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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

More spooks! :3
View attachment 1192760Ignore my terrible handwriting 😭
I changed Ike's costume idea bc I figured he'd like to dress up as Jason. He's already burly and used to carrying weapons around, so it would probably make the costume all the more believable!
Lyn is very angry about what she has been made to dress as. Obviously lolz
I also really enjoyed drawing Zel's costume, as you can guess by how much detail I forced myself to put into it. Very pretty, but all I can think about is how cold she'd be if she were to go trick or treating on that late October night 🥶
Now all I have to do is draw all my PCs together!
The thought of Ike dressed up as Jason is equally adorable as terrifying lmao. Won’t get into how Seph might as well be Krueger cause of his whole messing with people’s mind/dream love the piece
The thought of Ike dressed up as Jason is equally adorable as terrifying lmao. Won’t get into how Seph might as well be Krueger cause of his whole messing with people’s mind/dream love the piece
Aw, thank you! 🩷
Lol, I think Ike would end up having one of, if not THE scariest costumes in the Smash Mansion, just because he'd pull it off so well. But he uses his scariness for good, and acts as a bodyguard for the little kids as they go around trick-or-treating. Nobody would mess with them if Ike's around!

I actually do like the idea of Sephiroth dressing as Krueger. He'd go well with Cia since she's Lady Dimitrescu for Halloween. They both got those scary looking claws eeruhfgwbhdgwd
Pit and Ike terrify folks with their costumes (Pit scares himself once or twice when he sees his own reflection lol) but use their Halloween creepiness for good!

T’ink is definitely causing (harmless) mischief with the other kids! I can see him using the Wind Baton to aid in said mischief.
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
I didn’t have the brain capacity to answer this yesterday so here we are now lol!

Yoshi: He would be someone who would let Lunaris go. He doesn’t have it in him to kill him or hurt him at all. He would probably like some kind of justice done to show punishment but at the same time isn’t really one to take action on it. He definitely does not want bloodshed again

Joker: He wouldn’t stoop to killing him again and would likely see him have to live with his sins that he committed. Joker is someone who strictly doesn’t kill his targets and thinks seeing people have to live to have the shame, guilt and all other bad stuff follow them as a form of atonement for what they done. If Lunaris was 100% out of control and still holding some kind of godly power he would probably think otherwise

Pyra/Mythra: Pyra would be more keen on showing mercy especially if he was showing no hostility and/or remorse for what he had done. Mythra might be a bit if the same but at the same time she rather not fuck around with possibilities and would probably try to kill him again

Sora: He’s letting him walk free and trying to help him heal in some regard. He tries bonding with him even if Lunaris rather not have Sora talking his ear off. He definitely does not seek violence if any kind

Byleth: No hesitation, he’s taking no risks. If problems could sprout up because of it he’s ending it then and there even though Lunaris not being hostile might make him briefly question if it’s the right thing because he doesn’t like to slaughter people

Shulk: Given he is able to show mercy towards the Mechon who he sought revenge on in XC1, I feel he could find it in him to let Lunaris live. This is probably especially true if for some reason he’s given a chance to understand why Lunaris was doing what he was doing and could possibly relate to it in some manner
More spooks! :3
View attachment 1192760Ignore my terrible handwriting 😭
I changed Ike's costume idea bc I figured he'd like to dress up as Jason. He's already burly and used to carrying weapons around, so it would probably make the costume all the more believable!
Lyn is very angry about what she has been made to dress as. Obviously lolz
I also really enjoyed drawing Zel's costume, as you can guess by how much detail I forced myself to put into it. Very pretty, but all I can think about is how cold she'd be if she were to go trick or treating on that late October night 🥶
Now all I have to do is draw all my PCs together!
AHH omg they’re all so cute!! lol Zel wouldn’t have to worry about cold weather where I’m at, on Halloween day it’s gonna be a high of nearly eighty degrees! ☀️
How about a prompt:

The Super Smash Brothers have succeeded in gathering the Pillars, defeating Lunaris and his followers, purging the Blight Dragon, and returning freedom to the Realm. Some time later, they received news that a cult is attempting to resurrect Lunaris. The cult succeeded as soon as the SSB showed up to stop them, but rather than fight, Lunaris turned against the cult and annihilated it with his magic, expressing rage in being forced out of a death he had little desire to leave.

Lunaris then turns to regard the SSB.

“Now then, what shall you do with me? I suppose I cannot fault you should you choose to send me back to my rest.”

Lunaris doesn’t show any hostility, but one can sense that he will defend himself should he be attacked. What would your PCs do in this situation?
Okay now to give a proper response:

Zelda: So while yes, she’s going to be quite peeved that none of the villains of her world seem to ever stay friggin dead, I doubt she’d immediately go to finishing in the job as her first instinct. Instead I think Zelda would strongly argue for allowing her to bring Lunaris to Hyrule and have him tried by the Hyrulean Courts. That way she can have multiple advisors, judges, and so on help her determine the proper course of action in how to deal with him. He may still be executed for his crimes but at least it would be done through the law.

Inkling: Inkling also would be a no go for killing him and would much prefer just tossing him into a giant snow globe and calling it a day.

Isabelle: Fhskfhdkf omg of course not! If anyone could believe that someone could turn a New Leaf (pun intended) it’s her!

Pichu: I don’t think Pichu would care either way but he’d definitely make sure to keep an eye on him to make sure Lunaris doesn’t get into any trouble!
Imagine being defeated and slain, dragged out of the peace of death against your will, only to be punished and slain again. What an undignified end! That cult definitely deserved to be incinerated lol

Lunaris stares at the SSB and just says, “… I’m going to bed.”

I love the idea of a Lunaris-themed snow globe souvenir lol
Pit and Ike terrify folks with their costumes (Pit scares himself once or twice when he sees his own reflection lol) but use their Halloween creepiness for good!

T’ink is definitely causing (harmless) mischief with the other kids! I can see him using the Wind Baton to aid in said mischief.
Lmao now I'm just imagining Pit and Ike walking a little group of the Smash kiddos around on Halloween and this conversation happens:

Pit: *looks at his reflection in a window and yelps* "What's that creepy looking thing in that building?"
Ike: *gently grabs the top of Pit's head and turns it back forward* "For the last time, Pit, we've been over this. That's your reflection."

Little does Ike know that it wasn't a reflection that time!
AHH omg they’re all so cute!! lol Zel wouldn’t have to worry about cold weather where I’m at, on Halloween day it’s gonna be a high of nearly eighty degrees! ☀️
OMG thank you!! 🥰
80 degree weather on Halloween sounds lovely, and HW Zel could definitely use it. Poor girlie would probably freeze her pants off if it was your standard chilly evening. Maybe she opts to stay indoors for a costume party or something lolz
I find it funny that the idea of putting Lunaris in jail has never occurred in the replies, just DEATH! XD
That should probably tell you that Lunaris REALLY screwed the SSB up. Whether it be directly or indirectly, this man left no room in the Bros. mind that he's better off dead. Which means, he was a successful villain 😎
Aw, thank you! 🩷
Lol, I think Ike would end up having one of, if not THE scariest costumes in the Smash Mansion, just because he'd pull it off so well. But he uses his scariness for good, and acts as a bodyguard for the little kids as they go around trick-or-treating. Nobody would mess with them if Ike's around!

I actually do like the idea of Sephiroth dressing as Krueger. He'd go well with Cia since she's Lady Dimitrescu for Halloween. They both got those scary looking claws eeruhfgwbhdgwd
Meanwhile Seph just scares off the kids just being there or to scare the smash fighters by clever mind tricks

Seph if he sees Ike:
The Grinch Smile GIF by Peacock

Too bad there’s no cloud this gif fits if they cross paths
Imagine being defeated and slain, dragged out of the peace of death against your will, only to be punished and slain again. What an undignified end! That cult definitely deserved to be incinerated lol

Lunaris stares at the SSB and just says, “… I’m going to bed.”

I love the idea of a Lunaris-themed snow globe souvenir lol
Eh I agree with Kameron it shows Lunaris is a well written villain. I mean Seph wants his head of all things.

I’d personally buy that Lunaris themed snow globe 🥺
Okay now to give a proper response:

Zelda: So while yes, she’s going to be quite peeved that none of the villains of her world seem to ever stay friggin dead, I doubt she’d immediately go to finishing in the job as her first instinct. Instead I think Zelda would strongly argue for allowing her to bring Lunaris to Hyrule and have him tried by the Hyrulean Courts. That way she can have multiple advisors, judges, and so on help her determine the proper course of action in how to deal with him. He may still be executed for his crimes but at least it would be done through the law.

Inkling: Inkling also would be a no go for killing him and would much prefer just tossing him into a giant snow globe and calling it a day.

Isabelle: Fhskfhdkf omg of course not! If anyone could believe that someone could turn a New Leaf (pun intended) it’s her!

Pichu: I don’t think Pichu would care either way but he’d definitely make sure to keep an eye on him to make sure Lunaris doesn’t get into any trouble!
The idea of Lunaris being brought back to Hyrule for trial is an interesting one for me. I immediately imagined some dark things taking place, such as one spiteful person tearing out the Moon Pearl earring and forcing Lunaris into draconic form so all of Hyrule can see the monster he really is. Maybe some wizards and scholars try to convince Zelda to let Lunaris be harvested for spell ingredients and research. He is tied down and restrained as a beast, and he needs to be put under guard not just to keep an eye on him, but to prevent people from tormenting him or stealing scales, hair, and such for the black market. In the end, Lunaris loses everything, even his humanity.

I’m sure Zelda would do all she can to prevent such things, and may even get the sense that history is somewhat repeating itself considering the cruelty that befell the Night Dragon long ago.
The idea of Lunaris being brought back to Hyrule for trial is an interesting one for me. I immediately imagined some dark things taking place, such as one spiteful person tearing out the Moon Pearl earring and forcing Lunaris into draconic form so all of Hyrule can see the monster he really is. Maybe some wizards and scholars try to convince Zelda to let Lunaris be harvested for spell ingredients and research. He is tied down and restrained as a beast, and he needs to be put under guard not just to keep an eye on him, but to prevent people from tormenting him or stealing scales, hair, and such for the black market. In the end, Lunaris loses everything, even his humanity.

I’m sure Zelda would do all she can to prevent such things, and may even get the sense that history is somewhat repeating itself considering the cruelty that befell the Night Dragon long ago.
I got the idea from how I imagined that in the aftermath of everything that’ll happen in the rp Zelda would probably want to take a huuuge amount of accountability for Lunaris’ impact on the Smash Realm. He is at the end of the day a subject of her kingdom and thus someone she’d view as her responsibility. After all, if she’d known even a little bit about the legend of the Night Dragon or what Lunaris was capable of, perhaps she could have stopped him before he left Hyrule for the Smash Realm in the first place. Basically girlie is gonna be blaming herself for a whole lot and’ll likely try to do as much as she can to make up for what happened, thus also fully taking the matter into her hands regarding how to deal with Stefan would likely be an extension of her desire to right what she views as a personal failure on her part.

Fhshfjfud but oh gosh I didn’t even think about how that might totally backfire!
Lmao now I'm just imagining Pit and Ike walking a little group of the Smash kiddos around on Halloween and this conversation happens:

Pit: *looks at his reflection in a window and yelps* "What's that creepy looking thing in that building?"
Ike: *gently grabs the top of Pit's head and turns it back forward* "For the last time, Pit, we've been over this. That's your reflection."

Little does Ike know that it wasn't a reflection that time!

As this is what I designed for Pit's Halloween appearance last year, one can't really blame the kid for jumping every time he sees his reflection!
I got the idea from how I imagined that in the aftermath of everything that’ll happen in the rp Zelda would probably want to take a huuuge amount of accountability for Lunaris’ impact on the Smash Realm. He is at the end of the day a subject of her kingdom and thus someone she’d view as her responsibility. After all, if she’d known even a little bit about the legend of the Night Dragon or what Lunaris was capable of, perhaps she could have stopped him before he left Hyrule for the Smash Realm in the first place. Basically girlie is gonna be blaming herself for a whole lot and’ll likely try to do as much as she can to make up for what happened, thus also fully taking the matter into her hands regarding how to deal with Stefan would likely be an extension of her desire to right what she views as a personal failure on her part.

Fhshfjfud but oh gosh I didn’t even think about how that might totally backfire!
I do like the conflict you have going on with Zelda, what with her doubts and her belief that she has to be on top of everything that can possibly happen to her kingdom. Poor girl needs to realize that she cannot control everything, and that is not her fault.

If only Ganon hadn't interfered, then perhaps Stefan would not have turned to darkness! I imagined a small scene taking place after the trial of Lunaris waiting to be executed, and Zelda kindly returning the Moon Pearl earring to him so he can at least die as a man.

The execution never happens because Cia appeared during the night and rescued Lunaris!
As this is what I designed for Pit's Halloween appearance last year, one can't really blame the kid for jumping every time he sees his reflection!
Very spoopy indeed! I really did love all the details on Pit's design, especially adding the green that makes it look mossy

Also Toonie looks adorable might I add, he cannot look creepy anjfberhfberwh
The execution never happens because Cia appeared during the night and rescued Lunaris!
When I read this I thought: The next day, all that's left is a letter that reads nothing else but "RIP Bozos" or something like that lmfao
Very spoopy indeed! I really did love all the details on Pit's design, especially adding the green that makes it look mossy

Also Toonie looks adorable might I add, he cannot look creepy anjfberhfberwh

When I read this I thought: The next day, all that's left is a letter that reads nothing else but "RIP Bozos" or something like that lmfao
Lol while I was thinking about what Cia's possible reactions might be to the prompt (obviously this depends on her's and Lunaris's relationship at that point) it changed to the thought of Lunaris destroying the cult, looking at the Smash Bros, and saying in a tired voice, "I miss my wife, guys. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."
I do like the conflict you have going on with Zelda, what with her doubts and her belief that she has to be on top of everything that can possibly happen to her kingdom. Poor girl needs to realize that she cannot control everything, and that is not her fault.

If only Ganon hadn't interfered, then perhaps Stefan would not have turned to darkness! I imagined a small scene taking place after the trial of Lunaris waiting to be executed, and Zelda kindly returning the Moon Pearl earring to him so he can at least die as a man.

The execution never happens because Cia appeared during the night and rescued Lunaris!
I’m glad you like it! What I love about rping characters with no ‘canonical’ personality is the freedom to really explore unique interpretations of their character that might not have been the intended reading of them but still have enough breadcrumbs there to offer a new perspective.

(Warning princess related word vomit ahead, feel free to ignore lol)
Like with Zelda I’ve really tried to focus on how that loss of control she felt from suddenly being kidnapped twice and unable to do anything but watch as her kingdom nearly fell to ruin could have impacted her mindset. That then led led me to really gravitate towards an interpretation of her where, as an overcompensation for those traumatic experiences, she now has to ensure that she’s on top of everything and have set these high standards for herself in order to prevent that from happening again. Then combining that with the fact that unlike those such as the TP or OOT zeldas she only very recently obtained the triforce of wisdom and thus has little frame of reference for how to use it, and that at the end of the day she’s still very much just a teenager having to deal with all this, I ended up with a pretty hyper-specific reading of Alttp Zelda that’s been really fun for me to explore!
Last edited:
Off topic, but my Pyra post will likely be postponed till later this week or even next week cuz some stuff came up and I’ve been trying to deal with it but it’s draining me from wanting to write rn
If only Ganon hadn't interfered, then perhaps Stefan would not have turned to darkness! I imagined a small scene taking place after the trial of Lunaris waiting to be executed, and Zelda kindly returning the Moon Pearl earring to him so he can at least die as a man.
even more heart-wrenching of an idea could be that Lunaris actually asks Zelda to execute him. In a way, this is his last and final bit of advise he can give her moving forward. Probably the last bit of Stefan that reaches out to his pupil to give her a peace of mind. 🥺
even more heart-wrenching of an idea could be that Lunaris actually asks Zelda to execute him. In a way, this is his last and final bit of advise he can give her moving forward. Probably the last bit of Stefan that reaches out to his pupil to give her a peace of mind. 🥺
I can't really see Lunaris doing that. He knows such an action would be against Zelda's nature, and as he wanted to kill his own mentor out of hatred and revenge I doubt he would find it appropriate to request such a thing from her. I can imagine a scene of Zelda, for reasons unknown to her, spilling her heart to Lunaris as they wait for dawn. He stares at her and replies along the lines of, "Even if you did know, how could you have stopped me? You were a child. You're still a child. I have made my decisions, fighting to defy my fate, and I lost. Now I must face that fate."

Zelda might already believe she has blood on her hands due to Lunaris's actions. In this hypothetical scenario, his last act of decency is to tell her that what he has become and what he has done are not her fault or responsibility, but his alone.
I can't really see Lunaris doing that. He knows such an action would be against Zelda's nature, and as he wanted to kill his own mentor out of hatred and revenge I doubt he would find it appropriate to request such a thing from her. I can imagine a scene of Zelda, for reasons unknown to her, spilling her heart to Lunaris as they wait for dawn. He stares at her and replies along the lines of, "Even if you did know, how could you have stopped me? You were a child. You're still a child. I have made my decisions, fighting to defy my fate, and I lost. Now I must face that fate."

Zelda might already believe she has blood on her hands due to Lunaris's actions. In this hypothetical scenario, his last act of decency is to tell her that what he has become and what he has done are not her fault or responsibility, but his alone.
Yea, that's kinda what i was getting at (half of it anyway, but half is better than none lol). But this still tracks what what I was trying to say as Lunaris' response to Zelda in that scenario is to confront her with the reality of it all. It's all unfair. It's unfair that Agahnim got possessed by a demon who would go on to commit atrocities against Hyrule and his pupil, it's unfair that Stefan was born with curse that pained him his entire life; had his father figure possesed and went on to torture him for years, and it's unfair to Zelda she had to suffer the aftermath of losing her family and her kingdom by a demon. The only thing she can do is move forward and hope she's doing the right thing. And right then, is for her to not look at him like Stefan, but as Lunaris. To bring back fairness, she has to hold him accountable for his actions.
Yea, that's kinda what i was getting at (half of it anyway, but half is better than none lol). But this still tracks what what I was trying to say as Lunaris' response to Zelda in that scenario is to confront her with the reality of it all. It's all unfair. It's unfair that Agahnim got possessed by a demon who would go on to commit atrocities against Hyrule and his pupil, it's unfair that Stefan was born with curse that pained him his entire life; had his father figure possesed and went on to torture him for years, and it's unfair to Zelda she had to suffer the aftermath of losing her family and her kingdom by a demon. The only thing she can do is move forward and hope she's doing the right thing. And right then, is for her to not look at him like Stefan, but as Lunaris. To bring back fairness, she has to hold him accountable for his actions.
Lunaris is inflicted with a resurrection curse similar to Zelda, Link, and Ganon. At the end, he quietly prays that the next “Lunaris” will be stronger than he was.

If you really want a gut punch, the dawn comes and as Lunaris is about to face the executioner’s axe, he sees Sheba among the crowd. It’s then that the reality of what his life truly was and the future he has lost hits him, and though he keeps it hidden, it’s the most remorseful he’s ever been.

I like to think Cia saves him though lol He’s definitely retired from evil after that!
Lol while I was thinking about what Cia's possible reactions might be to the prompt (obviously this depends on her's and Lunaris's relationship at that point) it changed to the thought of Lunaris destroying the cult, looking at the Smash Bros, and saying in a tired voice, "I miss my wife, guys. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."
Aww, that's really sweet!
The thing is I would include Cia in some of these prompts, but the thing is, she's so different from every other character I have. And I don't just mean "Oh, she's the only villain I have in a squad of good-doers". It's that she's so complex of a character, that it's hard to really be able to write down what she would actually say or do.

For example, every other character of mine has a clear or clear enough moral alignment. But Cia sometimes acts for herself, sometimes for others, she can be morally aligned in so many different ways, sometimes neutral, sometimes evil, it makes me pull my hair out sometimes lolz 😅

Lana and HW Zelda are both Lawful Good. They believe in doing the right thing, have their own moral codes, and act with senses of duty as they are in positions of power and have the ability to use that power to do good. They believe that honor and pride in one's actions goes hand in hand with righteousness.

Lyn is aligned with Neutral Good. She also believes in doing the right thing, but she isn't above breaking a few rules while doing so. She has morals, but she doesn't act strictly upon them 100% of the time if it means that it will ultimately end up being a positive thing.

Ike is aligned with Chaotic Good. While he is still a hero and acts with virtue, he is still a mercenary, and the way he goes about saving the day isn't agreeable with the way Lana and Zelda would go about it. He is definitely a rule breaker and isn't one to shy away from that fact. He'll do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, which are most of the time honorable.

The Icies are aligned with True Neutral. They aren't necessarily good or bad in any sense of the matter. They aren't villains, of course, but they aren't heroes who act with integrity and nobility either. The Ice Climbers are what they are; just two kids who happen to be expert mountain climbers and ice benders. They're, of course, more inclined to help good people instead of bad people (because they have a conscience, duh, and they were taught that heroes=good and villains=bad early on).

But Cia? Most of the time she acts in either a Neutral Evil way, or a Chaotic Evil way. Occasionally, she might be aligned with Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes, she will care for her allies and even people she considers her enemy, but other times she's ruthless and cruel and does what she wants without a second thought. Soooo yeah, it's kinda a struggle with her qwq
Aww, that's really sweet!
The thing is I would include Cia in some of these prompts, but the thing is, she's so different from every other character I have. And I don't just mean "Oh, she's the only villain I have in a squad of good-doers". It's that she's so complex of a character, that it's hard to really be able to write down what she would actually say or do.

For example, every other character of mine has a clear or clear enough moral alignment. But Cia sometimes acts for herself, sometimes for others, she can be morally aligned in so many different ways, sometimes neutral, sometimes evil, it makes me pull my hair out sometimes lolz 😅

Lana and HW Zelda are both Lawful Good. They believe in doing the right thing, have their own moral codes, and act with senses of duty as they are in positions of power and have the ability to use that power to do good. They believe that honor and pride in one's actions goes hand in hand with righteousness.

Lyn is aligned with Neutral Good. She also believes in doing the right thing, but she isn't above breaking a few rules while doing so. She has morals, but she doesn't act strictly upon them 100% of the time if it means that it will ultimately end up being a positive thing.

Ike is aligned with Chaotic Good. While he is still a hero and acts with virtue, he is still a mercenary, and the way he goes about saving the day isn't agreeable with the way Lana and Zelda would go about it. He is definitely a rule breaker and isn't one to shy away from that fact. He'll do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, which are most of the time honorable.

The Icies are aligned with True Neutral. They aren't necessarily good or bad in any sense of the matter. They aren't villains, of course, but they aren't heroes who act with integrity and nobility either. The Ice Climbers are what they are; just two kids who happen to be expert mountain climbers and ice benders. They're, of course, more inclined to help good people instead of bad people (because they have a conscience, duh, and they were taught that heroes=good and villains=bad early on).

But Cia? Most of the time she acts in either a Neutral Evil way, or a Chaotic Evil way. Occasionally, she might be aligned with Chaotic Neutral. Sometimes, she will care for her allies and even people she considers her enemy, but other times she's ruthless and cruel and does what she wants without a second thought. Soooo yeah, it's kinda a struggle with her qwq

One thing I try to emphasize with my short stories about Stefan is that he always had that darkness in him; he wasn’t a “pure bean” who became twisted overnight. He wasn’t evil in the beginning (and had things been different, he could have become a great hero) but one should be able to see him as a normal person and find it believable that he could turn out that way in the end. While he had free will for the most part, possessing the Night Dragon’s corrupted soul made it so he felt negative emotions far more strongly than positive ones. Stefan smiled a lot, but deep down inside he was seething!

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