listened patiently as the boy and the secretary explained what was going on. “Console City…and a person named Lunaris. Well then, we have a long quest ahead of us, now don’t we? Let us proceed with haste. I’m sure we will find Sora and the rest of the Smash Brothers in due time,” she said with confidence as she walked towards the cliff, staring down into the pit with a small grimace on her face. It was a long fall. One slip-up could mean death…at least for her, that is.

She knew Roxas possessed the ability to fly, and she had watched Isabelle in the past tournament float her cares away on a swingset attached to balloons. But alas, the poor noble had no such abilities at her disposal.
“Wha…!” Lyn watched as Roxas climbed onto one of the mushrooms to jump up, surprised at how bouncy they were.

As expected, Roxas and Isabelle made it across the cliffside with no issues at all. Feeling slightly embarrassed that she was the one slowing the trio down, Lyn carefully jumped onto the first mushroom, wobbling slightly as she steadied herself, before jumping and launching herself into the air.
Her jump was a bit too weak, and she quickly grabbed onto the edge of the next platform before she fell into the depths below, breathing heavily as a thrill of fear went down her spine. With a forceful grunt, she pulled herself onto the fungi, catching her breath and staring up at the sky while fighting off the feeling of dizziness.

This was going to take a while…

Eventually, Lyn made it to the other side of the cliff, landing with a very ungraceful stumble. She wiped the sweat from her brow, straightening herself out immediately before she turned her attention back to her travel partners, who had been talking while waiting for her to cross. The swordswoman raised a brow at Roxas’ blushing face and was about to ask Isabelle what was up when he asked what way Console City was. Lyn stopped herself, finding this topic much more important to discuss.

Tags: SheepKing SheepKing (Isabelle), Ploegy Ploegy (Roxas)
Location: Mushroom Platforms
yra / ythra

Location: Plains | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Shroomie Shroomie
Pyra blinked as Pit chided them that it was more fun if they sang such cadences together. While she could agree, it didn't mean she magically knew of any cadences. It wasn't as if such things were normal for her anyways. She had never been in an army or even anything remotely similar. Most of her time had been spent either in the bottom of the Cloud Sea or with Rex and friends. Even Mythra didn't have experience beyond that aside from her time spent with Addam before the tragedies of Torna took place.

She couldn't delve into her thoughts further as Pit continued on and declared they were now both part of the army. Pyra blinked in surprise and while usually she would have been more willing to try and play along, she didn't have time to. Instead, she received a rather rude awakening.

GAHHH! Does he really need to be so damn loud! Mythra's voice cut in inside her head, causing Pyra to simply meander along as Pit and Lana seemed to play the part of soldiers. You'd think he'd have some courtesy to be a bit less noisy. A girl can't get beauty sleep like this!

Pyra stifled a giggle. It was amusing Mythra seemed to be so lighthearted despite the circumstances that had driven her into her slumber. To think Pit's loud parading would bring her back was amusing, even if he was part of the reason she had hidden away. Luckily, she seemed not to make much of such a thing, though that was to be expected. Mythra was too proud to admit she had been effected by such happenings, and she would never come clean about being upset over the possible loss of friends. It would mean she'd have to first admit she held them as something more than a simple acquaintance.

Should I tell him you want to sleep?

Don't you dare!

Even if she had wanted to share that Mythra had returned, Pyra didn't have the chance to. Her attention immediately snapped from the conversation in her head to the poor Yoshi that Pit had approached. It was not the one she was familiar with, but nonetheless it looked distressed. Letting Pit handle the ordeal, she listened quietly until the group abruptly took off. She had no choice but to follow behind.

After a brief run, she join the others in hiding and peered around the rock to see what they were working with. At first it sounded as if the Yoshi was describing the stable hand. She was a pretty young woman with golden hair and blue eyes. However, the moment an orange beak was mentioned Pyra knew all her assumptions had been wrong. This Yoshi was talking about the bird the woman was tending to!

You have to be kidding me...? A bird.... Mythra groaned telepathically. Of all things they were wasting their time on it had to be something like this?! It was embarrassing!

Oh come on, Mythra. Show a little compassion! Pyra retorted as her gaze flickered to Lana. At least she seemed to be getting into it unlike her other self. It was nice to see even if she didn't know what to do to help. She could offer up positive words as well, yet she wasn't exactly sure how to approach romantic situations all too well. Besides, Mythra had other plans.

Show compassion? Fine I'll handle this!

Without any further warning, Mythra took control and in a brief flash of light she replaced Pyra. She didn't speak a word to the others before she pushed herself up and stepped out from their hiding space, snapping her fingers to catch the attention of the woman.

"Hey you! I heard you people have been shooing off a Yoshi who's been coming around here. You should stop that," she said bluntly while she placed a hand on her hip. "He's harmless. Just interested in that bird of yours. So make it easy. It'll be best for all of us."

It was a tactless approach, but the Aegis had little care for that. Beating around the bush wasn't going to get them anywhere and it was easier to be blunt than to let the Yoshi be shooed away the moment he showed himself.
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Nurse Joy
Location: The Plains
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SheepKing SheepKing SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Nurse Joy bowed her head politely to Joker. "Of course. I'll tell you all I know. Moblins are a common nuisance here in the Realm, but they originate from Hyrule. They are part of the '-Blin' species of beastmen, and considered to be among the largest and most powerful of the bunch. You can identify them by their hulking forms and generally resemble a boar or a bully dog, or a mix of both.

General Mugorl is the leader of Lunaris's army, and he may be the only one Lord Lunaris considers his equal. I've heard from his soldiers that the two have been companions for a long time. It was Mugorl who brought the Dark Nut and Lynel tribes under Lunaris's banner. The story goes that Mugorl challenged the chieftains of both tribes to a dual to the death, and was victorious. There will be no mistaking General Mugorl when you see him: he is a giant even among Moblins, and he wears the armor of the Dark Nut chieftain and the pelt of the Lynel Pridelord to show his dominance over the tribes. He favors the trident and shield. Mugorl is intelligent, very much so for a Moblin, and he should not be underestimated.

His fortress is to the east, where the plains meet the mountains. Lord Lunaris used his magic to raise it himself, and granted Mugorl control of the area as a reward for his loyal service."

As the group journeyed on, the grass went from lush and green to yellow and dead which crunched underfoot. The air grew cold, and the wide open plains became barren farmland. Dull-eyed Wooloo and Mareep bleated despairingly as they chewed on spoiled produce and twigs. Skiddo, normally a very docile species of Pokemon, stomped the ground and headbutted any Pokemon or shepherd that came too close. In the far distance, windmills and cottage rooftops marked the location of the small farming village of Postwick.

Nurse Joy clenched a fist to her chest as she beheld the sad state of the Realm's farmlands. "It's true: a rot has plagued the land."

Outside of an old wooden farmhouse, an elderly farmer and his Lechonk were being accosted by a pair of armored Moblins. "I've already told you! The land is dead and the harvest is spoiled! I've nothing to give to you! We are ALL starving! Now leave!"

One Moblin looked to the Lechonk and began to drool. He pointed his spear at it. "Harr, lil' piggy looks plump and tasty!"

The second Moblin smacked his partner. "No! General Mugorl's orders: we take taxes, no hurt citizens! Orders is orders!"

The first Moblin soldier snorted with frustration. "BAH! Stoopid orders! Me starving too! Tired of moldy bread!" He whirled upon the farmer and his Pokemon, and raised his spear for a killing strike. "Me spit piggy and roast right now!"

The Lechonk squealed with fear and charged forward in a panic, bowling over the Moblins and disappearing into the wild plains.

"Ack! No! Chonky!" the old farmer shouted. "Come back!"

Lord Lunaris
Location: The Flying Citadel
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie NimbusWing NimbusWing

As Lunaris was about to begin his search for Cia, a ding from the sky caused him to halt in his tracks and look up. Kip the Koopa Troopa and his gang fell from the heavens and hit the ground before the sorcerer with a BOOM, sending up a cloud of dust that Lunaris dissipated with a wave of his hand. The Koopa gang groaned painfully, dazed and confused, until they beheld the grinning silver and gold mask of their lord peering down at them. The Koopas immediately sprang back to life and groveled at Lunaris's feet.

"B-b-b-boss!" they shouted as they quivered.

Lunaris stared silently at the unlucky Koopas a moment, then pointed to Kip. "You! Take your Koopas and find Cia! I am not to be disturbed until she is found!"

Lunaris then turned and re-entered the castle through the main hall. Kip and his Koopas jumped to their feet and saluted, not even bothering to straighten their sunglasses.

"No problem, boss! You can count on us, boss!"

When Lunaris was out of sight, the Koopa gang sighed in relief and brushed the dirt off themselves. Kip turned a puzzled look to his companions. "Hey, uh... Who's Cia?"

Lunaris strode down the main hall, bathed in the colors projected by the large stained glass window over the castle entrance. He was half-way down the hall when he came to a stop and took in his surroundings. The hall had two large tapestries, one covering each wall. Had those always been there? The masked Hylian approached one tapestry and inspected it, Shiri hovering anxiously behind him. It depicted a dragon soaring in the night sky, the kingdom of Hyrule below it. Following the imagery it then showed the dragon hovering over the slumbering form of a maiden surrounded by mourning men and women. Reaching the end of the first tapestry, Lunaris turned his attention to the second that covered the opposite wall. The dragon was in battle with two figures, one in the robe and pointy hat of a wizard, and the other a swordsman in green.

Lunaris grunted and rubbed his neck, feeling a sudden pain in it. As his eyes trailed down the tapestry, the scene of the battle turned into that of the wizard and the swordsman standing triumphant over the dragon's decapitated head. The story ended with the maiden awakened and the people rejoicing.

"Shiri," Lunaris finally spoke, causing the fairy to twitch in alarm. "Explain this to me."

Shiri was confused, but answered obediently. "These tapestries tell the tale of the Blight Dragon, a wicked beast that ruled the night skies of Hyrule eons ago when the kingdom was young. According to legend, the Blight Dragon afflicted the princess with a plague that put her into a terrible slumber and fed off of her nightmares. The king sent his champion knight and royal wizard to do battle with the Blight Dragon. They were victorious, and with the dragon's death, the princess was freed of the Sleeping Sickness."

"LIES!" Lunaris shouted, causing a terrified Shiri to flee to the ceiling and out of the sorcerer's reach. The Persian ran off and cowered in a dark corner of the hall. With a snarl that was more beastlike than man, Lunaris dug his armored claws into the tapestry and tore at it, tossing scraps to the marble floor. He jumped back and roared, spewing a cone of blue and green flames from the mouth of his mask. Both tapestries were consumed by the flames. The once grand and pristine hall was blackened with soot and ash.

Lunaris then turned his sights to the massive stained glass window.


Outside, citizens panicked and fled the castle grounds as the window was shattered by a bolt of powerful magic. Mii guardsmen rushed into the main hall to find Lunaris on his hands and knees, coughing violently.

"My Lord!" one alarmed guard called as he reached out for the sorcerer.

"Away!" Lunaris ordered, his voice hoarse with pain. "Leave me be!"

The guardsmen hesitated. Lunaris snapped, "I said BEGONE!"

The sounds of footsteps in hasty retreat informed the Hylian that his orders were followed. Shiri cautiously hovered close to Lunaris. Her voice was gentle. "My Lord, we must get you to your quarters. You mustn't push yourself any more."

Lunaris gasped for precious breath, the mouth of his mask stained with black ichor. After a tense moment, he managed to control his breathing and he responded to Shiri with a single nod. Shiri was relieved when Lunaris pushed himself to his feet and silently made his way to his private quarters. The pink fairy turned and looked toward the entryway and found, much to her astonishment, that the stained glass window had repaired itself. She looked upon the dragon in the window, a creature of divine beauty, and not at all the beast of blight from the legend depicted on the tapestries.
FA42GSqVQAo4IBx.pngShe took a step closer, her green eyes searching Roxanne’s with a kind of knowing wisdom that only came from experience. “You want to be a Professor, to teach, and I have no doubt in my mind that you will. But becoming a teacher—one worthy of the title—isn’t just about how much you know or how fast you can learn. It’s about how well you can guide others, how patient you can be, and how willing you are to embrace the process.”

As Alexandria and Roxanne turned to head back to the library, Alexandria paused, a thoughtful look crossing her face. Reaching into the inner pocket of her jacket, she pulled out a small, colorful sticker, her expression brightening with a mischievous smile.

“By the way, Roxanne,” she said, holding up the sticker, “I happened upon this charming little thing at the post office today. It's a special edition, and I thought you might appreciate it—especially as a little thank-you for covering for me today.”

The sticker featured a cheerful Lickitung in a postman’s uniform, with “Lick A Letter!” written at the bottom in playful letters. Roxanne’s eyes lit up at the sight of it.
“Consider it a token of appreciation,” Alexandria said, handing it over. “Besides, it’s quite fitting for someone who keeps things running smoothly at the library. Just try not to use it as an actual postage stamp,” she added with a wink.

Swipes, who was observing from Alexandria’s side, seemed to nod approvingly, his tail flicking with amusement.
NimbusWing NimbusWing
1730083855028.pngPrincess Daisy
Northwestern Coastline (Subspace)
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Among of the members of the small group on the Beach who had the heavy responsibility of the Smash Realm's fate - and potentially beyond - thrust suddenly upon them, it was Daisy who would react last. It was pretty easy to consider that she was the newcomer of the group, and in spite of her spunk and confidence, there was a lot more hesitation coming from her than was usually expected. In a team of heroes, mercenaries and genetically modified lifeforms who seemed more in line to save the world, Daisy, a newcomer to the tournament fighting scene and a Princess who held her own responsibility to a kingdom, may have likely been the odd one out.

She certainly was no damsel in distress, but being tasked to save a world crafted by two strange sentient hands? It sounded like one of those stories Mario and Luigi would have. Heck, her very good friend and pink counterpart in Peach Toadstool would have certainly played some role as well! Barely did Daisy ever find the prospect of adventure right in front of her, but the one moment she did, it turned out that the stakes were higher than they've ever been... not only was she concerned for the fact that she might have been biting off more than she could chew, but there was one other detail that seemed to make her stop to think.

The duty she selfishly ran from.

Daisy understood all too well that her absence from the Sarasaland Palace was already going to be discovered by her subjects and her security forces. And as much as they were a little too protective of her, they cared for Daisy regardless. For that brief moment, the idea of turning back and heading over to that fabled Warp Pipe that whisked her away to this very Realm was something that did cross her mind. But she couldn't.

There was now a target on her head.

While she would have technically been safe, her selfishness caused an issue in of itself. Her entrance into the realm began with an act of unprovoked violence against Koopas and Goombas; Koopas and Goombas that very well could have been under the command of this mysterious yet malevolent masked man in Lunaris. Whether or not she was an outlaw in this world, returning back to her home would not just be cowardly and deceitful, but render Sarasaland in complete danger... and who knew what Lunaris could be capable of if his strength wasn't reigned in.

- - -

Daisy knew all too well now that it was too late for her to leave. She desired that feeling of adventure once more, and it came to bite her in the rear. As the three members of the group began to set off towards their destination of the Stadium, the Princess raised both her arm and her voice, with the clear intent to grab the attention of the group.

"Hey, wait~!"

She cried out, as she slowly walked up to her departing allies, taking a breath as to continue her speech, a little more calm in tone but still radiating her with upbeat enthusiasm.

"Listen, I may not be the best fighter here, or some big-name hero like some of you are, and I'm certainly not like Peach, but y'know that I'm not gonna stand for any of this nonsense from this 'Lunaris' creep! Turning all of us, even me, into common criminals, I haven't the slightest idea on what he's really planning on doing with those Pillars but I'm certain he spells villain with a capital V! Whether or not you want me to join in, I'm gonna look for them, and I expect that you all keep up! Otherwise are you going to admit to your friends that some cute Princess is better than you all~?"

If she couldn't walk back home, then the best course of action she could take was to move forward. So she did. Breaking out into a run, she moved ahead of the group, as excited as ever. She didn't dare to take 'no' from any of the three for an answer. Even if it may have been the toughest adversary she could have faced, it was that challenge, that adventure, that brought her here in the first place. Why not make the most of it?


"Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's hurry on!"
Paula tilted her head, a part of her wants to help the poor farmer. Of course, hearing how Mugorl’s iron grip on the tribes straight out of Nurse Joy’s mouth and seeing the Lechonk run off into the wild plains in distress made her want to help. However, she’s not alone in this. The group is in Joker’s and Ann’s capable hands, acting recklessly is suicide. Teamwork in her opinion is a better option as well as getting the other’s opinions on how to approach the situation. Chewing her lower lip, she glanced at the others though mostly to Ann and Ren in particular. “ How should we go about this?” Her eyes went to the calm village, a scene out of her favorite book, the peace broken by the problems before them. The slow turn of the windmill feels like a way of meditation, something the young girl needed after that little problem. It seems the head ache waned, it’s a dull buzz now. “ Should we help the villagers, help recover the missing Lechonk or go on our way?” She’s good with what Ren decided after all he’s the leader. She has not been herself lately, but put on a big smile. No need to make others as they have their own troubles. They don’t need some psychic girl burdening them although Paula wishes to talk later during their down time. The wooden village reminded her of her week-long captivity in Happy-Happy village, the farming village of Postwick and Happy-Happy Village bore similarities, a quaint little farming community. With the exception of the cultists existence in Happy-Happy Village and one of the Your Sanctuary locations, the Liliput Steps where Ness needed to harvest its energy into the sound stone, Mugorl’s tight rule over the tribes make Pokey look like small fry to her. This village is not closed off by a gorge, or cut off by a dangerous valley where monsters made it their home, oddly named peaceful rest, not exactly a name that anyone would think once visited. Though she doesn’t know what a Moblin is, Paula knows an intelligent character just by Nurse Joy’s warning, she decided to approach the manner delicately, her gaze falling onto Ren specifically.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 SheepKing SheepKing
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Cyan pinched his nose, clearly frustrated with the predicament that befalls them. He lowered his hands to his sides, knitting his eye brows, unsure how to brain storm ideas that equally pacifies both parties. Their power and might did not leave Cyan’s eyes, from the poised manner the acolytes carried to the Dark Nut’s formidable airs they exude, the weight of it crushed him, piercing his core. “ How are you going to sway them?” He sighs, this Lunaris fellow has quite the influence in the realm, bespoke of his deadly reach, someone not to be underestimated obviously. He felt a little disheartened by this meeting though his confidence is still there, albeit lower than when they set foot in their domain. He rubs his hand through his hair, leaning against a wall. “ We need something that aligns with our words for a reasonable cause. I don’t know what, sorry, Peregrine. I’m not much of a help to you.” He gave Peregrine an apologetic look as Zalubar’s words weighed on them. He paces back and forth trying to think of something that will make their mission progress further. As it stands their hands are tied, he keeps on pacing and back and forth, his foot falls echoes. His frustration written all over Cyan’s face trying to think of a good way to appease the legionnaire.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Noctis Lucis Caelum & Prompto Argentum
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

The two friends stayed quiet during the journey as they followed their newfound allies. Well,Prompto was doing a bunch of selfies. Noctis was surprisingly focus on Nurse Joy's tale about this general Mugori,the general of Lunaris's army and a creature known as a moblin.
As Prompto took selfies of the sheep pokemon and Skido. He noticed the rotting farmlands. It reminds him of desolated state of the kingdom of Lucis after Noctis was sesled inside the crystal.

Then,a Lechonk,s small notmal type pig pokemon was running in panic through the fields.

Prompto quietly approched the small pig pokemon without scaring it.
"Prompto,what are you doing?" Noctis called out.

Prompto wanted to do something for the little guy. Prompto loved animals. He remembered having found a lost puppy when he was still a kid and nurced her back to health. That puppy turned out to be Pryna, one of Lunafreya Nox Fleuret( Noctis's childhood friend and bride to be)'s messenger dogs.

"We have to do something about the little guy!" Prompto told his allies.
Paula suggested that they help the villagers and return the Lechonk to his owners.

"We should help the villagers." Noctis replied. "Though the dissision is up to you Joker. Your the leader of this party after all."
The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The Malboro roared in agonized rage as it was engulfed by blue flames and couple of its tendrils were destroyed by the Falcon Kick. With a final slam of all of its limbs, the land around it had been demolished and only a vast lake remained. The Malboro hissed to the sky, and the rain intensified. It faced Captain Falcon and almost seemed to grin. No matter how brightly Captain Falcon's flames burned, Malboro will douse them with the cold waves of sorrow and despair!

With one of its vine-like limbs, the Malboro lashed out to grab at Mog, intending to pull the little puffball into its massive, toothy maw and devour him whole! A Moogle is the perfect sweet treat, and getting rid of him will leave the fighters without his magical support.

The waters of the new lake churned, and from it came hundreds of cold grasping hands! Twisted beings, mouths opened in an anguished wail and black tears spilling from empty eyesockets emerged from the lake, grabbing and pushing each other back down into the water as they reached desperately at Captain Falcon and his companions. These beings were once people who were corrupted in a similar manner to the Great Fairy, and their despair was so great that they had sunk into the waters and became part of the Sorrowfen. Now, they sought to drag the fighters down into the freezing depths with them! As the saying goes, misery loves company!

Odessa gasped painfully in alarm as a wretched being rose from the water nearby to grab at her. She dug into her satchel and brought out a talisman that depicted the unholy symbol of Orcos: a cycloptic blood-red eye surrounded by black fang-like protrusions and a pair of demonic wings. The creature of despair was rebuked and it retreated into the water.
Mog/Shadow/Cream & Cheese

Mog stood in fear as the Malboro attempted to grab him with his tentacles. He would have flyed away but unfortunatly,he was too scared. Before his fate could be sealed, Cheese flew in front of Mog in attempt to hit the tentacles but was in range of being caught.

"Be careful Cheese!" Cream cried.
The small Chao attempts to takle the Malboro 's tentacle,despite beingbin harm's way. If Cheese was not careful,the Malboro would have a Chao treat instead of a Moogle one.

"Don't you stand there. Get out of here!" Shadow cried. Unfortunatly,Mog was still parslysed in fear. Shadow rolled his eyes. He teleports in front of Mog. "Must I do everything myself?" He muttered. He grabbed Mog and teleported the Moogle and himself near Cream.

"I'm so sorry Kupo...I was do scared." Mog replied sheeply.
Professor Layton & Luke
Location: The Battlefield Fortress/The Wilds
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie , SheepKing SheepKing

Professor Layton chuckled softly, finding his own spirit uplifted with Princess Zelda's joy. Her smile alone was worth a hundred quests; Layton was certain many a fellow thought the same. Luke would be quite charmed by this fairy tale princess, Layton thought with amusement. He was about to assure Zelda that there was no need to feel indebted to him and Byleth, but the sudden appearance of a red haired maiden caught his attention. The young woman appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and by the very forward and hands-on way she interacted with Byleth, Layton easily deduced that she and the mercenary-turned-professor were familiar with each other. He could not help but find some amusement in their interactions, this Anna and Byleth having very opposite personalities. He also felt empathy for his fellow professor. Like him, Layton was generally not one for physical affection, and he had found himself in similar situations numerous times.

At the revelation that Anna was the owner of the stall, the normally calm and controlled Professor Layton became quite flustered. It was never his intention to be a thief! The very thought abhorred him! "Oh! Please, I beg your pardon, miss, I had thought your stall abandoned."

He was about to unbuckle the sheathed sword from his hip so as to return it to Anna, but the girl dismissed the topic of payment. Layton still felt conflicted, as well as the need to cleanse himself of this blemish on his persona as a True English Gentleman, but the direction of the conversation changed to that of the well-being of the poor soldiers and the whereabouts of their leaders, and... portals? Layton was about to inquire about these portals when Byleth informed him that the group was without a map. Professor Layton's beady eyes blinked once, then he grabbed the brim of his hat and pulled it downward. "... Oh dear."

He must've missed the map being passed along while searching the stand and the following spar with Byleth. Layton pondered a moment, then raised his head and nodded to Byleth and Zelda. "It is just as well that the lads have it. Had the tide of battle not been in our favor, the map would have done us no good. I am certain between you, Lady Zelda, and I, we are more than capable of navigating our way out of this desert. We already know that they traveled eastward. Should our own situation become too dire, I do recall the presence of a lake and forest to the west, and a jungle to the northeast."

Layton's study of the map revealed to him that a vast wasteland lay to the east. Truth be told, he felt some concern for Sora, Luke, and Pichu for choosing to go in that direction instead of... anywhere else. He reasoned that in the chaos of the fight, the boys made a spur-of-the-moment decision. Layton had to have faith that they were able to escape the danger, regain their bearings, and make wiser choices. Luke is a clever lad, and the three of them are good-hearted, spirited youths. Layton did not know Sora or Pichu long, but he believed that together with Luke there was no challenge nor adversity that they cannot overcome!


As Sora called for his companions, a small high-pitched voice responded curiously from below. "Geka?"

A Cactuar with a pink blossom on its head had appeared before the Keyblade wielder. More alarmingly, it had Sora's Keyblade in its stubby hands! The Cactuar ran a dozen laps around Sora, kicking up sand before shooting off into the distant dunes.

"Geka! Gekagekagekageka GEKAAAAAAAAA!!"

Fortunately for Sora, the Cactuar had left a long trail of dust for him to follow.

With the Cactuars calmed down, Luke thought it good to try and befriend the strange creatures and get some hopefully useful information. As much as he was eager to find his missing companions, he remembered Layton's persistent lectures on patience and good manners, two skills vital for gathering information and solving cases. He smiled and bobbed his blue cap in greeting. "My name is Luke Triton, apprentice of True English Gentleman and Puzzle Enthusiast, Professor Hershel Layton. I got separated by my friends in the sandstorm. One is a boy like me and the other is a little yellow mouse. Their names are Sora and Pichu. Have you seen them?"

A chaotic chorus of "gekas" filled the air as the Cactuars all spoke at once, their arms flailing. Luke nervously glanced from one group of talking cacti to another, completely overwhelmed. He raised his hands to try and restore some semblance of order once again. "Please, one at a time! I can't understand all of you!"

"GEKA!" a Cactuar voice shouted, silencing the others.

Luke and the other Cactuars raised their heads to see the Flowering Cactuar standing on the mast of the half-buried vehicle. The Flowering Cactuar waved the Keyblade in the air triumphantly, and the other cactus-like beings erupted into cheers. Luke was taken aback by the sudden change in events, trying to make some sense of it all before he recognized the giant key the Flowering Cactuar held.

"Oi! That's Sora's! Where'd you get that?"

A distant crackle and boom of thunder drew Luke's attention from the Keyblade-wielding cactus to a lone storm cloud over the horizon, and the bolt of lightning that crashed down from it. The Cactuars' cheers became hushed, fearful squeaks. Luke found that a little humorous, but supposed he couldn't fault them for being afraid of thunderstorms. Thankfully, he wasn't a little kid anymore and such things no longer scared him! But even though this world was strange, Luke was certain that that little storm was unusual even for this place.

Before he could make the decision of whether or not to investigate, the Flowering Cactuar twirled the Keyblade in its hand and leaped from the mast, bouncing off Luke's head and onto the sand. Like a little green bullet, the Flowering Cactuar shot off in the direction of the storm. Luke immediately gave chase.

"Oi, get back here! Wait!"

Unfortunately for Luke, the Flowering Cactuar had left him, quite literally, in the dust!
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Location: The Wilds | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Having his keyblade taken was the last thing Sora needed, yet it was exactly what happened. He could have easily willed it back to himself, he didn't. It was kind of cute how the Cactuar was acting, thinking it had so easily bested him. He couldn't help but warmly chuckle as he watched the cacti-creature do laps around him. Unfortunately for him, it not only making him dizzy, but blinded by dust as well before it bolted off in a frenzy.

Coughing and waving his hand to clear the air, the keyblade wielder regained his wits just in time to see which way the little thief had run off in. Again, he could have been smart, yet where was the fun in that? Besides, he had no clear direction in which he needed to go. The eerie silence of the desert hung around him and his only lead was chasing after his own weapon. Maybe, just maybe he would get lucky and be led directly to his companions. That was the kind of luck he needed, and while he had some doubts, his optimism admittedly outweighed them. He wasn't going to let some minor issues slow him down. His friends could be in danger and unable to respond to him like he hoped, which meant he needed to find them himself!

Finding resolve in his plans, Sora quickly hurried after the Cactuar. It wasn't long before a chorus of "gekas" reached his ears and he tilted his head. It sounded like the creature he had encountered, yet it was clear there were more than one. Had he been led into the den of an enemy? No, he doubted the cacti was overly hostile. It could have easily attacked him once it had his weapon yet it chose to run. Either it was only interested in stealing or it was a harmless creature, one which chose not to randomly pick fights. Would messing with it make that change? He had no clue, and he wouldn't find out until he confronted the thief head on. Even if he was outnumbered, he'd find a way around the situation.

Before he could proceed further, the sound of Luke's voice mixing in among the indiscernible noises made Sora freeze momentarily. He wasn't hallucinating right? That was Luke's voice. The accent was undeniable! It didn't sound like he was in trouble, yet he couldn't wait until it did. As he prepared to push himself forward, there was a shift in the other boy's voice and he heard the faint claims of something being his. Welp, that solved the mystery of where his keyblade was as well. He could kill two birds with one stone!

Bolting forward, he was late! By the time he made his appearance, the Cactuar and Luke had already taken off, leaving him in the dust yet again. More importantly, what they were running towards was more worrisome: a thunderstorm. It seemed like an odd type of weather to occur in a place like this, though as he briefly pondered it, the reasoning behind the thunder hit him like a ton of bricks. It had to be Pichu! Was he in trouble? Or was he trying to draw Luke and Sora to him? Either way, it seemed all his issues were being solved one after another. Good thing he had relied on luck! He wouldn't have figured things out so easily otherwise.

Sora wasted no time to push himself up off the ground and burst into the air to allow himself to move faster than he could on foot plus he could easily pick up Luke and continue on to their new destination. He would deal with his keyblade afterwards.

It didn't take long for him to catch up to Luke and he grinned down at the other boy before speaking up to warn him of what he was about to do: "Hope you don't mind heights!"

He didn't even give Luke a chance to respond before he reached down to grab him by the shoulders and hoist him up the best he could. He hadn't thought this through though. This was a person he was lifting, not a small animal like Pichu. He hadn't planned for the weight, even if it should have been obvious. It was best to keep concerns of possibly dropping the boy to himself though. The last thing he wanted was to give him a heart attack or something of the sort. He'd have to bear through it until they arrived. It wasn't too far, surely he could make it with little difficulty.

Luckily, he was able to hold it together for a few minutes and he carefully landed, allowing both him and Luke to return to solid ground. With one problem evaded, another arose. The scene before him was what he had feared: Pichu was in danger. While he had no knowledge on the Krookodile that he was facing, one thing was clear, and it was that his friend was struggling. He couldn't allow that! He had to step in immediately.

"I'm going to help Pichu. Keep an eye out for more enemies."

It felt strange to give out orders, but Sora needed to ensure someone had his back while he rushed in. Without another word, he rushed forward to put himself between the two Pokemon, and he glared towards the Krookodile. Even with no weapon currently in hand, he put on a brave face.

"Hey! Don't pick on him! Pick on someone your own size!" Its own size... Guess that meant him. He hardly stood much taller than the creature, though he tried to ignore that fact. It wasn't as if he was going to wrestle it or something. Right... he needed his weapon! The realization caused his tough act to falter momentarily as an embarrassed expression crossed his features, but quickly he rebounded and in an instant he held his hand out before his keyblade materialized in it. "I'll give you one chance to run otherwise I'll freeze you, got it?"

Would the creature even understand him? Sora didn't know, but he could only hope. He hadn't even realized he had unknowingly threatened one of the Pokemon's weaknesses.
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Location: Battlefield Fortress | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Shroomie Shroomie
Anna waved off Layton's apology as she placed a hand on her hip. While this would have been an opportune time to take advantage of his mannerisms, but she had already told Byleth not to worry about it. What a shame! She was missing out on good coin!

"Apology accepted. It's my fault for abandoning shop in the first place, so finders-keepers, I suppose," she remarked, albeit begrudgingly. There really no one else to blame besides herself. It was only logical for them to think she was no longer around, especially in a deserted locale like this. "If my wares can be useful to the Smash Bros then that is good enough for me."

That part was at least genuine. She had seen the state of this world after all, and while she didn't know the inner workings of it all, she did know when sales were far more sketchy. Some of her buyers were odd individuals, often bearing some symbol of what she could best describe as a jesters mask. Where exactly her goods were going, she had no clue. She was often too busy moving about the Outer Realms making sales to question it.

"With that said, I'll be out of your hair so you can go after those kids and I can get these soldiers home," she finally continued. She was prepared to turn away and be off to help the soldiers, but before she did, she dug into one of her pouches and pulled out a brooch which bore the standard symbol of Lunaris's army on it. "Not sure how helpful something like this would be, but one of those felines dropped it earlier. I see soldiers often wearing it so many it might come in handy."

Handing it to Byleth, Anna give him a quick dip of her head before he could question it and darted off to be on her way. What a strange lady she was, both her and the sister who bore the same name he knew back in his own world. Pushing the thought away, he looked down at the brooch and studied it. Who knew what help it might hold. Even if it did prove useless, it would remind them that it was the symbol of their enemy. With that in mind, he pocketed it and decided to move on.

Moving his attention to Zelda, Byleth slowly nodded his head at her, finally finding a moment to acknowledge what she had mentioned. It was as she said: she would help them and in turn they would help her. That was how it should go, though the professor knew such things could become rather flimsy, especially in a place like this. There was no promise they could help her get back home, though he had ideas of how it might be accomplished. It all depended on which of the Smash Brothers were present. If the Hyruleans weren't around for some reason or other then matters would prove to be far more difficult. That was a problem for the future though. However, he figured he should address some... oddities she may experience during her time in this world; one that would be exclusive to her as a Zelda.

"We will do our best to see all our objectives are met, if possible, but if I might offer a small warning," he began, allowing his pale eyes to focus solely on the princess. This was important information for her after all. "You are not the first nor only Zelda of this world. It may come as a surprise to you, thus I feel the need to forewarn you. One such Zelda is a hero of this realm much like myself. She may be able to help you if she is present given she knows far more about the world whence you came than I do. I also warn you that there may be multiple incarnations of the hero, Link here as well. He may also be able to aid us." Byleth paused as his brows furrowed and he took a moment to silently thought over how likely it would be for Link to help. He was a man of few, if any, words. It was even worse than himself, which felt like a triumph. "That aside, your name alone might proceed you, and the people might expect highly of you because of it. I find it only fair to let you know."

That had been far too wordy for his own liking, but at least his point had been gotten across and it was out of the way now so he wouldn't have to explain it later when it came up. Besides, it was a subject he still found himself hardly wrapping his mind around. This world practically forced him to believe it, though admittedly hints of similar things being possible of his own world had shown up here as well. Anna was proof of that.

Straightening himself, his attention moved off in the direction Layton presumed the trio had gone in, and he listened to him recall what he could from the map. So they were headed for a desert? He supposed it made sense given the options. A jungle would have been impossible to maneuver through with the craft that had been built, and the lake could be wooded as well to raise a similar issue. The desert was open space though. Despite it being logical, he had his doubts that Sora put much thought into it. Knowing the boy, he probably picked a direction and went off. No thoughts, no real aim. It was that free spiritedness that worried Byleth for their safety, but he knew Sora wouldn't let bad befall his companions if he could do anything about it.

"We'll head eastward then. Like Zelda says, our best hope is that we'll eventually catch up to them," Byleth sighed, knowing luck was hardly what he wanted to rely on. "Too bad we'll have to travel on foot. No fancy magics to solve that."

It was an attempted joke, though it was bound to fall flat given not only how he spoke, but how he worded it. His sense of humor definitely needed help. Leaving it be though, the young professor turned on his heels in their desired direction and began moving forward without another word.
Location: A chocobo ranch in the western plains of the Smash Realm
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

Yellow Yoshi's eyes widened as Lana passed him a very pretty blossom. The dinosaur took it gladly, using all of his self control to keep himself from dancing and revealing their presence. "Oh! Oh! Pretty flower! Lady love pretty flowers, yah!"

Pit watched the interaction between Lana and Yoshi, a smile on his face. Despite the oddity of the situation, he could not help but find it very sweet, and Lana's kindness and willingness to help was heartwarming. "Lana is right! We've got your back, Yoshi!"

A flash of light pulled the angel's attention away from Yellow Yoshi and Lana. His brows rose in astonishment. "Mythra!"

But the Aegis paid him no attention as she boldly stepped forward, out of their hiding place, and addressed the very surprised chocobo rancher. Their cover blown, Pit followed behind Mythra. The rancher quickly recovered from her shock as she recognized them. "I know you two! You're members of the Super Smash Brothers!"

"That's right!" a chipper Pit replied. Approaching the fence, he began to explain the situation to the rancher. Nearby, the Yoshi decided to take advantage of the young woman's distraction to tiptoe through the fence gate. The chocobo flock hardly paid the Yoshi any mind as he made his way toward the bird of his affections. The chocobo had been pecking at the grass when Yoshi approached. She raised her head and Yoshi was awed by her sapphire blue eyes as she regarded him with curiosity. Yoshi shook his head to regain his wits and held the flower out as he tried to speak what was in his heart.

"H-h-hello! Um, bird is very pretty! Yoshi bring flower for pretty bird!"

The chocobo's head tilted. "Kweh?" She looked at the Yoshi, then at the offered flower, and her eyes began to sparkle with delight. "Kweh!"

She ate the flower straight from Yoshi's hand, then tucked her head shyly under her wing. Yoshi squeaked with happiness and did a little dance.

"HEY, YOU VARMINT!" a gruff voice shouted from the direction of the ranch house, "GET OUTTA HERE! GET!" A solidly built old rancher with a salt and pepper beard aimed a rifle at the yellow dinosaur. "I told you a 'undred times to stay away from 'ere! Now I'm gonna make boots outta yer!"

The poor Yoshi was frozen with fear!

The young woman reached out in alarm. "Wait! Grandpa, stop! He doesn't mean any harm!"

At the sound of his granddaughter's voice, the old rancher lowered his rifle slightly to regard her. "Eh? What's that, Christi? Speak up, girl!" His eyes widened as he noticed the presence of Mythra, Pit, and Lana. "Hey, yer them Smash Brothers! What in tarnation is goin' on here?!"

Christi, the chocobo rancher, quickly explained, "That Yoshi isn't here to eat our crops! He just wants to befriend the chocobos, Lulubelle especially!"

The old rancher looked to Yoshi and Lulubelle the Chocobo. Lulubelle was comforting the terrified Yoshi with soft nuzzles to his big round nose. The old rancher took a moment to process the situation, then lowered his rifle. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I'll be darned! I hope y'all will fergive my bad manners. Why don't you rest a spell 'n' we'll explain everything."

Christi emerged from the ranch house. In her hands was a tray with a tea set and a plate of fresh biscuits, cream, and jam. While she passed out refreshments, Pit stood on the lowest rail of the wooden fence, deep in conversation with the chocobo flock.

"Kweh!" a chocobo chirped.

"Kweh!" Pit repeated.

"Kweeeeeh!" the chocobo replied.

"Kwehkweh!" Pit happily responded.

Christi approached the angel and offered him the food and drink. As Pit eagerly helped himself, Christi giggled and asked, "So, do you actually know what he is saying?"

"Not at all!" Pit answered cheerfully. Munching on a biscuit generously covered in jam, his eyes settled on a particular bird. This one had a rather serious expression for a chocobo, and messy spiky headfeathers that was eerily familiar to him. Pit licked jam off his lip as he tried to remember where he had seen a serious-faced individual with spiky blonde hair. They also carried a big sword...

"Shulk!" Pit shouted as he snapped his fingers. That's it!

"When that son of a sow Lunaris took over the Realm, the first thing he did was ban flyin' machines," the old rancher explained. "It was unfortunate, but it did give the ol' ranch a lot o' business. Folks use our chocobos fer travelin', y'see. But then the rot took hold o' the land and the greens we grow to feed our birds have wilted. We've had to resort to purchasin' and importin' greens from elsewhere, but the rot has spread an' the price fer good quality greens have skyrocketed. We've barely been able to keep the ranch goin'. More than once, one o' them rich folks from the Flyin' Citadel has pushed fer me to sell the land 'n' birds. I fear if things don't change fer the better soon, I'll have no choice but to take 'im up on his offer."

The news that he may be forever separated from his true love broke the Yoshi's heart. A cascade of tears spilled from his eyes as he went into a squeaky wail. Lulubelle was taken aback.

Christi firmly planted the tray on the patio table, determination on her face. "It's not over yet, grandpa! The chocobo races will be held at the Gold Saucer soon! With the prize money, we can keep the ranch going for a while yet!"

The old rancher shook his head. "I already told you, Christi, it's far too dangerous fer travel, what with all the monsters 'n' Lunaris's lackeys skulkin' about! Yer not goin'! I forbid it!"

But Christi was a stubborn young woman. She looked to Mythra, Lana, and Pit. "If I can't go, then maybe the Super Smash Brothers will in our stead! Have you ever ridden a chocobo?"
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon watched as the Malboro recoiled from his fiery assault, but he knew the fight was far from over. The creature’s twisted grin and the intensity of the rain only fueled his determination. He could sense the overwhelming aura of despair radiating from the lake, a palpable reminder of what they were up against.

As the Malboro lashed out at Mog with its vine-like limb, Falcon's instincts kicked in. “Mog, look out!” he shouted, moving to intercept the attack. But the chaos was unrelenting. The lake churned violently, and hands began to emerge, clawing at everything in sight. The horrifying wails of the corrupted souls echoed in the air, sending a chill down Falcon’s spine.

“Stay focused, fellas! Don’t let them drag you down!” he called to his allies, his voice a beacon amidst the turmoil. He turned to face the oncoming grasping hands, preparing to strike them down. His fists ignited with determination as he began to fend them off, delivering powerful punches to any that reached for him or his companions.

“C’mon! We can win this!” he yelled, rallying his spirit. He glanced at the Malboro, now enraged and thrashing wildly in its pursuit of Mog. “I don't know why you're aiming for fuzz fairy! I'm right here! Then come and get it!”

With that, Falcon charged forward, aiming for the Malboro’s exposed tendrils again. He aimed a series of powerful kicks and punches, channeling all his strength and focus into bringing the creature down. “Let's finish this!” he roared, his spirit unyielding even against the wave of despair threatening to engulf them all.

He knew that the battle was intense and the odds stacked against them, but he couldn’t afford to falter. He had to protect his friends, to ensure that despair wouldn’t win this day. With each strike, he sought to reclaim the momentum and push back against the overwhelming forces that sought to drag them down.
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
Toon Link
Location: The Plains
Interactions: NimbusWing NimbusWing , Shroomie Shroomie , PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss , Ploegy Ploegy , SheepKing SheepKing , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

Toon Link was puzzled as Daisy raised a fist in the air and called for their attention. As the princess gave her speech about finding the Pillars and taking down Lunaris, a determined look came upon the cartoony Hylian's face and he nodded. He was briefly startled as Daisy suddenly took off, but he soon ran after her, filled with that same energy.

Time passed, and the small group eventually found the beach behind them and the open plains before them. Unaware that Pit and Pyra/Mythra were somewhere in those same plains, Toon Link had slowed to a walk. A map of the Smash Realm was in his hands and he studied it as they traveled, hoping that with the riddle from the Ghost Ship he would be able to determine the general locations of the Pillars. It seemed simple enough, now that he knew just what the riddle was referring to.

The squealing of a distressed animal pulled Toon Link out of his thoughts. A panicked Lechonk bowled him over and ran past the group, not even giving them any notice. Toon Link groaned as he rubbed his sore backside and rose to his feet, and gave chase, seemingly driven by instinct to do such.

Toon Link eventually slowed to a stop, out of breath from the run, and shielded his eyes from the sun as he scanned his surroundings. His large cat-like eyes landed on a nearby patch of shuffling shrubbery, and Toon Link heard soft piggy grunts.


The little swordsman lowered himself onto his stomach and crawled toward the shrubbery. As he got closer, he saw the tiny pink hooved feet of the Lechonk. Toon Link went still a moment, making sure the Hog Pokemon had not detected his presence, then in one swift movement he snatched up the piggy and jumped to his feet, Lechonk held over his head. The Lechonk squealed and wiggled its stubby little feet, but was unable to escape.

Toon Link had little time to enjoy his victory as the two Moblin soldiers arrived at the scene. They skidded to a halt upon seeing the four members of the Super Smash Brothers and brandished their spears in a panic.

"'Oi! It's dem Sooper, uh, Smashers!" one exclaimed to his partner. "Dey gots the yummy piggy!"

The second Moblin was visibly trembling. "Me not fight Smashers! Find General Mugorl and make report!"

"Good idea!"

The Moblins turned tail and fled! Toon Link sighed softly in relief, then noticed farmlands in the distance. No doubt that must be where the Lechonk came from!
yra / ythra

Location: Plains | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Things certainly went far better than Mythra had anticipated them to. There was a lot less scolding in her direction than planned. That was good, though it only fed an unnecessary ego she didn't need. Finding that pride bubbling up, she let a smirk form on her lips; a look of "Oh yeah, I did that."

Even the worst of it all settled quickly, and the old man which had come out with a gun to try and scare the Yoshi off was quickly convinced not to take drastic measures. Mythra's blunt approach to the situation was all that was needed. It allowed their new companion to get his chance, though the Aegis herself hardly paid attention to that. In all honesty, it mattered little to her. She had simply wanted to end an annoying situation and move on. It meant less trouble for them moving forward, or well, less trouble in this regard. There was no escaping the constant slew of troubles that plagued the Smash Realm, not this time around.

With their situation handled, Mythra was prepared to leave and be on their way, but of course things could never be that simple. She should have known they'd be tied up in something, even if it was a simple gesture, though given they spoke of sharing everything, she knew it was going to be yet another long story. She didn't even have the chance to object, thus she grumpily sunk down onto one of the chairs on the porch and waited for the girl to return to tell the story of this place.

Her gaze watched Pit quietly as he foolishly squawked at the chocobo. It was embarrassing to even watch and caused her to softly utter out under her breath: "Idiot..."

His actions only amplified that feeling as he continued on. Not only could he not understand the bird, but he suddenly expressed something about Shulk. What did he have to do with anything at hand? The question burned in her mind, but what idiocy it was, she wanted no part of. It was likely to give her some kind of headache that she would regret it later on, thus she opted to remain silent and turn her attention back towards Christi and her grandfather.

The old man began explaining the situation and she couldn't help but find it oddly familiar to the woes of the last few places they had been. Sure, they had wildly different issues, but it all came back to the overarching problem of the state of the realm. In her eyes the less they dealt with these things and the more they focused on finding their actual target, the better. Besides, if she had to deal with one more little side mission she might go crazy. Of course she wasn't heartless, and didn't want people to remain suffering, yet there was only so much they could do. This situation was the perfect example of that. They didn't have time to be riding some birds around.

Furrowing her brows at the suggestion posed to them, Mythra quickly shook her head. There was no way they were getting roped into this, no matter how sad the story was. They didn't have time to do these things! Her groan of displeasure made her opinion on the matter clear almost immediately.

"No, we don't have time for this..." she stated promptly as she folded her arms over her chest. This was not their job! Pyra and Rex would have scolded her for being so cold, but after everything they had done this far, her patience had worn thin. "Look, I'm sorry you're experiencing these things, but the best way for us to help you isn't by partaking in these races. It's dealing with the bigger problem at hand."
The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The Malboro roared in pain and rage as Captain Falcon and Cheese the Chao struck down its tentacles and denied it a sweet Moogle treat. A vine-like tendril wrapped itself around Cheese, and the poor Chao was pulled toward the Malboro's toothy maw! Before Cheese could be made into a hors d'oeurve, a blast of dark fire struck the beast, forcing the Malboro to release its hold on the Chao.

Odessa, who had left the relative safety of the boulder, gasped painfully and brought her staff down to stabilize herself. She looked to Cream the Rabbit. She didn't know where the little girl had come from, but upon seeing her the priestess was compelled to act.

"Child, it's dangerous!" she shouted, urgency in her voice. "Quickly! Come over here before you're harmed!"

She grunted in alarm as the Malboro took a deep breath, a sign that it was about to use its terrible Bad Breath ability. Ignoring the protests of her body, Odessa staggered toward Cream, pulling her close and making her way back to the shelter of the rock. The Malboro unleashed its toxic breath and, unable to make it to the rock in time, Odessa brought her staff down upon the wet earth and conjured a barrier around herself and the rabbit. The barrier held only briefly, Odessa lacking the focus needed to maintain it, and in a final desperate act to protect Cream she buried the girl's face into her body.

A numbness overcame Odessa's body, and as she fell onto the loam the world began to darken, the Malboro's breath having inflicted the ailments of Paralysis and Darkness upon her. Before everything went pitch black, Odessa spotted the ribbon on Captain Falcon's person.

"Fool man... the ribbon... You must... activate its magic!"

The enchanted ribbon Shadow wore began to glow, and the Malboro's Bad Breath rushed harmlessly past the dark hedgehog!

The wretched souls of despair wailed and moaned as they reached for Captain Falcon and Shadow.

"It's useless to keep fighting..."

"What is the point? It will all be dead and dust eventually..."

"You cannot leave! You can never leave! Why should you dare to leave when we cannot!"

The soft-spoken yet malevolent voice whispered within the minds of the fighters.

"One of your friends is gone forever... The Dinosaur of Happiness... See now how fleeting joy can be? Despair is eternal. Sink into its embrace!"

The Malboro, a great many of its tendrils destroyed, continued to spew its horrible breath at the Super Smash Brothers. The mist and water turned sickly green, and a nauseating stink filled the air. The Malboro was getting desperate!
Shadow/Cream & Cheese/Mog
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Cheese paniced as he was trapped in the Malboro's tendrils. Fortunatly,he was freed by a blast of dark fire. Cheese had no time to look toward his saviour as he flew toward Cream who hugged him in relief. The rabbit girl and her Chao looked toward Odessa who asked them to cone closer before they were harned. They flew to the priestess knowing it was for the best.
Going to the priestess and trusting her was the right thing for Cream and Cheese to do,as the three of them were protected by the magical barrier casted by Odessa. The Malboro's toxic breath didn't even touch them.

It was only short luved though, as the priestess fell down. "Are you alright Miss?" The young rabbit asked,worried about her savior. Mog flew to join them while doing his best trying to avoid the Malboro's attacks.
"I'll do my best to heal her Kupo!"
The Moogle performs the Forest Nocturne dance,which allows him to cast the Forest healing spell in attempt to cure Odessa.

Meanwhile, Shadow was bracing himself as the bad breath attack came his way. Fortunatly,he didn't have to do anything,as the magical ribbon he wears made him imude to the attack.

Then voices ..whispered in hus head,trying to fill him with regrets,reminded him of hus failure to protect Yoshi. They tempted him into falling into despair."

It was all too familiar. Both Gerald Robotnik and Bkack Doom tried to toy with hus feelings and gaslight him into falling into despair.

"No...I will not fall for that again!" Shadow roars. " I will not let darkness and despair consume me!!"

He focused both the Chaos energy inside him and the magical power of the ribbon to rid himself of those wretched souls.
"Falcon,don't listen to them!" Shadow shouts toward Captain Falcon.
Prompto Argentum
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Prompto caught up to the Lechonk as the pig pokemongot close to a boy wearing green. "Is this little fella yours?" He asked Toon Link.
That was Prompto first though,until Toon Link's gaze was toward the farmlands. Prompto looked toward that direction as well. "Well...maybe the lityle guy comes from there?" He finally understood. " I guess the best course of action would be to bring this little guy back to his owners."
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