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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars

Location: Plains to the west
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

Pit glanced over his shoulder and beamed at the two women. "C'mon, Pyra, Lana! It's a lot more fun to march to a cadence. You should try it!" The angel captain did a smart about-face and marched toward Pyra and Lana. He halted in front of them and a mock scowl appeared on his face as he pretended to be a stern drill sergeant. "Alright, ladies! You're in the Army now! Backs straight! Chests out! Eyes front! Forward, march! Left! Left! Left-right-left! In cadence!

Up jumped the monkey from the coconut grove,
he was a bad mother--"

Pit paused, a sheepish look on his face. "Uh, wait, that one might violate RPN's rules. I'll save that one for the barracks." He cleared his throat and went back into proper marching poster as he shouted again, "In cadence!

Come on over!
The war's not over!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

I shot insurgent one!
Did that one just for fun!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

Come on over!
The war's not over!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

I shot insurgent two!
Did that one just for you!
So put your weapon next to mine,
and we'll shoot 'em all down the line!

Come on ov--

Pit suddenly halted. Sitting on a log along the path was a yellow Yoshi, his head in his hands and looking quite glum. Pit was immediately sympathetic toward the dinosaur. After all, they were a species known for happiness, and things must be dire if a Yoshi is sad!

"Aww, hey there, Yoshi! What's got you feeling blue?"

The Yoshi sighed and raised his eyes to look at the angel. "Oh, hello. Yoshi yellow, not blue. But not in mood to talk. Yoshi sorry." The Yoshi then did a double-take and leaped from the log, looking back and forth between Pyra and Pit as he energetically stomped in place. "Oh! OHOHOHOH!! YOU! You be Smash Brothers, yah? Maybe Smash Brothers help Yoshi, yah? Please help Yoshi! Yoshi have big problem!" The Yoshi stopped stomping and put his hands to his chest, sighing wistfully. "Yoshi find true love, but Yoshi always gets chased away. Hmm, you be angel, and you be girl. Help Yoshi be with lady love! Please!"

Though Pit was an angel, his experience in the field of romance was quite lacking. He could not just leave the Yoshi, however. That was against his very nature! He could at least give it a try, and Pyra and Lana can help with their experience in being... girls! This had to be easier than pretending to be pirates and exploring a ghost ship!

Before the Smash Brothers could get a word out, the yellow Yoshi ran ahead, stopping only to look behind him and beckon them to follow. "Follow Yoshi! Yoshi show Smash Brothers, yah?"

As Yoshi led the group, the beach and palm trees eventually cleared into a sunny plain. In the north, Pit could still hear the waves of the distant sea. To the east, he can barely make out a tree-line of a faraway forest. The Smash Realm has gotten much bigger since Pit's first adventure into it, when the Subspace Army attacked!

The Yoshi paid no mind to the natural sights. Instead, his attention was on small ranch in the plains, their destination. Enclosed within a wooden fence were large yellow birds: chocobos! Yoshi approached the ranch, then his eyes widened and he yelped as he dove behind a large rock and shrubbery. He frantically gestured for the Super Smash Brothers to join him. Pit was mystified by the Yoshi's behavior, but he joined him in the hiding spot. Yoshi peeked around the boulder and pointed toward the ranch.

"There! There she is!"

Pit followed the Yoshi's pointing finger and beheld a young woman in her late teens. She had the garb of a cowgirl, her long golden hair put up in a practical braid, and eyes as blue as a cloudless summer sky. Yoshi sighed once more as he gazed lovingly at the girl and the chocobo she was tending to.

"Ah, how Yoshi's heart beats! That gold color! Blue eyes like sky! Long legs! Yoshi likes long legs!"

Pit smiled and nodded in agreement. "She is quite pretty!"

"Oh, and that bright orange beak!"

Pit's gaze snapped to the Yoshi. "Waitaminute... Beak?" He slowly looked back to the scene at the ranch and his eyes drifted from the girl to her chocobo. It had yellow plumage, blue eyes, and long legs as most chocobos did, and it did, indeed, have a bright orange beak.

The Yoshi is in love with the chocobo!

Pit stared incredulously at the Yoshi, then took a deep breath followed by a careless shrug. "Hey, whatever floats your boat. I don't judge!"

Pit was totally judging.

The Yoshi became downcast. "Every time Yoshi try to say hi, humans chase Yoshi away. Yoshi not hurt, only bring LOVE!"

"That's, uh, that's quite a problem, yup," Pit said, unsure of how else to respond. Maybe Pyra or Lana had a better idea of what to do; he needed more time to mentally process the situation!
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The Dark Sorceress


Cia sighed, shaking her head. Surely, Wizzro had things under control. Currently, he was the only one she could rely on. Without him, the Triforce and world domination would be unobtainable. But he was a bit of a finicky person himself, and she knew that he and Volga, although working alongside each other to serve her, were still prone to not getting along at times.

A voice prevented her from pondering further. Looking around sharply, she saw Pauline, the woman who had been talking to Lunaris before she had left to converse with her henchman.

"Oh, you," She sniffed, placing a hand on her hip as she waited for Pauline to state what she wanted with her. "Yes, I suppose we both are inclined to side with him."

As she said these words, her eyes quickly scanned over the mayor's attire, her expression unreadable behind her mask. So different from her own, yet, she couldn't help but admire the choice in wardrobe, yet again. "...Ah, you're a politician. I've never been one for debates and preaching, myself."

The sorceress' interest was piqued when she mentioned Lunaris' wellbeing, so she rushed through her own introduction (for once). "I am Cia. Sorceress, General, Deity. Now, you said that Lunaris' wellbeing is...?"

She was interested for the wrong reasons. If the Lord of this Citadel wasn't feeling the best, then his guard would be lowered. She could do some ferreting around, perhaps find a thing or two that would be of use to her in the future. Sure, he had been cordial enough (Cia's cheeks reddened thinking about their first conversation), but nobody got anywhere by playing by the rules, and she wasn't about to let a good opportunity go to waste.

A devious little smile appeared on the goddess' lips as she stepped closer to the mayor. "Go on, please don't withhold any details, Ms. Pauline," she said in a sweet tone. "Did he leave in a rush? Was he hurt or sick?"

Tags: NimbusWing NimbusWing (Pauline), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Lunaris)
Location: The Flying Citadel

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