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Fandom Super Smash Brothers: The Ten Pillars


Location: Swamp | Tagged: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Seeing his efforts briefly paid off, Yoshi scrambled back to his feet while he had a chance and he shook himself off. As he did, he could hear the Pluton's rants, although whatever it may be saying was lost on him given the language barrier. He didn't care all too much. He needed to focus on finding some kind of escape, although that seemed rather impossible. His eyes flickered about, both in attempt to find a solution to his issue or see if someone had followed, but neither seemed to show. He was in a tight spot. Even the scents of his companions weren't close. This was something he would have to figure out on his own. Could he even do that?

That question caused him to briefly fall into his own thoughts. By no means was he used to being one to take charge. He had a few times which he had done so, but those had been years ago. Most of these days he simply acted as a sidekick, a role he didn't mind one bit. However, his usual ways would get him nowhere. For once, he had to think outside the box. That was easier said than done. The worst part was his limited ways of combat. With very little in sight to eat up and turn into eggs for ammunition, he had to rely on smarts and his other combat methods.

Before he could formulate some plan though, Yoshi was snapped back to reality as the sound of the Pluton breaking a branch off rang out. Quickly averting his eyes towards the strange creature, his stomach dropped. Even one as simpleminded as him could understand what was intended. He didn't like it one bit nor would he let himself fall victim to the torment the other clearly intended to bring upon him. There was no way he would let himself go down like that.

Flaring his nostrils, the dino snorted out in annoyance as he balled his hands into fists. "Yoshi no like! You no hurt Yoshi like that! Not allow!"

Finding conviction in himself and his words, he decided to take the offensive before the Pluton could. His tongue shot out, wrapping itself around a rock that jutted out from the murky waters and he yanked it out in one swift movement before launching it in his opponents direction. Its accuracy hardly mattered to Yoshi. If it hit that was an added bonus. He merely used it to spray up water and give him a brief shield as he shot his tongue towards the tree from before to try and get above his enemyy and take them by surprise. The splash would cover his path, though it was only for a brief moment. That was all he needed though.

Landing on one of the low branches, Yoshi could hear it creak from his weight and without a second thought, he jumped up and came down as heavily as he could to cause it to break and fall to add more commotion. As soon as it snapped, his tongue shot up and pulled him higher into the tree. While there were no leafs to shield him, it gave him the advantage of range and height. It was possible the vine lasso could still reach him, but throwing it through the branches would be difficult, the dino seemed to understand that much.

With this new position established all he could do was see what would happen. It was his turn to take the defensive in hopes of finding some opening that he could exploit to gain the upper hand for good.
Shadow the hedgehog
Mention: Ploegy Ploegy ( Yoshi)
Interaction: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow ( Pluton)

"Those acursed creatures." Let just say the Ultimate lifeform was not feeling well. Despite his best efforts to escape,he still got poisoned. To Shadow,being weakened would be an insult. Despite his curent condition,he still needed to find Yoshi. "Maria...I promise...I will not let my allies down."

Despite being slown down, Shadow eventually managed to catch up with The creature and it's hostage.

Yoshi managed to free himself but was still tormented by the creature. The dinosaur managed to find shelter by climbing in a tree and seemed to be able stand up by himself.

How long will it last though?

Shadow decided to do something about the Pluton.
"Chaos control!" Shadow teleported in attempt to reappear behind the Pluton for a sneak attack. Unfortunatly,due to the poison,it backfired.
Shadow instead appeared in front of the creature.

The ultimate lifeform cursed under his breath. The poison even affected his power. No matter mhe could still attack the creature.
"Chaos spear!"
He sends chaos energy spear toward the creature,only to noticed that the attack was 50% less stronger then before.
Mushroom Forest
Military Squad Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Lunaris GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

"Yeah! I saw the whole thing, toots! The meteor fallin' towards the earth, a great flamin' ball bigger than an Angry Sun, and then Lunaris himself showin' up in his Flying Citadel and SMASHIN' IT! And Sephiroth? He ran like a chump! Saw it all! Gus Goomba swears on it!"

My reputation is torn to shreds. It'll take time to repair what’s been destroyed. At least I have a name to put behind the face who reduced my meteor spell to pebbles. Lunaris will get what’s coming to him soon, however; restoring mother’s body to her fullest is my top priority at the moment. Those soldiers cracking my genetic code proved to be very troublesome. Those military scumbags will be a thorn in my side, aren’t they? Making a clone may get them off my back so I could keep my mission going without their annoying interference. The issue is finding a decent place away from prying eyes, and away from the military’s reach. There’s finding a proper catalyst. Quite the conundrum although vague I can feel the planet’s essence if it’s similar to the life stream it may be the solution to saving mother hopefully the answer to keeping those bastards away from me. If my assumptions are correct maybe just maybe I can prevent their weapons from neutralizing me anymore. That was an annoying thing to deal with. Mm, I feel it.. I feel my body is waking up, which could mean I’m finally free from their weapons' debilitating effects. Now, I’m back. Yes. Uh huh, just as I thought their pesky Anti Jenova weapons had left me blinded. I’m back to normal as it should be…

He felt the rush of energy pulsing through his blood vessels in strong waves, which means their Anti Jenova neutralization’s effect on his body has worn off. Seph can see again, a small blessing for him. His attention shifted to the soldiers amidst their transformation, a gross reminder of those abominations that shared his DNA he looks and feels violated his genes are used without his permission. “ Alright then, I’m going all out not holding back.” Sephiroth dropped his gaze towards his enemies that one mutant in particular looks similar to a Behemoth; it probably has steel-like skin and resistances similar to a Behemoth. If this abomination is anything like a Behemoth he battled before aiming for all four of its legs might be a good way to exploit its weak point. “ All of you seem keen on sharing a similar fate as your comrades before you. No matter, you will join them soon enough.” His gloved hand reached for his masamune. His focus went on to the abomination deciding on treading cautiously if it’s anything like those behemoths. It seems time to put his other abilities to use. After all, his signature attack, the infamous Octa Slash, isn't his only move under his arsenal.

Taking time to become attuned with his body it seemed to unlock many more of his hidden abilities. Swooping at the massive beast, he spins in the air utilizing his one wing to weave between all four of its legs, slashing at the tough skin. “ Aeolian Onslaught.” He pushed to aim for its weak point to at least assess if it's similar to a Behemoth from his universe, and to exploit the creature’s weak spot. He darts back to his old position and safely out of danger the most noticeable trait of this mutant and a Behemoth they share a height similar to a titan. Just as he lands on his feet, Sephiroth’s relentless assault is just the beginning of deconstructing this squad.

Time to shake things up at the prime of the battle with the abilities he worked hard to learn and fine tune over years of his 30 years of life on Gaia and his short stay here in the Smash Realm tournament. He draws mana energies to be gathered and absorbed through his Masamune. Those monsters would feel a spike in his magic as his prized katana kept on drinking up the mana. “ Zanshin.” His voice eerily calm, although a hint of venom in his tone, Sephiroth sends waves of energies at the squad one after another. No time to let them regroup themselves to figure out a counter strike against him, the gates of hell have opened on them. Aeolian Onslaught and Zanshin are just two of his abilities under his glove, ready to turn the tides of the fight in his favor.
Location: The Flying Citadel
Interactions: NimbusWing NimbusWing , Shroomie Shroomie

Lunaris listened attentively as Pauline explained the purpose behind her visit to his citadel. Though his expression couldn't be read through the mask he wore, his stance was relaxed. The woman was afraid of him, as she should be. For her to come to him with such a request was a feat of great courage. Lunaris had to respect that.

This also presented a grand opportunity for him. He can station troops in Console City, the largest city of the Smash Realm besides its neighbor, Lumoise City, and not be seen as a tyrant in doing so. Besides, Console City provided a large bulk of his funding through taxes; it was in his best interest to put a stop to the rising crime there. This is yet another chance to flex his power and remind the people of the Realm who their ruler is!

"Mayor Pauline," Lunaris began, "I hear your request, and I shall grant it. But first, we must talk. Walk with me."

Lunaris began an leisurely stroll through the gardens that made up the castle courtyard, Shiri hovering behind. The enchanted topiary bowed to the lord as he passed. From the shadows of the well-maintained brush, a Persian emerged and joined Lunaris by his side, rubbing her head against his upper thigh in an affectionate greeting. The masked Hylian put a hand to the Pokemon's head and she purred in response.

"As you might have heard me tell Lady Cia, I am always keeping an eye out for potential allies. A loyal ally is of far greater worth to me than a minion that obeys out of fear. Followers willing to die for their Lord is a powerful asset that many would-be conquerors woefully ignore. I keep my allies and my people happy and secure, and in return I earn their loyalty. And anyone who has sworn their allegience to me will tell you truly that I reward them most generously.

This brings me to my point: the Super Smash Brothers have returned to the World of Trophies. I understand you have strong personal ties to some of them. In particular, the world famous Mario himself."

Lunaris stopped walking and turned to face Pauline. Sensing her master's change in demeanor, the Persian let out a low growl toward Pauline. The pleasant, yet businesslike tone of the sorcerer turned hard and cold.

"I must reiterate that the Super Smash Brothers, as enemies of the Flying Citadel, have been outlawed. As Console City is a part of the Realm, and so under my rule, I feel a personal responsibility toward its security. However, I must advise you to choose your allegiences wisely. I reward loyalty well, but let it also be known that I punish treachery swiftly and without mercy. Do we have an understanding, Mayor?"

The pink ball of light that was Shiri shuddered at Lunaris's tone and glanced at Pauline with concern. While she was certain Lunaris had no intention of harming the woman, the fairy had seen for herself how he dealt with enemies and traitors. It wasn't pleasant to think about!
Professor Layton
Location: Battlefield Fortress
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Shroomie Shroomie

The Gao Captain growled in surprise as the Keyblade spun into the air and Byleth caught it. He snarled as bright pillars materialized around Byleth, blinding the beast and leaving him vulnerable as the swordsman unleased the pillars in a magical attack. The force of the strike, enhanced by the Keyblade, sent the Gao Captain flying backward, even knocking around two other Gao unfortunate enough to be in his path of travel. The Gao Captain struck the sand and rolled a distance until he slowed enough that he could rise to his feet, only to brace himself as he was pelted by fireballs. The fireballs were but an annoyance, and when the barrage had ceased, the Gao Captain roared out his rage.

Then Byleth shot out of the cloud of smoke and sand and sank a dagger into the beast's nose! The Gao Captain rose to his hind legs as he yowled in agony. The professor's threat fell on deaf ears; the Gao Captain had flown into a feral rage, swinging his head violently and swiping at the man on his nose, roaring and snarling, and jumping about in an attempt to dislodge Byleth from his face.

The Gao ambush had proved devastating. The once mighty army was reduced to smoldering remains with a mere handful of survivors either fighting valiantly to defend the wounded, or making a retreat toward the abandoned fortress. Professor Layton was grateful that the children had managed to escape, but there was little time to dwell on the tragedy before him. A Gao was about to spew flames at a wounded soldier when Layton distracted it with a fierce slash of his sabre at its hind leg. The surviving soldiers grabbed their companion and ran for the fortress. Layton allowed himself a brief smile before facing the snarling Gao. Heavy footsteps behind him alerted the professor to another Gao. Layton grabbed the brim of his hat and ducked, and the two Gao pounced into each other.

Layton fled from the two Gao as they tried to untangle themselves from each other, and skidded to a halt as he saw Byleth and the Gao Captain locked in battle. Concerned for the other professor's safety, Layton glanced around for some means to provide aid, and found the Sword of the Creator lying in the sand. Layton sheathed his sword and grabbed the blade. He had to get it back to Byleth!


Gripping the sword in both hands, Layton rushed toward Byleth and the Gao Captain. The leader of the beasts was moving around too much for Layton to be able to toss the sword to Byleth, so instead he moved behind the Gao and, like with the previous Gao, swung the sword at his hind leg. The Gao Captain roared in pained shock and collapsed onto his side, his wounded leg unable to support him. At the same time, Layton grunted painfully and instinctively dropped the Sword of the Creator. Without the Crest of Flames, he could not wield the sword without harm being inflicted upon himself.
The Lake
Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing , Forevermore Forevermore , A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity

Nurse Joy clasped her hands together and smiled at the princesses as they prepared for flight. "Good luck!" She turned her smile to Marth, Link, Sheik and the others. "I suppose now is as good a time to call Rayquaza than any. I do not know how it will respond to being summoned, so I would very much appreciate your assistance."

The good nurse faced the lake and slipped the Keystone ring onto her finger. She tapped the Keystone and it began to glow a bright colorful light. Joy raised her hand into the air, turning the shining Keystone toward the lake.

"Rayquaza! See the light of the Keystone and appear," Nurse Joy shouted.

Nurse Joy's shouts echoed into the sky. Nothing happened.

Undeterred, she tried again. "Rayquaza! I know of your suffering and wish to help! Please, hear me and come out!"

This time, ripples appeared on the lake's surface, slow and gentle at first, then suddenly becoming violently churning bubbles. The earth began to quake, and the peace of the lake shattered with a loud crash as Rayquaza erupted from the water's surface. Nurse Joy stepped back, hands clapped to her mouth in horror. Audino immediately leaped protectively in front of her trainer.

Rayquaza was completely consumed in dark flames, it's once-emerald body now grey with corruption. The massive serpentine Pokemon's body twisted and writhed as its agonized roars filled the sky.

"Wh... what is this?" Nurse Joy whispered, "A shadow Pokemon?"

Completely maddened, Rayquaza glared at the gathered fighters and a golden sphere of energy manifested in its open maw. Nurse Joy's eyes widened with recognition.

"It's about to use Hyper Beam!"
oker & anther

Location: Plains near Stadium | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing
SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Listening to Nurse Joy speak, Ren silently nodded his head. He supposed there could be discreet hints as to where the pillars were hidden in the words he was given. Even so, he had to keep his expectations on the low. The last thing he needed was to hope for more than he had received. What he got was already more than he could have hoped for so he couldn't complain, though admittedly, he did wish he didn't have to grasp at straws to find the answers he was seeking.

His mind would have continued to wander if it were allowed to, but as Joy pointed out they had their first hint as to where a pillar was, Joker's gray eyes flickered towards the words and he silently read them himself as the nurse spoke them aloud. She quickly deciphered the three people described as Pyra/Mythra, Pit and Toon Link while also picking out that they were facing fear, which they could presume referred to the pillar of that very name. Unfortunately their location was rather vague, only telling them that they were at sea. Nevertheless, he was glad to know that the others were already taking steps to gather the pillars they needed, whether they knew the situation or not.

Pursing his lips silently, he averted his gaze towards the map, eyeing the sea before plucking the icons of the three fighters and placing them out into a random part of it. Even if it wasn't the exact location it would still give them an idea of where they might be.

"Facing fears, huh..." he murmured before letting his eyes linger on the icons he had placed. A sigh slipped between his lips, wondering if the three would be capable of such. While he had no clue what the pillars were capable of, he had to assume they weren't easy to collect otherwise someone else, maybe even the Lunaris they were up against, would have gotten to them already.

His mind briefly lingered to what his fellow Smash Brothers might be experiencing. Would they be faced with their innermost fears? Would they become fearful of each other driving a wedge between them? Could they even overcome either of those? It was a ragtag group after all, though he only knew each of them on a surface level. He didn't know what burdens they might hold that could be played upon if that was even what the pillars did. However, there was some hope for them. It took courage to overcome fear. The Links were know for such courage. Perhaps with him around they'd be fine, even if he was just a kid.

Finding resolve in those thoughts, Ren bowed his head slightly and mumbled under his breath: "May they be safe in their battle."

Quickly, he collected himself, before preparing to move on to the next section of the poem and breakdown whatever it may have to offer, but he stopped himself as he heard Paula speak up. Her words instantly struck Joker as odd. While he said they could skip around if something had stood out to them, he hadn't expected her to cling onto the title "one-winged swordsmen of wrath." He would have expected her to search for some information on Ness given they seemed to be friends, but clearly he had been wrong.

His brow quirked as he looked towards the words for himself and he read it for himself. Her assumption of it being Sephiroth was likely correct, though what was more important was he wasn't alone. The second line of the stanza made that clear.

"The soft ringing of a dog's bell..." he mumbled mostly to himself. It was an obvious clue. Only one Smash Brother fit a description like that. "Poor Isabelle..."

Joker's expression briefly dropped at the thought of her facing Sephiroth alone and he brought a hand up to run his fingers through his messy hair. As much as it mentally troubled him to know she was in that position, there was nothing he could do about it. He had to accept that.

He sucked in a deep breath as he pushed aside his troubled feelings and he tried to focus once more so he could properly place them on the map, but again he was drawn from any kind of productivity when Paula's sobs stopped him. Ren's eyes widened and instinctively his hand moved to his hip to grab his pistol, believing they were under attack, but as he turned to face the young psychic, he saw her on the ground with no threats in sight. The tension in his body eased up and he moved his hand off his weapon before he cocked his head in confusion. While he was worried for Paula, he was confused on what caused her to cry and bleed from her nose so suddenly.

Before he could even get his question out, Prompto had already moved to her side and was checking on her. As he did that, Noctis spoke up, mentioning how he had fought Sephiroth in his own world before. It seemed odd and Ren wasn't sure what to make of it all. Of course he knew of Sephiroth and Cloud, but none of this seemed useful to what they were doing at the moment. Besides, as he had already accepted, there was no dealing with the one-winged angel even if he wanted to save Isabelle from his presence.

"Ren..." Ann whispered softly, with a concerned look upon her own face. "Should we... you know...?"

Her voice trailed off as she too looked towards Paula feeling sorry for the girl though she had no idea what had happened to her. It wasn't as if she said anything. They were simply left wondering what was going on which did little to direct them towards what they needed to do.

"Obviously we can't ignore her but," Ren murmured as he fiddled with his bangs between his fingers. What could he do in this situation? They needed to focus on the poem, yet they couldn't ignore Paula either. He didn't want to swarm her. It would be a bad idea to do so given she was hurt and with Prompto already at her side, he figured his own help wasn't necessary. He didn't want to come off cold hearted though. It was troublesome yet he still spoke on the matter. "We don't even know why she suddenly burst out like this. We're in the dark over this all and I'm not sure how we can help her."

Ann frowned, but she understood where he was coming from. Still she wanted to provide some comfort. She knew Ren probably did too, but he had to remain focused. The least she could do for him was help in that regard. "I'll go try to calm her down with Prompto. You keep doing what you need to do, okay?"

Her smile was soft as she looked towards him and Ren's own expression softened before he nodded. Watching her move over to Paula's side, he turned back to the hologram and recollected himself with a deep breath before sharply exhaling.

"While they tend to Paula, we should continue going through the poem and maybe try not to skip around too much. If someone does catch your eye, I understand, but it's important we keep focus and skipping might cause us to miss something important."

It was the nicest way he could put things, though in a way, it was pointless given Paula's state. Still, he figured it was worth mentioning to ensure they didn't miss anything they were presented with. They needed to assure they made use of the information otherwise Wandering Quill's sacrifice would be in vain. That was a burden Joker did not want to carry on his own shoulders, especially as the one entrusted with such info.

As he did that, Ann kneeled at the psychic's side and frowned a little. She didn't want to echo Prompto's question of what was wrong, but what else could she say? She wracked her mind for a moment before deciding to offer words of reassurance instead.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay! There's no need to cry. If you're in pain, we can make sure to heal you right up! We have a nurse with us now and Carmen has some minor healing as well if we need it! We've got you, don't worry! Just tell us what's wrong and Prompto and I can help!"

Readying himself to continue on now that he had left tending to their distressed companion to the likes of Prompto and Ann, Ren's gaze once more moved to the poem, quickly finding where they had left off. Skimming over the next stanza, his lips pressed together in thought. An obvious location was given; the Southern Lakeshore. Flickering his eyes to the map, he was quick to locate it, despite his lack of knowledge. That solved half of what was written. The other part was deciphering who was being described.

"Search the lake shore to the south, where raven wings cast a shadow of doubt, Huntress of the Stars, Princess of Legend, and Lady Fungi, seek the power of the Dragon Sky High..." he spoke the stanza aloud mostly for his own sake, but he was loud enough for the others to hear. He began to get lost in his own thoughts regarding who each person could be. "Maybe Samus... Zelda... Fungi...? Wait... raven wings...?"

His thoughts were a jumbled mess, but he was working through them the best he could. However, he was quickly interrupted by Futaba's voice from above him.

"Hey Joker!" she called out, her voice giving off a small hint of seriousness. It was enough to concern him, especially since she was usually the type to lack such. "Not to interrupt what you're doing, but I picked up on some information over the radio that you might find important, or maybe amusing, who knows."

"I presume you recorded it. Play it for me."

"Coming right up!"

Without further ado, Futaba transmitted the brief radio segment to his earpiece, allowing him to hear the reporter interviewing some Goomba named Gus and a Yoshi, though not the one he was acquainted with. The scene that was painted by the goomba caused his brows to flatten. The Yoshi went on to reinforce his statement. It almost felt ironic for such to be talked about given what had only just been talked about amongst their group. A hearty laugh escaped from Joker's lips as he shook his head. It was hardly something to find humorous, yet he did.

"So the big ol' L can stop a meteor from Sephiroth, huh? And you guys were worried about Seph! I'm hardly concerned now!" he remarked in a rather cocky tone. He held a certain air of arrogance in the moment. Maybe it was an act of falsity, but he hardly cared. Promoting confidence was what his group needed and if he needed to radiate it himself, then he would do just that. "If this is such a big feat for our opponent then us Smash Bros are well equipped for the job."

There was some concern of course, but Ren masked it well enough. Hearing this only made their current task more important. If they wanted to win, they needed whoever they could find to help them out. That alone gave him a boost in his own morale. This wasn't all a waste of their time! That determination briefly fizzled out though as the radio interview continued on. While he missed the Business Scrub, he heard everything about the concert in Lumiose City. It all seemed like useless information until the reporter spoke of the winner receiving a gift from K.K. Slider. It wasn't only that, but the guitar pick was bestowed to him from Master Hand. The wheels started turning in the thief's head before his smugness quickly faded and his head turned back towards the written out poem as a wave of seriousness took him over. Master Hand... imagination...

"Oracle, gather information on Lumiose City... maybe the quickest route."

"Why? You gonna take Panther on a special date? How thoughtful of you."

"No, I think it's something important. Just do it."

"Geez, no nice date for your poor girlfriend. So cruel, Joker! But fine, I'll look into it if you think its important."

With that aside, Ren quickly ruffled his hair. He really was doing a poor job of doing what he had suggested earlier, but who could blame him. There was a lot to go through and he shouldn't ignore Futaba anyways. Her interruption provided information that they wouldn't otherwise have had; a possible pillar, though maybe he was getting ahead of himself. Either way, he had to get back on track.

"Now where was I....?"
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The White Sorceress


Lana, feeling slightly heartened by Pit's confident exclamation and Pyra's slow yet calm words, nodded and agreed, her expression lightening up a bit, "You're right. I'm sure the Hero of Winds will be fine. He has already gone through much hardship for being so young, he is strong-hearted enough to get through any obstacle in his path. I just can't help but worry about him, you know? He's very special to me."

The sorceress chuckled as Pit talked about how a meteor was child's play to most of his friends. She, of course, knew about the young Hero of Time's troubles with a moon, but all these other people, Samus and Donkey Kong and Pit himself, hearing about their successes brought comfort to the goddess.

Lana couldn't help but grin meekly at Pit's enthusiasm upon hearing her declaration to their cause. "Yeah, we can do it! Surely with our powers combined, we can quell whatever evil is attacking this world...realm...place...you get the idea."

1720406842841.pngSuddenly, the song that was playing on the radio was cut off by some breaking news...Lana's eyes widened upon hearing the news report. The reporter urgently described the catastrophe that had occurred somewhere in the Smash Realm. The casualties of such pandemonium reached hundreds!

The maiden's violet eyes flicked between Pit and Pyra as they discussed their next moves as a result of this discovery. Pit seemed more gung-ho, but the Aegis shared her more hesitant view on the whole situation. Although Lana had very limited knowledge of what was going on, she thought both sides had a point here. They should be worrying about who, if anyone, was behind all of this, but they should also help out, too. especially if allies were possibly involved, or even worse, injured or even killed.

"We should help, nonetheless," the goddess said quietly, feeling awkward about speaking on a topic she knew pretty much nothing about, "but do either of you know how to get to where the Stadium was?"

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Pit), Ploegy Ploegy (Pyra)
Location: Shiny Sand Shores
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Location: Mushroom Platforms | Interactions: SheepKing SheepKing Shroomie Shroomie
Hearing Lyn greet him, Roxas gathered himself and pulled his eyes away from the horrors that laid off in the near distance and instead leaned forward on his knees to look back down towards the two women. Noticing the military had left, he let the tension in his body ease up and without a second thought, he dropped down to land near the pair. They seemed shaken much like himself, which only gave them all the more reason to get away, but not before he offered a simple introduction to Lyn.

"Friends might be a bold term to use, but we are allies nonetheless," he confirmed with a curt nod of his head. The term friends wasn't one he used often given he wasn't overly familiar with the concept outside of what Axel had taught him, which was limited in itself. The only ones he had ever dared to use such a term on was Axel and... His mind seemed to draw a blank. It was as if there was another, but he couldn't remember anyone else in the Organization being close with him. Such things didn't matter right now anyways. He had far more important things to concern himself over than jumbled memories of his life before he came here. Brushing aside whatever feelings had arisen, he spoke once more: "The name's Roxas. It's nice to meet you."

It was a brief and rather blunt introduction, but it was all that was necessary. He wasn't the type to linger long on himself anyways. Maybe it was because of the pain connected to it. Again, it was nothing he wished to ponder over at the moment. Instead, he turned his back towards the fight and looked off towards the cliff that hung overhead in the distance. He presumed that was their destination, or well, the path they would need to take to arrive at the city they were trying to reach.

"I agree that I hate being useless, but this fight isn't ours and from how they wanted to usher us out of the way, I doubt they want us partaking anyways," Roxas scoffed with a shake of his head. It was infuriating how they were brushed off, even if he knew he wasn't in condition to fight given his last encounter with Sephiroth. Even so, he hated the act of fleeing. It was there only choice though. Engaging themselves in a battle where they were seen as liabilities and/or roadblocks wasn't one he wished to jump into. "Besides, whatever those soldiers used on Sephiroth has weakened my own magic. I am hardly in a state to defend myself."

Making such an admission caused Roxas to grimace. He hated showing such weakness, but in their current scenario it was best to be honest than to beat around the bush. Only Isabelle had some knowledge of him and even then it wasn't much to go off of. He decided not to linger too long on it and moved on to fill Lyn in on what they were doing.

"I'm not familiar with this place, but Isabelle said if we made it to Console City we may be able to use her phone to contact some of her friends," he began before finally pointing towards the cliff he had already spotted before. "I assume that is where we're going, so we should head that way."

It was easier said than done. While his flight was still intact to some degree, he wasn't sure how easy it would be for Lyn or Isabelle to scale upwards. Even with the mushrooms creating a clear path, the upwards gaps between them was still steep. A jump from a regular person definitely would not do. He was sure he could carry Isabelle if she needed it, but that left Lyn.

Remaining silent, Roxas moved over to one of the low sitting mushrooms and jumped up to grab its edge, allowing Oblivion to vanish as he did. Heaving himself up with some visible struggle he pulled himself onto its surface and walked across it. Maybe it was similar to the ones in Wonderland. There was only one way to find out...

He bent his knees enough to push himself up and jump, only to come back down. Hitting the top of the shroom, he felt himself bounce up immediately, going much higher than he anticipated and taking himself by surprise. Catching himself midair, he hovered before looked down towards his companions with a sheepish smile on his lips.

"We shouldn't have much troubles getting up I suppose... just be careful not to launch yourself too high."
Location: Flying Citadel
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie
Unable to resist or protest against Lunaris and his desires at the time, Pauline would merely nod in response as she walked alongside the 'ruler' and 'hero' of the realm, still clearly unable to shake that fearful sensation that happened to wash over her body. She handled other political figures before, but she guessed that a majority of them were just like her. They were just politicians, and nothing more supernatural. A man who saved the realm and stopped the dreaded impact of an immense meteor... between the Persian that slunk between his legs as well as his own imposing figure, the lady in red didn't seem to be nearly as confident as she once did when she stepped inside the Flying Airship.

And then came the fact that he seemed like he was eager to help her out - at first. Every story has some sort of caveat... and when the mentioning of the contestants of the previous Super Smash Brothers Tournament had reared its head once more, Pauline couldn't help but to release an audible gasp. After all, while she wasn't a contestant by any sense, she did have some personal ties to those who had battled in the Tournament; especially that of Mario of which Lunaris mentioned, her old friend and savior.

And then came the shift in tone, which raised the tension so high that it almost felt like it could be seen and cut with a knife with little effort. Even the classy cat Pokémon that looked dead at her eyes seemed to show signs of aggression, demanding her to make a choice right on the fly... and for Pauline, it absolutely was not an easy one.

"I... I understand, Lunaris."

There was a hint of hesitation in Pauline's voice as she replied. Clearly things were not easy for her to admit, and for good reason. She had known a few of them and befriended them. And even though it had been a full year since she had seen any of them, to turn heel against anyone she worked with felt wrong, even if they were the ones that were labelled as the criminals, not herself. Even with that knowledge being ever-present in her large regime, Pauline couldn't help but to feel like she was being manipulated to Lunaris' desires... and it was clear that she was in no place to say no to his word.

What she could ask, however, was behind what she was to offer in response.

"I have two questions then, Lunaris. Number one - what resources and services would you expect from me if I do agree with this? There has to be some reason as to why you desire to help Console City aside from me being just another ally, after all. And importantly... number two. If I do come across one of the prior contestants of the Super Smash Brothers Tournament - accomplice or otherwise, you would want me to apprehend them with what resources I have available, even if it means me fighting them if necessary, correct?"

She didn't need to hear his answer to know that the apprehension part of the second question was to be answered with a clear and simple 'Correct', or so she thought.

Location: Battlefield Fortress | Interactions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Shroomie Shroomie
Seeing the beast's animalistic instincts kick in, Byleth braced himself for the worst. His hands curled tightly around his dagger as he held on for dear life and let his body be tossed about as the Gao Captain tried to shake him. It wasn't something he was unfamiliar with. There was plenty of demonic beasts that he had fought against in the short while he had been at the Monastery. Some of them were remotely similar to the Gao, though he admittedly never had driven a blade into one like this, let alone it being a dagger. He hardly ever resorted to such actions given he always had a sword on hand and with the Sword of the Creator's own unique properties, it was never necessary. Besides, his students had always been with him as well. Monsters of this sort hardly stood a chance. Unfortunately, they had no advantage here, even with their numbers. The ambush decimated much of the once large army and left it in shambles. Their help wouldn't be dependable at this point. That left him to take risks like this.

Amidst his own troubles, he heard Layton's voice call out and his gaze attempt to flicker in the other's direction, but with the constant motions of the Gao Captain it was nearly impossible. As he was flung about he saw several things; the remaining soldiers fleeing to the fortress for safety and a woman who seemed to silently be watching from behind some nearby ruins. He didn't have much time to think on her though when he did caught a glimpse of the other professor. He noticed him with his Hero Relic in hand. Did he plan to use it? Urgency quickly flooded through Byleth's mind. He knew the risks of letting a non-crest bearer wield one of the relics. While the worst would not occur after a singular use, it would still bring extreme pain. Allowing Layton to experience that pain alone was concerning to the young professor. It wasn't like him to show such emotion, but after the horrors he had seen around such, how could he not.

"Professor do-" he tried to call out, but his warning wouldn't come in time.

He couldn't see the actions Layton took, but he did feel the Gao collapse to the ground, causing his own body to harshly fall against the creature's snout with a sharp grunt of his own. Loosening his hands around the hilt of his dagger, he yanked the blade out and flicked the blood from it before sheathing it. Without another thought, he climbed off the beast and hurried over towards his companion, noticing him in pain. A genuine frown formed upon his lips along with an uncharacteristic apologetic look in his usually emotionless eyes.

"Apologies.... I should have warned you sooner," he murmured lowly as he moved to grab his blade. As much as he wanted to comfort the professor, they were still in no position to do so. He still had a job to do; one he had to do without hesitation. "I'll heal you when this is over...."

Those words lingered as Byleth reunited with his sword and lifted it once again. Without another word, he moved over to the Gao Captain's neck, his usual deadpan expression returning as he prepared to play executioner. It was necessary and he needed the leverage over the other Gao. It never felt good to claim another's life, yet he knew how war was. There was no tiptoeing around it as much as he would have preferred to. In one swift movement of his blade, the professor took the Captain's life with a fatal cut to the neck.

Pulling his weapon back, he jammed its tip into the sand beside the fallen body and let the blood drip down it for all to see. His gaze flickered out towards what remained of both armies and he sighed softly to himself before he stood tall.

"Your leader is dead. This fight is over," he spoke bluntly, the infliction of his voice hardly changing. He was firm in his words and he did not waver. "I will show mercy if you choose to take it. If not, you will die at my hand as well. It is your decision. Take it or leave it."

There was no telling how the other Gao would react to his declaration. Byleth knew how these things went; some might find anger in his actions and attack him in blinded rage, while others would back down, accepting defeat now that their leader had fallen. It was a situation he had faced many times in his mercenary days. He was more than prepared for whatever might come his way. He could only hope the latter would occur, allowing him to tend to Layton as soon as possible. There was still the woman he had seen earlier as well. He couldn't address that either until things were said and done.

As Sora hefted himself up onto the catapult, Pichu would quickly join him, giving one small glance back toward Byleth and Layton as they continued to fend off the army of Gao. The two professors had given an opening for escape, and while mixed feelings seemed to linger within the trio of young boys, there wasn’t much choice other than to not let this opportunity go to waste.

Pichu tensed in anticipation yet was still left unprepared as Sora suddenly reached for a lever and, true to the machine’s name, the three were catapulted high into the air!


He’d find himself screeching out in surprise, yet even the sound of that paled to the overwhelming noise of the wind and the flapping of the sail. He could barely even hear Sora as the boy turned to face him and Luke. Though even with the chaos of it all it wasn’t that hard to decipher what he was trying to say.

So, Pichu heeded Sora’s advice as he gripped onto Luke for dear life and squeezed his eyes shut. He could hear the swift swish of Sora’s weapon when he swung it towards the sky, and felt the sudden gust of wind that erupted from it, propelling the makeshift aircraft onward to the east. It wouldn’t be long before the battlefield disappeared over the horizon and was gone from their sights.


The desert below continued on endlessly as Luke, Sora, and Pichu continued to soar through the air. On the path they were headed on, there wasn’t likely to be anything else much dirt, deserts, mountains, and if they traveled far enough, plenty of snow, but Pichu was only vaguely aware of such a fact from what he’d seen on the map, who knows if Sora’s aero could even take them that far. But nevermind the wind spell, there was another factor the three of them would need to take into consideration. Sora and Pichu’s last journey through the skies had been met with violent resistance, and the last thing he’d want was to nearly get shot down by a laser beam or crash into a castle wall again. The skies may have saved them from the Gao but there were plenty of other dangers ahead.

*“Pichu pichu pi pichu!”

Pichu yelled towards Luke against the gush of wind. He’d still been clinging onto the boy, fearing that any sudden movement would cause him to lose grip and get sent flying off the vehicle. However, that wouldn’t prevent him from scanning the skies with his full attention. If anything was looking to cause them trouble, Pichu wasn’t going to let whatever it was catch them by surprise.

*Translation: [Be on the lookout for danger!]

Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy (Sora), GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Luke)
Location: Battlefield Fortress -> Traveling East (Map TBA)
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As Cyan and Peregrine entered the Badlands, escorted by the Darknut Legionnaire who had tested Cyan's mettle, they were greeted by a stark, imposing landscape. The Badlands stretched out before them, a rugged expanse of rocky terrain and sparse vegetation, the ground a patchwork of dry earth and jagged stone. The sky above was a canvas of swirling gray clouds, casting a somber light over the land.

The architecture of the Darknut Legion's domain was anything short of immaculate, grandiose palaces and monumental structures adorned with intricate reliefs, expansive columned halls, and the use of elaborate stone carvings depicting mythical creatures and royal iconography a testament to their martial prowess and enduring legacy. Towering fortresses of dark stone rose from the earth, their walls adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of past battles and legendary warriors. The fortresses were interconnected by thick, sturdy walls, creating a formidable network of defenses that seemed almost impregnable. The gates were reinforced with iron, and battlements bristled with watchful sentinels clad in the Darknut's distinctive armor.

As they walked, Cyan and Peregrine passed through bustling courtyards where the Darknut warriors trained with unwavering dedication. The clang of swords and the rhythmic thud of shields echoed through the air, a constant reminder of the Legion's relentless discipline. The Darknut soldiers, clad in their heavy armor, moved with a surprising grace, their movements precise and powerful. Each warrior bore the unmistakable marks of rigorous training and unyielding resolve.

Among the Darknuts were other denizens of the Badlands, a mix of various races and beings who had either allied themselves with the Legion or found refuge within their borders. Stalwart Gorons, known for their immense strength and resilience, labored alongside the Darknuts, their massive forms effortlessly moving heavy stones and supplies. There were also Zora warriors, their sleek, aquatic forms a striking contrast to the Darknuts' bulky armor, working to ensure the supply lines were well-maintained.

Fokka warriors, known for their agility and aerial combat skills, patrolled the skies and high perches, ever vigilant for threats. Their bird-like forms were a striking presence, their keen eyes missing nothing that moved in the vast expanse below. Mazura, with their muscular, towering frames and primal ferocity, could be seen sparring with the Darknuts, their training sessions a display of raw power and combat prowess.
Lynels, the fearsome half-lion, half-man beasts, roamed the outskirts of the encampment. Their role as both guardians and scouts was evident in their imposing presence and the deference shown to them by other denizens. The sight of a Lynel, with its flowing mane and rippling muscles, was enough to inspire both awe and caution.

The atmosphere was one of stern purpose and unwavering focus. The denizens of the Badlands moved with a sense of duty, their lives intertwined with the Legion's mission to defend their realm. Despite the harsh environment, there was a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among them, a shared understanding of the challenges they faced and the strength required to overcome them.

As Cyan and Peregrine continued deeper into the Badlands, they were led through a series of imposing gates and winding pathways, each step bringing them closer to the heart of the Darknut stronghold. The landscape gradually shifted, revealing an awe-inspiring structure ahead—the Apotheon, a sophisticated religious building where the most revered Darknut warriors were deified.

The Apotheon stood as a testament to the Darknut's reverence for their heroes, with grand, columned halls, intricate stone carvings, and expansive courtyards. The building was adorned with detailed reliefs depicting legendary battles and the heroic deeds of those who had achieved godhood. It was here that countless Darknuts gathered to worship their chosen heroes, fanatically devoted to the altars of deification.

As they approached the gates of the Apotheon, they were stopped by a lone figure—a Dux. The Dux, an expert warrior and esteemed teacher, commanded respect with his presence. Clad in distinctive armor that marked his rank, he stood tall and imposing, a living embodiment of the Darknut's martial ideals.
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The Dux scrutinized the group, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the Legionnaire. "State your business, Legionnaire. Why do you bring outsiders to the sacred grounds of the Apotheon?"

The Legionnaire saluted the Dux, his tone respectful but firm. "Dux, these outsiders seek an audience with our leaders. They claim their mission is of utmost importance and have demonstrated their skill and determination."

The Dux's gaze shifted to Cyan and Peregrine, assessing them with a keen, discerning eye. "Outsiders rarely step foot here, let alone seek an audience. What is so crucial that you must disturb the sanctity of the Apotheon?"

Before the Legionnaire could respond, Peregrine stepped forward, his demeanor composed and respectful. "Esteemed Dux, I am Peregrine, a Zenith Knight. My companion and I have come to discuss matters of mutual interest with your leaders. We seek not to disturb your sacred grounds but to form an alliance against a greater threat. Our mission is to dismantle the Church of Duality and their self-proclaimed deity, Lord Lunaris, who seeks to subjugate all realms under his rule."

The Dux regarded Peregrine with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "You speak of a grave threat, Zenith Knight. Why should we believe that your cause aligns with ours, and that you do not seek to deceive us?"

Peregrine met the Dux's gaze unwaveringly. "Because the tyranny of Lord Lunaris threatens all realms, not just ours. His cult spreads lies and sows discord, much like the enemies your people have faced and overcome. We seek your strength and wisdom to combat this shared enemy. Together, we can protect our worlds from falling into darkness."

The Dux remained silent for a moment, contemplating Peregrine's words. Finally, he nodded, a hint of respect in his eyes. "Very well, Zenith Knight. I will take you to our leaders. But know this—you will be watched closely. Any sign of deceit, and you will answer to me personally."

With that, the Dux turned and led them through the gates of the Apotheon, the grandeur of the sacred building unfolding before them as they prepared to make their case to the leaders of the Darknut Legion.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows over the town square of Northwestern Town in the World of Light. Townsfolk gathered in clusters, whispering amongst themselves, casting curious glances toward the makeshift stage that had been erected overnight. At its center stood the Luminary, leader of the Church of Duality, shrouded in a cloak that seemed to be woven from the night sky itself, glimmering with stars. His face remained hidden beneath the hood, a mystery that only added to the aura of his presence.

As he stepped forward, the murmur of the crowd hushed to a reverent silence. The Luminary raised his arms, the cloak flowing like liquid darkness, and began to speak in a voice that resonated with authority and reverence.

"Brothers and sisters," the Luminary's voice resonated through the crowd, smooth and powerful. "We stand on the brink of a new era, one foretold by the celestial signs and brought forth by the might of our savior, Lord Lunaris."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, curiosity piqued by the mention of Lunaris. The Luminary raised his hands, adorned with shimmering rings that caught the moonlight, and the crowd fell silent.

"You all witnessed the flaming terror that descended upon us," he continued. "A meteor, a harbinger of destruction, sent to remind us of our frailty. And yet, who was it that stood against this doom? Who defied the wrath of the heavens and shattered the fireball with his unmatched power?"

"Lunaris!" A voice from the crowd answered, fervent and awed.

"Yes, Lunaris!" The Luminary echoed, his voice swelling with conviction. "With his mastery over the Hands of Creation and Destruction, he protected us from certain annihilation. He, who commands the forces of the cosmos, has shown us the path to salvation."

"Such power, such divinity, cannot be ignored," the Luminary declared, his voice now ringing with a passionate fervor. "It is clear that Lunaris is no mere mortal but a being of divine providence, a savior worthy of our devotion and reverence. The Church of Duality offers you a path to enlightenment, a way to honor the protector of our world."

He gestured grandly, sweeping his arms wide. "Join us, and you will find purpose. You will find protection. You will be part of a grand design, a cosmic balance where the forces of Creation and Destruction coexist in harmony under the guidance of Lunaris."

"But why should we trust him?" A skeptical voice broke through the reverent silence. A young man stepped forward, his brow furrowed in doubt. "What if he seeks to control us?"

The Luminary turned to the young man, his hidden gaze piercing. "A fair question, my son. Trust is not given lightly, nor should it be. But consider this: Lunaris has used his power to protect us, not to harm us. He has fought against the darkness that threatens our world, risking his own life for our safety. His actions speak louder than any words."

The crowd nodded, the young man's skepticism beginning to wane.

"And to those who join the Church of Duality," the Luminary continued, "we offer a chance to be part of something greater. To learn the secrets of the universe, to find strength in unity, and to pay reverence to the one who saved us from fiery doom. Together, we can stand against the chaos that seeks to tear our world apart."

A young woman in the front stepped forward, her eyes shining with hope and curiosity. "But how do we join? What must we do?" she asked, her voice trembling with eagerness.

The Luminary lowered his arms and leaned forward slightly, his hidden gaze fixed on the woman. "Open your hearts and minds to the teachings of Lunaris," he said gently. "Join us at our sanctuaries, partake in our rituals, and spread the word of his glory. Together, we will build a new era of peace and understanding, united under the watchful eyes of our savior."

The woman nodded, her decision made, and a few others in the crowd followed her lead, stepping forward to pledge their allegiance. The Luminary's unseen smile grew beneath his hood as he witnessed their dedication. He had planted the seed of faith, and now it would grow, nourished by the truth of Lunaris' divine power.

"Rejoice, for today marks the beginning of a new chapter in the World of Light," the Luminary proclaimed, his voice booming across the square. "Together, we shall rise, guided by the light of Lunaris, and bring about a future of unity and prosperity!"

The crowd erupted into cheers, their spirits lifted by the promise of a brighter tomorrow. The Luminary stood tall, his cloak billowing in the evening breeze, a harbinger of the change to come.

GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
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The Sorrowfen
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy , Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- , SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15

The Zuree hissed as it shifted to avoid the combo of punches Captain Falcon was dishing out. The hiss became a shriek as one fist connected and sent the malevolent spirit into the large vine. The Zuree straightened and cackled at Captain Falcon, and ran one of its large blood-red claws across the vine, tearing out a massive chunk and hurling it at the Super Smash Brother in both an attack and insult.

The massive vine began writhing, clearly pained by the Zuree's attack upon it. The Zuree cackled again, which turned into a confused grunt as a massive wave of snow and rock fell upon it and the vine, burying them both. For a moment, there was stillness. Then, a blue mist wafted from the pile of snow and reformed into the Zuree, which laughed mockingly at Captain Falcon and Mog. A monstrous roar overcame the ghost's laughter as the vine erupted from the snowy pile and thrashed about, sending icy rock everywhere.

The Keepahs emerged from the watery depths of the Sorrowfen as though summoned by the roar, no worse for wear, and red spears gripped tightly. They bared their fanged teeth at Captain Falcon and Mog and menaced them with their spears as they closed in on them. It seemed the negative energies of the Sorrowfen were giving the demons a boost in strength: they were ready for Round Two!

As Pluton tossed its makeshift noose toward Yoshi, the dinosaur acted quickly by using his tongue to throw a large rock at it. The Pluton shouted an obscenity in its language before the large rock struck it down onto its back. Before the thieving ogre could recover, a heavy branch fell upon it, adding insult to injury. Buried under stone and branch, the Pluton seemed to be defeated, but before a sigh of relief could be released the Pluton let out an enraged scream and burst from the pile. It hopped from one foot to the other and waved its massive fists in the air in a mad dance of fury!

Shadow's sudden appearance drew the demon's attention, and without a moment's hesitation it grabbed the large fallen branch and swung it at the Chaos Spears to deflect them, then at Shadow! Though Plutons preferred to steal and flee, they were vicious fighters when pushed to it!

Regardless of whether or not Shadow was struck, the voice of the Deku Witch intruded into the hedgehog's mind: "A Ribbon only has power if you give it meaning. What is important to you? Why do you fight? What keeps you going forward? Find your ribbon's meaning, hold true to it, and maybe it will protect you!"

Pluton let out a wicked snicker, then returned its focus to Yoshi who was up in the tree above it. With little effort, it leaped upward. This time, instead of a club or a noose, the demonic burglar revealed its enormous sack and, with a sweeping motion, tried to stuff the poor dinosaur inside!

The Princess of the Ages


As the battle between the fierce Gao and the two lone fighters blazed on accompanied by their tiny handful of soldiers, Zelda's eyes widened at the tactics employed. The two warriors were no novices at battle, she could see that much. They struck and pounced and weaved attacks with ease, which sent most of the remaining Gao tending to the wounded and retreating over to the fortress.

Quickly, Zelda dove behind a small bit of rubble as they hurried past. The princess held her breath, pressing herself to the rubble, and let out a sigh of relief once the coast was relatively clear.
The general peeked out over the rubble just in time to see one of them, a striking man with green locks and a peculiar looking sword, kill off the head of the Gao before turning to face the remainder of the army, showing no emotion. Zelda felt conflicted, seeing the red of the creature's blood drip onto the tan ground below. She didn't know the context of the whole fight to begin with so she couldn't tell who was the bad guy here, if there even was a malicious side at all.

Slowly, the princess stood up from where she hid, and she approached the wounded soldiers, holding her rapier to the side as she asked, trying to tend to them as best she could simultaneously, "Are you alright? What happened here?"
It was clear that Zelda was easily drawn to the army because she too had an army to fight alongside her, even if they were away, so far away...

From what she could gather from the men who weren't in enough pain to be rendered unable to converse, the two men leading them, Byleth and Layton, had fought the Gao because they had ambushed them and a few other individuals who had escaped the pandemonium prior to the bloodshed.

"...I see," the princess said solemnly as she finished tying a small bit of cloth around a gash in one of the soldiers' legs to try and stem the bleeding. She entrusted the soldier to another one, wiping the sweat from her forehead before she wiped her bloody fingertips on her skirt. "It seems I need to talk to these two. They might be my only chance at returning home..."

She looked back at the gentleman in the tophat and the green-haired executioner who were still confronting what remained of the Gao army. "...But maybe not right now. They seem a tad busy, no?" she asked, looking back at the two soldiers she was talking to, both of which shrugged in agreement.

Tags: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow (Layton & Gao), Ploegy Ploegy (Byleth)
Location: The Battlefield Fortress
Paula smiled sheepishly embarrassed of her overreaction to the situation concerning Sephiroth,” I never felt such malice before in my life and I faced some evil in my universe. I.. I felt Sephiroth’s mind, his thoughts, everything else, mostly his hatred and poisonous aura too. I’ll be fine really. Thanks for both of your concerns. I’ll pull myself together. I’m sorry for taking the focus away from the poem.” She beamed up at Ann and Prompto grateful they tried to help the uneasy feeling creeping up in her mind looking at the group apologetically, running a slender hand through her blonde locks, her cheeks dusted a deep pinkish hue, clearly hot and embarrassed, ashamed of herself for emotionally collapsing lamely like that over the one winged angel she didn’t face in the smash tournament prior. Although hearing the news of Lunaris handling the meteor with his power, reducing the flaming space rock to non threatening pebbles, seemingly melted all her fears away. Lunaris saved the world from annihilation, which is an incredible feat. It’s almost comical to hear how Sephiroth runs away without putting up a fight like he’s well known for, it makes her wonder if those emotions channeling through her PSI ability are just a farce from the one winged angel almost like he’s projecting hard. There’s no reason to fear this man anymore, she almost laughed at the thought of Sephiroth fleeing it finally put her at ease.

Shifting her entire attention to the poem, putting Sephiroth’s malicious thoughts away and out of mind, for focusing on the task at hand is of utmost importance. However, her gaze faltered to Ren’s countenance looking too embarrassed. At least he seemed better composed than her like nothing can break his resolve, not even someone antagonistic as Sephiroth, it’s because Joker is a tried and true leader. She can’t help admiring him from afar. “ Joker? I.. I’m sorry, I’m okay, I’m ready to get things moving, sorry about that.” She bows her head, truly ashamed for letting herself be emotional.

Now, her eyebrows creased, “ Hero of the wild, electric mouse. Hero of the wild.. that name doesn’t ring a bell, electric mouse could be either PIkachu or Pichu?” She taps her chin thoughtfully as she reads the other line. The poem is getting interesting to decipher every line, except her outburst of course she wishes to put that behind her for now. “ Hero king of Altea house, I don’t know who that is Hm? Dragon of Nohr and Hoshido?” She has no clue who this person even is, maybe one of the smash trophies, it makes perfect sense if it’s one of the trophies. She looks to her teammates if they have a clue who it is. She steps back to let them take over deciphering the poem in her stead, draping her arms behind her head. Finally at a calm place, seemingly grounded. Her breath calm, at least her heart isn’t pounding anymore, a small blessing it did not stop how embarrassed she feels. The saving grace is meteor has been stopped.

Ploegy Ploegy A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity SheepKing SheepKing GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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Noctis Lucis Caelum and Prompto Argentum
Interaction: Ploegy Ploegy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SheepKing SheepKing

"No problem. I'm always here for my friends." Prompto said to Paula. "Don't let Sephy's mind affect you."
"We do need to focus on the poem right now..." Noctis said to his friends.
"Though Paula can rest if she needs to." "She'll be fine." Prompto replied. Both the king and his friend looked at the poem as well. "Another Link? And electric mouse,that could be Pikachu or Pichu. Maybe both! Or is there a Raichu here too?" Prompto asked.
"If I do recall the Smash bros roster,Pikachu and Pichu are the only mouse pokemon who are part of it." Noctis replied before to look at the poem once again.
"Hero king of Altea? So he's here too eh?" Noctis said,abit sad. "He lost his kingdom to bad guys much like you did Noct,that's why it affects you?" Prompto asked.
Noctis only nodded before focusing back on the poem. "Dragon of Nohr and Hoshido...dosen't ring a bell.
Mog the Moogle and Shadow the hedgehog
Mog: Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Shadow: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow Ploegy Ploegy

Mog was getting really tired. Unfortunstly for him and the Captain,the monsters were ready for round 2.
"Kupo...I'm almost out of magic...Maybe I still have potions with me..." He looked in his small bag.

Meanwhile...Shadow tried to dodge the deflected Chaos spears,only to be struck by the last one.
As he was crashing on the ground...Shadow remembered the Deku witch's words.

"Why do you fight? What keeps you going forward? Find your ribbon's meaning,hold true to it and maybe it will protect you."

Shadow got up. " I...fight....Maria...her promise....That's what...keeps me....going....I...promised..her...to...protect...the inocent." He muttered.


Shadow teleports in front of the Pluton,then tackles it before it could capture Yoshi.

"This dinosaur is not your prisoner." Shadow spat,glaring toward the demon.
As Cyan moved alongside Pereringe and the legionnaire who ran his test, he took the moment to get a sparing glance of the Dark Nut’s domain. Keeping his gaze affixed on the architectural structures, the disciplined air is reminiscent of the tales passed down of Vector, Gestahl’s empire. Thus, earning the title the magitek empire. The imperial city with its advanced technology is far from the Figaro kingdom’s engineers and their technology. Vector stood on the top with its army of genetically enhanced soldiers, and magitek suits capable of burning down cities, it's not that hard to see emperor Gestahl standing on the top of the world. It can not be helped to draw similarities to Gestahl’s empire and the Dark Nut’s domain, unable to hide his curiosity he kept his wonders on the creatures they happened to pass by.

Firstly, the Gorons are a stark comparison to a moogle, they have many jobs and offer other services. The difference is easily their heights, Gorons seem to lean more towards rock types, big and stout in shape compared to the short stature of a moogle as far as he could see from a simple look. Gorons don’t have wings, or a bon-bon for a nose. Gorons seem to wear thick rock shells that are similar to an imp. Cyan questioned if they are similar to the imp creatures, or a turtle, if they drop the rare adamantium ore. He didn’t know what to think of the Fokka or the Zora guards, except his respect for protecting the domain from invading interlopers. However, his gaze fell upon the Lynels.

The Lynels bear a similar appearance that of a behemoth except not a canine type like a behemoth, though the Lynels gave off a threatening aura. He saw the Lynels as creatures worthy of his respect, but best to keep his distance lest he wishes to lose his head. Turning his attention forward, crossing past the gates of the Apotheon, tension seem to grapple his muscles. Here, in the Dark Nut’s domain he feels like a single warrior trekking among many other warriors like him, the lasting feeling in his gut is both awe inspiring just walking to meet the leaders. He has nothing except respect for them, keeping such an amazing city running effectively. He has the mind to spend it here training, to push his limits further. However, his promise to Peregrine kept him from suggesting such a thought.

The domain did give him impressions of Vector, at least what Celes regales from her time as a magitek general before her discharge. “ The Domain looks and feels amazing, never have I been in a city that is made up of warriors, other than castle Doma, my home. I was a retainer to the late king,” he mumbles, smiling to himself, like taking a trip down memory lane. He kept at Peregrine’s and the Dark Nut’s legionnaire’s heels, quietly taking in the city before they went before the leaders.

Knowing peregrine is the envoy, he feels at ease for now, best to keep his wits. Now, ready to put his all for swaying the leaders to the cause, or at least listen in. He moved to step close to Peregrine, closing the distance between. He feels the resolve to earn the right to sway the leaders their way, a promise to his friend.
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
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    The Blossom of Sarasaland
    Location: Cranky's Cabin
    Interactions: Ike, Toon Link, Mewtwo, Cranky Kong
    Tags: Shroomie Shroomie GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

    Once she and Ike had finished closing up all the windows, Daisy had turned around and set her gaze on a white crystal that was enclosed in the box that Toon Link had in his possession. A sudden aura passed through the cabin that made Daisy feel cold and clammy just by looking at it. The princess looked away quickly, feeling slightly nauseous,

    Once the crystal was put away, however, Daisy could breathe easier. She turned her attention back onto the old ape who was starting to blabber on.
    "GameFAQ's? Wikis? Nintendo Power?" Daisy muttered under her breath, perplexed. She had no idea what any of that meant. But then again, Princess Daisy thought, maybe the old ape was going a bit senile.

    But that was quickly proven false once Cranky Kong told them the story of the crystal, of the Smash Brothers' humble beginnings and what the crystal in the box was. Daisy was captivated by the tale, her blue eyes wide and shining from the glowing Crystal Coconut.

    So, they had to gather all these crystals- the Pillars- in order to save the world. Daisy didn't seem too put off by the idea. After all, if Mario could collect all the Star Coins in every single world during his travels, why couldn't all the Smash Brothers collect these few Pillars in this one realm?
    "Piece of cake," the princess said confidently, following Mewtwo out the door.

    However, once they had left Cranky's Cabin, Daisy turned to Ike.
    "Say, Ike...what do you say we do now?"
    It would have been easy for Daisy to hold her head up high and declare that they all follow her lead. She was used to being that type of person, anyway. But in this case, Daisy didn't trust her gut for some reason. She was relatively new to the SSB and in any case, she didn't want to be the one to blame if they got lost.
    Ike, he was a mercenary, a wanderer, an adventurer. And what's more, he was the oldest veteran there, and so the princess was more likely to put her trust in him and follow his lead.

Lord Lunaris
Location: The Flying Citadel
Interactions: Shroomie Shroomie , NimbusWing NimbusWing

"Is it not the responsibility of a Lord to ensure the safety of his people?" Lunaris asked Pauline. "Console City is a part of this realm, and so under my rule. To have brigands and natural disasters plague one of the largest civilizations in my realm not only causes economic damage, but reflects poorly upon myself as ruler." Lunaris's head tilted slightly in curiosity. "I should hope that you, as mayor, would understand this as well, Miss Pauline."

It was a simple enough explanation: protecting Console City meant protecting a large source of Lunaris's money and ensuring his good favor amongst the citizenry, and he had Pauline, who had a personal relationship with his enemies, the Super Smash Brothers, under this thumb. Lunaris had nothing to lose with this arrangement, but plenty to gain.

"As for the Super Smash Brothers, I understand that this is a very difficult situation for you. At the least I would expect you to report any rumors or sightings of the Super Smash Brothers in your city to the proper authorities if you cannot directly intervene. Let no one say that Lord Lunaris is not without compassion!" Lunaris then stepped away from Pauline and raised his hands, his gauntlets sparking with magical energies. "Now, behold!"

He extended his right hand, the one wearing the golden gauntlet, and arcane missiles flew from the hand. Shiri squeaked in alarm, but any objection she could have made was drowned out by the zapping and crackling sounds of the missiles as they struck the ground behind Pauline. Lunaris felt a twinge in his chest and grunted painfully, causing his Persian to meow with concern. It wasn't long ago that he was revived by Odessa after using his power to stop Meteor, and using it again so soon was putting incredible strain on his already weakened body. But Lunaris would not allow himself to falter, and bore the intense pain stoically. The magical bolts behind Pauline took humanoid shape. In an instant, an army of Alloy fighters had been created, each bearing the grinning silver and gold emblem that marked a servant of Lunaris. There were fivescore Alloys in total, with only five Red Alloys present to serve as leader of their assigned group. Lunaris straightened and tried to hide his weakness and discomfort through popping his collar, then waved his right hand toward the Alloy army as he addressed Pauline.

"I gift these Alloy warriors to you, Mayor. I'm sure you will find them quite effective in guarding and protecting your city."

The crafty Persian nudged her head under Lunaris's armored hand and leaned against against him, disguising her support of him as a plea for attention. The Hylian sorcerer dipped his head politely toward Pauline.

"Is there anything else you request of me, Mayor?"

Location: Swamp | Tagged: SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Yoshi was proud of himself when he saw both of his attacks managed to land even though he had expected neither to do so. This was one step in the right direction for him and a small victory in the moment. He couldn't rest though. Even with the Pluton seemingly buried beneath both rock and branch, that didn't mean he was safe from harm.

His eyes flickered towards Shadow as he arrived and watched as he launched an attack of his own, but as he did, the Pluton had emerged from the pile up in a fit of rage. That hardly surprised the dino, but seeing the creature so easily deflect the hedgehog's attack did come as one. How strong was this thing?! It caused a shiver to go down his spine though he tried his best to keep himself together. Even if he was greatly outmatched in strength he had to avoid showing his weakness. That was something he had learned from watching Mario all these years. If his friend could do it, then so could he! He just had to believe in himself.

Steeling himself, Yoshi was prepared to make his next move, but before he even could the Pluton was already on him. It came with such ease that the dino had no time to defend himself before he felt himself trapped within the thief's sack. Wriggling about and growling in annoyance, he tried to free himself, but his own physical strength was no match for what he found himself up against. He was trapped whether he liked it or not. He refused to give in though!

His struggle continued and while he knew he wasn't alone, he couldn't tell what Shadow was even doing. It would be impossible to coordinate an escape with his own sight hindered. Did that mean this was it? Was it all over? Yoshi didn't want to think so, but there wasn't much hope left to be had.
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX (1).pngCaptain Falcon's eyes widened as the Zuree's assault sent a massive chunk of the vine hurtling toward him. He ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding the debris while staying focused on the chaotic battle around him. The shriek of the Zuree and the roar of the vine created a disorienting cacophony, but Falcon’s resolve remained unshaken.

"Stay sharp, Mog!" Falcon shouted over the din, his voice cutting through the chaos. He took a deep breath, grounding himself despite the swirling tumult. He quickly assessed their situation—the Zuree had been temporarily buried, but now it was back and more dangerous than ever, and the Keepahs were regrouping for another assault.

Seeing the vine thrashing wildly, Falcon knew they needed to take control of the situation. He dodged the icy rocks flying through the air, his movements precise and calculated. As the Keepahs closed in, Falcon's focus shifted to them. He needed to neutralize these threats to help clear the way.

Falcon launched into a series of rapid, powerful strikes against the approaching Keepahs, aiming to break their formation and reduce their numbers. His fists moved with practiced precision, each punch delivering a powerful impact that sent the demons reeling. With his enhanced speed and strength, he used a combination of physical blows and quick maneuvers to keep the Keepahs at bay.

Amidst the flurry of action, Falcon's gaze occasionally darted towards Mog, ensuring that the Moogle was safely handling any remaining threats. "We can't let them overpower us! Keep pushing forward!" Falcon urged, determined to protect his ally and push through the dark forces of the Sorrowfen.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow
Location: Shiny Sand Shores
Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy Shroomie Shroomie

Pit was about to run out of the inn, but Pyra's words stopped him before he could take a step. The Aegis definitely had a point. "That makes sense, Pyra, but it's still so weird! Most villains are like, 'MUAHAHA!! I'm going to destroy the world!' and they never explain what will happen to themselves after they destroy it. I guess that makes this Lord Lunaris a whole different type of bad guy, huh?" Pit looked ponderous as a thought came to him. "On the other hand, if he knows that the Stadium is where we are all supposed to meet, then it makes strategic sense to destroy it. Aw man..."

Pit groaned. It seemed they were dealing with the worst kind of bad guy: one with a brain! At least the crazy, homicidal villains were predictable! And without Lady Palutena, Pit was at a disadvantage. Wait, no! No way! Pit shook his head to dismiss the thought. He is the Captain of Palutena's Army! A military leader! He can be just as cunning, surely, if he tried! After all, one does not typically win a Light vs Dark match by firing wildly!

The angel had a thousand-yard stare as memories of past Light vs. Dark battles flashed through his mind: fighters snatching recovery items when he was low in health, a soldier with a sniping staff trying to fight in close quarters combat with an enemy equipped with claws, his team completely leaving him alone and exposed to the enemy, or fighting enemy soldiers while ignoring Dark Pit entirely when he entered the battlefield... Pit shuddered. It was probably for the best that Light vs. Dark lacked a chat feature!

A Waddle Dee in a flowery apron tugged on Pit's exomis, pulling the captain back into the present. He looked down to see it holding up a folded map. By the entrance of the inn was a small brochure rack, and the inn staff, having overheard the discussion, wanted to help! Pit smiled and politely thanked the Waddle Dee before taking the map and unfolding it. He spread the map on a table and took out a pencil.

"Right! According to this map, we're... Uh..." Pit broke into a sweat as he stared at the map, a smile frozen on his face and hand with pencil hovering in the air. After a moment of silence, he sheepishly turned to Lana and Pyra.

"... You wouldn't happen to know how to read English, would you?" Pit asked before he deflated, head hanging in shame as he muttered, "Aw, I promised Byleth I'd study!"


Dark Pit & Pikachu
Location: The Forest
Interactions: Forevermore Forevermore A Hazy Sort of Clarity A Hazy Sort of Clarity SheepKing SheepKing

"QUIT RUNNING INTO THE GUNFIRE! YOU HAVE A CLUB YOU IDIOT!" Dark Pit suddenly shouted, unbidden. He immediately clapped a hand to his mouth, silently cursing himself and hoping that his pursuers did not just hear him!

Stupid Pit! Somehow this is HIS fault!

A loud roar reached his ears, and for a moment it was if an icy claw had gripped the dark reflection's chest. That roar came from the Lake, he was certain of it. He looked over his shoulder and in the far distance he saw the twisted and corrupted form of Rayquaza writhing in the air and unleashing its Hyper Beam upon the land. Dark Pit's typically stern features briefly dropped to that of horror, then he shut his eyes and turned his head away. No, this is not his fight! The others will be just fine without him, and besides, if he were to turn back there was no doubt that they will not allow him to leave again. It's best to just keep going.

Dark Pit returned his gaze to the sea of clouds before him. He hopped from one to another, then paused on the third cloud. He scowled and clenched his fists, fighting an internal battle with himself.

"SHOOT!" Dark Pit shouted before he turned and ran back toward the Lake.


In the forest, Pikachu skid to a halt, ears twitching as she picked up Rayquaza's agonized roars. Immediately forgetting about Dark Pit, Pikachu called to Samus before running off on all fours toward the Lake. That roar definitely meant trouble!

"Chachu! Pikachu pi!"
Location: Flying Citadel
Mentions: GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow , Shroomie Shroomie
At that point of time, Pauline felt conflicted upon Lunaris' words and actions... it definitely looked as if things were going well in her eyes - not only did her newly appointed ally fulfill her own needs in a newly born alliance, but she was also granted the protection for the City that she needed - but she couldn't seem to shake off something that felt a little... off. Things were going her way. With the exception of the fact that the previous contestants of the Super Smash Brothers' tournament were now her enemies, it didn't feel like she lost anything... and then came Lunaris' show of power, Pauline releasing a gasp of her own before she looked over at him with honest concern.

"Oh my, are you alright...?" She would question, before looking down at the impact of the magical bolts that he had shot out. Five warriors, each sporting a shiny robotic figure connected via strange glowing white cores. All of them tall, deep red, and sporting a masculine frame. From a first glance, Pauline could immediately tell that they seemed pretty solid...

... Yet they also somehow seemed suspiciously familiar, even if it was incredibly faint. She had known of tall, strong figures like the constructs before her, but she couldn't exactly place who it reminded her of. For that brief moment, she approached one, examining it carefully like a superior noble inspecting a knight. But nothing came to mind.

Pauline huffed in disappointment. Maybe she was just imagining things... and all of the issues regarding Console City before had left her a little tired. Shaking her head a little as to ground herself back in the situation she found herself in, she turned back to Lunaris, hands resting idly as she too would dip her head in respect towards him.

"Thank you, Lunaris. As of the current moment, I don't really think there's anything else I need for now. You've met my demands above and beyond what I've expected! But if there is, I'll contact you, alright? And I'll let you know if I find anyone unsavory who may be lurking around the City. I'd like to be able to return back to the comfort of my office otherwise - surely there's going to be a lot of paperwork left for me from this venture..."

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