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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

More spooks! :3
View attachment 1192760Ignore my terrible handwriting 😭
I changed Ike's costume idea bc I figured he'd like to dress up as Jason. He's already burly and used to carrying weapons around, so it would probably make the costume all the more believable!
Lyn is very angry about what she has been made to dress as. Obviously lolz
I also really enjoyed drawing Zel's costume, as you can guess by how much detail I forced myself to put into it. Very pretty, but all I can think about is how cold she'd be if she were to go trick or treating on that late October night 🥶
Now all I have to do is draw all my PCs together!
The thought of Ike dressed up as Jason is equally adorable as terrifying lmao. Won’t get into how Seph might as well be Krueger cause of his whole messing with people’s mind/dream love the piece
The thought of Ike dressed up as Jason is equally adorable as terrifying lmao. Won’t get into how Seph might as well be Krueger cause of his whole messing with people’s mind/dream love the piece
Aw, thank you! 🩷
Lol, I think Ike would end up having one of, if not THE scariest costumes in the Smash Mansion, just because he'd pull it off so well. But he uses his scariness for good, and acts as a bodyguard for the little kids as they go around trick-or-treating. Nobody would mess with them if Ike's around!

I actually do like the idea of Sephiroth dressing as Krueger. He'd go well with Cia since she's Lady Dimitrescu for Halloween. They both got those scary looking claws eeruhfgwbhdgwd
Pit and Ike terrify folks with their costumes (Pit scares himself once or twice when he sees his own reflection lol) but use their Halloween creepiness for good!

T’ink is definitely causing (harmless) mischief with the other kids! I can see him using the Wind Baton to aid in said mischief.
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
I didn’t have the brain capacity to answer this yesterday so here we are now lol!

Yoshi: He would be someone who would let Lunaris go. He doesn’t have it in him to kill him or hurt him at all. He would probably like some kind of justice done to show punishment but at the same time isn’t really one to take action on it. He definitely does not want bloodshed again

Joker: He wouldn’t stoop to killing him again and would likely see him have to live with his sins that he committed. Joker is someone who strictly doesn’t kill his targets and thinks seeing people have to live to have the shame, guilt and all other bad stuff follow them as a form of atonement for what they done. If Lunaris was 100% out of control and still holding some kind of godly power he would probably think otherwise

Pyra/Mythra: Pyra would be more keen on showing mercy especially if he was showing no hostility and/or remorse for what he had done. Mythra might be a bit if the same but at the same time she rather not fuck around with possibilities and would probably try to kill him again

Sora: He’s letting him walk free and trying to help him heal in some regard. He tries bonding with him even if Lunaris rather not have Sora talking his ear off. He definitely does not seek violence if any kind

Byleth: No hesitation, he’s taking no risks. If problems could sprout up because of it he’s ending it then and there even though Lunaris not being hostile might make him briefly question if it’s the right thing because he doesn’t like to slaughter people

Shulk: Given he is able to show mercy towards the Mechon who he sought revenge on in XC1, I feel he could find it in him to let Lunaris live. This is probably especially true if for some reason he’s given a chance to understand why Lunaris was doing what he was doing and could possibly relate to it in some manner
More spooks! :3
View attachment 1192760Ignore my terrible handwriting 😭
I changed Ike's costume idea bc I figured he'd like to dress up as Jason. He's already burly and used to carrying weapons around, so it would probably make the costume all the more believable!
Lyn is very angry about what she has been made to dress as. Obviously lolz
I also really enjoyed drawing Zel's costume, as you can guess by how much detail I forced myself to put into it. Very pretty, but all I can think about is how cold she'd be if she were to go trick or treating on that late October night 🥶
Now all I have to do is draw all my PCs together!
AHH omg they’re all so cute!! lol Zel wouldn’t have to worry about cold weather where I’m at, on Halloween day it’s gonna be a high of nearly eighty degrees! ☀️
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Okay now to give a proper response:

Zelda: So while yes, she’s going to be quite peeved that none of the villains of her world seem to ever stay friggin dead, I doubt she’d immediately go to finishing in the job as her first instinct. Instead I think Zelda would strongly argue for allowing her to bring Lunaris to Hyrule and have him tried by the Hyrulean Courts. That way she can have multiple advisors, judges, and so on help her determine the proper course of action in how to deal with him. He may still be executed for his crimes but at least it would be done through the law.

Inkling: Inkling also would be a no go for killing him and would much prefer just tossing him into a giant snow globe and calling it a day.

Isabelle: Fhskfhdkf omg of course not! If anyone could believe that someone could turn a New Leaf (pun intended) it’s her!

Pichu: I don’t think Pichu would care either way but he’d definitely make sure to keep an eye on him to make sure Lunaris doesn’t get into any trouble!
Imagine being defeated and slain, dragged out of the peace of death against your will, only to be punished and slain again. What an undignified end! That cult definitely deserved to be incinerated lol

Lunaris stares at the SSB and just says, “… I’m going to bed.”

I love the idea of a Lunaris-themed snow globe souvenir lol
Pit and Ike terrify folks with their costumes (Pit scares himself once or twice when he sees his own reflection lol) but use their Halloween creepiness for good!

T’ink is definitely causing (harmless) mischief with the other kids! I can see him using the Wind Baton to aid in said mischief.
Lmao now I'm just imagining Pit and Ike walking a little group of the Smash kiddos around on Halloween and this conversation happens:

Pit: *looks at his reflection in a window and yelps* "What's that creepy looking thing in that building?"
Ike: *gently grabs the top of Pit's head and turns it back forward* "For the last time, Pit, we've been over this. That's your reflection."

Little does Ike know that it wasn't a reflection that time!
AHH omg they’re all so cute!! lol Zel wouldn’t have to worry about cold weather where I’m at, on Halloween day it’s gonna be a high of nearly eighty degrees! ☀️
OMG thank you!! 🥰
80 degree weather on Halloween sounds lovely, and HW Zel could definitely use it. Poor girlie would probably freeze her pants off if it was your standard chilly evening. Maybe she opts to stay indoors for a costume party or something lolz
I find it funny that the idea of putting Lunaris in jail has never occurred in the replies, just DEATH! XD
That should probably tell you that Lunaris REALLY screwed the SSB up. Whether it be directly or indirectly, this man left no room in the Bros. mind that he's better off dead. Which means, he was a successful villain 😎

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